ch'idilye:-wint'e:-ding•land of the immortals k'ixinay, located on the periphery of the world, beyond the sky
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do:-xowidqot-heh•no poking him! (idiomatically) don't devil him!
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k'idongxwe•Indian Devil, witch, sorcerer; "deviling", witchcraft poison which can be cured by an Indian doctor
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k'iłwe•evil spirits, little beings who live in the water and cause sickness
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mayo:te:l•creatures mentioned in Emma Lewis' story of Yima:ntiw'winyay
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me'k'iłwul-na'we•female man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places
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miy•rain rock; powerful (tabooed) place or object (usually a rock) which must not be touched unless you want it to rain
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nahxi-k'iq'os-na:diwul•a mythical giant with two heads, on necks that swing around
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tintah-k'iwungxoya:n•"Bigfoot", forest giant in local folklore
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tit'aw-łiq'a:w•mythical bird whose wings are said to scatter Indian money
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tł'oh-kya'-t'e:n•female man-eating monster who lurks about old camping places
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xa:xowilwa:tł'•hero of myth, "Dug-from-the-Ground"; also a type of digging bug
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xahslintaw-nehwa:n•man-eating crane-like bird that inhabits the head of Horse-Linto (xahslinding) Creek
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xołtsay-taw•water panther; "lion", mythical monster animal with a ruff of fur around its neck, like a lion's mane
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xona:t'aw•his spirit, soul (as opposed to body)
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yiduqa-to:-me'•the ocean to the east of the world
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yiduqa-to:-no:ng'a:-ding•the ocean to the east of the world
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yima:n-e:-k'iwingxoya:n•the culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories
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yima:n-tiw'winyay•the culture hero, protagonist featured in many creation stories
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yinuqi-ts'isday•Acorn Provider, an old man spirit who is the "boss" of all food
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