Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic houses

'iwhme'nI'm building (a house, fence, etc.)

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dahch'iwił'e:tł'he roofed, shingled a house

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dahjiłstorage platform in a living house

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dahna:k'ine'iwh'e:tł'I lay them crosswise

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dahniwil'e:tł'ridge poles (or ridge pole) in a living house

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dahsil'e:tł'roofing, shingles

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k'idiwilq'a'ninner wall of a living house

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k'ining'aypoles running over the fire in a living house

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k'it'a'ułchweposts supporting the inner door of a living house

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łe:de'e:tł'a corner

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łe:na:whneighbors, people living nearby; a village, rancheria

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łisch'board, plank

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me'-ch'e'na:whouthouse, (inside) bathroom

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me'nus'aybrush house; wind-break; lean-to

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me'-tehna:na'k'iłdiwplace for washing; washroom, bathroom; bathtub

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min'-house (archaic)

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min'chmenstrual hut

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min'-ch'e:ng'a:dingside pole running the length of a house, suppporting the roof

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min'dayq'(on the) stone platform in front of a living house (xontah)

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min'-sowołthe round exit door of a sweathouse

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min'-t'ahthe entrance passage into a living house

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ming'-kine'dingat the back of a house

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no:na:witsedoor (modern door, or sliding door of traditional living house), gate

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xontahhouse (modern); the wooden back-board for the Jump Dance

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xontah-ma:-silaythe foundation of a (modern) house

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xontah-nikya:wthe Sacred House, "church", at Ta'kimiłding (Hostler Ranch)

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yiduq-łe:da'a:-dingat the corner of the house

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yo'non the far side of the fire pit (in an Indian house)

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