Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic body

'iwhlichI'm urinating, pissing

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'iwhtsehI'm breaking wind, farting

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chwung'feces, excrement, shit

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de:k'idiwhlichI urinate into the fire

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-ginje'gristle, cartilage

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k'iqojinlumps (on the body, as on a frog), bumps, unevenness (on the skin)

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k'itina small tail

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k'iwidmuta short, barely audible fart, gasser (pops like acorns)

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k'ixichfreckles, freckled

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łiwhxungI ejaculate

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mike'its (animal's) tail; mouth of a river (metaphorically)

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mile:je'its remains

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mił-ky'a:nset of teeth

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miwa'its (animal's) fur, (bird's) down

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nisawh'awhI'm putting it (e.g., stone) into your mouth

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sa:-into the mouth

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tł'eh-crotch, pubis (archaic)

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tse:-dilqaygrey hair; grey-haired person

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tsehgas, flatulence, fart

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tsing'-q'ahsperm, semen (vulgar term)

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we:-jaw (archaic)

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whe:da'aymy head

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whe:dze'my penis, male genitals

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whe:ne:q'my back; in back of me

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whe:nts'ing'my back, spine

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whe:q'my (woman's) private parts, vagina

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whe:ts'ine'my jaw, jawbone, chinbone

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whe:we'(something's) bone marrow

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which'e:k'e'my guts, intestines, soft belly

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which'ich'my elbow

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which'ing'ah-na:lma:lmy diaphragm

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which'itiłwul'my ribs

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which'ut'my afterbirth, placenta

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whichwa:n'-dahyiwixa:lmy intestines, colon

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whichwe:xing'my anus, asshole

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whichwoq'my testicles

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whichwutthe side of my body

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whida'my mouth, lips

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whida'-ginje'my gums

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whida'-ma:ts'e'my lips

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whida:-sits'my lips (including flesh around lips)

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whida:w'my whiskers, beard

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whidisqay'my lungs

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whije:'ginje'my breastbone (the cartilage above the pit of the stomach)

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whije:'-mich'ing'my back, at the middle of my back (or chest)

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whije:y'my state of mind, way of thinking; heart, breast (metaphorical)

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whijiw'my ear

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whijonjołmy kidneys

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whik'iwiyul-me'-nolxit'my stomach

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whik'iya:whe'my forehead, temple

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whiking'a:gya:n'my penis, male genitals

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whiky'a:ng'aymy arm

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whiky'a:ng'ay-me:wmy armpit

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whiky'o:ts'e'my sinew

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whikya:nemy abdomen, belly, insides, guts; my mind, attention (abstract metaphor)

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whikyo:n'my odor, body odor

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whikyun-sa'a:nmy heart

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whila'my hand, finger

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whila'-ke'ts'my fingernails, claw

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whila'-kin'my wrist

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whila'-mimisGe'gitse'my fingers

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whila'-mimisGiye'ts(-ding)my little finger

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whila'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'aymy ring finger

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whila'-mine:ji-na:da'aymy middle finger

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whila'-minikya:w'my thumb

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whila'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'aymy index finger

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whila'-mituq-na:da'aymy middle finger

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whila'-qot'my knuckles

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whilije'-me'-suxa:nmy bladder

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whilo:q'e'the calf of my leg

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whilxung'my semen, ejaculation

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whime'-no:k'ilxide'my stomach

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whimił-ky'o'ołchwide'my index finger

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whimit'my belly, stomach

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whina'k'idilyay'my collarbone

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whina:'my eye

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whina:' mits'e:tł'e'discharge from my eyes

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whina:'-tł'e:t'e'discharge from my eyes

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whina:demy forearms

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whina:do:nse'my eyebrows

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whina:q'ito:'my tears

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whina:-t'ung'my eyelashes

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whinchiwh-k'ito:'my snot, mucus

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whinchiwh-yehky'a'a:nmy nostril

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whinchwiwhmy nose

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whinchwiwh-kin'-dingthe butt of my nose

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whingkine'the small of my back

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whining'my face

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whiningq'ich'ing'the roof of my mouth

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whinist'e'my body

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whinist'e'-me:q'my female genitals (euphemism), in my (woman's) private parts

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whiq'ahmy fat (on my body)

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whiq'ay'my hip, thigh; the inside of my leg

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whiq'ehjiwa'my armpit, armpit hair

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whiq'osmy neck

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whiq'os-kin'-dingthe base of my neck

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whiq'os-q'ehthe nape of my neck; my throat

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whiq'us-t'a:w'my pubis, underbelly, crotch

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whiqa:qe'my throat, tonsils, gullet

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whiqe:ch'e'my hip, pelvis

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whiqe:-jiwol'my ankle

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whiqe:-kin'my lower leg

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whiqot'my knee, joint

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whiqunkin'my shoulders

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whiquntuqmy shoulder

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whisa:sta:nmy tongue

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whisahthe inside of my mouth

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whise:tol'my cheeks

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whisit'my liver

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whisits'my skin

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whisowołmy throat, windpipe

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whit'ahdiy'my chest, breast

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white:l'my spleen

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whitilte'e'my muscle, the strength of my (arm, body)

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whitł'a'my buttocks, rear-end

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whitł'a'-ch'ing'the lower part of my body, my bottom

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whitł'a'-q'ehthe space between my buttocks; my anus

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whitł'a'-ts'ine'my hip, pelvis

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whitł'eh-kin'my waist

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whitł'eh-ts'int'a'my pubic bone

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whitł'eh-wa'my pubic hair

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whitł'isch'e'my gall

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whits'e:l'my forearm, arm

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whits'e:q'my navel, belly button

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whi-ts'iduqi-ya:ng'aymy hip

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whits'in'-diq'a:nmy shin

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whits'ine'my bone, leg

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whits'int'a'my forehead

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whits'o:'my (woman's) breasts, milk

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whitse'my head

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whitse:king'back of my head

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whitse:łiq'e'my brain

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whitse:-qe:ch'e'my skull

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whitse:tł'iwa'my (esp. woman's) long head-hair

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whitsestł'o:n'my braided hair (in na:na:wiloy' style)

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whitsida'the top of my head, my crown

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whitsing'my flesh, meat

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whitso:l'my vagina, female genitals

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whitutł'my flank, the side of my body

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whiwe:da'my chin

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whiwe:sits'my lips

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whiwe:ts'ing'my jaw, jawbone, chinbone

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whiwhday'(inside of) my throat

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whiwo'my teeth, tooth

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whiwungmy female genitals (euphemism)

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whixa:q'e'the frame of my body, my skeleton

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whixe'-ke'ts'my toenail

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whixe'-me:q'the inside, sole of my foot

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whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'my toes

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whixe'-mimisGiye'tse'-mich'in'-na:da'aymy fourth toe

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whixe'-mine:ji-na:da'aymy third (middle) toe

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whixe'-minikya:w'my big toe

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whixe'minikya:w'-mich'ing'-na:da'aymy second toe (next to big toe)

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whixe:-tul'my heel

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whiye'ch'my breath, breathing

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whiyehk'ilxide'my esophagus, throat

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whiyehk'ilxit-q'ehmy esophagus, throat

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wiloy'-wa:ky'a'a:nhair dressed in a doughnut shape

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xahxe'ehshade, shadow

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xołe:kin'her abdomen

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xona:siwhnikI'm putting my arm around him

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xwe:da'ay-niłje:nhe is bald

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xwe:da'ay-tsehna:witł'o:nher braided hair (wrapped back of ear with a buckskin tie)

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