Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic emotions

'a:dich'owhteI am bashful

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'e:wa:k-whonde:nehave pity on me!

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'iwhdinI'm content, I like it where I am

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'iwhyo'I like it

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ch'ine:lgithe became afraid

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dahde'iwhyo'I like it better

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dime:n-nay'ayit (child) is hard to please, fussy

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k'iwhliwhI am jealous

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me:diwhdinI want it, crave it, want to have or do it

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me:niwhgitI'm afraid of it, I fear it

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me:so:yse'nI wanted to do it

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me:sowhsinI want to do it, I'm really interested in doing it

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nikyah-nich'o:nehe has respect for you

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niwhdinI'm in love with you

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niwhgitI'm afraid, I fear, I'm a coward

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wha:'uło'I laugh

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whije:'sil-ch'itehs'a:nhe got on my nerves, he began to bug me

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whije:'-tilts'itI get scared, surprised, taken unawares

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whikyulah-'a:k'idyahI got angry, mad

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wung-xoje'-ch'o:nda'he has pity, pities someone

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xoning'-łintehłdowhe frowned

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