Stick Game
told by Verdena Parker
March 30, 2007
Winston, Oregon
Transcribed by Justin Spence
- And
- what
- you
- do
- is...
- k'ite'iqich-te:-mił
- when the stick game is starting
- ta:q'i
- three
- 'iłch'in'
- together
- ch'e'indil
- they come out
- 'iłma'n-e: mił
- from different sides
- mine:jit
- in the middle
- xo'ji ch'itilte'
- they are strongest
- no:ya'xwe'iliwh
- they put them
- mine:jit
- in the middle
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- hay
- those
- xa'
- fast
- no:ya'xwe'iliwh
- they put them there
- hayi k'ite:qich-te:
- that's what they're going to throw
- haya:ł
- then
- mine:jixomił q'ut
- after that
- 'iłq'it dahxo:'awh 'e'iliw
- they sort of start wrestling
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xosah
- in their mouths
- na:na:ya:k'ining'ay
- [it lies across]
- hay mił-k'itiqich
- what you throw with
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- k'e'xwe'iłtsa:s
- a person throws someone down
- gya'
- maybe
- xo:'
- whatever
- gya'
- maybe
- 'a'xwe'iliw
- he does it to him
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xe'e:wilin
- it's laying there
- ya'uqich
- he slings it
- hayah
- there
- midiłwa:
- it could change
- na'dehłyay
- they are standing
- ch'ixe'ina'
- he will get loose
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- ya'uqich
- he slings it up
- mitis
- over it
- ch'e'iqich-e:
- he throws it [out]
- hay
- the ones
- mine:jit
- in the middle
- na'dehłyay
- they are standing
- xolisch
- fast
- hayi
- that
- ch'ite'ilda:wh
- he will run
- ya'uqich
- he slings it up
- mitis
- over it
- ch'e'imil-e:
- he throws it out
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:ne'idliwh
- it's a win
- mitis
- over it
- Whichever
- side
- it
- goes
- over,
- that's
- who
- will
- win.