Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic family

'iłdesisters to one another

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'ut-t'e:nmarried man

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k'iłchweshe gives birth

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k'its'e:ythe youngest child in a family

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mije'e:dinbaby, child

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mije'e:din-xwa:-na:'uste'she had a baby for him

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nikilxayyour brothers

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no:na'xoniłte:nhe divorced her, she divorced him

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wha'utmy wife

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wha:dichwingmy paternal aunt, father's sister

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wha:sch'e'my niece (sister's daughter)

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wha:tmy older sister

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wha:whmy nephew (sister's son)

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which'ich'inay'my prospective spouse, specifically my (woman's) sister's husband, after the death of my sister; my (man's) brother's wife, after the death of my brother; my husband's brother, after the death of my husband; my wife's sister, after the death of my wife

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which'inmy paternal grandmother, father's mother

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which'indine'my deceased father

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which'iyungxe'my deceased mother

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whichwiwemy maternal grandfather, mother's father

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whichwomy maternal grandmother, mother's mother

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whidehchmy younger sister

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whik'isdiya'nmy parent, parents; my elders

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whikilmy younger brother

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whikya:ymy (woman's) daughter's child

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whila:-tsingmy brother-in-law (diminutive)

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whiłingmy companion, buddy, cousin, relative, older brother

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whił-qa:lmy in-law

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whiłtishch'e'my sister (man speaking); my brother (woman speaking)

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whima'uchwingmy paternal grandfather, father's father

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whima:lyo'my friend, relative, kinsman

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whime:ch'e'chwingmy mother-in-law

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whingq'ay'my maternal aunt, mother's sister

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whingwochmy older brother

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whiq'e:ymy brother-in-law

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whis'my uncle (mother's brother)

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whita'my father

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whita:ymy uncle (father's brother)

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white:dilt'e'my brother's child (son or daughter), my niece, my nephew

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whitse:'my (man's) daughter

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whitso:ymy (man's) daughter's child

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whiwemy sister-in-law (woman speaking)

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whiwe:ch'e'my sister-in-law (man speaking)

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whiwhunch'e'my father-in-law

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whiwunda:nmy son-in-law

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whixung'my husband

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whiya:ch'e'my (woman's) daughter

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whiyawh'utmy daughter-in-law

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whiyulmy son's child

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whunchwingmy mother

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xixe:xchildren, kids

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xixiybaby (boy)

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xotł'inch'e'her co-wife

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xung'-t'e:nmarried woman

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