The Phillips lab works as an integrated team in which scientists with diverse backgrounds work on their own projects and also help each other to implement innovative approaches to solving complex problems.


Phillips Laboratory

Principle Investigator

Patrick Phillips
Philip H. Knight Chair in Arts and Sciences
Professor, Department of Biology

Phillips CV

Biology of Aging. Evolution of complex traits and gene interaction systems.


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Anastasia Teterina

Population genomics. Genetics and evolution of the genotype-phenotype map. Evolution of genetic networks.



Graduate Students

Rose Al-Saadi

C. elegans males as a model for aging interventions.



Aubrey Mayer

Influence of sex and recombination on genomic evolution.



Lab Manager

Anna Coleman-Hulbert

Influence of natural genetic variation on the response to compounds that extend life- and health-span.



Senior Scientist

Megan Schauwecker

Synthetic biology; genome engineering.




Research Associates

Annette Estevez

Synthetic biology of aging, assessing gene expression. Large scale nematode culture and experimentation.



John Willis

Molecular genetics of natural variation in stress response. High throughput sequencing and functional genomics.



Research Assistants

Erik Johnson

Influence of natural genetic variation on the response to compounds that extend life- and health-span. Functional genomics of aging interventions.



Kristin Robinson

Genetic basis of atural variation in aging pathways.



Erik Segerdell

Informatics manager. Analysis of single-cell and whole-animal gene expression. CITP Data Center.



Christine Sedore

Influence of natural genetic variation on the response to compounds that extend life- and health-span. Biodemography and statistics. CITP Data Center.



Haley Speed

Synthetic biology of aging. Genomic engineering. High throughput genomics.



Academic Positions of Former Lab Members

David Baltrus Ph.D. 2006 Assoc Prof School of Plant Science, University of Arizona
Lori Cruze Res Assist 2006 Assoc Prof Dept Biology, Wofford College
Suzanne Estes Ph.D. 2002 Assoc Prof, Assoc Dean Dept Biology, Portland State University
Janna Fierst Postdoc 2014 Assoc Prof Dept Biology, Florida International
Erika Hersch-Green Ph.D. 2007 Assoc Prof Dept Biological Sci, Michigan Tech University
Katja Kasimatis Ph.D. 2019 Assist Prof Dept Biology, Univ Virginia
Katrina McGuigan Postdoc 2005 Assoc Prof School of Biol Sci, Univ. Queensland, Australia
Levi Morran Ph.D. 2009 Assoc Prof Dept Biology, Emory University
Stephen Proulx Postdoc 2005 Assoc Prof Dept Ecol Evol & Marine Biol, UC Santa Barbara
Andrew Stewart M.S. 1997 Assoc Prof Biology Dept, Canisius College
Henrique Teotónio Postdoc 2002 Assoc Prof Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Julie Thompson Ph.D. 2002 Assoc Prof American Public University
Amy Webster Postdoc 2024 Assist Prof Biol Dept, Florida State Univ
Gavin Woodruff Postdoc 2020 Assist Prof Biol Dept, Univ Oklahoma


Industry Positions of Former Lab Members

Jennifer Anderson Postdoc 2012 Researcher Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
P. Alex de Verteuil Ph.D. 2020 Team Lead, Cell Lines Abcam
Bryn Gaetner Ph.D. 2012 Global Science Communications Lead Sanofi
Behazad Germami-Naini M.S. 1997 Stem Cell Biology Thymmune Therapeutics
Richard Jovelin Ph.D. 2009 Bioinformatician Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Scott Kolpak M.S. 2003 Geneticist US Forest Service
Juliet Morphew M.S. 2001 Enterprise Client Manager Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Christine O'Connor Ph.D. 2018 Bioinformatics Analyst Minnesota Supercomputing Center
Rose Reynolds Postdoc 2014 Data Science Research Associate Children's Mercy Research Institute
Kristin Sikkink Ph.D. 2014 Director of Research Arima Genomics
Aliece Watts M.S. 1999 Quality Assurance Manager NMS Labs