Hupa Online Dictionary and Texts

Your dictionary search: topic water

ch'e'niłme:nhe made it swim out

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ch'e:k'iyohwh(water) is running out

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ch'e:nila:tit floated out

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ch'e:nileh-tethey will dive out

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ch'e:wehsle'nit started to flow out

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ch'e:wilinit (water) flows out (e.g., creek into river, mouth of river, faucet, hose)

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ch'itehłme:nhe made it swim

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dahdiwilxit'the river has risen, flooded

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dah-na'widmehłhe was swimming along back on top (of the water)

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dahto:'dew, there is a dew

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dahwehsla:lit floated

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dahwehsle:lit swam around in one place

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dahwila:lit was floating

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dahwile:lit was floating on top

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diwila:tit floated away

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jungmuddy water

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k'idmut(water) is boiling

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k'ite:yo:wh(water) surged, ran along stormily

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k'iwowh-nesnoy"foam spot," a bad-luck place in the river

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me'-ta'dina:ndrinking glass

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me:na:chwilił-teit (water) will settle

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me:na:whdimingI have swum back to shore

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me:nundila:tit floated back

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mina:na:'isme:nhe made it swim around (the world)

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minahsto(water) surrounds it, forms an island

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miwowhits (e.g.. beer's) foam

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na'k'iwiłdiwhe washed something

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na'whiwiłme'he bathed me

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na'wime:lshe always bathes along

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na'wing'ilthey (people) swam around, bathed

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na:'(w)iłdime:nhe made it swim back

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na:de'iłwe're swimming around

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na:k'iyo:wh(water) washes back and forth, surges about

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na:la:tit's floating around

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na:leh(they are) diving around

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na:wehsle'nit (water) fell

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na:xolts'a'(water) soaks down into the ground

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nahłmileddy in a stream

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nawhmeI'm swimming, bathing

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nilehit had arrived there swimming

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nilincreek, stream

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nilin(water) flows

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niwehsle'nit started to flow

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niwhchwiłI am wet

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no:nila:tit floated to there

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no:nto'(water) reached its farthest extent, (flood water) crested

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no:wilinghead of a creek, stream, river

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nolehwaterfall, dam, obstruction in a stream

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nul'iwhit's dripping down, water comes down drop by drop

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nundila:tit floated back

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nundiliw-ehe returned swimming back there

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ta'na:nwater (to drink)

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ta:-into or through the water

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ta:wha:whI'm wading in the water, wading across (creek)

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ta:wilin-dingwhere a stream flows into the ocean

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ta:yde:tł'we (2) waded

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tah-out of the water, out of the fire

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tah'ing'awhtake it (e.g. stone) out of the water! take it out of the fire!

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tahdehsla:tit (salmon, canoe) came ashore

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tahna'udmiwhhe swims out of the water back to shore

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tawhdina:nI'm drinking

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te'iłthey swim along

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te'iwha:whI am going into the water

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teh-into the water

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teh'iliwit dives into the water

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teh'ing'awhput it (e.g. stone) into the water!

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tehk'e'iyawhthey (deer) go into the water

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tehna'wila:tshe floated back in the water

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tehna:de'ilya'they (deer) stand in the water

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tehna:l'iwhit dripped into the water

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tehna:na'k'iwiłdiwhe has washed, cleaned it (with water)

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tehsla:tit had floated away

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tehwilts'itthey sank

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tehwingxits'it dropped into the water

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tehya'k'e'ichwa'they throw them into the water

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tiwhliwI swim along (under water)

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tiwhmiwhlet me start swimming

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toany body of water, ocean

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to:-dingq'och'salt water; ocean

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to:-nichwe'nrough water; bad luck

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to:-tehsyayflood, high water in the river

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to:-wingkyahthe water is getting, has gotten high (in the river), the flood waters are rising

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tosiłwarm water, lukewarm water, water that has been heated on a fire

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tosq'uts'spring (of cold water), cold water

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wehłchwilI got wet

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wila:lit (single object) is floating along

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winto'(water) has moved somewhere, has reached to somewhere

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wiwhle:lI swim along (under water)

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wults'a'(water) soaks through (something), leaks out

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wun'de'ila:the floats over it

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wun-de'iling'it flows over

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xa:k'indimutit boiled up out of something

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xa:wila:tit floated up to the top

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xahslinriffle (in a stream)

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xe'e:wiliwit dove by

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xoda:te:le'nit flowed downhill here and there

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xoda:wilingoutlet of a stream, river

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xoda:ya'e'ilthey swim downstream

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yehk'inyo:wh(water) pours in (e.g., through a hole)

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yehna'wiłme:nhe made it swim in

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yehna:dla:tit floated in again

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yehwile:lił-teit will always go into the stream

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