How Verdena Met Otis
told by Verdena Parker
October 1, 2011
Winston, OR
Transcribed by Tyler Lee-Wynant
- I guess this is the story I'm gonna tell about how I met my husband, forty years ago, forty-some years ago, fifty years ago almost.
- I bought a new car.
- It was a fast car.
- But then I always go down to the mill to pick up this man that was staying at our place.
- And this person was working there that owned a red pickup.
- So I saw him.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- And then I ask the man that was staying with us at our house what that guy's name is.
- So he said he didn't know what his name is.
- 'a:xoł-de:n'
- I asked him
- xwe:di
- what
- ya'xo:whe:
- they call him
- So I ask, "What do they call him?"
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- Okie Boy
- do:ng'
- [it is]
- xolye:
- they call him
- So he told me they call him just 'Okie Boy'.
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:de:n'
- I said
- me:diwhding
- I would like
- xode:siwha:wh
- to meet him
- So I told him, "Well, I'd like to meet him." 'Cause I passed him on the road several times and... And he'd be looking at me and I'd be looking at him.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- dunłungwho'-ding
- several times
- whide:'isya:
- he met me
- tini
- the highway
- -q'eh
- on
- haya:ł
- [and]
- ch'iwhinehł'e:n-e:
- he was looking at me
- haya:ł
- and
- whe:
- I
- q'ing'
- [also]
- xone:ył'in'
- I looked at him
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- mine:jixomił
- [after a while]
- So he told me, the guy told me, "Oh, he doesn't wanna meet anybody."
- So I never bother him.
- haya:ł
- and then
- whe:
- I
- whima:lyo'-ne'in
- [my] cousin
- na:y
- with
- na:'e:dil
- we always go
- 'a:k'iwilaw-no:diyohs-din
- the movies
- ne:'idil'e'n
- we watch the movie
- xohxo-ch'e:l-ding
- in Willow Creek
- So my cousin and I used to go to watch movies sometimes in Willow Creek.
- Then we noticed the red pickup sitting down there, and by that bowling alley.
- haya:ł
- and then
- hayah
- there
- nonła:t
- we drove in there and stopped
- keh
- let's
- xone:dil'in'
- look at him
- So we drove down there and stopped there, see if he's gonna come out.
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- na'widahł
- he came out of the building
- haya:ł
- [and]
- dungwho'owh
- some other person
- na:y
- with
- ch'iwidił
- they were walking along
- Pretty soon they came out. Him and his friend came out.
- So they came over and stop and said hello to us. And then...
- He was going to talk to me. But the other person...
- diywho'owh
- something
- ch'e'nilay
- he took out
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- whe: whinahł'idze'
- my car
- me:ne:q'
- its back
- yehch'iwime:tł'
- he threw [the stuff] in
- But he didn't come over. He went over to the other car that was parked there and the back window was open.
- And he reached in there and grabbed a bunch of cigarettes and he threw it in the back of my car.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- xolisch
- in a hurry
- na:tehłdida:wh
- we drove off
- So I told him, "Where you been? I haven't even seen you all evening."
- ch'ina:n'
- [he was there telling me]
- ła:n
- a lot (of people)
- łe'ninya:
- came together
- na:ya:'ułto'n
- they were dancing
- daywho'
- a lot of things were going on
- hayah
- there
- ch'ina:n'
- [he was there telling me]
- ya:wh'ay
- I was sitting
- ch'ide:n'
- he said
- So he started explaining to me that he was at this party but he wasn't with anybody and he wasn't dancing or nothing.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- yehch'iwime:tł'
- he threw the stuff (in my car)
- mich'in'-ding
- because of that
- [haya:ł]
- [and then]
- [nehe:n']
- [as for us]
- na:tehłdida:wh
- we left
- So being that the other guy threw all these cigarettes in the back of my car, I decide to get out of there.
- yo:w
- [there]
- na:ldida:l
- [we went back]
- xohxo-ch'e:l-ding
- Willow Creek
- ya:silay
- they're individually sitting here and there
- So in Willow Creek, we went way down the street, down to the end.
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay
- that
- whima:lyo'
- my cousin
- 'a:xoł-de:ne'
- I told her
- na:te:se'tł'-te:
- we're gonna go home
- So I told my cousin, "We gotta get outta here. Whatever that stuff is he threw in back of my car, we're gonna get caught with it."
- do: me:de:didin
- we didn't want
- hayi-wun
- because of that
- yehnohch'iliwh
- they put us in jail
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- We don't want to go to jail or whatever.
- And so the red pickup came along.
- It stopped beside us.
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a'de:n'
- he said
- na:te:sindiya:-te:
- are you going
- whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- Then he ask me, "Where you going?"
- haya:ł
- and so
- 'a:de:n'
- I said
- nehe:n'
- we
- do:n' na:te:se'tł'-te:
- we are leaving
- na:tini-xw-ch'in'
- back to Hoopa
- So I said, "We're going back to Hoopa."
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a:whił-ch'ide:n'
- he told me
- digyung
- right here
- [haya:ł]
- [and then]
- łah-xw
- just
- whiwun
- away from me
- na:te:sindiya:-te:
- you're gonna leave
- So he said, "are you gonna just leave me lonely and blue?"
- So I asked, "Where did you...? What book did you read that out of?"
- And so we left.
- na:ne:de:tł'-e:
- we came back
- na:tini-xw
- to Hoopa
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:xote:sehłxe:n
- I took her back
- na'diwidya:
- she got out of the car
- hay whima:lyo'
- my cousin
- So we went back to Hoopa, I took my cousin back to her house and let her off.
- na:k'ine:sehłtsis
- I shut the lights off
- wa:nunła:t-mił
- when I drove through the gate
- So when I went through the gate, I shut my lights off and drove the rest of the way home in the dark. 'Cause I didn't want him to see my taillights from the highway.
- So then I got back home.
- haya:ł
- and then
- hay na:mitł'a'-din
- after that
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- na:'iwha'
- I always go
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- So I always take this other person to work and then I see him there.
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a while
- 'a'de:n'
- he said
- nahł'its
- cars
- xo:tehsda'un-te:
- we're going to run
- xohxo-ch'e:l-ch'in'
- to Willow Creek
- dahdi
- more
- xolisch
- fast
- na'wa:
- goes
- So the next time I saw him, he said, "We're gonna race to Willow Creek."
- So then I said, "Ok!"
- So I had a fast car. And it was almost new at the time.
- haya:ł
- and so
- xong
- he
- q'ina'
- also
- tilda:wh ch'ischwe'n
- started (his car)
- ch'ina:n'
- he said
- xo'ji
- really
- niwhong-xw
- good
- 'a:wilaw
- it was built
- ch'ide:ne'
- he said
- So he said his pickup motor was beefed up and everything so he figured he could outrun me.
- yo:w
- [there]
- xohxo-ch'e:l
- Willow Creek
- -ch'in'
- towards
- ninła:t-e:
- [it (car) arrived there]
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- na:se:tiw
- I won
- sa'a:
- a long time
- no:na:ng'a:-ding
- where it went clear down (Devil's Elbow)
- hayah
- there
- de:
- I find out
- xoł
- [with him]
- no:nundixits' sile'n
- it slid around
- So I went all the way to Willow Creek, didn't see him. And pretty soon here he come. And come to find out that he got turned around or he almost biffed it on Devil's Elbow and turned clear round.
- So I said, "Where have you been?"
- haya:ł
- [and then]
- 'a'de:n'
- [he said]
- whił no:nundixits'
- I turned clear round
- hayah
- [there]
- no:na:ne:'ung
- I turned my car
- hijit
- and
- So he said, "well,..." He turned clear round on Devil's Elbow. So he had to go down the road and find a place to turn around to go back toward Willow Creek.
- haya:ł
- so
- 'a:de:ne'
- I told him
- nixa'nite:
- he is looking for you
- So I told him, "The game warden's looking for you."
- haya:ł
- and then
- 'a'de:n'
- he said
- whe:
- me
- whixa'nite:
- he's looking for me
- ch'ina:n'
- [he was telling me]
- 'aht'ing
- [all]
- chwiyun'who:le:l
- they're bothering me (about)
- hay diywho' minła:n-e:
- everything
- So he said, "Well, that's probably true, the game warden was looking for me because they keep an eye on me for some reason."
- I said, "No."
- So I told him, "That's not it! The game warden's looking for you 'cause you got a dead duck under your hood!"
- hay na:mitł'a'-ding
- after that
- didilwa:wh sile'n
- we would talk to each other
- haya:ł
- and then
- mine:jixomił
- after a time
- na:'e:dil
- we always go
- 'a:k'iwilaw-widyo:sił
- the movies
- -xw
- to that place
- -tah
- sometimes
- So after that, that kinda broke the ice. We usually see each other some place and we talked. A few times we go to Eureka and go to the movies.
- Quite a while after that, I married him.
- And we are still together today.