Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic sky


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de:-nohq'itthe sky; God, Heaven (metaphorically)

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ła:n-łilt'ik'The Pleiades, "Seven Sisters" (constellation)

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łe:na:łtehłfull moon

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na:na:dyayit (sun) had gone down

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na:te:ch'itthe waning moon (when its going from full to new)

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no:xonyawhstop the eclipse!

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whasun, moon

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xa:sina:whit (sun, moon, star) rises, peeps over the ridge.

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xoda:nyayit goes down to the foot of the hill, the sun sets, the sun has set

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xołiqaythe whiteness in the sky before daybreak

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xutł'e'dung'-xa:sina:whmorning star

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