mije'e:din-xwa:-na:'uste'•she had a baby for him
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no:na'xoniłte:n•he divorced her, she divorced him
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which'ich'inay'•my prospective spouse, specifically my (woman's) sister's husband, after the death of my sister; my (man's) brother's wife, after the death of my brother; my husband's brother, after the death of my husband; my wife's sister, after the death of my wife
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which'in•my paternal grandmother, father's mother
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whichwiwe•my maternal grandfather, mother's father
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whichwo•my maternal grandmother, mother's mother
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whiłing•my companion, buddy, cousin, relative, older brother
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whiłtishch'e'•my sister (man speaking); my brother (woman speaking)
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whima'uchwing•my paternal grandfather, father's father
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white:dilt'e'•my brother's child (son or daughter), my niece, my nephew
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