Riverside Old Man
told by Verdena Parker
July 26, 2011
Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- hun'
- river
- yinuqi
- upriver
- k'iwinya'a:n
- Indians
- na:ya:'udil
- they always went
- ch'iningyay-e:
- he went
- xahslin-ding
- to Xahslinding
- hayah
- there
- xwe:lwe:tł'
- he spent the night
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- do:-tah
- maybe
- do: xwe:lwe:tł'
- he didn't spend the night
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na'tehsdiyay
- he left
- chwa:xowiłwe:tł'
- it was dark
- na:mitł'a'-ding
- after
- yo:w
- over there
- 'ungya'
- he notices
- tin
- really
- xwe:diqay'
- it is getting white
- yiduq
- up that way
- ch'ondehsne'
- he wondered
- dahya'wing'a:
- he's sitting on it
- xo'ji
- real
- k'iwingxoya:n
- old man
- xoda:w'
- his beard
- łiqay
- it is white
- ne:si
- it is long
- xwe:da'ay*
- his hair
- q'ina'
- [also]
- ne:si
- it is long
- xotsiwa'ne'*
- his hair
- łiqay
- it is white
*Although both are translated as 'his hair' here, {xwe:da'ay} is also 'his head' and {xotsiwa'ne'} is 'his head-hair'.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- do: 'a:nahdiyaw
- not a moment later
- na:'usdaw-e:
- he faded away
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ch'ondehsne'
- he wondered
- na'tehsdiyay
- he left
- na:'undiyay-e:
- he went back
- diysh-ta:ng'a:-ding
- to Tish-Tang
- 'a:ya:xoł-ch'ide:ne'
- he told them
- hayah
- there
- k'iwingxoya:n
- an old man
- dahya:ng'ay
- he was sitting there
- mida:w'
- its beard
- ne:si
- it was long
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- haya:ł
- so
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- from that time on
- 'aht'in
- all
- tse:-dilqay
- grey hair
- xolisji
- early
- xa:t'i
- still
- ya'wilchwil
- they are young
- ya:xwe:da'ay-ne'ing
- their hair [used-to-be]
- 'e'idqay'
- it turns white
- hayi
- that
- ch'ina:n'
- they thought
- -ma:n
- because of it
- hay
- that
- 'ahdiyaw
- it happened