Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic health

'a:ya'wine:lhe has passed away (polite term)

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'iwh'uch'I sneeze

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ch'ich'ithe died

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ch'idise:lhe has a fever

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ch'idiske:nhe is stiff (in the joints)

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ch'idiwinse:lhe got feverish

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ch'idiwiske:nhe got stiff

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ch'idiwists'e:nhe got stiff

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ch'itiłxoshe is coughing

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ch'iwiłte'he fell over dead

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ch'ixo:niłyo:lmaking bad medicine, witchcraft, poison

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ch'iya:di-minmedicine for a wound

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ch'iyahhe's hurt, wounded

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ch'o'da:yhe is thin, poor

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ch'o'winda'he got thinner

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diwe:ch'a:tI got sick

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diwhch'a:tI'm aching, I am sick

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diwhts'e:nI'm stiff in the joints

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do:-wile:-xwfeebleness, poverty

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duxo:-'a:'uniwhe dies (commonest euphemism)

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duxo:-'a:ch'idiyawhe died (commonest euphemism)

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duxo:-'aht'ingit dies (commonest euphemism)

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k'e'da'aydoctoring by sucking, sucking out pains

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k'e:se:ge'I've become ill

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k'ich'intdisease, sickness

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k'ich'int-tehsyaya disease, epidemic is going around

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k'ilkya'nshe became pregnant

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k'ilwhot'a scar formed, it healed

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k'iłte'he gets killed

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k'iłwe:-whiwiłwe'I have a fever, I am sick with a disease that causes a high fever (e.g. pneumonia, typhoid)

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k'ima:wmedicine (general term, referring both to traditional Indian medicines and to modern pharmaceuticals)

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k'ima:w-ch'ixo:nehe knows a medicine

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k'ima:w-mił-xe'e:k'iłyo:lhe makes medicine

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k'ima:w-xoniwhsinI know a medicine

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k'ina:k'iwhdaI have my first menstruation

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k'iniwhniwI'm choking on something

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k'ite:t'aw whing' mił k'e:diwid'aysucking doctor's doctoring song

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k'iwhkya:nI am pregnant

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k'iwhse:ge'I am ill

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k'iwiloy'Indian doctor's kit

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k'iwiyul-mił-me:na'dinchwe:nmedicine to make one want food, stimulate the appetite

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k'ixoniwhawareness, feeling (in the body)

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kina:k'iwiłda'ula girl becomes kinahłdung

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ky'o:mo:t'bump or knobby place on the flesh

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łe:na:k'ildiwhot'they (severed parts) grew back together

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łitsow-tehsyaypneumonia or pleurisy

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łiwhłohI have boils

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łohscab, sore

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łungxo-'a:k'idyahhe had died

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łungxo-'a:k'it'ingdeath takes place (polite term)

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łungxo-'a:yk'e'iniwpeople die

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me'k'ite:mo:whblister, a blister (which) has formed

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me'k'itimowha blister is forming

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me:do:we:se:le'I came to feel tired, unable (to complete the job)

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mił-xosa'awhsomeone poisons him, poisoning happens

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mił-xosa:d'a:nhe had been poisoned

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mingk'iwh'e:nI am menstruating, having my period

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na:dawhsa'nI'm getting weak

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na:k'iqotpain is felt, there is a stab of pain

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na:na:'usxoy'he vomited

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na:tiwhdiye:whI'm breathing

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na:xayit (animal) is wounded

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nawhdiqe:ch'I am lame, limping

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niwhyiwI'm crippled, bent over

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niwildizziness, drunkenness

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no:'ondiqe:the was shoved down there; (idiomatically) he starved to death

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no:de'ich'a:tit does not pain anymore

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no:na'xoł'aysucking doctoring

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siłte:nit (animal) lies there dead

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sinsing"pain"; disease-causing entity that is believed to be sucked out by an Indian doctor

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sisil-whe:na:whI'm getting weak, exhausted, giving out from fatigue

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tiwhch'itI'm getting tired out, weak from exhaustion

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tiwich'ilił-tethey'll be run down with weakness

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ts'ohsda'bodily weakness

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tse:ling-minmedicine for bleeding from a wound, passing blood

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tse:wehsle'nit bled

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tse:wilingit is bleeding

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we:łowI got boils

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wehłch'ich'I have a boil

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whije:'e:nde'nI fainted

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whikyun-k'iyahI'm having a miscarriage

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whina:'e:nde'nI became blind

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whiniłwho'nit suits me, does me good

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whiwhday'-no:k'inilts'itI hiccuped

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whiwhday'-wing'a'I hiccuped

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wiwhch'iłI'm weak

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xa:k'iwinyayboil, skin eruption, something puffing up

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xa:na:k'iwhdigitI'm belching up

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xispus, discharge, infection

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xo:'a:'udyawcorpse (polite term)

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xokyun-chwin'da:nyayhe is sick to his stomach

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xoł-ch'idye'nthe dance that an Indian doctor performs before sucking out a pain

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xoł-wiwhdiye'nI danced the doctor-dance

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xołyahI'm hurting, wounding him (with a stick, knife, etc.)

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xona:'-dehslinhe is cockeyed

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xona:'e:dinhe is blind, a blind person

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xona:'iłding'blind him!

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xong'-mina:t-ch'itina:wha dance held in the Big House to scare off sickness

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xoniwil'-na:wayhe is dizzy, half drunk

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xoq'it-ch'ite:ng'e'ndiagnose, an Indian doctor is "tracing" on someone (acting as diagnosing doctor)

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xoscough, cold in the head

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xunwhehcough it up!

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xwa:-'a:neha doctor's power, that speaks through her

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xwe:na:xowilya'nhe came back to his senses (after being unconscious, crazy)

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