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Your dictionary search: topic boats

ch'indiqe:tthey came down to it (in a canoe)

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k'it'o:wpaddle (for canoe)

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k'iwht'ohI'm paddling (a canoe)

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me'dil(traditional) canoe, (modern) boat

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me'nilaythey landed their canoes

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me'ninta:nhe landed his canoe, brought his canoe in to shore

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na:'usqe:the paddled it around

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na:tiwidqe:lthey were coming along on canoes

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ta'wilaythey started off in their canoes

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ta'winta:nhe started off in his canoe

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tahdehsde'tł'they (fish) had come ashore

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tahdehsyasomeone walked out of a boat

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tahna:'usdiyayhe got out of a boat, disembarked

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tahya'undilthey get out of the boats

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widqe:lit (a boat) is going along

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wiwhqe:lI'm paddling a canoe, going along in a boat

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xoda:na:dqe:tthe boat moved downstream

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xoda:nawhqehI'm going downstream in a boat

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ya'niłqe:t-e:they got there (in a canoe)

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ya'te'iłqe:tthey shove them (boats) along

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yehch'iwiłqe:the shoved (a stick) in; he landed the canoe

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