'a:jiw'-michwo•yellow fungus on the ground. (Appears on the ground before mushrooms sprout.)
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'isde:wi-ch•rhododendron-like plant that grows up on Trinity Summit
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'isle't'e:n•a type of Indian potato, edible root
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'isq'o:ts'•berries (general term); blackberries (Rubus vitifolius)
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ch'iwhowh•elderberry (bush), elder sticks (Sambucus)
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da:chwingq'ay'•a type of fern (Pteridium aquiliunum)
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dahchwing'•wild "currants"; scraggly (?) gooseberries (Ribes divarlatum (?))
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dahk'ischwa'n•plant growing on a tree, epiphyte (e.g. mistletoe)
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dahmine'•hanging moss, yellow tree lichen (Ramalina), used for dye
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dime:n•thorn; diamonds (gems or suit in playing cards)
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dinch'e:k'•a type of mushroom with a strong taste
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k'ikine'•dead tree (especially a standing conifer)
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k'ila:jonde'•hazel, hazelnuts (Corylus californica)
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k'iłmuq'-kyoh•swamp weed, aralia (Aralia californica)
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k'iłts'os•Indian paintbrush (Castilleja wightii)
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k'inehst'a:n•tan oak, tan-bark oak (Quercus densiflora)
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k'ing'kya:w•white oak, post oak (Quercus garryana)
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k'it'ung'-dingq'och'•redwood sorrel (Oxalis oregana)
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k'iwint'a'n•leaves have come out, (tree) has come into leaf
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k'iyo:y•poisonous mushroom, poisonous plant, anything dangerous, strange or poisonous
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king'onq'ots•pigeon berries (?) (Rhamnus sp., buckthorn, cascara)
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kinsinto'•the sweet sap of the sugar pine or maple; sugar
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kintł'its'•a type of shrub with hard wood and fuzzy flowers (Holodiscus discolor)
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łixun-niłchwin•incense cedar (Libocedrus decurrens)
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mich'ile'-ne:s•rhododendron (Rhododendron californicum)
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mino:k'ischwa'n•it (plant) is growing in a clump or bunch
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miq'is-nint'ik'•false Solomon's Seal (Smilacina sessilifolia)
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miq'it-k'ildil•Serviceberry (Amelanchier), juneberry
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miqe:king'-xiłnehwa:n•maidenhair fern (Adiantum)
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miso:se'•its (plant's) shoots; its (bee's) stinger
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mixa:ch'e'-xole:n•angelica, sweet anise, incense root (Angelica sylvestris)
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na:de'tł'•digger pine, bull pine (Pinus sabiniana); pine nuts
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niłtuq•black oak (Quercus kelloggii, or Quercus californica)
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nisking•tall, straight conifer (esp. one without low branches, such as Douglas fir, yellow pine)
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q'a:xis•mock orange (wood), Syringa (Philadephus sp., or Prunus caroliniana ?); arrow shaft
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qut•the long tubular root of the willow, used in basketry
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sa'liwh•edible grass (general term), clover; wild clover, wild sunflower, watercress, edible greens of any sort
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sike:ts'•thin bark of deciduous trees, e.g. oak; shell (of a nut)
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t'un'-nahsma:ts'•redbud, Judas tree (Cercis occidentalis)
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t'un-chwing•California laurel, pepperwood (Umbellularia californica)
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tł'oh-dime:n-ch•Scouler's St. Johns wort (Hypericum formosum var. Scouleri)
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tł'ohsch'il'e:n•hazel bush; hazel brush switches
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tł'ohtse'•cattail, tule, flat tule (Typha latifolia)
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tohxotawe•willow bushes growing along the river
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ts'e:y-łitsow•wild lilacs; myrtle; myrtle twigs (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus)
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tse:wun'unt'e•edible plant (sp.) with big leaves
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wiłq'is-kiyiq'•wild columbine (Aqurlegsa truucata)
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wundiłch'ut'•peel off bark (from a tree or bush whose bark comes off easily)!
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xa:diwuł•a plant sprouts, rises (out of the ground)
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xay•the roots of a conifer (esp. pine or spruce roots), used in basketry
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xodistł'o:n•white cedar (Thuja plicata, coast cedar), Port Orford cedar
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xołchwił-tah-t'un'nahsma:ts'•wild ginger (Asarum caudatum)
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xonchwe'n•there is lots of brush, it's a brushy place
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xots'ine-mił-ya'mil•Oregon grape (Berberis nervosea)
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yima:ne:k'iwingxoya:n-xoyehch'itul'•ladyslipper (Cypripedium fasciculatum)
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