'a'diłchwe•he or she is training (to be a doctor)
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'a:de'k'iwimilil•she keeps throwing water against herself
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'a:dił'e:n•I fix myself up, get dressed up (for a ceremony)
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'a:dima:nch'ing'-na'xine:wh•the medicine man in a corpse purification ritual
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'a:dina:k'ischwe'n•he put something away for himself (for the winter)
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'a:diwa:na:ya'nde'iliwh•they take it (regalia) off themselves again
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'a:diwa:nung'diwichwilił-te•she will rub herself
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'a:diwun'diwiłwa:tł'•she threw it (her cap) off of herself
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'a:diwung-na:niwhda'ay•I'm calling it (e.g., dog) back
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'a:jiw'-michwo•yellow fungus on the ground. (Appears on the ground before mushrooms sprout.)
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'a:k'idiwhlaw•I'm treated thus, things (unexpectedly) happen to me
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'a:k'ine•something makes a sound, there is a sound
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'a:k'iwh'e:n•I'm marking it with a design (paint, tattoo, etc.), writing
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'a:niwe:se:t'e'•I came to be (such and such), I became a certain way
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'a:whił-ch'ine•he is telling me, says (this) to me
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'a:whiwilaw•what is done to me, my way of being treated
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'a:xowiłchwe'n•an odor came, something began to smell
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'awhxich'e'•wealthy woman (old-fashioned, archaic term)
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'ayge•I'm lonely, lonesome for something! (exclamation expressing loneliness, wistfulness, nostalgia)
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'e'ilwil-mił•every evening, whenever night comes
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'e:din•it is without..., lacking..., missing...
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'e:wa:k•alas! poor thing! too bad! how sad! it's so pitiful!
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'ehs-ma:ning'ay•the "stringer" across a fish dam (the logs that are laid horizontally across the supports of a fish dam.)
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'idah•it (e.g. ice, fog) is melting away, dissipating, disappearing
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'igyahs•it (stick, tree limb, object) is breaking, breaking off
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'ilditł'•it (e.g., house, earth) shakes, quakes
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'ilwił•it's getting to be night, night is falling
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'iłding'•make it be lacking! make it disappear!
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'iłxut•shake them (e.g. apples) down, off (of tree)!
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'imich•break it off, pull it off (string, grass)
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'ina:wh•it goes (literal meaning); they (nuts, acorns) are dropping (idiomatic meaning)
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'iniwe:na:ts'a:xe'•Little Woodpecker's name in the language of the giants (a note in the story explains that this name cannot be analyzed in to smaller pieces)
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'inyeh-ky'a'awh•he barbecues something by burying it and building a fire over it
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'isde:wi-ch•rhododendron-like plant that grows up on Trinity Summit
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'isdina:me'•the south head at the entrance of Humboldt Bay
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'isking-mina:k'iwilda:l•hairy woodpecker (Dendrocopos villosus)
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'isle't'e:n•a type of Indian potato, edible root
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'isq'o:ts'•berries (general term); blackberries (Rubus vitifolius)
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'isq'o:ts'-yiditile•finch (Carpodacus purpureus, Purple Finch)
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'ista:ngq'eh-k'itiqowh•fisher; pine marten (Martes pennanti)
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'iwh'ut•I'm throwing, shaking, flopping (a cloth, blanket)
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'iwhdił•I'm eating small objects (such as berries) one by one (as I pick them)
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'iwhge:s•I'm scratching something (with fingers)
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'iwhkis•I strike something (with my fist), I knock at the door
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'iwhłiw•I'm rubbing on (paint, grease, liniment, etc.), smearing something (with paint, etc.)
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'iwhqit•I'm cutting, sawing it (log, stick, meat)
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'iwhqos•I am cracking it, crunching it (in my mouth)
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'iwhtsil•I am pounding, driving, nailing something
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'iwhtsit•I'm pounding, smashing, breaking it (with a rock, maul)
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'iwhye:wh•I'm rubbing it in my hand (crushing it), I'm threshing seeds
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'o:niwhsin•I keep it (knowledge, the facts of something) hidden, keep it secret
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'o:wit'a:ts'•mida'ch that has been incised (like nahdiyaw) but not used as money
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'ulush•it's dirty! it's nasty! (exclamation of disgust)
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'ungya'•unexpectedly, surprisingly, seeing something suddenly, lo and behold!
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'uná:ng'•it isn't, it isn't certain, it's questionable
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-ch•little, tiny, dear, in a small or gentle way
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ch'ah-ch'e:ng'e:tł'•design equivalent to the Yurok "sharp tooth" design
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ch'ahli-mila'•Equivalent to the Yurok "foot" design
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ch'ah-wilchwe:n•design equivalent to the Yurok waxpoo, and Karuk apxanko'ikoi, designs
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ch'e'k'e'iłchwo:k•she (doctor) brushes (the patient) out
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ch'e'niłqe:t•he put it out (poked his face out)
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ch'e'ninta:n•he took it out (long, stick-like object)
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ch'e'whinehłya:n•he (or they) slaughtered my family, did away with my people
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ch'e:'indiqo'-ding•name of village near the mouth of Mill Creek
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ch'e:'indiqot'ding-mima:nch'ing'•White Deerskin danceground across the Trinity from ch'e:'indiqot'-ding
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ch'e:k'e'iyawh•they (deer) always came out (to feed)
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ch'e:k'iwe'ił-ding•on the bank near Sam Brown's house
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ch'e:na'ułwa:l•they come back out of the Flower Dance (beating time with sticks)
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ch'e:nawhda:wh•I'm getting back out of it (e.g., boat, car)
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ch'e:ne:de:tł'•we (2) went outside, went to the toilet
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ch'e:ng'e:tł'•they extend out (of an enclosure)
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ch'e:ntł'e:t'•(soft flabby material) bulges out, flops out (as when squeezed)
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ch'e:te:t'e'•they are cooked out (someone's eyes, from staying awake)
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ch'e:wha:wh•I'm going outside, I'm going to the toilet
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ch'e:wilin•it (water) flows out (e.g., creek into river, mouth of river, faucet, hose)
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ch'e:wilin-ding•where the stream flows out (into the ocean - specifically Requa, the Yurok village at the mouth of the Klamath River); also applied to Orick at the mouth of Redwood Creek (Sapir and Golla 2001:1011, map D, item 3)
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ch'e:xoliwhme'•camping place mentioned in Sam Brown's story about an encounter with a grizzly bear (unknown location)
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ch'e:ya'wiliwhil•they take them out right along
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ch'ide:-chwing•household goods, cooking utensils (baskets, paddles, other implements used in cooking traditional foods)
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ch'idilye•religious dance, World Renewal ceremony
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ch'idilye•they dance in a religious dance, a religious dance is held
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ch'idilye:-ch'iłchwe•the man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye), says the prayers, and otherwise looks after the details of the ceremony.
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ch'idilye:-ding•any danceground at which a religious dance is held
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ch'idilye:-wint'e:-ding•land of the immortals k'ixinay, located on the periphery of the world, beyond the sky
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ch'idiłdow•he's cutting pieces (off of meat), he's making a cut in it
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ch'idiwichwil•he shot (an arrow) again and again
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ch'ildime:n'•the sharp end of something; sharp-pointed
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ch'iłchwe•he collects, gathers (wood, berries, etc.)
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ch'iłidzehsdila'•they quarrelled, were enemies, hated each other
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ch'iłolwul•they were throwing things at each other
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ch'iłq'un-ding•chief village of the Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) people
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ch'iłte:l-ding•name of a village located on South Fork
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ch'iłtul•he is tapping, patting his foot, stamping (esp. in Kick Dance)
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ch'iłtuł•Kick Dance, the way of dancing at a Kick Dance
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ch'iłwa:l•Flower Dance (girls' adolescence ceremony)
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ch'iłwa:l•they are beating time; a Flower Dance is being held
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ch'ing'awh•take it (e.g. stone) out of something (e.g., a pocket), take it outside (of the house)
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ch'ingquch•toss it out (with stick)! make a goal (in the stick game)!
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ch'inyohs•pull it out! (string, sliver, stovepipe, etc.)
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ch'isixung•she lies back ready to have intercourse
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ch'ite'ixa:wh•he carries it (a pipe) along in a vessel
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ch'ite:we'ing'il•he looked about as he went along
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ch'itehs'a:n•he took it away, went off with it (e.g. stone)
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ch'itiłiw•he's marking something, drawing a line
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ch'iwehswa:tł'•he lies there (like a log that has been thrown down), dead or unconscious; he came to lie there drunk
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ch'iwhowh•elderberry (bush), elder sticks (Sambucus)
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ch'iwhxiy•young person (especially young man), child
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ch'iwijijil•he carries it along (e.g., a handful of some granular substance, such as seeds, salt)
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ch'iwiłkyo:sil•he carries it along (e.g., a blanket, cloth, thin fabric)
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ch'iwingwha:l•he caught fish (with a hook and line)
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ch'iwixa:l•he carries it along (e.g., a filled container, such as a bucket of water)
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ch'iwoł•he is scraping (deerhide, with a scraper)
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ch'ixo:niłyo:l•making bad medicine, witchcraft, poison
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ch'ixolchwe•the man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye)
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ch'ixolchwe•(story about) pre-human times, when the world was being prepared for human beings
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ch'ixołchwe•he fixes up (the danceground), prepares (the place)
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ch'ixowiłchwe:lił-te•he will fix the dance place
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ch'iyłkit•(cloud, fog, smoke) comes out (e.g., of chimney)
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ch'iyo•oh my! (exclamation indicating surprise, (mild) fear)
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ch'o:na:niwichwil•a type of singing at the Kick Dance
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chwe:y•yearling of elk; spotted hide of yearling elk (archaic term)
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chwin'da:na:wh•it spoils, goes bad, has become polluted
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chwing-xo:whle:l•I am bothering him, disturbing him, messing with him
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chwulo:q'e'•chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha)
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chwun'-yołtul•towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Rufous-sided Towhee)
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chwung'-na:xe•words to a song sung by women at the beginning af the Flower Dance
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da'e'iwhtiwh•I (always) set it (a long object) on top
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da'kya:w•oriole (Icterus cucullatus, Hooded Oriole; I. galbula, Northern Oriole)
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da'wida:l•he was coming (out of the sweathouse)
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da:ch'ahdi-ya:n•fish hawk (Pandion haliaetus, Osprey)
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da:ch'aht-xa:yiłtiwh•eagle (probably second name for ło:q'-ya:n)
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da:chwingq'ay'•a type of fern (Pteridium aquiliunum)
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da:chwun'-ding•name of a village located opposite niskin-ji-ding
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dahch'idiwiłkyo:s•he has taken it (a blanket) away
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dahch'idiwintse•he pulled it (canoe) up onto land
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dahch'ine:łno'•they stood them up (flints on a wall)
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dahch'inehsday•he sat down on top; (idiomatically) he went fishing with a net
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dahch'iwijijil•they put them (acorns) up one after the other
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dahchwing'•wild "currants"; scraggly (?) gooseberries (Ribes divarlatum (?))
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dahdiwehs'a'-te•it (his face) will point to it (the wind)
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dahk'e'iłte:l•they (always) spread a cover on it
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dahk'idiwinch'e'•it blows lightly, a breeze blows
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dahk'ilun-ding•a place on New River opposite Quimby
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dahk'ischwa'n•plant growing on a tree, epiphyte (e.g. mistletoe)
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dahk'isxa:n-q'it•where the trail goes up Bald Hill
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dahk'it'us•he cuts it in two, cuts (e.g. finger) off
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dahmine'•hanging moss, yellow tree lichen (Ramalina), used for dye
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dahna'diwiłde'tł'-te•she'll fan it (bark) in a winnowing basket
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dah-na'widmehł•he was swimming along back on top (of the water)
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dahna'wila•he has put it (charcoal) on (the fire) again
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dahna:diwilt'a:ts'•two strips cut off of each side of the backbone of a salmon
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dahna:k'idiwich'e'ił-te•the wind will blow gently
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dah-na:k'indiyun'-te•they shall come back from above eating
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dahna:sita:n•a long, stick-like object lies on top
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dahna:tita'n•they (boards) come to lie on top of something here and there
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dah-naywehskil•(cloud, fog, smoke) hovers on top of something
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dahnintsah•sit down above it! (idiomatically) go fishing with a net!
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dahniwil'e:tł'•ridge poles (or ridge pole) in a living house
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dahsitune:-q'it•name of a resting place near Bald Hill
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dahsixa:n•a filled container lies on top somewhere
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dahts'isde'•fine particles of soot; soot used in tattooing
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dahun'di-dung'•when (in the past)? how long ago?
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dahwid'a:n•deer-snaring station, owned or claimed by a family
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dahwilin-ding•name of a former village, near Supply Creek
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dahya'k'ide'iłchwo:k•they sweep them (acorn husks) away
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dah-ya'k'iłtse:tł'•someone threw it up (onto the roof)
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dahya'wing'ay•he sits above; (idiomatically) he is fishing (with a net)
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dahyik'iłjeh•(driftwood) is piling up, has piled up
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dahyiłkit•(cloud, fog, smoke) hovers on top of something
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de'k'idiliwh•he or she puts several things into the fire (specifically: he or she roasts something (e.g. eels) on coals)
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de:di-dé•come to find out..., it turned out that...
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de:ding'ahwh•put it (e.g. stone) into the fire!
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de:diwhq'a:s•I am throwing it (round object) into the fire
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de:dixwo-yidahch'ing-wing'a'-mił•when the sun has risen well above the mountains to the east, about 9 a.m.
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de:dixwo-yinuqa-wing'a'-mił•when the sun has risen to a point high in the sky to the south-southeast, around noon or a little before
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de:-nohoł-yinuq-yiduq•east, in an eastward direction from the center of Hoopa Valley
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de:-nohq'it•the sky; God, Heaven (metaphorically)
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de:nohq'it-xotse:lin'•(Christian) sacramental wine
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dich'•valley quail (Lophortyx californicus, California Quail)
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dijit•string of small white seashells, worn by women on ceremonial occasions
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dila:n•water dog, a small species of salamander
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dilchwehs-ji-ding•name of a village located at the mouth of Madden Creek
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dilq'its'•it is sparkling (as sparks in a fire)
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diltsow•orange-colored, brown, the color of summer deerhide
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dilwa:wh•it (animal) makes a noise, "talks" (frog croaking, bird singing)
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dilxich-ky'a:tilchwiw•spotted salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus)
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dime:n•thorn; diamonds (gems or suit in playing cards)
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dime:n-nay'ay•it (child) is hard to please, fussy
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dina:n•(steep) slope, anything sloped (e.g., the steep pitch of a roof)
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dinch'e:k'•a type of mushroom with a strong taste
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dine•something (animal, chicken, thing) makes a sound, squeals, cries, buzzes, crows
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dining'xine:wh•Hupa-speaking people, Hupa Indians
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diniwh-t'un'-tah-ding•Chimariko village located at Taylor's Flat (Del Loma)
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diq'a:n•it (e.g., board) leans against something
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diq'a:n-tah-k'iya:wh-kyoh•grosbeak, finch (Pheucticus melanocephalus, Black-headed Grosbeak)
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ditsik-łe:na:ya'usow•a dance performed with the ceremonial basket-quiver (na'wehch) during the Jump dance
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diwa:n•untanned deerhide (dried and ready for tanning)
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diwhchwit•I'm going to shoot off (an arrow), let go (the arrow release)
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diwhdiniwh•I have sexual desire, I lust for women, have an erection
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diwh-kyoh•grouse (Dendragapus obscurus, Blue Grouse)
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diwhna:n•I'm tipping it, sloping it, giving it a certain slope or pitch (e.g. boards on a roof)
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diwhqiwh•I break (e.g., a tree limb) off at the fork
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diwhqos•I bite it off (something brittle, crunchy)
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diwidimit•it (e.g. canoe) has tipped over, capsized, gone belly-up
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diwidwa:s•strips of abalone shell sewn onto a woman's dance skirt
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diwinch'e:k'•it has gotten hot-tasting, it has gone sour
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diysh-ta:ng'a:-ding•name of village at Tish-Tang Point
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do: no:xo:wehs'e'n•it could not be seen that far
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do:'owhlung•I'm stopping (doing something), I quit (working)
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do:-ła:n-ts•a few, not many, not much, just a little
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do:-mide'xine:wh-mining•late fall month; November
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do:-niwhq'iw•I do not behave well, he is mean, ready to fight (old-fashioned word)
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do:we:se:le'•I came not to have enough (money), went bankrupt
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do:xo'osdaytahch'ing'-wuna'way•type of sucking doctor
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do:-xohsle'•it became none, it disappeared, it has gone, it was used up
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do:-xoling•it isn't possible, one can't, one shouldn't
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do:-xowidqot-heh•no poking him! (idiomatically) don't devil him!
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dondol-kyoh•a large ocean bird (perhaps a pelican)
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dongq'a'-tsit•wait a minute! hold on! first let's...
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duxo:-'a:ch'idiyaw•he died (commonest euphemism)
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duxo:q'i-'a'dilaw•doing something improper during a religious dance, such as joking or blaspheming
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dó:ng'•really, truly, indeed, for sure, it is so, honestly
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-e:n'•even with each other, side-by-side, in parallel rows
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gehs-kyoh•elk (Redwood dialect or archaic term)
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hay na'xołte'•the helper who takes care of the doctor (k'ite:t'aw) during the Kick Dance
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-hit•at the time that..., while..., when..., during...
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hun'-q'eh-ch'idilye•White Deerskin Dance, specifically the Boat Dance
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je:nahch'ing'-ch'ixine:wh•he is praying (modern church prayers)
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je:nahch'ing'-me'-ya'xine:wh•church (modern, Christian)
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je:ng'k'ilay•a widow who has let her hair grow out half-way, in a "dutch-cut"
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je:sil-sa'a:n•there is a noise, rumbling sound, racket
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je:winta'n•it (a basket, long object) spread open
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jeh-ya:n•a large greyish-brown cricket, found in the mountains among the acorn groves
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jilqiwh•something forked, pulled apart at the fork
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jiłtsił•split it, pound it apart (with a rock, maul)!
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jime:l•a type of lizard (Sceloporus, scaly lizard)
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jime:li-mike'•braided knot, used on the fringe of a woman's traditional apron (tsang)
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k'e'da'ay•doctoring by sucking, sucking out pains
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k'e'niwiłt'iky'•she tied it (a basket) to it (a tree)
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k'e:na'xołqoch'•he raised him and shoved him down
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k'e:sde'•lumps of acorn meal that are left over after pounding, coarse leavings (of acorns) after sifting
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k'e:tse:'ił'ul•wooden headrest, used by men in the sweathouse
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k'e:tsił'uł•rest your head! put your head down on a headrest, pillow!
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k'ehłtsa:n•unmarried adolescent girl, female teenager
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k'ich'ing'•tipped over, turned to one side, upside down
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k'ich'int-tehsyay•a disease, epidemic is going around
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k'ich'o:ya'ne'•the two who help the lead singer in the White Deerskin Dance
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k'ich'ong•there is a sound like a rock falling into water, it plops
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k'ida'di(ng)-nehsnoy•the two fins close to the mouth of a salmon (at its neck)
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k'ida:ma:ts'e'•a wreath of myrtle twigs worn as a headdress
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k'ide:ts'eh-ya:xołchwe•he translates for them, explains it to them
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k'idiłwisi'q'it•Chilula gathering and hunting camp
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k'idingk'il-e•it (water) broke out (of the banks of the river)
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k'idiwun-na:way•she dances the doctor-training dance
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k'idol•there is a loud, crashing sound (as of a log falling)
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k'idongxwe•Indian Devil, witch, sorcerer; "deviling", witchcraft poison which can be cured by an Indian doctor
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k'igich•it makes a crackling sound on being eaten (e.g. carrots or gristle)
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k'ik'e:t'•there is a creaking, squeaking sound (e.g., a squeaky door)
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k'ikine'•dead tree (especially a standing conifer)
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k'ila:jonde'•hazel, hazelnuts (Corylus californica)
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k'ilk'e:xe'•Frog's other name in the story of Coyote and Frog
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k'iłdik'ikyoh-k'iwilt'a:ts'•a type of robe mentioned in myths
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k'iłdik'-kyoh•large red-headed (pileated) woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
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k'iłdol•he makes it crash, makes a crashing sound
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k'iłiwh•small round cake made from ground grass seeds (archaic term)
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k'iłixun•deer (general term), specifically blacktail deer (Odocoileus hemionus); venison
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k'iłixun-tehk'iwilky'o:ts'•"Indian dumplings" (boiled deer meat mixed with dough)
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k'iłjil•he is crazy, in a daze, out of his mind
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k'iłmuq'•it makes a popping noise, pops something
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k'iłmuq'-kyoh•swamp weed, aralia (Aralia californica)
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k'iłq'e:ts•large grasshopper, smaller than locust
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k'iłtehł•spread out a mat! spread a blanket! prepare a bed!
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k'iłts'os•Indian paintbrush (Castilleja wightii)
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k'iłut'•there is a slapping sound (of something hitting water), (fish) makes a flopping sound (with its tail)
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k'iłwe•evil spirits, little beings who live in the water and cause sickness
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k'iłwe:-q'•foolishly, not seriously, in a funny, joking, bantering, frivolous way
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k'iłwe:-whiwiłwe'•I have a fever, I am sick with a disease that causes a high fever (e.g. pneumonia, typhoid)
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k'iłxa:l•freshly skinned (deer) hide, stretched out to dry (on drying frame)
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k'ima:w•medicine (general term, referring both to traditional Indian medicines and to modern pharmaceuticals)
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k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe•an herbal doctor, modern medical doctor; the person who recites the formula and prepares the medicine in the Brush Dance
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k'imiłna:tul'•braid used for fringes of apron (tsang)
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k'ina'q'i-na'ay•Yurok style medicine used during Brush Dance
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k'inahłdunts'e:y'-dahk'iswin-ding•places where Flower Dance sticks are taken and left after the dance is over
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k'inchwiwh-q'it•name of village near the mouth of Mill Creek
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k'inehst'a:n•tan oak, tan-bark oak (Quercus densiflora)
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k'inehsya:n•older people, adults, grown-up generation
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k'ing'kya:w•white oak, post oak (Quercus garryana)
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k'inilyiw•cross-hatched basket design equivalent to the Yurok "slanting stripes" design
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k'iniłt'ik'•stretch it! string it out straight!
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k'iniłt'us•cut it up (e.g., venison, salmon) for drying!
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k'ininde:n•it shines (e.g. a light bulb, star, sun), there is a light
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k'ining'ay•poles running over the fire in a living house
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k'iniwh•what one hears about, news, events that are talked about
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k'inusni-na'dil•to dance in front of a line of dancers, a feature of the War Dance
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k'iq'e:n•he is twisting a hazel withe (to make it flexible)
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k'iq'eh-na:diwul•"blind", headdress made of wolf-skin worn around the head by dancers in the White Deerskin Dance
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k'iq'it-dahdiwilin•the two pieces on a salmon's back from neck to part opposite navel
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k'iqo:n•there is the sound of dry hide crackling
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k'iqojin•lumps (on the body, as on a frog), bumps, unevenness (on the skin)
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k'isa'n•he beats his wife up, abuses his wife, he's a wife-beater
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k'isa:y•(there is) a rattling, rustling sound (as of dry leaves)
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k'isdaw•they (fish, eels) vanished, stopped being caught
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k'isdiya:n•someone who is old, old person, elder
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k'ise:qot•a woven hood or head-net worn by important dancers in the religious dances
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k'isehłwa:tł'•I chopped something, threshed seeds
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k'isinto'-k'iwa:t•wooden dish on which meat was served
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k'isiwhdile:y•I'm freezing, chilled to the bone
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k'ist'ay'-chwing•jay, bluejay (Cyanocitta stelleri, Steller's jay)
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k'ist'ay'-kyoh•Clark crow (Nucifraga columbiana, Clark's Nutcracker)
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k'ist'ay'-mili-ch•small bird hawk (Accipiter cooperii, Cooper's Hawk)
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k'it'a'ułchwe•posts supporting the inner door of a living house
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k'it'ung'-dingq'och'•redwood sorrel (Oxalis oregana)
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k'ita:ltsit•shallow soaking pit in riverbank sand used for leaching acorns, "dirt pan"
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k'itawhtsit•I'm leaching acorns, soaking acorns to remove tannic acid (by pouring water over them)
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k'ite:lwe:l•pickets, stakes driven into the river, in a fish-dam
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k'ite:siłda:wh•you are driving a car; you are spinning a top
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k'ite:t'aw•sucking doctor, Indian doctor (general term)
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k'ite:t'aw whing' mił k'e:diwid'ay•sucking doctor's doctoring song
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k'itehłk'il•he prepared eels to dry (flattened them out)
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k'itidlut'•there is a ripping sound (as of an old rag)
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k'itiłma'ts'•put them in a circle! circle them around something!
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k'itiłtsił•throw, toss (a rock)! pitch the ball! (in baseball)
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k'itiwhwah•I'm shaking something, sifting, winnowing (acorns, after pounding them into meal)
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k'itiwhyohł•I'm swearing, cursing, making bad medicine
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k'itiyawh•a herd (of deer) moves along grazing, eats as it moves along
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k'its'uq'•there is a sucking sound (like a bunch of eels put together)
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k'itsa:y•large bird hawk, red hawk (Buteo jamaicensis, Red-tailed Hawk)
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k'itsa:y-xotits'e'•a cane used to keep rattlesnakes away; a stick which has had a medicine formula said over it
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k'itsiwung'-tł'ohł•headband worn by doctors, made of buckskin with yellowhammer feathers attached
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k'ituqe'•the middle part of an eel, when cut up for eating
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k'ituq-na'way•go-between, mediator, one who settles a dispute
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k'iwa'ischwit•he broke it off (a shoot from a plant)
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k'iwa:t•large rough-woven basketry pan, winnowing tray (approximately 2 feet across and 4 to 6 inches deep); any large pan
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k'iwhchwiq'•I'm stringing (dried fish, beads, etc.) on a line, skewering things on a pole
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k'iwhde:s•I'm singing off hair, I am cutting hair
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k'iwhdik'•I'm cracking acorns, I'm pecking at something
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k'iwhk'ił•I'm tearing (bird, fish) open (to clean it)
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k'iwhłiw•I'm painting something, spreading (paint), smearing something (with paint)
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k'iwhme•I pick, gather, collect them (fruit, berries, nuts, acorns, etc.)
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k'iwhnay•I cook something, prepare it for eating
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k'iwhniwh•I hear about something, I hear the news
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k'iwhq'its'•I crack it, make it make a cracking noise
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k'iwhts'os•I'm sucking something (e.g.. water through lips, with a sucking noise)
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k'iwhtsa:s•I am lazy, unenthusiastic (about things in general)
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k'iwhtsay'•I'm drying something (deerhide, salmon), seasoning something (acorns, wood)
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k'iwhtsił•I'm pounding it lightly, hammering it, hitting it (with a stone maul, rock)
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k'iwich'a:wh•waistband knot for woman's buckskin dress
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k'iwidchwiq'•things that have been strung on a line
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k'iwidits•Indian twine (made of iris), string, rope
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k'iwidmut•a short, barely audible fart, gasser (pops like acorns)
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k'iwidwol•shield of elk-skin; war-jacket, armor made of arrowwood strips (kintł'its') woven together
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k'iwidwolch•a sash of fringed buckskin, worn by Indian doctors
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k'iwilma'•tanned hide (of deer, fisher, otter, etc.)
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k'iwiltsay'•they (acorns) are getting dried (over a fire)
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k'iwiłda'ułchwin•crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos, Common Crow)
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k'iwiłtsa:y•something dried, seasoned (hide, acorns)
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k'iwimut'•there was a bursting sound; a gun went off
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k'iwingqots'•it snapped off, made a crackling sound
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k'iwint'a'n•leaves have come out, (tree) has come into leaf
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k'iwitł'o:n•what has been woven, weaving, woven basket
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k'iwiyul-mił-me:na'dinchwe:n•medicine to make one want food, stimulate the appetite
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k'iwotł'•there is a crunching sound (esp. of rocks)
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k'iwowh-nesnoy•"foam spot," a bad-luck place in the river
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k'iwunay'iwhday•I am hunting, pursuing something
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k'ixulo'•a (deer's) hoof; deer-hoof rattle used by doctors (dried deer hooves, tied around a stick or bone)
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k'ixut•it collapses, drops (e.g. deadfall, house)
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k'iya:ne:-q'eh•a creek mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)
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k'iya:wh-me:da'ay•scalps of redheaded woodpeckers, used for decoration
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k'iya:wh-nayniłwul•large speckled hawk (Falco mexicanus, Prairie Falcon)
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k'iyo:y•poisonous mushroom, poisonous plant, anything dangerous, strange or poisonous
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k'iyuch-łitsow•bluebird (Sialia mexicana, Western Bluebird)
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ke'-ne:s•tree squirrel, grey squirrel (Ammospermophilus)
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kila:gyah•small woodpecker, California woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus, Acorn Woodpecker)
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kilxawh•ring-tail cat; civet (Bassariscus astutus)
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kinahłdung•a girl for whom a Flower Dance is held, a girl at puberty
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kinahłdun-ts'e:y'•a decorated split stick used as a rattle during the songs in the Flower Dance
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king łiqay•deer-hoof rattle used by "tracers" (claivoyants)
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king'a:gya:n•(traditional) pipe for smoking tobacco
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king'onq'ots•pigeon berries (?) (Rhamnus sp., buckthorn, cascara)
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king-k'idiłtsay'•sapsucker, smallest woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varius, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker)
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king-k'itoh•burden basket with a "nest" of sticks, used for the temporary storage of acorns
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kin-jiwolch•pole, rounded stick (esp. those used in the Jump Dance fence)
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kinjiwolch-ne:s•the cross-piece on the Jump Dance back-board
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kin-na:way•gambling, card game (traditional or modern)
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kinsinto'•the sweet sap of the sugar pine or maple; sugar
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kintł'its'•a type of shrub with hard wood and fuzzy flowers (Holodiscus discolor)
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kin-ts'iyo:ye•the squeaky noise of two trees rubbing together in the wind
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kinyiq'i-kyoh-mingwah•name of a Chilula village
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ky'a'a'diq'ay•he is training for power (at a tim)
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ky'a:da:ne:-kyoh•big white and black spotted salamander
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ky'a:dawhne•I'm gathering, picking up (acorns, apples, round objects)
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ky'o'niłkis•he threw a spear at it, speared at something
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ky'o'niwinga:n•he committed adultery with someone
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ky'o:diwhye:wh•I'm whistling (at someone, something)
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ky'o:mo:t'•it bulges up (lump or knob on one's body, a hill, etc.)
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ky'oh•porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum); porcupine quills; headdress of porcupine quills, worn by women in the Jump Dance
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ky'owhlaw•I'm fishing (with hook and line, "white-man's style")
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kyułne•swamp robin, timber robin, thrush (Ixoreus naevius, Varied Thrush)
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ła'ay-ding•in one place, together, in one bunch
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ła'ay-xw•immediately, at once, right then; nothing but, only
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ła'-nite:l•one dollar (refers to silver dollar coin)
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ła'-tehs'ay•spike, deer with single-pointed antler
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ła'-yehch'iwinyay•a set of ten dances in the Jump Dance
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ła:n-łilt'ik'•The Pleiades, "Seven Sisters" (constellation)
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łah-ch'ing'-dina:n•a type of decorative shell, like small scallops
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łah-te:schwit•a measurement from tip to tip of outspread arms; a "yard"
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łah-xw•merely, just, only, (in an) ordinary (way)
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łahxw-hayah•just for nothing, for no reason, as a joke
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łe'diliw•he kills something, he murders someone
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łe:k'iniwhye:ts'•I'm tying them together (with a knot)
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łe:k'iwhlaw•I gather (firewood), collect (things), bring (people) together
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łe:k'iwing'e:tł'•said to be a variant of the ch'ah-ch'e:ng'e:tł' design (Goddard L&C, p.47)
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łe:l-ding•confluence, where two streams come together (specifically, where the Trinity and the South Fork join, near Salyer, the location of a village of the Tse:ningxwe)
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łe:lya'•there is a draw, tie (in a fight, game)
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łe:na'k'iniłme'n•he built with rocks all around
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łe:na'niłno'•he stood (wood) up in a (vertical) bundle, he gathered things in sheaves
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łe:na'niwilne:s•they reached out and met together
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łe:na'ut'iky'•they circle clear around (joined together in a circle)
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łe:na:k'e'iltsay'•it (sand) dries together again
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łe:na:k'e'iwhditł'o:wh•I make several rounds of weaving
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łe:na:k'ildiwhot'•they (severed parts) grew back together
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łe:na:l-ding•Weitspus (part of present-day Weitchpec)
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łe:na:tł'o:n•basket design, equivalent to the Yurok "elk" design
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łe:na:wh•neighbors, people living nearby; a village, rancheria
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łe:nawhge:s•I'm raking things together in a pile
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łe:ya'ninyay•(a group) came together, assembled
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łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-ding•place upstream from Hostler Ranch village
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łich'iwh-'inahwh-ding•name of a Chilula village
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łich'iwh-ding•name of a place featured in a story told by Oscar Brown
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łin'tiloy'•he cinches it up, tightens the cinch on a saddle
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łintiwhtiwh•I'm going to look for trouble; "I'll see about that!"
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łixun-niłchwin•incense cedar (Libocedrus decurrens)
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ło'kyoh-miqojine'•basket design equivalent to the Yurok "sturgeon back" design
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ło'-xotiwising'ił•someone was laughing along the road
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ło:q'•fish; salmon (Oncorrhynchus sp.)(general term)
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ło:q'-chwo•"mockingbird" or "nightingale", chat (Icteria virens, Yellow-breasted Chat)
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ło:q'-ya:n•bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
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łungxo-'a:k'it'ing•death takes place (polite term)
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ma'ts'•half-hoop that holds the net in a dip net
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ma:-ch'iqa:l•White Deerskin Dance leader, the person who leads the movement of the dance by carrying the fire from one danceground to another
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ma:-de:diwh'awh•I burn incense root (angelica) in the fire and pray (at a ceremony)
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ma:jiwilay'•a mountain in Bald Hill country, northeast of Redwood Creek
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ma:-k'itsit•the woman who leads the acorn pounders in the Acorn Feast
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ma:ning'ay•backbone of salmon with meat attached
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ma:-no:na'ky'a'awh-ding•name of a resting place
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mayo:te:l•creatures mentioned in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay
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me'-ch'iwa:t•small bucket or bowl for acorn flour
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me'-chwich-ch'iłchwe•large burden basket, used for carrying firewood
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me'-de'diłiw•frying pan; pan where you put bread to cook
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me'dil-ding•Village of Matilton; Captain John's Ranch
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me'dilxwe•the people of the village of Matilton (Me'dilding) and more generally the people of the upstream half of Hoopa Valley
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me'isde'•a rock that stands in the ocean at the mouth of the Klamath, mentioned in a love medicine formula told by Emma Lewis
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me'isdil-ding•a danceground at the downstream end of Ts'ilunding, where the dancers camp before going up Bald Hill on the last day of the White Deerskin Dance
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me'isdi-situn-ding•place mentioned in Sam Brown's description of a vision he had
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me'ist-na:k'iditin•type of dragonfly, bigger than k'iłwe:mitits'e'
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me'-k'idilxuts•he feels good (after drinking), he's high
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me'-k'iłwul•seed-beating basket, thresher into which seeds are beaten
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me'k'iłwul-na'we•female man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places
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me'-k'isinto'-ch'iłchwe•stone dish for catching oil of cooking eels or fish
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me'k'ite:mo:wh•blister, a blister (which) has formed
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me'-na'dil•perform (a dance step) inside a circle of dancers (a feature of the Brush Dance)
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me'-na:k'iwilwe:l•clip, magazine (with bullets)
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me'ninta:n•he landed his canoe, brought his canoe in to shore
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me'niwit'il•he is proud of it, he talks proudly about it
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me'-siłiq'•pie; anything dough-like or mud-like in a container
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me'-tehna:na'k'iłdiw•place for washing; washroom, bathroom; bathtub
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me:ch'ine:s•dart; a type of lizard (Gerrhonotus, alligator lizard)
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me:chwilchwo:k•brush used to sweep acorn flour (older term)
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me:da'ay•something extends against it; a (canoe) is beached, pulled to shore (still partly in the river)
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me:da'ay-me'•widow who has not yet cut her hair
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me:diwhdin•I want it, crave it, want to have or do it
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me:do:we:se:le'•I came to feel tired, unable (to complete the job)
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me:k'ingxut'•it is covered up, it has a cover on it
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me:k'int'e•it is the length of it, it is as long as it
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me:k'iwhtiw•I'm singing (for a dance), singing a dance-song
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me:k'iwiloy'-ding•the part of the shaft of an arrow where it is feathered
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me:na:wh•it arrives at it; (idiomatically) it's getting to be time for it
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me:ne:q'-tł'ohte:l•water snake; striped salamander (Eutoenia)
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me:niliw•(fish) swims into a net, gets caught in a net
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me:ning'ay•it extends along against it, leans against it
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me:niwho:n•it is good for it, it is fitting, required
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me:nundiqe:t•it (a canoe) arrived back to shore
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me:q'-xił-sile'n•a part of an eel, eaten when half-dry
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me:sowhsin•I want to do it, I'm really interested in doing it
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me:ya'k'isitiwiwh•they pack things up hill in several loads
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me:ya:de'e:tł'•they are sitting on it (canoes on the shore)
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mehstł'o:n•(someone) tied it on to it, it is tied on to it
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mich'e:k'e'xw-na:nint'ik'•the string which loops back and forth on a baby's belly in the baby-basket
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mich'ile'-ne:s•rhododendron (Rhododendron californicum)
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mich'ing'-ding•because of it, resulting from it
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mich'iwhe'ta:wh•bluish dust on acorns (due to mold)
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michwa:n'-tułta:n•grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
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michwe:xin'-q'eh-yixolwhin•meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta, Western Meadowlark)
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mida'ch•small dentalia shells, unincised and too small for use as money; used for decorative necklaces
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mida'-mił-ne:lno'•sash with redheaded woodpecker scalps and beaks sewn on, worn by men at the Kick Dance
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mida'-mina:xo:lwhin•snowbird, junco (Junco hyemalis, Dark-eyed Junco)
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mida'ninyay•he came to the door (but didn't go in)
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mida:n'-sa'a:n•timber owl (Strix occidentalis, Spotted Owl)
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mida:-q'it•on the edge of (the river); riverbank
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mide'-xole:n•cow, cattle; (archaic: buck deer or elk)
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mije'e:din-xwa:-na:'uste'•she had a baby for him
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mije:'xo-tse:lnehwa:n•red breasted salamander; red-bellied newt (Taricha totosa)
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mije:q'e'•(slug's, snail's) slime; slimy discharge
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mije:w'xole:n-k'idiłq'its'•nuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)
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mik'ilxije'-xole:n•big white and black spotted salamander
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mik'iqots'e'•elk (Cervus canadensis, Roosevelt elk)
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mik'iqots'e'-ma:'a'•blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus, Brewer's Blackbird)
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mike'•its (animal's) tail; mouth of a river (metaphorically)
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mike:l'-ch'ing'•the tail-end of something, the smallest part of something
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mikyowe'-mila'•basket design equivalent to the Yurok and Karok "striped" design
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milay'•point (of an arrow); tip (of a tree); summit, top, peak (of a mountain)
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mił-ch'a'a'dimil•long-toothed Indian comb of elk-horn
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mił-ch'idilye•regalia and other ceremonial valuables used primarily in the White Deerskin Dance and Jump Dances
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mił-ch'ixosow•(traditional) implement for scratching, made of elkhorn, polished or with a rim of abalone shell
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mił-dahch'iwiyo:sil•trigger string attached to the A-frame net
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mił-dahsiday•A-frame lifting net, equivalent to k'ixa:q'
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mił-k'idiłwis•(traditional) wooden drill-like implement used to create a spark, fire drill; (modern) matches
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mił-k'iłdik'•darkish rock, about 8 inches long, used to crack acorns
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mił-k'iłwul•thresher, used to thresh out wild oats into basket
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mił-k'itiłkis•fishing spear, especially the point
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mił-k'itiquch•stick with hook on end used in stick game
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mił-łe:na:dsow•brush for sweeping up (acorn flour)
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mił-łe:na:tsow•brush for sweeping up (acorn) flour
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mił-me'k'iłtiw•measuring stick (for mesh of a net)
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mił-na:na'k'iłwha:l•wooden hook, used to break limbs off trees
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mił-nikyahxwo-ky'a:n•medicine to "stretch your stomach" so that you will be able to eat a lot at a feast
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mił-no:'ondil•a "heavy" or slow song at the Kick Dance
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mił-tehsch'e:-me'•Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) village
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miłto:y•any basket large enough to cook in; (modern) pot, bucket
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mił-xa'xa:wh•garden spade; spades (suit in playing cards)
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mił-xong'a'dił'e:n•face or body paint made from soot mixed with marrow
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mił-xong'a:na:diwilaw-k'ima:w'•medicine to look nice, have nice things
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mił-xontah-na:dya'•medicine to make people be always glad to see you
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mił-xosa'awh•someone poisons him, poisoning happens
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mił-yehch'ina:wh•a "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance
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mił-yehk'iłtul•a "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance
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mima:ts'e'•rim, edge of something (e.g. basket)
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mimiłna:tul'-jiwol•a second name for the bobcat
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min'-ch'e:ng'a:ding•side pole running the length of a house, suppporting the roof
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min'dayq'•(on the) stone platform in front of a living house (xontah)
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min'-t'ah•the entrance passage into a living house
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mina:'-dahnehsnoy-ch•big redwood salamander (Chondrotus)
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mina:-k'isa'aw•she sings (while) going around it
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mina:k'iwilt'ik'•(string) is stretched around it, encircles it
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mina:na:'isme:n•he made it swim around (the world)
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mina:na:k'ide:lq'ay'•sitting with one leg on each side
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minawhliwh•I remembered it, call it to mind, think of it
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minchwiwh-mil•yellowhammer, flicker (Colaptes auratus, Common Flicker)
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mine:jit-ts'isye:n•non-technical term for the center man in the Jump Dance
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mine:jixo-na'ne'iłtuł-ding•place along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut
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mingk'il'e:n•menstruating woman, menstruation (direct term, used among women)
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mingk'iwh'e:n•I am menstruating, having my period
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mingwah•at the edge of it, bordering it, beside it, (lying) next to it
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mingwiwhyo:l•I'm chasing along, driving (animals, e.g. horses, cattle, pigs)
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minim'-mił-łe:diliw•mountain lion, "panther" (Felis concolor)
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minin'ding-ch'e:ng'ay•(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap
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minin'ding-dahdiwing'ay•(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap
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mining'-q'it-nuk'iłut'•turkey; turkey's wattles
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minłundikin-miwah-na:ła'dikin•one thousand one hundred
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mino:'awhding•practice religious dance performed to the side of dance area
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mino:k'ischwa'n•it (plant) is growing in a clump or bunch
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mino:ya'k'ingt'a'ts'-te•they are going to cut them open
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mintiwh'its•I'm pulling at it (with all my strength)
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miq'a'a'diłchwe•a circle of rocks on top of a mountain, where Indian doctors train
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miq'eh-me:na:k'iwiltiw•a "light" or fast song at the Brush Dance
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miq'i'esday•(traditional) stump-like stool for men; (modern) chair
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miq'is-nint'ik'•false Solomon's Seal (Smilacina sessilifolia)
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miq'it-dahna:dił'a•shoot it, hit it (with an arrow)!
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miq'it-dahwing'a'•the sun has set behind the western hills, it is sunset
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miq'it-k'ildil•Serviceberry (Amelanchier), juneberry
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miq'it-k'iłxa:l•frame on which deerhides are stretched to dry before tanning
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miq'it-no:'ołwul•platform on fish dam for dip-netting
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miqe:king'-xiłnehwa:n•maidenhair fern (Adiantum)
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misah-k'itidlut'•foreigner, someone who can't speak Hupa well
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misah-niłchwin•turkey vulture, buzzard (Cathartes aura)
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misgilo•medium-sized owl (Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl)
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miso:se'•its (plant's) shoots; its (bee's) stinger
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misq'it-ch'idilye•a Jump Dance formerly held during the spring at Miskut (misq'it)
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mis-xehsta:ng-q'it•place upstream from the highway bridge
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mis-xustun-ding•a mountain north of the Klamath, mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)
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mitahxw-ch'iłchwe•he hoes the garden, clears the garden of weeds
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mits'isge:'•its (e.g. duck's) fine feathers, down
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miwhliwh•I'm looking after (something), watching it
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miwung•ocean (archaic, used only in placenames and phrases)
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mixa:ch'e'-xole:n•angelica, sweet anise, incense root (Angelica sylvestris)
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miy•rain rock; powerful (tabooed) place or object (usually a rock) which must not be touched unless you want it to rain
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miyeh-wilq'a'n-kin'•roasting rack (for drying pitchwood)
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miyeh-wunna'dil•backup singers, singers who sing in the background for someone singing a melody
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miyi-me'•name of a village located at Campbell's Ranch
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miyi-mida:-q'it•place along the river bank at miyi-me'
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mowun-niwhon-ding•Yurok village of Tsurai at Trinidad
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-na'•particle sometimes found with interrogative pronouns; meaning unclear
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na'dilchwa'n•they are eating together, having a feast
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na'ditł'e:t'•he walks along with his body flopping
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na'diwidyay•he got back off (horse), dismounted
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na'k'ilqich•old term for coffee (refers to roasting of beans)
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na'k'iłquch•he is parching, roasting (seeds, corn, coffee, etc.)
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na'ky'a'aw•the "center man" in the line of Jump Dancers
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na'ne'iliwh•he brings them over (across the river)
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na'qot•he pokes around, goes around with a pointed stick, pole
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na'tehłde'idz-te•they will run along (with a girl in the Flower Dance)
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na'ułtul•they are stamp-dancing (the basic dance step)
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na'wa:n•he breaks it up; he butchers (several animals)
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na'we•he packs it around, carries it around as a pack
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na'wehch•ceremonial basket-quiver, used only at the Jump Dance
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na'widchwe:l•he was crying along (on his way back)
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na'xohsme:tł'•somebody threw them (people) around
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na:-•here and there, about (non-directional motion)
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na:'ułmohwhich•small burden basket, like a purse or "suitcase"
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na:'ułto'n•he dances jumping up and down (a general term for frenzied dancing in place, as in doctor-training dances)
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na:da'ay•it (tree, pole, etc.) stands there, sticks out (of the ground)
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na:de'tł'•digger pine, bull pine (Pinus sabiniana); pine nuts
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na:diłwuł•pour (the water)! spill (the things)!
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na:dimil•it's spilling out, dropping out (of basket)
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na:diwh'ay•I'm standing it up (pole, post, etc.), planting a tree
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na:k'ining'ay•something extends across, lies crosswise
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na:k'iniwh'ay•I lay it across (arm, leg, stick, board)
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na:k'iqot•pain is felt, there is a stab of pain
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na:k'iwh'aw•I'm singing (in general), I'm a singer
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na:k'iwhle•I feel around with my hand, move my hand around
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na:k'iwilqot'•snare, a slim stick stuck in the ground and bent over
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na:k'ixa:ch•it (e.g. hair) hangs loose, something is broken apart, disarticulated (e.g. a broken fish)
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na:k'ixolq'its'•basket design equivalent to the Yurok crooked or zigzag design
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na:k'iyo:wh•(water) washes back and forth, surges about
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na:łtsa:y•they are dried (e.g. clothes hung on line)
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na:mut'•it (bird, bat) flaps its wings, flies around
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na:na'k'ide:lo:s•he made it ready (a pack, load)
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na:na'loy'•she ties up her hair by winding a fur hair-tie (tsiq') around it
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na:na:'awhxa:wh•I take it (a filled container) down
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na:na:dit'ah•it (feather, leaf) falls, drops, wafts downward
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na:na:dme'tł'•they have been thrown down, lie scattered
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na:na:k'iwhjeh•I'm going to pitch, tar something
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na:na:ya'xoniłxa'•they found his tracks (across the river)
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na:ng'a'•a (traditional) lunar month, a (modern) calendar month
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na:ng'a'•a round object has come to lie there again, has come back to rest; idiomatically: the moon has gone through a complete cycle
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na:ng'e:tł'•they extend down, hang downward (e.g., fruit on a tree, curtains)
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na:niwhwul•I'll hit it, drum on it (with a stick)
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na:ntun'-te•it will come to lie again at that place; idomatically: a feast will happen
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na:qiwh•it (arm, face, etc.) twitches, it has a tic; it is twitching (e.g. tic on arm, face)
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na:sa'a:n-tuq•resting place on the trail between Hostler Ranch village and Matilton village
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na:sdo:ngxw-ky'a:n•menstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)
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na:sdongxwe•menstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)
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na:sma:ts'•round, circular, in a loop, hoop-shaped
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na:t'ah•it floats about in the air, waves (like a flag), wafts about
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na:t'awe:-łiqay•diving duck (Mergus (sp.), Merganser)
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na:t'awe:-sowolts•ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis, North American Ruddy Duck)
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na:te:ch'it•the waning moon (when its going from full to new)
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na:te:wh'ing'ił-te•I shall always be looking back
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na:tiłtah•unfold it (e.g., paper, canvas)! uncoil (a rope)!
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na:tini-xw•Hoopa Valley (i.e., where the trails lead back)
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na:ts'eh•it (baby, snake, eel) wiggles around, squirms
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na:whay•I'm going around, moving in no particular direction
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na:whiniłyiw•it becomes me, suits me (e.g., dress, ornament)
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na:whixinay'•I got well again, recovered from an illness
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na:whtong'ił-te•I'm going to dance (jumping up and down)
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na:xe•they are floating around (e.g. logs in pond)
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na:xodiwh'e'n•I watch him, take notice of him, keep my eyes on him
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na:xodiwht'us•I'm cutting him with a knife, slashing him
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na:xote:se:sow•I'm sweeping (with modern broom)
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na:xowh'ay•I invite him around (to different places, here and there)
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na:y'a'•I came to have it (round object), acquired it, got it, bought it, came to be carrying it around
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na:ya'tiwiyo:sil•they were each drawing them through (knives through their mouths)
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nahdiyaw-mił-ch'iloy'•small, harmless snake; "money snake"
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nahłmowh•it is hanging, swinging from something
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nahłtsis•it is hanging (attached to a string or rope)
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nahsma:ts'•it is round, circular, looped around
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nahxa-le:n•large (and valuable) blanket made from two (deer)hides sewn together; a 'double' blanket
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nahxi-k'iq'os-na:diwul•a mythical giant with two heads, on necks that swing around
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nawh'ay•I'm carrying (a round object) around; I have it (e.g. stone), own it
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nawh'ut•I'm waving, flopping (a cloth, blanket) around; I'm going to throw it (cloth-like object) down
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nawhdow•I dodge something, jump out of sight sneakily, dart along the road
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nawhjich•I'm carrying (little pieces, like sand, sugar, berries) around
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nawhle•I'm carrying (rope, several objects) around
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nawhłeh•I'm making marks (all over), drawing lines in all directions
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nawhquch•I'm tossing it around with a stick, pushing it here and there with a stick (usually with reference to the stick game, shinny)
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nawht'ow•I'm stirring something (with a paddle)
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nawhtin•I'm carrying it (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object) around
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nawhts'it•I'm falling (from a height), dropping
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nawhxay•I'm carrying (a filled container) around
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nayde'iłxit'•someone feels along on it; (idiomatically) someone is affected by a hereditary ailment
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nayts'a'n•there is a sound, something is audible (in the distance)
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-ne'in•used to (do, be), was ...-ing, former, deceased
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nehsnoy•they (mountains, a line of things) stand up there, project upward, stick up in peaks
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nich'owhte•I feel stronger than you, I overpower you
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nikyah-xw•in a big way, greatly, much; soundly (in sleeping)
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nilts'it•it comes to someone as a gift or blessing, it befalls someone
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niłch'ing'-ya:'ulto'n•to dance towards and past another dancer
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niłchwin•it stinks, smells bad, has a strong odor
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niłde:ya'se'ilto'n•they meet each other dancing (from opposite directions)
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niłgit•it's rotten, crumbly from rot (thing, not flesh)
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niłky'a:k'ildiwi-me'•panther; also the name of the place where panther lives in a medicine formula for the birth of a first child (Goddard, Hupa Texts #33)
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niłq'it-dahsa'a:n•basket design equivalent to the Yurok "flint" design
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niłtuq•black oak (Quercus kelloggii, or Quercus californica)
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niłtuq-lay'•a place half-way up Bald Hill, where the concluding dances of the White Deerskin Dance are held
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niłtuqu-tah-ding•Chimariko village located at Don Juan
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niłwa:yay'ilto'n•they jump dance passing each other
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niłxit•it (some object) is slippery, slick, smooth
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nin'i-me'•place identified in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay as the location of a final dance
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nin'i-wiltso:l-miyeh•Chilula camp belonging to noleh-ding
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nin'-me'-xa'sindił-ding•place along the Boat Dance route, on the bank between mis-q'it (Meskut) and ta'k'imił-ding
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nin'sindil•a dance step featuring dancing up and down in place
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ninde:n•it is rich, greasy, oily, shiny with grease
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nindong'•it is straight, stretched out in a line (string, trail, etc.)
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ningk'iwh'ul•I am dressing meat, butchering (animal), cutting up (fish)
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ningxa't'e:n•leader, boss, rich, important person; rich and important person
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ningxosting•it (water, ground) is frozen, there is ice
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ninis'a:n•the world, surface of the earth, country, mountain, land
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ninis'a:n-chwin'da:'ułtiwh•he spoils the world, breaks the rules, does something sacrilegious
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ninis'a:n-me'-yitiliwh•"pains" which are only shown in the Kick-Dance, not sucked out of people
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ninis'a:n-mich'ing'-dinun-ts'isye:n•name for a sucking doctor
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ninis'a:n-nikya:w•Big Hill (at the head of Hostler Creek)
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nint'a:na'widyay•he turned back, started back home
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nint'ik'•it stretches in a line, it (string, rope, etc.) extends out straight
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nisawh'awh•I'm putting it (e.g., stone) into your mouth
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nisking•tall, straight conifer (esp. one without low branches, such as Douglas fir, yellow pine)
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nisking-mina:k'iwiltsil•nuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)
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nisking-mina:t-ch'iwiltong'il•sapsucker (Redwood dialect)
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niskin-ji-ding•name of a village located upstream from Willow Creek
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nitsa:s•it is big around, large in diameter, thick (like a stick)
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niwehs'e:tł'•things have extended, run along somewhere
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niwh'e:tł'•I extend them along, lay them horizontally, crosswise (e.g. sticks, poles)
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niwhnoy•I stand (things) up in a line, make them stick up
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no'diwilye'ił•they have stopped dancing successive times
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no'k'ingxa:n•feast, picnic; specifically the Acorn Feast
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no'k'ingxun-ding•the Acorn Feast ground (at Ta'kimiłding)
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no'k'iwilta:tł'-ding•any danceground at which the White Deerskin Dance is performed
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no'ky'a'awh•they (two players) are coming out to start the stick game
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no'niłchwe:n•someone made it (be a certain way) to that point
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no:'ondiqe:t•he was shoved down there; (idiomatically) he starved to death
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no:k'iningyo:wh•they (dentalia) are scattered about
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no:k'iniwhyoh•I'm telling someone to stop (doing something), I'm warning them to cease
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no:na'ky'a'awh•he leaves some behind (e.g., food)
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no:na'xoniłte:n•he divorced her, she divorced him
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no:na:'awhsow•I scratch it (sand) back down again (into a hole)
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no:na:diyahts•the snowfall is reaching down the mountain to that point (light snow, frost that is visible)
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no:na:k'inohłta'tł'-te:•you (pl.) shall kick it back to there
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no:na:witse•door (modern door, or sliding door of traditional living house), gate
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no:na:xoltsa:y•it got dried up to that place (i.e., floodwaters receded)
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no:na:ya'uldito'n•they always jump back (to the same position)
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no:nayk'iwiłt'o:l•it (fog) is always slipping back down to that point
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no:ng'a:-ding•the farthest extent of something, as far as it reaches, the edge (of a river, the ocean)
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no:nto'•(water) reached its farthest extent, (flood water) crested
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no:nuntse•close the door!; shut the door (after it has been opened)!
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no:ta:ng'a:-ding•place mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)
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no:wehsle'n•it (money) was scattered to that point
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no:whchwe:n•I grew to a certain point, stopped growing
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no:whidiłta'n•I am used to it, I'm familiar with it
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no:witiwhił-te•it (a long object) will always be left (standing there)
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no:ya'ultsil•to dance about crouched down; to lean
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noleh-ch'e:l-ding•former village in the Trinity canyon
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nondiya'n•what has been left over, leftovers (food, supplies, etc.)
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nowh'ut•I'm throwing (a cloth, blanket) down (spread out)
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nowhliwh•I put them down (several objects, rope)
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nowhłiw•I put it down (a dough-like or floppy object)
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nowhtiwh•I put it down (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object)
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nowhwul•I'm throwing it down; I'm throwing a dip-net
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nowhxa:wh•I put it down (a bucket, dipper, or other filled container)
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noyniłkit•(cloud, fog, smoke) settled, came down
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nul'iwh•it's dripping down, water comes down drop by drop
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nułxut•I'm knocking it down (something previously built, like a trap)
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nundil•several things, particles fall to the ground; (idiomatically) it snows
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nuqit•(coming) by land, (travelling) along the bank of the river (as opposed to travelling by boat)
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q'a:xis•mock orange (wood), Syringa (Philadephus sp., or Prunus caroliniana ?); arrow shaft
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q'a:xis-tah-ding•name of the southernmost Chilula village
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q'ay'jint•open-work basket of hazel twigs, used for storing unshelled acorns
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q'ay'-no:ng'a:-ding•place mentioned in McCann's story of the Scabby Young Man (location unknown)
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q'ay'te•plate or platter of open-work basketry, sifting basket
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q'ay'-te:l•shallow pan or plate of open-work basketry, lined with ferns and used for serving food.
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q'ay'te:l-miking'-xole:n•open work basket with a handle, used to dip rocks out of the fire for cooking
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-q'eh-dinung•lined up behind, facing behind; agreeing with
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q'un-ch'iwilchwil•adolescent boy, male teenager
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q'unch'iwilchwil-'isdiya:n•a man who has never married
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q'ut-xut•that's the truth, that's really the way it is
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qa:l•it (animal) is going along; it (sound, weather, etc.) comes, travels, is on the move
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qawh-kyoh-ch'ołqowh•resting place at the Arrow Tree
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qo:-dziwol-ts•a small white worm that is found in acorns
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qojita:ng'ayme'•placename appearing in a story about two brothers, location not known according to a note to the text
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qut•the long tubular root of the willow, used in basketry
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sa'a:n•a round object (e.g. a stone, house, place something that can be held in the hand) lies there, is located there
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sa'liwh•edible grass (general term), clover; wild clover, wild sunflower, watercress, edible greens of any sort
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sa'xa:wh•he eats from a bowl, he eats with a spoon
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sa:we'liwh•name of Sam Brown's maternal grandmother
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sahbiley'-t'e'•baby blanket made from cottontail rabbit skins
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sahwinde'n•they went off (to a distance), they left, departed (refers to a group only)
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sawhjich•I'm putting (e.g., seeds) into the (my) mouth, I'm eating seeds by the handful
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se:t'ot'•shell of small sea animal, used for decoration
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sehłxa:n•I have it (a filled container) lying there
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sid'ut•it (cloth, blanket) has been thrown flat
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sike:ts'•thin bark of deciduous trees, e.g. oak; shell (of a nut)
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sikinchwin-mitah-ding•name of a Chilula village
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silay•several objects lie somewhere (e.g., dishes, shoes, rocks, sticks, bones, etc.); a rope (string, line, etc.) lies somewhere
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silkit•(cloud, fog, smoke) lies there, hangs there
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silq'a:s•it (round object) lies there, having been thrown or dropped
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silwa:tł'•it (e.g. stick) lies there, having been thrown or dropped
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silxut'•it (e.g. board, cloth) lies there flat, flattened out
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siłiq'•a dough-like, mud-like object lies somewhere
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siłkyo:s•it lies there (e.g., a blanket, cloth, thin fabric)
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siłkyo:s-kya'•ceremonial skirt ornamented with shells or beads, worn on special occasions
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sinsing•"pain"; disease-causing entity that is believed to be sucked out by an Indian doctor
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sisil-whe:na:wh•I'm getting weak, exhausted, giving out from fatigue
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sita:n•a long, stick-like object lies somewhere
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siwhda'ung•I have it (e.g. stone) in my possession
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sixa:n•a filled container lies somewhere (e.g., a bucket of water, cup of coffee, lake, pond)
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suqe:-q'it•name of a former village located in the Willow Creek valley
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-t'a:w•above, on the upper side of, uphill from
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t'e'•blanket (general term for both traditional and modern blankets)
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t'e:wing•a novice Indian doctor, one who has not yet been fully "cooked" by the Kick Dance
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t'un'-nahsma:ts'•redbud, Judas tree (Cercis occidentalis)
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t'un-chwing•California laurel, pepperwood (Umbellularia californica)
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t'unchwing-kyoh-ding•a name applied to two distinct places on the Klamath River: Wohkel and Wohkero
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t'unchwin-tah-ch'ing'•Ertlerger (part of Weitchpec)
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t'unq'-ch'idilye•older term for the (fall) Jump dance
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ta'k'imił-di-yima:ni-yiduq•resting place on the trail to Redwood Creek
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ta'k'imiłxwe•the people of the village of Hostler Ranch (Ta'kimiłding) and more generally the people of the downstream half of Hoopa Valley
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ta'na:n-na:niwe:sile'n•Trinity River, as a power one should pray to
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ta:'ułtul•the Boat Dance, a segment of the White Deerskin Dance which is performed on canoes in the river
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ta:dehch•small bird hawk, sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius, American Kestrel)
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ta:k'iwe:ltsil-q'it•name of a village located opposite the mouth of South Fork; part of łe:l-ding
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ta:k'iwh'a:l•I'm cutting (fish) up into pieces (for cooking)
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ta:ke'•Wiyot group at the mouth of Mad River; also the village there; according to Sapir and Golla (2001:1011; map D, item 33), the "Mad River, from Blue Lake to the mouth"
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ta:ke'-ch'e:wilin-ding•Wiyot village of Patawat
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ta:na'wiłqe:t•he started back across the river (in a canoe)
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ta:na:k'iwe:sinch'e'-te•you will blow out to sea (addressing the wind)
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ta:na:yiwhdime'•placename from a medicine formula for purification after handling a corpse (unknown location)
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ta:ng'ay•it extends into the water (e.g., a pole sticking out from the bank, a point of land)
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ta:ng'ay-q'it•name of a village located at Salyers; part of łe:l-ding
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ta:ng'e:tł'•they were sticking out (in the water)
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ta:nune:łq'ahs-te•I'll throw you back into the river
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ta:wha:wh•I'm wading in the water, wading across (creek)
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ta:wilin-ding•where a stream flows into the ocean
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ta:ysch'iwhe'•soot from the boards above the sweathouse fire, used for making face-paint
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-tah•among, around (a place); too, as well, among the others, at times, either...or...
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tah'ing'awh•take it (e.g. stone) out of the water! take it out of the fire!
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tahch'ilo:s•he pulls (gill net) out of the water, he pulls a net-load of fish to shore
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tahch'ina:wh•he comes out of the water, fire; (the dancers) come out of the dance, quit dancing
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tahch'iswe:n•he carried it out (a salmon from the water)
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tahna'udmiwh•he swims out of the water back to shore
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tahna:'usdiyay•he got out of a boat, disembarked
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tahsyay•the group went off, dispersed (each to his or her own place)
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-tah-xw•amongst, amidst (a group of people, an area)
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tahyidiłkit•Lake at the head of Horse Linto Creek
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tawhye:wh•I rub it into a fine powder, crush it up fine
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te:digit•it (flock, crowd, herd of animals) ran off
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te:lma:s-wilchwe:n•a cylindrical buckskin headband stuffed with grass, with redheaded woodpecker scalps sewn on
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te:siwh'e'n•I'm looking, taking a look, looking on
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te:w-na:k'ixo'a:n•bug, insect that walks around under water
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teh'ing'awh•put it (e.g. stone) into the water!
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tehch'e'iłtiwh•they put it (a baby) into the water
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tehch'e'imil•he throws them (roots) into the water
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tehch'iwehst'iky'•they (warriors) reached in a line to the water
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tehch'iwilłah-te•he was about to run into the water
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tehjung'•small black water beetle, said to be poisonous
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tehk'ixis•kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon, Belted Kingfisher)
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tehłwe'•it (grease, snow, ice) is melting, has started to melt
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tehna:na'k'iwiłdiw•he has washed, cleaned it (with water)
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tehsdiqeh-te:•they (clouds) will come shoving themselves along
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tehsjehch•swallow (Hirundo rustica, Barn Swallow)
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tehsjehji-mike'•basket design apparently unique to the Hupa
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tehwa:'ut-te•I will throw it (a blanket) in water
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tehwehłqoch'-te•I'm going to hurl it (stick) in the water
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tehya'k'e'ichwa'•they throw them into the water
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tilohs•drag it away! (e.g., wood, brush), lead it (e.g., horse) with a rope!
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tiloy'•get out of the way! give room! make way!
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tił'awh•(several animals) move off, set off walking
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tiłky'ots'•stretch it (e.g., rubber band, chewing gum)!
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tiłmowh•carry it along hanging (from your hand)!
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tiłtah•spread it out (e.g., something folded up, contents of a bag)!
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tim•a bathing spot for menstruating women; any place you train for good luck or power
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ting'iwha:wh•I'm getting lost, going astray, losing my way
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ting'xine:wh•he uses bad language, swears, speaks improperly, "speaks against the rules"
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ting'xine:wh•blasphemy; words or actions that are "against the rules", particularly during religious dances
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tingxiniwidye:wh•tabooed speech, bad language, swearing; tabooed words ("swearing") that must not be used during religious dances
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tin-ne:s•the trail leading from the danceground at Hostler Ranch back to miq'ich'ing' (the upper bench with tan oaks)
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tintahch'ing'-wha:'a:ne•another term for tracing doctor
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tintah-k'iłchwe•unmarried mother, mother of an illegitimate child
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tintah-k'iwungxoya:n•"Bigfoot", forest giant in local folklore
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tintah-xixe:x•chickadee, bushtit (Parus gambeli, Mountain Chickadee; P. rufescens, Chestnut-backed Chickadee; and Psaltriparus minimus, Bushtit)
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tismil•large (black or golden) eagle (Aquila chrysætos, Golden Eagle)
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tit'aw-łiq'a:w•mythical bird whose wings are said to scatter Indian money
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tiwhch'it•I'm getting tired out, weak from exhaustion
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tiwhchwe•I'm lining them up, putting them in a line
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tiwhchwit•I'm measuring something (with my arm)
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tiwhchwo:k•I'm brushing things off, sweeping them up
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tiwhle•I'm pulling it, tugging at it (rope, pole, etc.)
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tiwhloy'•I'm leading it (e.g. horse) with a rope
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tiwich'ilił-te•they'll be run down with weakness
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tiwiwhchwilił-te•I shall pull them down with my hand
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tł'iwh•rattlesnake (Crotalus), snake (in general)
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tł'iwh-minchwiwh•design equivalent to Yurok and Karok designs also called "snake-nose"
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tł'iwhxa:n-mije:lo'•small circular basketry trap for catching eels
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tł'o:q'-da'kya:w•kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis, Western Kingbird)
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tł'o:q'-na:sa'un-ding•place mentioned in McCann's medicine formula for going among rattlesnakes (location unknown)
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tł'o:q'-nahł'awh•another name for coyote (not common)
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tł'ohday•traditional grain and seed mixture (like modern granola)
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tł'oh-dime:n-ch•Scouler's St. Johns wort (Hypericum formosum var. Scouleri)
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tł'oh-kya'•skirt made of grass or maple bark ripped into fringes
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tł'oh-kya'-t'e:n•female man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places
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tł'oh-kyo:w•a place described by Goddard as a "mountain near the Eight-mile camp on the Redcap trail from Hupa to Orleans" (Hupa Texts, p. 300)
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tł'ohsch'il'e:n•hazel bush; hazel brush switches
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tł'ohtse'•cattail, tule, flat tule (Typha latifolia)
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tł'ow'-xontehł-ji-me'•Hayfork, territory of the Hayfork Wintus
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to:nah-ji-ding•Former Yurok village of Lo'olego
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to:nehwa:n•black obsidian, in particular the large, ceremonial blades of black obsidian carried by principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance
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to:-wingkyah•the water is getting, has gotten high (in the river), the flood waters are rising
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tohna:y•fish, eels, general term for all edible water creatures
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tohxotawe•willow bushes growing along the river
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tołgit-q'it•place on bank, on the opposite side of the Trinity from łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-ding
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tołts'a'ts'-ding•name of a village at the mouth of Supply Creek
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tosił•warm water, lukewarm water, water that has been heated on a fire
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ts'e:y-łitsow•wild lilacs; myrtle; myrtle twigs (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus)
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ts'e:y-mitah-xona:da'a'•common jaybird (Aphelocoma coerulescens, Scrub Jay)
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-ts'eh•feel, taste, be perceived (so), be heard
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ts'iduqi-na'we•ceremonial quiver, skin for carrying arrows
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ts'iłtin'-tł'ohł•bowstring, made of twisted deer-sinew
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ts'iłting'-yahslit-ding•a good place for getting pine roots near Ta'kimiłding, mentioned in a description of how to gather and prepare roots for basketry
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ts'iwhla:n•I'm playing (ballgame, tag, some physical sport)
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tse'me:q'-nint'ik'•tassels of shells that hang from the fur hair-tying strings worn by women
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tse:-ding•name of a camping place located in the Willow Creek valley
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tse:-k'ite:lmuts'-ding•a circle of rocks on top of a mountain; a place where Indian Doctors train
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tse:-k'iwotł'-ding•a danceground on the river bar just to the west of Ts'ilunding, opposite the mouth of Beaver Creek; one of the main dancegrounds for the White Deerskin Dance
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tse:kyoh-xa:tine:-me'•placename appearing in a medicine formula for war, location not known
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tse:ling-min•medicine for bleeding from a wound, passing blood
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tse:l-nehwa:n•red obsidian, in particular the large, ceremonial blades of red obsidian carried by principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance
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tse:-mit'ah•a danceground and camping place during the White Deerskin Dance; where the Boat Dance takes place
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tse:-miyeh•Chimariko village located at the mouth of New River
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tse:-na:l'a:-ding•name of a village near xonsah-ding
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tse:n-ding•Burnt Ranch, principal village of the Tsnungxwe and Chimariko
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tse:-no:ng'a:-ding•Former Yurok village of Noshtsku'm
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tse:-q'e:t'•a small black bird, the size of a robin (apparently Cinclus mexicanus, Water Ouzel or Dipper)
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tse:-q'i-chwun'-to:-me:ne:q'•place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula for the birth of a first child (location unknown)
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tse:-q'i-ya:ng'ay•ground squirrel (Citellus beechey)
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tse:-sigya:s•the bluff upstream from Willow Creek
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tse:wun'unt'e•edible plant (sp.) with big leaves
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tse:wun-e:-me'•place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)
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tse:-xahł-te:l•flat, round obsidian rock, resembling a ceremonial obsidian blade but circular (mentioned in myths)
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tse:-xayts'a'•a small pounding basin in bedrock, used for making medicine for luck and other purposes; bedrock mortar
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tse:-yeh•cave; hole dug along the river for catching fish
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tse:yeh-ding•place mentioned in the story of the Scabby Young Man, location unknown
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tse:-yehk'ixa:wh•place along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut
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tse:-yehk'ixa:wh-q'it•name of a flat near Campbell Creek
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tseh'iłxit•slip the foreskin skin back on your penis!
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tsnungxwe•Indians of Burnt Ranch and the South Fork of the Trinity.
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tsung•apron, made of fringed deerhide and worn in front of the skirt (kya') by women
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wa'k'e'iłtsil•they rip a hole through it by pounding
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wa'nto:t•rotten-acorn stew, made from mouldy acorns left to soak in water for a week or more
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wa:ky'a'a:n•there is a hole through it, it is perforated
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-wa:n•from, from it (leaving it behind), concerning it, to it, about it (in phrases)
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wa:n-di-•off from on top of something, uncovering something
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wa:ya'niłq'a:s•they knocked them out (bottoms from baskets)
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-wah•alongside of, (a short distance) away from, separated from
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wayninde'iwh-e:-te•you'll be able to see through it (fog)
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wha'a:winiw'•my ways of doing things, my habits
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wha:-wile•I am satiated, my belly is full, I got enough to eat
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wha:-wilxa'n•I like the taste of it, it tastes good to me.
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whe:k'ine'•I have a (small) share, I get just enough to get by
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whe:xoya:n•(animal) is suspicious of me, shies away from me
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which'ich'inay'•my prospective spouse, specifically my (woman's) sister's husband, after the death of my sister; my (man's) brother's wife, after the death of my brother; my husband's brother, after the death of my husband; my wife's sister, after the death of my wife
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which'in•my paternal grandmother, father's mother
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which'ing'-'iloy'•play the stick game against me!
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whichwiwe•my maternal grandfather, mother's father
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whichwo•my maternal grandmother, mother's mother
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whida:-sits'•my lips (including flesh around lips)
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whije:'ginje'•my breastbone (the cartilage above the pit of the stomach)
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whije:'-mich'ing'•my back, at the middle of my back (or chest)
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whije:'sil-ch'itehs'a:n•he got on my nerves, he began to bug me
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whije:'sil-tehsyay•I got tired of it, disgusted with it
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whije:'-tilts'it•I get scared, surprised, taken unawares
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whije:y'•my state of mind, way of thinking; heart, breast (metaphorical)
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whiky'ung'awh•move it (e.g., stone) away from me! take it away from me!
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whikya:ne•my abdomen, belly, insides, guts; my mind, attention (abstract metaphor)
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whila'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'ay•my ring finger
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whila'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'ay•my index finger
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whił-dinił'ay•I know how to do it, I understand it
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whiłilyo'•my pal, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart, lover
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whiłing•my companion, buddy, cousin, relative, older brother
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whiłtishch'e'•my sister (man speaking); my brother (woman speaking)
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whima'uchwing•my paternal grandfather, father's father
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whina:'ułdow•he dodges me, acts furtively so as to escape from me
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whine:jit-'ułtsah•half of me, half the distance around me
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whinist'e'-me:q'•my female genitals (euphemism), in my (woman's) private parts
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whino:ng'ay'ding•alongside of me, near to where I am, next to me, in my neighborhood
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whiq'eh-k'iłchwit•push my load up on my back! help me with my load!
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whiq'it-wing'a'•an item of regalia was put on by me, I wore (regalia)
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whis'a:n'•my habits, feelings, way of thinking, reputation, spirit
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whisowoł-yehwe:lay•I put a necklace around my neck
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white:dilt'e'•my brother's child (son or daughter), my niece, my nephew
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whitile•I relish it, am fond of it, like to eat it
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whitilte'e'•my muscle, the strength of my (arm, body)
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whitł'a'-ch'ing'•the lower part of my body, my bottom
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whitł'a'-q'eh•the space between my buttocks; my anus
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whitse:tł'iwa'•my (esp. woman's) long head-hair
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whitsestł'o:n'•my braided hair (in na:na:wiloy' style)
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whiwung-'a:dixudya:n•my enemy (i.e., he has shame for me, avoids me)
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whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'ay•my fourth toe
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whixe'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'ay•my second toe (next to big toe)
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whixonse:l'•my sweat, my (Indian doctor's) power
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wiloy'•a small grass bundle headdress tied at the back of the head with buckskin, strung around the head worn in the religious dances
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wiloy'-wa:ky'a'a:n•hair dressed in a doughnut shape
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wiłq'is-kiyiq'•wild columbine (Aqurlegsa truucata)
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wiłtsa:y•something (e.g. plant) that has dried up, desiccated
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wingxa'•a filled container comes to lie there; a lake or pond forms, takes shape
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winto'•(water) has moved somewhere, has reached to somewhere
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wits'e:l•it (snake, worm) slides, wiggles along
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wiwh'ul•I'm carrying it along (e.g., a round object, something that can be held in the hand)
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wiwhle:l•I'm carrying them along (several objects or rope, string, line)
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wiwhłe:l•I'm carrying a dough-like object along (e.g., a lump of dough, a piece of mud, a rotten apple)
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wiwhqe:l•I'm paddling a canoe, going along in a boat
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wixił•they (plural object or mass, e.g. logs) float along
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wults'a'•(water) soaks through (something), leaks out
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wun'dilwa:wh•they are talking, conversing about it
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wun-ch'iniłte:n•he brought it (a salmon) to her (an old woman)
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wundiłch'ut'•peel off bark (from a tree or bush whose bark comes off easily)!
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wundiwhsits'•I'm peeling (bark, skin) off, I'm skinning it
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wung-'a:dixa:niwidyung'•(people) get ashamed about it
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wung-na:na:ya:ng'e:tł'•they were hanging on to him
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wung-xoje'-ch'o:nda'•he has pity, pities someone
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wung-xowidilik•a story about something, an account of something
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wun-na'dil•they are busy with it, are occupied with it
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wun-na'way•he is busy with it, works on it, is occupied with it
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wun-na:dya'•it is gone around for, things are done
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wun-na:ya'xolyiw•(people) gather things (food, basket materials, acorns, etc.)
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wun-no'xoniłt'in-te•he is going to get him to do things
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xa'•all right! okay!; quickly; that's it, goodbye (informal expression)
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xa'ahł-ch'ide:n'•he speaks so (in such a way) to him
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xa'k'iwhe•he is digging a hole (e.g. well, post hole)
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xa'k'iwheh-ji-ding•Karuk village at Red Cap Creek
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xa'yo:s•he is pulling (a plant) up out of the ground
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xa:'uswe:n•she packed it up (a load to the house)
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xa:diwuł•a plant sprouts, rises (out of the ground)
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xa:k'iwich'e:lił-te•the wind will blow out from the ground
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xa:k'iwidwhe'-ding•the area around Norton Field where there was extensive gold-mining activity
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xa:k'iwinyay•boil, skin eruption, something puffing up
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xa:ky'a'a:n•there is an open hole, pit in the ground
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xa:lde:tł'•it is dotted up (as in face-painting)
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xa:lqot'•it (a tree) was pulled out by bending to one side
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xa:na'k'idiłtsit'•he cuts off someone's hair, he barbers
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xa:na:'usde:tł'•they reached it (going back up)
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xa:na:ya'se'iłqe:t•they shove (the boats) back up
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xa:ngxe:n•he came up (to the surface of the water)
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xa:nte•look for it, hunt for it (something you have not had before)
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xa:sina:wh•it (sun, moon, star) rises, peeps over the ridge.
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xa:sing'awh•take it (e.g., stone) uphill to the top (e.g., from the river to the house)!
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xa:sinyahwh•go up to the top (of the hill, riverbank)!
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xa:te:ma:s•it (chunks of frost) rolled out of the ground
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xa:xowilwa:tł'•hero of myth, "Dug-from-the-Ground"; also a type of digging bug
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xa:yont•pigeon (Columba fasciata, Band-tailed Pigeon)
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xahslin-ding•name of a village at the mouth of Horse Linto Creek
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xahslin-taw•"crane", heron (Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron)
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xahslintaw-nehwa:n•man-eating crane-like bird that inhabits the head of Horse-Linto (xahslinding) Creek
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xay•the roots of a conifer (esp. pine or spruce roots), used in basketry
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xayahme'-ło:q'-mił-tahch'iłtiw•fish claim medicine
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xaych'ing'-mina:k'iwilchwe:n•things stored away for the winter; things put away for winter use
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xayts'a'•(modern) dish, bowl; (traditional) mush basket
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xe'e:'ile'n•they (small things) always lie there
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xe'e:k'iwhmił•I am throwing something (scraps, things) away
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xe'e:ya:xowidme:tł'•they had their hair cut (as a sign of mourning)
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xehsta:n•it (water, sand, a pile of anything) reached up to there
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xine:wh-mixa:-k'iniwh'a'diłchwe•judge (in modern courtroom)
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xiwhnay•I move it back and forth, stir it, agitate it
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xo'ch•true, real (thing); well, really, thoroughly; in a moderate, correct way
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xo'-ch'itehs'e'n•tracing doctor, clairvoyant, diagnosing doctor
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xo'ji-king•traditional gambling sticks, "Indian cards"
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xo'ji-miłtsahch•just so far, to a middling distance
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xo:wa'uł•they're running along, a group or herd is running along
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xoda:na:ya'xo:łxa'•they tracked him down toward the river
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xoda:nyay•it goes down to the foot of the hill, the sun sets, the sun has set
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xoda:wha:wh•I am going down (the hill, steps, to the river, etc.)
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xoda:ya'k'itixa:wh•they all went down with baskets of flour
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xoda:ya:widil'e:tł'ił-te•we will have them pointing down
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xode:k'isiwehsch'e'•the wind had met him on its way
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xode:siwha:wh•I meet him, go to see him, encounter him
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xodistł'o:n•white cedar (Thuja plicata, coast cedar), Port Orford cedar
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xohch'iwinyay•he came down off a ridge; he went down the bank (to the river)
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xohxo-ch'e:l-ding•name of a village located at the mouth of Willow Creek
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xoje:'-wung-na'udil•they 'cake walked' (danced in with flints)
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xoje:wung-ch'e'indil•they have danced with them (flints)
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xoje:wung-na'dil•the obsidian bearers in White Deerskin Dance; the dance performed by the principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance as they carry the ceremonial obsidian blades
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xoky'a:na'ułkyo:s•they take it (skirt) off of her again
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xola:n-na:ste'•I helped him (to do a job), I helped him out
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xole:n•it is plentiful, they are plentiful, there is a lot of (something)
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xolje:-xich•civet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)
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xoljehch•civet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)
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xoł-ch'idye'n•the dance that an Indian doctor performs before sucking out a pain
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xołchwił-tah-t'un'nahsma:ts'•wild ginger (Asarum caudatum)
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xoł-diniwił'a'•he is training ("mental training")
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xołidi-k'idiłchwe•pheasant, ruffled grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
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xołiqay•the whiteness in the sky before daybreak
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xołiqoch'•a gap between hills, a hollow between higher places
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xołit•there is a sudden sharp noise (like the report of a gun being fired, stomping feet)
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xoł-no:nilit•he finished sweating (in the sweathouse)
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xoł-te:lit•he had a sweat, sweated in a sweathouse; he prayed, made medicine, smoked himself for luck
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xołtsay-taw•water panther; "lion", mythical monster animal with a ruff of fur around its neck, like a lion's mane
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xołxitich•medium sized fast-sliding snake, non-poisonous
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xoł-xitinaw•the unborn child moves in her, she starts feeling she is going to give birth
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xołyah•I'm hurting, wounding him (with a stick, knife, etc.)
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xon'-na'k'e'ilaw•she (customarily) gathers things back up
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xon'-na'we•Brush Dance (general term); fire-waving medicine
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xon'-na:na:'uswe'•ceremony in the Flower Dance that is performed when it rains during a girl's first menses
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xon'-na:ya'awe'•they wave the fire; they have a brush dance
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xona:di-na:ya'tehłdi'its•the boy and girl who run along with the girl in the Flower Dance race
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xona:t'aw•his spirit, soul (as opposed to body)
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xonchiwh-dich'e:ch'•Rough-Nose, another name for Panther in a story told by Mary Marshall
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xonchwe'n•there is lots of brush, it's a brushy place
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xong'-'a:diwh'e:n•I fix myself up for a ceremony, put on face or body paint
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xong'-ch'ing'-k'iniwhnoy•I barbecue (fish, meat) by roasting it on spits around a fire
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xong'-mina:t-ch'itina:wh•a dance held in the Big House to scare off sickness
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xong'-na'a:de:law•I dressed up, put on my regalia
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xonin'-na:na'ule'•looking right and left during Jump Dance
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xoninsohch•small, white-spotted mink (Mustela vison)
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xonist'e'-ta:k'idehsne:ge'•his body feels sore, dull; he is drowsy from lack of exercise
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xonist'e'-ya:n•someone who has killed a person, cannibal, killer
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xono'xine:wh•he overpowers him (with words), talks bad luck into him, wishes him to death
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xonsah-ding•where the water is deep (old village site in Hoopa Valley)
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xonse:l•it (weather) is warm, hot, sunny; there is heat
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xonsił-chwiw•another name for the mourning dove
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xontah•house (modern); the wooden back-board for the Jump Dance
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xontah-ma:-silay•the foundation of a (modern) house
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xontah-nikya:w•the Sacred House, "church", at Ta'kimiłding (Hostler Ranch)
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xonte:lkyohme'•bench back of Oscar Brown's place
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xontehł-miwah•name of a former village near Campbell Field prairie
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xonwho:n•it (area, space) is clear; there is a clearing
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xoq'eh-na'way•the girl who accompanies the medicine maker (k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe) at the Brush Dance
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xoq'it-ch'iswa:l•a Flower Dance is held for her
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xoq'it-ch'ite:ng'e'n•diagnose, an Indian doctor is "tracing" on someone (acting as diagnosing doctor)
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xoq'it-dahsa'a:n•headdress worn by men at the Kick Dance
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xosa'wiłgit•she put a little dab (of medicine) in her (sister's) mouth
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xosa:k'-kya'•skirt with abalone shell pendants sewn on
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xosa:ng'ay•a short whistle made from the leg bone of a crane (xahslintaw-mits'ine'), used only by the obsidian bearers in the White Deerskin Dance
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xosah-k'itidlut•he can't talk plainly; he talks in a broken way
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xosah-sa'a:n•he has a song, a song comes to him
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xoshdó:ng'•it could be (but I really doubt it)! I really don't believe it!
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xosin•being (so), exhibiting (such and such) characteristics
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xosits'-mil•freshwater mussel (Mytilus californianus); mussel-shell or abalone-shell spoon used by women
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xots'ine-mił-ya'mil•Oregon grape (Berberis nervosea)
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xotuq-ch'e'ninyay•for a woman to dance between two male partners; a feature of the Brush Dance
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xowa'tiliwh•he distributes them (e.g. regalia) to them
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xowa:na:ch'ime:tł'•he threw it (pipe) back to him
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xowa:na:na:lwe:n•medicine to remove hard feelings, for forgiveness
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xowa:ningxits'•it went through him or her (for example, an arrow)
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xowa:ya'tiłkyo:s•he gives them (aprons) to each of them
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xowah-na'k'ita'aw•a "light" or fast song at the Kick Dance
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xowh•it seems, it must be, it might be, I guess
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xowhq'eh•I'm going to copulate with her, I'm going to have intercourse with her
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xowidilik•what has been told, a story, telling, account
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xowun'de'iłkyo:s•they take it (a blanket) off of her
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xowung-dahding'awh•take it (e.g., stone) away from him, deprive him of it!
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xowung-na:ya'de'itul•they used to drag their feet over him
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xowung-q'it•village at Campbell Field; Kentuck Ranch; Danceground
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xowuni-q'it•name of the northernmost Chilula village
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xowut-xowhya:n•I'm carefully watching him, looking after him
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xoxiwhnay•I'm saving him, I saved him, cured him
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xoxotinit•creek above Eslick's mentioned in Emma Lewis' formula of the Rain Rock medicine
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xoya:n•it (e.g. horse, bull) is wild, shy, suspicious of people
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xoyeh-no'ningxa:n•she served food to him, placed food in front of him
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xung'•marked stick in Indian gambling (kin-na:way), ace in modern playing cards
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xung'awh•take it (e.g., stone) out of the ground! dig it up!
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-xw•in such a way, in such a manner, being so, while doing so
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xwa:-'a:neh•a doctor's power, that speaks through her
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xwa:-wehsle'•he got satiated, he got enough to eat, his belly got filled
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xwe'diliw•they're attacking them, coming to challenge them to a fight
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xwe:da'ay-tsehna:witł'o:n•her braided hair (wrapped back of ear with a buckskin tie)
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xwe:na:xowilya'n•he came back to his senses (after being unconscious, crazy)
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xwe:tilchwe'n•they (pebbles) grow on to her here and there
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ya'k'inyo:s•he raised (his bow) and pulled (the string)
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ya'k'ita'aw•the three singers in the White Deerskin Dance, one main singer and two helpers
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ya'k'itiquch•they toss it along (with a stick), they are playing the stick game, shinny
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ya'te:qot•they started on their way with it poked (an enemy's head on a stick)
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ya'unch'ing•coming in this direction from across
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ya:'ułkili-q'it•Lake at the head of Horse Linto Creek
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ya:k'idnot•it blazes up (in the air), flames up, flashes
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ya:k'iwhk'ił•I'm tearing it to pieces, ripping it up
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ya:k'iwilt'a:ts'•something cut up into strips, fringes (as in buckskin)
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ya:k'iyohwh•it breaks to pieces, flying in all directions
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ya:na'awh•he "raises up" a song, sings the melody of a dance-song
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ya:whliwhil•I was still picking them up as I went along
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ya:xo:'awh•they (a group, line of dancers) jump up and down in the Jump Dance style of dancing
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ya:ya'wa'awhil•they pick them up one by one, as they go along
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yahdzi-me'•place mentioned in a formula for bathing at Rain Rock (location unknown)
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yawh'awh•I pick it up, raise it up (round object)
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yawhliwh•I pick them up (several objects, rope)
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yawhłiw•I pick it up (a dough-like or floppy object)
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yawhtiwh•I pick it up (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object)
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yawhwul•I'm chopping it, beating it (with an axe, club, etc.)
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yawhxa:wh•I pick it up (a bucket, dipper, or other filled container)
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yaywiłdichwe:n•they have made it for themselves
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yaywiłkit•(cloud, fog, smoke) rose, went up into the air
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yeh'idjeh•they are crowding themselves in, flocking in
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yeh'iłt'oh•slip it in (cork into bottle, arm into sleeve, etc.)! put it in where it fits!
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yeh'iwhde'iwh•I'm looking in (to see what's inside)
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yehch'e'ixa:wh•she always brought it (a filled container) in
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yehch'iwiłqe:t•he shoved (a stick) in; he landed the canoe
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yehk'iłt'oh•put on, slip on (pants, socks, shirt, anything that fits tightly)!
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yehk'iłtul•they file into the dance (Brush Dance, Flower Dance)
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yehk'imil•she is dipping out (water) into (containers)
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yehk'inyo:wh•(water) pours in (e.g., through a hole)
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yehk'iwilda'•an older term for the bowl in a pipe (indicating that it was considered to be "alive")
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yehky'a'a:n•there is a hole in it, there is a den, cave
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yehna'wilay•he put several objects back in (specifically: he loaded the gun, put bullets in)
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yehna:lqe:t•eagle feathers stuck into headbands
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yehna:xowilt'ow•someone is dressed (in something)
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yehnawhma:s•I'm turning it (a bolt) on its threads
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yehwile:lił-te•it will always go into the stream
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yehwilxit'•flint knife for cutting fish or roots
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yida(h)-xo-mingwah•placename from the story of the Scabby Young Man (unknown location)
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yida:ch'in-dinun-ding•Weitchpec Butte (Burrill Peak)
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yida:ch'in-k'itidmut'•Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis)
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yida:ch'in-te'il•sea lion (Zalophus californianus), seal
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yidahch'in•Karuk, Konomihu, Shasta or other Indians on the Klamath and Salmon Rivers
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yide'-dining'xine:wh•Tolowa Indians, Smith River Indians
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yide'-dinung-xine:wh•Tolowa Indians, Smith River Indians
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yide'-q'it-ch'ing' ch'ixine:wh-q'it•placename from Emma Lewis's formula for the birth of a first child (unknown location)
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yide'xoma'•name of a house mentioned in a story about an encounter with a grizzly bear
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yide:xone'iyiw•ceremonial restrictions have ended
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yide:xoniwiyehł•she is through with it (menstruation)
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yiduqa-dimit•(animal, person) with its belly up, (glass, etc.) with its open end up, (hand) with palm up
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yiduqa-to:-me'•the ocean to the east of the world
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yiduqa-to:-no:ng'a:-ding•the ocean to the east of the world
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yiduq-dahwinłuł•a second name for the jay, bluejay
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yiduqe:-q'ay'-na:'ulid-ding•Karuk village at Happy Camp
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yiduqi-łe:na:l-ding•the forks of New River, above Denny
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yiduq-nung'awh•turn (round object) over! turn it upright!
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yik'iqa:n-ding•Chimariko village located at Big Creek
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yiłchwe•work, what one does (old-fashioned word)
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yima:n'ch'ing'•on the other side (of the stream), on the opposite side
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yima:n-e:-k'iwingxoya:n•the culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories
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yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n-xoyehch'itul'•ladyslipper (Cypripedium fasciculatum)
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yima:n-tiw'winyay•the culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories
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yima:n-yehch'iwhiwiłxe:n•he ferried me across the river
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yinahch'in•Chimariko, Upper Trinity River or South Fork (Tsnungxwe) people; applied to Wintu people as well.
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yinahch'in-ta:ng'ay-q'it•place mentioned in a love medicine formula
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yineh•in the ground, under the surface of the ground, underground
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yiniwa'awhil•they keep on bringing them (songs) one at a time
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yiniwilgilil•it kept getting afraid of (something)
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yiniw-na:lto'n•a mythical bird with spikey wings
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yiniw-na:way•bullsnake, gopher snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)
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yinuqi-no:mitse'-ding•name of a Chilula village
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yinuqi-ts'isday•Acorn Provider, an old man spirit who is the "boss" of all food
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yinuqi-yiduq•upstream-uphill (i.e., moving in an upstream direction while going away from the stream)
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yise:n'ch'ing'•on the downhill side, on the streamward side
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yits'e:k'•it (animal, bird) catches, grabs something (in its claws)
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yitse'n-e:-q'i-ch'ing•Chilula acorn gathering camp
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yitse'ni-ning'ay-q'it•name of a Chilula village
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yitse'ni-wa'a:l•the sun gets lower and lower in the sky, moves progressively westward
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yitse'ni-wing'a'•the sun has moved to the western side of the sky, it is afternoon
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yiwi-dimit•(glass, etc.) inverted, with its open end down, (animal, person) with its belly down, (hand) with palm down; inverted, with its open end down
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yiwiso:l•it scratches, scrapes as it moves along
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yiwun-na:'usmit•he turned it (e.g. basket, boat) over
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yo'n•on the far side of the fire pit (in an Indian house)
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yo'ohłkyohs•bring it (a cloth, blanket) in! (talking to a group)
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