Ben Elias

In fall of 2022 I am teaching MAT252, Calculus II. The course will be managed from Canvas.
In fall of 2022 I am teaching MAT681, Representation Theory I. The course website is here.
In fall of 2021 I am teaching MAT607, Homological Algebra. The course website is here.
In fall of 2021 I am teaching MAT252, Calculus II. The course will be managed from Canvas.
In winter of 2022 I taught MAT445/545, Algebra II (Rings). The course was managed from Canvas.
In spring of 2022 I taught MAT342, Linear Algebra II. The course was managed from Canvas.
In the academic year 2020-2021 I was on sabbatical.
In fall of 2019 I taught MAT241, Business calculus. The course was managed from Canvas.
From fall 2019 through spring of 2020 I taught MAT647-648-649, Graduate algebra. The course website is here.
In winter of 2019 I taught MAT253, Calculus III. The course website is here.
In spring of 2019 I taught MAT441/541, Linear Algebra (with theory). The course website is here.
In fall of 2017 taught Homological Algebra, MAT 607. The course website is here.
In winter of 2018 I taught Fundamentals of Analysis I, MAT 316. The course website is here.
In spring of 2018 I taught Fundamentals of Analysis II, MAT 317. The course website is here.
In the academic year 2016-2017 I taught Representation Theory, Math 681. The course website is here.
In spring of 2016, I taught Homological Algebra, MAT 607. The course website is here.
In winter of 2016, I taught Introduction to Differential Topology, MAT 432/532. The course website is here.
In fall of 2015, I taught Introduction to Differential Equations, MAT 256. The course website is here.
In fall of 2015, I taught Introduction to Topology, MAT 431/531. The course website is here.
In spring of 2015, I taught Calculus III, MAT 253. The course website is here.
In winter of 2015, I taught Introduction to Differential Equations, MAT 256. The course website is here.
In fall of 2014, I taught Elementary Linear Algebra, MAT 341. The course website is here.

Ben Elias
Department of Mathematics
Fenton Hall, Room 210
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: (541) 346-5629
Fax: (541) 346-0987