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Yukawa Hiromitsu (active c. 1894)

Biographical Data


Yukawa Hiromitsu 湯川広光 (active c. 1894)

No information seems to be available about this artist who was active around 1894 in Osaka.  In addition to the ten Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) senso-e in this collection (which are part of a twelve print series by the artist) the Database of Japanese Art in Overseas Collections shows Moscow's Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts holding a number of undated fan prints by the artist (see sample below) in their collection.

Painter(Author):湯川広光/Yukawa Hiromitsua
Size:約 23.2 × 約 25.1/approx. 23.2 x 25.1
Owner:    プーシキン国立美術館/Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
Publication:プーシキン美術館所蔵日本美術品図録/Catalogue of Japanese Art in The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (1322)

Sample Signatures Attributed to Artist


Hiromitsu with Hiromitsu seal
広光 / 広光

Hiromitsu with Yukawa seal
広光 / 湯川
Signatures from this collection's prints1



Signatures from artist's fan prints
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

1 Identification of signatures and seals courtesy of Guy Pepermans via Ukiyo-e Q&A website

latest revision: