Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic fish

'ehsfish dam, weir

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'ehs-ma:ning'aythe "stringer" across a fish dam (the logs that are laid horizontally across the supports of a fish dam.)

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'iwhxa:whI catch (fish) with a dip-net

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ch'iwingwha:lhe caught fish (with a hook and line)

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chwulo:q'e'chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha)

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da'usdayhe is fishing (with a net)

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da:ch'ahtsucker, suckerfish (Catostomus)

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da:jahldog salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.)

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dahch'inehsdayhe sat down on top; (idiomatically) he went fishing with a net

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dahk'iwe'winta:nhe built a fishing platform

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dahk'iwe:wita:nfishing platform

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dahnintsahsit down above it! (idiomatically) go fishing with a net!

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dahno:te:de'tł'-tethey will fish

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dahwixilfloats on a gill net, seine

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dahya'wing'ayhe sits above; (idiomatically) he is fishing (with a net)

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dun'-ts'isdayfishing camp

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k'e:da'ay-mił-ch'iłwefishing club

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k'ida'di(ng)-nehsnoythe two fins close to the mouth of a salmon (at its neck)

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k'ije:'ding-xa:ng'aybelly fin (of salmon)

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k'imide'the belly part (in cutting fish)

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k'iq'aylosch'e'the liver of an eel

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k'iq'it-dahdiwilinthe two pieces on a salmon's back from neck to part opposite navel

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k'isdawthey (fish, eels) vanished, stopped being caught

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k'ite:lwe:lpickets, stakes driven into the river, in a fish-dam

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k'ituqe'the middle part of an eel, when cut up for eating

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k'iwhxa:whI'm pulling a dip-net to shore

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k'iwhxe'xnavel fins (of a salmon)

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k'iwilts'o'ts'salmon bones; fish bone

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k'iwina:liwmale salmon; egg sucker

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k'ixa'kingpoles that the A-frame net sits in

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k'ixa:q'A-frame lifting net, "trigger" net

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k'ixa:q'ichsmall dip net

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ky'o'niłkishe threw a spear at it, speared at something

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ky'o'wingwha:lhe hooked for it

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ky'o:law-king'fishing pole

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ky'owhkislet me spear for fish!

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ky'owhlawI'm fishing (with hook and line, "white-man's style")

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ło'kyohsturgeon (Acipenser)

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ło'ya:whcreek trout (Salmon); any small fish

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ło:q'fish; salmon (Oncorrhynchus sp.)(general term)

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ło:q'i-nite:lshad (Dorosoma petenense)

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ma'ts'half-hoop that holds the net in a dip net

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ma:ning'aybackbone of salmon with meat attached

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me:niliw(fish) swims into a net, gets caught in a net

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me:q'-xił-sile'na part of an eel, eaten when half-dry

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mehłseine, gill net

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mijiwult'ung'its fins

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mik'its'o:'its (fish's) milt

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mike:l'its (fish's, eel's ) tail

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mił-dahch'iwiyo:siltrigger string attached to the A-frame net

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mił-dahsidayA-frame lifting net, equivalent to k'ixa:q'

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mił-k'itiłkisfishing spear, especially the point

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mił-me'k'iłtiwmeasuring stick (for mesh of a net)

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mił-no:'ołwuldip net, plunge net

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mił-tahch'ilo:sline to pull gill-net

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mił-tahk'iłje:wlarge seine

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mina:ng'aysinkers on fish net

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mining-gije'(a fish's) head-gristle

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mintł'ohwhfasten your net!

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miq'it-na:k'iłtsay'drying frame for gill net

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miq'it-no:'ołwulplatform on fish dam for dip-netting

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misah-sa'a:nits gills

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misinto'-xole:nsummer run of steelhead

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mitł'e:de'its (fish's) scales

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miyehch'o'eel's "backstrap" or "string"

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na'k'itł'oyhe sets a gill net

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na'k'itł'oygill net, seine

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nahxi-tehs'atwo-pronged fish spear

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no'k'itiwha small net

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no'k'ixa:wha small net

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nowhwulI'm throwing it down; I'm throwing a dip-net

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q'ong'fish eggs, roe

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qehshookbill salmon

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sintilsucker; bullhead

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t'un'sohchsmall (baby) suckerfish

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ta:lqe:tfishing platform

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tahch'ilo:she pulls (gill net) out of the water, he pulls a net-load of fish to shore

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tahdindilsurffish, smelt

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tahk'iwhjehI'm going to seine, use a gill net

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tahna:se:wha:lI hooked it out of the water

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tł'iwhxa:neel, lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)

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tł'iwhxa:n-mije:lo'small circular basketry trap for catching eels

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tohna:yfish, eels, general term for all edible water creatures

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ts'a'kya:wsmall blackish eel

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xayahfishing claim

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xayahme'-ło:q'-mił-tahch'iłtiwfish claim medicine

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xay-na:dilwinter run of steelhead

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xulo:q'e'silverside salmon

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yehk'iłqot'put the net on to the frame!

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