'a:dima:nch'ing'-na'xine:wh•the medicine man in a corpse purification ritual
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'awhxich'e'•wealthy woman (old-fashioned, archaic term)
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'iniwe:na:ts'a:xe'•Little Woodpecker's name in the language of the giants (a note in the story explains that this name cannot be analyzed in to smaller pieces)
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ch'idilye:-ch'iłchwe•the man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye), says the prayers, and otherwise looks after the details of the ceremony.
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ch'iwhxiy•young person (especially young man), child
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ch'ixolchwe•the man who prepares the danceground for the religious dances (ch'idilye)
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dining'xine:wh•Hupa-speaking people, Hupa Indians
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do:xo'osdaytahch'ing'-wuna'way•type of sucking doctor
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hay na'xołte'•the helper who takes care of the doctor (k'ite:t'aw) during the Kick Dance
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je:ng'k'ilay•a widow who has let her hair grow out half-way, in a "dutch-cut"
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k'ehłtsa:n•unmarried adolescent girl, female teenager
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k'ich'o:ya'ne'•the two who help the lead singer in the White Deerskin Dance
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k'ilk'e:xe'•Frog's other name in the story of Coyote and Frog
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k'ima:w-ch'iłchwe•an herbal doctor, modern medical doctor; the person who recites the formula and prepares the medicine in the Brush Dance
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k'inehsya:n•older people, adults, grown-up generation
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k'isdiya:n•someone who is old, old person, elder
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k'ite:t'aw•sucking doctor, Indian doctor (general term)
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k'ituq-na'way•go-between, mediator, one who settles a dispute
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kinahłdung•a girl for whom a Flower Dance is held, a girl at puberty
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ma:-ch'iqa:l•White Deerskin Dance leader, the person who leads the movement of the dance by carrying the fire from one danceground to another
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me'dilxwe•the people of the village of Matilton (Me'dilding) and more generally the people of the upstream half of Hoopa Valley
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me:da'ay-me'•widow who has not yet cut her hair
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mine:jit-ts'isye:n•non-technical term for the center man in the Jump Dance
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mingk'il'e:n•menstruating woman, menstruation (direct term, used among women)
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misah-k'itidlut'•foreigner, someone who can't speak Hupa well
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na'ky'a'aw•the "center man" in the line of Jump Dancers
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na:sdo:ngxw-ky'a:n•menstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)
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na:sdongxwe•menstruating woman (polite term, used by women in front of men)
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ningxa't'e:n•leader, boss, rich, important person; rich and important person
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ninis'a:n-mich'ing'-dinun-ts'isye:n•name for a sucking doctor
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q'un-ch'iwilchwil•adolescent boy, male teenager
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q'unch'iwilchwil-'isdiya:n•a man who has never married
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sa:we'liwh•name of Sam Brown's maternal grandmother
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t'e:wing•a novice Indian doctor, one who has not yet been fully "cooked" by the Kick Dance
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ta'k'imiłxwe•the people of the village of Hostler Ranch (Ta'kimiłding) and more generally the people of the downstream half of Hoopa Valley
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ta:ke'•Wiyot group at the mouth of Mad River; also the village there; according to Sapir and Golla (2001:1011; map D, item 33), the "Mad River, from Blue Lake to the mouth"
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tintahch'ing'-wha:'a:ne•another term for tracing doctor
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tintah-k'iłchwe•unmarried mother, mother of an illegitimate child
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tsnungxwe•Indians of Burnt Ranch and the South Fork of the Trinity.
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whiłilyo'•my pal, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart, lover
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whiwung-'a:dixudya:n•my enemy (i.e., he has shame for me, avoids me)
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xine:wh-mixa:-k'iniwh'a'diłchwe•judge (in modern courtroom)
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xo'-ch'itehs'e'n•tracing doctor, clairvoyant, diagnosing doctor
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xonist'e'-ya:n•someone who has killed a person, cannibal, killer
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ya'k'ita'aw•the three singers in the White Deerskin Dance, one main singer and two helpers
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yidahch'in•Karuk, Konomihu, Shasta or other Indians on the Klamath and Salmon Rivers
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yide'-dining'xine:wh•Tolowa Indians, Smith River Indians
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yide'-dinung-xine:wh•Tolowa Indians, Smith River Indians
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yinahch'in•Chimariko, Upper Trinity River or South Fork (Tsnungxwe) people; applied to Wintu people as well.
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