Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic tools

'isdits'string, light rope

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ch'ide:-chwinghousehold goods, cooking utensils (baskets, paddles, other implements used in cooking traditional foods)

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k'ide:-kin'carved elk-horn spoon, used by men

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k'itsa:y-xotits'e'a cane used to keep rattlesnakes away; a stick which has had a medicine formula said over it

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k'iwiditsIndian twine (made of iris), string, rope

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king'a:gya:n(traditional) pipe for smoking tobacco

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me'-ky'o'diłye:wha whistle (modern)

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mich'ing'-nayniłt'ik'trigger (on a gun)

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mił-ch'a'a'dimillong-toothed Indian comb of elk-horn

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mił-ch'iwolscraper (for hide)

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mił-ch'ixosow(traditional) implement for scratching, made of elkhorn, polished or with a rim of abalone shell

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mił-k'iłdik'darkish rock, about 8 inches long, used to crack acorns

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mił-k'iłtsilhammer, maul

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mił-k'iłwulthresher, used to thresh out wild oats into basket

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mił-k'it'usa saw

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mił-łe:na'ge:sa rake

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mił-łe:na:dsowbrush for sweeping up (acorn flour)

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mił-łe:na:tsowbrush for sweeping up (acorn) flour

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mił-na'k'itł'oyshuttle for making nets

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mił-na'ntsa:sa whip

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mił-na:na'k'iłwha:lwooden hook, used to break limbs off trees

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mił-te:wina'k'iqotacorn paddle

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mił-xa'xa:whgarden spade; spades (suit in playing cards)

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tits'cane, walking stick, staff

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tł'ohłstrap, packstrap, string

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ts'imiłch'itsita small maul

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tse:łch'e'knife, iron

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tse:-xayts'a'a small pounding basin in bedrock, used for making medicine for luck and other purposes; bedrock mortar

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yehwilxit'flint knife for cutting fish or roots

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