'a:dił'e:n•I fix myself up, get dressed up (for a ceremony)
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'a:diwa:na:ya'nde'iliwh•they take it (regalia) off themselves again
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ch'e:na'ułwa:l•they come back out of the Flower Dance (beating time with sticks)
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ch'idilye•religious dance, World Renewal ceremony
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ch'idilye•they dance in a religious dance, a religious dance is held
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ch'idilye:-ding•any danceground at which a religious dance is held
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ch'iłtul•he is tapping, patting his foot, stamping (esp. in Kick Dance)
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ch'iłtuł•Kick Dance, the way of dancing at a Kick Dance
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ch'iłwa:l•they are beating time; a Flower Dance is being held
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ch'iłwa:l•Flower Dance (girls' adolescence ceremony)
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ch'ixołchwe•he fixes up (the danceground), prepares (the place)
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ch'ixowiłchwe:lił-te•he will fix the dance place
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ch'o:na:niwichwil•a type of singing at the Kick Dance
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chwung'-na:xe•words to a song sung by women at the beginning af the Flower Dance
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ditsik-łe:na:ya'usow•a dance performed with the ceremonial basket-quiver (na'wehch) during the Jump dance
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hun'-q'eh-ch'idilye•White Deerskin Dance, specifically the Boat Dance
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k'iłwe:-q'•foolishly, not seriously, in a funny, joking, bantering, frivolous way
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k'ina'q'i-na'ay•Yurok style medicine used during Brush Dance
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k'inahłdunts'e:y'-dahk'iswin-ding•places where Flower Dance sticks are taken and left after the dance is over
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k'inusni-na'dil•to dance in front of a line of dancers, a feature of the War Dance
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k'iq'eh-na:diwul•"blind", headdress made of wolf-skin worn around the head by dancers in the White Deerskin Dance
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k'ise:qot•a woven hood or head-net worn by important dancers in the religious dances
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k'ixulo'•a (deer's) hoof; deer-hoof rattle used by doctors (dried deer hooves, tied around a stick or bone)
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kinahłdun-ts'e:y'•a decorated split stick used as a rattle during the songs in the Flower Dance
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king łiqay•deer-hoof rattle used by "tracers" (claivoyants)
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kin-jiwolch•pole, rounded stick (esp. those used in the Jump Dance fence)
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kinjiwolch-ne:s•the cross-piece on the Jump Dance back-board
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ła'-yehch'iwinyay•a set of ten dances in the Jump Dance
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ma:-de:diwh'awh•I burn incense root (angelica) in the fire and pray (at a ceremony)
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ma:-k'itsit•the woman who leads the acorn pounders in the Acorn Feast
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me'-na'dil•perform (a dance step) inside a circle of dancers (a feature of the Brush Dance)
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me:k'iwhtiw•I'm singing (for a dance), singing a dance-song
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mida'-mił-ne:lno'•sash with redheaded woodpecker scalps and beaks sewn on, worn by men at the Kick Dance
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mił-ch'idilye•regalia and other ceremonial valuables used primarily in the White Deerskin Dance and Jump Dances
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mił-no:'ondil•a "heavy" or slow song at the Kick Dance
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mił-yehch'ina:wh•a "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance
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mił-yehk'iłtul•a "heavy" or slow song at the Brush Dance
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mina:-k'isa'aw•she sings (while) going around it
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mino:'awhding•practice religious dance performed to the side of dance area
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miq'eh-me:na:k'iwiltiw•a "light" or fast song at the Brush Dance
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misq'it-ch'idilye•a Jump Dance formerly held during the spring at Miskut (misq'it)
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miyeh-wunna'dil•backup singers, singers who sing in the background for someone singing a melody
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na'tehłde'idz-te•they will run along (with a girl in the Flower Dance)
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na:'ułto'n•he dances jumping up and down (a general term for frenzied dancing in place, as in doctor-training dances)
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na:k'iwh'aw•I'm singing (in general), I'm a singer
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na:whtong'ił-te•I'm going to dance (jumping up and down)
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niłch'ing'-ya:'ulto'n•to dance towards and past another dancer
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niłde:ya'se'ilto'n•they meet each other dancing (from opposite directions)
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niłwa:yay'ilto'n•they jump dance passing each other
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nin'sindil•a dance step featuring dancing up and down in place
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ninis'a:n-me'-yitiliwh•"pains" which are only shown in the Kick-Dance, not sucked out of people
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no'diwilye'ił•they have stopped dancing successive times
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no'k'iwilta:tł'-ding•any danceground at which the White Deerskin Dance is performed
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no:ya'ultsil•to dance about crouched down; to lean
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t'unq'-ch'idilye•older term for the (fall) Jump dance
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ta:'ułtul•the Boat Dance, a segment of the White Deerskin Dance which is performed on canoes in the river
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te:lma:s-wilchwe:n•a cylindrical buckskin headband stuffed with grass, with redheaded woodpecker scalps sewn on
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ts'iduqi-na'we•ceremonial quiver, skin for carrying arrows
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tse:-xahł-te:l•flat, round obsidian rock, resembling a ceremonial obsidian blade but circular (mentioned in myths)
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whiq'it-wing'a'•an item of regalia was put on by me, I wore (regalia)
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xoje:'-wung-na'udil•they 'cake walked' (danced in with flints)
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xoje:wung-ch'e'indil•they have danced with them (flints)
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xoje:wung-na'dil•the obsidian bearers in White Deerskin Dance; the dance performed by the principal dancers in the White Deerskin Dance as they carry the ceremonial obsidian blades
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xoł-no:nilit•he finished sweating (in the sweathouse)
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xoł-te:lit•he had a sweat, sweated in a sweathouse; he prayed, made medicine, smoked himself for luck
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xon'-na'we•Brush Dance (general term); fire-waving medicine
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xon'-na:na:'uswe'•ceremony in the Flower Dance that is performed when it rains during a girl's first menses
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xon'-na:ya'awe'•they wave the fire; they have a brush dance
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xona:di-na:ya'tehłdi'its•the boy and girl who run along with the girl in the Flower Dance race
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xong'-'a:diwh'e:n•I fix myself up for a ceremony, put on face or body paint
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xong'-na'a:de:law•I dressed up, put on my regalia
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xonin'-na:na'ule'•looking right and left during Jump Dance
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xoq'eh-na'way•the girl who accompanies the medicine maker (k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe) at the Brush Dance
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xoq'it-ch'iswa:l•a Flower Dance is held for her
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xoq'it-dahsa'a:n•headdress worn by men at the Kick Dance
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xosa:ng'ay•a short whistle made from the leg bone of a crane (xahslintaw-mits'ine'), used only by the obsidian bearers in the White Deerskin Dance
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xotuq-ch'e'ninyay•for a woman to dance between two male partners; a feature of the Brush Dance
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xowah-na'k'ita'aw•a "light" or fast song at the Kick Dance
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ya:na'awh•he "raises up" a song, sings the melody of a dance-song
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ya:xo:'awh•they (a group, line of dancers) jump up and down in the Jump Dance style of dancing
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yehk'iłtul•they file into the dance (Brush Dance, Flower Dance)
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yehna:lqe:t•eagle feathers stuck into headbands
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