I understand that Richard's wife Coral is here to participate in our celebration. Coral, could you please stand up, to be recognized?
Rich's most widely cited work is his 1979 AJAE paper with Heberlein, which shared the 1999
AERE Publication of Enduring Quality award. Today's program also highlights Rich's
1982 Land Economics paper on "Option Value...", and his 1978 AJAE paper on
"Endangered Species and Uncertainty..." Also widely valued, however, has been Rich's
early paper with Ciriacy-Wantrup in the Natural Resources Journal on
"Common Property as a Concept in Natural Resources Policy."
(This paper is still averaging a respectable number of citations each year, even 30 years after its publication.)
Rich's 1996 Land Economics paper on "CV response formats", joint with Brown, Champ and McCollum,
is also doing very well, as is the 1997 JEEM paper on "donation mechanisms" with the same group of coauthors.
As a stated-preference researcher myself, Rich Bishop's contributions
to our profession are especially salient to me. I'll indulge in a brief personal reminiscence.
Rich was actually present at the moment I officially "became" an environmental economist.
It was a small CVM conference held at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, about 21 years ago.
I crashed the party (overheads in hand, just in case) and presumptuously volunteered to
replace a last-minute cancellation in the program. Rich had never heard of me
and was justifiably looking a little concerned about giving an unknown the floor,
but his comment afterwards "You may just have something there, Trudy,"
was just enough positive reinforcement to launch a career that seems to have gotten me this far... Thank you, Rich.
I'm sure Rich's willingness to take a chance on young scholars accounts for his incredible
success in training and placing so many graduate students.
Rich's remarkable record with his many doctoral students is indeed one to be envied.
For his many contributions to our fund of knowledge concerning contingent
valuation methods, for his work on the "safe minimum standard," property rights,
and uncertainty, as well as his generous service to AERE management, we
today induct Richard C. Bishop as a 2006 Fellow of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Congratulations, Rich!