Geoff Heal's 1979 book with Partha Dasgupta, "Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources"
was recognized in 2003 as an AERE Publication of Enduring Quality. Some of his more-recent books
include: Nature and the Marketplace (in 2000); Environmental Markets (also in 2000);
Valuing the Future: Economic Theory and Sustainability (in 1998); and Sustainability: Dynamics and Uncertainty (also in 1998).
Environmental economics has been only part of Geoff's research portfolio, but we have
forgiven him for making substantial intellectual contributions on topics related to markets
for derivative securities, and for dabbling in entrepreneurial ventures related to international
securities transactions. As a "Business School" Environmental Economist, Geoff is currently
appointed as a Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility.
Geoff is a member of the Pew Oceans Commission, a director of the Union of
Concerned Scientists, and a Fellow of some "other organization" called...the Econometric Society.
He has also served as managing editor for the Review of Economic Studies, and as AERE president,
among numerous other public-spirited endeavors and an academic career that has spanned the Atlantic.
In environmental and resource economics, Geoff's most widely cited article is his 1974 REStud paper
with Dasgupta on the "Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources." Some of his other classic journal articles
include the 1976 Bell Journal paper on "..Price and extraction costs..with a Backstop Technology,"
his '83 JET paper with Chichilnisky on the "Social Choice Paradox,"
the '93 J. Econ. Perspectives paper on "Global Environmental Risks," and
the 1980 paper with Barrow in REStud on "..interest rates and metal price movements."
For his significant research on topics ranging from exhaustible resource management
and climate change, to ecosystems services and corporate social responsibility, for
his work with various prestigious Commissions, Institutes, Boards, and Committees,
as well as his generous service to AERE, we induct Geoffrey M. Heal as
a 2006 Fellow of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Congratulations, Geoff!