Coyote's Eyeball
told by Verdena Parker
September 7, 2009
Roseburg, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- ch'iqa:l
- he was going along
- yo:w
- [over there]
- 'ungya'
- [he sees]
- mije'e:din
- kids
- xixe:xi
- boys
- ky'o:ya:yilaw-e:
- they're fishing
- daywho'owh
- some kind
- k'isxa:n
- bush
- me:ne:q'
- behind it
- ya'wehs'a'
- he sat
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- tahya:y'iloy'-e:
- they pull it out of the water
- diywho'owh
- some kind
- sixa:n
- there's a container there
- [hayah]
- [there]
- me'
- into it
- no:yay'iłtiwh-e:
- they always put it
- haya:ł
- and so
- chwin-me'do:wile:
- he was hungry
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- hay
- that
- k'iwo'
- hook
- na:na:ya:yilaw-mił
- when they caused it
- yo:w
- there
- xona:'
- his eye
- yisloy'
- it hooked it
- yo:w
- way over there
- to:
- water
- tehwingxits'-e:
- it went into the water
- haya:ł
- and then
- xona:'
- his eye
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:tł'a'
- backwards
- na'tehłdiqol
- he's crawling back
- diywho'owh
- some kind of
- k'isxa:n
- tree standing there
- mino'
- behind it
- na'wildiqol
- he crawled back
- hayah
- right there
- ya:na'wehs'a'
- he sat
- haya:ł
- and then
- ky'o:ya:yilaw-e:
- those that are fishing
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- daywho'owh
- something
- tahyisloy'-e:
- one pulled it out of the water
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- diyda:n'
- what is it
- de:
- this
- nił'ing
- look at it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay
- the
- ła'
- one
- kile:xich
- boy
- ningyay
- he came over
- yine:ł'e'n
- he looked at it
- daywho'
- what it is
- diwe:ne'
- he said
- hay
- that
- xona:'
- a person's eye
- haya:ł
- and then
- ting
- really
- ya:yine:ł'e'n
- they were looking it over
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ch'o:ne:
- he was thinking
- 'awhneh
- I'm going to do
- 'a:ch'ondehsne'
- he thought
- k'iwingxoya:n
- old man
- do'n
- that's what
- xo'ji
- really
- 'a:disehłchwin'-te:
- I'm going to make myself into
- k'iwingxoya:n
- old man
- ts'isle'n
- he became
- łiqay
- it was white
- tse:-dilqay
- gray hair
- haya:ł
- [then]
*Mrs. Parker says that {-ne'in} indicates that the head and hair are no longer the way they were: they've changed color.
- xona:do:nse'-tah
- also his eyebrows
- 'aht'in
- all of it
- tse:-dilqay
- they were gray
- hayahujit
- and then
- king
- a stick
- ya'winta:n
- he picked it up
- tse:
- rocks
- mitiwa:
- among
- diyda:n'
- what is it
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said
- he:
- oh my
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said
- nohni-q'it 'a:'ułkyow
- somebody who is your size
- xa'unt'e:
- that kind of thing
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:ya:diwe:ne'
- they said
- xwe:di 'a:'ułkyow*
- how big
- hijit
- in order for
- na:'a'a'*
- you to have it
*Mrs. Parker translates {'a:'ułkyow} and {na:'a'a'} with the English second person pronoun "you," used generically here to mean "someone."
- ch'iwilchwil 'e'n
- as for a young person
- xa'unt'e:
- a thing like that
- a:
- oh
- ya:diwe:ne'
- they said
- haya:ł
- [then]
- nin
- you
- ne:y
- yours
- hayahujit
- and then
- xola'
- his hand
- me'
- in it
- no:ya:yning'a:n
- they put it
- 'a:dit'ah
- into his pocket
- na'wing'a:n
- he put it
- hayahujit
- and then
- na'tehsdiy
- he's walking along
- 'a:na'ditehsqot
- he's using a cane to support himself
- diywho'owh
- something
- k'isxa:n
- the tree or bush
- mino'
- behind it
- na'wildiqol
- he crawled back
- hayah
- there
- 'a:dina:'
- his own eye
- yehna'wiłq'a:s
- he threw it back in
- hayahujit
- and then
- hay
- the
- k'iwingxoya:n-ne'in
- used-to-be old man
- do: na:'usdile'n
- he wasn't anymore
- ya:na'te:diła:t
- he went skipping
- ninis'a:n
- mountain
- na:miwina:
- around it
- xe'e:na'winła:t
- he ran off
- xona:'
- his eye
- na:xohsdile'
- it came back