'a:diwung-na:niwhda'ay•I'm calling it (e.g., dog) back
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'a:whił-ch'ine•he is telling me, says (this) to me
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dilwa:wh•it (animal) makes a noise, "talks" (frog croaking, bird singing)
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je:nahch'ing'-ch'ixine:wh•he is praying (modern church prayers)
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k'ide:ts'eh-ya:xołchwe•he translates for them, explains it to them
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k'iniwh•what one hears about, news, events that are talked about
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k'itiwhyohł•I'm swearing, cursing, making bad medicine
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k'iwhniwh•I hear about something, I hear the news
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me'niwit'il•he is proud of it, he talks proudly about it
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na:xowh'ay•I invite him around (to different places, here and there)
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ting'xine:wh•he uses bad language, swears, speaks improperly, "speaks against the rules"
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ting'xine:wh•blasphemy; words or actions that are "against the rules", particularly during religious dances
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tingxiniwidye:wh•tabooed speech, bad language, swearing; tabooed words ("swearing") that must not be used during religious dances
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wun'dilwa:wh•they are talking, conversing about it
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wung-xowidilik•a story about something, an account of something
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xa'ahł-ch'ide:n'•he speaks so (in such a way) to him
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xono'xine:wh•he overpowers him (with words), talks bad luck into him, wishes him to death
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xosah-k'itidlut•he can't talk plainly; he talks in a broken way
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xowidilik•what has been told, a story, telling, account
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