k'iqojin•lumps (on the body, as on a frog), bumps, unevenness (on the skin)
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k'iwidmut•a short, barely audible fart, gasser (pops like acorns)
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mike'•its (animal's) tail; mouth of a river (metaphorically)
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nisawh'awh•I'm putting it (e.g., stone) into your mouth
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whida:-sits'•my lips (including flesh around lips)
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whije:'ginje'•my breastbone (the cartilage above the pit of the stomach)
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whije:'-mich'ing'•my back, at the middle of my back (or chest)
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whije:y'•my state of mind, way of thinking; heart, breast (metaphorical)
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whikya:ne•my abdomen, belly, insides, guts; my mind, attention (abstract metaphor)
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whila'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'ay•my ring finger
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whila'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'ay•my index finger
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whinist'e'-me:q'•my female genitals (euphemism), in my (woman's) private parts
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whitilte'e'•my muscle, the strength of my (arm, body)
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whitł'a'-ch'ing'•the lower part of my body, my bottom
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whitł'a'-q'eh•the space between my buttocks; my anus
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whitse:tł'iwa'•my (esp. woman's) long head-hair
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whitsestł'o:n'•my braided hair (in na:na:wiloy' style)
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whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'ay•my fourth toe
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whixe'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'ay•my second toe (next to big toe)
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wiloy'-wa:ky'a'a:n•hair dressed in a doughnut shape
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xwe:da'ay-tsehna:witł'o:n•her braided hair (wrapped back of ear with a buckskin tie)
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