'ehs-ma:ning'ay•the "stringer" across a fish dam (the logs that are laid horizontally across the supports of a fish dam.)
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ch'iwingwha:l•he caught fish (with a hook and line)
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chwulo:q'e'•chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha)
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dahch'inehsday•he sat down on top; (idiomatically) he went fishing with a net
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dahnintsah•sit down above it! (idiomatically) go fishing with a net!
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dahya'wing'ay•he sits above; (idiomatically) he is fishing (with a net)
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k'ida'di(ng)-nehsnoy•the two fins close to the mouth of a salmon (at its neck)
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k'iq'it-dahdiwilin•the two pieces on a salmon's back from neck to part opposite navel
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k'isdaw•they (fish, eels) vanished, stopped being caught
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k'ite:lwe:l•pickets, stakes driven into the river, in a fish-dam
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k'ituqe'•the middle part of an eel, when cut up for eating
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ky'o'niłkis•he threw a spear at it, speared at something
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ky'owhlaw•I'm fishing (with hook and line, "white-man's style")
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ło:q'•fish; salmon (Oncorrhynchus sp.)(general term)
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ma'ts'•half-hoop that holds the net in a dip net
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ma:ning'ay•backbone of salmon with meat attached
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me:niliw•(fish) swims into a net, gets caught in a net
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me:q'-xił-sile'n•a part of an eel, eaten when half-dry
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mił-dahch'iwiyo:sil•trigger string attached to the A-frame net
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mił-dahsiday•A-frame lifting net, equivalent to k'ixa:q'
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mił-k'itiłkis•fishing spear, especially the point
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mił-me'k'iłtiw•measuring stick (for mesh of a net)
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miq'it-no:'ołwul•platform on fish dam for dip-netting
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nowhwul•I'm throwing it down; I'm throwing a dip-net
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tahch'ilo:s•he pulls (gill net) out of the water, he pulls a net-load of fish to shore
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tł'iwhxa:n-mije:lo'•small circular basketry trap for catching eels
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tohna:y•fish, eels, general term for all edible water creatures
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xayahme'-ło:q'-mił-tahch'iłtiw•fish claim medicine
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