Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic talking

'a:diwine'it's been said

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'a:diwung-na:niwhda'ayI'm calling it (e.g., dog) back

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'a:diwung-xwe:likI told about myself

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'a:whił-ch'inehe is telling me, says (this) to me

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'a:ya'diwine:lthey were saying

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'ahłdiwine'it's been spoken of

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'o:lyohłI'm swearing at him

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'owhwheI'm reading (aloud)

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ch'e'xe'ine:whhe is through talking

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ch'e:'iwhwa:whI get through speaking

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ch'iwho:wiłxilił-teshe will ask me for it

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ch'iwingwhilhe shouted

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ch'ixiwine:whilhe talks

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ch'iyo'nesomeone teases, there is teasing

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ch'o:whe'ił-tethey will call

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dilwa:whit (animal) makes a noise, "talks" (frog croaking, bird singing)

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diwhneI say something, make noise, speak

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do:-widwhil-hehno shouting!

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je:nahch'ing'-ch'ixine:whhe is praying (modern church prayers)

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k'ide:ts'eh-ya:xołchwehe translates for them, explains it to them

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k'iniwhwhat one hears about, news, events that are talked about

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k'iniwh-'a:diwhchweI listen, I hear the news

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k'itiwhyohłI'm swearing, cursing, making bad medicine

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k'iwhniwhI hear about something, I hear the news

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k'iwun-ch'idnehe prays, preaches

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ky'o'didxithe is begging for something

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me'de'ilwa:whthey talk about it

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me'niwit'ilhe is proud of it, he talks proudly about it

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me:na'winch'a:nhe shouted

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mis'a:n'remembering it, talk about it

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na:xowh'ayI invite him around (to different places, here and there)

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nił-xwe:likI told you

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ting'xine:whhe uses bad language, swears, speaks improperly, "speaks against the rules"

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ting'xine:whblasphemy; words or actions that are "against the rules", particularly during religious dances

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tingxiniwidye:whtabooed speech, bad language, swearing; tabooed words ("swearing") that must not be used during religious dances

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wa:nung'xiwine:whił-tesomeone talks about it

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whida'-me'-ch'ixe:ne:whhe answered me

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whijiw'-xiniwinye:whyou whispered

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whił-xowidlikI was told

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wun'dilwa:whthey are talking, conversing about it

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wung'xine:whhe talks about it

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wung-xowidilika story about something, an account of something

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xa'a'de'ine'she kept saying that

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xa'ahł-ch'ide:n'he speaks so (in such a way) to him

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xa'ahłdiwine'he is thus spoken to

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xine:whlanguage, speech, talk, conversation

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xiniwinye:whyou talked

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xo:diwhxitI ask him (a question)

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xohwhyo:lI'm swearing at him

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xoł-ch'idwinehłhe kept saying

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xoł-ch'iyo:diwhneI tease him

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xongwhegive him a name! call him by name!

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xono'xine:whhe overpowers him (with words), talks bad luck into him, wishes him to death

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xosah-k'itidluthe can't talk plainly; he talks in a broken way

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xowh'ayI ask him (to do something)

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xowhch'e:tI'm lying, I'm a liar

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xowich'e:ta lie, falsehood, lying

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xowidilikwhat has been told, a story, telling, account

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xowiliktelling (something to someone)

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xwe:da'ay-na:da'ayhe's listening

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yehna:xowh'ayI'm inviting him in

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yo:diwidxilił-tethey will ask for it

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