Indian Devil Story
told by Verdena Parker
October 13, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- dahungwho'-dun' do'n
- a long time ago
- wun-na:'iwha'-ne'ing
- I used to pick it
- haya:ł
- and then
- ła:n
- a lot
- mił-ky'o'xe:di
- money
- 'e'iwhchwe'
- I made it
- nahł'its
- a car
- q'un
- a new one
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'unt'e:
- there is
- hayah
- there
- haya:ł
- [and]
- wun-na:se:ya'
- I was working on it
- ła:n
- a lot
- sehłchwe'n
- I picked
- wiwhchwe:lil
- I'm picking as I go
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:mina:di
- around it
- 'ungya'
- I realized
- keh te:siwh'ing'
- let me look
- hayah
- there
- na:nawhdiy
- I got down off it
- mina:di
- around it
- te:se:yay
- I started walking
- haya:ł
- and then
- na:te:y'e'n
- I looked
- 'ungya'
- I realized
- yehky'a'un
- there's a cavity in it
- de:de:
- oh!
- hayah
- there
- me:q'i
- in
- ky'a'a:n
- there's a hole
- hay
- the
- k'isxa:n*
- tress
*Literally, "that which is standing."
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'iningyay
- [she] came
- ch'ite:ng'e'n
- that person looked
- 'a'de:ne'
- that person said
- hayah
- there
- me'
- into it
- yehch'iwinya:-de'
- if you go in*
- me'
- in there
- ya'wing'a:-te:
- you could sit down*
- do:-xolin na:'ułchwil
- a person won't get wet
- haya:ł
- and then
- naha:nło'
- we laughed
*VP translates these verbs with generic "you" in English, but the verbs are in the 3rd person, i.e., "someone."
- keh te:siwh'in'
- let me look at it
- ch'ide:ne'
- they said
- yehch'iwilqol sile'n
- the person kind of ducked in there
- ch'ite:ng'e'n
- they looked
- ch'e:na:'unła:di sile'n
- it's like they ducked back out real fast
- 'a'de:ne'
- they said
- me:tsah-xosin
- it's really bad
- xo:' xowh* 'a:niwe:se:t'e'-ts'iw
- I had a weird feeling
- ne:whgit
- I became frightened
*Verdena says that the old way of saying this is {dahxo:' xowh}.
- te:y'e'n
- I looked
- yo:w
- way up there
- diywho'owh
- something
- nahłtsis-e:
- it is hanging
- widloy'i
- it's wrapped up
- q'ay'jindi
- a bag
- me'
- [in it]
- he:'
- hey
- de:ne'
- I said
- na:ydił
- let's get out of here
- xolisji
- fast-like
- 'a'de'ine'
- she used to say
- k'idongxwe:
- Indian devil power
- ch'ina:n'
- they say
- me'
- in it
- na:ya'ułtsis
- they always hang it up
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xoq'it
- up on top of the person
- dahwinyay
- it engulfs the person
- ch'ine:lgit*
- they become frightened
- haya:ł
- [then]
- na:te:se:de:tł'
- we left
VP translates {ch'ine:lgit} with the English pronoun "you," used generically meaning "someone."
- dahungwho'-dun'
- a long time ago
- me:tsah-xosing-xw
- very seriously
- wun-na:dił-ne'ing
- they used to work on it
- k'idongxwe:
- Indian devil power
- ya:yiłchwe:
- they were creating
- ła'a-din
- sometimes
- xa:ya:yixwe'iwhe'
- they dig him back out
- ch'ina:n'
- I heard
- xa:ya'uqot
- they poke them out
- ya'de'ine'
- they used to say
- dahungwho'-dun'
- [a long time ago]
- diywho'
- some stuff
- xoky'o:ts'e'-ne'in
- sinews
- ch'e:ya'tiyo:s
- they used to pull a lot of it out
- hay
- that
- dungwho'
- person
- xo:'-'a:'udyah-ne'in
- who has died
- haya:ł
- [then]
- 'aht'ing
- all
- k'idongxwe:
- Indian devil powers
- ya'ułchwe'
- they create
- haya:ł
- [then]
- tse:-xayts'a'
- a rock bowl
- na:ya'uxa'
- they take it around
- niłchwin
- it stinks
- ch'ina:n'
- I heard
- tin
- really
- mikyo:n'
- its scent
- me:tsah-xosing-xw
- powerful
- 'unt'e:
- it is
- haya:ł
- and
- hayi
- that
- łe:lmut'i
- two parts put together
- me'
- in it
- widloy'
- it's wrapped up
- na:ya'u'xa'
- they pack it around
- niłchwin
- stinky
- me'
- it's in there
- sa'a:n
- it is
- haya:ł
- [then]
- mich'in'
- to it
- ya'xe'ine:wh
- they keep talking
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay
- that
- k'idongxwe:
- Indian devil
- 'e'iliw-e:
- it becomes
- hayi
- that
- mił
- with it
- dungwho'
- somebody
- ya'xwe'iqot
- they poke*
- haya:ł
- and then
*VP says during the transcription session that they don't actually "poke" someone, but transmit the power from a distance.
- haya:ł
- and then
- whe:da'ay na:diwing'a'*
- I listened more
*Literally, "my head stood up."
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- dahungwho'owh
- in great volume
- diywho'owh
- something
- niłchwin
- it stinks
- 'a:xowiłchwe'n
- it started smelling
- -ts'eh
- [I felt]
- hayi
- that
- miky'a:n'
- because of it
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- do: 'a:na:xowiłchwe'n
- it wasn't smelling
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xo'ji
- right
- 'a:na:niwe:se:t'e'
- I became again
- 'ayne'iwhsin'
- I always think
- hayi
- that
- mije'e:din-ne'in
- used-to-be baby
- dahungwho'
- someplace
- xa:na:lte:n*
- [it is taken up]
- chweh
- cry
- na:lchwe:n*
- [it is made]
*During the transcription session VP translates these passive with an English subject pronoun "they" used generically.
- dahungwho'
- somewhere
- nits'isqot-de'
- if somebody pokes you
- łitso:w
- blue
- whung
- even
- ya'de'ine'
- they always say
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'in
- [it is said]
- me:w
- underneath it
- dungwho'
- somebody
- ch'ixosqot-de'
- if he devils
- hay miky'a:ng'ay
- its arm
- me:w
- under it
- ch'iwinyin'-te:
- he stands
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- de:di
- now
- do'n
- I guess
- 'a:ya'de:n'-te:
- they will say
- k'idongxwe:
- Indian devil
- ła:n
- a lot
- na:way
- [going] around
- ła:n
- a lot of
- diywho'
- different kinds of
- kin
- trees
- niłtsa:y
- dry
- na:da'ay
- there are [standing up]