Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

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'isdina:me'the south head at the entrance of Humboldt Bay

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ch'a:q'ita:ke'Big Lagoon

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ch'ahli-dingHop'ew (Klamath)

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ch'e:'indiqo'-dingname of village near the mouth of Mill Creek

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ch'e:'indiqot'ding-mima:nch'ing'White Deerskin danceground across the Trinity from ch'e:'indiqot'-ding

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ch'e:k'iwe'ił-dingon the bank near Sam Brown's house

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ch'e:l-dingSocktish Field

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ch'e:na:dahwh-dingDyer's Ranch

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ch'e:wilin-dingwhere the stream flows out (into the ocean - specifically Requa, the Yurok village at the mouth of the Klamath River); also applied to Orick at the mouth of Redwood Creek (Sapir and Golla 2001:1011, map D, item 3)

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ch'e:xoliwhme'camping place mentioned in Sam Brown's story about an encounter with a grizzly bear (unknown location)

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ch'ide'ilye'-dingChilula seed gathering camp

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ch'iłq'un-dingchief village of the Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) people

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ch'iłte:l-dingname of a village located on South Fork

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chwa'ay-me'former village near xonsah-ding

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chwich-na:ning'a:-dingKepel (Cappell)

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chwung'-xa:'ul'a'name of a Chilula camp

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da:chwun'-dingname of a village located opposite niskin-ji-ding

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dahchwin'-dinglower part of Matilton village

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dahdimo't'-dime'Orick Hill

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dahk'ilun-dinga place on New River opposite Quimby

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dahk'isxa:n-q'itwhere the trail goes up Bald Hill

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dahsitune:-q'itname of a resting place near Bald Hill

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dahwilin-dingname of a former village, near Supply Creek

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dilchweh-k'e'ildil-me'Horse Mountain

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dilchwehs-ji-dingname of a village located at the mouth of Madden Creek

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diniwh-dingMud Springs

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diniwh-t'un'-tah-dingChimariko village located at Taylor's Flat (Del Loma)

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diwhkyoh-chweh-dingNorth Trinity Mountain

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diysh-ta:ng'a:-dingname of village at Tish-Tang Point

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diyshta:ng'a:-din-nilinTish Tang a Tang Creek

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k'idiłwisi'q'itChilula gathering and hunting camp

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k'ijiw'-na:me:-dingChilula summer camp

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k'ina'-tahxw-hun'Klamath River

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k'ina'-xontah-dingname of a Chilula village

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k'inchwiwh-q'itname of village near the mouth of Mill Creek

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k'it'un'-me'foot of Bald Hill

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k'ito:q'itPaddle Mountain, opposite Orleans

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k'iya:ne:-q'eha creek mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)

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kinyiq'i-kyoh-mingwahname of a Chilula village

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kyo:mo'ch-dinglumpy knoll on Bald Hill

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łe:l-dingconfluence, where two streams come together (specifically, where the Trinity and the South Fork join, near Salyer, the location of a village of the Tse:ningxwe)

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łe:na:l-dingWeitspus (part of present-day Weitchpec)

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łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-dingplace upstream from Hostler Ranch village

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łich'iwh-'inahwh-dingname of a Chilula village

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łich'iwh-dingname of a place featured in a story told by Oscar Brown

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łing'-wilda:l-q'itname of a resting place

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ma:jiwilay'a mountain in Bald Hill country, northeast of Redwood Creek

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ma:-no:na'ky'a'awh-dingname of a resting place

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me'dil-dingVillage of Matilton; Captain John's Ranch

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me'isde'a rock that stands in the ocean at the mouth of the Klamath, mentioned in a love medicine formula told by Emma Lewis

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me'isdil-dinga danceground at the downstream end of Ts'ilunding, where the dancers camp before going up Bald Hill on the last day of the White Deerskin Dance

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me'isdil-din-nilinBeaver Creek

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me'isdi-situn-dingplace mentioned in Sam Brown's description of a vision he had

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mił-tehsch'e:-me'Upper Redwood Creek (Whilkut) village

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mine:jixo-na'ne'iłtuł-dingplace along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut

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minq'i-nikya:w-q'itTrinity Summit

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miq'i-ch'ing'flat with oaks

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miq'it-dahna'de'ił'a'-dingBuck Buttes

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mis-dima'-me'Table Bluff

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mis-me'name of a Chilula village

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misq'i-mima:nch'ing'Shenon Farm bar

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misq'i-nilinMill Creek

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mis-q'itVillage of Miskut

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mis-xehsta:ng-q'itplace upstream from the highway bridge

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mis-xustun-dinga mountain north of the Klamath, mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)

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mixa:ch'e'-xole:n-q'itCaptain John Mountain

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miyi-me'Rain Rock

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miyi-me'name of a village located at Campbell's Ranch

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miyi-mida:-q'itplace along the river bank at miyi-me'

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mowun-niwhon-dingYurok village of Tsurai at Trinidad

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na'de'ilchwun'-dingTule Ranch

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na'ne'ite'ch'-dingHostler Point

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na:'ulit-dingKaruk village at Camp Creek

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na:sa'a:n-tuqresting place on the trail between Hostler Ranch village and Matilton village

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na:tini-xwHoopa Valley (i.e., where the trails lead back)

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nahslin-dingIshi Pishi

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nilin-kin'-dingformer village in Sugar Bowl

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niłtuq-lay'a place half-way up Bald Hill, where the concluding dances of the White Deerskin Dance are held

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niłtuqu-tah-dingChimariko village located at Don Juan

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nin'i-me'place identified in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay as the location of a final dance

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nin'i-wiltso:l-miyehChilula camp belonging to noleh-ding

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nin'-me'-xa'sindił-dingplace along the Boat Dance route, on the bank between mis-q'it (Meskut) and ta'k'imił-ding

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ninis'a:n-nikya:wBig Hill (at the head of Hostler Creek)

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niskin-ji-dingname of a village located upstream from Willow Creek

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no'k'ingxun-dingthe Acorn Feast ground (at Ta'kimiłding)

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no:ta:ng'a:-dingplace mentioned in Mary Marshall's description of the Gooseberry-place Brush Dance (location unknown)

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no:wilin-dingheadwaters of Redwood Creek

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noleh-ch'e:l-dingformer village in the Trinity canyon

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noleh-dingname of a Chilula village

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nundil-wint'e:-q'itMary Blaine Mountain

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q'a:xis-tah-dingname of the southernmost Chilula village

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q'ay'k'isd-e:-ke'Yurok village of Pecwan

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q'ay'-no:ng'a:-dingplace mentioned in McCann's story of the Scabby Young Man (location unknown)

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q'ayliwh-tah-dingname of a Chilula village

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q'iwh-dingNoble's Ranch

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q'iwh-tehs'e'ni-q'itPine Ridge

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q'ung'-kyoh-lay'name of a Chilula village

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qawh-kyoh-ch'ołqowhresting place at the Arrow Tree

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qawh-kyoh-dingFort Terwer

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qawh-me'Brush Mountain

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qojita:ng'ayme'placename appearing in a story about two brothers, location not known according to a note to the text

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sike:ts'i-q'itBloody Camp

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sikinchwin-mitah-dingname of a Chilula village

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suqe:-q'itname of a former village located in the Willow Creek valley

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t'unchwing-kyoh-dinga name applied to two distinct places on the Klamath River: Wohkel and Wohkero

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t'unchwin-tah-ch'ing'Ertlerger (part of Weitchpec)

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ta'k'imił-dingvillage of Hostler Ranch

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ta'k'imił-di-yima:ni-yiduqresting place on the trail to Redwood Creek

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ta'na:n-na:niwe:sile'nTrinity River, as a power one should pray to

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ta:k'iwe:ltsil-q'itname of a village located opposite the mouth of South Fork; part of łe:l-ding

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ta:ke'-ch'e:wilin-dingWiyot village of Patawat

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ta:na:yiwhdime'placename from a medicine formula for purification after handling a corpse (unknown location)

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ta:ng'ay-me'Trinidad Head

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ta:ng'ay-q'itname of a village located at Salyers; part of łe:l-ding

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tahyidiłkitLake at the head of Horse Linto Creek

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tidil-dingJanes Creek

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tin-ne:sthe trail leading from the danceground at Hostler Ranch back to miq'ich'ing' (the upper bench with tan oaks)

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tł'o:q'-na:sa'un-dingplace mentioned in McCann's medicine formula for going among rattlesnakes (location unknown)

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tł'oh-kyo:wa place described by Goddard as a "mountain near the Eight-mile camp on the Redcap trail from Hupa to Orleans" (Hupa Texts, p. 300)

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tł'ohma'ji-dingRed Cap Prairie

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tł'ohq'a'-kyowi-q'itPony Butte

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tł'ohq'a'-nehsnoy-q'itSugar Pine Mountain

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tł'ohwhung-q'itBald Hill

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tł'ow'-xontehł-ji-me'Hayfork, territory of the Hayfork Wintus

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to:n'-dinun-dingname of a Chilula village

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to:nah-ji-dingFormer Yurok village of Lo'olego

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toliwh-q'ituphill from Hostler Ranch village

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tołgit-q'itplace on bank, on the opposite side of the Trinity from łeht'e:t'e'-ch'iłchwe'-ding

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tołts'a'ts'-dingname of a village at the mouth of Supply Creek

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tołts'a'ts'-din-nilinSupply Creek

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ts'ilun-dingNorton Field

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ts'iłting'-yahslit-dinga good place for getting pine roots near Ta'kimiłding, mentioned in a description of how to gather and prepare roots for basketry

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ts'in-sila:-dingname of a Chilula village

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tse:'isCampbell Field prairie

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tse:'is-miyehbelow Campbell Field prairie

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tse:-dingname of a camping place located in the Willow Creek valley

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tse:-k'ite:lmuts'-dinga circle of rocks on top of a mountain; a place where Indian Doctors train

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tse:-k'iwotł'-dinga danceground on the river bar just to the west of Ts'ilunding, opposite the mouth of Beaver Creek; one of the main dancegrounds for the White Deerskin Dance

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tse:-kin-dinga place on Maple Creek

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tse:kyoh-xa:tine:-me'placename appearing in a medicine formula for war, location not known

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tse:łch'e'i-q'itHundred Acre Prairie

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tse:łch'e'-nilinPine Creek

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tse:-mit'aha danceground and camping place during the White Deerskin Dance; where the Boat Dance takes place

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tse:-mit'ah-nilin'-q'ehHostler Creek

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tse:-miyehChimariko village located at the mouth of New River

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tse:-na:l'a:-dingname of a village near xonsah-ding

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tse:n-dingBurnt Ranch, principal village of the Tsnungxwe and Chimariko

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tse:ning-q'itIronside Mountain

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tse:-no:ng'a:-dingFormer Yurok village of Noshtsku'm

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tse:-nunts'ingSugar Loaf

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tse:-q'i-chwun'-to:-me:ne:q'place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula for the birth of a first child (location unknown)

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tse:-q'i-na'dił-dingErner, at Blue Creek

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tse:-q'itsite at Mill Creek

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tse:-sigya:sthe bluff upstream from Willow Creek

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tse:tidmil-q'itTelescope Peak

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tse:wina:l-dingvillage of Senalton

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tse:wun-e:-me'place mentioned in Emma Lewis' medicine formula to protect children (location unknown)

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tse:yeh-dingplace mentioned in the story of the Scabby Young Man, location unknown

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tse:-yehk'ixa:whplace along the Boat Dance route, near the village of Miskut

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tse:-yehk'ixa:wh-q'itname of a flat near Campbell Creek

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tsehq'a:nRedwood Ridge

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xa'k'iwheh-ji-dingKaruk village at Red Cap Creek

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xa'usdil-me'Hooker's Ridge

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xa:k'iwidwhe'-dingthe area around Norton Field where there was extensive gold-mining activity

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xahslin-dingname of a village at the mouth of Horse Linto Creek

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xahslin-din-nilinHorse Linto Creek

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xayah-me'canyon near Sugar Bowl

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xodnun-dingOtsepor (Bluff Creek)

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xodnun-din-milay'Hopkins Butte

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xohxo-ch'e:l-dingname of a village located at the mouth of Willow Creek

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xonist'e'-xa'siliwh-dingHooker Ridge

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xonsah-dingwhere the water is deep (old village site in Hoopa Valley)

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xonte:lkyohme'bench back of Oscar Brown's place

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xontehł-me'name of a Chilula village

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xontehł-me'Wintu village at Hayfork

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xontehł-miwahname of a former village near Campbell Field prairie

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xot'ina:n-dingWahsekw (Martin's Ferry)

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xotiway-kyoh-q'itMountain on Waterman Ridge

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xotiway-q'itPactah (part of Weitchpec)

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xowung-q'itvillage at Campbell Field; Kentuck Ranch; Danceground

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xowuni-q'itname of the northernmost Chilula village

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xoxotinitcreek above Eslick's mentioned in Emma Lewis' formula of the Rain Rock medicine

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xwe:ył-q'itRedwood Ridge, Redwood Creek

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ya:'ułkili-q'itLake at the head of Horse Linto Creek

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yahdzi-me'place mentioned in a formula for bathing at Rain Rock (location unknown)

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yehwilin-dingname of a village

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yida(h)-xo-mingwahplacename from the story of the Scabby Young Man (unknown location)

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yida:ch'in-dinun-dingWeitchpec Butte (Burrill Peak)

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yidah-dinglower part of Hostler Ranch village

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yide'-q'it-ch'ing' ch'ixine:wh-q'itplacename from Emma Lewis's formula for the birth of a first child (unknown location)

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yide'-xa'usdił-dingBald Mountain

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yide'xoma'name of a house mentioned in a story about an encounter with a grizzly bear

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yiduqe:-q'ay'-na:'ulid-dingKaruk village at Happy Camp

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yiduqi-łe:na:l-dingthe forks of New River, above Denny

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yiduqi-nilinNew River

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yik'iqa:n-dingChimariko village located at Big Creek

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yinahch'in-ta:ng'ay-q'itplace mentioned in a love medicine formula

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yinuqa-no:ta:tł'a:Big Lagoon

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yinuqi-no:mitse'-dingname of a Chilula village

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yitse'n-e:-q'i-ch'ingChilula acorn gathering camp

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yitse'ni-ning'ay-q'itname of a Chilula village

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yitse'ni-xohch'indił-dingBlue Lake

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