Pear Film (Retelling)
told by Verdena Parker
February 24, 2008
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ch'iłchwe:-ye:
- he is picking it
- xo'osday
- man
- je:nah
- up high
- nikya:w
- big
- k'isxa:n
- tree standing there
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ch'iłchwe:-ye:
- he's picking it
- xoje:'-di(n)
- in front of him
- me'
- in it
- no'liwh-e:
- he's putting it
- łiqay
- white
- tsung-wilchwe:n
- like an apron
- me:na:'ułtsa:n
- he has it on
- hayahujit
- [and]
- mije:'-din
- in the front
- nikya:w
- big
- wilchwe:n
- it has
- me' yehch'iliwh
- a pouch
- haya:ł
- then
- hayah
- there
- yehch'iliwh-e:
- I see he's putting them
- haya:ł
- then
- na:na'da:wh-e:
- I see he gets down
- me'
- in there
- no:'oliwh-e:
- he puts them
- ya:silay
- there are
- k'iwitł'o:n
- baskets
- nikya:w
- large
- me'
- [in there]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- [that]
- me'
- in
- no'liwh-e:
- he's putting it
- nahx
- two
- dehsmin
- full
- sixa:n-e:
- they are sitting there
- miq'i(t)
- on it
- qa:l-e:
- he is coming
- -q'it
- on it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayah
- to it
- ningyay-e:
- he came
- yinehł'e'n-e:
- he looked at it
- ya:ywilay-e:
- he picked them up
- daw
- no
- na:yo:ndehsne'
- he changed his mind
- no:na:ynilay-e:
- he put them back
- je:nah
- up there
- dahya'wing'ay
- he's sitting
- yixone:ł'e'n-e:
- he looked at him
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ya:ywingxa:n-e:
- he picked it up
- hayahujit
- [then]
*During transcription session, VP says that she should have said {dehsmin} without {-ne'ing} because at this point the basket is still full. She also says she could have said {hay dehsmin dahsixun-ne'in} because the basket isn't sitting there anymore - the boy took it.
- hayi
- [that]
- ninch'in'
- on the ground
- no:yniłq'a:s
- he threw it down
- ya:na:ywing'a:n
- he picked it back up
- hayahujit
- [then]
- na:tehsdiy
- he is leaving
- na:ytehłma:s
- he's rolling it along
- mije:'-din
- on the front
- dahyiwingxa:n-e:
- he put it up
- hayahujit
- and then
- miq'i(t)
- on it
- k'e:nahsdiy
- he got back up
- mił
- with him
- tehłda:wh-e:
- it started to roll along
- mił na:ldida:l-e:
- he's driving along
- mije:'-di(n)
- on the front of it
- dahsixa:n
- [it was sitting there]
- t'ehxich
- girl
- qa:l-e:
- she was walking along
- haya:ł
- so
- hayi
- him
- yixone:ł'e'n-e:
- she looked at him
- xotsehstł'on'
- [her braids]
- tin
- [really]
- ne:s
- [they are long]
- xwe:da'ay
- her hair
- łiwhin
- it is black
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay
- that
- dahsixa:n
- which is sitting on it in a basket
- xoł na:ldida:l
- he's driving along
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay
- that
- na:dehsme:tł'
- it poured out
- no:k'iningyo:wh-e:
- I see they were scattered
- hay
- that
- me'
- in it
- ya:lchwil
- they're young people
- tindil
- they are walking along
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywho'owh
- some kind of
- k'ijiwolch
- a little ball
- mił
- with it
- na:ya:ne:l
- they are playing
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- him
- xoch'in'
- to him
- na:ya:'nde:tł'
- they came back
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- [those]
- ya:na:ya'te:lay
- they all start picking them up
- hay
- the
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- me'
- in it
- yehna:ya'wilay
- they put them back in
- hay
- [that]
- me'
- in it
- hayahujit
- [then]
- na:ya'tehsde:tł'-e:
- I see them leave
- haya:ł
- and then
- diywhe'eh
- anything
- do: xo:wa:ya'awh
- he didn't give them
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- yo:w
- way over there
- na:ya'widil-e:
- they're walking along
- hayah
- there
- 'ungya'
- they realize
- q'osta:n
- a hat
- [tilwa:tł']
- it is laying
- q'osta:n
- hat
- ya:na:ya'winta:n
- they picked it up
- ch'ixodiwiłye:wh
- they whistled at him
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-din
- after that
- na:ya'tehsde:tł'
- they went walking back
- xoch'in'
- to him
- na'tehsta:n
- they took it
- xowa:na'nta:n-e:
- they give it back to him
- hay
- that
- q'osta:n
- hat
- 'a:de:da'ay-q'it
- on his own head
- dahna'winta:n-e:
- he put it back on
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi
- those
- xona: ya'dehłts'e:
- who are waiting for him
- 'aht'ing
- all of them
- xowa:ya:'ulay-e:
- he gives them to them
- hay
- that
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- hayahujit
- and then
- na:ya'k'iwinya'n
- they started eating it
- na:ya'tehsde:tł'-e:
- they left
- hayah
- there
- ya'widil-e:
- they're going along
- hay ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- ch'iłchwe:-din
- where he is picking
- na:ya'unde:tł'
- they have come
- yo:w
- over there
- je:nah
- way up high
- dahna'way-e:
- he is moving around up there
- hayah
- [there]
- xa:t'i
- still
- ch'iłchwe:-ye:
- he is picking them
- hay
- the
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:na'widyay
- he got back down
- na'ne:ł'e'n
- he looked at them
- dehsmin
- full ones
- ch'o:nahłtuq'
- he counted it
- nahx
- two
- wha:ne:
- only
- dahna:situng*
- they are sitting there
- dehsming
- it is full
- haya:ł
- [and]
- ye: nehwa:n-e:
- it appears to me
*VP originally said {dahna:situng} here, but during the transcription session changed it to {dahna:sixung} (the baskets are full).
- hayah
- there
- tindil
- they are walking along
- hay
- those
- mije'e:din
- kids
- ya:yk'itiwyawhił
- they're eating
- hay
- those
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- do: wa:ya'liwh
- he didn't give it to them
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a:ch'o:ne:
- he's thinking
- na:ya:ywile'
- they got them
- xe'e:te:de:tł'-e:
- they went on by
- hayahujit
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- k'iye:
- again
- na:'uschwe'n
- he started picking them again
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- dungwho'owh
- someone
- na:łiwun
- a different person
- ch'iqa:l
- was going along
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hayi ch'iwiloy'il
- the person that's leading it
- xe'e'wiloy'-ye:
- he led it on past
- haya:ł
- and then
- do: chwin-ch'o:lehł
- he didn't bother it
- hay
- those
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- mina'liwh
- he remembers
- ch'ohłts'it
- he knows
- 'ahdiyaw
- it happened to them
- hay
- the
- ts'ehdiwitse' na:ng'e:tł'
- pears
- do: ch'o:nahłts'it
- he doesn't remember
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- [after that]