Dog and Coyote
told by Verdena Parker
November 7, 2009
Roseburg, Oregon
Transcribed by Lindsey Newbold
- Okay,
- this
- is
- a
- story
- about
- how
- Dog
- and
- Coyote
- used
- to
- be
- friends,
- but
- they're
- not
- friends
- anymore.
- Well,
- it
- was
- shortly
- after
- the
- people
- came,
- and
- the
- animals
- weren't
- animals
- anymore.
- xoya:n
- wild things
- 'iłch'in' ya:yixidnehwh-ne'ing
- they talked to each other
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a:ya'de:ne'
- they said
- xo'osday
- humankind
- tindil
- they are coming
- haya:ł
- and then
- So
- they
- were
- told
- that
- they
- were
- going
- to
- become
- wild
- animals,
- some
- of
- them.
- And
- after
- the
- human
- people
- came...
- They
- had
- a
- fish
- dam
- going.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- k'e:ya:'ułnay
- they're cooking
- ła:n
- lots
- ya:'ułkit
- they catch it
- ło:q'i
- salmon
- dahungwho'owh 'ułkyow
- big ones
- silay wilchwe:n-e:
- they are laid out
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- So
- he
- looked
- over
- the
- hill
- at
- the
- fish
- dam,
- and
- here
- they
- caught
- a
- whole
- bunch
- of
- big
- salmon
- and
- they
- have
- them
- all
- laid
- out
- there.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- łe:na:wilay
- there's a fire
- Big
- fire
- going.
- hayah
- right there
- k'e:ya:'ułna:y-e:
- they are cooking
- They
- were
- cooking
- salmon.
- So
- they
- had
- all
- this
- salmon
- sitting
- on
- the
- sticks
- around
- the
- fire.
- Oh,
- it
- smelled
- so
- good.
- haya:ł
- and then
- na'uya'
- he was walking
- 'iłtiwa:
- back and forth
- ch'ite:'e'n
- watching
- 'awhneh
- I could do
- ch'o:ne:
- he thinks
- "I
- wonder
- what
- I
- could
- do,"
- he
- thinks,
- he's
- walking
- around
- back
- and
- forth.
- chwi(n)-me'do:wile:
- he's getting hungry
- He's
- so
- hungry.
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'ungya'
- he noticed
- ch'iqahł
- he is walking along
- Then
- he
- noticed
- Dog's
- walking
- along.
- 'a'de:ne'
- he said
- xwe:da:n'
- what's going on
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- do: chwi(n)-me:do:wile:
- you are not hungry
- 'a:xołchwin-ts'iw
- it smells
- So
- he
- said,
- "I
- guess
- you're
- not
- hungry,
- it
- smells
- so
- good
- down
- there."
- Dog
- said,
- "Oh,
- I'm
- not
- too
- hungry,
- I'm
- really
- not
- hungry."
- k'e'iwha'n
- I always eat
- dahungwho'owh 'unłung
- a whole lot
- whiwa:ya'uliwh
- they always give me
- hay k'iwidya'n
- food
- Said,
- "I
- always
- get
- a
- whole
- bunch
- of
- food
- they
- give
- me."
- q'ay'-te:l
- serving basket
- dehsming
- full
- whiyeh
- in front of me
- 'e'ixa'
- they set it
- "Big
- basketful
- they
- always
- set
- before
- me."
- "Yeah,"
- Coyote
- said.
- q'ut chwa:xowiłwe:tł'
- it's getting dark
- It's
- starting
- to
- get
- dark.
- They're
- taking
- the
- salmon
- off
- of
- the
- sticks,
- off
- of
- the
- fire,
- and
- putting
- it
- in
- baskets.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- q'ay'-te:l
- serving basket
- me'
- in it
- no:ya'ningxa:n-e:
- they set it down
- tin
- really
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'a:xołchwing
- it smells
- ch'iwidil
- they're walking along
- no:ne:ł
- let's sit down
- xoł-ch'ide:n'
- he told him
- So
- Dog
- told
- Coyote,
- "Let's
- sit
- down
- right
- here,
- kind
- of
- in
- the
- dark."
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- q'ay'-te:l
- serving basket
- na:ya'le:
- they have it
- 'aht'in
- all
- dehsming
- they filled them
- ya'k'iwinya'n-e:
- they started to eat
- 'aht'ing
- all of them
- ky'ung xowinse'n-e:
- they're eating
- na'way
- they are walking around
- And
- here
- everybody
- got
- a
- basket
- full
- of
- all
- this
- salmon
- and
- they're
- all
- eating.
- haya:ł
- and then
- ya'wehs'e:tł'
- they sat there
- xoh
- in vain
- na'te:'e'n
- he looks around
- nehe:w
- in front of us
- no:ya'ningxun-te:
- they're going to bring it
- Coyote
- think,
- "When
- are
- they
- gonna
- share
- with
- us,
- when
- they
- gonna
- give
- us
- any?"
- "Pretty
- soon,"
- Dog
- would
- tell
- him.
- "Just
- kinda
- be
- patient!"
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- ya'a'e:tł'
- they're sitting
- mina:
- waiting for it
- xoh
- in vain
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'aht'ing
- all
- ya'nehłya:n
- they ate it up
- wha:ne:
- that's all
- nondiya'n
- it's left
- me:lah
- [some]
- wha:ne:
- that's all
- nondiya'n
- it's left
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- Pretty
- soon
- there
- was
- only
- tails
- left,
- and
- maybe
- a
- few
- bones
- and
- things.
- They
- put
- it
- all
- together.
- ła'a
- one
- de:wime'n
- it became full
- q'ay'-te:l
- basket
- nikya:w
- big
- It
- was
- full,
- in
- one
- big
- flat
- basket.
- hayahujit
- and then
- ch'iwixa:l-e:
- somebody's bringing it
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- They
- brought
- it
- over
- and
- they
- set
- it
- before
- them.
- 'e'n
- as for him
- k'iwinya'n
- he started eating
- sa'wime:tł'
- he was throwing it in his mouth
- hayi
- that
- k'e'inya'n
- you eat
- 'ung
- is it
- xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he told him
- So
- Coyote
- told
- him,
- "Is
- that
- what
- you
- eat?"
- niwho:n
- it's good
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said
- He
- said,
- "Oh,
- it's
- really
- good!"
- and...
- k'inyun
- eat
- de:di
- this
- k'iwinyung'ił
- you start eating it
- "You
- eat
- this!"
- and
- "Have
- some
- more,
- eat
- all
- you
- want!"
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'aht'in
- all of it
- ch'inehłya:n
- he ate it up
- hayahujit
- and so
- na'tehsde:tł'
- they left
- Pretty
- soon
- that
- dog
- ate
- up
- all
- the
- bones
- and
- everything
- and
- left
- the
- basket.
- So
- they
- got
- into
- a
- big
- fight
- and
- he
- fisted
- him
- in
- the
- mouth
- and
- then
- he
- bit
- him
- all
- over
- and
- everything,
- and
- Dog
- is
- all
- beat
- up
- and
- it's
- because
- he
- insulted
- him
- by
- feeding
- him
- leftovers,
- and
- Coyote
- didn't
- want
- leftovers.
- And
- to
- this
- day...
- łe'dzidla:-xw
- they have hated each other
- haya:ł
- and then
- ch'ixwe'iłtsis
- he sees him
- xontehł-taw
- coyote
- k'iłch'ixa:'ina:wh
- they get in a fight
- Dog
- sees
- Coyote,
- they
- get
- into
- a
- big
- fight.
- That's
- the
- end
- of
- story.