'a:k'ine•something makes a sound, there is a sound
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'iwhqos•I am cracking it, crunching it (in my mouth)
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dine•something (animal, chicken, thing) makes a sound, squeals, cries, buzzes, crows
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je:sil-sa'a:n•there is a noise, rumbling sound, racket
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k'ich'ong•there is a sound like a rock falling into water, it plops
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k'idol•there is a loud, crashing sound (as of a log falling)
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k'igich•it makes a crackling sound on being eaten (e.g. carrots or gristle)
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k'ik'e:t'•there is a creaking, squeaking sound (e.g., a squeaky door)
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k'iłdol•he makes it crash, makes a crashing sound
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k'iłut'•there is a slapping sound (of something hitting water), (fish) makes a flopping sound (with its tail)
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k'iqo:n•there is the sound of dry hide crackling
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k'isa:y•(there is) a rattling, rustling sound (as of dry leaves)
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k'itidlut'•there is a ripping sound (as of an old rag)
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k'its'uq'•there is a sucking sound (like a bunch of eels put together)
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k'iwhq'its'•I crack it, make it make a cracking noise
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k'iwimut'•there was a bursting sound; a gun went off
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k'iwingqots'•it snapped off, made a crackling sound
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k'iwotł'•there is a crunching sound (esp. of rocks)
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nayts'a'n•there is a sound, something is audible (in the distance)
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