Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic animals


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'ehsch'ina:whswimming deer

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'isking-mina:k'iwilda:lhairy woodpecker (Dendrocopos villosus)

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'isq'o:ts'-yiditilefinch (Carpodacus purpureus, Purple Finch)

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'ista:ngq'eh-k'itiqowhfisher; pine marten (Martes pennanti)

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bo:secommon house cat

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ch'ahlfrog, toad (Rana)

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ch'ahli-ya:na type of fish hawk

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chwa'beaver (Castor)

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chwe:qahrobin redbreast (Turdus migratorius)

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chwe:yyearling of elk; spotted hide of yearling elk (archaic term)

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chwulo:q'e'chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha)

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chwun'-k'itiłma:sdung beetle

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chwun'-yołtultowhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Rufous-sided Towhee)

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da'kya:woriole (Icterus cucullatus, Hooded Oriole; I. galbula, Northern Oriole)

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da:ch'ahdi-ya:nfish hawk (Pandion haliaetus, Osprey)

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da:ch'ahtsucker, suckerfish (Catostomus)

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da:ch'aht-xa:yiłtiwheagle (probably second name for ło:q'-ya:n)

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da:jahldog salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.)

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dich'valley quail (Lophortyx californicus, California Quail)

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dila:nwater dog, a small species of salamander

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dilqiwhforked-horn deer

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dilxichfawn, yearling; hide of a young deer

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dilxich-dilma:ytype of deerskin (grey deer)

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dilxich-ky'a:tilchwiwspotted salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus)

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dinday-michwoIndian Devil bird

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diq'a:n-tah-k'iya:wh-kyohgrosbeak, finch (Pheucticus melanocephalus, Black-headed Grosbeak)

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diwh-kyohgrouse (Dendragapus obscurus, Blue Grouse)

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diwidwa:sstrips of abalone shell sewn onto a woman's dance skirt

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dondol-kyoha large ocean bird (perhaps a pelican)

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gehs-kyohelk (Redwood dialect or archaic term)

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je:nah-na:lahsecond name for kingbird

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je:nok-mixontaw'snail shell

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jeh-ya:na large greyish-brown cricket, found in the mountains among the acorn groves

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k'ida'di(ng)-nehsnoythe two fins close to the mouth of a salmon (at its neck)

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k'ije:'ding-xa:ng'aybelly fin (of salmon)

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k'iłdik'-kyohlarge red-headed (pileated) woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)

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k'iłixundeer (general term), specifically blacktail deer (Odocoileus hemionus); venison

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k'iłixun-me:ne:q'-nint'ik'deer's backstrap

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k'ił-na:dilwolf (Canis lupus)

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k'iłq'e:tslarge grasshopper, smaller than locust

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k'imide'the belly part (in cutting fish)

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k'iningya'n-e:(deer) come to feed

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k'intiyo:di-chpigmy owl (Glaucidium)

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k'iq'aylosch'e'the liver of an eel

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k'iq'it-dahdiwilinthe two pieces on a salmon's back from neck to part opposite navel

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k'ist'ay'-chwingjay, bluejay (Cyanocitta stelleri, Steller's jay)

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k'ist'ay'-kyohClark crow (Nucifraga columbiana, Clark's Nutcracker)

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k'ist'ay'-mili-chsmall bird hawk (Accipiter cooperii, Cooper's Hawk)

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k'itiyawha herd (of deer) moves along grazing, eats as it moves along

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k'itsa:ylarge bird hawk, red hawk (Buteo jamaicensis, Red-tailed Hawk)

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k'ituqe'the middle part of an eel, when cut up for eating

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k'iwhxe'xnavel fins (of a salmon)

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k'iwilts'o'ts'salmon bones; fish bone

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k'iwiłda'ułchwincrow (Corvus brachyrhynchos, Common Crow)

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k'iwiłda'ułchwin-kyohraven (Corvus corax)

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k'iwina:liwmale salmon; egg sucker

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k'iwinya'n-ma:'a'maggots that feed on acorns

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k'iya:whbird (general term)

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k'iya:wh-nayniłwullarge speckled hawk (Falco mexicanus, Prairie Falcon)

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k'iyuch-łitsowbluebird (Sialia mexicana, Western Bluebird)

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ke'-ne:stree squirrel, grey squirrel (Ammospermophilus)

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kila:gyahsmall woodpecker, California woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus, Acorn Woodpecker)

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kilxawhring-tail cat; civet (Bassariscus astutus)

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king-k'idiłtsay'sapsucker, smallest woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varius, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker)

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ky'a:da:ne:-kyohbig white and black spotted salamander

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ky'a:tilchwiwa type of salamander

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ky'ohporcupine (Erethizon dorsatum); porcupine quills; headdress of porcupine quills, worn by women in the Jump Dance

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kyułneswamp robin, timber robin, thrush (Ixoreus naevius, Varied Thrush)

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ła'-k'itiyawha herd of deer

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ła'-tehs'ayspike, deer with single-pointed antler

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łehq'onch-yiditilegoose (Anser sp.)

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łige:ypine squirrel (Sciurus douglasi)

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łinch'e'mare, bitch

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łing'pet animal, dog, horse

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ło'kyohsturgeon (Acipenser)

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ło'nwhite-faced mouse (Peromyscus)

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ło'n-łiqaywhite mouse

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ło'ya:whcreek trout (Salmon); any small fish

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ło'ya:wh-yiditileduck (sp.)

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ło:q'fish; salmon (Oncorrhynchus sp.)(general term)

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ło:q'-chwo"mockingbird" or "nightingale", chat (Icteria virens, Yellow-breasted Chat)

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ło:q'i-nite:lshad (Dorosoma petenense)

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ło:q'i-ya:nfish hawk (general term)

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ło:q'-ya:nbald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

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ło:q'-yiditileriver otter (Lutra canadensis)

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ma:'a'louse, parasite

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ma:ning'aybackbone of salmon with meat attached

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ma:yomourning dove (Zenaida macroura)

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me'ist-na:k'iditintype of dragonfly, bigger than k'iłwe:mitits'e'

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me:q'-xił-sile'na part of an eel, eaten when half-dry

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michwa:n'-tułta:ngrey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)

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michwe:xin'-q'eh-yixolwhinmeadowlark (Sturnella neglecta, Western Meadowlark)

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mida'-mina:xo:lwhinsnowbird, junco (Junco hyemalis, Dark-eyed Junco)

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mida'-nite:lduck (general term)

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mida'-tehmilgopher (Thomomys, pocket gopher)

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mida:n'-sa'a:ntimber owl (Strix occidentalis, Spotted Owl)

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mide'its (animal's) horn, antlers

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mide'-xole:ncow, cattle; (archaic: buck deer or elk)

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mije:'xo-tse:lnehwa:nred breasted salamander; red-bellied newt (Taricha totosa)

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mije:q'e'(slug's, snail's) slime; slimy discharge

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mije:w'xole:n-k'idiłq'its'nuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)

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mijiw'-ne:smule, donkey

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mijiwult'ung'its fins

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mik'ilxije'-xole:nbig white and black spotted salamander

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mik'iqots'e'elk (Cervus canadensis, Roosevelt elk)

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mik'iqots'e'-ma:'a'blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus, Brewer's Blackbird)

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mik'its'o:'its (fish's) milt

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mike:l'its (fish's, eel's ) tail

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mikyow'grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis)

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mił-na:tul(animal's) paw

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mimiłna:tul'-jiwola second name for the bobcat

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mina:'-dahnehsnoy-chbig redwood salamander (Chondrotus)

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mina:'-xweraccoon (Procyon lotor)

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minchwiwh-milyellowhammer, flicker (Colaptes auratus, Common Flicker)

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mindichbobcat, lynx (Felis rufus)

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minilohtshoot owl, smallest owl

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minim'-mił-łe:diliwmountain lion, "panther" (Felis concolor)

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mining'-me:q'e'screech owl (Otus asio)

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mining'-q'it-nuk'iłut'turkey; turkey's wattles

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mining-gije'(a fish's) head-gristle

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miq'os-łitsowmallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

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misah-niłchwinturkey vulture, buzzard (Cathartes aura)

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misah-sa'a:nits gills

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misgilomedium-sized owl (Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl)

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misinto'-xole:nsummer run of steelhead

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mitł'e:de'its (fish's) scales

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mits'isge:'its (e.g. duck's) fine feathers, down

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mits'o:'-ch'iłtikmilk cow

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mitse:tł'owa'-xole:nhorse (less common term)

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miwe:whe'its (bird's, chicken's) egg

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mixontaw'-xole:nwoodrat (Neotoma)

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mixulo'(deer's, pig's) cloven hoof

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miya:whits (animal's) young

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miyehch'o'eel's "backstrap" or "string"

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na:k'inemountain quail (Oreortyx pictus)

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na:k'iqothog, pig

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na:mut'it (bird, bat) flaps its wings, flies around

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na:t'aweduck (older term, now archaic)

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na:t'awe:-łiqaydiving duck (Mergus (sp.), Merganser)

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na:t'awe:-sowoltsruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis, North American Ruddy Duck)

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na:xolts'a'a variety of small bird

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nahł'awhthey move around, browse, roam

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nił'a:ch'they (animals) came

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niłky'a:k'ildiwi-me'panther; also the name of the place where panther lives in a medicine formula for the birth of a first child (Goddard, Hupa Texts #33)

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nisking-mina:k'iwiltsilnuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)

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nisking-mina:t-ch'iwiltong'ilsapsucker (Redwood dialect)

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q'o:so:shummingbird (Selasphorus sp.)

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q'ong'fish eggs, roe

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qehshookbill salmon

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qoworm, maggot

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qo:-dziwol-tsa small white worm that is found in acorns

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qo:-ne:sacorn worm

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sa:ts'common (black) bear (Ursus americanus)

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sah-kyoh(larger?) mink

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sikilawha type of cricket

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silisground squirrel (Citellys beechey)

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sintilsucker; bullhead

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sulxose:gechipmunk (Eutamias)

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t'un'sohchsmall (baby) suckerfish

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ta:dehchsmall bird hawk, sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius, American Kestrel)

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tahdindilsurffish, smelt

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te:wina:whing'larger mink (Mustela vison)

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te:w-na:k'ixo'a:nbug, insect that walks around under water

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teh'ił'awhthey crawl in the water

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tehch'iliwdiving duck

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tehjung'small black water beetle, said to be poisonous

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tehk'ixiskingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon, Belted Kingfisher)

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tehk'ixołqowh-kyohpelican (Pelecanus)

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tehnehsnoyclams, mussels

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tehsjehchswallow (Hirundo rustica, Barn Swallow)

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tehwił'awhilthey crawl (along in the water)

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tehxa:ch'e'freshwater crab, crawfish

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tił'awh(several animals) move off, set off walking

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tin-nahł'awhpack train

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tintah-ningxa't'e:nlargest owl

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tintah-xixe:xchickadee, bushtit (Parus gambeli, Mountain Chickadee; P. rufescens, Chestnut-backed Chickadee; and Psaltriparus minimus, Bushtit)

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tismillarge (black or golden) eagle (Aquila chrysætos, Golden Eagle)

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tł'iwh-mixung'weasel (Mustela)

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tł'iwhxa:neel, lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)

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tł'iwhxa:n-ma'a:discha type of cricket

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tł'o:q'-da'kya:wkingbird (Tyrannus verticalis, Western Kingbird)

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tł'o:q'-nahł'awhanother name for coyote (not common)

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tł'oh-me:wecottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus)

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to:me:q'onje'large river beetle

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to:mine:-k'iya:whe'seagull (Larus sp.)

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to:-miq'i-na:k'ixo'unwater skipper

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tohna:yfish, eels, general term for all edible water creatures

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ts'a'kya:wsmall blackish eel

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ts'e:y-mitah-xona:da'a'common jaybird (Aphelocoma coerulescens, Scrub Jay)

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ts'isnahbee (general term)

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ts'o:lusgemillipede, thousand-legged worm

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tse:-k'iłje:npotato bug

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tse:-q'e:t'a small black bird, the size of a robin (apparently Cinclus mexicanus, Water Ouzel or Dipper)

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tse:-q'i-ya:ng'ayground squirrel (Citellus beechey)

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tso:k'inedaddy longlegs

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wiqowhil(animal) is running, trotting along

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xa:diniwgopher (less common term)

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xa:xowilwa:tł'a type of digging bug

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xa:yontpigeon (Columba fasciata, Band-tailed Pigeon)

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xahłt'iwhgebird of some kind

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xahslin-taw"crane", heron (Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron)

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xay-na:dilwinter run of steelhead

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xoch'in'-tse:ta small black beetle

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xolje:-xichcivet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)

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xoljehskunk (Mephitis mephitis)

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xoljehchcivet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)

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xołidi-k'idiłchwepheasant, ruffled grouse (Bonasa umbellus)

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xonchiwh-dich'e:ch'Rough-Nose, another name for Panther in a story told by Mary Marshall

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xonin'ts'e:k'cricket chirps, chirping cricket

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xoninsohchsmall, white-spotted mink (Mustela vison)

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xonsił-chwiwanother name for the mourning dove

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xosa:k'abalone (Haliotis), abalone shell

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xosits'-milfreshwater mussel (Mytilus californianus); mussel-shell or abalone-shell spoon used by women

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xulo:q'e'silverside salmon

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xutł'e'-ky'a:nflying squirrel (Scuiropterus)

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ya'louse (specifically head louse), parasite

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ya'ułqaywhite louse

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ya:'usq'ong'lice eggs

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yeh'ił'ahthey move into (an enclosure)

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yehky'a'a:nden, animal's cave, hole

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yida:ch'in-k'itidmut'Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis)

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yida:ch'in-te'ilsea lion (Zalophus californianus), seal

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yidahch'in-tse:q'iya:ng'aysilver-grey fox

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yiduq-dahwinłuła second name for the jay, bluejay

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yik'iqungit (dog) barks in deer-hunting

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yik'iwingqa:nit barked, started to bark

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yiniw-na:k'idmo:t'mole (Scapanus)

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yiniw-na:lto'na mythical bird with spikey wings

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