Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

'a'dilawhe fixed himself up

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'a'diłchwehe or she is training (to be a doctor)

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'a'diwiłwul-e:-tehe will shake himself along

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'a'k'iwile:lhe keeps doing so

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'a'niwiłchwo'nshe got to be pretty

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'a:-thus, in this way

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'a:'iłdahs-ts'ehhe felt heavy

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'a:ch'o:nehe thinks so

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'a:da:-k'ił'e:ntypewriter; computer

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'a:da:-nahł'itsautomobile, train

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'a:da:-nayk'iłxut'sewing machine

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'a:de'k'iwimililshe keeps throwing water against herself

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'a:de'xołkitshe caught him against herself

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'a:dich'owhteI am bashful

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'a:dilehfix yourself up!

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'a:dił'e:nI fix myself up, get dressed up (for a ceremony)

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'a:dima:nch'ing'-na'xine:whthe medicine man in a corpse purification ritual

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'a:dina:k'ischwe'nhe put something away for himself (for the winter)

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'a:dino:sehłheat penetrates into oneself

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'a:disawhchwitI put my finger into my throat

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'a:dite:sehłtsit'I cut off my hair

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'a:diwa:na:ya'nde'iliwhthey take it (regalia) off themselves again

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'a:diwa:nung'diwichwilił-teshe will rub herself

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'a:diwine'it's been said

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'a:diwun'diwiłwa:tł'she threw it (her cap) off of herself

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'a:diwung-na:niwhda'ayI'm calling it (e.g., dog) back

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'a:diwung-xwe:likI told about myself

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'a:dixa'niwidya'nhe became ashamed

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'a:dixa:whdiya:nI'm ashamed

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'a:jiw'"tan-oak" mushroom

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'a:jiw'-michwoyellow fungus on the ground. (Appears on the ground before mushrooms sprout.)

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'a:k'idiwhlawI'm treated thus, things (unexpectedly) happen to me

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'a:k'idyawwhat has happened

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'a:k'ilehmark it! write!

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'a:k'ił'e:nbasket design (general term)

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'a:k'inesomething makes a sound, there is a sound

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'a:k'ine'there is no more food

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'a:k'int'eit was that long

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'a:k'iwh'e:nI'm marking it with a design (paint, tattoo, etc.), writing

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'a:k'iwhlawI marked it, wrote

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'a:k'iwilawwriting, a book

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'a:nIndeed! Good!

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'a:na'k'iwhilawhe took a picture of me

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'a:na:k'iwhilehtake a picture of me!

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'a:na:k'ixowh'e:nI take a picture of him

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'a:nisahmy! it's such a long ways!

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'a:niwe:se:t'e'I came to be (such and such), I became a certain way

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'a:niwe:sehłchwo'nI got to be pretty

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'a:t'e:nit is doing it

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'a:whił-ch'inehe is telling me, says (this) to me

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'a:whiwilawwhat is done to me, my way of being treated

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'a:wholyeI am named so

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'a:wht'eI am (such and such)

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'a:whwilawthe way in which I am dressed

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'a:wilawit is done, made, accomplished

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'a:winiwit always happens

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'a:xołchwinthere is an odor, something smells

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'a:xowiłchwe'nan odor came, something began to smell

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'a:ya'diwine:lthey were saying

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'a:ya'wine:lhe has passed away (polite term)

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'a:yułt'iK'they were so slim

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'ahłdiwine'it's been spoken of

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'aht'ingall (of them), every one

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'awhI wonder

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'awh'e:nI do it, make it, accomplish it

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'awhchwo:nI am pretty

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'awhdiyawI did it

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'awhlawI did it

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'awhne:lI'm doing so (right along)

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'awhniwI am doing it, acting thus

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'awhxich'e'wealthy woman (old-fashioned, archaic term)

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'ayehI'm tired, weak

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'aygeI'm lonely, lonesome for something! (exclamation expressing loneliness, wistfulness, nostalgia)

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'ayniwhsinI think so

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'e'idwa'nthey (tree-tops) broke off

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'e'ilwil-miłevery evening, whenever night comes

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'e:dinit is without..., lacking..., missing...

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'e:jin-sile'nthere is a famine

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'e:nde'nit came to be lacking, it disappeared

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'e:ng'for...'s part

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'e:ná:ng'for sure

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'e:wa:kalas! poor thing! too bad! how sad! it's so pitiful!

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'e:wa:k-whonde:nehave pity on me!

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-'ehturning away from

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'ehsfish dam, weir

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'ehsch'ina:whswimming deer

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'ehs-ma:ning'aythe "stringer" across a fish dam (the logs that are laid horizontally across the supports of a fish dam.)

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'ida'it (pain) ceases, (car) stops

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'idahit (e.g. ice, fog) is melting away, dissipating, disappearing

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'igyahsit (stick, tree limb, object) is breaking, breaking off

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'ijibehI'm scared! I'm afraid!

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'ilditł'it (e.g., house, earth) shakes, quakes

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'ildusit breaks

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'ile'-te:lred cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

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'ile:xichin imagination; wonderfully

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'ilwiłit's getting to be night, night is falling

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'ilxitswallow it!

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'iłlimb, bough of a conifer

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'ił'a'get it! keep it!

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'iłchwemake it!

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'iłchwiwhsmell it (thing)! sniff it!

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'iłda'stop it (e.g., car from rolling)!

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'iłdesisters to one another

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'iłding'make it be lacking! make it disappear!

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'iłwah-xwseparately, each by himself

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'iłwutall the time

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'iłxahchbreak it apart!

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'iłxutshake them (e.g. apples) down, off (of tree)!

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'imichbreak it off, pull it off (string, grass)

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'ina'k'is'awshe got up singing

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'ina'sitindilthey get up

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'ina:'usde:tł'they got up

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'ina:'usdiqe'he got up

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'ina:'usła:tshe jumped up

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'ina:whit goes (literal meaning); they (nuts, acorns) are dropping (idiomatic meaning)

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'ina:xohs'a:nthey jumped up

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'inch'iwhput it on (coat, dress)!

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'iniłte'do it harder!

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'iniwe:na:ts'a:xe'Little Woodpecker's name in the language of the giants (a note in the story explains that this name cannot be analyzed in to smaller pieces)

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'int'a:na'winde:tł'they turned back

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'inyeh-ky'a'awhhe barbecues something by burying it and building a fire over it

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'inying'stand up!

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'isde:wmadrone (Arbutus menziesii)

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'isde:wi-chrhododendron-like plant that grows up on Trinity Summit

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'isdina:me'the south head at the entrance of Humboldt Bay

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'isdits'string, light rope

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'isdo'I wish...!

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'iskimida:w'long hanging moss on conifers

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'isking-mina:k'iwilda:lhairy woodpecker (Dendrocopos villosus)

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'isle't'e:na type of Indian potato, edible root

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'islosthe smell of rotten meat

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'isq'o:ts'berries (general term); blackberries (Rubus vitifolius)

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'isq'o:ts'-yiditilefinch (Carpodacus purpureus, Purple Finch)

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'isqa:q'clubs (suit in playing cards)

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'ist'ik'it is thin, slender, narrow

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'ist'ik'honeysuckle (Lonicera californica)

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'ist'ik'its-k'ine:lno'tattoo design element

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'ista:ngq'eh-k'itiqowhfisher; pine marten (Martes pennanti)

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'iwh'uch'I sneeze

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'iwh'ulI'm chewing it

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'iwh'utI'm throwing, shaking, flopping (a cloth, blanket)

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'iwhch'ahI'm wearing a hat, cap

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'iwhchwaI bury it, cover it with dirt

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'iwhchwe:nI smell it (some odor)

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'iwhchwing'I'm going to shit, defecate

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'iwhdiłI'm eating small objects (such as berries) one by one (as I pick them)

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'iwhdinI'm content, I like it where I am

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'iwhdiya'nI'm growing old

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'iwhge:sI'm scratching something (with fingers)

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'iwhkisI strike something (with my fist), I knock at the door

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'iwhkitI caught hold of it

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'iwhlichI'm urinating, pissing

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'iwhłiwI'm rubbing on (paint, grease, liniment, etc.), smearing something (with paint, etc.)

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'iwhme'nI'm building (a house, fence, etc.)

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'iwhna:tI'm licking it

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'iwhq'ayI grind it, file it, rub it

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'iwhqitI'm cutting, sawing it (log, stick, meat)

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'iwhqosI am cracking it, crunching it (in my mouth)

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'iwhsa:lI'm yawning, gabbling

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'iwhsowI'm scratching it (with an implement)

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'iwht'a'nI flinch, jerk away, duck, blink

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'iwht'iwhI'm chiseling something

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'iwht'otI'm sucking it

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'iwht'usI'm cutting it

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'iwhts'isI'm shaking it (stick, tree, etc.)

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'iwhtsehI'm breaking wind, farting

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'iwhtsilI am pounding, driving, nailing something

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'iwhtsisI see it

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'iwhtsitI'm pounding, smashing, breaking it (with a rock, maul)

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'iwhwa:sI'm whittling, scraping something

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'iwhwisI'm drilling a hole

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'iwhxa:whI catch (fish) with a dip-net

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'iwhye:whI'm rubbing it in my hand (crushing it), I'm threshing seeds

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'iwhyo'I like it

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'iwhyo:lI'm blowing

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'ixut(several objects) drop, fall

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'o:dxe:tit has been bought

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'o:k'iłnthey (shells) might break!

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'o:lts'itit is known, it has become known

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'o:ltuq'it is counted

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'o:lyohłI'm swearing at him

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'o:ne:chwitI reached for it, went and got it

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'o:niwhsinI keep it (knowledge, the facts of something) hidden, keep it secret

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'o:whts'ilił-teI will know

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'o:wit'a:ts'mida'ch that has been incised (like nahdiyaw) but not used as money

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'o:yłchwitI pointed at it

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'ohłdahssinge it!

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'ongqots'it is brittle

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'owhteI find it (easily)

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'owhts'itI know it

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'owhtuq'I am counting it

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'owhwheI'm reading (aloud)

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'owhxe:tI'll buy it

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'ugehouch! it hurts!

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'uliwhit has (such) a taste

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'ullehdo it!

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'ulohit's hot!

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'ulushit's dirty! it's nasty! (exclamation of disgust)

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'ułchwinit smells like something

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'ułkyo:weall over

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'ułkyowit is so big, as big as (something)

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'ułtsa:ch'ing'far away, distant

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'ułtsahthat far, to that distance

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'una'udoonce again

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'ungis it...?

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'ungya'unexpectedly, surprisingly, seeing something suddenly, lo and behold!

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'unłungthey are so many

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'uná:ng'it isn't, it isn't certain, it's questionable

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'usyahit's cold!

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'ut-t'e:nmarried man

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'áng'it is

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...-ch'il'e:n(people) treat it like...

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K'iwa'-miłwhite man

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-a:-mingahead of, in front of

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-a:npenetrating, perforating

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bahshe:lholly (berries)

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bo:secommon house cat

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bo:se:-mixe'another term for clubs

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-chlittle, tiny, dear, in a small or gentle way

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ch'a'uldandelion; chewing gum (modern)

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ch'a:q'ita:ke'Big Lagoon

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ch'ah-ch'e:ng'e:tł'design equivalent to the Yurok "sharp tooth" design

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ch'ah-ch'il'e:nash (Fraxinus oregona)

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ch'ahlfrog, toad (Rana)

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ch'ahla'qude'sunflower (Helianthus annus)

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ch'ahli-dingHop'ew (Klamath)

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ch'ahli-mila'Equivalent to the Yurok "foot" design

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ch'ahli-we:sits'green moss in the river

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ch'ahli-ya:na type of fish hawk

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ch'ah-wilchwe:ndesign equivalent to the Yurok waxpoo, and Karuk apxanko'ikoi, designs

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ch'e'idinilye'they finish the religious dance

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ch'e'ilła:tshe runs out

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ch'e'iłkyo:sthey bring it (a grass skirt) out

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ch'e'it'iky'they are strung out in a line

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ch'e'ite'he always lay there

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ch'e'ixisit flew [out]

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ch'e'k'e'iłchwo:kshe (doctor) brushes (the patient) out

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ch'e'k'iningwhe'he finished digging

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ch'e'k'inint'a'ts'-tehe will cut it out

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ch'e'nilayhe took them (several objects) out

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ch'e'niłme:nhe made it swim out

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ch'e'niłqe:the put it out (poked his face out)

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ch'e'niłtikhe pinched it out (Fox's face)

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ch'e'ninta:nhe took it out (long, stick-like object)

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ch'e'whinehłya:nhe (or they) slaughtered my family, did away with my people

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ch'e'xe'ine:whhe is through talking

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ch'e'xone:ninyo:tthey chased them out

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ch'e'xoniłte:nthey took him out

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ch'e:-out of an enclosure, outside the house

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ch'e:'ilqolit had crawled out

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ch'e:'ilto'nhe jumped out

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ch'e:'indigitthey ran down (after someone)

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ch'e:'indiqo'-dingname of village near the mouth of Mill Creek

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ch'e:'indiqot'ding-mima:nch'ing'White Deerskin danceground across the Trinity from ch'e:'indiqot'-ding

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ch'e:'iwhwa:whI get through speaking

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ch'e:dimił-dinggoal in stick game

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ch'e:diqehit shoves itself out

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ch'e:k'e'ich'e'a wind blows out

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ch'e:k'e'iqota sharp pain is felt

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ch'e:k'e'iyawhthey (deer) always came out (to feed)

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ch'e:k'indida'it came out

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ch'e:k'ingxut'he had it covered over

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ch'e:k'iwe'ił-dingon the bank near Sam Brown's house

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ch'e:k'iyohwh(water) is running out

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ch'e:l-dingSocktish Field

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ch'e:lte:nit (sickness) has been taken out

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ch'e:na'nime:tł'he had them thrown out

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ch'e:na'ułwa:lthey come back out of the Flower Dance (beating time with sticks)

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ch'e:na'xoniłt'owhe took his shirt off

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ch'e:na:'uldixitthey again crowd out dancing

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ch'e:na:dahwh-dingDyer's Ranch

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ch'e:na:k'inda'a:nit (spear) got loose

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ch'e:na:ne:de:tł'we got out of it

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ch'e:na:xo:ta:'a:nthey all ran back out

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ch'e:na:xonehłtingI brought it (ice) out

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ch'e:nawhda:whI'm getting back out of it (e.g., boat, car)

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ch'e:ne:de:tł'we (2) went outside, went to the toilet

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ch'e:ne:xa:nI carried it out

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ch'e:ng'ait comes out

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ch'e:ng'e:tł'they extend out (of an enclosure)

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ch'e:nila:tit floated out

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ch'e:nileh-tethey will dive out

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ch'e:nima:sit rolled out

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ch'e:ntł'e:t'(soft flabby material) bulges out, flops out (as when squeezed)

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ch'e:nułye'ts'untie the knot!

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ch'e:te:t'e'they are cooked out (someone's eyes, from staying awake)

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ch'e:wehsle'nit started to flow out

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ch'e:wha:whI'm going outside, I'm going to the toilet

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ch'e:wilinit (water) flows out (e.g., creek into river, mouth of river, faucet, hose)

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ch'e:wilin-dingwhere the stream flows out (into the ocean - specifically Requa, the Yurok village at the mouth of the Klamath River); also applied to Orick at the mouth of Redwood Creek (Sapir and Golla 2001:1011, map D, item 3)

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ch'e:wiwha:whił-teI shall go out

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ch'e:xoliwhme'camping place mentioned in Sam Brown's story about an encounter with a grizzly bear (unknown location)

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ch'e:xowhsitI'm waking him up

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ch'e:ya'wiliwhilthey take them out right along

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ch'ich'ithe died

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ch'ichwiwhe (adult) is crying

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ch'ide'ilye'-dingChilula seed gathering camp

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ch'ide:-chwinghousehold goods, cooking utensils (baskets, paddles, other implements used in cooking traditional foods)

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ch'idilyereligious dance, World Renewal ceremony

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ch'idilyethey dance in a religious dance, a religious dance is held

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ch'idilye:-ch'iłchwethe man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye), says the prayers, and otherwise looks after the details of the ceremony.

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ch'idilye:-dingany danceground at which a religious dance is held

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ch'idilye:-wint'e:-dingland of the immortals k'ixinay, located on the periphery of the world, beyond the sky

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ch'idiłdowhe's cutting pieces (off of meat), he's making a cut in it

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ch'idiłnehe plays (a musical instrument)

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ch'idise:lhe has a fever

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ch'idiske:nhe is stiff (in the joints)

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ch'idiwichwilhe shot (an arrow) again and again

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ch'idiwilła:the jumped off

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ch'idiwilye'ił-tethey will dance

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ch'idiwiłtse:tł'he pounded (bark) off of it

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ch'idiwiłwa:tł'she knocked it off

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ch'idiwimichhe pulled it off

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ch'idiwinse:lhe got feverish

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ch'idiwiske:nhe got stiff

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ch'idiwists'e:nhe got stiff

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ch'idung'at first, to begin with

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ch'ildime:n'the sharp end of something; sharp-pointed

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ch'iloy'he ties it up, ropes (an animal)

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ch'ilxunit is bitter, sour

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ch'iłchwehe collects, gathers (wood, berries, etc.)

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ch'iłdayhe has a pet

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ch'iłidzehsdila'they quarrelled, were enemies, hated each other

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ch'iłolwulthey were throwing things at each other

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ch'iłq'un-dingchief village of the Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) people

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ch'iłta:nhe had it (a fish trap) lying there

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ch'iłte:l-dingname of a village located on South Fork

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ch'iłtsit'untie it (by pulling out a knot)!

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ch'iłtulhe is tapping, patting his foot, stamping (esp. in Kick Dance)

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ch'iłtułKick Dance, the way of dancing at a Kick Dance

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ch'iłwa:lFlower Dance (girls' adolescence ceremony)

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ch'iłwa:lthey are beating time; a Flower Dance is being held

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ch'ime:-pine, conifer

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ch'imisqiyitssmall baby

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ch'imulkyohtype of medicinal herb

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ch'inhe says, they say, it is said

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ch'indimiléa goal!

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ch'indincorpse, dead person, ghost

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ch'indin-tahxwHell, land of the dead

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ch'indiqe:tthey came down to it (in a canoe)

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ch'indiqot'it (e.g. worm) wriggles out

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ch'ine'iliwhthey always brought them

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ch'ine'it'ik'they string out in single file

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ch'ine'ixa:whthey bring it out (the regalia)

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ch'ine:lgithe became afraid

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ch'inehłya:nhe ate it up

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ch'ing'awhtake it (e.g. stone) out of something (e.g., a pocket), take it outside (of the house)

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ch'ingquchtoss it out (with stick)! make a goal (in the stick game)!

[show entry]
ch'iniloy'he led it

[show entry]
ch'iniłchwing'he is making it dirty

[show entry]
ch'iniwiłdo'nhe straightened it out

[show entry]
ch'iniyiwhe grows up

[show entry]
ch'inyohspull it out! (string, sliver, stovepipe, etc.)

[show entry]
ch'isixungshe lies back ready to have intercourse

[show entry]
ch'itscraps, trash

[show entry]
ch'ita:nhe is eating (by himself)

[show entry]
ch'ite'idyo:sthey all stretch

[show entry]
ch'ite'ixa:whhe carries it (a pipe) along in a vessel

[show entry]
ch'ite:dimut'she flapped her wings along

[show entry]
ch'ite:t'ot'he sucked it in

[show entry]
ch'ite:te:me:tł'he scatters them

[show entry]
ch'ite:te:yo:she stretched it (a canoe)

[show entry]
ch'ite:wa:tł'he scattered them

[show entry]
ch'ite:we'ing'ilhe looked about as he went along

[show entry]
ch'ite:wehschwe:nhe grew up

[show entry]
ch'ite:wid'ing'iłhe looked (places)

[show entry]
ch'itehłchwa'nhe squeezed it up

[show entry]
ch'itehłda:whhe ran off

[show entry]
ch'itehłkyo:she took it (a blanket) along

[show entry]
ch'itehłme:nhe made it swim

[show entry]
ch'itehłwhot'he slid

[show entry]
ch'itehłwhot'he slid it

[show entry]
ch'itehs'a:nhe took it away, went off with it (e.g. stone)

[show entry]
ch'itehstunhe takes it (long object) along

[show entry]
ch'itiłiwhe's marking something, drawing a line

[show entry]
ch'itiłxoshe is coughing

[show entry]
ch'itindilthey're going off

[show entry]
ch'itiwilda:whilshe runs along

[show entry]
ch'itiwina:whiłhe goes along

[show entry]
ch'ito:ch'iwhlet him wear it!

[show entry]
ch'iwehswa:tł'he lies there (like a log that has been thrown down), dead or unconscious; he came to lie there drunk

[show entry]
ch'iwhiłts'is-xoliwhI'm shivering, shaking

[show entry]
ch'iwhisiwiłwehłhe kills me

[show entry]
ch'iwhisqothe deviled me

[show entry]
ch'iwho:ning'itshe took a shot at me

[show entry]
ch'iwho:wiłxilił-teshe will ask me for it

[show entry]
ch'iwho:ya:łqoch'they poked at me

[show entry]
ch'iwhowhelderberry (bush), elder sticks (Sambucus)

[show entry]
ch'iwhsitI'm waking up

[show entry]
ch'iwhwhiwI'm spitting it out

[show entry]
ch'iwhxiwhlet me haul it out of my house

[show entry]
ch'iwhxiyyoung person (especially young man), child

[show entry]
ch'iwidilthey're going, walking along

[show entry]
ch'iwijijilhe carries it along (e.g., a handful of some granular substance, such as seeds, salt)

[show entry]
ch'iwilehł-tehe will become

[show entry]
ch'iwilq'a:lhe is growing fatter and fatter

[show entry]
ch'iwilqolhe is crawling along

[show entry]
ch'iwiltong'ilhe was dancing

[show entry]
ch'iwiłditshe got wrinkled

[show entry]
ch'iwiłkyo:silhe carries it along (e.g., a blanket, cloth, thin fabric)

[show entry]
ch'iwiłmowhilhe's carrying it along (hanging)

[show entry]
ch'iwiłte'he fell over dead

[show entry]
ch'iwiłte:nhe put it (a baby)

[show entry]
ch'iwiłxilhe is hauling it along

[show entry]
ch'iwingwha:lhe caught fish (with a hook and line)

[show entry]
ch'iwingwhilhe shouted

[show entry]
ch'iwingyayhe went

[show entry]
ch'iwinje:whe died, passed away (polite term)

[show entry]
ch'iwixa:lhe carries it along (e.g., a filled container, such as a bucket of water)

[show entry]
ch'iwołhe is scraping (deerhide, with a scraper)

[show entry]
ch'ixiwine:whilhe talks

[show entry]
ch'ixo:ne'iłyo:lthey wish him bad luck

[show entry]
ch'ixo:niłyo:lmaking bad medicine, witchcraft, poison

[show entry]
ch'ixo:ya:se'ixawhthey always pay

[show entry]
ch'ixoch'e:tliar, one who lies

[show entry]
ch'ixoditehł'e'nhe watched her along

[show entry]
ch'ixolchwethe man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye)

[show entry]
ch'ixolchwe(story about) pre-human times, when the world was being prepared for human beings

[show entry]

[show entry]
ch'ixołchwehe fixes up (the danceground), prepares (the place)

[show entry]
ch'ixoniłte:nhe brought her there

[show entry]
ch'ixowa:t-xoliwhhe shakes, trembles

[show entry]
ch'ixowiłchwe:lił-tehe will fix the dance place

[show entry]
ch'ixowiłte:lhe was taking her

[show entry]
ch'ixowiłwe'he fought him, beat him up

[show entry]
ch'iya:di-minmedicine for a wound

[show entry]
ch'iyahhe's hurt, wounded

[show entry]
ch'iyłkit(cloud, fog, smoke) comes out (e.g., of chimney)

[show entry]
ch'iyninge:nshe packed it out (burden-basket)

[show entry]
ch'iyooh my! (exclamation indicating surprise, (mild) fear)

[show entry]
ch'iyo'nesomeone teases, there is teasing

[show entry]
ch'o'da:yhe is thin, poor

[show entry]
ch'o'winda'he got thinner

[show entry]
ch'o:'ot'ushe cuts at it

[show entry]
ch'o:na:niwichwilthey sing in howling fashion

[show entry]
ch'o:na:niwichwila type of singing at the Kick Dance

[show entry]
ch'o:whe'ił-tethey will call

[show entry]
ch'o:winehł-teshe will think about it

[show entry]
ch'o:xoniłxits'she threw something at him

[show entry]
ch'onta'nhe's holding on to it

[show entry]
chwa'beaver (Castor)

[show entry]
chwa'ay-me'former village near xonsah-ding

[show entry]

[show entry]
chwa:xołwilit's dark, getting dark

[show entry]

[show entry]
chwe:qahrobin redbreast (Turdus migratorius)

[show entry]
chwe:yyearling of elk; spotted hide of yearling elk (archaic term)

[show entry]
chwehcrying, weeping

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
chwichwood, firewood

[show entry]
chwich-na:ning'a:-dingKepel (Cappell)

[show entry]
chwiłchhuckleberries (Vaccinium ovatum)

[show entry]
chwin'-da:-spoiling, to ruination

[show entry]
chwin'da:na:whit spoils, goes bad, has become polluted

[show entry]
chwin'dung'awhspoil, ruin it (round object)!

[show entry]
chwin-ch'iliwhe is dirty, gets dirty

[show entry]
-chwingof that class, kind, sort

[show entry]
chwingfilth, dirt

[show entry]
chwing-me'do:wehsle'he got hungry

[show entry]
chwing-me:do:whleI am hungry

[show entry]
chwing-xo:whle:lI am bothering him, disturbing him, messing with him

[show entry]
chwini-ya'xowehsle:lthey bothered them

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
chwulo:q'e'chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha)

[show entry]
chwun'-k'itiłma:sdung beetle

[show entry]
chwun'-yołtultowhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Rufous-sided Towhee)

[show entry]
chwung'feces, excrement, shit

[show entry]
chwung'-na:xewords to a song sung by women at the beginning af the Flower Dance

[show entry]
chwung'-xa:'ul'a'name of a Chilula camp

[show entry]
da'a:ch'idyawhe ran away, fled

[show entry]
da'a:ch'ilawhe took it apart

[show entry]
da'a:nawh'ingI'm undoing it, untying it

[show entry]
da'a:nullehundo it!

[show entry]
da'aynehrun away! flee!

[show entry]
da'e'iłte'he left it on something

[show entry]
da'e'iwhmilI throw it on top

[show entry]
da'e'iwhtiwhI (always) set it (a long object) on top

[show entry]
da'kya:woriole (Icterus cucullatus, Hooded Oriole; I. galbula, Northern Oriole)

[show entry]

[show entry]
da'na while ago, already

[show entry]
da'nelong ago

[show entry]
da'usdayhe is fishing (with a net)

[show entry]
da'wida:lhe was coming (out of the sweathouse)

[show entry]
da:-'ungI found it out

[show entry]
da:ch'ahdi-ya:nfish hawk (Pandion haliaetus, Osprey)

[show entry]
da:ch'ahtsucker, suckerfish (Catostomus)

[show entry]
da:ch'aht-xa:yiłtiwheagle (probably second name for ło:q'-ya:n)

[show entry]
da:chwingq'ay'a type of fern (Pteridium aquiliunum)

[show entry]
da:chwun'-dingname of a village located opposite niskin-ji-ding

[show entry]
da:jahldog salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
dah-on top

[show entry]
dah'iwh'a:whI set it (e.g. stone) on top

[show entry]
dahch'a'awhhe sets a (deer) snare

[show entry]
dah-ch'e'iłda'she sets it up

[show entry]
dahch'idiwiłkyo:she has taken it (a blanket) away

[show entry]
dahch'idiwintsehe pulled it (canoe) up onto land

[show entry]
dahch'iłiwidle:lthey stand arm in arm

[show entry]
dahch'ine'itiwhshe lies down on top of it

[show entry]
dahch'ine:łno'they stood them up (flints on a wall)

[show entry]
dahch'inehsdayhe sat down on top; (idiomatically) he went fishing with a net

[show entry]
dahch'itehłto'nhe jumped (over something)

[show entry]
dahch'iwijijilthey put them (acorns) up one after the other

[show entry]

[show entry]
dahch'iwił'e:tł'he roofed, shingled a house

[show entry]
dahch'iwinge:nhe put something (fire) on it

[show entry]
dahch'iwitilshe was holding it up

[show entry]
dahchwin'-dinglower part of Matilton village

[show entry]
dahchwing'wild "currants"; scraggly (?) gooseberries (Ribes divarlatum (?))

[show entry]
dahde'ilya'they (animals) stand around

[show entry]
dahde'iwhyo'I like it better

[show entry]
dahdi-dingmore and more, increasingly

[show entry]
dahdimo't'-dime'Orick Hill

[show entry]
dahdimot'little bare hill; knobby rise; knoll

[show entry]
dahdiwehs'a'-teit (his face) will point to it (the wind)

[show entry]
dah-diwhtułI step on (something)

[show entry]
dahdiwilte:nhe has been carried off

[show entry]
dahdiwilxit'the river has risen, flooded

[show entry]
dahdiwiwhła:tI ran fast

[show entry]
dahjiłstorage platform in a living house

[show entry]
dahk'e'iłte:lthey (always) spread a cover on it

[show entry]
dah-k'e'iłtsay'she dries it on top

[show entry]
dah-k'e'iqotone sticks them up (on wall)

[show entry]
dahk'idiwehsch'e'the wind blew

[show entry]
dahk'idiwinch'e'it blows lightly, a breeze blows

[show entry]
dahk'iliwhput your hand on something!

[show entry]
dahk'ilun-dinga place on New River opposite Quimby

[show entry]
dahk'iłkishe put his hand on something

[show entry]
dahk'iłqoch'he threw it onto something

[show entry]
dahk'iłtse:tł'he broke it (a bone) in two

[show entry]
dahk'is'a:narrowhead(s), obsidian point(s)

[show entry]
dahk'ischwa'nplant growing on a tree, epiphyte (e.g. mistletoe)

[show entry]
dahk'islaya hand lies, hands lie on something

[show entry]
dahk'islayarrowheads, obsidian points

[show entry]

[show entry]
dahk'isxa:n-q'itwhere the trail goes up Bald Hill

[show entry]
dahk'isxung(a tree is) standing on top

[show entry]
dahk'it'ushe cuts it in two, cuts (e.g. finger) off

[show entry]
dahk'iwe'winta:nhe built a fishing platform

[show entry]
dahk'iwe:wita:nfishing platform

[show entry]
dahk'iwingxa'something is standing

[show entry]
dahma:'dogwood (Cornus nuttalli)

[show entry]
dahmine'hanging moss, yellow tree lichen (Ramalina), used for dye

[show entry]
dahna'dehłwa:tł'he poured it

[show entry]
dahna'diwidgitthey all ran back

[show entry]
dahna'diwił'a'he set another on it

[show entry]
dahna'diwiłde'tł'-teshe'll fan it (bark) in a winnowing basket

[show entry]
dah-na'widmehłhe was swimming along back on top (of the water)

[show entry]
dahna'wilahe has put it (charcoal) on (the fire) again

[show entry]
dahna'xwe'iłtiwhthey lay him out on it

[show entry]
dahna:diwidyayit went back

[show entry]
dahna:diwilt'a:ts'two strips cut off of each side of the backbone of a salmon

[show entry]
dahna:diwing'a'it (an arrow) stuck up

[show entry]
dahna:k'idiwich'e'ił-tethe wind will blow gently

[show entry]
dah-na:k'indiyun'-tethey shall come back from above eating

[show entry]
dahna:k'ine'iwh'e:tł'I lay them crosswise

[show entry]
dahna:k'ixo:nchwayhe pawed the dirt

[show entry]
dahna:sa'a:nthey (deer) are piled up

[show entry]
dahna:sita:na long, stick-like object lies on top

[show entry]
dahna:tita'nthey (boards) come to lie on top of something here and there

[show entry]
dahna:whdixits'I flew back down

[show entry]
dahna:xo:diwing'a:nthey ran back

[show entry]
dah-naywehskil(cloud, fog, smoke) hovers on top of something

[show entry]
dahnaywiłkilił-tefog will stay

[show entry]
dahne:lno'they are standing up on top

[show entry]
dahnintsahsit down above it! (idiomatically) go fishing with a net!

[show entry]
dahniwil'e:tł'ridge poles (or ridge pole) in a living house

[show entry]
dahno'diwinta'tłhe stepped on it

[show entry]
dahno'ninde:tł'they sat (on a roof)

[show entry]
dahno:te:de'tł'-tethey will fish

[show entry]
dahsil'e:tł'roofing, shingles

[show entry]
dahsilathey lie on top

[show entry]
dahsiłte:n(it is) lying on something

[show entry]
dahsite:nit (e.g. animal) lay up (on a slope)

[show entry]
dahsitune:-q'itname of a resting place near Bald Hill

[show entry]
dahsixa:na filled container lies on top somewhere

[show entry]
dahtł'o:l'wild grapes; grapevine

[show entry]
dahto:'dew, there is a dew

[show entry]
dahts'isde'fine particles of soot; soot used in tattooing

[show entry]
dahun'di-de'when (in the future)?

[show entry]
dahun'di-dung'when (in the past)? how long ago?

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
dahungwho'-at some time; to some extent

[show entry]
dahwe:xa:nI set (a filled container) up

[show entry]
dahwehsdilthey stayed on top

[show entry]
dahwehsla:lit floated

[show entry]
dahwehsle:lit swam around in one place

[show entry]
dahwid'a:ndeer-snaring station, owned or claimed by a family

[show entry]
dahwidilthey were floating on top

[show entry]
dahwidqot'it was tumbling

[show entry]
dahwila:lit was floating

[show entry]

[show entry]
dahwile:lit was floating on top

[show entry]
dahwilinthey lie piled on top

[show entry]
dahwilin-dingname of a former village, near Supply Creek

[show entry]
dahwilła:tit jumped on

[show entry]
dahwilto'nit (dog) jumped (onto a house)

[show entry]
dahwinde:tł'they (birds) flew down, alighted

[show entry]
dahwing'ayit was sitting there

[show entry]
dahwixilfloats on a gill net, seine

[show entry]
dahxo:ng'a:nthey jumped (onto something)

[show entry]
dahxodiwehs'e'none could see

[show entry]
dahya'diwing'a:nthey took it away

[show entry]
dahya'k'ide'iłchwo:kthey sweep them (acorn husks) away

[show entry]
dah-ya'k'iłtse:tł'someone threw it up (onto the roof)

[show entry]
dahya'k'iłwa'tł'they chopped it off

[show entry]
dahya'wing'ayhe sits above; (idiomatically) he is fishing (with a net)

[show entry]
dahya:dze'frost, ice on trees

[show entry]
dahya:na'wehs'a'he sat up on it

[show entry]
dahya:ya'wing'e:tł'they are sitting up

[show entry]
dahyide'wiwhsomething always carries it off

[show entry]

[show entry]
dahyik'iłjeh(driftwood) is piling up, has piled up

[show entry]
dahyik'ingya'nit has chewed it up

[show entry]
dahyiłkit(cloud, fog, smoke) hovers on top of something

[show entry]

[show entry]
daw-sho'it's impossible!

[show entry]
daydiwhat? what thing?

[show entry]
daydi-mich'ing'why? because of what?

[show entry]
daydi-wungwhat for? why? for what reason?

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
daywho'-xwa:'a:netype of sucking doctor

[show entry]
dehere, this

[show entry]
deI see!

[show entry]
-de'if, when (in the future)

[show entry]
de'de'ił'e:tł'she shoves them into the fire

[show entry]
de'de'iłqe:the sticks it into the fire

[show entry]
de'diłehhe bakes (bread, cake, etc.)

[show entry]
de'diwi'awhiłthey put it in the fire

[show entry]
de'diwilła:the ran into the fire

[show entry]
de'diwiłte:nhe put it (animal) into the fire

[show entry]
de'diwime:tł'she threw them into the fire

[show entry]
de'iwhk'ilI break it off

[show entry]
de'k'idiliwhhe or she puts several things into the fire (specifically: he or she roasts something (e.g. eels) on coals)

[show entry]
de'mine:de'iyo:the chases them into the fire

[show entry]
de'xodiłwa:tł'he threw him in the fire

[show entry]
de:-close past something, touching something

[show entry]
de:-di-into the fire

[show entry]
de:di-décome to find out..., it turned out that...

[show entry]
de:ding'ahwhput it (e.g. stone) into the fire!

[show entry]
de:dintiwhput it (a long object) in the fire

[show entry]

[show entry]
de:diwhq'a:sI am throwing it (round object) into the fire

[show entry]
de:diwiłiq'bread, baked goods

[show entry]
de:dixwo-yidahch'ing-wing'a'-miłwhen the sun has risen well above the mountains to the east, about 9 a.m.

[show entry]
de:dixwo-yinuqa-wing'a'-miłwhen the sun has risen to a point high in the sky to the south-southeast, around noon or a little before

[show entry]
de:k'idiwhlichI urinate into the fire

[show entry]
de:k'idiwidlay(eels) are roasted

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
de:-nohoł-yinuq-yiduqeast, in an eastward direction from the center of Hoopa Valley

[show entry]
de:-nohq'itthe sky; God, Heaven (metaphorically)

[show entry]
de:nohq'it-xotse:lin'(Christian) sacramental wine

[show entry]

[show entry]
de:wiming'it has filled up

[show entry]
de:xits'I fell, dropped (off of something)

[show entry]
de:yłmitI tipped it over, inverted it

[show entry]
dehsminit is full

[show entry]
dehxosin-miłafter a very short time, soon

[show entry]
dich'valley quail (Lophortyx californicus, California Quail)

[show entry]
dich'e:ch'it is rough, pimply

[show entry]
dichwiltanned deerhide, leather, buckskin

[show entry]
dichwilit's dull, blunted (e.g., knife)

[show entry]
didzitit's short

[show entry]
digyunghere (in this location), this place

[show entry]
dijitstring of small white seashells, worn by women on ceremonial occasions

[show entry]
dila:nwater dog, a small species of salamander

[show entry]
dilchwe:kponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)

[show entry]
dilchweh-k'e'ildil-me'Horse Mountain

[show entry]
dilchwehs-ji-dingname of a village located at the mouth of Madden Creek

[show entry]
dilma'it is turning grey

[show entry]
dilma:yit is grey, tan

[show entry]
dilq'its'it is sparkling (as sparks in a fire)

[show entry]
dilqaywhitish, greyish

[show entry]
dilqiwhforked-horn deer

[show entry]
diltsowsummer deerhide

[show entry]
diltsoworange-colored, brown, the color of summer deerhide

[show entry]
dilwa:shTolowa Indians

[show entry]
dilwa:whit (animal) makes a noise, "talks" (frog croaking, bird singing)

[show entry]
dilwhinit is blackish, dark-colored

[show entry]
dilxichfawn, yearling; hide of a young deer

[show entry]
dilxichwhite-spotted (as the hide of a fawn)

[show entry]
dilxich-dilma:ytype of deerskin (grey deer)

[show entry]
dilxich-ky'a:tilchwiwspotted salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus)

[show entry]
dilxich-łiqaywhite deerskin

[show entry]
diłdije:wit is sticky (like tar, pitch, glue)

[show entry]
diłma:sroll it over!

[show entry]
diłmingfill it up!

[show entry]
diłq'unglean it up (against something)!

[show entry]
-diłwadifferent from; meeting and passing

[show entry]
dima:sit (e.g. log) is rolling over

[show entry]
dime:nthorn; diamonds (gems or suit in playing cards)

[show entry]
dime:nit is sharp

[show entry]
dime:n-nay'ayit (child) is hard to please, fussy

[show entry]

[show entry]
dina'milkweed (Asclepius)

[show entry]
dina:n(steep) slope, anything sloped (e.g., the steep pitch of a roof)

[show entry]
dinch'e:k'it is hot-tasting, peppery, gingery

[show entry]
dinch'e:k'a type of mushroom with a strong taste

[show entry]

[show entry]
dinday-michwoIndian Devil bird

[show entry]
dinesomething (animal, chicken, thing) makes a sound, squeals, cries, buzzes, crows

[show entry]
-dingat that place, at that time

[show entry]
dingq'och'it is sour, salty

[show entry]
dingq'och'sour clover

[show entry]

[show entry]
dining'xine:whHupa-speaking people, Hupa Indians

[show entry]
diniwhmanzanita (Arctostaphyolos viscida)

[show entry]
diniwh-dingMud Springs

[show entry]
diniwh-t'un'-tah-dingChimariko village located at Taylor's Flat (Del Loma)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
diq'a:nit (e.g., board) leans against something

[show entry]
diq'a:n-me:ning'e:tł'cantalope, muskmelon

[show entry]
diq'a:n-tah-k'iya:wh-kyohgrosbeak, finch (Pheucticus melanocephalus, Black-headed Grosbeak)

[show entry]
dita:nnickel (coin)

[show entry]
dita:nit is thick

[show entry]
dits'e:q'it is gummy, sticky

[show entry]
-ditse'pointed toward, headed toward

[show entry]
ditsikunshelled acorns

[show entry]
ditsik-łe:na:ya'usowa dance performed with the ceremonial basket-quiver (na'wehch) during the Jump dance

[show entry]
diwa'niwinchwe'nhe got selfish

[show entry]
diwa:nuntanned deerhide (dried and ready for tanning)

[show entry]
diwa:whchwing'I'm selfish

[show entry]
diwe:ch'a:tI got sick

[show entry]
diwehs'a'-teit (mountain) will go across

[show entry]
diwhch'a:tI'm aching, I am sick

[show entry]
diwhchwitI'm going to shoot off (an arrow), let go (the arrow release)

[show entry]
diwhdiniwhI have sexual desire, I lust for women, have an erection

[show entry]
diwh-kyohgrouse (Dendragapus obscurus, Blue Grouse)

[show entry]
diwhkyoh-chweh-dingNorth Trinity Mountain

[show entry]
diwhłehI make a line running off

[show entry]
diwhna:nI'm tipping it, sloping it, giving it a certain slope or pitch (e.g. boards on a roof)

[show entry]
diwhneI say something, make noise, speak

[show entry]
diwhqiwhI break (e.g., a tree limb) off at the fork

[show entry]
diwhqosI bite it off (something brittle, crunchy)

[show entry]
diwhtikI'm pinching it

[show entry]
diwhts'e:nI'm stiff in the joints

[show entry]
diwhxuts'I'm biting something

[show entry]
diwidimitit (e.g. canoe) has tipped over, capsized, gone belly-up

[show entry]
diwidwa:sstrips of abalone shell sewn onto a woman's dance skirt

[show entry]
diwila:tit floated away

[show entry]
diwilda:lit was running along

[show entry]
diwilwhe'nit turned blackish

[show entry]
diwiłdijeh-teit will get sticky

[show entry]
diwinch'e:k'it has gotten hot-tasting, it has gone sour

[show entry]
diwindzitit got short

[show entry]
diwingq'och'it is getting sour

[show entry]
diwinta'nit got thick

[show entry]
diwints'e:q'it got gummy

[show entry]

[show entry]
diysh-ta:ng'a:-dingname of village at Tish-Tang Point

[show entry]
diyshta:ng'a:-din-nilinTish Tang a Tang Creek

[show entry]

[show entry]
do: miq'eh na:d'a'i-hehdo not mind it

[show entry]
do: no:xo:wehs'e'nit could not be seen that far

[show entry]

[show entry]
do:-'owha'nit (sickness) will not take place

[show entry]
do:'owhlungI'm stopping (doing something), I quit (working)

[show entry]
do:-...-dung'before..., until...

[show entry]
do:-...hehno ...-ing (ever)! don't ever ...!

[show entry]
do:-hehnot at all

[show entry]
do:k'iwileold woman

[show entry]
do:lya:-chwingwoman who has lost a child

[show entry]

[show entry]
do:-ła:n-tsa few, not many, not much, just a little

[show entry]
do:mat some unexpected time

[show entry]
do:-me:ne:who'nI am not fit for it, up to it

[show entry]
do:-mide'xine:wh-mininglate fall month; November

[show entry]
do:-na:lte'it's easy, "no sweat"

[show entry]
do:-niwhq'iwI do not behave well, he is mean, ready to fight (old-fashioned word)

[show entry]
do:-tahperhaps, maybe

[show entry]
do:we:se:le'I came not to have enough (money), went bankrupt

[show entry]
do:-widwhil-hehno shouting!

[show entry]

[show entry]
do:wile(he) is poor, weak

[show entry]
do:-wile:-xwfeebleness, poverty

[show entry]
do:-witsit-widwa:twhole wheat flour

[show entry]
do:-xo'osdaydead person (polite term)

[show entry]
do:xo'osdaytahch'ing'-wuna'waytype of sucking doctor

[show entry]
do:-xohsle'it became none, it disappeared, it has gone, it was used up

[show entry]
do:-xoh-whiłtsisyou always quarrel with me

[show entry]
do:-xolingit isn't possible, one can't, one shouldn't

[show entry]
do:-xowidqot-hehno poking him! (idiomatically) don't devil him!

[show entry]
dondol-kyoha large ocean bird (perhaps a pelican)

[show entry]

[show entry]
dongq'a'-tsitwait a minute! hold on! first let's...

[show entry]
dongq'e'ehnot yet

[show entry]
dun'-ts'isdayfishing camp

[show entry]

[show entry]
-dung'just past, when (in the past)

[show entry]
dung'springtime (archaic term)

[show entry]
dungwhe'ehno one

[show entry]

[show entry]
dunłundihow many? how much?

[show entry]
dunłungwho'some number of, several

[show entry]
duxa:tł'e'salmonberries (Rubus spectabilis)

[show entry]
duxo:'somehow, in some way

[show entry]
duxo:-'a:'uniwhe dies (commonest euphemism)

[show entry]
duxo:-'a:ch'idiyawhe died (commonest euphemism)

[show entry]
duxo:-'aht'ingit dies (commonest euphemism)

[show entry]
duxo:q'i-'a'dilawdoing something improper during a religious dance, such as joking or blaspheming

[show entry]
duxo:whe'ehsome way

[show entry]
duxwe:dihow? in what way?

[show entry]

[show entry]
duxwe:di-ma:nfor what reason? why?

[show entry]
dó:ng'really, truly, indeed, for sure, it is so, honestly

[show entry]
e:-towards, against

[show entry]
-e:n'even with each other, side-by-side, in parallel rows

[show entry]
-e:ne:q'behind, at the back of

[show entry]

[show entry]
-e:wunder; hidden, secret (metaphorically)

[show entry]
-e:-xundingclose to something

[show entry]

[show entry]
gehs-kyohelk (Redwood dialect or archaic term)

[show entry]
-ginje'gristle, cartilage

[show entry]
gya'finding out, being revealed to be, lo!

[show entry]
gya'a:yit seems

[show entry]
gya'awhI wonder

[show entry]
haythe, that, the one who (is, does)

[show entry]
hay na'xołte'the helper who takes care of the doctor (k'ite:t'aw) during the Kick Dance

[show entry]
haya:łthen, after that, and then

[show entry]
hayahthere (in that location)

[show entry]
hayah-de'at that time (in the future)

[show entry]
hayah-dung'at that time (in the past)

[show entry]
hayah-miłthen, after that, and then

[show entry]
hayahujitthereupon, and then

[show entry]
hayi-wungfor that reason, that is why

[show entry]
hayi-xwe:-miłand so on, every now and then

[show entry]
hayixwo-ch'ondehsne'he paid attention

[show entry]
hayixwo-niwhsinI pay attention

[show entry]
he'ile:nspirit who rules Hell

[show entry]

[show entry]
-hehdespite, even if

[show entry]
hijitand, and then

[show entry]
hiłtogether with

[show entry]
-hitat the time that..., while..., when..., during...

[show entry]
hun'river, specifically the Trinity River

[show entry]
hun'-q'eh-ch'idilyeWhite Deerskin Dance, specifically the Boat Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
jahdatoo (much)

[show entry]
je'niłt'owhe pulled the cork out

[show entry]
je'wiłt'iwhhe split it apart

[show entry]

[show entry]
je:dwa:tł'it opened

[show entry]
je:k'iłit (board, etc.) splits, cracks apart

[show entry]
je:lo'storage basket

[show entry]

[show entry]
je:lq'its'it is cracked open

[show entry]
je:lwa:tł'(it has been) split in half

[show entry]
je:na'uldixitthey (dancers) separate again

[show entry]
je:na:k'iliwhpart your hair (in the middle)!

[show entry]
je:na:yde:tł'we separated

[show entry]
je:nahup above, high up, upstairs

[show entry]
je:nahch'ing'-ch'ixine:whhe is praying (modern church prayers)

[show entry]
je:nahch'ing'-me'-ya'xine:whchurch (modern, Christian)

[show entry]
je:nah-na:lahsecond name for kingbird

[show entry]
je:ng'k'ilaya widow who has let her hair grow out half-way, in a "dutch-cut"

[show entry]
je:ngyayit (log) opened

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
je:nok-mixontaw'snail shell

[show entry]
je:sil-ch'ił'a:nhe makes a noise

[show entry]
je:sil-nowh'awhI make a noise, racket

[show entry]
je:sil-sa'a:nthere is a noise, rumbling sound, racket

[show entry]
je:tiwhqotI poke them apart

[show entry]
je:winta'nit (a basket, long object) spread open

[show entry]

[show entry]
je:ya'ut'usthey cut it in two

[show entry]
je:ya'wiłwulthey split them in two

[show entry]
jehpitch, tar

[show entry]

[show entry]
jehmilthin strips of pitchy fir

[show entry]
jeh-ya:na large greyish-brown cricket, found in the mountains among the acorn groves

[show entry]

[show entry]
jilqiwhsomething forked, pulled apart at the fork

[show entry]
jiłtsiłsplit it, pound it apart (with a rock, maul)!

[show entry]
jime:la type of lizard (Sceloporus, scaly lizard)

[show entry]
jime:li-mike'braided knot, used on the fringe of a woman's traditional apron (tsang)

[show entry]
-jinbelonging to

[show entry]

[show entry]
jingkyowthere is sunshine

[show entry]
jitjust now

[show entry]
jiwa'a'awhshe always cracks them (acorns)

[show entry]
jiwa:-splitting apart, cracking open

[show entry]
jiwa:k'isdixit'ripe nut

[show entry]
jiwa:k'iwhliwhI'm cracking acorns open

[show entry]
jiwhk'ilI'm splitting it, tearing it in two

[show entry]
jiwhq'its'I crack it open

[show entry]
jiwhqiwhI pull it apart at the fork

[show entry]
jiwingwołit got round

[show entry]
jiwingwołit's getting round

[show entry]
jiwolround like a ball, spherical

[show entry]
jiwolball, round object

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
jo'here! take it!

[show entry]
jungmuddy water

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'e'da'aydoctoring by sucking, sucking out pains

[show entry]
k'e'itł'o:whshe (always) made baskets

[show entry]
k'e'je:whe is gluing it to something

[show entry]
k'e'k'e'iłtsilhe pounds it off

[show entry]
k'e'niwił'e:tł'he leaned them against it

[show entry]
k'e'niwiłt'iky'she tied it (a basket) to it (a tree)

[show entry]
k'e'q'ayhe rubs against it

[show entry]
k'e'sindilthey climb something

[show entry]
k'e'wiłna'she cooked something

[show entry]
k'e:ch'a:whI tied a buckskin dress at the hip

[show entry]
k'e:da'ay-mił-ch'iłwefishing club

[show entry]
k'e:dmiłthey flopped down

[show entry]
k'e:dze'-nehwa:ncorn (cob)

[show entry]
k'e:k'ilye:ch'poison oak (Rhus diversiloba)

[show entry]
k'e:k'iłwułchop it down! chop it off!

[show entry]
k'e:lkya'another term for abalone-shell dress

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'e:na'xołqoch'he raised him and shoved him down

[show entry]
k'e:nił'alean it against something!

[show entry]
k'e:niwhit is thundering

[show entry]
k'e:sde'lumps of acorn meal that are left over after pounding, coarse leavings (of acorns) after sifting

[show entry]
k'e:se:ge'I've become ill

[show entry]
k'e:silła:tyou ran up on it

[show entry]
k'e:singqoch'you climbed up the tree

[show entry]
k'e:tsah-xowhsinI'm difficult, rebellious

[show entry]
k'e:tse:'ił'ulwooden headrest, used by men in the sweathouse

[show entry]
k'e:tsił'ułrest your head! put your head down on a headrest, pillow!

[show entry]
k'e:w-'iwh'awhI'm hiding it

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'e:w-wung-wilme'nblind for hunting

[show entry]
k'e:xołya:none who understands things

[show entry]
k'e:ya:ning'e:tł'they were leaning up

[show entry]
k'ehłtsa:nunmarried adolescent girl, female teenager

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ich'ing'tipped over, turned to one side, upside down

[show entry]
k'ich'ing'-no:na:'indiyhe rolled over

[show entry]
k'ich'ing'-nong'awhturn (round object) over!

[show entry]
k'ich'intdisease, sickness

[show entry]
k'ich'int-tehsyaya disease, epidemic is going around

[show entry]
k'ich'o:dne'help, helping someone

[show entry]
k'ich'o:ya'ne'the two who help the lead singer in the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
k'ich'ongthere is a sound like a rock falling into water, it plops

[show entry]
k'ich'owhneI'm helping someone, I'm a helper

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ida'di(ng)-nehsnoythe two fins close to the mouth of a salmon (at its neck)

[show entry]
k'ida:ma:ts'e'a wreath of myrtle twigs worn as a headdress

[show entry]
k'ida:se'burnt skin, leather, singed hair

[show entry]
k'ida:y'it blooms, it is in flower, a flower

[show entry]
k'ide:-kin'carved elk-horn spoon, used by men

[show entry]
k'ide:nilgitgrizzly bear medicine

[show entry]
k'ide:sgame with hair singed off

[show entry]
k'ide:ts'eh-ya:xołchwehe translates for them, explains it to them

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'idiłit rings (once)

[show entry]
k'idiłqits'he is crazy, a crazy person

[show entry]
k'idiłwishe drills for fire

[show entry]
k'idiłwisi'q'itChilula gathering and hunting camp

[show entry]
k'idingk'il-eit (water) broke out (of the banks of the river)

[show entry]
k'idingwhe'he dug off

[show entry]
k'iditshe's twisting, twining (string, rope)

[show entry]
k'idiwhla:nI'm growling, scolding somebody

[show entry]
k'idiwilq'a'ninner wall of a living house

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'idiwun-na:wayshe dances the doctor-training dance

[show entry]
k'idmut(water) is boiling

[show entry]
k'idnotit (fire) blazes

[show entry]
k'ido:łtso'nthey (trees) were flipped

[show entry]
k'ido:niwhcurse; hereditary disease

[show entry]
k'idolthere is a loud, crashing sound (as of a log falling)

[show entry]
k'idongxweIndian Devil, witch, sorcerer; "deviling", witchcraft poison which can be cured by an Indian doctor

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ige:sIndian sunflower

[show entry]
k'igichit makes a crackling sound on being eaten (e.g. carrots or gristle)

[show entry]
k'ije:'ding-xa:ng'aybelly fin (of salmon)

[show entry]
k'ijiw'-na:me:-dingChilula summer camp

[show entry]
k'ijiwe:xo-sita:nbrisket (of deer)

[show entry]
k'ijiwolchball, round object

[show entry]
k'ijut'there is a wet, floppy sound

[show entry]
k'ik'e:t'there is a creaking, squeaking sound (e.g., a squeaky door)

[show entry]
k'ikine'dead tree (especially a standing conifer)

[show entry]
k'ila:dosch'e'heavy bark of conifers

[show entry]
k'ila:jonde'hazel, hazelnuts (Corylus californica)

[show entry]
k'ilk'e:xe'Frog's other name in the story of Coyote and Frog

[show entry]
k'ilkya'nshe became pregnant

[show entry]
k'ilohail, hailstone, ice

[show entry]
k'ilwhot'a scar formed, it healed

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'iłch'iwhpeel it! strip it off!

[show entry]
k'iłch'ixa:nyayhe fights

[show entry]
k'iłch'ixa:ywilaythey commenced to fight

[show entry]
k'iłch'ixawh'awhI'm fighting

[show entry]
k'iłchweshe gives birth

[show entry]
k'iłdik'ikyoh-k'iwilt'a:ts'a type of robe mentioned in myths

[show entry]
k'iłdik'-kyohlarge red-headed (pileated) woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)

[show entry]
k'iłdolhe makes it crash, makes a crashing sound

[show entry]
k'iłgide'rotten wood

[show entry]
k'iłiwhsmall round cake made from ground grass seeds (archaic term)

[show entry]
k'iłiwhinblack acorn meat

[show entry]
k'iłixundeer (general term), specifically blacktail deer (Odocoileus hemionus); venison

[show entry]
k'iłixun-łiqaywhite deerskin

[show entry]
k'iłixun-me:ne:q'-nint'ik'deer's backstrap

[show entry]
k'iłixun-tehk'iwilky'o:ts'"Indian dumplings" (boiled deer meat mixed with dough)

[show entry]
k'iłjilhe is crazy, in a daze, out of his mind

[show entry]
k'iłkitsheriff, policeman

[show entry]
k'iłma'he is tanning a skin, hide

[show entry]
k'iłmowhhe is snoring

[show entry]
k'iłmuq'it makes a popping noise, pops something

[show entry]
k'iłmuq'-kyohswamp weed, aralia (Aralia californica)

[show entry]
k'ił-na:dilwolf (Canis lupus)

[show entry]
k'iłna:dil-k'iwungxoya:nmythical being

[show entry]
k'iłq'e:tslarge grasshopper, smaller than locust

[show entry]
k'iłqosgooseberries (Ribes sp.)

[show entry]
k'iłte'he gets killed

[show entry]
k'iłtehłspread out a mat! spread a blanket! prepare a bed!

[show entry]
k'iłts'osIndian paintbrush (Castilleja wightii)

[show entry]
k'iłts'os-nehwa:nprongs (ceremonial headgear)

[show entry]
k'iłtsay'it is seasoned, dried

[show entry]
k'iłut'there is a slapping sound (of something hitting water), (fish) makes a flopping sound (with its tail)

[show entry]
k'iłweevil spirits, little beings who live in the water and cause sickness

[show entry]
k'iłwe:-ch'e:'iłtiwhtype of sucking doctor

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'iłwe:kyoh-mila'lupine (Lupinus)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'iłwe:-q'foolishly, not seriously, in a funny, joking, bantering, frivolous way

[show entry]
k'iłwe:-whiwiłwe'I have a fever, I am sick with a disease that causes a high fever (e.g. pneumonia, typhoid)

[show entry]
k'iłxa:lfreshly skinned (deer) hide, stretched out to dry (on drying frame)

[show entry]
k'ima:wmedicine (general term, referring both to traditional Indian medicines and to modern pharmaceuticals)

[show entry]
k'ima:w-ch'iłchwean herbal doctor, modern medical doctor; the person who recites the formula and prepares the medicine in the Brush Dance

[show entry]
k'ima:w-ch'ixo:nehe knows a medicine

[show entry]
k'ima:w-łiq'a:wwild larkspur

[show entry]
k'ima:w-mił-xe'e:k'iłyo:lhe makes medicine

[show entry]
k'ima:w-xoniwhsinI know a medicine

[show entry]
k'imide'the belly part (in cutting fish)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'imiłthrow them down! sling them down!

[show entry]
k'imiłna:tul'braid used for fringes of apron (tsang)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'imut'something bursts, a gun goes off

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ina'ch'ixixe:l'Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ina'didaysalal berries (Gaultheria shallon)

[show entry]
k'ina'didayhe is picking, gathering

[show entry]
k'ina'q'i-na'ayYurok style medicine used during Brush Dance

[show entry]
k'ina'-tahxw-hun'Klamath River

[show entry]
k'ina'-xontah-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ina:dla:ldreaming, a dream

[show entry]
k'ina:k'iwhdaI have my first menstruation

[show entry]
k'ina:kilslave, debt-slave

[show entry]
k'ina:whla:lilI'm dreaming along

[show entry]
k'inahłdunts'e:y'-dahk'iswin-dingplaces where Flower Dance sticks are taken and left after the dance is over

[show entry]
k'inahsnipassing in front of someone

[show entry]
k'inawhla:lI'm dreaming (about something)

[show entry]
k'inchwiwh-q'itname of village near the mouth of Mill Creek

[show entry]
k'ine'wiłde'nhe lit it up

[show entry]
k'ine:nde'nit lit up

[show entry]
k'inehsnoya basket design

[show entry]
k'inehst'a:ntan oak, tan-bark oak (Quercus densiflora)

[show entry]
k'inehsya:nolder people, adults, grown-up generation

[show entry]
k'ing'kya:wwhite oak, post oak (Quercus garryana)

[show entry]
k'ingyo:whit fell to pieces

[show entry]
k'inilt'a:ts'cut up and dried venison, jerky

[show entry]
k'inilyiwcross-hatched basket design equivalent to the Yurok "slanting stripes" design

[show entry]
k'iniłt'ik'stretch it! string it out straight!

[show entry]
k'iniłt'uscut it up (e.g., venison, salmon) for drying!

[show entry]
k'iniłtsisput out the fire! blow it out!

[show entry]
k'ininde:nit shines (e.g. a light bulb, star, sun), there is a light

[show entry]
k'ining'aypoles running over the fire in a living house

[show entry]
k'iningya'n-e:(deer) come to feed

[show entry]
k'inint'ik'wild tea (bush)

[show entry]
k'iniq'eh-xwin a good way

[show entry]
k'initsisthe fire is going out

[show entry]
k'iniwhwhat one hears about, news, events that are talked about

[show entry]
k'iniwh-'a:diwhchweI listen, I hear the news

[show entry]
k'iniwhniwI'm choking on something

[show entry]
k'intehłts'itit (tree) fell

[show entry]
k'intiyo:di-chpigmy owl (Glaucidium)

[show entry]
k'intiyo:tit chases, stalks (deer)

[show entry]
k'inunq'deer lick

[show entry]
k'inusniKaruk Indian

[show entry]
k'inusni-na'dilto dance in front of a line of dancers, a feature of the War Dance

[show entry]
k'iq'aylosch'e'the liver of an eel

[show entry]
k'iq'e:nhe is twisting a hazel withe (to make it flexible)

[show entry]
k'iq'eh-na:diwul"blind", headdress made of wolf-skin worn around the head by dancers in the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
k'iq'it-dahdiwilinthe two pieces on a salmon's back from neck to part opposite navel

[show entry]
k'iq'its'it cracks, pops, snaps, crackles

[show entry]
k'iqiwhlightning flashes, there is lightning

[show entry]
k'iqo:nthere is the sound of dry hide crackling

[show entry]
k'iqojinlumps (on the body, as on a frog), bumps, unevenness (on the skin)

[show entry]
k'iqots'it is brittle, crunchy, crackling

[show entry]

[show entry]

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k'isa'nhe beats his wife up, abuses his wife, he's a wife-beater

[show entry]
k'isa:y(there is) a rattling, rustling sound (as of dry leaves)

[show entry]
k'isdawthey (fish, eels) vanished, stopped being caught

[show entry]
k'isdilma'ts'we made a circle

[show entry]
k'isdiya:nsomeone who is old, old person, elder

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ise:qota woven hood or head-net worn by important dancers in the religious dances

[show entry]
k'isehłdilI rang it

[show entry]
k'isehłlayI rested my hand someplace

[show entry]
k'isehłme:chI boiled it

[show entry]
k'isehłmut'I have burst it

[show entry]
k'isehłsa:yI rattled something

[show entry]
k'isehłt'e'ts'I roasted, parched (seeds)

[show entry]
k'isehłwa:tł'I chopped something, threshed seeds

[show entry]
k'isehłxa:lI stretched a hide to dry

[show entry]
k'isinto'-k'iwa:twooden dish on which meat was served

[show entry]
k'isiwhdile:yI'm freezing, chilled to the bone

[show entry]
k'islaya hand lies, hands lie somewhere

[show entry]
k'isolit is hollow, makes a hollow sound

[show entry]
k'ist'ay'-chwingjay, bluejay (Cyanocitta stelleri, Steller's jay)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ist'ay'-kyohClark crow (Nucifraga columbiana, Clark's Nutcracker)

[show entry]
k'ist'ay'-mili-chsmall bird hawk (Accipiter cooperii, Cooper's Hawk)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'isxa:na tree stands

[show entry]
k'it'a'ułchweposts supporting the inner door of a living house

[show entry]
k'it'e'it's getting cooked, ripe

[show entry]
k'it'o:wpaddle (for canoe)

[show entry]
k'it'un'-me'foot of Bald Hill

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k'it'ung'maple (Acer macrophyllum)

[show entry]
k'it'ung'leaf, leaves

[show entry]
k'it'ung'-dingq'och'redwood sorrel (Oxalis oregana)

[show entry]
k'ita:ltsitshallow soaking pit in riverbank sand used for leaching acorns, "dirt pan"

[show entry]
k'itawhtsitI'm leaching acorns, soaking acorns to remove tannic acid (by pouring water over them)

[show entry]
k'ite'iwhditsI start twining, twisting

[show entry]
k'ite'iwhliwhI feel along

[show entry]
k'ite:dinotit started to blaze

[show entry]
k'ite:lqot'they (feathers) were bent in a row

[show entry]
k'ite:lwe:lpickets, stakes driven into the river, in a fish-dam

[show entry]
k'ite:sehłitI started a fire

[show entry]
k'ite:sehłniwI got an erection

[show entry]
k'ite:siłda:whyou are driving a car; you are spinning a top

[show entry]
k'ite:skyo:tI stole it

[show entry]
k'ite:t'awsucking doctor, Indian doctor (general term)

[show entry]
k'ite:t'aw whing' mił k'e:diwid'aysucking doctor's doctoring song

[show entry]
k'ite:wehskyo:tthey were stolen

[show entry]
k'ite:whe'he started digging

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'ite:yo:wh(water) surged, ran along stormily

[show entry]
k'itehłk'ilhe prepared eels to dry (flattened them out)

[show entry]
k'itehłqoch'he threw a stick, spear

[show entry]
k'itehłtsa:she whipped

[show entry]
k'itidlut'there is a ripping sound (as of an old rag)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'itiłma'ts'put them in a circle! circle them around something!

[show entry]
k'itiłtsilpitcher (in baseball)

[show entry]
k'itiłtsiłthrow, toss (a rock)! pitch the ball! (in baseball)

[show entry]
k'itiłxiwtracer, tracker

[show entry]
k'itina small tail

[show entry]
k'itintsebuild a fence!

[show entry]
k'itiqowh(animal) scampers along

[show entry]
k'itiquchstick game, shinny

[show entry]
k'itisesmart, ambitious, capable, superior

[show entry]
k'itiwh'awI'm singing along, singing a song

[show entry]
k'itiwhqowhI am tumbling

[show entry]
k'itiwhtits'I'm walking with a cane

[show entry]
k'itiwhtł'owhI'm starting to weave a basket

[show entry]
k'itiwhwahI'm shaking something, sifting, winnowing (acorns, after pounding them into meal)

[show entry]
k'itiwhyohłI'm swearing, cursing, making bad medicine

[show entry]
k'itiyawha herd (of deer) moves along grazing, eats as it moves along

[show entry]
k'itł'oyweaving; basketry

[show entry]
k'ito:q'itPaddle Mountain, opposite Orleans

[show entry]
k'its'a'there is a roar

[show entry]
k'its'e:ythe youngest child in a family

[show entry]
k'its'uq'there is a sucking sound (like a bunch of eels put together)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'itsa:ylarge bird hawk, red hawk (Buteo jamaicensis, Red-tailed Hawk)

[show entry]
k'itsa:y-xotits'e'a cane used to keep rattlesnakes away; a stick which has had a medicine formula said over it

[show entry]
k'itseWar Dance

[show entry]
k'itse:qe:ch'e'-nehwa:nsquash, pumpkin

[show entry]
k'itsiwung'-tł'ohłheadband worn by doctors, made of buckskin with yellowhammer feathers attached

[show entry]
k'ituqe'the middle part of an eel, when cut up for eating

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k'ituq-na'waygo-between, mediator, one who settles a dispute

[show entry]
k'itustleached acorn flour, before cooking

[show entry]
k'iwa'ahłhe was still singing

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k'iwa'ischwithe broke it off (a shoot from a plant)

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k'iwa'nicha broken-off tree, snag

[show entry]
k'iwa:na:'iłtiwhhe/she gives something back

[show entry]
k'iwa:tlarge rough-woven basketry pan, winnowing tray (approximately 2 feet across and 4 to 6 inches deep); any large pan

[show entry]
k'iwahday'type of medicinal herb

[show entry]
k'iwahday'cha type of weed

[show entry]
k'iwha:nI'm eating

[show entry]
k'iwhchwiq'I'm stringing (dried fish, beads, etc.) on a line, skewering things on a pole

[show entry]
k'iwhde:sI'm singing off hair, I am cutting hair

[show entry]
k'iwhdik'I'm cracking acorns, I'm pecking at something

[show entry]
k'iwhk'iłI'm tearing (bird, fish) open (to clean it)

[show entry]
k'iwhkya:nI am pregnant

[show entry]
k'iwhliwhI am jealous

[show entry]
k'iwhłiwI'm painting something, spreading (paint), smearing something (with paint)

[show entry]
k'iwhmeI pick, gather, collect them (fruit, berries, nuts, acorns, etc.)

[show entry]
k'iwhnayI cook something, prepare it for eating

[show entry]
k'iwhniwhI hear about something, I hear the news

[show entry]
k'iwhq'a:sI am driving stakes (with a rock)

[show entry]
k'iwhq'its'I crack it, make it make a cracking noise

[show entry]
k'iwhse:ge'I am ill

[show entry]
k'iwht'ohI'm paddling (a canoe)

[show entry]
k'iwht'oq'I'm working flint

[show entry]
k'iwhtł'oyI'm weaving (a basket)

[show entry]
k'iwhts'ayI'm see-sawing

[show entry]
k'iwhts'osI'm sucking something (e.g.. water through lips, with a sucking noise)

[show entry]
k'iwhtsa:sI am lazy, unenthusiastic (about things in general)

[show entry]
k'iwhtsay'I'm drying something (deerhide, salmon), seasoning something (acorns, wood)

[show entry]
k'iwhtseI'm dancing the War Dance

[show entry]
k'iwhtsiłI'm pounding it lightly, hammering it, hitting it (with a stone maul, rock)

[show entry]
k'iwhtsitI'm pounding acorns

[show entry]
k'iwhxa:whI'm pulling a dip-net to shore

[show entry]
k'iwhxe'xnavel fins (of a salmon)

[show entry]
k'iwhxisI fall down

[show entry]
k'iwich'a:whwaistband knot for woman's buckskin dress

[show entry]
k'iwich'e'ilthe wind blew along

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k'iwidchwiq'things that have been strung on a line

[show entry]
k'iwidchwoq'they are strung on a line

[show entry]
k'iwide:sit had its hair singed off

[show entry]
k'iwiditsIndian twine (made of iris), string, rope

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k'iwidmuta short, barely audible fart, gasser (pops like acorns)

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k'iwidmut'it burst

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k'iwidnohłit is blazing

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k'iwidq'e:na twisted, softened hazel withe

[show entry]
k'iwidqota basket

[show entry]
k'iwidwolshield of elk-skin; war-jacket, armor made of arrowwood strips (kintł'its') woven together

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k'iwidwolcha sash of fringed buckskin, worn by Indian doctors

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[show entry]

[show entry]
k'iwilma'tanned hide (of deer, fisher, otter, etc.)

[show entry]
k'iwilme:chboiled meat

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k'iwiloy'Indian doctor's kit

[show entry]
k'iwilte:lit was paved

[show entry]
k'iwilte:lmat, traditional Indian bed

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k'iwilts'o'ts'salmon bones; fish bone

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k'iwiltsay'they (acorns) are getting dried (over a fire)

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k'iwiłda'ułchwincrow (Corvus brachyrhynchos, Common Crow)

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k'iwiłda'ułchwin-kyohraven (Corvus corax)

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k'iwiłtsa:ysomething dried, seasoned (hide, acorns)

[show entry]
k'iwimut'there was a bursting sound; a gun went off

[show entry]
k'iwina:liwmale salmon; egg sucker

[show entry]
k'iwinch'o:nit plopped

[show entry]
k'iwindilit rang, made a ringing sound

[show entry]
k'iwindolit crashed

[show entry]
k'iwingqots'it snapped off, made a crackling sound

[show entry]
k'iwingxa'a tree came to stand, still stands

[show entry]
k'iwinjut'it flopped

[show entry]
k'iwink'e:t'it squeaked

[show entry]
k'iwinłut'there was a slapping sound

[show entry]
k'iwinsa:yit made a rattling sound

[show entry]
k'iwint'a'nleaves have come out, (tree) has come into leaf

[show entry]
k'iwinya'nacorn (general term)

[show entry]
k'iwinya'n-ma:'a'maggots that feed on acorns

[show entry]
k'iwinya'n-ya:nman, person, people, Indians

[show entry]
k'iwitł'o:nwhat has been woven, weaving, woven basket

[show entry]
k'iwitł'ohłshe was weaving

[show entry]
k'iwitsitpounded acorns

[show entry]
k'iwiwhle:lI move my hand along

[show entry]
k'iwiyulwhat one eats (in general), food

[show entry]
k'iwiyul-mił-me:na'dinchwe:nmedicine to make one want food, stimulate the appetite

[show entry]
k'iwiyung'ilhe eats time after time

[show entry]
k'iwo'"hooks", a crown of sea-lion tusks

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k'iwo'-dahyiwilxa:lEaster lily

[show entry]
k'iwo'-me'the hook dancers in the Boat Dance

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k'iwotł'there is a crunching sound (esp. of rocks)

[show entry]
k'iwowh-nesnoy"foam spot," a bad-luck place in the river

[show entry]
k'iwuna:yay'dilthey are hunting

[show entry]
k'iwunay'iwhdayI am hunting, pursuing something

[show entry]
k'iwunayda:-ch'itina:whhe goes hunting

[show entry]
k'iwunayda:-ya'tehsde:tł'they went hunting

[show entry]
k'iwun-ch'idnehe prays, preaches

[show entry]
k'iwungxoya:nold man

[show entry]
k'ixa'kingpoles that the A-frame net sits in

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k'ixa:q'A-frame lifting net, "trigger" net

[show entry]
k'ixa:q'ichsmall dip net

[show entry]
k'ixahle'drying frame

[show entry]
k'ixahs-wun-ts'isdayhunting camp

[show entry]
k'ixichfreckles, freckled

[show entry]
k'ixinayimmortals, spirits, "angels."

[show entry]
k'ixolq'its'it is cracked back and forth

[show entry]
k'ixoniwhawareness, feeling (in the body)

[show entry]
k'ixowhnayI capture him, he is my captive

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k'ixulo'a (deer's) hoof; deer-hoof rattle used by doctors (dried deer hooves, tied around a stick or bone)

[show entry]
k'ixusdeer snare (set to catch deer)

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k'ixutit collapses, drops (e.g. deadfall, house)

[show entry]
k'iya:ne:-q'eha creek mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)

[show entry]
k'iya:whbird (general term)

[show entry]
k'iya:wh-me:da'ayscalps of redheaded woodpeckers, used for decoration

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k'iya:wh-nayniłwullarge speckled hawk (Falco mexicanus, Prairie Falcon)

[show entry]

[show entry]
k'iyintahShasta Indians

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k'iyo:ypoisonous mushroom, poisonous plant, anything dangerous, strange or poisonous

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k'iyuch-łitsowbluebird (Sialia mexicana, Western Bluebird)

[show entry]
ke'-ne:stree squirrel, grey squirrel (Ammospermophilus)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
kehlet me! let's!

[show entry]
kehłtsa:n-'isdiya:nunmarried woman, old maid

[show entry]
kila:gyahsmall woodpecker, California woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus, Acorn Woodpecker)

[show entry]

[show entry]
kile:xichboy before puberty

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[show entry]
kilxawhring-tail cat; civet (Bassariscus astutus)

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kina:k'iwiłda'ula girl becomes kinahłdung

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kinahłdunga girl for whom a Flower Dance is held, a girl at puberty

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kinahłdun-ts'e:y'a decorated split stick used as a rattle during the songs in the Flower Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
kingtree, timber (general term), stick

[show entry]
king łiqaydeer-hoof rattle used by "tracers" (claivoyants)

[show entry]
king'a:gya:n(traditional) pipe for smoking tobacco

[show entry]
king'onq'otspigeon berries (?) (Rhamnus sp., buckthorn, cascara)

[show entry]
king-k'idiłtsay'sapsucker, smallest woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varius, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker)

[show entry]
king-k'itohburden basket with a "nest" of sticks, used for the temporary storage of acorns

[show entry]

[show entry]
king-xołiwhinheavy forest

[show entry]
kin-jiwolchpole, rounded stick (esp. those used in the Jump Dance fence)

[show entry]
kinjiwolch-ne:sthe cross-piece on the Jump Dance back-board

[show entry]
kin-na:lma:ts'storage cask

[show entry]
kin-na:waygambling, card game (traditional or modern)

[show entry]
kin-nawhleI'm gambling

[show entry]
kinsinto'the sweet sap of the sugar pine or maple; sugar

[show entry]
kinte:s'itsI worked

[show entry]
kintł'its'a type of shrub with hard wood and fuzzy flowers (Holodiscus discolor)

[show entry]
kin-ts'iyo:yethe squeaky noise of two trees rubbing together in the wind

[show entry]
kinye:q'ithollow tree

[show entry]
kinyiq'i-kyoh-mingwahname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
kiwhan insulting gesture with the hand

[show entry]
kiyiq'hollow tree

[show entry]
ky'a'a'diq'ayhe is training for power (at a tim)

[show entry]
ky'a'a:na hole, cave

[show entry]
ky'a'a:nthere is a hole, it is empty, hollow

[show entry]
ky'a:-away from

[show entry]
-ky'a:-ch'ing'away from

[show entry]
ky'a:da:ne:-kyohbig white and black spotted salamander

[show entry]
ky'a:dawhneI'm gathering, picking up (acorns, apples, round objects)

[show entry]
ky'a:tilchwehcry out!

[show entry]
ky'a:tilchwiwa type of salamander

[show entry]
ky'a:tiwilchwe:l(someting is) crying along

[show entry]
ky'o'didxithe is begging for something

[show entry]

[show entry]
ky'o'niłkishe threw a spear at it, speared at something

[show entry]
ky'o'niwinga:nhe committed adultery with someone

[show entry]
ky'o'wingwha:lhe hooked for it

[show entry]

[show entry]
ky'o:diłts'o'ts'-ne'make a kissing noise!

[show entry]
ky'o:diwhye:whI'm whistling (at someone, something)

[show entry]
ky'o:law-king'fishing pole

[show entry]
ky'o:lehlet there be lots of fish!

[show entry]
ky'o:mo:t'bump or knobby place on the flesh

[show entry]
ky'o:mo:t'it bulges up (lump or knob on one's body, a hill, etc.)

[show entry]
ky'ohporcupine (Erethizon dorsatum); porcupine quills; headdress of porcupine quills, worn by women in the Jump Dance

[show entry]
ky'ołtułkick! kick at something!

[show entry]
ky'owh'itsI'm shooting at something

[show entry]
ky'owhdilungI don't believe it

[show entry]
ky'owhkislet me spear for fish!

[show entry]
ky'owhlawI'm fishing (with hook and line, "white-man's style")

[show entry]
ky'oywungit (dog) is growling at something

[show entry]
kya'skirt, dress (general term)

[show entry]
kyo:mo'ch-dinglumpy knoll on Bald Hill

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[show entry]
kyułneswamp robin, timber robin, thrush (Ixoreus naevius, Varied Thrush)

[show entry]

[show entry]
kyungxowhtiwI'm begging for food, I'm bumming

[show entry]
-la:nwith the help of, helping

[show entry]
la:whe'buckeye (Aesculus califonica)

[show entry]
-lahopposite, contrary to

[show entry]
lahseaweed (Porphyra perforata, etc.)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
ła'a-dingsometimes, at times

[show entry]
ła'a-le:na blanket

[show entry]
ła'ay-dingin one place, together, in one bunch

[show entry]
ła'ay-xwimmediately, at once, right then; nothing but, only

[show entry]
ła'-dikinone hundred, one counting stick

[show entry]
ła'-k'itiyawha herd of deer

[show entry]
ła'-me:nundiya:-dung'the year before

[show entry]
ła'-nite:lone dollar (refers to silver dollar coin)

[show entry]
ła'-tehs'ayspike, deer with single-pointed antler

[show entry]
ła'-yehch'iwinyaya set of ten dances in the Jump Dance

[show entry]
ła:nmany, there is a lot

[show entry]
ła:n-łilt'ik'The Pleiades, "Seven Sisters" (constellation)

[show entry]
łahonce, one time, one (instance of)

[show entry]
łah-ch'ing'-dina:na type of decorative shell, like small scallops

[show entry]
łah-te:schwita measurement from tip to tip of outspread arms; a "yard"

[show entry]
łah-xwmerely, just, only, (in an) ordinary (way)

[show entry]
łahxw...sile'njust as if, as though

[show entry]
łahxw-hayahjust for nothing, for no reason, as a joke

[show entry]
łe'diliwhe kills something, he murders someone

[show entry]
łe:de'e:tł'a corner

[show entry]
łe:dsowa pile of things scraped together

[show entry]
łe:k'e'iwhxut'I sew them together

[show entry]
łe:k'iniwhye:ts'I'm tying them together (with a knot)

[show entry]
łe:k'iwhlawI gather (firewood), collect (things), bring (people) together

[show entry]
łe:k'iwing'e:tł'said to be a variant of the ch'ah-ch'e:ng'e:tł' design (Goddard L&C, p.47)

[show entry]
łe:l-dingconfluence, where two streams come together (specifically, where the Trinity and the South Fork join, near Salyer, the location of a village of the Tse:ningxwe)

[show entry]
łe:lya'there is a draw, tie (in a fight, game)

[show entry]
łe:na'k'iniłme'nhe built with rocks all around

[show entry]
łe:na'niłchwe:nshe made (things) all around

[show entry]
łe:na'niłno'he stood (wood) up in a (vertical) bundle, he gathered things in sheaves

[show entry]
łe:na'niwilne:sthey reached out and met together

[show entry]
łe:na'ut'iky'they circle clear around (joined together in a circle)

[show entry]
łe:na'xwe'iłtiwhthey take her around

[show entry]
łe:na:'awhchwo:kI sweep them together

[show entry]
łe:na:k'e'iltsay'it (sand) dries together again

[show entry]
łe:na:k'e'iwhditł'o:whI make several rounds of weaving

[show entry]
łe:na:k'ildiwhot'they (severed parts) grew back together

[show entry]
łe:na:l-dingWeitspus (part of present-day Weitchpec)

[show entry]
łe:na:łtehłfull moon

[show entry]
łe:na:tł'o:nbasket design, equivalent to the Yurok "elk" design

[show entry]
łe:na:whneighbors, people living nearby; a village, rancheria

[show entry]
łe:na:wilayfire that has been built

[show entry]
łe:nawhge:sI'm raking things together in a pile

[show entry]
łe:nawhliwhI'm building a fire

[show entry]
łe:ne:tł'-tewe'll come together, meet

[show entry]
łe:ningxe:nthey came floating together

[show entry]
łe:nulya'there is an evening up, revenge

[show entry]
łe:nundiwa:tł'it shut

[show entry]
łe:wilingthey (streams) flow together

[show entry]
łe:wiloy'they are tied together

[show entry]
łe:ya'ninyay(a group) came together, assembled

[show entry]
łe:yehch'iwingye:whhe jammed it (his face) in

[show entry]
łe:yehna:ldidowthey drew back

[show entry]
łe:yme:tł'he rattled it

[show entry]
łehch-maclay, grey-blue colored dirt

[show entry]

[show entry]
łehq'onch-yiditilegoose (Anser sp.)

[show entry]

[show entry]
łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-dingplace upstream from Hostler Ranch village

[show entry]
łich'iwhsand, sandy dirt, dust

[show entry]
łich'iwh-'inahwh-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
łich'iwh-dingname of a place featured in a story told by Oscar Brown

[show entry]
łige:ypine squirrel (Sciurus douglasi)

[show entry]
łin'tiloy'he cinches it up, tightens the cinch on a saddle

[show entry]
łinch'e'mare, bitch

[show entry]
łing'pet animal, dog, horse

[show entry]
łing'-wilda:l-q'itname of a resting place

[show entry]
łing'-wint'e'n-eshe called him (her son)

[show entry]
łinte:sehłtikI squeezed it together

[show entry]
łintiwhtiwhI'm going to look for trouble; "I'll see about that!"

[show entry]

[show entry]
łiq'a:wit is fat

[show entry]
łiqayit is white

[show entry]
łiqay-wint'eplain white dentalia

[show entry]
łiqiwhit is forked, has prongs

[show entry]
łiqoch'it is hollow, empty, gaping

[show entry]
łisch'board, plank

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
łitsowsomething is blue, green

[show entry]
łitsow-tehsyaypneumonia or pleurisy

[show entry]

[show entry]
łiwhinblack paint, made with charcoal

[show entry]
łiwhinsomething is black

[show entry]
łiwhłohI have boils

[show entry]
łiwhsowI'm scraping them together

[show entry]
łiwhxungI ejaculate

[show entry]
łiwuningalone, all by oneself

[show entry]
łixunit is sweet, good-tasting

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łixun-niłchwinincense cedar (Libocedrus decurrens)

[show entry]
łiybet, stakes, prize

[show entry]
ło'laugh, laughter

[show entry]
ło'-ch'iłchwehe laughs

[show entry]
ło'chwiwhseed flour (archaic term)

[show entry]
ło'kyohsturgeon (Acipenser)

[show entry]
ło'kyoh-miqojine'basket design equivalent to the Yurok "sturgeon back" design

[show entry]
ło'nwhite-faced mouse (Peromyscus)

[show entry]
ło'n-łiqaywhite mouse

[show entry]
ło'-xotiwising'iłsomeone was laughing along the road

[show entry]
ło'-xowinse'nthey laughed

[show entry]
ło'ya:whcreek trout (Salmon); any small fish

[show entry]
ło'ya:wh-yiditileduck (sp.)

[show entry]
ło:diłehthey throw (mud) at one another

[show entry]
ło:q'fish; salmon (Oncorrhynchus sp.)(general term)

[show entry]
ło:q' ma:tiliwthe leader of the salmon

[show entry]
ło:q'-chwo"mockingbird" or "nightingale", chat (Icteria virens, Yellow-breasted Chat)

[show entry]
ło:q'i-nite:lshad (Dorosoma petenense)

[show entry]
ło:q'i-ya:nfish hawk (general term)

[show entry]

[show entry]
ło:q'-ya:nbald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

[show entry]
ło:q'-yiditileriver otter (Lutra canadensis)

[show entry]
łohscab, sore

[show entry]
łungxo-'a:k'idyahhe had died

[show entry]
łungxo-'a:k'it'ingdeath takes place (polite term)

[show entry]
łungxo-'a:yk'e'iniwpeople die

[show entry]
ma'a'diniłchwithe started to run off

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
-ma'nacross from, opposite

[show entry]
ma'ts'half-hoop that holds the net in a dip net

[show entry]
ma:'a'louse, parasite

[show entry]
ma:-ch'iqa:lWhite Deerskin Dance leader, the person who leads the movement of the dance by carrying the fire from one danceground to another

[show entry]
ma:-de:diwh'awhI burn incense root (angelica) in the fire and pray (at a ceremony)

[show entry]
ma:jiwilay'a mountain in Bald Hill country, northeast of Redwood Creek

[show entry]
ma:-k'itsitthe woman who leads the acorn pounders in the Acorn Feast

[show entry]
ma:k'iwhkitI feed it

[show entry]
ma:lyeh-xwfixing it

[show entry]
ma:-me:lkya'slip, underskirt

[show entry]
-ma:non account of..., for (that) reason

[show entry]
ma:-na'wayDance Leader

[show entry]
-ma:n-ch'ing'across from, opposite

[show entry]
ma:ning'aybackbone of salmon with meat attached

[show entry]
ma:-no:na'ky'a'awh-dingname of a resting place

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
ma:yomourning dove (Zenaida macroura)

[show entry]
mahnparty of warriors

[show entry]
mawhit stinks! phew!

[show entry]
mayo:te:lcreatures mentioned in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay

[show entry]
me'-ch'e'na:whouthouse, (inside) bathroom

[show entry]
me'-ch'e:'iłsits'he's skinning (an animal)

[show entry]
me'-ch'iłt'ohskin (the animal)! flay it!

[show entry]
me'-ch'ing'into, towards the inside of it

[show entry]
me'-ch'iwa:tsmall bucket or bowl for acorn flour

[show entry]

[show entry]
me'-chwich-ch'iłchwelarge burden basket, used for carrying firewood

[show entry]
me'-de'diłiwfrying pan; pan where you put bread to cook

[show entry]
me'de'ilwa:whthey talk about it

[show entry]
me'dil(traditional) canoe, (modern) boat

[show entry]
me'dil-dingVillage of Matilton; Captain John's Ranch

[show entry]
me'dilxwethe people of the village of Matilton (Me'dilding) and more generally the people of the upstream half of Hoopa Valley

[show entry]
me'iłqe:tthey shove it (a canoe) to shore

[show entry]
me'imowhhe used to land on it

[show entry]
me'isde'a rock that stands in the ocean at the mouth of the Klamath, mentioned in a love medicine formula told by Emma Lewis

[show entry]
me'isdil-dinga danceground at the downstream end of Ts'ilunding, where the dancers camp before going up Bald Hill on the last day of the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
me'isdil-din-nilinBeaver Creek

[show entry]
me'isdi-situn-dingplace mentioned in Sam Brown's description of a vision he had

[show entry]
me'istpestle, used to pound acorns

[show entry]
me'ist-na:k'iditintype of dragonfly, bigger than k'iłwe:mitits'e'

[show entry]
me'-k'e:'iłnaykitchen stove

[show entry]
me'-k'idilxutshe feels good (after drinking), he's high

[show entry]
me'-k'iłwulseed-beating basket, thresher into which seeds are beaten

[show entry]
me'k'iłwul-na'wefemale man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places

[show entry]
me'-k'iłyo:l-na'yo:sslide trombone

[show entry]
me'-k'isinto'-ch'iłchwestone dish for catching oil of cooking eels or fish

[show entry]
me'k'isloy'he feathered an arrow

[show entry]
me'k'isłithe burned up along the mountain

[show entry]
me'-k'ita:'ułtsitacorn leaching pit

[show entry]
me'k'ite:mo:whblister, a blister (which) has formed

[show entry]
me'k'itimowha blister is forming

[show entry]
me'k'itł'o:whhe ties something on to it

[show entry]
me'k'iwiłtiwhe measured it

[show entry]

[show entry]
me'-ky'o'diłye:wha whistle (modern)

[show entry]
me'-na'a'diłwichrocking chair

[show entry]

[show entry]
me'-na'dilperform (a dance step) inside a circle of dancers (a feature of the Brush Dance)

[show entry]
me'-na:k'iwilwe:lclip, magazine (with bullets)

[show entry]
me'nilaythey landed their canoes

[show entry]
me'ninta:nhe landed his canoe, brought his canoe in to shore

[show entry]
me'niwit'ilhe is proud of it, he talks proudly about it

[show entry]

[show entry]
me'-no:na'milclothes basket

[show entry]
me'-no:nundiwa:tł'clock strikes the hour

[show entry]
me'nus'aybrush house; wind-break; lean-to

[show entry]
me'-sa'k'ixawheating bowl, basket

[show entry]
me'-sa:lts'ots'a dipper which one sips from

[show entry]
me'silła:the ran uphill

[show entry]
me'-siłiq'pie; anything dough-like or mud-like in a container

[show entry]
me'-ta'dina:ndrinking glass

[show entry]
me'-tehna:na'k'iłdiwplace for washing; washroom, bathroom; bathtub

[show entry]

[show entry]
me'wint'a'nhe got stuck to it

[show entry]
me'xoste:nhe took her up the mountain

[show entry]
me'xowinya'nhe got suspicious of it.

[show entry]
me'-yehk'iłyo:la whistle (modern)

[show entry]
me'-yehk'iwta:nsoapstone bowl of a pipe

[show entry]
me:'iłte:lit is wide enough for it

[show entry]
me:ch'ine:sdart; a type of lizard (Gerrhonotus, alligator lizard)

[show entry]
me:chwilchwo:kbrush used to sweep acorn flour (older term)

[show entry]
me:da'aysomething extends against it; a (canoe) is beached, pulled to shore (still partly in the river)

[show entry]
me:da'ay-me'widow who has not yet cut her hair

[show entry]
me:da'ay-ne:sChinese person

[show entry]
me:da'ay-wilchwilboy at puberty

[show entry]
me:de:chwe'nI got hungry for it

[show entry]
me:dił'alight it!

[show entry]
me:dimił-dinggoal line

[show entry]
me:diwhchwingI'm hungry for it, want it

[show entry]
me:diwhdinI want it, crave it, want to have or do it

[show entry]
me:do:we:se:le'I came to feel tired, unable (to complete the job)

[show entry]
me:dziwhlayI hate it

[show entry]
me:k'e'iwhmilI throw (water) against it

[show entry]
me:k'iłxut'cover it up! hide it by covering!

[show entry]
me:k'inehsq'its'it is shining, shimmering

[show entry]
me:k'ingxut'it is covered up, it has a cover on it

[show entry]
me:k'inowhyeI imitate someone

[show entry]
me:k'int'eit is the length of it, it is as long as it

[show entry]
me:k'iwhtiwI'm singing (for a dance), singing a dance-song

[show entry]
me:k'iwiloy'-dingthe part of the shaft of an arrow where it is feathered

[show entry]
me:k'iwiltiwa measure of something

[show entry]
me:k'iwiltiwit has been measured

[show entry]
me:l'-ta:nlive oak (Quercus chrysolepis)

[show entry]
me:lahsome of it, some of them

[show entry]
me:lxe'it is finished, ready

[show entry]
me:metall fern (Woodwardia)

[show entry]
me:na'ułtulthey dance to there

[show entry]
me:na'winch'a:nhe shouted

[show entry]
me:na:chwilił-teit (water) will settle

[show entry]
me:na:whit arrives at it; (idiomatically) it's getting to be time for it

[show entry]
me:na:whdimingI have swum back to shore

[show entry]
me:nawhdileI'm imitating it

[show entry]
me:ne:q'-tł'ohte:lwater snake; striped salamander (Eutoenia)

[show entry]
me:niliw(fish) swims into a net, gets caught in a net

[show entry]
me:ning'ayit extends along against it, leans against it

[show entry]
me:niwhgitI'm afraid of it, I fear it

[show entry]
me:niwho:nit is good for it, it is fitting, required

[show entry]
me:niwil'a'it is leaned against something

[show entry]
me:niwinch'e"Indian celery," a kind of grass

[show entry]
me:nundila:tit floated back

[show entry]
me:nundiqe:tit (a canoe) arrived back to shore

[show entry]
me:q'-xił-sile'na part of an eel, eaten when half-dry

[show entry]
me:-si-climbing up along it

[show entry]
me:siwha:whI'm going up, climbing (a hill)

[show entry]
me:siwidlaytattoo design element

[show entry]
me:so:yse'nI wanted to do it

[show entry]
me:sowhsinI want to do it, I'm really interested in doing it

[show entry]
me:tsah-xosina lot, really, very

[show entry]
me:tsah-xowinsin'-teit will be difficult

[show entry]
me:wi-na:sita:nheadband, "roll."

[show entry]
me:wina:whilthe time comes

[show entry]
me:winła'nit has become enough

[show entry]
me:-xonist'e'-xwe:niwhhe was happy about it

[show entry]
me:xwe:yłtsa:sI slung him against it

[show entry]
me:ya'de'ił'e:tł'they join them onto it

[show entry]
me:ya'k'isitiwiwhthey pack things up hill in several loads

[show entry]
me:ya'k'iwiłte:lthey sang

[show entry]
me:ya:de'e:tł'they are sitting on it (canoes on the shore)

[show entry]
me:yłt'unI stuck it on to it

[show entry]
me:yłto'nI caused it (spit) to jump at it

[show entry]
mehłseine, gill net

[show entry]
mehsch'il'e:nblue-flag grass, iris (Iris)

[show entry]
mehsla:-xosinit is mean

[show entry]
mehsla:-xowidse'nsomeone comes to be mean

[show entry]
mehst'a'nit is sticking to it

[show entry]
mehstł'o:n(someone) tied it on to it, it is tied on to it

[show entry]
mich'a'ahits (river's) mouth, outlet

[show entry]
mich'e:k'e'xw-na:nint'ik'the string which loops back and forth on a baby's belly in the baby-basket

[show entry]
mich'e:k'e'-xwo-silaycinch (on a horse)

[show entry]
mich'ile'-ne:srhododendron (Rhododendron californicum)

[show entry]
mich'ilxune'its bitterness

[show entry]
mich'ing'-dingbecause of it, resulting from it

[show entry]

[show entry]
mich'ing'-na:sa'a:nalong with something

[show entry]
mich'ing'-nayniłt'ik'trigger (on a gun)

[show entry]

[show entry]
mich'iwhe'ta:whbluish dust on acorns (due to mold)

[show entry]
michwa:n'-tułta:ngrey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)

[show entry]
michwe:xin'-q'eh-yixolwhinmeadowlark (Sturnella neglecta, Western Meadowlark)

[show entry]

[show entry]
mida'chsmall dentalia shells, unincised and too small for use as money; used for decorative necklaces

[show entry]
mida'milarrow socket

[show entry]
mida'-mił-ne:lno'sash with redheaded woodpecker scalps and beaks sewn on, worn by men at the Kick Dance

[show entry]
mida'-mina:xo:lwhinsnowbird, junco (Junco hyemalis, Dark-eyed Junco)

[show entry]
mida'ninyayhe came to the door (but didn't go in)

[show entry]
mida'-nite:lduck (general term)

[show entry]
mida'-tehmilgopher (Thomomys, pocket gopher)

[show entry]
mida:n'-sa'a:ntimber owl (Strix occidentalis, Spotted Owl)

[show entry]
mida:-q'iton the edge of (the river); riverbank

[show entry]
mide'its (animal's) horn, antlers

[show entry]
mide'ina:whhe goes close past it

[show entry]
mide'-xole:ncow, cattle; (archaic: buck deer or elk)

[show entry]
mide:dna'nit's been touched

[show entry]
mide:na'k'ilayhe touched it

[show entry]
midiwhnawI touch it

[show entry]
miduqits slope

[show entry]
mije'e:dinbaby, child

[show entry]
mije'e:din-xwa:-na:'uste'she had a baby for him

[show entry]
mije:'xo-tse:lnehwa:nred breasted salamander; red-bellied newt (Taricha totosa)

[show entry]
mije:q'e'(slug's, snail's) slime; slimy discharge

[show entry]

[show entry]
mije:w'-xole:nsugar pine (Pinus lambertina)

[show entry]
mije:w'xole:n-k'idiłq'its'nuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)

[show entry]
mijiw'-ne:smule, donkey

[show entry]
mijiwult'ung'its fins

[show entry]
mik'ilxije'-xole:nbig white and black spotted salamander

[show entry]
mik'iqots'e'elk (Cervus canadensis, Roosevelt elk)

[show entry]
mik'iqots'e'-ma:'a'blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus, Brewer's Blackbird)

[show entry]
mik'its'o:'its (fish's) milt

[show entry]
mike'its (animal's) tail; mouth of a river (metaphorically)

[show entry]
mike'-łitsowblue-tailed lizard

[show entry]
mike:l'its (fish's, eel's ) tail

[show entry]
mike:l'-ch'ing'the tail-end of something, the smallest part of something

[show entry]
mikin'the base of something; a handle

[show entry]
miky'a:nt'ik'it is hanging

[show entry]

[show entry]
mikyow'grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis)

[show entry]
mikyow'-mik'ima:w'grizzly bear medicine

[show entry]
mikyowe'-mila'basket design equivalent to the Yurok and Karok "striped" design

[show entry]
-milthin covering or shell

[show entry]
milay'point (of an arrow); tip (of a tree); summit, top, peak (of a mountain)

[show entry]
mile:je'its remains

[show entry]
milichit drips, leaks

[show entry]
milide'-niłchwintobacco (rare)

[show entry]

[show entry]
miloy(berries) are unripe, green

[show entry]
miłsleepiness, sleep, drowsiness, dream

[show entry]
mił(starting off) from

[show entry]
-miłwhen..., after...

[show entry]
mił-'a'k'ił'e:npencil, pen

[show entry]
mił-ch'a'a'dimillong-toothed Indian comb of elk-horn

[show entry]
mił-ch'idilyeregalia and other ceremonial valuables used primarily in the White Deerskin Dance and Jump Dances

[show entry]
mił-ch'iwolscraper (for hide)

[show entry]
mił-ch'ixosow(traditional) implement for scratching, made of elkhorn, polished or with a rim of abalone shell

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
miłchwitpush it!

[show entry]
mił-dahch'iwiyo:siltrigger string attached to the A-frame net

[show entry]
mił-dahk'idiłdilsmall sifting basket

[show entry]
mił-dahsidayA-frame lifting net, equivalent to k'ixa:q'

[show entry]
miłiye'it is worth it

[show entry]
mił-k'idiłdinlove medicine

[show entry]
mił-k'idiłwis(traditional) wooden drill-like implement used to create a spark, fire drill; (modern) matches

[show entry]
mił-k'iłdik'darkish rock, about 8 inches long, used to crack acorns

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-k'iłtsilhammer, maul

[show entry]
mił-k'iłwulthresher, used to thresh out wild oats into basket

[show entry]
mił-k'it'usa saw

[show entry]
mił-k'itiłkisfishing spear, especially the point

[show entry]
mił-k'itiquchstick with hook on end used in stick game

[show entry]
mił-k'itiwa:tsmall sifting basket

[show entry]
mił-k'itsitrock used to crack acorns

[show entry]
mił-ky'a:nset of teeth

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-ky'o:xe:t(modern) money

[show entry]
mił-łe:na'ge:sa rake

[show entry]
mił-łe:na:dsowbrush for sweeping up (acorn flour)

[show entry]
mił-łe:na:tsowbrush for sweeping up (acorn) flour

[show entry]
mił-me'k'iłtiwmeasuring stick (for mesh of a net)

[show entry]
mił-miq'i(t)xwona:na'ayan iron

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-na'k'iłwulbaseball bat

[show entry]
mił-na'k'itł'oyshuttle for making nets

[show entry]
mił-na'ntsa:sa whip

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-na:na'k'iłwha:lwooden hook, used to break limbs off trees

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-na:sa'a:nthere is a tradition

[show entry]
mił-na:tul(animal's) paw

[show entry]
mił-nikyahxwo-ky'a:nmedicine to "stretch your stomach" so that you will be able to eat a lot at a feast

[show entry]
mił-no:'ołwuldip net, plunge net

[show entry]
mił-no:'ondila "heavy" or slow song at the Kick Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
miłsah-cha little bit far

[show entry]
mił-tahch'ilo:sline to pull gill-net

[show entry]
mił-tahk'iłje:wlarge seine

[show entry]
mił-te:wina'k'iqotacorn paddle

[show entry]
mił-tehch'ijichmodern spoon

[show entry]
mił-tehsch'e:-me'Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) village

[show entry]
miłto:yany basket large enough to cook in; (modern) pot, bucket

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-xa'xa:whgarden spade; spades (suit in playing cards)

[show entry]
mił-xong'a'dił'e:nface or body paint made from soot mixed with marrow

[show entry]
mił-xong'a:na:diwilaw-k'ima:w'medicine to look nice, have nice things

[show entry]
mił-xontah-na:dya'medicine to make people be always glad to see you

[show entry]
mił-xosa'awhsomeone poisons him, poisoning happens

[show entry]
mił-xosa:d'a:nhe had been poisoned

[show entry]

[show entry]
mił-yehch'ina:wha "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance

[show entry]
mił-yehk'iłtula "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance

[show entry]
mił-yik'iłt'otnipple (on bottle)

[show entry]
mił-yiłkit(steel) trap

[show entry]
mima:ts'e'rim, edge of something (e.g. basket)

[show entry]
mimiłna:tul'-jiwola second name for the bobcat

[show entry]
min'-house (archaic)

[show entry]
min'chmenstrual hut

[show entry]
min'-ch'e:ng'a:dingside pole running the length of a house, suppporting the roof

[show entry]
min'day'outside the house, outdoors

[show entry]
min'day'ch'ing'-xwa:'a:neta:n doctor

[show entry]
min'dayq'(on the) stone platform in front of a living house (xontah)

[show entry]
min'-sowołthe round exit door of a sweathouse

[show entry]
min'-t'ahthe entrance passage into a living house

[show entry]
min'-tsida'smokehole in a living house

[show entry]
mina'k'idehłq'ay'he straddled it

[show entry]
mina'se'ina:whshe goes around it (the fire)

[show entry]
mina'wilda:lshe ran around (the fire)

[show entry]
mina:'large seed, pit

[show entry]
mina:'-dahnehsnoy-chbig redwood salamander (Chondrotus)

[show entry]

[show entry]
mina:'-xweraccoon (Procyon lotor)

[show entry]
mina:-k'isa'awshe sings (while) going around it

[show entry]
mina:k'isehłma:ts'I made a circle around it

[show entry]
mina:k'iwilt'ik'(string) is stretched around it, encircles it

[show entry]
mina:na:'isdiła:tshe ran around it

[show entry]
mina:na:'isme:nhe made it swim around (the world)

[show entry]
mina:na:k'ide:lq'ay'sitting with one leg on each side

[show entry]
mina:ng'aysinkers on fish net

[show entry]
minahbeforehand, ahead of time, in advance

[show entry]
minahsto(water) surrounds it, forms an island

[show entry]

[show entry]
minawhliwhI remembered it, call it to mind, think of it

[show entry]
minawhniwI forget it

[show entry]
minchwiwh-milyellowhammer, flicker (Colaptes auratus, Common Flicker)

[show entry]
minde'iłchwe(modern) tobacco, cigarette

[show entry]
mindichbobcat, lynx (Felis rufus)

[show entry]

[show entry]
mine:gitsa little bit; (it is) cheap

[show entry]
mine:jit-dahna:k'e:t'a:ts'I cut it in half

[show entry]
mine:jit-ts'isye:nnon-technical term for the center man in the Jump Dance

[show entry]
mine:jixomiłafterwards, then (after a while)

[show entry]
mine:jixo-na'ne'iłtuł-dingplace along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut

[show entry]
mine:qitsa little, slightly, easily

[show entry]
-mingin order to, so that

[show entry]
mingit (animal)

[show entry]
ming'-kine'dingat the back of a house

[show entry]
mingk'il'e:nmenstruating woman, menstruation (direct term, used among women)

[show entry]
mingk'iwh'e:nI am menstruating, having my period

[show entry]
mingwahat the edge of it, bordering it, beside it, (lying) next to it

[show entry]

[show entry]
mingwiwhyo:lI'm chasing along, driving (animals, e.g. horses, cattle, pigs)

[show entry]
minilohtshoot owl, smallest owl

[show entry]
minim'-mił-łe:diliwmountain lion, "panther" (Felis concolor)

[show entry]
mininflank (of mountain), hillside

[show entry]
minin'ding-ch'e:ng'ay(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap

[show entry]
minin'ding-dahdiwing'ay(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap

[show entry]
miningmonth (in names of months)

[show entry]
mining'-łiwhinBlack person, Negro

[show entry]
mining'-me:q'e'screech owl (Otus asio)

[show entry]
mining'-q'it-nuk'iłut'turkey; turkey's wattles

[show entry]
mining'-tehs'aypest, pesky person

[show entry]
mining-gije'(a fish's) head-gristle

[show entry]
miniwhloy'I'm tying you to it

[show entry]
minłun-dikinten hundred, one thousand

[show entry]
minłundikin-miwah-na:ła'dikinone thousand one hundred

[show entry]

[show entry]
minłungit is sufficient, enough for it

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
mino:'awhdingpractice religious dance performed to the side of dance area

[show entry]
mino:k'e:łdik'I put a hole in it

[show entry]
mino:k'ischwa'nit (plant) is growing in a clump or bunch

[show entry]
mino:lwe:tł'it was midnight

[show entry]
mino:ya'k'ingt'a'ts'-tethey are going to cut them open

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
minq'i-nikya:w-q'itTrinity Summit

[show entry]
mintiwh'itsI'm pulling at it (with all my strength)

[show entry]
mintł'ohwhfasten your net!

[show entry]
miq'a'a'diłchwea circle of rocks on top of a mountain, where Indian doctors train

[show entry]
miq'eh-me:na:k'iwiltiwa "light" or fast song at the Brush Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'i'esday(traditional) stump-like stool for men; (modern) chair

[show entry]
miq'i-ch'ing'flat with oaks

[show entry]
miq'ik'itł'oy'hazel sticks

[show entry]
miq'ishalf of it, one of a pair

[show entry]
miq'i-sile'nit has gotten late

[show entry]
miq'is-nint'ik'false Solomon's Seal (Smilacina sessilifolia)

[show entry]
miq'it dahch'iwinge:nshe smoked (tobacco)

[show entry]
miq'it-ch'ich'iwhcoat, jacket

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-dahky'a:ntable (modern)

[show entry]
miq'it-dahna'de'ił'a'-dingBuck Buttes

[show entry]
miq'it-dahna:dił'ashoot it, hit it (with an arrow)!

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-dahwing'a'the sun has set behind the western hills, it is sunset

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-k'ildilServiceberry (Amelanchier), juneberry

[show entry]
miq'it-k'iłxa:lframe on which deerhides are stretched to dry before tanning

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-k'ixutdeadfall trap (for fisher)

[show entry]
miq'it-king-k'e:'iłwuldrum used in stick game

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-na:k'iłtsay'drying frame for gill net

[show entry]

[show entry]
miq'it-no:'ołwulplatform on fish dam for dip-netting

[show entry]
miq'it-xokyun-xole:nhe remembers it

[show entry]
miq'itxwo-na:nawh'ayI'm ironing (clothes)

[show entry]
miq'os-łitsowmallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
miqe:king'-xiłnehwa:nmaidenhair fern (Adiantum)

[show entry]
miscliff, bluff, riverbank

[show entry]
mis'a:n'remembering it, talk about it

[show entry]
misGe'gitsthey (things, children) are little

[show entry]
misa'wiłt'iky'-tehe'll run it in its mouth

[show entry]
misa'wingxa:nhe fed it

[show entry]
misa:k'iwil'e:tł'they were stuck in its mouth

[show entry]
misa:ysmall seeds

[show entry]
misah-k'itidlut'foreigner, someone who can't speak Hupa well

[show entry]

[show entry]
misah-niłchwinturkey vulture, buzzard (Cathartes aura)

[show entry]
misah-sa'a:nits gills

[show entry]
mis-dima'-me'Table Bluff

[show entry]
mise:na:ych'e'Lily Hostler's other name

[show entry]
misgilomedium-sized owl (Bubo virginianus, Great Horned Owl)

[show entry]
misinto'its sap, grease, juice

[show entry]
misinto'-xole:nsummer run of steelhead

[show entry]
misjehfog, mist, light haze

[show entry]
mis-me'name of a Chilula village

[show entry]
miso:se'its (plant's) shoots; its (bee's) stinger

[show entry]
misq'i-mima:nch'ing'Shenon Farm bar

[show entry]
misq'i-nilinMill Creek

[show entry]
mis-q'itVillage of Miskut

[show entry]
misq'it-ch'idilyea Jump Dance formerly held during the spring at Miskut (misq'it)

[show entry]
mis-xehsta:ng-q'itplace upstream from the highway bridge

[show entry]
mis-xustun-dinga mountain north of the Klamath, mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)

[show entry]
mit'ung'-łiqiwhichtype of medicinal herb

[show entry]
mitah-'a:'ił'e:nbaking powder

[show entry]
mitahxw-ch'iłchwehe hoes the garden, clears the garden of weeds

[show entry]
mitis-nuno:je:ye'forget it!

[show entry]
mitł'e:de'its (fish's) scales

[show entry]
mitł'ow'(a plant's) leaves, foliage

[show entry]

[show entry]
mits'isge:'its (e.g. duck's) fine feathers, down

[show entry]
mits'o:'-ch'iłtikmilk cow

[show entry]
mitse:tł'owa'-xole:nhorse (less common term)

[show entry]
miwa'its (animal's) fur, (bird's) down

[show entry]
miwe:whe'its (bird's, chicken's) egg

[show entry]
miwhkya'I'm wearing a dress

[show entry]
miwhliwhI'm looking after (something), watching it

[show entry]
miwhwulI'm drumming

[show entry]

[show entry]
miwhxiwI'm finishing it

[show entry]
miwidwa:de'powder; the dust of something

[show entry]
miwowhits (e.g.. beer's) foam

[show entry]

[show entry]
miwungocean (archaic, used only in placenames and phrases)

[show entry]
miwung'half, part of something

[show entry]
mixa:ch'e'its (tree's) stump, clumped roots

[show entry]
mixa:ch'e'-xole:nangelica, sweet anise, incense root (Angelica sylvestris)

[show entry]
mixa:ch'e'-xole:n-q'itCaptain John Mountain

[show entry]

[show entry]
mixontaw'-xole:nwoodrat (Neotoma)

[show entry]
mixulo'(deer's, pig's) cloven hoof

[show entry]
miyrain rock; powerful (tabooed) place or object (usually a rock) which must not be touched unless you want it to rain

[show entry]
miya:whits (animal's) young

[show entry]
miyehch'o'eel's "backstrap" or "string"

[show entry]
miyeh-ts'isq'a'nhe roasted it

[show entry]
miyeh-wilq'a'nroasting rack

[show entry]
miyeh-wilq'a'n-kin'roasting rack (for drying pitchwood)

[show entry]
miyeh-wunna'dilbackup singers, singers who sing in the background for someone singing a melody

[show entry]
miyi-me'name of a village located at Campbell's Ranch

[show entry]
miyi-me'Rain Rock

[show entry]
miyi-mida:-q'itplace along the river bank at miyi-me'

[show entry]
mowun-niwhon-dingYurok village of Tsurai at Trinidad

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
-nawait for

[show entry]

[show entry]
-na'particle sometimes found with interrogative pronouns; meaning unclear

[show entry]
na'de'ilchwun'-dingTule Ranch

[show entry]
na'de'ił'e:tł'he stands them up

[show entry]
na'dehsdiqot'he rolled around on the floor

[show entry]
na'dilthey go around

[show entry]
na'dilchwa'nthey are eating together, having a feast

[show entry]
na'ditł'e:t'he walks along with his body flopping

[show entry]
na'diwidyayhe got back off (horse), dismounted

[show entry]
na'diwildito'nhe jumped off

[show entry]
na'diwinchwithe let go of it

[show entry]
na'k'ide:ssomeone who cuts hair, barber

[show entry]
na'k'idilyaynecklace of shells or beads

[show entry]
na'k'idiwilya'she put on a necklace

[show entry]
na'k'ilqichold term for coffee (refers to roasting of beans)

[show entry]
na'k'iłquchhe is parching, roasting (seeds, corn, coffee, etc.)

[show entry]
na'k'iłtso'nhe flips (stones, marbles)

[show entry]
na'k'itiwa'a:lshe sings along

[show entry]
na'k'itł'oyhe sets a gill net

[show entry]
na'k'itł'oygill net, seine

[show entry]
na'k'iwiłdiwhe washed something

[show entry]
na'ky'a'awthe "center man" in the line of Jump Dancers

[show entry]
na'ne'iliwhhe brings them over (across the river)

[show entry]
na'ne'iłxiwhhe moves them across (in canoe)

[show entry]
na'ne'ite'ch'-dingHostler Point

[show entry]
na'ne:chwayhe threw dirt at it

[show entry]
na'ne:wehsdilayhe won

[show entry]
na'niłkishe strikes at it

[show entry]
na'niłt'ik'he strung it across

[show entry]
na'ningyayhe went (across)

[show entry]
na'ninyo:the chased, hunted (quarry)

[show entry]
na'qothe pokes around, goes around with a pointed stick, pole

[show entry]
na'siłwehe butchers (one animal)

[show entry]
na'te'indilthey go off back

[show entry]
na'te:ng'e'nhe looked back

[show entry]
na'tehłde'idz-tethey will run along (with a girl in the Flower Dance)

[show entry]
na'tindilthey are going home

[show entry]
na'tiwhe wins, he runs fastest

[show entry]

[show entry]
na'ułtulthey are stamp-dancing (the basic dance step)

[show entry]
na'wa:nhe breaks it up; he butchers (several animals)

[show entry]
na'wehe packs it around, carries it around as a pack

[show entry]
na'wehchceremonial basket-quiver, used only at the Jump Dance

[show entry]
na'whiwiłme'he bathed me

[show entry]
na'wida:lhe is going back, returning home

[show entry]
na'widchwe:lhe was crying along (on his way back)

[show entry]
na'widqot'he tumbled down from above

[show entry]
na'wiłxe:lhe is on the track, tracks it along

[show entry]
na'wime:lshe always bathes along

[show entry]
na'wing'ilthey (people) swam around, bathed

[show entry]
na'winłithe burned it

[show entry]
na'wint'awhe sinned, broke the rules

[show entry]
na'xohsme:tł'somebody threw them (people) around

[show entry]
na'xoniłiwhe throws mud at someone

[show entry]
na:-here and there, about (non-directional motion)

[show entry]
na:-linear motion down from above

[show entry]
na:-circular motion

[show entry]
na:'(w)iłdime:nhe made it swim back

[show entry]
na:'awhchwo:kI brush them off again

[show entry]
na:'e'iya'it always rains

[show entry]
na:'ul'a'it (regalia) customarily lies there

[show entry]
na:'uldito'nshe danced back

[show entry]
na:'ulit-dingKaruk village at Camp Creek

[show entry]
na:'ułmohwhichsmall burden basket, like a purse or "suitcase"

[show entry]
na:'ułto'nhe dances jumping up and down (a general term for frenzied dancing in place, as in doctor-training dances)

[show entry]
na:'ułto'na Jump Dance step

[show entry]
na:'ułwishe is dodging around

[show entry]
na:'ułwułhe's shaking it side to side

[show entry]
na:'undiłahhe runs back

[show entry]
na:'usła:the ran around

[show entry]
na:'usma:she rolled it around

[show entry]
na:'usna:the tasted it

[show entry]
na:'usqe:the paddled it around

[show entry]
na:'usxe'he tracked it around

[show entry]
na:'usxe'he hauled it around

[show entry]
na:'usxit'he touched it, felt it

[show entry]
na:ch'iłtsił(he was) moving as he sat

[show entry]
na:da'ayit (tree, pole, etc.) stands there, sticks out (of the ground)

[show entry]
na:dawhsa'nI'm getting weak

[show entry]
na:de'e'tł'they stand up

[show entry]
na:de'iłwe're swimming around

[show entry]
na:de'tł'digger pine, bull pine (Pinus sabiniana); pine nuts

[show entry]
na:de'tł'-nehwa:nbeans (modern)

[show entry]
na:de'tł'-tse'chjack pine, small sugar pine

[show entry]
na:dehsdilyaywe are standing

[show entry]
na:dije:wthey (birds) flew together

[show entry]
na:diłwułpour (the water)! spill (the things)!

[show entry]
na:dimilit's spilling out, dropping out (of basket)

[show entry]
na:dite:k'iłit breaks off

[show entry]
na:dite:yayit (ground) opened up

[show entry]
na:diwh'ayI'm standing it up (pole, post, etc.), planting a tree

[show entry]
na:diwilwa'tł'they were lying there scattered

[show entry]
na:diwilwa:tł'what has been poured, dumped

[show entry]
na:diwing'a'it stuck up

[show entry]
na:diwułit swings around

[show entry]
na:dne:lchildren's play, playing

[show entry]
na:dohłya'stand up (you all)!

[show entry]
na:k'e'itsto shoot at a mark

[show entry]
na:k'e:yun'-tethey will grow

[show entry]
na:k'ida'aya rainbow

[show entry]
na:k'ida'aythere is a rainbow

[show entry]
na:k'idilyaput on a necklace!

[show entry]
na:k'ila:ta limb falls from a tree

[show entry]
na:k'iłqot'set a snare!

[show entry]
na:k'iłwehłstore it away, pack it away!

[show entry]
na:k'indehacorns drop to the ground

[show entry]
na:k'inemountain quail (Oreortyx pictus)

[show entry]
na:k'inehłtse:tł'I threw (a rock) across

[show entry]
na:k'ining'aysomething extends across, lies crosswise

[show entry]
na:k'iniwh'ayI lay it across (arm, leg, stick, board)

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:k'iqothog, pig

[show entry]
na:k'iqotpain is felt, there is a stab of pain

[show entry]
na:k'is'itsthey shot at a mark

[show entry]
na:k'ite'ida:ye'it starts blooming again

[show entry]
na:k'ite:se:we:nI packed my load back again

[show entry]
na:k'iwh'awI'm singing (in general), I'm a singer

[show entry]
na:k'iwhla:whI clean (dirt, sand) off of it

[show entry]
na:k'iwhleI feel around with my hand, move my hand around

[show entry]
na:k'iwhxut'I'm sewing it

[show entry]
na:k'iwidla:whit has been cleaned off

[show entry]
na:k'iwilda:wha top

[show entry]
na:k'iwilqot'snare, a slim stick stuck in the ground and bent over

[show entry]
na:k'iwilwe:lthey are kept, stored away

[show entry]
na:k'iwilxut'it's been sewn

[show entry]
na:k'iwinch'eit is windy

[show entry]
na:k'ixa:chit (e.g. hair) hangs loose, something is broken apart, disarticulated (e.g. a broken fish)

[show entry]
na:k'ixolq'its'basket design equivalent to the Yurok crooked or zigzag design

[show entry]
na:k'iyo:wh(water) washes back and forth, surges about

[show entry]
na:la:tit's floating around

[show entry]
na:leh(they are) diving around

[show entry]
na:lgya:s(it is) broken

[show entry]
na:lła:tit ran down (in the ground)

[show entry]
na:lma:ts'something coiled up, a hoop

[show entry]
na:lte'work, a job

[show entry]
na:lto'njumping up and down style of dancing

[show entry]
-na:łin the presence of, before one's eyes

[show entry]
na:ła'another, repeated, again

[show entry]
na:łtsa:ythey are dried (e.g. clothes hung on line)

[show entry]
na:łtsiłhit it (with a rock)!

[show entry]
na:ma:sit's rolling, turning (on an axis)

[show entry]
na:miq'ehfollowing along behind, last

[show entry]
na:mis-dima:sa (toy) top

[show entry]
na:mitł'a'-dingafter that time

[show entry]
na:mus-xwin a circle, around

[show entry]
na:mut'it (bird, bat) flaps its wings, flies around

[show entry]
na:na'awhliwhI take them down again

[show entry]
na:na'chwitsomeone slides his hand down

[show entry]
na:na'de:łiwhe drew a line across it

[show entry]
na:na'k'ide:lo:she made it ready (a pack, load)

[show entry]
na:na'loy'she ties up her hair by winding a fur hair-tie (tsiq') around it

[show entry]
na:na'ning'a:nhe won it back

[show entry]
na:na'udahwhit has come down

[show entry]
na:na'widił-tethey will live again

[show entry]
na:na'widxits'he flew back down

[show entry]
na:na'wiłkyo:she took it (blanket) down

[show entry]
na:na'wiłtinhe has taken it down again

[show entry]
na:na'wing'a:nhe had taken it down

[show entry]
na:na'wintun-tesomeone will bring it down

[show entry]
na:na:'awhxa:whI take it (a filled container) down

[show entry]
na:na:'isdits-e:he turned around

[show entry]
na:na:'isdiwichhe leaned down

[show entry]
na:na:'udqot'it (weaving) turns, bends up

[show entry]
na:na:'ułdinawhe turns it around

[show entry]
na:na:'usxoy'he vomited

[show entry]
na:na:da'aysmall point, peak

[show entry]
na:na:dit'ahit (feather, leaf) falls, drops, wafts downward

[show entry]
na:na:diwulit was wiggling

[show entry]
na:na:dme'tł'they have been thrown down, lie scattered

[show entry]
na:na:dyayit (sun) had gone down

[show entry]
na:na:k'iwhjehI'm going to pitch, tar something

[show entry]
na:na:ne'iwhtiwhI always pass it over

[show entry]
na:na:nya'-teyou will live

[show entry]
na:na:sinyahwhturn around and go back!

[show entry]
na:na:tuł(somone) steps down

[show entry]
na:na:wiloy'he had his hair tied

[show entry]
na:na:wiloy'(woman's) tied-up hair

[show entry]
na:na:ya'xoniłxa'they found his tracks (across the river)

[show entry]
na:na:ya:yde'tł'-tewe shall live forever

[show entry]
na:nawhdinawI turn around (and go back)

[show entry]
na:ndiqot'you wriggle, scramble back

[show entry]
na:ne:layI won (in gambling)

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:ne:łde:tł'I slung (rope) across

[show entry]
na:ne:widil'in'ił-tewe will look at it

[show entry]
na:ng'a'a (traditional) lunar month, a (modern) calendar month

[show entry]
na:ng'a'a round object has come to lie there again, has come back to rest; idiomatically: the moon has gone through a complete cycle

[show entry]
na:ng'ayit extends downward, is hanging down

[show entry]
na:ng'e:tł'they extend down, hang downward (e.g., fruit on a tree, curtains)

[show entry]
na:-ni-linear motion across (a river, a road)

[show entry]
na:niłtsong'hit, bang against it!

[show entry]
na:niłtułstamp down!

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:nint'ik'it stretches across

[show entry]
na:ninyiwhmove across (the river)!

[show entry]
na:niwhwulI'll hit it, drum on it (with a stick)

[show entry]
na:niwilxut'it (e.g. curtain) has been hung

[show entry]
na:niwiłiq'Mongolian spots

[show entry]
na:nohdigit(you all) come running back!

[show entry]
na:ntiwhlie down again! go (back) to bed!

[show entry]
na:ntun'-teit will come to lie again at that place; idomatically: a feast will happen

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:nyayit's raining; it's starting to rain

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:q'i(t)-ta:ng'a:dinggravel bar in river

[show entry]
na:q'itgravel bar, river bar

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:qiwhit (arm, face, etc.) twitches, it has a tic; it is twitching (e.g. tic on arm, face)

[show entry]
na:qowh(horse) runs around, gallops

[show entry]
na:sa'a:n-tuqresting place on the trail between Hostler Ranch village and Matilton village

[show entry]
na:sda'undeha few days ago

[show entry]
na:sdo:ngxw-ky'a:nmenstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)

[show entry]
na:sdongxwalone, by oneself

[show entry]
na:sdongxwemenstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)

[show entry]
na:sma:ts'round, circular, in a loop, hoop-shaped

[show entry]
-na:taround, all around (in a circle)

[show entry]
na:t'ahit floats about in the air, waves (like a flag), wafts about

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:t'aweduck (older term, now archaic)

[show entry]
na:t'awe:-łiqaydiving duck (Mergus (sp.), Merganser)

[show entry]
na:t'awe:-sowoltsruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis, North American Ruddy Duck)

[show entry]
na:te'ildixitthey start off back

[show entry]
na:te:ch'itthe waning moon (when its going from full to new)

[show entry]
na:te:ditseit opened

[show entry]
na:te:sdiyayI went home

[show entry]
na:te:siwh'e'nI'm looking back

[show entry]
na:te:wh'ing'ił-teI shall always be looking back

[show entry]
na:te:witseit (door) is open

[show entry]
na:tiłtahunfold it (e.g., paper, canvas)! uncoil (a rope)!

[show entry]
na:tini-xwHoopa Valley (i.e., where the trails lead back)

[show entry]
na:tinixweHoopa Valley Indians

[show entry]
na:tintseopen it (door, window)!

[show entry]
na:tiwhdiye:whI'm breathing

[show entry]
na:tiwidqe:lthey were coming along on canoes

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:ts'ehit (baby, snake, eel) wiggles around, squirms

[show entry]
-na:tseahead, first, preceding

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:wehsle'nit (water) fell

[show entry]
na:wehsma:ts'it was coiled

[show entry]
na:whayI'm going around, moving in no particular direction

[show entry]
na:whdita:nI brought it (a long object) back

[show entry]
na:whdiyayI went back

[show entry]
na:whiniłyiwit becomes me, suits me (e.g., dress, ornament)

[show entry]
na:whixinay'I got well again, recovered from an illness

[show entry]
na:whtong'ił-teI'm going to dance (jumping up and down)

[show entry]
na:widilił-teit shall be snow always

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:wilitit burned up, got burned

[show entry]
na:wiłkya'she put a dress on

[show entry]
na:wma:ts'it has become round

[show entry]
na:xayit (animal) is wounded

[show entry]
na:xethey are floating around (e.g. logs in pond)

[show entry]
na:xisit flies [around]

[show entry]
na:xiwhdinawI'm moving about

[show entry]
na:xodiwh'e'nI watch him, take notice of him, keep my eyes on him

[show entry]
na:xodiwht'usI'm cutting him with a knife, slashing him

[show entry]
na:xoh'ungrun around (you all)!

[show entry]
na:xolts'a'(water) soaks down into the ground

[show entry]
na:xolts'a'a variety of small bird

[show entry]
na:xoniłyohłI'm blowing at him

[show entry]
na:xoniwhdixe'-teI will track him down

[show entry]
na:xoniwhyo:tI'm chasing him around

[show entry]
na:xosch'e'type of clover

[show entry]
na:xote:se:sowI'm sweeping (with modern broom)

[show entry]
na:xowh'ayI invite him around (to different places, here and there)

[show entry]
na:xowhde:sI'm cutting off his hair

[show entry]
na:xowhtsa:nI found him

[show entry]

[show entry]
na:y'a'I came to have it (round object), acquired it, got it, bought it, came to be carrying it around

[show entry]
na:ya'k'ine'a'awthey sing again

[show entry]
na:ya'tiwiyo:silthey were each drawing them through (knives through their mouths)

[show entry]
na:ya'wildiła:tshe ran back up (among them)

[show entry]
na:ya'xone'iłiwthey hit them with mud

[show entry]
na:ya'xotehłxa'they tracked him

[show entry]
na:ya:ne:de:tł'we had gone across

[show entry]
na:ywiłxahł-tenight will pass

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
nahdiyawmoney (general term)

[show entry]
nahdiyaw-mił-ch'iloy'small, harmless snake; "money snake"

[show entry]
nahł'awhthey move around, browse, roam

[show entry]
nahłmileddy in a stream

[show entry]
nahłmowhit is hanging, swinging from something

[show entry]
nahłtsisit is hanging (attached to a string or rope)

[show entry]
nahsdixichit is spotted

[show entry]
nahslin-dingIshi Pishi

[show entry]
nahsma:ts'it is round, circular, looped around

[show entry]
-nahsni(passing) in front of

[show entry]
nahsqot'it (stick, etc.) is bent, crooked

[show entry]
nahst'ik'wild tea (vine)

[show entry]

[show entry]
nahxa-le:nlarge (and valuable) blanket made from two (deer)hides sewn together; a 'double' blanket

[show entry]
nahx-dikintwo hundred

[show entry]
nahxi-k'iq'os-na:diwula mythical giant with two heads, on necks that swing around

[show entry]
nahxi-tehs'atwo-pronged fish spear

[show entry]
nawh'ayI'm carrying (a round object) around; I have it (e.g. stone), own it

[show entry]
nawh'itsI'm running around, I'm in motion

[show entry]
nawh'utI'm waving, flopping (a cloth, blanket) around; I'm going to throw it (cloth-like object) down

[show entry]
nawhdiqe:ch'I am lame, limping

[show entry]
nawhdiqot'I wriggle, flop around

[show entry]
nawhdixeI'm loosely built

[show entry]
nawhdowI dodge something, jump out of sight sneakily, dart along the road

[show entry]
nawhjichI'm carrying (little pieces, like sand, sugar, berries) around

[show entry]
nawhkyo:sI'm carrying (a blanket) around

[show entry]
nawhleI'm carrying (rope, several objects) around

[show entry]
nawhlo:sI'm dragging it around

[show entry]
nawhłehI'm making marks (all over), drawing lines in all directions

[show entry]
nawhmeI'm swimming, bathing

[show entry]
nawhne:lI'm playing (a game, with toys, etc.)

[show entry]
nawhqits'I'm twisting it back and forth

[show entry]
nawhquchI'm tossing it around with a stick, pushing it here and there with a stick (usually with reference to the stick game, shinny)

[show entry]
nawht'owI'm stirring something (with a paddle)

[show entry]
nawhteI keep, own (an animal)

[show entry]
nawhte'I'm working

[show entry]
nawhtinI'm carrying it (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object) around

[show entry]
nawhts'itI'm falling (from a height), dropping

[show entry]
nawhtse:lI'm warming it up, heating it

[show entry]
nawhxayI'm carrying (a filled container) around

[show entry]
nawhye:whI'm resting

[show entry]
nawhyingI'm moving (camp, residence) around

[show entry]
nay'wid'ing'ilshe looked

[show entry]
nayde'iłxit'someone feels along on it; (idiomatically) someone is affected by a hereditary ailment

[show entry]

[show entry]
nayłkit(cloud, fog, smoke) drifts around

[show entry]
naynehłdik'(woodpecker) pecked

[show entry]
naynehłtse:tł'the clock struck the hour

[show entry]
nayntehłdik'he (woodpecker) pecked

[show entry]
nayts'a'nthere is a sound, something is audible (in the distance)

[show entry]
naywe:se:'e'nI'm looking all round

[show entry]
-ne'(you) must...

[show entry]
-ne'inused to (do, be), was ...-ing, former, deceased

[show entry]
ne:de:tł'we (2) came, arrived

[show entry]
-ne:jitin the middle, center of

[show entry]
-ne:jitwhile..., in the midst of

[show entry]
ne:lya:nit's been eaten up

[show entry]
ne:łxut'I have hung (the curtain)

[show entry]
ne:se:dayI sat down

[show entry]
ne:we:no'they came to stand up there

[show entry]
ne:yayI came, arrived

[show entry]
nehewe, us

[show entry]
-nehsalongside of

[show entry]
nehsdite:ch'we lay down

[show entry]
nehsnoythey (mountains, a line of things) stand up there, project upward, stick up in peaks

[show entry]
nehwa:nit resembles, looks like (something)

[show entry]
-ng-xits'beside, close to

[show entry]
nich'ing'-yehna:ldiqołit's your turn!

[show entry]
nich'owhteI feel stronger than you, I overpower you

[show entry]
nichwe'nit is bad, bad-looking, ugly, dirty

[show entry]
nichwin'-ch'ing'left (side), on the left

[show entry]
nichwing'-xwbadly, in a bad way

[show entry]
nida:sit is heavy

[show entry]
nikilxayyour brothers

[show entry]
nikyah-nich'o:nehe has respect for you

[show entry]
nikyah-xwin a big way, greatly, much; soundly (in sleeping)

[show entry]
nikyung-xolingwatch out! take care!

[show entry]
nilehit had arrived there swimming

[show entry]
nilincreek, stream

[show entry]
nilin(water) flows

[show entry]
nilin-kin'-dingformer village in Sugar Bowl

[show entry]
nilts'itit comes to someone as a gift or blessing, it befalls someone

[show entry]
nił'a:ch'they (animals) came

[show entry]
niłch'ing'-who:whkingsnake (Lampropeltis sp.)

[show entry]
niłch'ing'-ya:'ulto'nto dance towards and past another dancer

[show entry]
niłchwinit stinks, smells bad, has a strong odor

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
niłchwithe pushed it

[show entry]
niłde'se'indilthey meet each other

[show entry]
niłde:ya'se'ilto'nthey meet each other dancing (from opposite directions)

[show entry]
niłdiłwa:-sile'nthey traded, exchanged

[show entry]
niłditsa wrinkle

[show entry]
niłditsit is wrinkled

[show entry]
niłgitit's rotten, crumbly from rot (thing, not flesh)

[show entry]
niłje:nit is bright, shining

[show entry]
niłke:kyo:ts'purse for keeping dentalia

[show entry]
niłky'a:k'ildiwi-me'panther; also the name of the place where panther lives in a medicine formula for the birth of a first child (Goddard, Hupa Texts #33)

[show entry]
niłma:nch'ing'-me:da'aya type of snake

[show entry]
niłq'it-dahsa'a:nbasket design equivalent to the Yurok "flint" design

[show entry]
niłta:nit is soft, damp

[show entry]
niłtsa:yit is dry, dried up

[show entry]
niłtuqblack oak (Quercus kelloggii, or Quercus californica)

[show entry]
niłtuq-lay'a place half-way up Bald Hill, where the concluding dances of the White Deerskin Dance are held

[show entry]
niłtuqu-tah-dingChimariko village located at Don Juan

[show entry]
niłwa:yay'ilto'nthey jump dance passing each other

[show entry]
niłwe'it is greasy, oily, shining

[show entry]
niłxitit (some object) is slippery, slick, smooth

[show entry]
niłxut'it (e.g. curtain) is hanging

[show entry]
nił-xwe:likI told you

[show entry]
nime:tł'you bring them

[show entry]
nin'dirt, earth, ground

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
nin'i-me'place identified in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay as the location of a final dance

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
nin'i-wiltso:l-miyehChilula camp belonging to noleh-ding

[show entry]
nin'-me'-xa'sindił-dingplace along the Boat Dance route, on the bank between mis-q'it (Meskut) and ta'k'imił-ding

[show entry]
nin'-miwhtsiłI'm squatting down

[show entry]
nin'-miwina:-ch'iste:nmythical being

[show entry]
nin'se'indilthey dance bobbing up and down

[show entry]
nin'sindila dance step featuring dancing up and down in place

[show entry]
nina'xoste:nhe raised her up

[show entry]
nina:-rising up from lying down

[show entry]
nina:tawbeing unaware of what you are doing

[show entry]
ninch'ing'down to the ground

[show entry]
ninde:nit is rich, greasy, oily, shiny with grease

[show entry]
nindong'it is straight, stretched out in a line (string, trail, etc.)

[show entry]
ningyou (singular)

[show entry]
ning'ayit extends along

[show entry]
ning'e:tł'they lie horizontal, crosswise

[show entry]
ningk'iwh'ulI am dressing meat, butchering (animal), cutting up (fish)

[show entry]
ningxa'good-looking, handsome, beautiful

[show entry]
ningxa't'e:nleader, boss, rich, important person; rich and important person

[show entry]
ningxits'it flew here

[show entry]
ningxondingin plain sight

[show entry]
ningxosgecherry, chokecherry (Prunus sp.)

[show entry]
ningxostingfrost, ice on the ground

[show entry]
ningxostingit (water, ground) is frozen, there is ice

[show entry]

[show entry]
ningxowinte:nit froze

[show entry]
ninis'a:nthe world, surface of the earth, country, mountain, land

[show entry]
ninis'a:n-chwin'da:'ułtiwhhe spoils the world, breaks the rules, does something sacrilegious

[show entry]

[show entry]
ninis'a:n-me'-yitiliwh"pains" which are only shown in the Kick-Dance, not sucked out of people

[show entry]

[show entry]
ninis'a:n-mich'ing'-dinun-ts'isye:nname for a sucking doctor

[show entry]
ninis'a:n-nikya:wBig Hill (at the head of Hostler Creek)

[show entry]
nint'a:na'widyayhe turned back, started back home

[show entry]
nint'ik'it stretches in a line, it (string, rope, etc.) extends out straight

[show entry]
nintiwhlie down!

[show entry]
ninyiwhmove here!

[show entry]
niq'eh-wiwhdinung'I agree with you

[show entry]
nisaha long way, far

[show entry]
nisawh'awhI'm putting it (e.g., stone) into your mouth

[show entry]
nise:qotI poked you

[show entry]
niskingtall, straight conifer (esp. one without low branches, such as Douglas fir, yellow pine)

[show entry]
nisking-mina:k'iwiltsilnuthatch, titmouse (Sitta carolinensis, White-breasted Nuthatch; S. canadensis, Red-breasted Nuthatch; Parus inornatus, Plain Titmouse)

[show entry]
nisking-mina:t-ch'iwiltong'ilsapsucker (Redwood dialect)

[show entry]
niskin-ji-dingname of a village located upstream from Willow Creek

[show entry]
nista:nlog, fallen tree

[show entry]
nite:lit (thing) is wide, broad, spread flat

[show entry]
nite:sila:l-e:you go to sleep

[show entry]
nitł'its'it is hard, solid (like stone)

[show entry]
nitsa:sit is big around, large in diameter, thick (like a stick)

[show entry]
niwehs'e:tł'things have extended, run along somewhere

[show entry]
niwehsle'nit started to flow

[show entry]
niwh'awhI'm bringing it (e.g., stone)

[show entry]
niwh'e:nI'm looking at something

[show entry]
niwh'e:tł'I extend them along, lay them horizontally, crosswise (e.g. sticks, poles)

[show entry]
niwhchwiłI am wet

[show entry]
niwhdinI'm in love with you

[show entry]
niwhgitI'm afraid, I fear, I'm a coward

[show entry]
niwhkya:wI'm big

[show entry]
niwhne:sI am tall, long

[show entry]
niwhnoyI stand (things) up in a line, make them stick up

[show entry]
niwho:n(it is) good, nice, pretty

[show entry]
niwhon-ch'ing'right (side), on the right

[show entry]
niwhong-xwwell, healthy, in a good way

[show entry]
niwhqits'I am crooked, twisted

[show entry]
niwhtsa:tI'm (in the process of) sitting down

[show entry]
niwhwha:lI'm going

[show entry]
niwhwilI'm dozing off

[show entry]
niwhyiwI'm crippled, bent over

[show entry]
niwidlaythey are brought

[show entry]
niwildizziness, drunkenness

[show entry]
niwilgitit is dangerous

[show entry]
niwin'a'-teit (road) will be there

[show entry]
niwinchwe'nit got bad, spoiled

[show entry]
niwindin'-teit will get oily

[show entry]
niwindo'nit has gotten straight

[show entry]
niwingwhon'-teit will be good

[show entry]
nixo:se:le'I got lost

[show entry]
-no'(hidden) behind, out of sight

[show entry]
no'de'ilchwa'nthey quit eating in company

[show entry]
no'diwilye'iłthey have stopped dancing successive times

[show entry]

[show entry]
no'iłxuts'he chewed it (sinew) up

[show entry]
no'k'e'iłqowhhe used to throw it

[show entry]
no'k'e'iqothe stands it up

[show entry]
no'k'ingxa:nfeast, picnic; specifically the Acorn Feast

[show entry]
no'k'ingxun-dingthe Acorn Feast ground (at Ta'kimiłding)

[show entry]

[show entry]
no'k'itiwha small net

[show entry]
no'k'iwilta:tł'-dingany danceground at which the White Deerskin Dance is performed

[show entry]
no'k'ixa:wha small net

[show entry]
no'ky'a'awhthey (two players) are coming out to start the stick game

[show entry]
no'niłchwe:nsomeone made it (be a certain way) to that point

[show entry]
no'niłde'tł'-teshe will drop it

[show entry]
no'niłq'a:she threw it there

[show entry]
no'niłqe:the shoved it down there

[show entry]
no'niłtsowhe stuffed it in

[show entry]
no'ninga:she whittled it down

[show entry]
no'ninge:nhe put it down (fire)

[show entry]
no'tehłchwa'nhe squeezed it to that point

[show entry]
no'wa'awhilthey quit singing (repeatedly)

[show entry]
no'wilwa'tł'he was lying there dead

[show entry]
no'xo:'awhilthey run back again

[show entry]
no'xoschwe'nthey buried the corpse

[show entry]
no:-down to a position of rest, to a limit

[show entry]
no:-penetrating into something

[show entry]
no:'olitit quits burning

[show entry]
no:'ondilthey sit down

[show entry]
no:'ondiqe:the was shoved down there; (idiomatically) he starved to death

[show entry]
no:'ondiya'nhe was left over

[show entry]
no:'oxiwhthey (canoes) float to that place

[show entry]
no:de'ich'a:tit does not pain anymore

[show entry]
no:dintułstep there!

[show entry]
no:diwh'iwhI notice it

[show entry]
no:dmich(it is) broken off

[show entry]
no:dwa:s(it is) whittled

[show entry]
no:k'iliwhput your hand down!

[show entry]
no:k'indił-dingacorn picking lot

[show entry]

[show entry]
no:k'iningyo:whthey (dentalia) are scattered about

[show entry]
no:k'iniwhyohI'm telling someone to stop (doing something), I'm warning them to cease

[show entry]
no:k'injichplant (seeds, potatoes, etc.)!

[show entry]
no:k'inyawhfinish eating!

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
no:lahthe new moon comes, a month begins

[show entry]
no:ltsit'bow knot

[show entry]
no:lye:ts'common knot

[show entry]
no:na'indiqot'he reached it by jumping

[show entry]
no:na'k'iniłkishe put his hand down

[show entry]
no:na'ky'a'awhhe leaves some behind (e.g., food)

[show entry]
no:na'unime:tł'he threw them back down

[show entry]
no:na'wiłditse(he) had a door shut

[show entry]
no:na'xoł'aysucking doctoring

[show entry]
no:na'xoniłte:nhe divorced her, she divorced him

[show entry]
no:na:'awhmut'I always pat it down

[show entry]
no:na:'awhsowI scratch it (sand) back down again (into a hole)

[show entry]
no:na:'idgitthey came again

[show entry]
no:na:diyahtsthe snowfall is reaching down the mountain to that point (light snow, frost that is visible)

[show entry]
no:na:dxisił-teit will always fall back down

[show entry]
no:na:k'inohłta'tł'-te:you (pl.) shall kick it back to there

[show entry]
no:na:ndije:wthey got back

[show entry]

[show entry]
no:na:wit'a:ts'it is cut down

[show entry]

[show entry]
no:na:witseit (door) was shut

[show entry]
no:na:witsedoor (modern door, or sliding door of traditional living house), gate

[show entry]
no:na:xoltsa:yit got dried up to that place (i.e., floodwaters receded)

[show entry]
no:na:xołtiwhovertake him!

[show entry]
no:na:ya'uldito'nthey always jump back (to the same position)

[show entry]
no:na:ya'xo'awhthey lay out a corpse

[show entry]
no:nayk'iwiłt'o:lit (fog) is always slipping back down to that point

[show entry]
no:ndik'ilhe split it that far

[show entry]
no:ne:yayI quit going

[show entry]
no:ng'a:-dingthe farthest extent of something, as far as it reaches, the edge (of a river, the ocean)

[show entry]
no:nila:tit floated to there

[show entry]
no:nilyo:tł'it stopped swelling up

[show entry]
no:ningxits'he had fallen to the ground

[show entry]
no:nt'ik'it stretches to that point

[show entry]
no:nto'(water) reached its farthest extent, (flood water) crested

[show entry]
no:nults'it(wind) stops blowing

[show entry]
no:nundimilit fell back

[show entry]
no:nuntseclose the door!; shut the door (after it has been opened)!

[show entry]
no:ta:ng'a:-dingplace mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)

[show entry]
no:wehsle'nit (money) was scattered to that point

[show entry]
no:whchwe:nI grew to a certain point, stopped growing

[show entry]
no:whidiłta'nI am used to it, I'm familiar with it

[show entry]
no:whła:tI ran to there

[show entry]
no:wilin-dingheadwaters of Redwood Creek

[show entry]
no:wilinghead of a creek, stream, river

[show entry]
no:wina:whił-tesomeone will go (this far)

[show entry]
no:witiwhił-teit (a long object) will always be left (standing there)

[show entry]
no:xo:ta'awhthey all rush there

[show entry]
no:xonyawhstop the eclipse!

[show entry]
no:y'covered up, buried

[show entry]
no:ya'de'ilye'they quit dancing

[show entry]
no:ya'ultsilto dance about crouched down; to lean

[show entry]
no:ya'windilthey sat down

[show entry]
no:ya'xwe'iłda'they cause her to sit down

[show entry]
no:ya:'ulxit'they moved their dance camp

[show entry]
no:ya:wilinthey (acorns) were piled that far

[show entry]
no:yawhleaving things over

[show entry]
nohnyou (plural), you all

[show entry]
nolehwaterfall, dam, obstruction in a stream

[show entry]
noleh-ch'e:l-dingformer village in the Trinity canyon

[show entry]
noleh-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
nołye'ts'tie a knot!

[show entry]
nondiya'nwhat has been left over, leftovers (food, supplies, etc.)

[show entry]
nong'awhstop singing (a dance-song)!

[show entry]
nongxodinea roaring sound

[show entry]
nongyawhleave some over!

[show entry]
nosht'ahI don't believe it! It's a lie!

[show entry]
nowh'awhI put it down (round object)

[show entry]
nowh'utI'm throwing (a cloth, blanket) down (spread out)

[show entry]
nowhjichI put them down (little pieces)

[show entry]
nowhkyo:sI put it down (blanket, cloth, etc.)

[show entry]
nowhliwhI put them down (several objects, rope)

[show entry]
nowhłiwI put it down (a dough-like or floppy object)

[show entry]
nowhtiwhI put him/her down (living being)

[show entry]
nowhtiwhI put it down (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object)

[show entry]
nowhwulI'm throwing it down; I'm throwing a dip-net

[show entry]
nowhxa:whI put it down (a bucket, dipper, or other filled container)

[show entry]
noynił'e:tł'they stuck them down

[show entry]
noyniłkit(cloud, fog, smoke) settled, came down

[show entry]
noywiłkil(cloud, fog, smoke) is settling

[show entry]
nul'iwhit's dripping down, water comes down drop by drop

[show entry]
nuliwhput it on (clothing)

[show entry]
nulwingit is melting away

[show entry]
nulxichspeckled, spotted

[show entry]
nulxicha spot

[show entry]
nuł'e'tł'hang them up!

[show entry]
nułchweit increases, grows in size

[show entry]
nułma'ts'coil it! put it in a circle!

[show entry]

[show entry]
nułqołcrawl around!

[show entry]
nułqot'bend it (e.g. stick, rod)!

[show entry]
nułtsishang it up (on string, rope)!

[show entry]
nułtułkick it around!

[show entry]
nułxutI'm knocking it down (something previously built, like a trap)

[show entry]
nunch'iwhwear it (coat, dress)!

[show entry]

[show entry]
nundilseveral things, particles fall to the ground; (idiomatically) it snows

[show entry]
nundila:tit floated back

[show entry]
nundiliw-ehe returned swimming back there

[show entry]
nundil-wint'e:-q'itMary Blaine Mountain

[show entry]
nundiqoch'he loped back

[show entry]
nungahshake it (thoroughly), shake it out!

[show entry]
nuniwhtsis-tegoodbye, see you!

[show entry]
nunts'ingcrag, mountain peak

[show entry]
nuntułstep around! move your feet around!

[show entry]
nuqit(coming) by land, (travelling) along the bank of the river (as opposed to travelling by boat)

[show entry]
-q'in such a way, like...

[show entry]
q'a:de'after a while

[show entry]
q'a:xismock orange (wood), Syringa (Philadephus sp., or Prunus caroliniana ?); arrow shaft

[show entry]
q'a:xis-tah-dingname of the southernmost Chilula village

[show entry]

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q'ay'je:lwa:tł'burden baskets split in two

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q'ay'jintopen-work basket of hazel twigs, used for storing unshelled acorns

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q'ay'k'isd-e:-ke'Yurok village of Pecwan

[show entry]
q'ay'k'isthopper or mill basket

[show entry]
q'ay'nehspainted marks on the face or body

[show entry]
q'ay'-no:ng'a:-dingplace mentioned in McCann's story of the Scabby Young Man (location unknown)

[show entry]
q'ay'teplate or platter of open-work basketry, sifting basket

[show entry]
q'ay'-te:lshallow pan or plate of open-work basketry, lined with ferns and used for serving food.

[show entry]
q'ay'te:l-miking'-xole:nopen work basket with a handle, used to dip rocks out of the fire for cooking

[show entry]
q'ay'timiłburden basket

[show entry]
q'ayliwhwillow (Salix sp.)

[show entry]
q'ayliwh-tah-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
q'e:-cutting off

[show entry]
q'e:ya'k'e'it'usthey cut it off

[show entry]
-q'ehfollowing, after, according to

[show entry]
-q'eh-dinunglined up behind, facing behind; agreeing with

[show entry]
q'ina'also, again, too

[show entry]

[show entry]
q'iwhalder (Alnus sp.)

[show entry]
q'iwh-dingNoble's Ranch

[show entry]
q'iwh-tehs'e'ni-q'itPine Ridge

[show entry]
q'o:so:shummingbird (Selasphorus sp.)

[show entry]

[show entry]
q'ong'fish eggs, roe

[show entry]
q'osta:n(modern) hat, cap

[show entry]
q'un-'isdiya:nunmarried man, bachelor

[show entry]
q'un-ch'iwilchwiladolescent boy, male teenager

[show entry]
q'unch'iwilchwil-'isdiya:na man who has never married

[show entry]
q'ungrecently, just now, new

[show entry]
q'ung'-kyoh-lay'name of a Chilula village

[show entry]
q'utnow, already, still

[show entry]

[show entry]
q'ut...-miłas soon as..., just when...

[show entry]
q'ut-dzi-miłpretty soon

[show entry]
q'ut-dó:ng'-xutit's time!

[show entry]
q'ut-xutthat's the truth, that's really the way it is

[show entry]
qa:lit (animal) is going along; it (sound, weather, etc.) comes, travels, is on the move

[show entry]
qawhyew (Taxus)

[show entry]
qawh-kyoh-ch'ołqowhresting place at the Arrow Tree

[show entry]
qawh-kyoh-dingFort Terwer

[show entry]
qawh-me'Brush Mountain

[show entry]
qehshookbill salmon

[show entry]
qoworm, maggot

[show entry]
qo:-dziwol-tsa small white worm that is found in acorns

[show entry]
qo:-ne:sacorn worm

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
qojita:ng'ayme'placename appearing in a story about two brothers, location not known according to a note to the text

[show entry]
qoscamas (Camassia esculenta)

[show entry]
qultsahsnIndians from Weaverville

[show entry]
qułkyohtraspberries (Rubus)

[show entry]
qusbulb, root

[show entry]
qus-kyohsoaproot (Chloragalum pomeridianum)

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qutthe long tubular root of the willow, used in basketry

[show entry]
sa'ait is a long time

[show entry]
sa'a:na round object (e.g. a stone, house, place something that can be held in the hand) lies there, is located there

[show entry]
sa'awiwhshe puts it (fire) into her mouth

[show entry]
sa'k'ixa:whhe eats acorn soup, mush

[show entry]
sa'liwhedible grass (general term), clover; wild clover, wild sunflower, watercress, edible greens of any sort

[show entry]
sa'wilayshe put it in her mouth

[show entry]
sa'wime:tł'he threw them into his mouth

[show entry]
sa'xa:whhe eats from a bowl, he eats with a spoon

[show entry]
sa'xa:whacorn mush, acorn soup

[show entry]
sa:-into the mouth

[show entry]
sa:k'idingto his surprise, unexpectedly

[show entry]
sa:ts'common (black) bear (Ursus americanus)

[show entry]
sa:we'liwhname of Sam Brown's maternal grandmother

[show entry]
sahbiley'-t'e'baby blanket made from cottontail rabbit skins

[show entry]
sah-kyoh(larger?) mink

[show entry]
sahwinde'nthey went off (to a distance), they left, departed (refers to a group only)

[show entry]
sawhjichI'm putting (e.g., seeds) into the (my) mouth, I'm eating seeds by the handful

[show entry]
sawhna:tI lick it in my mouth, I taste it

[show entry]
se:la:nI was born

[show entry]
se:lawI am tired

[show entry]
se:t'ot'shell of small sea animal, used for decoration

[show entry]
sehł'a:nI have it, possess it, own it

[show entry]
sehłgya:sI broke it

[show entry]
sehłq'a'nI built a fire

[show entry]
sehłtikI pinched it; I milked (the cow)

[show entry]
sehłxa:nI have it (a filled container) lying there

[show entry]
sid'utit (cloth, blanket) has been thrown flat

[show entry]
sidayit (animal) stays there

[show entry]
sidite:ch'we (2) lie there

[show entry]
sike:ts'thin bark of deciduous trees, e.g. oak; shell (of a nut)

[show entry]
sike:ts'i-q'itBloody Camp

[show entry]
sikilawha type of cricket

[show entry]
sikin-chwingpine forest (archaic term)

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sikinchwin-mitah-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
silayseveral objects lie somewhere (e.g., dishes, shoes, rocks, sticks, bones, etc.); a rope (string, line, etc.) lies somewhere

[show entry]
sile'nit became

[show entry]
silisground squirrel (Citellys beechey)

[show entry]
silkit(cloud, fog, smoke) lies there, hangs there

[show entry]
silq'a:sit (round object) lies there, having been thrown or dropped

[show entry]
siltsit'it is knotted

[show entry]
silwa:tł'it (e.g. stick) lies there, having been thrown or dropped

[show entry]
silxut'it (e.g. board, cloth) lies there flat, flattened out

[show entry]
siłiq'a dough-like, mud-like object lies somewhere

[show entry]
siłkyo:sit lies there (e.g., a blanket, cloth, thin fabric)

[show entry]
siłkyo:s-kya'ceremonial skirt ornamented with shells or beads, worn on special occasions

[show entry]
siłte:nit (animal) lies there dead

[show entry]
simiwe:Giy'tsI became little

[show entry]
simiwhGiy'tsI am little, small, young

[show entry]
sinsing"pain"; disease-causing entity that is believed to be sucked out by an Indian doctor

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sintilsucker; bullhead

[show entry]
siqa:q'it is clumped

[show entry]
sisil-whe:na:whI'm getting weak, exhausted, giving out from fatigue

[show entry]
sita:na long, stick-like object lies somewhere

[show entry]
site:nit (e.g. animal) lies there

[show entry]
siwe:nit (pack, load) lies there

[show entry]
siwhda'ungI have it (e.g. stone) in my possession

[show entry]
siwhdiya:nI am old

[show entry]
siwhq'uts'I am cold

[show entry]
siwhse:lI am warm, hot

[show entry]
siwhweI kill it (one animal)

[show entry]
siwhye:nI'm standing

[show entry]
sixa:na filled container lies somewhere (e.g., a bucket of water, cup of coffee, lake, pond)

[show entry]
so:king'fir limb

[show entry]
sonsolempty, hollow

[show entry]
sulkyohwild celery

[show entry]
sulxose:gechipmunk (Eutamias)

[show entry]
suqe:-q'itname of a former village located in the Willow Creek valley

[show entry]
-t'a:wabove, on the upper side of, uphill from

[show entry]
-t'ahaway, apart, escaping from

[show entry]
t'e'blanket (general term for both traditional and modern blankets)

[show entry]

[show entry]
t'e'-naywetramp, hobo

[show entry]
t'e:wraw, uncooked, unripe

[show entry]
t'e:winga novice Indian doctor, one who has not yet been fully "cooked" by the Kick Dance

[show entry]
t'ehxichyoung girl (before puberty)

[show entry]
t'ewhcharcoal, coals

[show entry]

[show entry]
t'un'-na:k'idilcottonwood (Populus sp.)

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t'un'-nahsma:ts'redbud, Judas tree (Cercis occidentalis)

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[show entry]
t'un'sohchsmall (baby) suckerfish

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t'un-chwingCalifornia laurel, pepperwood (Umbellularia californica)

[show entry]

[show entry]
t'unchwing-kyoh-dinga name applied to two distinct places on the Klamath River: Wohkel and Wohkero

[show entry]
t'unchwin-tah-ch'ing'Ertlerger (part of Weitchpec)

[show entry]
t'unq'fall (season)

[show entry]
t'unq'-ch'idilyeolder term for the (fall) Jump dance

[show entry]
t'unq'-no:'ondilacorn-gathering claim

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t'unq'-ts'isdayacorn camp

[show entry]
ta'e'iwhqotI poke them out of the fire

[show entry]
ta'k'imił-dingvillage of Hostler Ranch

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ta'k'imił-di-yima:ni-yiduqresting place on the trail to Redwood Creek

[show entry]
ta'k'imiłxwethe people of the village of Hostler Ranch (Ta'kimiłding) and more generally the people of the downstream half of Hoopa Valley

[show entry]
ta'na:nwater (to drink)

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[show entry]

[show entry]

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ta'na:n-na:niwe:sile'nTrinity River, as a power one should pray to

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta'wilaythey started off in their canoes

[show entry]
ta'wiłta:tł'they started the Boat Dance

[show entry]
ta'winta:nhe started off in his canoe

[show entry]
ta:-into or through the water

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:-dispersing into fine pieces

[show entry]
ta:'ułtulthe Boat Dance, a segment of the White Deerskin Dance which is performed on canoes in the river

[show entry]
ta:'uxiwhthey (canoes) float away

[show entry]
ta:dehchsmall bird hawk, sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius, American Kestrel)

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:k'ine:nde'nit shone into the water

[show entry]
ta:k'iwe:ltsil-q'itname of a village located opposite the mouth of South Fork; part of łe:l-ding

[show entry]
ta:k'iwh'a:lI'm cutting (fish) up into pieces (for cooking)

[show entry]
ta:ke'Wiyot group at the mouth of Mad River; also the village there; according to Sapir and Golla (2001:1011; map D, item 33), the "Mad River, from Blue Lake to the mouth"

[show entry]
ta:ke'-ch'e:wilin-dingWiyot village of Patawat

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:lqe:tfishing platform

[show entry]
ta:nforest spirits who look after game

[show entry]
ta:na'wilła:tshe went through the water

[show entry]
ta:na'wiłqe:the started back across the river (in a canoe)

[show entry]
ta:na'xost'a:ts'they cut him up to pieces

[show entry]
ta:na:k'iwe:sinch'e'-teyou will blow out to sea (addressing the wind)

[show entry]
ta:na:yiwhdime'placename from a medicine formula for purification after handling a corpse (unknown location)

[show entry]
ta:naystse:tł'it pounded them to pieces

[show entry]
ta:nayxohsdowthey cut him to pieces

[show entry]
ta:ng'a:-dingpoint of land, peninsula

[show entry]
ta:ng'ayit extends into the water (e.g., a pole sticking out from the bank, a point of land)

[show entry]
ta:ng'ay-me'Trinidad Head

[show entry]
ta:ng'ay-q'itname of a village located at Salyers; part of łe:l-ding

[show entry]
ta:ng'e:tł'they were sticking out (in the water)

[show entry]
ta:n-k'iwingxoya:nmythical being

[show entry]
ta:nune:łq'ahs-teI'll throw you back into the river

[show entry]
ta:n-xwa:'a:neta:n doctor

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:q'i-dikinthree hundred

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:wehs'a'it will project into water

[show entry]
ta:wha:whI'm wading in the water, wading across (creek)

[show entry]
ta:wilin-dingwhere a stream flows into the ocean

[show entry]

[show entry]
ta:ya'imilthey throw things into the river

[show entry]
ta:yde:tł'we (2) waded

[show entry]
ta:ysch'iwhe'soot from the boards above the sweathouse fire, used for making face-paint

[show entry]
ta:ysts'e:y'sweathouse firewood

[show entry]
-tahamong, around (a place); too, as well, among the others, at times, either...or...

[show entry]
tah-out of the water, out of the fire

[show entry]
tah'ing'awhtake it (e.g. stone) out of the water! take it out of the fire!

[show entry]
tahch'ilo:she pulls (gill net) out of the water, he pulls a net-load of fish to shore

[show entry]
tahch'ina:whhe comes out of the water, fire; (the dancers) come out of the dance, quit dancing

[show entry]
tahch'iswe:nhe carried it out (a salmon from the water)

[show entry]
tahda'a'a'she customarily bathes

[show entry]
tahdehsde'tł'they (fish) had come ashore

[show entry]
tahdehsla:tit (salmon, canoe) came ashore

[show entry]
tahdehsyasomeone walked out of a boat

[show entry]
tahdindilsurffish, smelt

[show entry]
tahk'iwhjehI'm going to seine, use a gill net

[show entry]
tahna'udmiwhhe swims out of the water back to shore

[show entry]
tahna:'awhliwhI take them out of the fire

[show entry]
tahna:'ista:nshe took it out of the water

[show entry]
tahna:'usdiyayhe got out of a boat, disembarked

[show entry]
tahna:'uste:nhe took it out of the fire again

[show entry]
tahna:se:wha:lI hooked it out of the water

[show entry]
tahna:xo:'awhthey jumped out of the fire

[show entry]
tahnaysya'nit thawed

[show entry]
tahnayxohswa:tł'it threw him out of the water

[show entry]
tahse:nch'e'Emma Frank's other name

[show entry]
tahsyaythe group went off, dispersed (each to his or her own place)

[show entry]
-tah-xwamongst, amidst (a group of people, an area)

[show entry]
tahya'undilthey get out of the boats

[show entry]
tahyidiłkitLake at the head of Horse Linto Creek

[show entry]
tawhdina:nI'm drinking

[show entry]
tawhk'iłI'm ripping, tearing it to pieces

[show entry]
tawhtikI'm squeezing it (e.g. apple)

[show entry]
tawhye:whI rub it into a fine powder, crush it up fine

[show entry]
-tewill... (future tense)

[show entry]
te'e'iwhq'a:sI throw them into the water

[show entry]
te'iłthey swim along

[show entry]
te'itiwhit always floated

[show entry]
te'iwha:whI am going into the water

[show entry]
te:digitit (flock, crowd, herd of animals) ran off

[show entry]
te:diky'o:ts'it stretched itself

[show entry]
te:diqe:tthey (clouds) were sliding

[show entry]
te:litit burned, started to burn

[show entry]

[show entry]
te:lma:s-wilchwe:na cylindrical buckskin headband stuffed with grass, with redheaded woodpecker scalps sewn on

[show entry]
te:łiq'it has started to rot

[show entry]
te:nch'e'there is a wind (coming up)

[show entry]
te:se:whiwhI sipped it, sucked it in

[show entry]
te:se:xits'I fell, tripped

[show entry]
te:sehłk'ilI tore it

[show entry]
te:sehłma:sI rolled it along

[show entry]
te:sehłtsowI bent it over

[show entry]
te:siwh'e'nI'm looking, taking a look, looking on

[show entry]
te:tehłto'nit danced along stepwise

[show entry]
te:win the water, underwater

[show entry]
te:wina:whing'larger mink (Mustela vison)

[show entry]
te:witł'o:nthey are woven together

[show entry]
te:w-na:k'ixo'a:nbug, insect that walks around under water

[show entry]

[show entry]
te:y'e'nI have looked

[show entry]
teh-into the water

[show entry]
teh'iliwit dives into the water

[show entry]
teh'ił'awhthey crawl in the water

[show entry]
teh'ing'awhput it (e.g. stone) into the water!

[show entry]
tehch'e'iliwhhe puts it in the water

[show entry]
tehch'e'iłtiwhthey put it (a baby) into the water

[show entry]
tehch'e'imilhe throws them (roots) into the water

[show entry]
tehch'e'itiwhshe puts it in the water

[show entry]
tehch'iliwdiving duck

[show entry]
tehch'iwehst'iky'they (warriors) reached in a line to the water

[show entry]
tehch'iwidtsowhe bent into the water

[show entry]
tehch'iwilłah-tehe was about to run into the water

[show entry]
tehch'iwingqotshe put it into the water

[show entry]
tehjung'small black water beetle, said to be poisonous

[show entry]
tehk'e'iyawhthey (deer) go into the water

[show entry]
tehk'e:'its-teI will shoot (into the water)

[show entry]
tehk'iłky'ots'put dumplings into water!

[show entry]
teh-k'its'amythical "lion"

[show entry]
tehk'iwehsch'e'it blew in the water

[show entry]
tehk'ixiskingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon, Belted Kingfisher)

[show entry]
tehk'ixolxitmythical water monster, alligator

[show entry]
tehk'ixołqowh-kyohpelican (Pelecanus)

[show entry]

[show entry]
tehł'in-teit will be enough

[show entry]

[show entry]
tehłq'itordinary dancers in the Jump Dance

[show entry]
tehłwe'it (grease, snow, ice) is melting, has started to melt

[show entry]
tehmilsack, woven from Indian twine

[show entry]
tehna'de'iłwulshe pours it into the water

[show entry]
tehna'wila:tshe floated back in the water

[show entry]
tehna:'une:lit plays in water

[show entry]
tehna:de'ilya'they (deer) stand in the water

[show entry]
tehna:diwing'a'it stood up in the water

[show entry]
tehna:l'iwhit dripped into the water

[show entry]
tehna:ldidow-teit (fog) will draw back

[show entry]
tehna:na'k'iwiłdiwhe has washed, cleaned it (with water)

[show entry]
tehna:wehsle'nit flowed down into it (mush)

[show entry]
tehnehsnoyclams, mussels

[show entry]
tehno'diwinta'tłhe stepped in the water

[show entry]
tehsch'ethere is a wind blowing

[show entry]
tehsde:tł'it started to snow

[show entry]
tehsdiqeh-te:they (clouds) will come shoving themselves along

[show entry]
tehsjehchswallow (Hirundo rustica, Barn Swallow)

[show entry]
tehsjehji-mike'basket design apparently unique to the Hupa

[show entry]
tehsla:tit had floated away

[show entry]
tehwa:'ut-teI will throw it (a blanket) in water

[show entry]
tehwehłqoch'-teI'm going to hurl it (stick) in the water

[show entry]

[show entry]
tehwidqot'it tumbled into the water

[show entry]
tehwilts'itthey sank

[show entry]
tehwił'awhilthey crawl (along in the water)

[show entry]
tehwingxits'it dropped into the water

[show entry]
tehxa:ch'e'freshwater crab, crawfish

[show entry]

[show entry]
tehya'k'e'ichwa'they throw them into the water

[show entry]
tidil-dingJanes Creek

[show entry]
tidtsowit bends, is easily bent

[show entry]
tilohsdrag it away! (e.g., wood, brush), lead it (e.g., horse) with a rope!

[show entry]
tiloy'get out of the way! give room! make way!

[show entry]
tilqołcrawl off! creep off!

[show entry]
tilte'it is strong

[show entry]
tilts'itit will always be

[show entry]
tilyołit's swelling up

[show entry]
tił'awh(several animals) move off, set off walking

[show entry]
tiłky'ots'stretch it (e.g., rubber band, chewing gum)!

[show entry]
tiłmowhcarry it along hanging (from your hand)!

[show entry]
tiłtahspread it out (e.g., something folded up, contents of a bag)!

[show entry]
tiłwichtip it over!

[show entry]
tiłxehtrack it (animal)!

[show entry]
tiłxitslide it (bulky object)!

[show entry]
tima bathing spot for menstruating women; any place you train for good luck or power

[show entry]
tima'there is a famine

[show entry]
tim-na'memenstruating woman

[show entry]
tintrail, road

[show entry]

[show entry]
ting'awhtake it away!

[show entry]
ting'iwha:whI'm getting lost, going astray, losing my way

[show entry]
ting'wilła:the ran away

[show entry]
ting'xine:whhe uses bad language, swears, speaks improperly, "speaks against the rules"

[show entry]
ting'xine:whblasphemy; words or actions that are "against the rules", particularly during religious dances

[show entry]
tingxiniwidye:whtabooed speech, bad language, swearing; tabooed words ("swearing") that must not be used during religious dances

[show entry]
tingxo:ng'a:nthey ran away

[show entry]
tingxołtiwhkidnap him! steal him away!

[show entry]
tin-łe:na:ning'a:-dingfork in a road or trail

[show entry]
tin-nahł'awhpack train

[show entry]
tin-ne:sthe trail leading from the danceground at Hostler Ranch back to miq'ich'ing' (the upper bench with tan oaks)

[show entry]
tintahch'ing'-wha:'a:neanother term for tracing doctor

[show entry]
tintah-k'iłchweunmarried mother, mother of an illegitimate child

[show entry]
tintah-k'iwungxoya:n"Bigfoot", forest giant in local folklore

[show entry]
tintah-ningxa't'e:nlargest owl

[show entry]
tintah-xixe:xchickadee, bushtit (Parus gambeli, Mountain Chickadee; P. rufescens, Chestnut-backed Chickadee; and Psaltriparus minimus, Bushtit)

[show entry]
tinyiwhmove off, away!

[show entry]
tinyohspull it!

[show entry]

[show entry]
tismillarge (black or golden) eagle (Aquila chrysætos, Golden Eagle)

[show entry]
tit'aw-łiq'a:wmythical bird whose wings are said to scatter Indian money

[show entry]
tit'aw-łiqaymythical bird

[show entry]
tits'cane, walking stick, staff

[show entry]
-tiwaamong, in the midst of

[show entry]
tiwh'awhI'll carry it (e.g. stone) along

[show entry]
tiwha:whI'm going off

[show entry]
tiwhch'itI'm getting tired out, weak from exhaustion

[show entry]
tiwhch'itlet me tire it out

[show entry]
tiwhchweI'm lining them up, putting them in a line

[show entry]
tiwhchwingI am growing

[show entry]
tiwhchwitI'm measuring something (with my arm)

[show entry]
tiwhchwo:kI'm brushing things off, sweeping them up

[show entry]
tiwhdiqits'I'm twisted

[show entry]
tiwhleI'm pulling it, tugging at it (rope, pole, etc.)

[show entry]
tiwhliwI swim along (under water)

[show entry]
tiwhloy'I'm leading it (e.g. horse) with a rope

[show entry]
tiwhmiwhlet me start swimming

[show entry]
tiwhqits'I'm twisting it, turning it

[show entry]
tiwhwisI lurch, duck, dodge

[show entry]
tiwhxiwhI'm going to haul it off

[show entry]
tiwich'ilił-tethey'll be run down with weakness

[show entry]
tiwimahshore, beach

[show entry]
tiwiwhchwilił-teI shall pull them down with my hand

[show entry]
tiwiwhdilił-teI'll throw (snow, hail)

[show entry]
tixiwhthey're floating off

[show entry]
tiya'winde:tł'they all got lost

[show entry]
-tł'a:nit the absence of, missing

[show entry]
tł'eh-crotch, pubis (archaic)

[show entry]
tł'iwhrattlesnake (Crotalus), snake (in general)

[show entry]
tł'iwh-minchwiwhdesign equivalent to Yurok and Karok designs also called "snake-nose"

[show entry]
tł'iwh-mixung'weasel (Mustela)

[show entry]
tł'iwhxa:neel, lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)

[show entry]
tł'iwhxa:n-ma'a:discha type of cricket

[show entry]
tł'iwhxa:n-mije:lo'small circular basketry trap for catching eels

[show entry]
tł'iwhxa:n-mił-tahch'iłtiweel medicine

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
tł'o:q'grassy place, prairie

[show entry]
tł'o:q'-da'kya:wkingbird (Tyrannus verticalis, Western Kingbird)

[show entry]

[show entry]
tł'o:q'-na:sa'un-dingplace mentioned in McCann's medicine formula for going among rattlesnakes (location unknown)

[show entry]
tł'o:q'-nahł'awhanother name for coyote (not common)

[show entry]
tł'ohgrass (general term)

[show entry]
tł'ohchbunch grass; lawn grass

[show entry]
tł'ohdaytraditional grain and seed mixture (like modern granola)

[show entry]
tł'ohday'pinole, wild oats

[show entry]

[show entry]
tł'oh-dime:n-chScouler's St. Johns wort (Hypericum formosum var. Scouleri)

[show entry]
tł'oh-dit'insweet grass

[show entry]
tł'ohdun'tea type of weed

[show entry]
tł'oh-kya'skirt made of grass or maple bark ripped into fringes

[show entry]
tł'oh-kya'-t'e:nfemale man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places

[show entry]
tł'oh-kyo:wa place described by Goddard as a "mountain near the Eight-mile camp on the Redcap trail from Hupa to Orleans" (Hupa Texts, p. 300)

[show entry]
tł'ohłstrap, packstrap, string

[show entry]
tł'ohł-ch'il'e:nhazel switches

[show entry]
tł'oh-ma'chtype of bunch grass

[show entry]
tł'ohma'ji-dingRed Cap Prairie

[show entry]
tł'oh-me:wecottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus)

[show entry]
tł'oh-mitahxweIndians living on New River

[show entry]
tł'oh-q'a'type of bunch grass

[show entry]
tł'ohq'a'-kyowi-q'itPony Butte

[show entry]
tł'ohq'a'-nehsnoy-q'itSugar Pine Mountain

[show entry]
tł'ohsch'il'e:nhazel bush; hazel brush switches

[show entry]
tł'oh-tehłbear grass (Xerophyllum tenax)

[show entry]
tł'ohtse'cattail, tule, flat tule (Typha latifolia)

[show entry]
tł'ohwhung-q'itBald Hill

[show entry]
tł'ow'-xontehł-ji-me'Hayfork, territory of the Hayfork Wintus

[show entry]
toany body of water, ocean

[show entry]
to:-dingq'och'salt water; ocean

[show entry]
to:me:q'onje'large river beetle

[show entry]
to:mine:-k'iya:whe'seagull (Larus sp.)

[show entry]
to:-miq'i-na:k'ixo'unwater skipper

[show entry]
to:n'-dinun-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]
to:nah-ji-dingFormer Yurok village of Lo'olego

[show entry]

[show entry]
to:nehwa:nblack obsidian, in particular the large, ceremonial blades of black obsidian carried by principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
to:-nichwe'nrough water; bad luck

[show entry]
to:-tehsyayflood, high water in the river

[show entry]
to:-wingkyahthe water is getting, has gotten high (in the river), the flood waters are rising

[show entry]
to:xode:ldingCaptain John's other name

[show entry]
tohna:yfish, eels, general term for all edible water creatures

[show entry]
tohxotawewillow bushes growing along the river

[show entry]
toliwhtype of clover

[show entry]
toliwh-q'ituphill from Hostler Ranch village

[show entry]
tołgit"black acorns", "Indian cheese"

[show entry]
tołgit-q'itplace on bank, on the opposite side of the Trinity from łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-ding

[show entry]
tołts'a'ts'-dingname of a village at the mouth of Supply Creek

[show entry]
tołts'a'ts'-din-nilinSupply Creek

[show entry]

[show entry]
tosiłwarm water, lukewarm water, water that has been heated on a fire

[show entry]
tosq'uts'spring (of cold water), cold water

[show entry]
ts'a'kya:wsmall blackish eel

[show entry]
ts'a'-xosinorphan, a pitiful person

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'e:ybrush, bush

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'e:y-łitsowwild lilacs; myrtle; myrtle twigs (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus)

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'e:y-mitah-xona:da'a'common jaybird (Aphelocoma coerulescens, Scrub Jay)

[show entry]
-ts'ehfeel, taste, be perceived (so), be heard

[show entry]
ts'ehdiwitse'upside down

[show entry]
ts'ehdiyahI'm happy, glad, pleased

[show entry]
ts'iduqstraight up

[show entry]
ts'iduqi-na'weceremonial quiver, skin for carrying arrows

[show entry]
ts'ilun-dingNorton Field

[show entry]
ts'iłtin'-tł'ohłbowstring, made of twisted deer-sinew

[show entry]
ts'iłting'rifle, bow, weapon

[show entry]
ts'iłting'-yahslit-dinga good place for getting pine roots near Ta'kimiłding, mentioned in a description of how to gather and prepare roots for basketry

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'ima'-ch'ixowinse'nhe became quiet

[show entry]
ts'ima'-xosinit's quiet, a quiet person

[show entry]
ts'imiłch'itsita small maul

[show entry]
ts'in-sila:-dingname of a Chilula village

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'isda:ts'he broke it off

[show entry]
ts'isnahbee (general term)

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'it'a'nyeit is thin (like a leaf or paper)

[show entry]

[show entry]
ts'iwahsilayshelled acorns, acorn meat

[show entry]
ts'iwhla:nI'm playing (ballgame, tag, some physical sport)

[show entry]
ts'iwint'a'nye'it got thin

[show entry]
ts'o:lusgemillipede, thousand-legged worm

[show entry]
ts'o:-mił-ch'iye:whcoltsfoot (medicinal herb)

[show entry]
ts'ohsda'bodily weakness

[show entry]
-ts'á:ng'(feel that) it might be...

[show entry]
tserock, stone

[show entry]
tse'ehdzi-a little while

[show entry]
tse'iłmut'women's dice game

[show entry]
tse'me:q'-nint'ik'tassels of shells that hang from the fur hair-tying strings worn by women

[show entry]
tse:'isCampbell Field prairie

[show entry]
tse:'is-miyehbelow Campbell Field prairie

[show entry]
tse:-dilqaygrey hair; grey-haired person

[show entry]
tse:-dingname of a camping place located in the Willow Creek valley

[show entry]
tse:-k'iłje:npotato bug

[show entry]
tse:-k'ite:lmuts'-dinga circle of rocks on top of a mountain; a place where Indian Doctors train

[show entry]
tse:-k'iwotł'-dinga danceground on the river bar just to the west of Ts'ilunding, opposite the mouth of Beaver Creek; one of the main dancegrounds for the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
tse:-kin-dinga place on Maple Creek

[show entry]
tse:kyoh-xa:tine:-me'placename appearing in a medicine formula for war, location not known

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:ling-minmedicine for bleeding from a wound, passing blood

[show entry]
tse:lna:t'rocks used to cook acorn soup

[show entry]
tse:l-nehwa:nred obsidian, in particular the large, ceremonial blades of red obsidian carried by principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
tse:lnehwa:nit is red

[show entry]
tse:lo:ch'e'flat rocks on beach

[show entry]
tse:łch'e'knife, iron

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:łch'e'i-q'itHundred Acre Prairie

[show entry]
tse:łch'e'-miłwhite person

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:łch'e'-nilinPine Creek

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:-łitsowhard, blue stone; serpentine

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:-me:w-na:k'ixo:'a:na type of lizard

[show entry]
tse:-mit'aha danceground and camping place during the White Deerskin Dance; where the Boat Dance takes place

[show entry]
tse:-mit'ah-nilin'-q'ehHostler Creek

[show entry]
tse:-miyehChimariko village located at the mouth of New River

[show entry]
tse:-na:l'a:-dingname of a village near xonsah-ding

[show entry]
tse:n-dingBurnt Ranch, principal village of the Tsnungxwe and Chimariko

[show entry]
tse:ning-q'itIronside Mountain

[show entry]
tse:-no:ng'a:-dingFormer Yurok village of Noshtsku'm

[show entry]

[show entry]
tse:-nunts'ingSugar Loaf

[show entry]
tse:-q'e:t'a small black bird, the size of a robin (apparently Cinclus mexicanus, Water Ouzel or Dipper)

[show entry]
tse:-q'i-chwun'-to:-me:ne:q'place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula for the birth of a first child (location unknown)

[show entry]
tse:-q'i-na'dił-dingErner, at Blue Creek

[show entry]
tse:-q'itsite at Mill Creek

[show entry]
tse:-q'i-ya:ng'ayground squirrel (Citellus beechey)

[show entry]
tse:-sigya:sthe bluff upstream from Willow Creek

[show entry]
tse:tidmil-q'itTelescope Peak

[show entry]
tse:wehsle'nit bled

[show entry]
tse:wilingit is bleeding

[show entry]
tse:wina:l-dingvillage of Senalton

[show entry]
tse:wun'unt'eedible plant (sp.) with big leaves

[show entry]
tse:wun-e:-me'place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)

[show entry]
tse:-xahł-te:lflat, round obsidian rock, resembling a ceremonial obsidian blade but circular (mentioned in myths)

[show entry]
tse:-xayts'a'a small pounding basin in bedrock, used for making medicine for luck and other purposes; bedrock mortar

[show entry]
tse:-xut'mortar rock, mill rock

[show entry]
tse:-yehcave; hole dug along the river for catching fish

[show entry]
tse:yeh-dingplace mentioned in the story of the Scabby Young Man, location unknown

[show entry]
tse:-yehk'ixa:whplace along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut

[show entry]
tse:-yehk'ixa:wh-q'itname of a flat near Campbell Creek

[show entry]
tsehgas, flatulence, fart

[show entry]
tseh'iłxitslip the foreskin skin back on your penis!

[show entry]
tseh'intł'ohwhbraid it!

[show entry]

[show entry]
tsehna:witł'o:nit is braided

[show entry]
tsehq'a:nRedwood Ridge

[show entry]

[show entry]
tsin'tehłkyo:the ran for his life

[show entry]

[show entry]
tsing'-q'ahsperm, semen (vulgar term)

[show entry]
tsiq'hair tie

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
tsiyuntehsdilde:tł'we all ran for our lives

[show entry]
tsnungxweIndians of Burnt Ranch and the South Fork of the Trinity.

[show entry]
tso:k'inedaddy longlegs

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
tsungapron, made of fringed deerhide and worn in front of the skirt (kya') by women

[show entry]

[show entry]
wa'k'e'iłtsilthey rip a hole through it by pounding

[show entry]
wa'k'iningwhe'he dug through

[show entry]
wa'nto:trotten-acorn stew, made from mouldy acorns left to soak in water for a week or more

[show entry]
wa'ułqe:the shoves it through something

[show entry]
wa:-giving to, passing through

[show entry]
wa:k'inilitthey (sticks) were burned through

[show entry]
wa:k'inintsehłit was heated through

[show entry]
wa:k'iwidqotit (ear) was punched through

[show entry]
wa:ky'a'a:nthere is a hole through it, it is perforated

[show entry]
-wa:nclose to

[show entry]
-wa:nfrom, from it (leaving it behind), concerning it, to it, about it (in phrases)

[show entry]
wa:n-di-off from on top of something, uncovering something

[show entry]
wa:ninyahwhgo through it! go to it!

[show entry]
wa:nun'diwinde:tł'they all got back off of it

[show entry]
wa:nunde'iwhsowI scrape it off again

[show entry]
wa:nung'xiwine:whił-tesomeone talks about it

[show entry]
wa:y-missing or moving beyond something

[show entry]
wa:ya'niłq'a:sthey knocked them out (bottoms from baskets)

[show entry]
-wahalongside of, (a short distance) away from, separated from

[show entry]
way'inahwhhe passes off (the trail)

[show entry]
wayk'idiyawh(dog) gnaws on (a bone)

[show entry]
wayninde'iwh-e:-teyou'll be able to see through it (fog)

[show entry]
waywing'ait (trail) forks off

[show entry]
we:-jaw (archaic)

[show entry]
we:diłlet's go!

[show entry]
we:kya:wI am getting big

[show entry]
we:łowI got boils

[show entry]
we:ne:sI got taller, longer

[show entry]
we:q'uts'I got cold

[show entry]
we:qits'I got crooked, twisted

[show entry]
we:qo'I stooped down

[show entry]
we:se:lI got warm

[show entry]
we:tehłI became broad

[show entry]
we:wa:nI killed them

[show entry]
wehłch'ich'I have a boil

[show entry]
wehłchwilI got wet

[show entry]
wehsq'a:sit lay there

[show entry]
wehst'eit always was

[show entry]
wehstsun-teit will be seen

[show entry]
whasun, moon

[show entry]
wha'a:winiw'my ways of doing things, my habits

[show entry]
wha'utmy wife

[show entry]
wha:'uło'I laugh

[show entry]
wha:dichwingmy paternal aunt, father's sister

[show entry]
wha:sch'e'my niece (sister's daughter)

[show entry]
wha:tmy older sister

[show entry]
wha:whmy nephew (sister's son)

[show entry]
wha:-wileI am satiated, my belly is full, I got enough to eat

[show entry]
wha:-wilxa'nI like the taste of it, it tastes good to me.

[show entry]
wheI, me, as for me

[show entry]
whe'k'iliwhhe calls my bet

[show entry]
whe:da'aymy head

[show entry]
whe:da'ay-yehwinyayI heard it

[show entry]
whe:dinung-dingalongside of me, next to me

[show entry]
whe:dze'my penis, male genitals

[show entry]
whe:k'ine'I have a (small) share, I get just enough to get by

[show entry]
whe:lchwilI am growing (a crop)

[show entry]
whe:łkyohit got to be my size, it fits me

[show entry]
whe:łkyowwhat fits me

[show entry]
whe:ne:q'my back; in back of me

[show entry]
whe:nisahfar away from me

[show entry]
whe:nts'ing'my back, spine

[show entry]
whe:q'my (woman's) private parts, vagina

[show entry]
whe:ts'ine'my jaw, jawbone, chinbone

[show entry]
whe:we'(something's) bone marrow

[show entry]
whe:xolya:nI have sense

[show entry]
whe:xoya:n(animal) is suspicious of me, shies away from me

[show entry]
whe:ymy possessions

[show entry]
which'e:k'e'my guts, intestines, soft belly

[show entry]
which'ich'my elbow

[show entry]
which'ich'inay'my prospective spouse, specifically my (woman's) sister's husband, after the death of my sister; my (man's) brother's wife, after the death of my brother; my husband's brother, after the death of my husband; my wife's sister, after the death of my wife

[show entry]
which'inmy paternal grandmother, father's mother

[show entry]
which'indine'my deceased father

[show entry]
which'ing'-'iloy'play the stick game against me!

[show entry]
which'ing'ahsomething shielding me

[show entry]
which'ing'ah-na:lma:lmy diaphragm

[show entry]
which'ing'-no'niłwichhe tipped it towards me

[show entry]
which'itiłwul'my ribs

[show entry]
which'iyungxe'my deceased mother

[show entry]
which'ut'my afterbirth, placenta

[show entry]
whichwa:n'-dahyiwixa:lmy intestines, colon

[show entry]
whichwe:xing'my anus, asshole

[show entry]
whichwiwemy maternal grandfather, mother's father

[show entry]
whichwomy maternal grandmother, mother's mother

[show entry]
whichwoq'my testicles

[show entry]
whichwutthe side of my body

[show entry]
whida'my mouth, lips

[show entry]
whida'-ginje'my gums

[show entry]
whida'-ma:ts'e'my lips

[show entry]
whida'-me'-ch'ixe:ne:whhe answered me

[show entry]
whida:n'-sa'a:nI have a hoard; I am stingy

[show entry]
whida:-sits'my lips (including flesh around lips)

[show entry]
whida:w'my whiskers, beard

[show entry]
whide:nawI'm shot

[show entry]
whidehchmy younger sister

[show entry]
whidisqay'my lungs

[show entry]
whije:'-ding(right) in front of me, facing me

[show entry]
whije:'e:nde'nI fainted

[show entry]
whije:'ginje'my breastbone (the cartilage above the pit of the stomach)

[show entry]
whije:'-mich'ing'my back, at the middle of my back (or chest)

[show entry]
whije:'sil-ch'itehs'a:nhe got on my nerves, he began to bug me

[show entry]
whije:'sil-tehsyayI got tired of it, disgusted with it

[show entry]
whije:'-tilts'itI get scared, surprised, taken unawares

[show entry]
whije:'xwat my breast, in front of me

[show entry]
whije:y'my state of mind, way of thinking; heart, breast (metaphorical)

[show entry]
whije:y'-na:nt'unI am worried

[show entry]
whijiw'my ear

[show entry]
whijiw'-xiniwinye:whyou whispered

[show entry]
whijonjołmy kidneys

[show entry]
whik'ida:y'my flower

[show entry]
whik'isdiya'nmy parent, parents; my elders

[show entry]
whik'iwiyul-me'-nolxit'my stomach

[show entry]
whik'iya:whe'my forehead, temple

[show entry]
whikilmy younger brother

[show entry]
whiking'a:gya:n'my penis, male genitals

[show entry]
whikiwunI am asleep

[show entry]
whiky'a:ng'aymy arm

[show entry]
whiky'a:ng'ay-me:wmy armpit

[show entry]
whiky'o'niwa:nmy lover (not spouse)

[show entry]
whiky'o:ts'e'my sinew

[show entry]
whiky'ung'awhmove it (e.g., stone) away from me! take it away from me!

[show entry]
whikya:nemy abdomen, belly, insides, guts; my mind, attention (abstract metaphor)

[show entry]
whikya:ymy (woman's) daughter's child

[show entry]
whikyo:n'my odor, body odor

[show entry]
whikyulah-'a:k'idyahI got angry, mad

[show entry]
whikyun-k'iyahI'm having a miscarriage

[show entry]
whikyun-na:wayI think, consider

[show entry]
whikyun-sa'a:nmy heart

[show entry]
whikyun-tehsyayI thought (about something)

[show entry]
whikyun-tina:whmy feelings about something

[show entry]
whila'my hand, finger

[show entry]
whila'-ke'ts'my fingernails, claw

[show entry]
whila'-kin'my wrist

[show entry]
whila'-mimisGe'gitse'my fingers

[show entry]
whila'-mimisGiye'ts(-ding)my little finger

[show entry]
whila'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'aymy ring finger

[show entry]
whila'-mine:ji-na:da'aymy middle finger

[show entry]
whila'-minikya:w'my thumb

[show entry]
whila'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'aymy index finger

[show entry]
whila'-mituq-na:da'aymy middle finger

[show entry]
whila'-qot'my knuckles

[show entry]
whila'-yehk'iwilt'owmy glove(s)

[show entry]
whila:-tsingmy brother-in-law (diminutive)

[show entry]
whilbawheel barrow

[show entry]
whilije'-me'-suxa:nmy bladder

[show entry]
whilo:q'e'the calf of my leg

[show entry]
whilxung'my semen, ejaculation

[show entry]
whił-dinił'ayI know how to do it, I understand it

[show entry]
whiłilyo'my pal, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart, lover

[show entry]
whiłingmy companion, buddy, cousin, relative, older brother

[show entry]
whiłkyowit is my size

[show entry]
whił-na:dilmy companion

[show entry]
whił-na:tehłdida:whI'm going home by car

[show entry]
whił-qa:lmy in-law

[show entry]
whiłt'ohit's stinging me

[show entry]
whiłtishch'e'my sister (man speaking); my brother (woman speaking)

[show entry]
whiłtuch'tattoo me!

[show entry]
whił-xowidlikI was told

[show entry]
whima'uchwingmy paternal grandfather, father's father

[show entry]
whima:lyo'my friend, relative, kinsman

[show entry]
whime'-no:k'ilxide'my stomach

[show entry]
whime:ch'e'chwingmy mother-in-law

[show entry]
whimił-ky'o'ołchwide'my index finger

[show entry]
whimit'my belly, stomach

[show entry]
whina'k'idilyay'my collarbone

[show entry]
whina:'my eye

[show entry]
whina:' mits'e:tł'e'discharge from my eyes

[show entry]
whina:'e:nde'nI became blind

[show entry]
whina:'-łe:łt'a'nI closed my eyes

[show entry]
whina:'-sehłqoch'I winked my eye

[show entry]
whina:'-tł'e:t'e'discharge from my eyes

[show entry]
whina:'ułdowhe dodges me, acts furtively so as to escape from me

[show entry]
whina:-ch'iwinda'he waited for me

[show entry]
whina:demy forearms

[show entry]
whina:do:nse'my eyebrows

[show entry]
whina:ndiw'my acorn picking lot

[show entry]
whina:q'ito:'my tears

[show entry]
whina:-t'ung'my eyelashes

[show entry]
whinchiwh-k'ito:'my snot, mucus

[show entry]
whinchiwh-yehky'a'a:nmy nostril

[show entry]
whinchwiwhmy nose

[show entry]
whinchwiwh-kin'-dingthe butt of my nose

[show entry]
whine:jit-'ułtsahhalf of me, half the distance around me

[show entry]
whingsong (general term)

[show entry]
whingkine'the small of my back

[show entry]
whingq'ay'my maternal aunt, mother's sister

[show entry]
whingwochmy older brother

[show entry]
whiniłwho'nit suits me, does me good

[show entry]
whiniłwilI'm drunk

[show entry]
whining'my face

[show entry]
whiningq'ich'ing'the roof of my mouth

[show entry]
whinist'e'my body

[show entry]
whinist'e' na:xowiniwhił-teI'll return happy

[show entry]
whinist'e'-me:q'my female genitals (euphemism), in my (woman's) private parts

[show entry]
whinist'e'-xoniwhI am happy

[show entry]
whiniwilte:nI was brought here

[show entry]
whino:ng'ay'dingalongside of me, near to where I am, next to me, in my neighborhood

[show entry]
whiq'ahmy fat (on my body)

[show entry]
whiq'ay'my hip, thigh; the inside of my leg

[show entry]
whiq'e:ymy brother-in-law

[show entry]
whiq'ehjiwa'my armpit, armpit hair

[show entry]
whiq'eh-k'iłchwitpush my load up on my back! help me with my load!

[show entry]
whiq'i-ch'ixine:whmy lawyer

[show entry]
whiq'isnext to me

[show entry]
whiq'it-wing'a'an item of regalia was put on by me, I wore (regalia)

[show entry]
whiq'osmy neck

[show entry]
whiq'os-kin'-dingthe base of my neck

[show entry]
whiq'os-q'ehthe nape of my neck; my throat

[show entry]
whiq'us-t'a:w'my pubis, underbelly, crotch

[show entry]
whiqa:qe'my throat, tonsils, gullet

[show entry]
whiqe:ch'e'my hip, pelvis

[show entry]
whiqe:-jiwol'my ankle

[show entry]
whiqe:-kin'my lower leg

[show entry]
whiqot'my knee, joint

[show entry]
whiqunkin'my shoulders

[show entry]
whiquntuqmy shoulder

[show entry]
whis'my uncle (mother's brother)

[show entry]
whis'a:n'my habits, feelings, way of thinking, reputation, spirit

[show entry]
whisa:nyayit (a song) came into my mouth

[show entry]
whisa:sta:nmy tongue

[show entry]
whisahthe inside of my mouth

[show entry]
whise:lwe:nhe kills me

[show entry]
whise:tol'my cheeks

[show entry]
whisehłmut'he slapped me

[show entry]
whisit'my liver

[show entry]
whisits'my skin

[show entry]
whisowołmy throat, windpipe

[show entry]
whisowoł-yehwe:layI put a necklace around my neck

[show entry]
whit'ahmy pocket

[show entry]
whit'ahdiy'my chest, breast

[show entry]
whita'my father

[show entry]
whita:ymy uncle (father's brother)

[show entry]
whitahna:wilay'my inheritance

[show entry]
white:dilt'e'my brother's child (son or daughter), my niece, my nephew

[show entry]
white:l'my spleen

[show entry]
white:ltsit'my hair cut

[show entry]
whitileI relish it, am fond of it, like to eat it

[show entry]
whitilte'e'my muscle, the strength of my (arm, body)

[show entry]
whitł'a'my buttocks, rear-end

[show entry]
whitł'a'-ch'ing'the lower part of my body, my bottom

[show entry]
whitł'a'-q'ehthe space between my buttocks; my anus

[show entry]
whitł'a'-ts'ine'my hip, pelvis

[show entry]
whitł'eh-kin'my waist

[show entry]
whitł'eh-ts'int'a'my pubic bone

[show entry]
whitł'eh-wa'my pubic hair

[show entry]
whitł'isch'e'my gall

[show entry]
whits'e:l'my forearm, arm

[show entry]
whits'e:q'my navel, belly button

[show entry]
whits'e:q'itmy umbilical cord

[show entry]
whi-ts'iduqi-ya:ng'aymy hip

[show entry]
whits'in'-diq'a:nmy shin

[show entry]
whits'ine'my bone, leg

[show entry]
whits'ine'-winta'nI got killed

[show entry]
whits'int'a'my forehead

[show entry]
whits'o:'my (woman's) breasts, milk

[show entry]
whitse'my head

[show entry]
whitse:'my (man's) daughter

[show entry]
whitse:king'back of my head

[show entry]
whitse:łiq'e'my brain

[show entry]
whitse:-qe:ch'e'my skull

[show entry]
whitse:tł'iwa'my (esp. woman's) long head-hair

[show entry]
whitsestł'o:n'my braided hair (in na:na:wiloy' style)

[show entry]
whitsida'the top of my head, my crown

[show entry]
whitsing'my flesh, meat

[show entry]
whitso:l'my vagina, female genitals

[show entry]
whitso:ymy (man's) daughter's child

[show entry]
whitutł'my flank, the side of my body

[show entry]
whiwa:-me'niłchwithe loaned me some money

[show entry]
whiwemy sister-in-law (woman speaking)

[show entry]
whiwe:ch'e'my sister-in-law (man speaking)

[show entry]
whiwe:da'my chin

[show entry]
whiwe:sits'my lips

[show entry]
whiwe:ts'ing'my jaw, jawbone, chinbone

[show entry]
whiwhday'(inside of) my throat

[show entry]
whiwhday'-no:k'inilts'itI hiccuped

[show entry]
whiwhday'-wing'a'I hiccuped

[show entry]
whiwhunch'e'my father-in-law

[show entry]
whiwina:wehsditiwI lost the race

[show entry]
whiwo'my teeth, tooth

[show entry]
whiwun-ch'ina:whhe is visiting me

[show entry]
whiwunda:nmy son-in-law

[show entry]
whiwundinchwitwipe me off!

[show entry]
whiwungmy female genitals (euphemism)

[show entry]
whiwung-'a:dixudya:nmy enemy (i.e., he has shame for me, avoids me)

[show entry]
whiwung'awhgive it to me!

[show entry]
whiwunjichgive me (e.g., sugar)!

[show entry]
whiwun-na:na:lwin-teit will melt away from me

[show entry]
whiwun-na:niwehsdilayI lost (in gambling)

[show entry]
whiwun-nixohsle'I lost it

[show entry]
whixa:na'te:ng'e'nhe looked for me

[show entry]
whixa:q'e'the frame of my body, my skeleton

[show entry]
whixe'-ke'ts'my toenail

[show entry]
whixe'-me:q'the inside, sole of my foot

[show entry]
whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'my toes

[show entry]
whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'aymy fourth toe

[show entry]
whixe'-mine:ji-na:da'aymy third (middle) toe

[show entry]
whixe'-minikya:w'my big toe

[show entry]
whixe'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'aymy second toe (next to big toe)

[show entry]
whixe:-tul'my heel

[show entry]
whixinay'I'm alive, I'm surviving, I'm safe

[show entry]
whixonse:l'my sweat, my (Indian doctor's) power

[show entry]
whixung'my husband

[show entry]
whiya:ch'e'my (woman's) daughter

[show entry]
whiyawh'utmy daughter-in-law

[show entry]
whiye'ch'my breath, breathing

[show entry]
whiyehk'ilxide'my esophagus, throat

[show entry]
whiyehk'ilxit-q'ehmy esophagus, throat

[show entry]
whiyulmy son's child

[show entry]
who:whe'my name

[show entry]

[show entry]
whunchwingmy mother

[show entry]
whungI wonder

[show entry]
whungjust, only, alone

[show entry]
wichwaydirt (is) piled on it, it is buried

[show entry]
widgilthey are running about

[show entry]
widqay'it turned white

[show entry]
widqe:lit (a boat) is going along

[show entry]
widtsitit got crushed

[show entry]
widtsowit turned blue, green

[show entry]
widwa'nit is moldy

[show entry]
widwa:tacorn flour; modern flour

[show entry]
widwhe'nit turned black

[show entry]
wila:lit (single object) is floating along

[show entry]

[show entry]
wilchwe:nit has been made

[show entry]
wilda:l(animal) is running along

[show entry]
wilil(fire) is burning

[show entry]
wilkitthey were seized

[show entry]
wilkya:npregnant woman

[show entry]
wiloy'it is tied together

[show entry]
wiloy'a small grass bundle headdress tied at the back of the head with buckskin, strung around the head worn in the religious dances

[show entry]
wiloy'-wa:ky'a'a:nhair dressed in a doughnut shape

[show entry]
wilq'a'na fire is burning

[show entry]
wilts'ilit passes on (through me)

[show entry]
wiltsa:nit's been seen

[show entry]
wiltuch'it has been tattooed

[show entry]
wiltuch'a tattoo

[show entry]
wilwholit (e.g. snake) slides along

[show entry]

[show entry]
wilxa'nit got sweet

[show entry]
wiłchwe'nit started to stink

[show entry]

[show entry]
wiłgitit is getting rotten

[show entry]
wiłje'nit got bright, shiny

[show entry]
wiłq'isone side, half of

[show entry]
wiłq'is-kiyiq'wild columbine (Aqurlegsa truucata)

[show entry]
wiłta'nit got soft

[show entry]
wiłtsa:ysomething (e.g. plant) that has dried up, desiccated

[show entry]
-winaaround, passing around, half-way around

[show entry]
windahsit has gotten heavy

[show entry]

[show entry]
wing'a'it has come to lie there

[show entry]
wingxa'a filled container comes to lie there; a lake or pond forms, takes shape

[show entry]
winła'nit became lots

[show entry]
winsa'a'it has been a long time

[show entry]
wint'eit always happens, it is always so

[show entry]

[show entry]
winte:ch'they (dogs) lay there

[show entry]
wintł'its'it got hard, hardened, solidified

[show entry]
winto'(water) has moved somewhere, has reached to somewhere

[show entry]
wiqowhil(animal) is running, trotting along

[show entry]
wits'e:lit (snake, worm) slides, wiggles along

[show entry]
wiwh'ulI'm carrying it along (e.g., a round object, something that can be held in the hand)

[show entry]
wiwhch'iłI'm weak

[show entry]
wiwhchwe:lił-teI will be making it

[show entry]
wiwhchwilI am growing, getting larger

[show entry]
wiwhle:lI'm carrying them along (several objects or rope, string, line)

[show entry]
wiwhle:lI swim along (under water)

[show entry]
wiwhłe:lI'm carrying a dough-like object along (e.g., a lump of dough, a piece of mud, a rotten apple)

[show entry]
wiwhq'unlił-teI will lean it up

[show entry]
wiwhqe:lI'm paddling a canoe, going along in a boat

[show entry]
wiwhtilI'm carrying (an empty basket) along

[show entry]
wiwhwe:lI am packing it along

[show entry]
wixiłthey (plural object or mass, e.g. logs) float along

[show entry]
wixisilit was falling

[show entry]
wults'a'(water) soaks through (something), leaks out

[show entry]
wun'da'awhthimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus)

[show entry]
wun'de'ila:the floats over it

[show entry]
wun'dilwa:whthey are talking, conversing about it

[show entry]
wun'k'idiwiłxut'he uncovered something

[show entry]
wuna'k'e'ił'e:tł'they hang them onto it

[show entry]
wun-ch'e'ite'he lies there (watching) for it

[show entry]
wun-ch'iniłte:nhe brought it (a salmon) to her (an old woman)

[show entry]
wun-de'iling'it flows over

[show entry]
wundidsits'(skin) peels off

[show entry]
wundiłch'ut'peel off bark (from a tree or bush whose bark comes off easily)!

[show entry]
wundimilthey (arrows) go through it

[show entry]
wundiwha:whI'm getting off of it

[show entry]
wundiwhsits'I'm peeling (bark, skin) off, I'm skinning it

[show entry]
wung-'a:dixa:niwidyung'(people) get ashamed about it

[show entry]
wung'xine:whhe talks about it

[show entry]
wung-na:na:ya:ng'e:tł'they were hanging on to him

[show entry]
wung-whikyun-na:wayI'm thinking about it

[show entry]
wung-xoje'-ch'o:nda'he has pity, pities someone

[show entry]
wung-xowidilika story about something, an account of something

[show entry]
wun-na'dilthey are busy with it, are occupied with it

[show entry]
wun-na'wayhe is busy with it, works on it, is occupied with it

[show entry]
wun-na:dya'it is gone around for, things are done

[show entry]
wun-na:ne'iwhtsa:tI always sit down beside it

[show entry]
wun-na:whdiyayI went back to it

[show entry]
wun-na:ya'xolyiw(people) gather things (food, basket materials, acorns, etc.)

[show entry]
wun-nahłtsissomething is hanging to it

[show entry]
wun-no'xoniłt'in-tehe is going to get him to do things

[show entry]
wun-no:k'e'iwhłiwhI reach for it

[show entry]
wun-nowht'awI believe it

[show entry]
wun-tohdilyou go with it (medicine)

[show entry]
wun-xole:nbusiness, affairs

[show entry]
-xain pursuit of

[show entry]
xa-in this way

[show entry]
xa'all right! okay!; quickly; that's it, goodbye (informal expression)

[show entry]
xa'a'de'ine'she kept saying that

[show entry]
xa'a'niwehst'e'she was that way

[show entry]
xa'a'uliwhe handles it in that way

[show entry]
xa'a'uniwshe always does so

[show entry]
xa'a'wilehł-tehe will do that way

[show entry]
xa'a:ch'ilawhe did so to them

[show entry]
xa'a:k'itisit is over (others) to that extent

[show entry]
xa'a:na:ch'idyawshe did it that way

[show entry]
xa'a:tilte'(it is) that strong

[show entry]
xa'a:winehł-teit will be that way

[show entry]
xa'a:winiwit is done that way

[show entry]
xa'a:ya'ił'ingthey did that

[show entry]
xa'a:ya:xowilawthey were fixed in that way

[show entry]
xa'a:yułchwo:nthey are all so pretty

[show entry]
xa'ahł-ch'ide:n'he speaks so (in such a way) to him

[show entry]
xa'ahłdiwine'he is thus spoken to

[show entry]
xa'e:ng'e:tł'they will go (pass under)

[show entry]
xa'gya'ne'goodbye, farewell

[show entry]
xa'indilthey (salmon) will pass

[show entry]
xa'inłine:dyo:tthey chased each other

[show entry]
xa'k'iwhehe is digging a hole (e.g. well, post hole)

[show entry]
xa'k'iwheh-ji-dingKaruk village at Red Cap Creek

[show entry]
xa'niwinte'he looked for it

[show entry]
xa'ułkyowthat much, to that extent

[show entry]
xa'ułtsahthat long

[show entry]
xa'unłungthere are that many

[show entry]
xa'unt'eit was like that

[show entry]
xa'usdil-me'Hooker's Ridge

[show entry]
xa'wa'awhił-teshe will pick out the stones

[show entry]
xa'whinehsyo:tthey drove me to the bank

[show entry]
xa'whiwhhe is sucking it up

[show entry]
xa'widqot'she squirmed out

[show entry]
xa'wingquchhe threw it out

[show entry]
xa'winsowhe dug it up; scooped it out

[show entry]
xa'winta:nhe dug it up

[show entry]
xa'yo:she is pulling (a plant) up out of the ground

[show entry]
xa:-up out (of the ground)

[show entry]
xa:'islayshe brought them up

[show entry]
xa:'usła:the ran up

[show entry]
xa:'uswe:nshe packed it up (a load to the house)

[show entry]
xa:diniwgopher (less common term)

[show entry]
xa:dits'i-miłevery little while

[show entry]
xa:diwuła plant sprouts, rises (out of the ground)

[show entry]
xa:dmilit flung itself up

[show entry]
xa:dwichit (tree) uprooted itself

[show entry]
xa:k'indimutit boiled up out of something

[show entry]
xa:k'ing'itsit shot up

[show entry]
xa:k'inyo:whit flowed up

[show entry]
xa:k'iwhxa:whI'm shoveling (dirt) out

[show entry]
xa:k'iwich'e:lił-tethe wind will blow out from the ground

[show entry]
xa:k'iwidwhe'-dingthe area around Norton Field where there was extensive gold-mining activity

[show entry]
xa:k'iwinyayboil, skin eruption, something puffing up

[show entry]
xa:ky'a'a:nthere is an open hole, pit in the ground

[show entry]
xa:l'a'things have grown up there

[show entry]
xa:lde:tł'it is dotted up (as in face-painting)

[show entry]
xa:lła:tit (salmon) jumped up

[show entry]
xa:lqot'it (a tree) was pulled out by bending to one side

[show entry]
xa:na'k'idiłtsit'he cuts off someone's hair, he barbers

[show entry]

[show entry]
xa:na'whiste:nhe took me up to it

[show entry]
xa:na'wilayhe dug them up again

[show entry]
xa:na'wiłte:nhe dug it out

[show entry]
xa:na'winchwayhe dug it up

[show entry]
xa:na:'usde:tł'they reached it (going back up)

[show entry]
xa:na:'uslo:sshe dragged it up

[show entry]
xa:na:k'iwhdigitI'm belching up

[show entry]
xa:na:te:s'e'nI'm looking for it

[show entry]
xa:na:wh(pain) comes out (on one's body)

[show entry]
xa:na:ya'se'iłqe:tthey shove (the boats) back up

[show entry]
xa:na:ya'widchwa:lthey dug up along

[show entry]
xa:naysdikit(cloud, fog, smoke) rose back up

[show entry]
xa:nde'nit got close

[show entry]
xa:ngxe:nhe came up (to the surface of the water)

[show entry]
xa:niwhse:lI'm sweating

[show entry]
xa:nt'ik'it (tree) is standing

[show entry]
xa:ntelook for it, hunt for it (something you have not had before)

[show entry]
xa:se'iwhxa:whI bring it up

[show entry]
xa:-si-uphill to the top

[show entry]
xa:sina:whit (sun, moon, star) rises, peeps over the ridge.

[show entry]
xa:sing'awhtake it (e.g., stone) uphill to the top (e.g., from the river to the house)!

[show entry]
xa:sinyahwhgo up to the top (of the hill, riverbank)!

[show entry]
xa:t'still, continuing; same; right (there)

[show entry]
xa:t'ahehlet it! let him, her! let them!

[show entry]
xa:t'in-e:it will be this way

[show entry]
xa:te:ma:sit (chunks of frost) rolled out of the ground

[show entry]
xa:wehs'a'it stuck up

[show entry]
xa:whidiwiltsit'I got my hair cut

[show entry]
xa:wila:tit floated up to the top

[show entry]
xa:xowilwa:tł'a type of digging bug

[show entry]
xa:xowilwa:tł'hero of myth, "Dug-from-the-Ground"; also a type of digging bug

[show entry]
xa:ya'wehs'a'he sits that way

[show entry]
xa:ya'wiłxa:ythey shot it out

[show entry]
xa:yontpigeon (Columba fasciata, Band-tailed Pigeon)

[show entry]
xahłt'iwhgebird of some kind

[show entry]
xahs'ait (trail) comes up

[show entry]
xahschwe:nit grew up (to the sky)

[show entry]
xahslinriffle (in a stream)

[show entry]
xahslin-dingname of a village at the mouth of Horse Linto Creek

[show entry]
xahslin-din-nilinHorse Linto Creek

[show entry]
xahslin-taw"crane", heron (Ardea herodias, Great Blue Heron)

[show entry]
xahslintaw-nehwa:nman-eating crane-like bird that inhabits the head of Horse-Linto (xahslinding) Creek

[show entry]
xahxe'ehshade, shadow

[show entry]
xaywinter; year

[show entry]
xaythe roots of a conifer (esp. pine or spruce roots), used in basketry

[show entry]
xayahfishing claim

[show entry]
xayah-me'canyon near Sugar Bowl

[show entry]
xayahme'-ło:q'-mił-tahch'iłtiwfish claim medicine

[show entry]
xay-ch'idilyeJump Dance

[show entry]
xaych'ing'-mina:k'iwilchwe:nthings stored away for the winter; things put away for winter use

[show entry]
xay-na:dilwinter run of steelhead

[show entry]
xayts'a'(modern) dish, bowl; (traditional) mush basket

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xe'e'ła:tone should run by

[show entry]
xe'e'wiłq'a:she threw it away

[show entry]
xe'e'wingqoch'he loped away

[show entry]
xe'e'winyayhe passed

[show entry]

[show entry]
xe'e:'ile'nthey (small things) always lie there

[show entry]
xe'e:diwa:tł'-eit disappears (over a hill)

[show entry]
xe'e:k'e'iwhwhe'I dig down

[show entry]
xe'e:k'iwhmiłI am throwing something (scraps, things) away

[show entry]
xe'e:na:'iłkisshe pushed it away

[show entry]
xe'e:na:ldidowit drew back

[show entry]
xe'e:ngxits'they (acorns) fall away

[show entry]
xe'e:wilinthey lay dropped

[show entry]
xe'e:wiliwit dove by

[show entry]
xe'e:wiłwa:tł'she threw it away

[show entry]
xe'e:wiłyo:lhe blew it away

[show entry]
xe'e:ya:xowidme:tł'they had their hair cut (as a sign of mourning)

[show entry]
xe'e:yk'e:łtse:tł'I threw (a rock) away

[show entry]
xe'ewhxiwhI'm hauling it off

[show entry]

[show entry]
xe:nta'nit has reached up to there

[show entry]
xe:q'ay'cradle, baby-basket

[show entry]
xehłpack load (in a basket)

[show entry]
xehłjuq'dried cedar or juniper berries

[show entry]
xehsta:nit (water, sand, a pile of anything) reached up to there

[show entry]
xiłdark, murky color

[show entry]
-xinsubsisting on, satisfied with

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xine:whlanguage, speech, talk, conversation

[show entry]
xine:wh-mixa:-k'iniwh'a'diłchwejudge (in modern courtroom)

[show entry]
xiniwinye:whyou talked

[show entry]
xispus, discharge, infection

[show entry]
xiwhnayI move it back and forth, stir it, agitate it

[show entry]
xiwhnayI escape, reach safety, am safe

[show entry]
xiwingxes-teit will itch

[show entry]
xixe:sit itches

[show entry]
xixe:xchildren, kids

[show entry]
xixiybaby (boy)

[show entry]
xo'a:'unt'ehonest, goodnatured

[show entry]
xo'chtrue, real (thing); well, really, thoroughly; in a moderate, correct way

[show entry]
xo'-ch'itehs'e'ntracing doctor, clairvoyant, diagnosing doctor

[show entry]
xo'dzi-Kohcarefully, thoroughly

[show entry]
xo'dzi-nehwa:nslowly, easily, gently

[show entry]
xo'ji-ch'ing'right (side), on the right

[show entry]
xo'ji-kingtraditional gambling sticks, "Indian cards"

[show entry]
xo'ji-kya'ceremonial abalone-shell dress

[show entry]
xo'ji-miłtsahchjust so far, to a middling distance

[show entry]
xo'ji-xwmore and more, more...than ever

[show entry]
xo'osdayman (male)

[show entry]
xo:'a:'udyawcorpse (polite term)

[show entry]
xo:diwhxitI ask him (a question)

[show entry]
xo:ta'a:nthey ran down

[show entry]
xo:wa'ułthey're running along, a group or herd is running along

[show entry]
xo:yta'nI held on to him

[show entry]
xoch'in'-tse:ta small black beetle

[show entry]
xoda'iłq'a:she began to throw them down

[show entry]
xoda'k'ing'itshe shot it down

[show entry]
xoda'-q'eh-nung'amind him!

[show entry]
xoda'whine:nyo:tthey chased me down

[show entry]
xoda'wilaythey went down (in canoes)

[show entry]
xoda'wilła:tshe ran down the hill

[show entry]
xoda'wilwhot'he slid down

[show entry]
xoda:-down the slope, down to the river

[show entry]
xoda:dgitthey had gone over (a ridge)

[show entry]
xoda:k'iłwa:tł'she dropped it down

[show entry]
xoda:k'iwehsch'e'the wind blew down

[show entry]
xoda:k'iwisowit's been scratched down

[show entry]
xoda:na'widxits'he fell back (down the hill)

[show entry]
xoda:na:dqe:tthe boat moved downstream

[show entry]
xoda:na:ya'xo:łxa'they tracked him down toward the river

[show entry]

[show entry]
xoda:nawhqehI'm going downstream in a boat

[show entry]
xoda:nch'e:a wind blows down

[show entry]
xoda:ngxe:nthey floated down

[show entry]
xoda:nyayit goes down to the foot of the hill, the sun sets, the sun has set

[show entry]
xoda:te:le'nit flowed downhill here and there

[show entry]
xoda:wha:whI am going down (the hill, steps, to the river, etc.)

[show entry]
xoda:whmowh-teI will slide down

[show entry]
xoda:wilingoutlet of a stream, river

[show entry]
xoda:ya'e'ilthey swim downstream

[show entry]
xoda:ya'k'e'iwiwhthey pack things down

[show entry]
xoda:ya'k'itixa:whthey all went down with baskets of flour

[show entry]
xoda:ya:widil'e:tł'ił-tewe will have them pointing down

[show entry]
xoda:yde:tł'we went down (the hill, etc.)

[show entry]
xode:k'isiwehsch'e'the wind had met him on its way

[show entry]
xode:siwha:whI meet him, go to see him, encounter him

[show entry]
xode:wing'e:tł'they were dead

[show entry]
xodinungit (hill) is steep, sloping

[show entry]
xodistł'o:nwhite cedar (Thuja plicata, coast cedar), Port Orford cedar

[show entry]
xodita:nbrushy place

[show entry]
xoditehłxuts'she felt it bite

[show entry]
xodnun-dingOtsepor (Bluff Creek)

[show entry]
xodnun-din-milay'Hopkins Butte

[show entry]
xoh-down to the bottom

[show entry]
-xohat, in...places

[show entry]
xohfutilely, in vain, try (but fail)

[show entry]
xoh...-heheven if, no matter how

[show entry]
xohch'iwinyayhe came down off a ridge; he went down the bank (to the river)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xohnahdiłcome back down, you guys!

[show entry]
xohwhyo:lI'm swearing at him

[show entry]
xohwilła:the ran (down from Bald Hills)

[show entry]
xohwingxits'it fell (to the foot of the hill)

[show entry]
xohxo-ch'e:l-dingname of a village located at the mouth of Willow Creek

[show entry]

[show entry]
xoje'sa'a:nhe or she is cranky, mean

[show entry]
xoje:'-tilte'he is brave, a brave person

[show entry]
xoje:'-wung-na'udilthey 'cake walked' (danced in with flints)

[show entry]
xoje:wung-ch'e'indilthey have danced with them (flints)

[show entry]
xoje:wung-na'dilthe obsidian bearers in White Deerskin Dance; the dance performed by the principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance as they carry the ceremonial obsidian blades

[show entry]

[show entry]
xok'e'iłxut'they cover her with it

[show entry]
xokiwiwung'ilhe sleeps a little at a time

[show entry]
xoky'a'niłte:nsomeone took it from him

[show entry]
xoky'a'umilsomeone throws it awawy from her

[show entry]
xoky'a:na'uliwhshe takes off the dress again

[show entry]
xoky'a:na'ułkyo:sthey take it (skirt) off of her again

[show entry]

[show entry]
xokyun-chwin'da:nyayhe is sick to his stomach

[show entry]
xol'e'nit is visible, in view

[show entry]
xola'-ch'a'awhhe pays him

[show entry]
xola'-łe'k'iwiłmut'he clapped his hands

[show entry]
xola'-wid'a:nhe has been paid

[show entry]

[show entry]
-xola:nit is evident, there are signs that...

[show entry]
xola:n-na:ste'I helped him (to do a job), I helped him out

[show entry]
xole:nit is plentiful, they are plentiful, there is a lot of (something)

[show entry]
xolischquickly, fast; hurry up!

[show entry]
-xoliwhit feels, it seems like

[show entry]
xolje:-xichcivet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)

[show entry]
xoljehskunk (Mephitis mephitis)

[show entry]
xoljehchcivet cat; small spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis)

[show entry]
xoł-ch'idwinehłhe kept saying

[show entry]
xoł-ch'idye'nthe dance that an Indian doctor performs before sucking out a pain

[show entry]
xoł-ch'iyo:diwhneI tease him

[show entry]
xołchwehhire him!

[show entry]
xołchwilswampy place

[show entry]
xołchwił-tah-t'un'nahsma:ts'wild ginger (Asarum caudatum)

[show entry]
xoł-diniwił'a'he is training ("mental training")

[show entry]
xołdiyinsucking doctor (older term)

[show entry]
xołe:kin'her abdomen

[show entry]
xołidi-k'idiłchwepheasant, ruffled grouse (Bonasa umbellus)

[show entry]
xołiqaythe whiteness in the sky before daybreak

[show entry]
xołiqay'tina:wh-kehłtsa:nDawn Maiden

[show entry]
xołiqoch'a gap between hills, a hollow between higher places

[show entry]
xołitthere is a sudden sharp noise (like the report of a gun being fired, stomping feet)

[show entry]
xoł-nintiwhsleep with her!

[show entry]
xoł-no:nilithe finished sweating (in the sweathouse)

[show entry]
xoł-te:lithe had a sweat, sweated in a sweathouse; he prayed, made medicine, smoked himself for luck

[show entry]
xołtsa:ydry ground

[show entry]
xołtsay-tawwater panther; "lion", mythical monster animal with a ruff of fur around its neck, like a lion's mane

[show entry]
xoł-wiwhdiye'nI danced the doctor-dance

[show entry]
xołxitichmedium sized fast-sliding snake, non-poisonous

[show entry]
xoł-xitinawthe unborn child moves in her, she starts feeling she is going to give birth

[show entry]
xołyahI'm hurting, wounding him (with a stick, knife, etc.)

[show entry]
xon' ch'ite'iwiwhhe packs the fire

[show entry]
xon'-na'k'e'ilawshe (customarily) gathers things back up

[show entry]
xon'-na'weBrush Dance (general term); fire-waving medicine

[show entry]
xon'-na:na:'uswe'ceremony in the Flower Dance that is performed when it rains during a girl's first menses

[show entry]
xon'-na:ya'awe'they wave the fire; they have a brush dance

[show entry]
xon'-no'ninge:nhe lit the fire

[show entry]
xon'-ta'na:nwhiskey, any distilled spirits

[show entry]
xon'ta'na:n-mił-wa'k'itłiwh(tending) bar

[show entry]
xon'-wun-nongwiwhlight the fire!

[show entry]
xona:'-dehslinhe is cockeyed

[show entry]
xona:'e:dinhe is blind, a blind person

[show entry]
xona:'iłding'blind him!

[show entry]
xona:'-na:wilchwe:neye glasses

[show entry]
xona:'to'-na:wilinmourning songs

[show entry]
xona:'xwo-sa'a:neye glasses

[show entry]
xona:di-na:ya'tehłdi'itsthe boy and girl who run along with the girl in the Flower Dance race

[show entry]
xona:-sindawait for him!

[show entry]
xona:siwhlayI make fun of him, ridicule him

[show entry]
xona:siwhnikI'm putting my arm around him

[show entry]
xona:t'awhis spirit, soul (as opposed to body)

[show entry]
xona:t'aw-na'ayta:n doctor

[show entry]
xonchiwh-dich'e:ch'Rough-Nose, another name for Panther in a story told by Mary Marshall

[show entry]
xonchwe'nthere is lots of brush, it's a brushy place

[show entry]
xonchwiwh-wa:ng'aynose plug, nose ornament

[show entry]
xonde:se:n'-teyou will feel something for him

[show entry]
xone:sehłyiwI raised him

[show entry]
xonghe, she, him, her

[show entry]

[show entry]
xong'-'a:diwh'e:nI fix myself up for a ceremony, put on face or body paint

[show entry]
xong'-ch'ing'-k'iniwhnoyI barbecue (fish, meat) by roasting it on spits around a fire

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xong'-mina:t-ch'itina:wha dance held in the Big House to scare off sickness

[show entry]
xong'-na'a:de:lawI dressed up, put on my regalia

[show entry]
xong'-na'a:dilehput on your regalia!

[show entry]
xong'-nehwa:norange (color)

[show entry]
xong'-siwe:nthe fire lies there

[show entry]

[show entry]
xongwhegive him a name! call him by name!

[show entry]
xongxong'a type of edible mushroom

[show entry]
xonin'-na:na'ule'looking right and left during Jump Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
xonin'ts'e:k'cricket chirps, chirping cricket

[show entry]
xoning'-łintehłdowhe frowned

[show entry]
xoning'-wiltuch'Indians from upstream

[show entry]
xoninsohchsmall, white-spotted mink (Mustela vison)

[show entry]
xonist'e'-ta:k'idehsne:ge'his body feels sore, dull; he is drowsy from lack of exercise

[show entry]
xonist'e'-xa'siliwh-dingHooker Ridge

[show entry]
xonist'e'-ya:nsomeone who has killed a person, cannibal, killer

[show entry]
xoniwil'-na:wayhe is dizzy, half drunk

[show entry]
xono'xine:whhe overpowers him (with words), talks bad luck into him, wishes him to death

[show entry]
xonowh'awI'm fooling him, deceiving him

[show entry]
xonsa:tit (water) is deep

[show entry]
xonsah-dingwhere the water is deep (old village site in Hoopa Valley)

[show entry]
xonse:lit (weather) is warm, hot, sunny; there is heat

[show entry]

[show entry]
xonsił-ch'idilyeWhite Deerskin Dance

[show entry]
xonsił-chwiwanother name for the mourning dove

[show entry]
xontahhouse (modern); the wooden back-board for the Jump Dance

[show entry]
xontah-ma:-silaythe foundation of a (modern) house

[show entry]

[show entry]
xontah-nikya:wthe Sacred House, "church", at Ta'kimiłding (Hostler Ranch)

[show entry]

[show entry]
xonte:lkyohme'bench back of Oscar Brown's place

[show entry]
xontehłflat, prairie

[show entry]

[show entry]
xontehł-me'name of a Chilula village

[show entry]
xontehł-me'Wintu village at Hayfork

[show entry]
xontehł-miwahname of a former village near Campbell Field prairie

[show entry]

[show entry]
xontł'its'hard, solid ground

[show entry]
xonwho:nit (area, space) is clear; there is a clearing

[show entry]
xoq'eh-na'waythe girl who accompanies the medicine maker (k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe) at the Brush Dance

[show entry]
xoq'it-'iwhdineI'm helping him

[show entry]
xoq'it-ch'iswa:la Flower Dance is held for her

[show entry]
xoq'it-ch'ite:ng'e'ndiagnose, an Indian doctor is "tracing" on someone (acting as diagnosing doctor)

[show entry]
xoq'it-dahsa'a:nheaddress worn by men at the Kick Dance

[show entry]
xoq'oskin'ding-nowhchwitI choke him

[show entry]

[show entry]
xoscough, cold in the head

[show entry]
xosa'k'iłtse:tł'they threw it into his mouth

[show entry]
xosa'k'ing'itshe shot in his mouth

[show entry]
xosa'wiłgitshe put a little dab (of medicine) in her (sister's) mouth

[show entry]
xosa:k'abalone (Haliotis), abalone shell

[show entry]
xosa:k'-kya'skirt with abalone shell pendants sewn on

[show entry]
xosa:ng'aya short whistle made from the leg bone of a crane (xahslintaw-mits'ine'), used only by the obsidian bearers in the White Deerskin Dance

[show entry]

[show entry]
xosa:sta:n-ts'iswa:lhe makes a war-whoop

[show entry]
xosah-k'itidluthe can't talk plainly; he talks in a broken way

[show entry]

[show entry]
xosah-sa'a:nhe has a song, a song comes to him

[show entry]
xoshdó:ng'it could be (but I really doubt it)! I really don't believe it!

[show entry]
xosinbeing (so), exhibiting (such and such) characteristics

[show entry]
xosits'-milfreshwater mussel (Mytilus californianus); mussel-shell or abalone-shell spoon used by women

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xot'ina:n-dingWahsekw (Martin's Ferry)

[show entry]
xote:se:ts'e:k'I scratched him

[show entry]
xotiway-kyoh-q'itMountain on Waterman Ridge

[show entry]
xotiway-q'itPactah (part of Weitchpec)

[show entry]
xotł'inch'e'her co-wife

[show entry]
xots'ine-mił-ya'milOregon grape (Berberis nervosea)

[show entry]
xotse:tł'iwa'-ne:sChinese person

[show entry]
xotuq-ch'e'ninyayfor a woman to dance between two male partners; a feature of the Brush Dance

[show entry]
xowa'tiliwhhe distributes them (e.g. regalia) to them

[show entry]
xowa'tiqotthey poke things to them each one

[show entry]
xowa'uxa:whthey give her a basket

[show entry]
xowa:'iłda:she handed it (a baby) to her

[show entry]
xowa:dlaythey were given to her

[show entry]
xowa:na:ch'ime:tł'he threw it (pipe) back to him

[show entry]
xowa:na:na:lwe:nmedicine to remove hard feelings, for forgiveness

[show entry]
xowa:ningxits'it went through him or her (for example, an arrow)

[show entry]
xowa:ya'inta:nthey gave it (a bow) to him

[show entry]
xowa:ya'tiłkyo:she gives them (aprons) to each of them

[show entry]
xowah-na'k'ita'awa "light" or fast song at the Kick Dance

[show entry]
-xowe:-dinglocated at, in...places

[show entry]
xowehskit-ne'inhe was nearly caught

[show entry]
xowhit seems, it must be, it might be, I guess

[show entry]
xowh'ayI ask him (to do something)

[show entry]
xowhch'e:tI'm lying, I'm a liar

[show entry]
xowhła:nthere are many people

[show entry]
xowhłe:nI have plenty (of something)

[show entry]
xowhniwhI am awake

[show entry]
xowhq'ehI'm going to copulate with her, I'm going to have intercourse with her

[show entry]
xowich'e:ta lie, falsehood, lying

[show entry]
xowidilikwhat has been told, a story, telling, account

[show entry]
xowiliktelling (something to someone)

[show entry]
xowinłit-tehłthere will be a sudden noise

[show entry]
xowinsa:tit got to be deep

[show entry]
xowinse'nit started (being that way)

[show entry]
xowinse:lit got warm

[show entry]
xowinya'nit has gone wild

[show entry]
xowiwhda'ułI am carrying him about

[show entry]
xowiyehup a steep slope; it (hill) is steep

[show entry]

[show entry]
xowun'de'iłkyo:sthey take it (a blanket) off of her

[show entry]
xowung-dahding'awhtake it (e.g., stone) away from him, deprive him of it!

[show entry]
xowung-ky'a:xawhky'owI'm envious of him

[show entry]
xowung-na:ya'de'itulthey used to drag their feet over him

[show entry]
xowung-q'itvillage at Campbell Field; Kentuck Ranch; Danceground

[show entry]
xowuni-q'itname of the northernmost Chilula village

[show entry]
xowun-nahsdimitit turned over (like a boat)

[show entry]
xowun-no'niłqe:the aimed at him

[show entry]
xowut-ch'ixowehsya'nhe watched her

[show entry]
xowut-xowhya:nI'm carefully watching him, looking after him

[show entry]
xoxiwhnayI'm saving him, I saved him, cured him

[show entry]
xoxotinitcreek above Eslick's mentioned in Emma Lewis' formula of the Rain Rock medicine

[show entry]

[show entry]
xoya:nit (e.g. horse, bull) is wild, shy, suspicious of people

[show entry]
xoyeh-no'ningxa:nshe served food to him, placed food in front of him

[show entry]
xudya:nsomething shameful

[show entry]
xulo:q'e'silverside salmon

[show entry]

[show entry]
xułwichuproot it!

[show entry]
xundingit is close, near by

[show entry]
xung'marked stick in Indian gambling (kin-na:way), ace in modern playing cards

[show entry]
xung'awhtake it (e.g., stone) out of the ground! dig it up!

[show entry]
xung'-t'e:nmarried woman

[show entry]
xunis-ch'il'e:ndipper basket

[show entry]

[show entry]
xunwhehcough it up!

[show entry]

[show entry]
xutł'e'-dung'(early) in the morning, daybreak

[show entry]
xutł'e'dung'-xa:sina:whmorning star

[show entry]
xutł'e'-ky'a:nflying squirrel (Scuiropterus)

[show entry]

[show entry]

[show entry]
xuxa:nt'eit is light (in weight), not heavy

[show entry]
-xwin such a way, in such a manner, being so, while doing so

[show entry]
-xwat, around, in that direction

[show entry]
xwa:-'a:neha doctor's power, that speaks through her

[show entry]
xwa:-wehsle'he got satiated, he got enough to eat, his belly got filled

[show entry]
-xwethe people of...

[show entry]
xwe'diliwthey're attacking them, coming to challenge them to a fight

[show entry]
xwe:da'ay-na:da'ayhe's listening

[show entry]
xwe:da'ay-niłje:nhe is bald

[show entry]
xwe:da'ay-tsehna:witł'o:nher braided hair (wrapped back of ear with a buckskin tie)

[show entry]
xwe:de'iłoy'hair-plugs (used in fighting)

[show entry]
xwe:de'tł'-sa'a:near plug

[show entry]
xwe:lwe:tł'he spent the night

[show entry]
xwe:na:se'ildiqo:lit kept crawling on her

[show entry]
xwe:na:xowilya'nhe came back to his senses (after being unconscious, crazy)

[show entry]
xwe:na:ya:lwililthey camped along

[show entry]
xwe:tilchwe'nthey (pebbles) grow on to her here and there

[show entry]
xwe:xowht'e:nI look like him/her

[show entry]
xwe:ya:k'e'it'e'it gets cooked for them

[show entry]
xwe:ył-q'itRedwood Ridge, Redwood Creek

[show entry]
xwe:yłq'it-xwethe Redwood Indians, Chilula

[show entry]
xwe:ysxa:nhe passed the night

[show entry]
ya'louse (specifically head louse), parasite

[show entry]
ya'de:lts'e'they stayed there (for a while)

[show entry]
ya'dehłts'ethey are staying there

[show entry]
ya'ixisthey fell over

[show entry]
ya'k'idwulhe see-sawed

[show entry]
ya'k'inyo:she raised (his bow) and pulled (the string)

[show entry]
ya'k'ita'awthe three singers in the White Deerskin Dance, one main singer and two helpers

[show entry]
ya'k'itiquchthey toss it along (with a stick), they are playing the stick game, shinny

[show entry]
ya'nahwhhe goes up

[show entry]
ya'ne:'iwiwhthey pack it there

[show entry]
ya'niłqe:t-e:they got there (in a canoe)

[show entry]
ya'te'iliwhthey take them along

[show entry]
ya'te'iłqe:tthey shove them (boats) along

[show entry]
ya'te:qotthey started on their way with it poked (an enemy's head on a stick)

[show entry]
ya'ułqaywhite louse

[show entry]
ya'unch'ingcoming in this direction from across

[show entry]
ya'wehs'a'he sat down

[show entry]
ya'widqot'he tumbled, wiggled up

[show entry]
ya'wiłq'a:she tossed (a ball) up

[show entry]
ya'wiłqoch'he hurled it up in the air

[show entry]
ya'wiłwhot'he slid it up, opened the window

[show entry]
ya'wima:she rolled over

[show entry]
ya'wime:tł'he took them up

[show entry]
ya'winchwithe raised his hand

[show entry]
ya'wingquchhe threw it

[show entry]
ya'winsowhe scooped, scraped it up

[show entry]
ya'wixa:whił-tehe will take it up (a basket)

[show entry]
ya'xite:na'they escaped

[show entry]
ya'xohsme:tł'he whipped him

[show entry]
ya'xostsa:she whipped him

[show entry]
ya'xotehłte:nthey took him

[show entry]
ya'xwe'iłtong'it causes her to jump up

[show entry]
ya:-into pieces

[show entry]
ya:-up into the air, skyward

[show entry]
ya:'ułkili-q'itLake at the head of Horse Linto Creek

[show entry]
ya:'usq'ong'lice eggs

[show entry]
ya:dimil"tossel" used in stick game

[show entry]
ya:diwichit tipped over

[show entry]
ya:dmil-e:they fell back

[show entry]
ya:k'idnotit blazes up (in the air), flames up, flashes

[show entry]
ya:k'iliwhraise your hand!

[show entry]
ya:k'iwehsch'e'a wind blew upward

[show entry]
ya:k'iwhk'iłI'm tearing it to pieces, ripping it up

[show entry]
ya:k'iwilk'ilfringes (on a bark dress)

[show entry]
ya:k'iwilt'a:ts'something cut up into strips, fringes (as in buckskin)

[show entry]
ya:k'iyohwhit breaks to pieces, flying in all directions

[show entry]
ya:łde:wiming'ilthey (canoes) filled

[show entry]
ya:na'awhhe "raises up" a song, sings the melody of a dance-song

[show entry]
ya:na'k'isdimilshe smashed it

[show entry]
ya:na'k'iwiłtsilił-tethey may split (logs)

[show entry]
ya:na'wehs'e:tł'they sat down again

[show entry]
ya:na'wił'e:tł'ilthey hold them up

[show entry]
ya:na:dqehshe shoved herself up

[show entry]
ya:ng'e:tł'they (animals) are sitting

[show entry]
ya:se:wa:nI broke it to pieces

[show entry]
ya:sehłtse:tł'I have pounded it

[show entry]
ya:ta'a'-e:it (a baby) commenced to sit up

[show entry]
ya:te:se:ya:-teI'll go off along

[show entry]
ya:wh'ayI am sitting

[show entry]
ya:whliwhilI was still picking them up as I went along

[show entry]
ya:widxisilthey (clouds) flew up

[show entry]
ya:wiloy'it was tied up

[show entry]
ya:xo:'awhthey (a group, line of dancers) jump up and down in the Jump Dance style of dancing

[show entry]
ya:xo:'awhthe Jump Dance style of dancing

[show entry]
ya:xo:whła'nthey became many

[show entry]
ya:xowilwa:tł'he gets beaten up (with a club)

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ya:ya'wa'awhilthey pick them up one by one, as they go along

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ya:yk'iwida:ye'iłthey (flowers) keep blooming

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ya:yxits'I flew up into the air

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yahdzi-me'place mentioned in a formula for bathing at Rain Rock (location unknown)

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yawh'awhI pick it up, raise it up (round object)

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yawhjichI pick them up (little pieces)

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yawhjiłI'm slipping, losing my footing

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yawhkyo:sI pick it up (blanket, cloth, etc.)

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yawhliwhI pick them up (several objects, rope)

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yawhłiwI pick it up (a dough-like or floppy object)

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yawhtiwhI pick it up (an empty basket, a long, stick-like object)

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yawhtiwhI pick him/her up (living being)

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yawhtong'I'm jumping (up)

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yawhwulI'm chopping it, beating it (with an axe, club, etc.)

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yawhxa:whI pick it up (a bucket, dipper, or other filled container)

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yaywiłdichwe:nthey have made it for themselves

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yaywiłkit(cloud, fog, smoke) rose, went up into the air

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yein view, evidently

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yeinstead, in a different way

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ye'ilts'itit always falls in

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ye'iyohłshe blew it (incense) in

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ye'ohdigitrun in! (talking to a group)

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ye:wthat, there (far off)

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yeh-in, into (an enclosure)

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-yehunder, at the foot of

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yeh'idjehthey are crowding themselves in, flocking in

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yeh'ił'ahthey move into (an enclosure)

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yeh'iłt'ohslip it in (cork into bottle, arm into sleeve, etc.)! put it in where it fits!

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yeh'ing'awhput it (e.g. stone) inside!

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yeh'iwhde'iwhI'm looking in (to see what's inside)

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yehch'e'ixa:whshe always brought it (a filled container) in

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yehch'itulshoes (general term)

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yehch'iwhine:nyo:tthey drove me into it

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yehch'iwiłje:whe crowded them in

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yehch'iwiłq'a:she threw them in

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yehch'iwiłqe:the shoved (a stick) in; he landed the canoe

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yehch'iwiłte:nhe put it (a living thing) in

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yehch'iwina:whilhe has come in

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yehch'iwinge:nhe brought them in (acorns)

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yehch'iwingxits'-tesomeone will fall into it

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yehch'iwinta:nhe put it in

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yeheexclamation of angry surprise

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yehk'e:łwis-teI'm going to drill a hole in it

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yehk'iłqot'put the net on to the frame!

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yehk'iłt'ohput on, slip on (pants, socks, shirt, anything that fits tightly)!

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yehk'iłtulthey file into the dance (Brush Dance, Flower Dance)

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yehk'iłyo:ltrumpet, cornet

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yehk'imilshe is dipping out (water) into (containers)

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yehk'ine:nde'nlight came in

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yehk'ingqothe stuck it in

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yehk'inyo:wh(water) pours in (e.g., through a hole)

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yehk'iwehsch'e'the wind blew in

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yehk'iwilda'an older term for the bowl in a pipe (indicating that it was considered to be "alive")

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yehk'iwilqot'(it is) circular, bent in

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yehk'ixowilt'owoveralls, pants

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yehky'a'a:nthere is a hole in it, there is a den, cave

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yehky'a'a:nden, animal's cave, hole

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yehna'k'iliji-wha:'late winter month; March

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yehna'tehłtse:tł'he bumped it into something

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yehna'wilayhe put several objects back in (specifically: he loaded the gun, put bullets in)

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yehna'wilo:sshe dragged it in

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yehna'wiłme:nhe made it swim in

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yehna'winła:the ran back in

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yehna'xo:łwa:tł'he threw him in

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yehna'xołkya'(s)he put a dress on her

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yehna:dchwa'nit squeezed itself back in

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yehna:dla:tit floated in again

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yehna:l'e:tł'they were stuck in

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yehna:ldito'nhe jumped back into it

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yehna:lqe:teagle feathers stuck into headbands

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yehna:wilinthey flow into it (the river)

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yehna:xowh'ayI'm inviting him in

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yehna:xowilt'owsomeone is dressed (in something)

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yehnawhma:sI'm turning it (a bolt) on its threads

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yehnawhtulI'm putting on my shoes

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yehnindilinthey are scattered in (the river)

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yehwe:de:tł'we (2) went in

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yehwe:yayI came in

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yehwehs'a'it was in

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yehwhidiwilxuts'it (e.g. insect) bit into me

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yehwidqe:t(a canoe) landed

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yehwidqot'it fell in

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yehwile:lił-teit will always go into the stream

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yehwilin-dingname of a village

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yehwilt'owit is corked

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yehwilxit'flint knife for cutting fish or roots

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yehxo:ng'a:nthey ran in

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yehxołda'put him inside! fetch him in!

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yehya'k'iwiqolthey poke them in

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yehya'ułxiwhthey haul it over (in boats)

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yehya'wilawthey have put them in

[show entry]
yehya'wił'e:tł'they stuck them in

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yehya'winsowthey scoop them in

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yehyiwiłkił(cloud, fog, smoke) rolls in

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yehyiwiłkitit (smoke) floated in

[show entry]

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yida(h)-xo-mingwahplacename from the story of the Scabby Young Man (unknown location)

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yida:ch'in-dinun-dingWeitchpec Butte (Burrill Peak)

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yida:ch'in-k'itidmut'Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis)

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yida:ch'in-te'ilsea lion (Zalophus californianus), seal

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yidahch'inKaruk, Konomihu, Shasta or other Indians on the Klamath and Salmon Rivers

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yidahch'in-tse:q'iya:ng'aysilver-grey fox

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yidah-dinglower part of Hostler Ranch village

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yide'-dining'xine:whTolowa Indians, Smith River Indians

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yide'-dinung-xine:whTolowa Indians, Smith River Indians

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yide'e:n'ch'ing'on the downstream side

[show entry]
yide'-q'it-ch'ing' ch'ixine:wh-q'itplacename from Emma Lewis's formula for the birth of a first child (unknown location)

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yide'-xa'usdił-dingBald Mountain

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yide'xoma'name of a house mentioned in a story about an encounter with a grizzly bear

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yide:xone'iyiwceremonial restrictions have ended

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yide:xoniwiyehłshe is through with it (menstruation)

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yiduqup away from the stream, uphill

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yiduqa-dimit(animal, person) with its belly up, (glass, etc.) with its open end up, (hand) with palm up

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yiduqa-to:-me'the ocean to the east of the world

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yiduqa-to:-no:ng'a:-dingthe ocean to the east of the world

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yiduq-dahwinłuła second name for the jay, bluejay

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yiduqe:-q'ay'-na:'ulid-dingKaruk village at Happy Camp

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yiduqi-łe:na:l-dingthe forks of New River, above Denny

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yiduqi-nilinNew River

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yiduq-łe:da'a:-dingat the corner of the house

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yiduq-nung'awhturn (round object) over! turn it upright!

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yik'iqa:n-dingChimariko village located at Big Creek

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yik'iqungit (dog) barks in deer-hunting

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yik'iwidts'osilthey (dentalia) were sucking

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yik'iwingqa:nit barked, started to bark

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yiłchwework, what one does (old-fashioned word)

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yiłxait is dawning, day is breaking

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yima:nacross, across the stream

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yima:n'ch'ing'on the other side (of the stream), on the opposite side

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yima:n'dilwhite man, white people

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yima:n'dil-mikine'modern playing cards

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yima:n-e:-k'iwingxoya:nthe culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories

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yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n-xoyehch'itul'ladyslipper (Cypripedium fasciculatum)

[show entry]

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yima:n-tiw'winyaythe culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories

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yima:n-yehch'iwhiwiłxe:nhe ferried me across the river

[show entry]
yinahch'inChimariko, Upper Trinity River or South Fork (Tsnungxwe) people; applied to Wintu people as well.

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yinahch'in-ta:ng'ay-q'itplace mentioned in a love medicine formula

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yinehin the ground, under the surface of the ground, underground

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yineh-tawIndian potato

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yiniłkitfog (is) reaching (to the house)

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yiniwa'awhilthey keep on bringing them (songs) one at a time

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yiniwilgililit kept getting afraid of (something)

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yiniw-na:k'idmo:t'mole (Scapanus)

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yiniw-na:lto'na mythical bird with spikey wings

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yiniw-na:waybullsnake, gopher snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)

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yino:da'ayit was sticking to it

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yinuqa-no:ta:tł'a:Big Lagoon

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yinuqi-no:mitse'-dingname of a Chilula village

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yinuqi-ts'isdayAcorn Provider, an old man spirit who is the "boss" of all food

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yinuqi-yiduqupstream-uphill (i.e., moving in an upstream direction while going away from the stream)

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yise:n'ch'ing'on the downhill side, on the streamward side

[show entry]

[show entry]
yisxun-yisxa:nthe day after tomorrow

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yitiłkitit (smoke, fog, cloud) moves off

[show entry]

[show entry]
yitiłtsilplay catch

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yits'e:k'it (animal, bird) catches, grabs something (in its claws)

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yitse'ndownhill, down towards the stream

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yitse'n-e:-q'i-ch'ingChilula acorn gathering camp

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yitse'ni-ning'ay-q'itname of a Chilula village

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yitse'ni-wa'a:lthe sun gets lower and lower in the sky, moves progressively westward

[show entry]
yitse'ni-wing'a'the sun has moved to the western side of the sky, it is afternoon

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yitse'ni-xohch'indił-dingBlue Lake

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yiw-best, out-performing others

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yiwi-dimit(glass, etc.) inverted, with its open end down, (animal, person) with its belly down, (hand) with palm down; inverted, with its open end down

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yiwiding-hitfinally, after some time

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yiwiłkił(cloud, fog, smoke) moves along

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yiwiso:lit scratches, scrapes as it moves along

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yiwun-na:'usmithe turned it (e.g. basket, boat) over

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yo'non the far side of the fire pit (in an Indian house)

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yo'ohłkyohsbring it (a cloth, blanket) in! (talking to a group)

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yo:diwidxilił-tethey will ask for it

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yo:-niwiłtso'nit (sky, weather) cleared up

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yo:wthat, there (close by)

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yuk'iwidmilit throbs, twitches

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yulch'uq'(frog) hops, jumps

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yułwułthrow it (stick) up in the air!

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yungwiwhpack it! carry it as a pack!

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yunt'uscut it up!

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yuntułtake a step! step up!

[show entry]

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