Graves at Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding
told by Verdena Parker
July 25, 2011
Tish-Tang-Ah-Ding, Hoopa Valley, California
Transcribed by Ramón Escamilla
- Okay
- mino:k'is'a:n
- it's sticking out
- na:xonchwe'n
- it's ugly
- 'isq'o:ts'
- blackberries
- wha:ne:
- [only]
- This right here, that is so thick and everything, blackberries.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xok'isdiya:n'
- their elders
- 'aht'ing
- all
- hayah
- there
- ya:xowichway
- they are buried
- hay
- that
- digyun
- right here
- ya:xowidwa:n
- they were murdered
- me:lah
- some of them
- hayah
- there
- ya:xowichwa:-ne'in
- they were buried
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:ya'xotehslay
- they took them
- So all the people that were killed here, some of them are also buried in there.
- And I think maybe some of them, they put into some of these indentations.
- yineh
- underground
- xontah
- house
- chwa:-q'ide'
- underground part
- me'
- in it
- no:na:ya'xonilay
- they laid them down
- mił
- with it
- na:ya'xowinchway
- they buried them
- Those were houses.
- And some of the people they put into the houses and laid them in there and covered them over with dirt.
- That's all.
- So they buried them over, so some of the indentations around here, there's, I think I call six, counted six or seven here that one time I was down here when it was clean.