ch'ixo:niłyo:l•making bad medicine, witchcraft, poison
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duxo:-'a:ch'idiyaw•he died (commonest euphemism)
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k'e'da'ay•doctoring by sucking, sucking out pains
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k'ich'int-tehsyay•a disease, epidemic is going around
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k'iłwe:-whiwiłwe'•I have a fever, I am sick with a disease that causes a high fever (e.g. pneumonia, typhoid)
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k'ima:w•medicine (general term, referring both to traditional Indian medicines and to modern pharmaceuticals)
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k'ite:t'aw whing' mił k'e:diwid'ay•sucking doctor's doctoring song
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k'iwiyul-mił-me:na'dinchwe:n•medicine to make one want food, stimulate the appetite
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łe:na:k'ildiwhot'•they (severed parts) grew back together
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łungxo-'a:k'it'ing•death takes place (polite term)
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me'k'ite:mo:wh•blister, a blister (which) has formed
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me:do:we:se:le'•I came to feel tired, unable (to complete the job)
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mił-xosa'awh•someone poisons him, poisoning happens
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mingk'iwh'e:n•I am menstruating, having my period
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na:k'iqot•pain is felt, there is a stab of pain
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no:'ondiqe:t•he was shoved down there; (idiomatically) he starved to death
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sinsing•"pain"; disease-causing entity that is believed to be sucked out by an Indian doctor
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sisil-whe:na:wh•I'm getting weak, exhausted, giving out from fatigue
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tiwhch'it•I'm getting tired out, weak from exhaustion
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tiwich'ilił-te•they'll be run down with weakness
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tse:ling-min•medicine for bleeding from a wound, passing blood
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xa:k'iwinyay•boil, skin eruption, something puffing up
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xoł-ch'idye'n•the dance that an Indian doctor performs before sucking out a pain
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xołyah•I'm hurting, wounding him (with a stick, knife, etc.)
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xong'-mina:t-ch'itina:wh•a dance held in the Big House to scare off sickness
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xoq'it-ch'ite:ng'e'n•diagnose, an Indian doctor is "tracing" on someone (acting as diagnosing doctor)
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xwa:-'a:neh•a doctor's power, that speaks through her
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xwe:na:xowilya'n•he came back to his senses (after being unconscious, crazy)
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