dijit•string of small white seashells, worn by women on ceremonial occasions
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jime:li-mike'•braided knot, used on the fringe of a woman's traditional apron (tsang)
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k'ida:ma:ts'e'•a wreath of myrtle twigs worn as a headdress
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k'iłdik'ikyoh-k'iwilt'a:ts'•a type of robe mentioned in myths
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k'imiłna:tul'•braid used for fringes of apron (tsang)
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k'itsiwung'-tł'ohł•headband worn by doctors, made of buckskin with yellowhammer feathers attached
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k'iwich'a:wh•waistband knot for woman's buckskin dress
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k'iwidwol•shield of elk-skin; war-jacket, armor made of arrowwood strips (kintł'its') woven together
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k'iwidwolch•a sash of fringed buckskin, worn by Indian doctors
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k'iya:wh-me:da'ay•scalps of redheaded woodpeckers, used for decoration
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łah-ch'ing'-dina:n•a type of decorative shell, like small scallops
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mida'ch•small dentalia shells, unincised and too small for use as money; used for decorative necklaces
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minin'ding-ch'e:ng'ay•(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap
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minin'ding-dahdiwing'ay•(modern) cap, with bill, baseball cap
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nahxa-le:n•large (and valuable) blanket made from two (deer)hides sewn together; a 'double' blanket
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se:t'ot'•shell of small sea animal, used for decoration
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siłkyo:s-kya'•ceremonial skirt ornamented with shells or beads, worn on special occasions
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tł'oh-kya'•skirt made of grass or maple bark ripped into fringes
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tse'me:q'-nint'ik'•tassels of shells that hang from the fur hair-tying strings worn by women
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tsung•apron, made of fringed deerhide and worn in front of the skirt (kya') by women
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wiloy'•a small grass bundle headdress tied at the back of the head with buckskin, strung around the head worn in the religious dances
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xosa:k'-kya'•skirt with abalone shell pendants sewn on
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ya:k'iwilt'a:ts'•something cut up into strips, fringes (as in buckskin)
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yehk'iłt'oh•put on, slip on (pants, socks, shirt, anything that fits tightly)!
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yehna:xowilt'ow•someone is dressed (in something)
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