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Your dictionary search: topic food

'a:dina:k'ischwe'nhe put something away for himself (for the winter)

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'a:k'ine'there is no more food

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'e:jin-sile'nthere is a famine

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'ilxitswallow it!

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'ina:whit goes (literal meaning); they (nuts, acorns) are dropping (idiomatic meaning)

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'inyeh-ky'a'awhhe barbecues something by burying it and building a fire over it

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'iwh'ulI'm chewing it

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'iwhdiłI'm eating small objects (such as berries) one by one (as I pick them)

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'uliwhit has (such) a taste

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ch'a'uldandelion; chewing gum (modern)

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ch'e:te:t'e'they are cooked out (someone's eyes, from staying awake)

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ch'ilxunit is bitter, sour

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ch'inehłya:nhe ate it up

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chwing-me'do:wehsle'he got hungry

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chwing-me:do:whleI am hungry

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dahna:diwilt'a:ts'two strips cut off of each side of the backbone of a salmon

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dah-na:k'indiyun'-tethey shall come back from above eating

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dahyik'ingya'nit has chewed it up

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de'diłehhe bakes (bread, cake, etc.)

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de'k'idiliwhhe or she puts several things into the fire (specifically: he or she roasts something (e.g. eels) on coals)

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de:diwiłiq'bread, baked goods

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de:k'idiwidlay(eels) are roasted

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de:nohq'it-xotse:lin'(Christian) sacramental wine

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dinch'e:k'it is hot-tasting, peppery, gingery

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dingq'och'it is sour, salty

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ditsikunshelled acorns

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diwhqosI bite it off (something brittle, crunchy)

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diwinch'e:k'it has gotten hot-tasting, it has gone sour

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diwingq'och'it is getting sour

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do:-witsit-widwa:twhole wheat flour

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jiwa'a'awhshe always cracks them (acorns)

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jiwa:k'isdixit'ripe nut

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jiwa:k'iwhliwhI'm cracking acorns open

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k'e'wiłna'she cooked something

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k'e:dze'-nehwa:ncorn (cob)

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k'e:sde'lumps of acorn meal that are left over after pounding, coarse leavings (of acorns) after sifting

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k'ide:sgame with hair singed off

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k'ijiwe:xo-sita:nbrisket (of deer)

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k'iłiwhsmall round cake made from ground grass seeds (archaic term)

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k'iłiwhinblack acorn meat

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k'iłixun-tehk'iwilky'o:ts'"Indian dumplings" (boiled deer meat mixed with dough)

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k'ina'didayhe is picking, gathering

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k'inilt'a:ts'cut up and dried venison, jerky

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k'isehłme:chI boiled it

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k'isehłt'e'ts'I roasted, parched (seeds)

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k'isinto'-k'iwa:twooden dish on which meat was served

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k'it'e'it's getting cooked, ripe

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k'ita:ltsitshallow soaking pit in riverbank sand used for leaching acorns, "dirt pan"

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k'itawhtsitI'm leaching acorns, soaking acorns to remove tannic acid (by pouring water over them)

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k'itiwhwahI'm shaking something, sifting, winnowing (acorns, after pounding them into meal)

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k'itustleached acorn flour, before cooking

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k'iwha:nI'm eating

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k'iwhdik'I'm cracking acorns, I'm pecking at something

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k'iwhnayI cook something, prepare it for eating

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k'iwhtsitI'm pounding acorns

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k'iwilme:chboiled meat

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k'iwinya'nacorn (general term)

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k'iwitsitpounded acorns

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k'iwiyulwhat one eats (in general), food

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k'iwiyung'ilhe eats time after time

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kin-na:lma:ts'storage cask

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ky'a:dawhneI'm gathering, picking up (acorns, apples, round objects)

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łixunit is sweet, good-tasting

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ło'chwiwhseed flour (archaic term)

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ma:k'iwhkitI feed it

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me'-ch'iwa:tsmall bucket or bowl for acorn flour

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me'-de'diłiwfrying pan; pan where you put bread to cook

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me'istpestle, used to pound acorns

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me'-k'e:'iłnaykitchen stove

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me'-k'isinto'-ch'iłchwestone dish for catching oil of cooking eels or fish

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me'-k'ita:'ułtsitacorn leaching pit

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me'-sa'k'ixawheating bowl, basket

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me'-siłiq'pie; anything dough-like or mud-like in a container

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me:chwilchwo:kbrush used to sweep acorn flour (older term)

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me:de:chwe'nI got hungry for it

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me:diwhchwingI'm hungry for it, want it

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mich'ilxune'its bitterness

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mił-k'itsitrock used to crack acorns

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mił-nikyahxwo-ky'a:nmedicine to "stretch your stomach" so that you will be able to eat a lot at a feast

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mił-tehch'ijichmodern spoon

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miq'it-dahky'a:ntable (modern)

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misa'wingxa:nhe fed it

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mitah-'a:'ił'e:nbaking powder

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miyeh-wilq'a'nroasting rack

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na'dilchwa'nthey are eating together, having a feast

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na'k'ilqichold term for coffee (refers to roasting of beans)

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na'k'iłquchhe is parching, roasting (seeds, corn, coffee, etc.)

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na'siłwehe butchers (one animal)

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na'wa:nhe breaks it up; he butchers (several animals)

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na:'usna:the tasted it

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na:de'tł'-nehwa:nbeans (modern)

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ne:lya:nit's been eaten up

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no'de'ilchwa'nthey quit eating in company

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no'k'ingxa:nfeast, picnic; specifically the Acorn Feast

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no:'ondiya'nhe was left over

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no:k'indił-dingacorn picking lot

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no:k'inyawhfinish eating!

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no:yawhleaving things over

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sa'k'ixa:whhe eats acorn soup, mush

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sa'xa:whacorn mush, acorn soup

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sa'xa:whhe eats from a bowl, he eats with a spoon

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sawhjichI'm putting (e.g., seeds) into the (my) mouth, I'm eating seeds by the handful

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sawhna:tI lick it in my mouth, I taste it

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t'e:wraw, uncooked, unripe

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t'unq'-no:'ondilacorn-gathering claim

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ta:ya'imilthey throw things into the river

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tahnaysya'nit thawed

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tehk'iłky'ots'put dumplings into water!

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tima'there is a famine

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tł'ohdaytraditional grain and seed mixture (like modern granola)

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tołgit"black acorns", "Indian cheese"

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ts'iwahsilayshelled acorns, acorn meat

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tse:lna:t'rocks used to cook acorn soup

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tse:-xut'mortar rock, mill rock

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wa'nto:trotten-acorn stew, made from mouldy acorns left to soak in water for a week or more

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wayk'idiyawh(dog) gnaws on (a bone)

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wha:-wileI am satiated, my belly is full, I got enough to eat

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wha:-wilxa'nI like the taste of it, it tastes good to me.

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whina:ndiw'my acorn picking lot

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widwa'nit is moldy

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widwa:tacorn flour; modern flour

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wilxa'nit got sweet

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wun-na:ya'xolyiw(people) gather things (food, basket materials, acorns, etc.)

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xaych'ing'-mina:k'iwilchwe:nthings stored away for the winter; things put away for winter use

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xayts'a'(modern) dish, bowl; (traditional) mush basket

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xiwhnayI move it back and forth, stir it, agitate it

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xon'-ta'na:nwhiskey, any distilled spirits

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xon'ta'na:n-mił-wa'k'itłiwh(tending) bar

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xong'-ch'ing'-k'iniwhnoyI barbecue (fish, meat) by roasting it on spits around a fire

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xoyeh-no'ningxa:nshe served food to him, placed food in front of him

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xwa:-wehsle'he got satiated, he got enough to eat, his belly got filled

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xwe:ya:k'e'it'e'it gets cooked for them

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