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Your dictionary search: topic cutting

'a:dite:sehłtsit'I cut off my hair

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'iwhqitI'm cutting, sawing it (log, stick, meat)

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'iwht'usI'm cutting it

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'iwhwa:sI'm whittling, scraping something

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ch'e'k'inint'a'ts'-tehe will cut it out

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ch'idiłdowhe's cutting pieces (off of meat), he's making a cut in it

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ch'o:'ot'ushe cuts at it

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dahk'it'ushe cuts it in two, cuts (e.g. finger) off

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dahya'k'iłwa'tł'they chopped it off

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je'wiłt'iwhhe split it apart

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je:ya'ut'usthey cut it in two

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k'e:k'iłwułchop it down! chop it off!

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k'iniłt'uscut it up (e.g., venison, salmon) for drying!

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k'isehłwa:tł'I chopped something, threshed seeds

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mine:jit-dahna:k'e:t'a:ts'I cut it in half

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mino:ya'k'ingt'a'ts'-tethey are going to cut them open

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na:xodiwht'usI'm cutting him with a knife, slashing him

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ningk'iwh'ulI am dressing meat, butchering (animal), cutting up (fish)

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no'ninga:she whittled it down

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no:dwa:s(it is) whittled

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no:na:wit'a:ts'it is cut down

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q'e:ya'k'e'it'usthey cut it off

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ta:k'iwh'a:lI'm cutting (fish) up into pieces (for cooking)

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ta:na'xost'a:ts'they cut him up to pieces

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ta:nayxohsdowthey cut him to pieces

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xa:na'k'idiłtsit'he cuts off someone's hair, he barbers

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xa:whidiwiltsit'I got my hair cut

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yawhwulI'm chopping it, beating it (with an axe, club, etc.)

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yunt'uscut it up!

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