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Adachi Ginkō (active 1873-1902)

Biographical Data


Adachi Ginkō 安達吟光 (active 1873-1902)*
* Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AE%89%E9%81%94%E5%90%9F%E5%85%89 lists the artist's birth and death dates as 1853-Dec 5, 1902. 

Sources: International Fine Prints Dealers Association website http://www.ifpda.org/content/node/884; The Sino-Japanese War Nathan Chaikin, self-published, 1983, p. 36; A Dictionary of Japanese Artists: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer, Laurance P. Roberts, Weatherhill, 1976, p. 32.

Little is known about the life of the artist Adachi Ginkō.   He was born under the name of Adachi Heishichi 安達平七 and in addition to the name Adachi Ginkō used the (artist names) Shōsetsusai Ginkō 銀光Shinshō Ginkō 真匠銀光, Shōsai Ginkō 松斎吟 and Shōunsai Ginkō 松雲斎銀光.  He studied with the Western-style painter Goseda Hōryū I (1827-1892) and he is identified with the Utagawa school.  During the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) he worked as a war correspondent and illustrator. Besides war prints he produced scenes of current events, depictions of the Boshin rebellion of 1870, actor portraits, theater scenes and satirical cartoons. 

In 1889 Ginkō was jailed along with his editor, Miyatake Gaikotsu and the printer Tokuyama Hōshi, for depicting the emperor as a skeleton accepting the new constitution in the Diet.  The cartoon lampooned the emperor, the new representative government and the promulgation of the constitution ceremony held on February 11, 1889 and Ginkō was sentenced to a year in prison and a fine of fifty yen.  As pointed out by Meech-Pekarik, poking fun at the emperor was a risky move for an artist who worked off commissions.1
Adachi Ginkō: Skeleton Receiving the Constitution
from Tonchi ky
ōkai zasshi (The Journal of the Association of Practical Knowledge)
February 28, 18892

In 1898 he illustrated the Hayanawa Kappo Kenpo Kyojan Zukai, Zen [Complete Illustrated Book of the Teaching Method of Tying (Hayanawa), The Striking Methods of Jujutsu (Kenpo) and the Method of Resuscitation (Kappo)], a complete copy of which can be found at http://museum.hikari.us/books/kenpo/index.html.

Sample Signatures Attributed to Artist

Shōsai Ginkō with Ginkō seal
c. 1870
 Shōsai Ginkō with Ginkō seal

Adachi Ginkō with unidentified seal
Shōsai Ginkō with dokugaku Seppitsu seal

Ginkō ga with dokugaku Seppitsu seal
  ōju Ginkō with Heta no yokozuki seal

ōju Ginkō with Heta no yokozuki seal

ōju Ginkō
c. 1894
 Ginkō with
dokugaku Seppitsu seal, 1896

ōju Ginkō with dokugaku Seppitsu seal
ōju Ginkō with Ginkō seal, 1897

依頼随 眞匠銀光 画
irai shitagai Shinshō Ginkō ga with unread seal

1 The World of the Meiji Print: Impressions of a New Civilization, Julia Meech-Pekarik, Weatherhill, 1986, p. 185.
2 Ibid. p. 184.

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