Concentrated on the History of Russian Political Culture embedded in the global context,
Also check these bibliographies =
(1) War
and Revolution
(2) Energy & Politics
(3) Some Films of Use
(4) Political culture table
(5) GLOS (6) ETC
The metaphor "BONEYARD" comes from the game dominoes
in which players select pipped tiles from a shuffled and face-down array called
the boneyard.
Metaphorical reference to the graveyard might be agreeable to the
Table of Contents
- Primary Sources (many primary-source anthologies [>prm.sbk] are registered in GLOS)
- Secondary Sources -- [ID]
Here are suggestions about how to
locate a bibliographical entry
in the UO KNIGHT Library electronic catalog
in just about any library's electronic card catalog
Let's start with the most annoying
feature of SAC bibliographies. They are saturated with three-stroke coded
Codes are often defined but are nonetheless a constant source of mystery to the
Truth is, these coded flags are of great use =
*--In honor of Paul Lutus, the first code to master is "F/", which means "FIND"
[ID]. For example =
*--Entries on World War One = F/WW1/ [ Origins of = F/WW1a/ |
Course of = F/WW1b/ | Consequences of = F/WW1c/ ]
*--Entries on WW1 Western Front, F/ | On Eastern Front, F/ | On
Southern Front, F/ | On domestic or home fronts, F/
*--Entries on war and revolution = F/wrx&REV/ here and in the
bibliography devoted
to revolution
*--Entries on energy and politics = F/nrg/ here and in the
bibliography devoted to energy and politics
*--Some frequently cited titles, EG=reference works, anthologies, and leading
academic journals, are given three-stroke acronyms and are linked to GLOS
*--Many titles here in bbl.BYD are given more elaborate acronyms which follow a pipe and a right
angle-bracket ["|>"], then the author's last name, then a period, and then a capitalized keyword
from the publication title, EG=
SAC bibliographic entries are generally in English. Some entries include transliterated Russian text
Many bibliographical entries here -- particularly
entries of primary documentation -- follow a standard KIMBALL FILES data-template which supplies
systematic information beyond that ordinarily found in standard bibliographical entries. That
data-template might include all or some of the following fields =
<>FamilyName,GivenName SecondGivenName (or
patronymic for Russians)|>Coded Abbreviation for names
| a{ Birth Date, sometimes with the year indicated by the last three numbers,
EG= 1862 becomes 862
Months = ja fe mr ap my je jy au se oc no de. Days always in two strokes, EG=
}b{ = Birth Place
}c{ = Death Place
}d{ = Death Cause
}e{ = Death Date
}n{ = ETC| Here certain categorical or subject codes are used to identify major
concerns of the "author", EG= the three-stroke coded tags above
}o{ = Major brief ID
}f{ = Parents
}g{ = Siblings
}h{ = Nationality (IE=ethnicity)
}i{ = Religion
}j{ = Economic Status
}k{ = Social estate [soslovie]= dxv (clergy) dvr (aristocracy) kpq
(merchantry) mww (petty urbanites) krx (peasantry)
}l{ = Education
}m{ = Career [Official associations, appointment, jobs]
}p{ = Voluntary Associations
}q{ = Chronology
}r{ = Bibliography of titles BY person on top line | Naturally, in a
bibliography this is the major subfield
}s{ = Bibliography of titles ABOUT person on top line
}t{ = Places searched with no results ABOUT person on top line
}8{ = ETC}
<>Akcakam,Taner|>Akçakam,T et al.,eds|_Judgment at Istanbul:
The Armenian Genocide Trials|>JaI|
((8x11 prm.sbk ARM lwx.prs wrx.crm wrx&REV))
<>Angell,Norman| a{}n{WW1a psx vs.wrx}o{
*:|_The_Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power of Nations
to their Economic and Social Advantage|>Angell.GREAT|
*1914au01:The [London] Times| "Dominance of Russia or Germany" and "
'Scholars' protest against war with Germany"| ((W&P,1:3-4))
<>Amalrik,Andrei| a{938}e{980}n{CWX dsn R&A}o{
*1970:|_Will the Soviet Union Survive until 1984
*1978:LND,Overseas Publication Interchange|_SSSR i zapad v odnoi lodke|
*1982:NYC|_Notes of a Revolutionary| ((hv8959.s65a4513))
<>Andreevskii,Ivan Efim|>AniIE| a{}n{}o{
|pst re.edc,prz pbl.hlt to help others,particularly the bdn
*1853:AIS#6| “Russkii narod i gosudarstvo” [rvw of Leshkov kng stt&pbl]
*1872:SPB|_Politseiskoe pravoΣ| 2vv| ((prm plc.lwx| (74:ed#2) freedom
of qastnoi iniciativy [cvc.rgt] sodeistvo stt&pbl when prv.pzn’s strength not
*1880:RSt#27:403-422| “Khod rasprostraneniia politicheskikh znanii v Rossii v
1855-1880 gg”| ((65:GU.cnp new powers, now existed 15y, & here are results =
*1881:RSt#31:?? [source sd #2]| “Khod rasprostraneniia v russkom obshchestve
politicheskikh znanii,1855-1880” [re.A-2’s Silver jubilee]
*1882:RSt#34:525-42| “Kniaz’ Aleksandr Arkadievich Suvorov”| ((prm vsp unv.rbx
<>Anet,Claude|>Anet=pseudonym| a{}n{}o{
*1917:LND|_Through the Russian revolution: Notes of an eyewitness, from 12th
March-30th May [1917] ((UO| 252pp| 34 pix!))
<>Arbatov,Georgii A| a{}n{CWX irx R&A}o{
--|The Soviet Viewpoint| Dodd,Mead. Hamilton bks|
a{}n{ }o{LOOP
Comprehensive index
*1867de:“Federalism, Socialism, and Anti-theologism” [TXT
*1868se01:Narodnoe delo#1 [People's Cause], “Our Program” [VSB,3:644]
Excerpt =
We desire the complete intellectual, socioeconomic, and political emancipation of the people.
I. Intellectual freedom, because without it political and social freedom cannot be complete or lasting. Belief in God, belief in the immortality of the soul, and all kinds of idealism in general . . . on the one hand serve as an indispensable mainstay and justification for despotism, for all kinds of privilege, and for the exploitation of the people and on the other hand demoralize the people themselves, dividing them into two groups with mutually opposed aspirations and thereby depriving them of the energy required to win their natural rights and to build a fully free and happy life. From this it clearly follows that we are advocates of atheism and materialism.
II. The socioeconomic freedom of the people, without which any freedom would be a detestable and meaningless lie. The economic life of a people has always provided the cornerstone and true explanation of its political existence. All previous or currently existing political and civil organizations in the world have been maintained upon the following basic foundations: conquest, the right of property inheritance, the family rights of father and husband, and the sanctification of all these principles by religion; and all this taken together constitutes the essence of the state. The inevitable result of the entire state system has been and had to be the slavish subordination of the unskilled and ignorant majority to the so-called educated, exploiting minority. A state without political and legal privileges based upon economic privileges is unthinkable.
Desiring the true and complete liberation of the people [v.MPR], we seek (1) the abolition of the right of property inheritance, and (2) the equalization of women's rights, both political and socioeconomic, with those of men; we consequently desire the abolition of family rights and of marriage, both ecclesiastical and civil, which is inseparably connected w!th the right of inheritance.
We make two fundamental principles the basis of economic justice:
1. Land belongs only to those who cultivate it with their own hands-to agricultural communes.
2. Capital and all the implements of labor belong to the workers-to workers' associations.
III. The political organization of the future must be nothing other than a free federation of free workers, both in agriculture and in industrial artels (associations) in the factory.
Therefore, in the name of political freedom, we want first and foremost the complete destruction of the state; we want the eradication of the state system with all its ecclesiastical, political, bureaucratic (both military and civil), legal, academic, and financial and economic institutions.
We want complete freedom for all peoples now oppressed by the [Russian] Empire, with the right of complete self-determination on the basis of their own instincts, needs, and desires; so that by federating from the bottom up, those among them who wish to be members of the Russian nation could jointly create a truly free and happy society in a friendly and federal union with similar societies in Europe and throughout the world.
*1868:Catechism of a revolutionary (w/Nechaev) [TXT
*1871no:letter to “My Italian Friends” |_VSB,3:645
*1871:|_On the Paris Commune [TXT]
*1872: Texts on the struggle with Marx in the First International [TXT]
*1873:|_Statism and Anarchy
*1950:|_Marxism, Freedom and the State| [TXT]
translated and edited with a biographical sketch by K. J. Kenafick| ((Writings
combined w/o clear indication of original publication information))
*1964:LND,Free Press of Glencoe|_The_Political Philosophy of Bakunin:
Scientific Anarchism| EBy G. P. Maximoff with a biographical sketch by Max
Nettlau| [TXT
a{}b{ARM}e{1934}n{WW1b OTM.TRK ARM}o{Orlg dxv
*2009:NYC,Knopf|>Balakian.GOLGOTHA|_Armenian Golgotha : A memoir of the Armenian genocide,
((8x11:56-73 covers 15ap24+ events
* 1914jy-1916ap: Life of an exile
*1914jy-1914oc: [?]
*1915ap24-1916fe: [arrest &] First deportation [with some 250 other
intellectuals & leaders of Constantinople's Armenian community]
*--The second deportation
*1916fe-1916ap: Caravan of death to Der Zor
* 1916ap-1919ja: Life of a fugitive
*--In the tunnels of Amanos
*--In the tunnels of the Taurus Mountains
*1917ja-1918se: In Adana
kng cover says = the most dramatic and comprehensive eyewitness account of
the first modern genocide. [...] It was the beginning of the Ottoman Turkish
government's systematic attempt to eliminate the Armenian people from Turkey
[...The campaign] continued through World War I and the fall of the Ottoman
Empire, by which time more than a million Armenians had been annihilated and
expunged from their historic homeland. For Grigoris Balakian, himself condemned,
it was also the beginning of a four-year ordeal during which he would bear
witness to a seemingly endless caravan of blood. Balakian sees his countrymen
sent in carts, on donkeys, or on foot to face certain death in the desert of
northern Syria. Many would not even survive the journey, suffering starvation,
disease, mutilation, and rape, among other tortures, before being slaughtered en
route. In these pages, he brings to life the words and deeds of survivors,
foreign witnesses, and Turkish officials involved in the massacre process, and
also of those few brave, righteous Turks who, with some of their German allies
working for the Baghdad Railway, resisted orders calling for the death of the
Armenians. Miraculously, Balakian manages to escape, and his flight--through
forest and over mountain, in disguise as a railroad worker and then as a German
soldier--is a suspenseful, harrowing odyssey that makes possible singular
<>Barber,John,and Mark Harrison|_The_Soviet
Home Front,1941-1945: A Social and Economic History of the USSR in World War II|*1991:Harlow:
Longman| ((prm wrx WW2))
a{874}e{945}n{trv RREV1 }o{
*1913:LND|_What I Saw in Russia| ((UO| 1905oc17:1907se;
*1914:LND|Mainsprings of Russia| ((OWN))
<>Barker,Adele, et al|_The_Russia
Reader: History, Culture, Politics|>Barker| ((UO|
prm.sbk & ndr.sbk| ToC =
I: Icons and archetypes
The Scythians / Aleksandr Blok
On Russian distinctiveness and universality / Fyodor Dostoyevsky [DstF]
To Russia (March 1854) / Aleksei Khomiakov
Moscow and Petersburg, 1842 / Aleksandr Herzen
"Great Russians" and "Little Russians" / Andreas Kappeler
Bathing the Russian way, from folklore to the songs of Vladimir Vysotskii
A cosmopolitan project / Susan Buck-Morss
II: From Kyiv [Kiev] through Muscovy
The Igor tale / Anonymous
The Russian primary chronicle / Anonymous
Slavic Byzantium / George P. Fedotov
Russia through Arabian eyes / Ibn Fadlan
Rules for Russian households / Att. Monk Sylvestr
My early life / Ivan IV
III: Reform to revolution
The bronze horseman / Aleksandr Pushkin
Peter's social reforms / John Perry
Love and conquest / The correspondence of Catherine II and Grigory Potemkin
The War of 1812 / Leo N. Tolstoi
Description of the clergy in rural Russia / I.S. Belliustin [chx]
Emancipating the serfs / Petr Kropotkin
Classic Russian cooking / Joyce Toomre and Elena Molokhovets
The challenged gentry / Elizaveta Vodovozova
Dear Nicky, dear Sunny / The correspondence of Nicholas II and Empress
IV: Far pavilions : Siberia
Russia's conquest of Siberia / Basil Dmytryshyn, E.A.P. Crownhart-Vaughan, and
Thomas Vaughan, editors and translators
Sibiriaks / Marie Czaplicka
Exile by administrative process / George Kennan
Science everywhere / Olʹga Marchuk
The big problems of little peoples / Aleksandr Pika and Boris Prokhorov
At the source / Vladimir Sangi
V: A changing countryside
The dacha / Faddei Bulgarin
Work done "out of respect" / Aleksandr Engelgardt
The mushroom hunt / Sofya Kovalevskaya
Progress and prosperity / Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace
Svetloyar : in a wild and holy place / Vladimir Korolenko
Searching for icons / Vladimir Soloukhin
The village of Posady / Lev Timofeev
VI: Near pavilions : the Caucasus
The Russian conquest of the Caucasus / John F. Baddeley [ndr]
Mtsyri / Mikhail Lermontov
Sandro of Chegem / Fazil Iskander
Chechnya, a brief explanation / Georgi Derluguian [ndr]
Evening prayers / Idris Bazorkin
VII: Revolution [WW1b RREV3]
The Communist Manifesto / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
The background of revolution / Edward Hallett Carr [ndr]
Revolution and the front / Viktor Shklovsky [319-325]
Letters from the front / Olʹga Chaadaeva, compiler [326-330]
The withering away of the state / Vladimir Lenin (V.I. Ulianov)
Voices of revolution, 1917 / Mark Steinberg, editor [336-338| NB! 1917my12
re-Need for newspapers -- IE=The most advanced media of pbl information
available (337-8), and NB! 1917de19 re-Soviet betrayal by WW1 truce, by selling
Russia out to GRM]
Gedali / Isaac Babel
Two years among the peasants in Tambov Province / A. Okninsky
VIII: Building a new world from old
Make way for winged Eros / Aleksandra Kollontai
The bathhouse / Mikhail Zoshchenko
We : variant of a manifesto / Dziga Vertov
The travels of my brother Aleksei to the land of peasant utopia / Aleksandr
Learning to labor / Anastasiia Bushueva
Stalin's forgotten Zion / Robert Weinberg
IX: Rising Stalinism
Lenin's "last testament" / Vladimir Lenin
The body and the shrine / Nina Tumarkin
Soviet literature : the richest in ideas / Andrei Zhdanov
Swell the harvest / Shock brigade of composers and poets
Dizzy with success / Joseph Stalin
The war against the peasantry, 1929-30 / Lynne Viola et al., editors
Collectivization 1931 / Ivan T. Tvardovskii
Anna's story / James Riordan, editor and translator
The proletariat's underground paradise / Irina Kokkinaki
X: The Great Terror
Bukharin 1936 / J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov, editors
Mass attack on the watershed / Maxim Gorky et al.
Requiem / Anna Akhmatova
Memories and biographies of the Leningrad terror / Leningrad Martyrology
Revelations from the Russian archives / Diane P. Koenker and Ronald D, Bachman,
Labor camp socialism / Galina Ivanova
Spies and murderers in the guise of physicians and scientists / V. Minayev
XI: The war years
June 1941 : the enemy will be destroyed / Leningrad Pravda
Magnificent stubbornness / Vasilii Grossman
Wait for me / Konstantin Simonov
Smolensk roads / Konstantin Simonov
The blockade diary of A.I. Vinokurov
The diary of a Red Army soldier / S.F. Putiakov [sld.dnv]
Tragic numbers : the lives taken by the war / Olʹga Verbitskaia
The paradox of nostalgia for the front / Viacheslav Kondratʹev
XII: The thaw
March 5th, 1953 / Yevgeny Yevtushenko
The Secret Speech / Nikita Khrushchev
The defense of a prison-camp official / Anna Zakharova
Who lives better? / Giuseppe Boffa
When did you open your eyes? / Boris I. Shragin
The last trolley / Bulat Okudzhava
XIII: Russians abroad, near and far
Russian Harbin / E.P. Taskina
China / Aleksandr Vertinskii
From Harbin, home / Natalʹia Ilʹina
On the banks of the Seine / Irina Odoevtseva
108th Street / Sergei Dovlatov
XIV: Life under advanced socialism
Communal living in Russia : stories and thoughts / Ilya Utekhin, Alice
Nakhimovsky, Slava Paperno, and Nancy Ries
Trial of a young poet : the case of Joseph Brodsky
The most well-read country in the world / S.S. Vishnevskii, editor
International relations at the Lenin Library / Galina Koltypina
Moscow circles / Benedict Eroftev
The Soviet middle class / Maya Turovskaya
Anecdotes of the times
Partisans of the full moon / Akvarium
XV: Things fall apart
The most responsible phase of perestroika / Mikhail Gorbachev
Causes of the collapse of the USSR / Alexander Dallin
Our fairy-tale life / Nancy Ries
Getting by / Valerii Pisigin
XVI: Building a new world, again
Burying the bones / Orlando Figes
Pyramids and prophets / Eliot Borenstein
My precious capital / Mikhail Ryklin (sp?)
Fade to red? / Masha Lipman
Casual / Oksana Robski
Anecdotes about new Russians -- Return to the motherland / Irina Sandomirskaia
<>Barthas,Louis| a{1879}e{1952}n{}o{
*2004:NH.CT,YUP|_Poilu: The World War I Notebooks of Corporal Louis Barthas,
Barrelmaker 1914-1918| EBy >Strauss,Edward M| ((426pp ndx| WW1b sld.vqt
France's version of "Tommy Atkins" was the poilu ("hairy one"). A
35-year-old small-town barrel maker who fought from 1914 to 1918 and
meticulously documented his experiences, creating a rare account of serving in
the Great War for so long. CF=Emilio Lussu (above) He was encouraged in this by
his comrades and even continued the endeavor after returning home. In the end,
he created 19 notebooks, the contents of which fill a chapter each here. Barthas
also sent numerous postcards home (a section of reproductions shows some of
these) and relied on them to re-create events at a physical and temporal remove.
The result, while sometimes dense, is an uncommonly immediate account of one
man's lengthy war experience. The index will help those doing research on
particular regiments as well as those searching for information on such topics
as smells, fraternization on the battlefield
<>Beattie,Bessie| a{}e{}n{}o{}
*`1918:N.NY|_The_Red Heart of Russia| ((trv wmn))
<>Bebel,August| a{}
*1906:on RREV1| ((G/PREV:197-8 rvw))
<>Bell,Gertrude.f.| a{1868}b{}c{}d{}e{1926}n{WW1 AfroAsia SaA}o{
*1920:LND|_Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia
*1927:Letters of Gertrude Bell [E-TXT]
*1914je26:NYT [E-TXT]
*2003:James Buchan [TXT]
[pseud. of Bugaev]| a{
|_Petersburg| ((prm blt hst RREV1))
--| “Revolution and Culture” [RB-C]
>Berdiaev,Nikolai Axr*| G/EUA
<>Bertie,Francis| a{}n{}o{stt.srv Amb.irx
*1924:LND|_The_Diary of Lord Bertie of Thame, 1914–1918| 2vv| EBy Lady
Algernon Gordon Lennox| Foreword by Viscount Grey of Fallodon| ((WW1b PRS dvn
good account| GBR Amb.irx to FRN))
Vxi*|>Bervi-Flerovskii,Vasilii Vxi*|>BFl|>BrvVV| a{1829ap28
Most pst by pseud,thus most cannot identify
*1859:JMlwx#3|re.ENG lwx
*1862?| “Pis’mo V. V. Bervi k predvoditeliam dvorianstva”|In YMI:54-55| ((8x11
w/YMI| prm dvr.mtg))
*1869:SPB|_Polozhenie rabochego klassa v Rossii| ((>PRK|prm Mrx
prl krx trv|not systematic study,but empassioned reportage, “to be read w/bated
breath”[VRR:488] 872:2nd ed. destroyed at press by stt|Only few survived, re-prt
in BFl,Izb v1 abv))
*1870:71; Nedel’|re.vlg.o
*1871:1894; |_Azbuka sotsial’nykh nauk|Several?? vv|:1871-1894| ((prm scx
pbl.scs| CF:GrkM vsp re.TolL))
*1872:SPB|_Issledovaniia po tekushchim voprosam| ((prm PRS.cmn
G/RRE:172-3, LiN#7/8:176))
*1872:G&K:33?-52| “Klassicheskaia strana krupnogo zemlevladeniia”| ((IREland lnd
brz ekn.trx idl MllJS))
*187?:SPB|_Na zhizn’ i smert’: Izobrazhenie idealistov| ((Hkd BRN#25| prm
*1932:LiN#2:55-74|“Neizdanaia stat’ia”|Introductory article by Lev
Kamenev,“Marks o Flerovskom”| ((prm Mrx hst.gph))
*1897:LND|_Tri politicheskie sistemy: Nikolai I, Aleksandr II, i Aleksandr
III; vospominaniia...| ((NYP cat|8x11-Brv| prm vsp N-1 A-2 A-3 plt.mvt
plt.clt|543 pp|GRM tlng made))
*1915mr:GoM#3:134-82; 4 #4:144-66; #5:122-42; more in 1916??| “Vospominaniia”|
((8x11-Brv| Re-prt (more complete?) of Tri abv| LTF held rights to vsp))
*1929:MVA-LGR|_Zapiski revoliutsionera mechtatelia|Edited with a
foreword by M. Klevenskii| ((NYP & HoT cat| prm vsp A-2 plt.mvt|shorted version
of GoM vsp; bxo ndx))
*1958:MVA|_Izbrannye ekonomicheskie proizvedeniia v dvukh tomakh|
((OWN prm ekn))
|_O muchenike Nik.... [IISG]
Nikolaevskii on what Marx thought about Bervi's 1869:Polozhenie... [TXT]
J| a{1862}e{1927
|_The_Russian Advance|NYC:1903| ((prm trv SIB TolL))
}s{}t{}8{}t pbd))
<>Bezborodko 1799:memo on reform [Raeff2:70-74]
A| a{
*1908no| “Ironiia”| In SoS,5:269-73
*1908no| “Narod i intelligentsiia”| SoS,5:259-68| Translated as “The People and
the Intelligentsia” in Raeff3:359-63|
*1918ja19| “Intelligentsiia i revoliutsiia”| SoS,5:396-406| Translated in
*1908de| “Stikhiia i kul’tura”| SoS,5:274-83
*1918mr| “Iskusstvo i revoliutsiia (Po povodu tvoreniia Richarda [?sp]
Vagnera)”| SoS,5:408-12| ((wrx&xdj G/1920 blw))
*1918my| “Katilina: Stranitsa iz istorii mirovoi Revoliutsiia”| In SoS,5:449-50|
Translated as “Catiline: A Page from the History of World Revolution”| In
*1920:|_Iskusstvo i revoliutsiia| ((UO| G/1918mr abv))
*1920:BRL|_Rossiia i intelligentsiia| ((UO| OWN| prm ntg blt| 71p|
Gathered Narod i Int, Stikhiia i kul’tura, Intelligentsiia i rev”, etc))
*1971:MVA|_SoS v shesti tomakh| 5 vols| ((OWN))
*1975:O.ENG|_The_Poet and the Revolution: Aleksandr Blok’s The Twelve|
Russian text of the poem,plus translation]| EBy Sergei Hackel | ((PG3453.B6d857|
prm stx RREV mnt clt blt))
<>Blokh,Ivan Stanislavovich|>Bloch,Jan
Gotlib|>Blioch|>De Bloch,Jean|>BlxIS| a{1836}b{POL}c{POL
WZA}e{1901 (1902?)}n{pcxist crt mltism}o{rrd apx stt.srv
Polish-born of Jewish family; converted in St.Petersburg to his wife's religion,
SPB| Russian imperial railroad administrator, grew wealthy in connection with
railroad business
*1898: First RUS edition, 6vv| *1899:ENG translation = _The_Future of war in
its technical, economic, and political relations; Is war now impossible?
E-TXT sites] ((WW1a
*1983:LA.CA,Center for the Study of Armament and Disarmament, California State
University LA|>Van Den Dungen,Peter|_The_Making of Peace: Jean De Bloch and
the First Hague Peace Conference| ((8x11:WW1a full txt))
*2000:War in History#7|>Welch,Michael| [In re. 1899] "...British Publication of
... Bloch's Is War Now Impossible..."| ((E-TXT))
*--Sheehan.WHERE:28-45, 71-2
*--Jewish Encyclopedia [E-TXT]
<>Bobrovskaia,Cecilia| a{
*:|_Twenty Years in Underground Russia: Memoirs of a Rank and File Bolshevik|
((UO prm vsp wmn SDs(b) RREV1 RREV2 RREV3))
<>Bonch-Bruevich,M| a{}n{WW1b WW1c
*1966:MVA|_From Tsarist General to Red Army Commander| ((UO))
<>Brusilov,Aleksei Alekseevich| a{}n{WW1b}o{mlt.dnv
*1971:Westport CN,Greenwood reprint of *1930:L.ENG|_A_Soldier's
Note-book,1914-1918| ((UO))
a{1854}e{1924}n{WW1b RREV2}o{AMB.irx gvt.srv
dgt =>Buchanan,Muriel
*1923:B.MA,Little,Brown and Co|_My mission to Russia and other diplomatic
memories|>Buchanan.MISSION (())
Marxists Internet Archive
*1915-1917:|_Imperialism and World Economy| Introduced by Vladimir Lenin. New
York City: 1967| (( HB501.B84613 |
E-TXT ))
*1918:NYC,Communist Party of America|_Program of the Communists (Bolshevists)||
Pamphlets on Communism, v1 #11| Collected by Tom Burns| (( UO Rare bks 335.408
P191 ))
*1920:MVA|>Bukharin,Nikolai,and Evgenii A. Preobrazhenskii|_The_ABC of
Communism: A Popular Explanation of the Program of the Communist Party of
Russia| Introduction by Sydney Heitman. Ann Arbor: 1966| ((HX314.B822|
E-TXT | Other tlng = _ABC of Communism| Translated by Eden and Cedar
Paul,with an introduction by E. H. Carr. LND: 1969|
*1921:MVA|_“The New Economic Policy of Soviet Russia”| ((E-TXT|
Also in Lnn.New:43-61 ))
*1922:MVA| “Bringing Up the Young Generation” in RBV1:55-61| ((edc chd clt))
*:|_Politics and Economics of the Transition Period| tlng of _Teoriia
proletarskoi diktatury| Edited by Kenneth Tarbuck. LND: 1979. JC474.B7413
*1929:MVA|_Imperialism and World Economy|| IBy Vladimir Lenin| ENG tlng.
NYC:1967| ((UO))
--|On factionalism [RRC,3] ((fxn))
*1935:NYC|>Bukharin,N. I.,A. M. Beborin,Y. M. Uranovsky,S. I. Vavilov,V. L.
Komarov and A. I. Tiumeniev|_Marxism and Modern Thought| (( HB501.M5M3 ))
*1982:Armonk NY|_Selected Writings on the State| Introduced by Stephen F. Cohen
and Ken Coates| (( HB97.5.B854 ))
*1973:NYC|>Cohen,Stephen F.|_Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political
--|>Larina,Anna (Bukharin's widow)|_This I cannot forget| ((UO))
Internet Archive bio
<>Bulgakov,Sergei Nxi*| a{871}e{944}n{}o{phl
*1979:Belmont MA,Nordland Pub. Co|_Karl_Marx as a religious type: his
relation to the religion of anthropotheism of L. Feuerbach| IBy Donald W.
Treadgold| ((Mrx&rlg FrbL))
*2000:NH,YUP|_Philosophy of economy: The world as household| T.E.&IBy
Catherine Evtuhov| ((ekn.trx))
*--In RB-C| “An Urgent Task”
*--In SUQ:299-309| “Meditations on the Joy of the Resurrection”|
<>Bunyan,James, ed|>IC&C|_Intervention, Civil
War, and Communism in Russia, April-December, 1918: Documents and Materials|
((UO| WW1b WWlc RREV3| Red Army:266-76))
<>Bunyan,James and Fisher,HH, eds|>|_The
Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918: Documents and Materials| *1934:S.CA,SUP|
ch5, "The Armistice": 232-75| sct.B, "The Bolsheviks and the Allies"
*1917no21(NS):Trt invited Allies to join the negotiations w/GRM:242-51
*1917no25(NS):USA threatens RUS w/embargo on fnc credit and supplies:249-51
*1917no29(NS):Another SSR invitation to Allies to join negotiations w/GRM:271-2
Constituent Assembly:338-99
Gwrx:400-475| CAU front []:451-9
*1917oc25(NS):Moldavian Military Congress met and agreed to union w/RUS:462-3
ISL peoples:465-74
Red Army:566-74
<>Butt,V.P. et al. eds|_The_Russian Civil War:
Documents from the Soviet Archives|>RGwrx| ((WW1b WW1c Σwrx&REV Gwrx prm.sbk|
pt.3:124-76= "The Kaleidoscope of War"))
<>Catherine II, Empress of Russia| a{
*1767jy19:|_Nakaz ... dannyi Kommissii o sochinenii proekta novago
ulozheniia|_Catherine the Great’s Instruction (Nakaz) to the Legislative
Commission|EBy and TBy Paul Dukes| Series:Russia under Catherine the
Great,v2|Newtonville MA:ORP,1977| ((DK171 .R87|129p bbl:39-41| prm lwx.kmm tUt
C-2 RUS2))
*1785|_The_Charters to the Nobility, Towns, and State Peasants| EBy David
Griffiths and George Munro| ((dvr grd stt.srf)) | The Memoirs of Catherine the
Great|TBy Katharine Anthony|NYC:1927| ((DK170.A5|UO special collections| prm vsp
C-2 stt))
|_Voltaire and Catherine the Great: Selected Correspondence|TEby A. Lentin,with
foreword by Elizabeth Hill|C.ENG:CUP,1974| ((PQ2084.C313| prm C-2 idl))
*1931:C.ENG|_Documents of Catherine the Great| EBy William F. Reddaway| prm noUO
:|>Alexander,John T|_Autocratic Politics in a National Crisis (1969)
--------|_Emperor of the Cossacks: Pugachev and the Frontier Jacquerie of
1773-1775. Lawrence KS:1873. DK183.A45
--------|_Catherine the Great: Life and Legend. Oxford UP. DK170.A58
|>Donnert, Erich|_Russia in the Age of Enlightenment. Leipzig:1985. DK127.D6613 |
|>Jones, Robert Edward|_The_Emancipation of the Russian Nobility, 1762-1785.
Princeton:1973. HT647.J65
|>Madariaga, Isabel de|_Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great. New Haven:1981.
|>Raeff, Marc, ed|_Catherine the Great: A Profile. NYC:1972
a{}n{theorist of peasant or village culture| Called static peasant way of life a “mode of production”
[contradicted orthodox followers of Mrx [EG] &
Lenin [EG] who denied existence of
independent "village" mode of production] Susan Solomon, _The_Soviet Agrarian
Debate ((UO)) described how Chaianov has been called “neo-populist” |
Katerina Clark, “The City versus the Countryside in Soviet Peasant Literature of
the Twenties: A Duel of Utopias”, in Blw.clt, explored
the neo-Slavophile [ID] side of
Chaianov's theoretical accomplishments or failures must be placed in the context
of the profound changes being worked on rural populations in the early phases of
industrialization [EG]
*1920:”The Journey of My Brother Alexei to the Land of Peasant Utopia” |
pseud=Kremnev,Ivan| tlng in Smith,R.E.F.,RUS krx,1920-1984:63-106| (())
*1966:Homewood IL|_The_Theory of the Peasant Economy|
1.The family farm husbandry
4.vulnerability to complex web of powerful outsiders|
Chaianov had much influence on Shanin,Awkward [ID]
Edelman,krx.prl:14-19 summary = “The continuing
vitality of the community was supposed to bind peasant to each other in
opposition to the outside forces of landlords, governments, markets, and
(one should add) other villages. This last view dominated Shanin’s conception of
the political sociology of the peasantry. With its strong emphasis on the
centripetal forcers in the village, Shanin’s approach left little room for the
formation of the true social classes in general and rural proletariat in
particular. The dominant struggle on the land then became one of united insiders
versus outsiders rather than of rich against poor within the village”[19] SAC
editor added boldface above in order to raise this question = Why has Edelman
written "in opposition to" rather than “in dynamic factional relationship with”?
Is it because he sees politics as struggle of one against all rather than as a
process of constant rebalancing among various overlapping interests?] | Q's
economic views are similar to Robert Redfield's anthropological views
[EG#1=HM131.R38 | EG#2=GT5650.R4] = village life over many centuries and in many
areas of the world can be seen as a closely knit and harmonious network of
interpersonal relations and kinship patterns
Vxi*| a{
*1905:LND|_Russia in Revolution:193-206| ((vsp “recorded” by G. H. Perris|
M|>QerVM| a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{
SRs leading figure
*1918ja:Constituent Assembly elected him president
*:|_Great Russian Revolution| ((DK265.c48 UqS)) vsp in
<>Chernova,Olga E.
[Chernova-Kolbasina]|>QeraOE| a{
--|_New Horizons:Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution| Westport CN:1975
[L.ENG:1936]| (( prm RREV vsp SRs))
--|vsp of krx.rbx,RREV2 [Page.RR]
G|>QrnNG| a{}n{}o{journalist| LOOP
<>Churchill,Winston| a{1874}e{1965}n{}o{
*1931:NYC,Scribner's:|_The_Unknown War: The Eastern Front|>Churchill.UNKNOWN|
((WW1b EEUR))
<>Curzon,George Nathaniel| a{}n{}o{}
*1889:LND,Cass|*1967:NYC|>Curzon.RUS|_Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian Question| a{prm}o{irx MPR
"Curzon's controversial life in public service stretched from the high noon of his country's empire
to the traumatized years following WW1. As viceroy of India under Queen Victoria and foreign secretary
under King George V, the obsessive and tempestuous Lord Curzon left his unmistakable mark on the era -- a remarkable
public career but also a turbulent private life, with its infamous vendettas, many long friendships, and passionate,
risky love affairs. [...] Born into the ruling class of what was then the world's greatest power, Curzon was a fervent
believer in British imperialism who spent his life proving he was fit for the task. His prodigious energy made him the
most traveled minister ever to sit in a British cabinet, a writer of immense volumes on Asia
[EG=IRN & IND], and a compulsive restorer
of ancient buildings in Britain and India"--Jacket blurb on David Gilmour's 684p
book, *2003:<i>_Curzon....</i> [UO]
<>Daly,Jonathan and Trofimov,Leonid, eds|
*2009:IN.I,Hackett|_Russia in War and Revolution, 1914-1922: A Documentary
History|>RWR| ((OWN prm.sbk 8x11 Σwrx&REV
WW1b+ RREV2 RREV3 vqt| ToC =
Revolution triumphs
The revolution reaches the provinces [gbx]
Praise and criticism of the revolution
Revolution and the village [krx vlg]
Revolution and religion [rlg]
Revolution and the war [mlt.rpt]
The provisional government in decline [VRM]
Soviet power is born
Soviet power spreads to the provinces
"Enemies of the people"
Socialist dreams
The Bolsheviks go to the village
Matters of survival
Building Socialism
Soviet Russia and the world [SOV&wrl irx]
The fate of the constituent assembly [>Pitch]
Worker unrest [wrk prl]
Red terror [trr]
Reds versus Whites and those in between [Gwrx]
Peasants in revolt
The birth of new nations
The Kronstadt Rebellion [sld.rbx]
The new economic policy and the countryside [NEP in gbx]
Political consolidation of the Bolshevik Regime
The new Soviet Society
Soviet culture : from liberation to subjugation [SSR.clt]
The revolution's heirs|
Many sources appear in English for the first time here. The book deals
w/revolutionaries' aspirations as well as the ways in which the Revolution
affected the lives of ordinary people, from the workers of Petrograd to Siberian
peasants and Ukrainian Jews [UKR Jwx]
<>Dawson,Coningsby| a{1883}e{1959}n{WW1b}o{
*1917:NYC,John Lane Co|_Carry On: Letters in Wartime|>Dawson.CARRY|
E-TXT| with an intro and
notes by father >Dawson,W.J. ((UO| WW1b vqt sld.ltr~| Battlefield details =
41, !!=46-51, 57-60, 62-5, 69-71, !!=75-88, 98-100, 118-19, 128-30(re.WW1c
how hard post-wrx life will be)| A fine moment from the trenches = "A former age
expressed itself in Gregorian chants; ours, no less sincerely, disguises its
feelings in ragtime" [127]
*1917fe06:British artillery officer Dawson wrote that “bigness of soul” is what
makes nations great. The war, he said, was a
prolonged moment of exultation for most of us. [...] These men, in the noble indignation of a great ideal, face a worse hell than the most ingenious of fanatics ever planned or plotted. Men die scorched like moths in a furnace, blown to atoms, gassed, tortured. And again other men step forward to take their places well knowing what will be their fate. Bodies may die, but the spirit of England grows greater as each new soul speeds upon its way [ltr#49:132].
This letter was a controlled but bitter complaint about USA slowness to join
wrx. This reluctance revealed the hollow qualities of USA pop culture -- "Money,
comfort, limousines and ragtime. I hate the thought of Fifth Avenue, with its
pretty faces, its fashions, its smiling frivolity. America as a great nation
will die, as all coward civilizations have died, unless she accepts the stigmata
of sacrifice, which a divine opportunity again offers her" [131]. Dawson
measured the superior greatness of England in terms of the number of casualties
it could afford. Dawson saw a direct correlation between the number of
casualties and the size of the English spirit. In Dawson's view, each time a
soldier dies, the soul of the nation grows.
<>Day,Richard B, and >Gaido,Baniel eds|
*2001:Brill|_Discovering Imperialism: Social Democracy to World War I|>Day.SDs|
((E-TXT| MPR WW1a| EG=
Some scx dddists thought gnr.zbs and violent rvs was best remedy for WW1, others
thought disarmament, arbitration and end of old-regime style secret diplomacy
would do that job| This prm.sbk concentrates on Central EUR = LxmR and KtkK give
evidence of Fischer,Fritz trx = GRM was mltistic as counterpoise of rising
wage-labor mvt| Also, some might say that Bauer and Hilferding teach us that
OST.MGR ntnQ promoted mltism. There is connection as between OST.MGR
ntn.policies and Sarajevo dth.a, but must be careful to distinquish dms ntnQ frm
OST MPR expansion into YUG
<>Degras,Jane,ed| a{}n{SSR irx}o{}
*1951-1953:|_Calendar of Soviet documents on Foreign Policy,1917-1941| 3vv |
((UO prm.sbk))
*1951:LND|_Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy| v1, 1917-1924| v2, 1925-1932| v3,
1933-1941| ((prm.sbk))
*1956-1965:LND|_The_Communist International,1919-1943: Documents|3vv| ((prm.sbk
Inx3 Comintern))
<>De Leon,Daniel| a{852}e{914}
*1920:NYC,National Executive Committee, Socialist Labor Party|_James Madison
and Karl Marx: A Contrast and a Similarity; Two Articles| ((UO Mds Mrx
plt.clt USA2.cst 30p lxt 1889:1913;1st pbd))
<>Denikin,Anton Ivn*|
*1922:LND|_The_Russian Turmoil: Memoirs, Military, Social, and Political
*1973:Westport,CN,Hyperion|_The_White Army| ((UO| ))
<>Dixon,William Hepworth| a{}n{R&A}o{
*1867?:|_New America | ((UO | Traveled in USA west w/ Dilke,Charles
Wentworth | Mormans, ch.XVI-ch.XXXIII, pp.114-219))
*1870:|_Free Russia | ((SUMMIT | ch.24-ch.33, pp. 135-186, religious
dissent and "Old-Believers" [Old-Ritualists (StO)] ))
*1872:LND|_Secret History of "The International" Working Men's Association|
Pseudonym= Yorke,Onslow| ((noUO| tntn.orx| *1862:1870; Ntx1 origins &
increasingly fraught hst| ~~ 1862:wrl.vst, Nap3 FRN/GRM irx conflict| w/spc
emphasis on avocational ID of dddists| vs-Bkn vs-Mrx pro-Tolain| very
[ID] & his
conflation of wrx w/rvs))
*1870:LND|>Barry,Herbert|_Russia in 1870, offered serious critique of D
on Russia| ((SUMMIT| Barry had been dtr of Chepeleffsky [Chepelevskii] lnd and
iron works in VLA TMB & NNG gbx~| He also pst Russian Metallurgical Works
| G/kbk for more Barry "Ivan at Home"| These 2 kng~ available in E-TXT))
<>Dobranitskii,M| a{}n{}o{
*1924:Proletarskaia revoliutsiia#8–9(31–32):73–75| "Zelenye partizany (1918–1920
g.g.)"| ((krx.rbx vs-SDs(b) Gwrx))
*1926:MVA|_Sistematicheskii ukazatel' literatury po istorii russkoi
revoliutsiii| ((REF bbl))
<>Dorosh,Harry| a{
*1944:NYC|_Russian Constitutionalism| ((342.47 D737|plt.clt cst rfm Wbr?| USA
?beginnings of CWX.hst.gph| “a sketch” but w/attention to cst idl of DKB| ch on
rfm A-2,emphasizing lbx gnt & Vlv.rxn| rdx= main threat,& spc ch on LMeM cst prj
shows better future squelched by rvs))
<>Dorr,Rheta Childe| a{1866}e{1948}n{WW1b
RREV2}o{jrn trver wmnist
}p{ Progressive Era socialist party~| Drifted away after WW1
*1917:NYC,Macmillan|_Inside the Russian Revolution|>Dorr.INSIDE|
((243pp| E-TXT
~~Pankhurst, Vyrubova and certain RUS high qnv))
*:|_A Soldier's Mother in France| ((E-TXT))
<>Dostoevskii,Fedor M|>Dostoevsky,Fedor|
a{}n{world fame}o{writer| LOOP
--|Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
--|Notes from the Underground
--|The Possessed
--|Brothers Karamazov
<>Drahomaniv,Mykhailo Ptr*|>Dragomanov,Mikhail
Ptr*|>DrhMP| a{}n{}o{UKR ntn plt pundit
*1905:PRS|_Collected Works??|EBy Bogdan Kistiakovskii| ((noUO))
*1952:NYC|_A_Symposium and Selected Writings: The Annals of the Ukrainian
Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U. S. 2/1| ((noUO UKR))
<>Durnovo,Petr N| a{
--|>Aldanov,Marc,on Durnovo,PN in Moh.RR
<>Dziewanowski,M. K.,ed|
*1970:NYC|_The_Russian Revolution: An Anthology| ((Contains=
<>Eastman,Max| a{
*:|_Trotsky:Portrait of a Youth| ((??noUO| chd.Trt))
<>Emin,Ahmed ed|_Turkey in the World War|
*1930:P.NJ,PUP (CE.irx.pcx)|>Emin.TRK| ((UO 8x11:WW1a
WW1b WW1c OTM.TRK| NO.ndx!! Emin was formerly CST.unv prf of xtx))
<>Engelbrecht,H.C., and >Hanighen,F.C|_The_Merchants of Death: A
Study of the International Armament Industry|>Engelbrecht.MERCHANTS|
*1934:NYC,Dodd Mead & Co| ((WW1 MIC *2011au30:Reissued as E-TXT by the "Ludwig
von Mises Institute"
[ID] with
this blurb =
Here is the archetype of all post–World War I revisionism of a particular variety: the hunt for the people who made the big bucks off the killing machine. [...The] manifesto of a generation of people who swore there would not be and could not be another such war. || But here is the kicker: it was coauthored by the founder of Human Events, the conservative weekly. So this is no left-wing screed against profiteering. It is a careful and subtle, but still passionate, attack on those who would use government to profit themselves at the expense of other people's lives and property. || Here is a sample of the ideological orientation: "The arms industry did not create the war system. On the contrary, the war system created the arms industry.… All constitutions in the world vest the war-making power in the government or in the representatives of the people. The root of the trouble, therefore, goes far deeper than the arms industry. It lies in the prevailing temper of peoples toward nationalism, militarism, and war, in the civilization which forms this temper and prevents any drastic and radical change. Only when this underlying basis of the war system is altered, will war and its concomitant, the arms industry, pass out of existence." [boldface & underlining is by SAC ed]|| This book is a wonderful example of what Rothbard called the "Old Right" in its best form. The book not only makes the case against the war machine; it provides a scintillating history of war profiteering, one authoritative enough for citation and academic study. One can see how this book had such a powerful effect. || Why re-release this book now [2011]? The war profiteers are making money as never before. They are benefiting from conflict as never before. Everything in this book has not only come to pass but as been made worse by a million times. So this treatise is more necessary than ever. || This is the real heritage of the American RightCF=Butler.War))
<>Englund,Peter| a{1957}b{SWD}n{}o{}
*2011:NYC,Knopf|_The_Beauty and the sorrow: An intimate history of the First
World War|Englund.Beauty| ((WW1b vqt))
<>Fanon,Frantz| a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{
*1963:NYC,Grove|_The_Wretched of the Earth| ((MPR ntn.ndp| Mau Mau[10] Enx|Anti-Duhring[63] *1810:SPN|Nap1[64]
mlt origins of MPR evolve into wrl.mkt[65] BRL.Cnf on AFR[66] rlg as pacifyer[67]
Idealized leaders of failed resistance to MPR[69]*1954jy:VTN Dien Bien Phu[70] *1956:ALG[61]
wrx:73f | FREV krx:75 | EREV#2 mixes w/EREV#3 Twrl and CWX:77| ch="Concerning
Violence":35-106 (A central idl is this = MPR was wrx vs.non-EUR wrl, now
that all this is coming to an end, now that ntn-ndp=vs-MPR REV, what is needed
is "reparations", as forced on GRM after WW2)| ch="Colonial War and Mental
<>Fedorov,Nikolai Fdr*|
“The Christian Origins of Freedom”. In SUQ: 281-296
“The Restoration of Kinship Among Mankind”. In SUQ: 175-224
Breath of Freedom| ((prm sbk DKB
[This] is a compilation of translated primary source documents from the writings
of the men who participated in the Decembrist movement and its earlier
predecessor groups. The compiler, Vladimir Fyodorov, contributed a short chapter
detailing important historical background of the movement, as well as brief
historical introductions for each piece; otherwise, he simply lets the primary
evidence speak for itself. The personal writings of the Decembrists provide the
reader with a deeper and more complex understanding of their specific historical
circumstance and perspectives, to a greater degree than most secondary sources
would likely provide. This book allows the Decembrists to tell their own story,
to justify their revolutionary actions, and to articulate their mission in a way
that reflects the historical reality of the group. The documents include
published writings, personal correspondences, records of investigative trials
and procedures, diary entries, and other similar sources.
The first document presented is Mikhail Lunin's “A Look at the Secret Society in
Russia (1816-1826)” which was written after he had been sent into exile
following the dismantling of the group, and this short piece touches on many of
the overarching themes and ideas present in the other members' writing, and also
laid out the fundamental goals and ideals of the movement. For Lunin, the
movement was rooted in a group of individuals affected by the influence of
enlightenment ideals, and who saw themselves as the progressive champions of the
public interest within an autocratic monarchical political system. The desire
for the abolition of the system of serfdom, the establishment of a constitution
that ensured the rights of Russia citizens, and the advancement of Russian
politics and society into more modern form that reflected the contemporary civic
movements of other European nations, all combined to ignite the passions of the
men who would eventually challenge the Tzar. He also lends insight into an
interesting aspect of the members of the Decembrist groups, which is that it was
largely comprised of men of aristocratic origin. This characteristic contrasts
with other popular European revolutions of the time, and always jumped out to
me, personally, as strange. Lunin explained that their noble lineage had allowed
the men to develop and grow their talents, and therefore they felt obligated to
utilize those talents for the benefit of society as a whole. This sentiment was
echoed repeatedly by other members, such as Pestel, Ryleyev [Ryleev], and both
Muravyov [Murav'ev] brothers.
This collection of documents also lends insight into the complex personal
relationships between the members of the group. Alexander Muravyov wrote a piece
about his brother, Nikita, who became the head of the Northern Society, and the
respect and admiration that he felt for his brother is palpable to the reader.
Ivan Pushchin wrote a particularly moving piece about his great friend, the
Russian poet Pushkin, that detailed the conflicting desires to invite his
like-minded friend into the Society while at the same time wanting to protect
the Society and a high-profile man who had a reputation for fiery emotions and
questionable associations. Individual personalities and qualities can be
uniquely distinguished, such as Pestel's indelible energy, which is evident in
the passion and excitement shown through all of his writings. Kakhovsky's
respectful appeal to the Tzar about the Russian people speaks to his
resoluteness and certainty in his cause, even while enduring his sentence in
exile. The first-hand documents also allow the reader to glimpse into the
interpersonal dynamics of the revolutionaries, and trace the development of the
organization and the shifts that occur both internally and externally.
Above all, First Breath of Freedom provides a complex and multi-faceted
understanding of the Decembrist movement from first-hand perspective of the
individuals who initiated a movement that challenged the legitimacy of
autocratic rule in Russia. While ultimately unsuccessful, these documents prove
that the Decembrists created a well-organized, civic-minded, and intensely
passionate association of elite members who truly wanted to use their influence
and intellect for the benefit of the whole of Russian society. A later document
written by Lunin explains how their movement irreversibly changed the political
environment of Russia, and despite the repressive efforts of the monarch, that
there would be a new generation of 'freedom fighters', who could not forget the
civic ideals that the Decembrist fought to earn, and who would themselves also
fight for those ideals. In other words, the Decembrists lit a spark in the
hearts of the Russian people that could not easily be extinguished.
<>Feldman,Gerald, ed|
*1972:NYC,Wiley|_German Imperialism, 1914-1918: The Development of a
Historical Debate|>Feldman.MPR| ((SMT| 8x11:WW1b
prm.sbk w/Feldman commentary GRM MPR hst.gph Fischer,Fritz))
*--GO ndr Feldman
<>Florenskii,Pavel Axr*|
--|SUQ: 137-172| “On the Holy Spirit”
Vxi* |>Florovsky,Georges| a{893au29}b{ODE}c{USA}e{979au11}n{}o{rlg.phl
EUA Evraziistvo briefly = they ask right Q~ but give wrong A~
*1937:PRS|_Puti russkogo bogosloviia| *1991:Vil'nius photo reprint|
|*1979-1987:Belmont MA,Nordland|_Ways of Russian Theology| TBy Robert
Nichols| 2vv| ((|>FWT| G/GLOS|
OWN trx gnr.txt chx rlg dxv RUS2 RUS3))
--|RB-C| “In the World of Quests and Wanderings”
<>Fonvizen,Denis. 1779my:"Ta Hsüeh” and other
political essays [Raeff3:88-105]
<>Francis,David Rowland| a{}n{WW1 irx}o{
*To 1917:USA Amb.irx to RUS
*:|_The_Papers of David Rowland Francis,American Ambassador to Russia:
1916-1918. University Publications of America. flm (11 reels)
*:|_Dollars and Diplomacy: Ambassador David Rowland Francis and the Fall of
Tsarism,1916-1917. Edited by Jamie H. Cockfield. Durham NC: 1981. E183.8.r9f65
*:|_Russia From the American Embassy. 947.084 F847
Clay,Catherine B| "Responsibility in an Untried Field"
<>Freeze,Gregory L.,ed|
*1988:O.ENG|_From Supplication to Revolution: A Documentary Social History of Imperial Russia
[through 1906]| ((OWN |>FFS prm.sbk pbl|RREV1=part 3:197-309|
dxv dvr kpq mww krx))
<>Gankin,Olga Hess and Fisher,Harold Henry
(1890-) eds| a{}n{UO prm.sbk WW1 RREV3 wrx&REV SDs(b) SDs(m) Ntx3}o{Fisher
*1940,1960:S.CA,SUP|>B&WW1|_The_Bolsheviks and the
World War: The Origins of the Third International| ((UO| 856pp The Hoover
library on war, revolution, and peace. Publication no. 15| "The documents in
this volume do not go beyond the autumn of 1918."--Preface| The bibliography
includes a list of periodicals and newspapers which have been cited or from
which material has been quoted, together with a brief sketch of the history of
those publications (p. 750-770) ToC =
The bolsheviks, the mensheviks, and the Second International
The activities of the bolsheviks abroad, 1914-1916
International socialist conferences, September, 1914-April, 1915
Tactics and dissensions of the Zimmerwald left
Stockholm: the third Zimmerwald conference
Chronology.--Bibliography (p. 729-770)--Biographical notes
FoA rvw))
<>Geiss,Immanuel,ed|_July, 1914: The Outbreak of the First World War,
Selected Documents| ((WW1a))
O| a{}n{ntg plt.clt RUS2}o{
*1909:MVA|_Tvorcheskoe samosoznanie| Reprint,Latchworth ENG: Prideaux P,1980.
*1909|_Vekhi| CLICK FOR SEVERAL EDITIONS| ((>Vexi| prm.sbk ntg RUS2|
*1923:MVA|_Istoriia molodoi Rossii: Analiz russkoi mysli i dushevnogo sostoianiia intelligentsii;
Pecherin, Stankevich, Granovskii, Galakhov, Ogarev i dr| ((| prm ntg RS0|
?includes 906:MVA kng on plt.idl Hzn? krj.StnNV))
*1986:CA Irving, Schlacks|_A_History of Young Russia| TBy ?| ((SUMMIT))
<>Gessen,I. V|
*1937:BRL|_ARR#22:?| “V dvukh vekakh:Zhiznennyi otchet”| ((GRS:81,115
prm vsp RREV1))
<>Golder,Frank Alfred|_Documents
of Russian History, 1914-1917|>GRH| *1927:NYC,Century|
(=poorly edited) WW1b RREV2 RREV3 wrx&REV| UO copy has anonymous marginal note,
surely a student, in pencil next to pgf in 1916no14(NS):MlkP spq in Dmx. MlkP sd
here we are in 27th mo. of WW1b, and we are the same as we were in 10th mo. or
1st mo., anxious to make great sacrificies to preserve ntn unity, but one thing
is different = "We have lost faith in the ability of this Government to achieve
victory". TSR gvt ignores Dmx efforts at addressing wrxtime problems. In the
margin next to this quote, anon. student wrote neatly = "read in March 1968,
when furor reached new heights on the Viet Nam question" [155] That was my first
spring teaching at UO| ))
Nxi*| a{}n{WW1| mlt.vsp & svt.quality, IE=prm & ndr qualities}o{mlt.ofr
*1900:gGWt akd
*1908:1913; GWt prf
*1914:1918; Chf.Staff of 7th Army on ROM
gte PRS vs.SDs(b)
~~rxn wing of BGv.mvt
*1939:1945; WW2 active collaborator w/FSHh & Vlasov mlt
Resistance Movement condemned him to dth.x, but he died suddenly
*1926:1936; PRS|_Iz istorii kampanii 1914 na Russkom fronte| 3vv|
*1931:NH.CT,YUP|_The_Russian Army in the World War| ((G/Shotwell|
*1935ap:SEER#13,39:571–596| "Brusilov's Offensive:
The Galician Battle of 1916"| (( but also
*1936ap:SEER#14,42:564–584| "The Russian War Plan of 1914"|
*1936jy:SEER#35,43:70–90: "The Russian War Plan of 1914: II. The Execution of
the Plan"|
In Adams.RR
In Moh.RR:206-220
*2014:MVA,Veche|_Rossiia v Pervoi mirovoi voine|_Россия в Первой мировой
войне|544pp| tlng of 1931
<>Gorky,Maxim|>GorM| a{}n{ RREV3 clt rvs
SDs(b) Lnn}o{
*1917-1918:PGR|_Untimely Thoughts: Essays on Revolution, Culture and the Bolsheviks,1917-1918|
*1946:MVA|>Gorky,Maxim |>Molotov |>Voroshilov |>Kirov |>Zhdanov
|>Stalin|_History of the Russian Revolution| 4vv|
w/Lnn [RRC,3]
*1977:L.ENG|>Gorky,Maxim |>Radek,Karl |>Bukharin,Nikolai |>Zhdanov,Andrei|_Soviet
Writers' Congress,1934: The Debate on Socialist Realism and Modernism in the
Soviet Union| ((mdn))
<>Got'e,Yurii Vladimirovich| a{}n{}o{prf
Time of Troubles: The Diary of Iurii Vladimirovich Got'e,Moscow,July 8,1917[,]
to July 23,1922. Translated by Terence Emmons. Princeton NJ: 1988. DK265.6.G66a3
<>Graham,Stephen| a{
*1917:NYC,MacMillan|_Russia in 1916|
*--Michael Hughes|_Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Time of Stephen Graham
<>Graves,William S| a{865}e{940}n{Gwrx irx
*1931NYC|_America's Siberian Adventure: 1918-1920|
<>Great Britain|
Foreign Office|
|_British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign
Office Confidential Print|
Part 1 (From the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the First World War) [WW1a],section
1:“Russia”| EBy Dominic Lieven| 6 vols| ((irx ENG))
Part 2 (From the First to the Second World War), section 1:“The Soviet Union”| 15vv| ((prm
irx ENG Cwrx RS1 RS2 RREV1 WW1b WW1c RREV2 RREV3 Gwrx NEP STL))
*:BRL|_Die Gewerkschaftsbewegung in Russland|2vv?| ((noUO unx wrk prl RREV1))
| Professional'noe dvizhenie v Rossii|SPB:1908| ((noUO))
*1967:I.NY|_International Communism in the Era of Lenin: A Documentary
History| ((prm HX40.G74))
*1970:Garden City NY|_Soviet Russia Masters the Comintern: International
Communism in the Era of Stalin's Ascendancy| ((prm Ntx3)) HX11.I567
<>Guchkov,Aleksandr Ivan|
*1936au09:PRS|_Poslednie novosti 5616| “Iz vospominanii...”| ((GRS:187
prm vsp RREV1))
<>Gurko,Vasilii Iosifovich|>Gourko,Basil|
}f{GO brt blw
*1919:NYC|_War and Revolution in Russia, 1914-1917|
>Gurko.WAR| Published in England under the title _Memories and
Impressions... [E-TXT]
((mlt.vsp wrx&REV WW1b WW1c RREV2 RREV3))
Iosifovich| a{862}b{}e{927}n{}o{stt.srv and pbl activist
Son of a field marshal and brother of a general (Vasilii or Basil abv)
*1885:Graduated from Moscow University
*1885:1902; Served in several bureaucratic posts
*1902:Appointed to a high post in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
*1906:Served briefly as assistant minister
After the 1905 Revolution, turned to zemstvo activity
*1912:Elected to the post-1905-Revolution State Council
*1917:Revolution ended his Russian career
*1890s:Two books on agrarian problems
*1922:PRS|Russkaia letopis'#2:94-99 etc| “Chto est' i chego net v
'Vospominaniiakh' grafa S. Yu. Vitte”| ((GRS:55,120 prm vsp
RREV1 stt.srv))
*1939:SUP|_Features and Figures of the Past: Government and Opinion in the Reign of Nicholas II|
((947.08 G936 prm stt pbl))
<>Hannah,James|_The_Great War Reader|>GWR|
*2000:College Station,TX| ((UO| prm.sbk WW1b|
pt1= History| pt2= Letters and diaries [mlt.ltr mlt.dnv sld.ltr]| pt3= Memoirs
[mlt.vsp]| pt4= Fiction))
*1945:CHI|_The_Russia I Believe In: The Memoirs of Samuel N. Harper, 1902-1941| ((OWN vsp
trv RREV1 hst.gph USA2))
<>Harcave,Sidney| a{}n{}o{}
|_First Blood: The Russian Revolution of 1905| ((>H05| RREV1 RUS3 noWbr|
aka _Russian Revolution of 1905
*1903:prg of SDs [H05:262-8]
*1904my04:Draft prg of SRs [H05:268-73]
*1904no:Zmv cng 11 theses [H05:279-81]
*1904de12:TSR ukaz to SNT [H05:282-5]
*1905ja09: Father Gapon and Ivan Vasimov, Workers' petition to TSR [H05:285-9]
*1905mr:05my; prg of Union of Lib [H05:273-9]
*1905oc18:Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik published Witte memo to TSR
*1905oc:KDs program [H05:292-300]
*2004|_Count Sergei Witte and the Twilight of Imperial Russia: A Biography| ((Wtt RREV1
TThe last decades if the Romanov dynasty saw serious threats to it's existence,
culminating in the revolution of 1917 that did finally topple the tsarist
government. However, from 1879 until 1906, the state was served by a very
energetic and capable administrator in the person of Sergei Witte. Witte served
in a variety of posts within the government during his career, the most
important as the first premier of Russia. His accomplishments are quite varied,
and he was involved in many of the major developments in Russia during his
tenure. Sidney Harcave's biography of Witte is the first biography of Witte in
the English Language. It is relatively short for such an important and active
individual, being just 270 pages. The biography begins with Witte's early life
in Southern Russia. After completing his university degree in Mathematics at
Odessa, he began his career as an executive for a private railroad based out of
Odessa. From here he was appointed by Tsar Alexander III to a position in the
Baranov Commission, with the intention of assessing the shortcomings of the rail
system in Russia. From here he was appointed to head the department of railroad
affairs, a huge leap in power, especially for someone as young as Witte.
Subsequently, Witte was appointed Minister of Ways and Communications by
Alexander, a post which allowed him direct access to the tsar. In 1892, Witte
was appointed to the important position of Minister of Finance. In this capacity
Witte was able to set policy for most economic activity in Russia. It was in
this capacity that he also oversaw construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway,
with railroading being his area of expertise. Witte personally considered his
greatest accomplishment as Minister of Finance overseeing Russia's transition to
the gold standard. In 1894, Alexander III dies and is succeeded by his son
Nicholas II. While Alexander and Witte got along quite well, with both being
confident and somewhat provincial in manner, Nicholas was a rather weak and
refined tsar that often took offense at the manners of Witte. The relationship
between the two would prove to be very problematic for Witte's future career. In
spite of this, Nicholas kept Witte as his Minister of Finance, both because of
his mother's influence and because of Witte's reputation for hard work and
competence. Because of Witte's work on the Trans-Siberian Railway, he found
himself immersed in Far East policy, and later disagreements over what direction
to take in the East would lead to his first political downfall. Another
important development of Witte's during his tenure as Minister of Finance was
the implementation of the so-called “Witte System,” a plan for industrialization
based around the construction of railroads to spur economic growth. However,
this system led to an incomplete industrial revolution in Russia. In 1903, Witte
was abruptly dismissed by the tsar as Minister of Finance on the advice of
Witte's political rivals, primarily by Plehve and Bezobrazov. For the next two
years Witte held positions of little importance, until selected by the tsar to
head to peace delegation at Portsmouth to conclude the Russo-Japanese War.
Though Russia had not fared well in the war, the agreement reached was very
favorable to Russia, which greatly increased Witte's prestige, and led to his
becoming Premier of the newly reformed Council of Ministers, a position similar
to that of Prime Minister, on his return to Russia. In this position Witte was
able to convince the tsar of the necessity of the October Manifesto and was able
to overhaul the Fundamental Laws. However, he faced intense opposition by those
both within and without his cabinet. As the cabinet that Witte formed was
intended to present very diverse views, it ended up being unworkable. Political
infighting eventually led to his resignation as Premier in April 1906. Witte
spent the remaining eight years of his life embittered to the tsar and the
figures that opposed him. Harcave does a good job of presenting the politics
involved with the ministries and Witte's cabinet, but does not do the best job
covering what Witte's actual policies were. Additionally, Harcave presents Witte
in an overwhelmingly positive light, only rarely criticizing him. Overall, this
is a good short biography.
1962:NYC|_Readings in Russian History| v1= ”From Ancient Times to the
Abolition of Serfdom”| v2= ”The Modern Period”| ((|>HRR| noUO & cannot locate
vender| OWN ndr.sbk|
Coolidge Plea for N.EUR hst
Chubaty Def.RUS & UKR
VoI periodization
Kerner Eastward frn mvt ASA MPR
Morrison Warm Water
MlkP EUAism
Toynbee BYZ Heritage
Obolensky BYZ
Rostovtzeff Origin of stt
Riasanovsky Norman.trx
KqvVO St.Sergius
Dewey 1479 Sudebnik
Raeff absolutism trx
Platonov I-4
Keep ZmS
VrnG srf
Spinka Nikon
Sumner P-1
Lipski Anna
Beloff dvr
Gorodetzky dxv scl
Lord 3rd POL rzm
Squire Tsct
Curtiss N-1 mlt
Raeff stt.srv
Tomoshenko skz stt prg &WW1b
Portal mfg
Sumner PSLV
Byrnes Pbd
Von Laue Witte
Baron Plx
Karpovich 2 lbx
Godwin Portsmouth RJwrx
Schapiro Vexi
Florinsky WW1b
Katkov GRM
Scott QKa
Utechin SDs(b)
Belov STL.skz
Jasny xtx
Labedz ntg
Gsovski chx lwx
Karpovich cnp
Matloff WW2
Mosely CWX
Gurian irx
<>Heald,Edward T| a{}e{}n{}o{trv
*1917mr:1917jy; [Letters] *947my:ASEER#6,1/2: [E-TXT]
ltr~ to wfe, very balanced| Less advocational that other trv
*:|_Witness to Revolution: Letters from Russia,1916-1919| Eby James B.
Gidney| ((noUO| WW1b WW1c RREV2 RREV3 trv))
<>Herzen,Alexander I|
Managed and edited "Russian Free Press"
[ID] with close associate Nikolai Ogarev
*1851se22:Letter to Michelet [TXT]
From the Other Shore/The Russian People and Socialism
*1857:1860s; Journal “Kolokol” | Edie,1:328-78 |
*:|_My Past and Thoughts (DK209.6.H4A353| Many editions)
*1980:O.ENG,OUP|_Childhood, Youth and Exile| Translated by J. D. Duff with an Introduction by
Sir Isaiah Berlin| ((chd))
*1984:I.NY,CUP|_Who is to Blame? A Novel in Two Parts| Translated and edited by Michael R. Katz
*1985:O.ENG,OUP|_Ends and Beginnings| Translated by Constance Garnett;edited by Aileen Kelly
and Humphrey Higgens
<>Hickey,Michael C., ed|_Competing voices from
the Russian Revolution: Fighting words (2011)|>HCV|
((UO entry has ToC| WW1:1-63
*1913:BRL|_Russland: Eine Einfuhrung auf Grund seiner Geschichte von 1904 bis
1912| ((frm Honigsheim ndr gnr RREV1 GRM.hst.gph Wbr idl of sham cst is
“exaggerated” and “one-sided”[Schultz“Constitution of 1906:45]))
<>Hilferding,Rudolf| a{}e{1941}n{SDs scs fnc trx
mrxism WW1 to WW2}o{
<>Hurewitz,JC| a{}e{}n{AfroAsia irx}o{
*1956:P.NJ,PUP|>HDE|_Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East: A
Documentary Revord| v1=1535-1914| v2=1914-1956| ((OWN UO| ))
<>Ilʹin-Zhenevskiĭ,Aleksandr Fdr*| a{1894}d{WW2
Soviet mlt apx, chess player, etc
*1984:LND,|_The_Bolsheviks in power: Reminiscences of the year 1918|>Il'in.1918|
((UO| WW1 Gwrx| Includes tlng.prm~
[This book] begins after the formation of the All-Russia Board for Organising
the Red Army on December 20th, 1917. Zhenevsky has returned from his role as a
soldier in WWI and through his connections he is able to attain the post of
secretariat to the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs in Petrograd. He
is immediately impressed by the Soviets' transformation of factories from the
role of munitions manufacturers to the creation of new tools and machines for
farmers. This is a main catalyst that influences his desire to become more
involved in the inner workings of the new government.
What this book accomplishes through its detailed analysis of the events that
took place in Petrograd between December 1917 and November 1918 (though it
concentrates mostly on the beginning of 1918), is to provide a first hand
account from a multi-faceted and interesting member of the Bolshevik party who
is determined to see Russia succeed without much regard to party politics. He
never actually enlists in the Red Army even though that would be thought of as
his patriotic duty. Zhevensky plays necessary if inconsequential roles during
the shifting of the government seat to Moscow, the First Conference of the Red
Army Men (as organizer) and the dismantling of the Left SR revolt.
A pressing issue that caused Zhenevsky much stress in his post was the
substantial growth of Bolshevik enrollment. Bolshevik Party membership had risen
from 23,600 in February 1917 to over 400,000 by the eve of the October
Revolution. Between April and November 1918, Petrograd's Military Commissariat
had sent off more than 48,000 troops. Petrograd was forced to send their
remaining army to face the newly replenished Finnish Front who were allied with
the Germans at the time. On the eve of what might have been a crucial and bloody
battle in Petrograd, the Finns had 'refined their task to the reclamation of
their homeland' and the city was not forced to fight.
Zhenevsky was steeped in the culture and politics of the formation of a new
government and army and does not delve much into his personal life. He spends a
full two sentences on his wife's suicide during the period of the German
encroachment on Petrograd. The importance and relevance of this book is
evidenced by the introduction, which states that Zhenevsky served Soviet Russia
in six main capacities: “as a journalist, soldier, military administrator,
historian, diplomat and chess player” (vii). The most important insights of the
book deal with the state of the Red Army and the poor conditions in which
Petrograd was to build its new army and government. Zhenevsky felt that it was
his duty to help in the creation of order and discipline in the new Army in
Petrograd which was made up of volunteers and those recommended by proletarian
comrades or party members. There was low self-esteem, lack of supplies, lack of
funding and deserters at the front line. Through his post as secretariat,
Zhevensky was able to alleviate some of the more pressing logistical and
financial issues that affected soldiers and workers and their families. The
reader is able therefore able to witness the every day problems that affect the
working class and soldiers.
The end of the book focuses on Zhenevsky's dissociation from his post due to
infighting within the District Commissariat of Military Affairs and his
appointment to work at the Supreme Military Inspectorate. This effectively ends
his work in his hometown of Petrograd and represents the beginning of a new life
“traveling all over Russia and helping along (the) still young efforts at
army-building in very part of the country” (156). Zhevensky's book is a short
164 pages yet manages to adhere to a linear and thought provoking narrative that
addresses many different facets of life in Petrograd during a time of political
and social upheaval. As a primary source document of life in Petrograd and a
chronicle of a short but important time during Russia's history, the book
succeeds in providing many examples of every day struggle in one of Russia's
most strategically and socially important cities.
--|RB-C| “Crisis of Individualism”
*1921:| Ivanov,Viacheslav, and >Gershenzon,Mikhail|_Correspondence from two
corners| ((dispute discussed by Florovskii))
<>Ivanov-Razumnik| a{}n{}o{
reflection on RREV 20 yrs after, on eve of WW2, in Moh.RR
<>Izvol'skii,Aleksandr Ptr*|>Izvolsky,AP
a{1856}e{1919}n{WW1+ RREV2}o{stt.srv AMB.Mirx
*1920:LND,Hutchinson|_The_memoirs of Alexander Iswolsky, formerly Russian
minister of foreign affairs and ambassador to France| ((UO))
*1921:Garden City NY|_Recollections of a Foreign Minister: Memoirs of
Alexander Iswolsky| TBy C. L. Seeger| ((E-TXT|
stt.srv vsp))
*1925:BRL,Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte m.b.H.|_Iswolski
im Weltkriege; der diplomatische Schriftwechsel Iswolskis aus den Jahren
1914-1917; neue Dokumente aus den Geheimakten der russischen Staatsarchive,
im Auftrage des Deutschen Auswärtigen Amtes, nebst einem Kommentar von
Friedrich Stieve| ?4vv| ((UO| WW1b crr))
*1926:NYC,Knopf|_Isvolsky and the world war, based on the documents recently
published by the German Foreign office| tlng of ?selections from GRM pbc
just above; "the following pages are based on that collection of documents"|
((UO, E-TXT too? WW1))
*1989:|_vsp| ((UO))
<>Kablits,II|>Yuzov,I| a{}n{}o{
*1886:SPB|_Intelligentsiia i narod v obshchestvennoi zhizni Rossii|
((IISG=R240/38| prm ntg nrd pbl|303p|ch1="ntg-nyi biurokratizm i ppx|2="Bor’ba
zpd s ntnalizmom"|3="lbx i ppx"|4="ntn-yi voprosy v Rossii,vkliuchaia i
Jwx-skii"|5="Eticheskiia ucheniia i ppx"))
<>Kautsky,Karl|>KtsK| a{G/APL}
*1934:| “Marxism and Bolshevism: Democracy and Dictatorship”| In
Socialism,Fascism,Communism. Joseph Shaplen and David Shub,eds| ((335 Sh 22))
*1984:NYC|_Selected Political Writings| E&TBy Patrick Goode| (( bbt.rqt 86.02))
<>Keller,Werner|_East Minus West = Zero|*1966:NYC| ((CWX hst.gph))
*1891:|_Siberia and the Exile System| ((OWN| DK755.K343| prm trv
Siberia and the Exile System, which was originally published in 1891, is
an investigative report made by the American businessman George Kennan into the
lives and conditions of Siberian exiles. Having made a previous trip to Siberia
for business, Kennan prefaces this work by investigating whether or not the
rumors of horrible prison conditions in Siberia were true or not. The author
admits that, before making this particular trip which is described in the book,
he had personally looked upon the Russian government favorably and did not
believe that the prisons could be as deplorable as he had heard.
During the time of Kennan’s visit, the Russian empire was going through
incredibly reactionary times in response to the assassination of Alexander II in
1881. The term ‘nihilism’ invoked in Kennan visions of violent and ruthless
enemies of the state; people who should undoubtedly endure years of Siberian
internment. However, Kennan quickly goes back on this judgment after his first
meeting with a Russian exile. Upon discussing works of literature, world events,
and most of all, politics, with a large number of exiles in Siberia, Kennan
comes to the conclusion that those he spoke with should be considered moderate.
In his own personal opinion, there were no real grounds on which the Russian
government should have found the majority of exiles as a threat. As a result,
hundreds of smart and capable young Russians were doomed to a life of toil and
misery because of Russia’s harsh political climate of the time.
Of course, knowing what we as Americans know now about the Gulag system during
Soviet times, it is not surprising that Kennan ultimately comes to the
conclusion that the treatment of exiles in Siberia was arguably the worst in a
‘civilized’ country. As an example, the first prison that Kennan investigates is
the forwarding prison in Tyumen, whose purpose it was to house exiles on their
way farther east. Prisons during this time, in every part of Siberia, revealed
horrifying conditions for prisoners because of severe congestion. The political
tensions of the time could easily be seen in these prisons, because of the
numbers of those arrested drastically increased. As a result, prison conditions
were crowded and rife with disease and death. In addition to not having nearly
enough space to house the prisoners, there were also no plans to make the
conditions any better. Kennan notes that, upon asking prison and prison hospital
officials about plans to make improvements, he found that “the officials who
care have not the power, and the officials who have the power do not care” (page
404). The prisons in Siberia remained congested for many months of the year,
until the Siberian summer came and allowed the prisoners to continue their
journey east (on foot, naturally).
This work is valuable for a number of reasons. Not only does it give the reader
an inside view of a rarely traversed part of the Russian empire, but it allows
the modern day reader to note the progress (or lack thereof) of the Russian
prison system, as well as the settlement of Siberia in its entirety. Even in the
late nineteenth century, Kennan writes about this system of exile into Siberia
as a longstanding tradition, one that has been around since before the times of
the Romanovs. The author places the blame of thousands of needless arrests and
hundreds of deaths each year on the Russian government itself, stating that the
“government is out of harmony of the spirit of the time” (page 187). Russians
who showed a lot of intelligence, youth, and vigor in Kennan’s eyes were instead
eaten up into the exile system because of the paranoid and outdated government
that ruled them.
<>Kennan,George Frost|
*1946 [1991:WDC,United States Institute of Peace] |_Origins of the Cold War: The
Novikov, Kennan, and Roberts “Long Telegrams” of 1946| ((prm CWX))
*1956:1958; PNJ, PUP|_Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920|>Kennan.Gwrx.irx| WW1b WW1c gnr.txt
v1= “Russia Leaves the War”
v2= “The Decision to Intervene”
[v3= Intervention and the Peace Conference]
STUDENT REVIEW of v1 =*1967: "Breakdown of Tsarist Autocracy" [In WW1b] Pipes.RR:1-26
Russia Leaves the War delineates the international setting of the Bolshevik regime from the November revolution of 1917 to the signing of the Brest Litovsk treaty in March of 1918. The first section of the book analyzes the relationship between the Provisional government and the government of the United States. The analysis is meant to provide historical background to the study of Soviet American relations during the first months of the Bolshevik regime. Kennan writes that American acceptance of the Provisional government allowed for the United States to attach an ideological dimension to the First World War. Such an ideological positional would have been rather unconvincing had the November revolution of 1917 not occurred. The first section can also be seen as delineating the respective goals that the United States government had for the Provisional government. Kennan writes that such goals were contradictory in nature. However, once pursued the American government was unwilling to make modifications to the subsequent goals. Kennan concludes the first section of the book by commenting on the general attitude of the American government when the rein of power shifted from the Provisional government to the Bolshevik regime.
The next section of Kennan’s book describes how the American government reacted to the Bolshevik revolution in November of 1917. Kennan establishes that America’s policy of non-recognition, toward the Bolshevik government, was based upon their understanding that the Bolshevik government wanted to make peace with the Central powers. Such an idea was seen as an act of betrayal by the United States. In this manner, Kennan maintains that American and Soviet relations were colored by Bolshevik war policy. It is against this backdrop that Kennan delineates how the American government came to support a policy of non-recognition.
Kennan’s analysis of Soviet American relations during the first months of the Bolshevik regime can also be seen as addressing the problems of allied intervention within the Russian state. Allied intervention is discussed most closely in relation to the Siberian state. However, the book does mention allied intervention in the Don Cossack territory during the last months of 1917. The primary analysis of Kennan’s book is centered however, on the day to day decisions of American peoples operating in the Russian state and the American government. Kennan establishes that the United States foreign policy was directed and influenced by these individuals. Each individual is introduced in full, so as to underscore their relative importance in the story of American Soviet relations from November 1917 to March of 1918. Kennan states that the policy of non-recognition by the United States government, forced the government to rely upon armatures who served to complicate relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. In this manner, Kennan’s book can be seen as a story of diplomatic confusion, “misunderstanding, intrigue, and malevolent exploitation.” Kennan’s central thesis establishes that the initial stages of Soviet American relations were dominated by diplomatic confusion. It is from this confusion that Soviet American relations receive their complexity.
Kennan’s book provided an excellent analysis of Soviet American relations. The only critique of Kennan’s work is that he places too much focus on individuals and not enough focus on structural constraints))
pt1= The background: Russian opinion and the war with Turkey
Franco-Russian relations, 1879-1880 ; New tsar--new alliance
A bit about personalities
pt2= The Bulgarian "Gâchis": Complications in Bulgaria
The unification of Bulgaria
The aftermath of unification
The estrangement of 1886
Katkov's attack ; The end of Battenberg
The break repaired
pt3= The Reinsurance Treaty : Giers vs. Katkov
France in the spectrum of Russian finance
Bismarck's anxieties
The Tsar's crisis of decision
France and the Russo-German crisis
Russian winter, 1887
The crisis survived
pt4= The demise of the Bismarckian system: The aftermath of the Reinsurance Treaty
The Ferdinand documents
The deteriorating three-emperor relationship
Financial and military stirrings
the Russian break with Germany
Fdr*|>KrnAF| a{}e{}n{WW1b RREV2 VRM}o{Provisional Government official
RUS On eve of WW1a in Moh.RR|
*1919:LND|_The_Prelude to Bolshevism: The Kornilov Rebellion
*1927:LND|_The_Catastrophe: Kerensky's Own Story of the Russian Revolution
*1934:NYC|_The_Crucifixion of Liberty| ((??noUO))
*1965:NYC|_Russia and History's Turning Point
re.VRM plt in Moh.RR
--|>Abraham,Richard|_Alexander_Kerensky: The First Love of the Revolution
<>Khabalov,on RREV2 [RRC,3]
Axr*| a{866}e{933}n{}o{
*1910:MVA|_Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii IX-XIX st.: Istoricheskii ocherk|2nd
ed= PGR:1917| ((gbx.rfm plt.clt lcl.slf.apx cst fdr|2nd ed=JS6056.K47))
*1912:MVA|_Istoricheskie ocherki| ((OWN ndr lbx|“Iz istorii russkogo
liberalizma: Ivan Petrovich Pnin”:57-87 (lxt lbx mvt,cst pressure,1730; Pnin:pbl
structure has no foundation) ))
*1929:PRAGUE|_Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii| ((GRS:187,221! prm
vsp? hst.gph RREV1))
Osip*|>KqvVO| a{841ja16}b{PNZgbx}e{911my12}n{}o{lbx hstian prf
*1910c:L.ENG and 1911-1913:NYC|_A_History of Russia| TBy C. J. Hogarth??|
5vv| ((gnr |>Kliuchevskii,1-??|>Kqv,1-5| An extremely faulty old translation of
the venerable Kurs russkoi istorii| Volumes 3 and four available in later, superior
translations = G/1969/ and /1997/ blw))
*1911c:|_Kurs russkoi istorii| *1958 ed,v#5:461 contains txt intended for revised final v.of Kurs, incomplete at K's death & never pbd till now =
K pst nabroski to his kurs in order to bring out a final ed| We will never know bcs he died bfr v5 cld be revised| The era of rfm was the final topic treated in his kurs, and the txt under revision at his death concentrated on the institution and ekn dimensions of serf emancipation| As a young man, K witnessed the era of rfm in all its complexity,but in his unrevised txt he elected to skim over the broader social hst of the era| In the freer atmosphere of the 1905 REV era, his nabroski sought to rectify this delicate evasion in the unfinished revision of v5| Society, he noted, found it nearly impossible, under pressure of endless sequence of innovations, to sustain a well-considered relationship of support and involvement in state sponsored rfm. Society could not adjust them to its own needs. As the reform came into full and coordinated operation, a complex, instinctive, natural mobilization of social forces arose “which was not based on conscious leadership or direction” and which expressed itself only through “aggregate indicators” [avtomatiqeskix pokazatel’ei]. It could be described statistically, for example, stockmarket and price fluctuations. The appearance, for example, of joint stock companies in aggregate indicated that the center of gravity of national life was shifting. Just as the old basis of wealth evaporated, so also did the social presumptions [here called "social-service hierarchies"] that underpinned them. New enterprises and new professions quickly and unexpectedly transformed the perceived social landscape.
“Human [this word substituted for marked out “social”] relations were coming unraveled and at the same time were reweaving themselves in new combinations. The dense structures of community disintegrated along with the ancient gentry estates. Society quickly changed its membership and profile [phrase marked out: “persons re-measured themselves with a new yardstick, old authorities were replaced by new, less ancient”], new types made their appearance in society and in literature. In this whirlwind of new movements, one’s personality lost its stability. Old foundations of personal and social significance crumbled and were replaced by new. People still continued to feel motivated to act, but had ceased to predict the consequences of their actions.” [This was the last sentence that K completed in his MS revision of the famous Kurs. These were perhaps the last paragraphs that the great historian wrote.]
*1969:C.IL|_A_Course in Russian History: The Seventeenth Century| TBy N. Duddington|_Kurs russkoi
istorii| v3| ((>Kliuchevskii,3|>Kqv,3| gnr))
*1997:Armonk NY,Sharpe|_A_Course in Russian History: The Time of Catherine the Great| TBy Marshall Shatz
*:| Re.Dmx1 & RREV1,GO GRS:190 etc
*1966:|>Kireeva,RA|_V._O._Kliuchevskii kak istorik russkoi istoricheskoi nauki| ((hst.gph))
*1987:Irving CA:Charles Schlacks,Jr|_V._O._Kliuchevskii’s Russian history:
Critical Studies| EBy Marc Raeff| ((noUO hst.gph))
*1995:||>Byrnes,Robert|_V._O._Kliuchevskii: Historian of Russia|
<>Knox,Alfred William
Fortescue,General Sir| a{1870}n{WW1b RREV2 RREV3}o{mlt
*1921:LND,Hutchinson Co.|_With the Russian Army,1914-1917, being chiefly
extracts from the diary of a military attaché ...| 2vv| ((trv mlt.dvn 58 lxt~
and 19 MAPS))
In WRR }s{}t{}8{}
Nxi*| a{}n{}o{Imperial governmental figure
*1904:1914; Mstt.mny| State Finance Minister
*1911:1914; SoM prx| Council of Ministers President
*1935:S.CA,SUP|_Out of My Past: The Memoirs of Count Kokovtsov...| TBy L. Matveev of
1933:PRS ed#1| *1992:MVA|_Iz moego proshlogo|2vv|| ((DK254.K63A3%7C| vsp stt.srv ekn vsp))
<>Kolchak,Aleksandr V| a{}e{}n{Gwrx
*1935:Stanford|_The_Testimony of Kolchak and Other Siberian Materials
<>Kollontai,Aleksandra M|
*1918: “The Family and the Communist State” [RBV1:79-88]
*1921: “Fight Against Prostitution” [RBV1:96-106]
*1923: “Make Way for the Winged Eros” [RBV1:179-84]
Galaktion| a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{
*1972:O.ENG|_The_History of My Contemporary| ((UO))
<>Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia|>KDs|
*1906ja05:11; |_Vtoroi vserossiiskii s”ezd Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskoi partii 5-11 ianvaria 1906 g|
Ivn*|>KstNI| a{817}n{PBL| prf Pvsp:193 sd Wwa & Kst = new hst.gph sense of nrd;
pbl heard “the voice of a living people” not as passive material in hands of ddd
stt,“no kak faktor,pytavwiisya samostoyatel’no napravlyat’ istoriqeskii process,
po men’wei mere vyrajavwii svoe otnowenie k tem ili drugim ego storonam”}
*1847:GRM Augsburg|_Knigi bitiia ukrains’kogo naroda| Translated as
Kostomarov’s “Books of Genesis of the Ukrainian People”| IBy B. Yanivs’kyi
[Volodymyr Mijakovs’kyj]|Mimeographed Series:Research Program on the
U.S.S.R.,60|NYC:1954| ((prm UKR KMO))
*1854:pbd nrd songs (got into trouble w/plc [KstN,Avto:218])
*1857:pbd rpt [?re.StO or Jwx ritual dth-?] Mordovtsev reprted this in
Pamiatnaia knizhka SARoi gubernii [KstN,Avto:226 PmK]
*1857:|_Bogdan Khmel’nitskii i vozrashchenie Yuzhnoi Rusi k Rossii| ((UKR
*1858:|_Bunt Sten’ki Razina| ((rvs RS0 UKR))
*1860jy:Svm#7,3:75-92|“O kazachestve: Otvet 'Vilenskomu vestniku'”| ((Attacked
idea that kzk anarchy,KstN tried to show that simple dmk idl motivated kzk| To
protect dmk,they shifted back and forth twixt RUS &POL [KstN,Avto:270-1]))
*1860:Klk#61:| ltr-edt Hzn re.UKR
*1861??:Osnova:| “Dve russkoi narodnosti”| ((prm UKR ntn nrd
idl=UKR.distinctness;“clxless” “brz-less” nrd| hst= whole nrd| All my hst work
in the reform era has given rise to plm attacks|My idea that in udel system of
Rus a fdr principle existed, and that I intended that to apply to the present
day,perhaps to predict future|But I never said anything directly about
that|People read things into my pst [he seems to be saying,in so many
words]|Esp. “Dve russ. narodnosti”|People have the habit of reading between the
lines,esp. under severe cnp| Even took me to be in favor of “serparatism”,esp.
after POL.rbx|Once that great fear passed,then people could see how two RUS
narodnosti fulfill one another|Still,I hve been acz- of “UKRainofil’stvo”
*1861??:Osnova:| “O federativnom nachale drevnei Rusi”| ((prm ntn fdr hst plt
stt idl))
*1909:YSL:117-139| “Peterburgskii universitet nachala 1860-kh godov”| ((prm
*1922:MVA|_Avtobiografiia...| ((HOT UIL;noNYP|8x11 xrp:210-226 “5. Zhizn’
v Saratove”| prm slf.bxo vsp))
M|>KvyMM| a{}n{vlg.o Mrx | lbx tUt dmk trx idl | FREV}o{prf
*1879:|_Obshchinnoe zemlevladenie [Communal Landownership]|
((hd715.k66| 231p| Translated excerpts in >Krader,
_The_Asiatic Mode:343-412| HB97.5.K6976))
*1895:MVA|_Proiskhozhdenie sovremennoi demokratii | 2v| v1: “Obshchestvennyi i politicheskii stroi
Frantsii nakanune revoliutsii”| 3d edition| SPB:1912| v2: “Narodnaia monarkhiia:
razbor sotsial’nogo i politicheskogo zakonodatel’stva konstituanty”| ((jc421.k6| v1:hst
of pbl/plt background to FREV| v2:course of FREV, shifting to tUt
crystalizations of pbl/ekn changes))
*1902|_Russian political institutions; the growth and development of these institutions from
the beginnings of Russian history to the present time| DK61+.K88
*1906:SPB|_Politicheskaia programma novogo Soiuza narodnogo blagodenstviia
| ((prm grp/Partiia.dmk.rfm plt.pty RREV1))
a{842no27}e{921fe28}n{gte anx}o{anarchist theorist|
*1874:Arrested & imprisoned for participation in populist movement
*1876:Escaped into west European emigration
*1917:Returned to Russia in the midst of great revolutionary changes
*1862:1867; Siberian diary [RGIA f.1410, op.1, d.84]
*1882:Fortnightly Review#37 or #38:| “The Russian revolutionary party”|
((893:rvs.bbl| AP4.F6))
*1899:Boston-LND|_The_Memoirs of a Revolutionist| ((
[ID] 1971:Dover pb ed., w/notes by
Nicolas Walter:503-40 and w/original index))
--|_Mutual aid [Hollister,Landmarks,2:301-303]
*1918je16:Svoboda Rossii#48:| “??,re. Linev,LA”
*1995|_Selections| EBy Marshall Shatz| ((UO))
*1917oc26: Leninist party [Senn,Readings,2]
*1922: “What a Communist Ought to Be Like” [RBV1:38-41]
--|Reminiscences of Lenin
<>Kurbskii,Andrei and Ivan IV. The
correspondence| DK106.A25
<>Lane,David Stuart,ed| a{}
*1978: & 1971|_Politics and Society in the USSR| ((jn65...| prm.sbk
<>Lange,Christian Lous| a{1869}e{1938}n{}o{psx
dddist, rec'd Nobel Pr
Wrote much on internationalism irx and psx
*1917:WDC,Endowment|CE.irx.pcx. Division of Intercourse and Education.
Publications, no. 12|_Russia, the Revolution and the War: An Account of a
Visit to Petrograd and Helsingfors in March, 1917| ((UO| trv wrx&REV WW1b RREV))
<>Lavrov,Peter L|>LvrPL| a{}o{prf
--|_Historical Letters| TIEBy James P. Scanlan| ((UO))
--| In Edie
a{1888}b{}c{}d{}e{1935}n{WW1b WW1c AfroAsia SaA}o{
*1920au02: "A Report on Mesopotamia"|>Lawrence.REPORT|
*1926:|_The_Seven Pillars of Wisdom|>Lawrence.7|
[E-TXT#1 |
E-TXT#2 |
E-TXT#3 |
Visualizing History [many fine photos]
*--Kichael Korda, "What We Need to Learn from T.E. Lawrence" [E-TXT]
*--F/Reid,Brian Holden/
Il'ich|>Ulianov,VI|>LnnVI| a{}n{}o{
SAC 18-hop LOOP
|_The_Development of Capitalism in Russia
|_Persecutors of the Zemstvo|
*1902|_What’s to be Done?| ((SAC.TXT))
*1905| “Ein Vortrag ueber die Revolutionsbewegung in Jahre 1905”|In
Leninskii sbornik#5:46| ((crt of Wbr))
*1905|_Lecture on the 1905 Revolution| ((UO))
*1916|_State and Revolution
*1916|_Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism
--| In Moh.RR
*1921| “Better Fewer, But Better”| ((SAC.TXT))
*1921?:C.IL,Charles H. Kerr & Company Co-operative|LnnVI with >BxrN [F/] &
[Wki] |_New Policies
of Soviet Russia| ((UO|>Lnn.New| ekn.trx NEP))
*1960:1978; MVA & LND|_Collected Works| 46 vols| ((prm Mrx Lnn idl))
*1975:NYC|_The_Lenin Anthology| Edited by Robert C. Tucker
|_Reference Index to Collected Works of V. I. Lenin. Parts one and two. bbt.rqt
|_Selected Works
|_Complete Collected Works | :| ((bbt.rqt 86.02| prm))
*1970:OXF|>Deutscher,I|_Lenin's Childhood| ((OWN))
Lenin cited by GRS:58 (9:129);59 (10:252);191 (ll:182);222
<>Leont'ev,Konstantin| a{831}e{891}n{}o{phl
V|>Leontowitch,Victor| a{
*1957:Frankfurt am Main|_Geschichte des liberalismus in Russland| ((lbx
stt.srv| p418:apologizes for Wbr’s wrd.hst “Pseudokonstitutional”
[sic],explaining that the great scholar fell under the [temporary] influence of
KD acquaintances))
*1980:|_Istoriia liberalizma v Rossii, 1762-1914| ((UO| Translated
from the 1957 GRM ed| Later RUS ed=OWN))
*1995:MVA, Russkii put’|_Istoriia liberalizma v Rossii| Series:
Issledovaniia noveishei russkoi istorii,1|EBy A. I. Solzhenitsyn| ((OWN
NOndx| Dmx4;txt [762] A-2 era [135-163] concentrates on qin lbx,stt.srv lbx &
isolates attention to issues of srf.rfm & lwx.rfm| Brief attention to gnr
atmosphere of 60s,& to Ktk & Qqn BUT not Blg Egt Lvr Drj PavP Pnt KstN etc;NO
LTF WXM VSH etc| Accepts Kulczycki’s “spiritual atmosphere” analysis of
60s,seeing only replacement of Hglan abstractions by Vogt & Moleschott “vulgar
materialism”,equally abstract [138] Intro sets down strict definition| Divides
rdx~ frm lbx| Combo cannot be| lbx anti=rvs| L follows Hauriou,“Principles de
droit public”(PRS:1916) & Dec.Rights of Man and of Cit| Principle idl of lbx is
pzn freedom [pzn.rgt] Principle method is not construction but disassemblement
[Abschaffen] Historically lbx predates evolution of classical plc.stt~,
centralized gvt~ of 18th.c,but was called into being in mod.times to combat
centralized stt| lbx strives to reduce gvt control & tUt~ to minimum (therein is
major distinction frm anarchism) lbx recognizes need to humanize nkz -- minimum
stt does this| lbx.stt based on “répartition de la souveraineté” [fdr of
stt.ndp] Power distributed throughout pbl, creating free pzn~ w/in free stt|
plt.freedom is extension of public freedom [cvc.rgt], but fundamental difference
= Civil freedom can be guaranteed by a centralized stt [235] L pits Granovskii
v.Hzn| lbx~ are Qqn,early Kst etc [I suppose even Vlv Zmv plan L-M cst pln| Too
bad this tlng appeared just when RUS needed a little authentic, old-fashioned
a{}e{}n{}o{pundit jrn.svt media
}f{}g{brt also pundit & svt
*1881:elx prf École Libre des Sciences Politiques
*1887:elx mmb Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
*1906:dtr of Ecole after Albert Sorel dth
*1882:1889; series of rtl in RdDM which fed into editions of L’Empire
*1881:PRS, Hachette|_L’Empire des tsars et les Russes| 3vv|
Reprint=*1988, Lausanne, L’Age d’homme (3rd ed?)| ((UO| Intended for
the gnr pbl [893:rvs bbl| trv krx tUt stt| plt.vlg.o:“La commune est [...],en
dehors de l’autocratie,la seule institution indegène,la seule tradition vivante
du peuple russe” 2:2| But at end of v1 he savaged ekn.vlg.o))
--|_The_Empire of the Tsars and the Russians| 3vv| ((UO| RUS3
USA2.gnr w/brt blw))
a{}e{}n{}o{pundit jrn.svt media
*:|_The_awakening of the East; Siberia - Japan - China| ((E-TXT))
Hamilton Bruce| a{1887}b{}e{1970}n{WW1 RREV}o{
*1915:1938; |_Diaries v1| ((UO))
*1933:NYC,Putnam|_British Agent| Iby Hugh Walpole| ((UO| 354pp))
*1967|_Two Revolutions| ((UO))
Tarielovich| a{
*1881ja28:mmo to A-2 [Raeff2:133-40] (( prm cst plt.clt| See 25:KrA#8 for
A-3 & Loris, plus 1881mr08:SoM mtg in Perets dnv [full & corrected re-prt of
1906:Byloe version]))
<>Lotman,Yurii Mxl*|
[ID] blt.svt clt.trx "Semiotics"
*1985:|_Semiotics of Russian Cultural History| IBy Gasparov,Boris| ((UO|
Anthology of rtl~ w/ Ginsburg,LidiiaYa Uspenskii,BorisA))
*2006:|_Lotman and Cultural Studies
<>Lukomskīĭ,Aleksandr Srg*| a{1868}e{1939}n{WW1 RREV wrx&REV}o{mlt.GNR
}m{ GO 1917mr14
*1975:Westport.CN,Hyperion|_Memoirs of the Russian revolution| Tlng of *1922:Vospominanīia
generala A. S. Lukomskago| ((UO| 255pp))
V| a{
*1918:1927; on edc in RBV: 285ff
*1923|_Revolutionary Silhouettes| ((UO))
>O'Connor,Timothy E. The Politics of Soviet Culture: Anatolii Lunacharskii. UMI
<>Lunin,Mikhail| G/Fedorov,Vladimir
<>Lussu,Emilio (1890-1975)|_A_Soldier on the
Southern Front: The Classic Italian Memoir of World War I| Tby Gregory
Conti| ((WW1b sld.vqt 288pp| CF=Barthas| Sheer absurdity of life [smx] and death
among ITL on attack on OST.MGR Adriatic coastline, Asiago plains between
ITL and Slovenia. Supplied with dysfunctional wire cutter vs-barbed wire and
bedecked in armored vests with no more protective capability than an ordinary
jacket. Two portraits of utterly incompetent commanders. One, Major Melchiorri,
ordered death for a unit that had fled a collapsing cave where they had ben
ordered to await orders to attack the enemy. Execution squad refused to shoot
these fellow sld~. Melchiorri bgn to shoot members of the insubordinate unit
until the punishment brigade turned their weapons on the deranged officer,
killing him. Lussu observed that "The war's main engine is alcohol". real enemy
not the OST troops but their own idiotic or psychopathic ofc~
Like Ernest Hemingway, Emilio Lussu served at the Asiago plateau in Northern
Italy. A 1937 note from the author explains that his book has no thesis except
to describe what he saw; that is enough, however, to create a compelling read
that enters the mind of a man at the front, exposed daily to terrible scenes and
decisions that change who he is. At times Lusso's air of detachment is chilling;
in other situations, in humanizing his enemies he is himself humanized.
Historical details abound and will be gratifying to readers who want to discover
more about the war in Italy
<>Lutz,Ralph and >Burdick,Charles B| a{}n{WW1c wrx&REV prm.sbk}o{
*1966:NYC,Praeger|_The_Political Institutions of the German Revolution,
1918-1919|>Lutz.GREV| (())
*1968:S.CA,HtUt|>Burdick|_Ralph H._Lutz and the Hoover Institution
*1905:SPB|_Staraia i novaia revoliutsiia [The Old and the New
Revolution] ((|>LS&N|))
*1986:LND,Bookmarks|_The_Mass Strike| ((UO))
*1906se25(NS):GRM Manheim| speech re.RREV1, RUS tlng=Rech' proiznesennaia na
narodnom sobranii v Mangeime 25 sentiabria 1906 g. (SPB:?)| ((8pp| G/PREV:183-6
--|_Gesammelte Werke 5vv| ((UO))
--|_Gesammelte Briefe| ((UO))
--|_Lenin and Marxism| ((see just below))
here in reverse order of original composition & pbc))
*1961:A.MI,UMPress|_The_Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism|
((UO| G/PREV:179-82| pbd *1966-1968:Frankfurt|_Politische Schriften|3vv|
*1971:NYC,Monthly Review|_Selected Writings....| ((UO))
*1973:NYC,Pathfinder|_Reform or Revolution| With an appendix
(63-75),Eduard Bernstein, “Evolutionary Socialism: Ultimate Aim and Tendency” |
((UO| rfm.rvs))
*1978:B.CO,Westview|_The_Letters of Rosa Luxemburg| ((UO))
}s{ }t{ }8{}
A|>MklVA| a{}n{RREV1}o{1905 activist and
KD party leader
Maklakov LOOP
*1923de:SEER#??| “The Peasant Question and the
Russian Revolution”| ((prm krx RREV3))
*1936:PRS|_Vlast' i obshchestvennost' na zakate staroi Rossii|2 (or more??)
volumes| ((GRS:53,187 prm vsp RREV1 stt.dmx lbx))
*1950:RRe 1| “The Agrarian Problem in Russia before the Revolution”| ((krx Stp))
--|_The_First State Duma: Contemporary Reminiscences| ((stt.dmx1 RREV1 vsp plt))
*2006:MVA|_Vtoraia gosudarstvennaia Duma. 20 fev-2 iiunia 1907 g| ((UO))
--| on skz bfr WW1a [Moh.RR]
<>Manakin,V| a{}n{wrx&REV WW1b}o{
*1917su: mlt shock battalions in Moh.RR|
}t{BSE3 DS&D ZDV,4 MSP Wki
<>Mandelstam,Nadezhda| a{}n{clt blt dsn}o{
*1970:NYC|_Hope Against Hope: A Memoir|
<>Marvin,Charles Thomas| a{1854}e{1890}n{nrg.p CSP.S}o{trv
_The_region of the eternal fire an account of a journey to the petroleum region of the Caspian in 1883| ((UO))
>Marwick|_War, peace, and social change: Documents, Europe 1900-1955| GO
W&P| wrx&pcx
<>Marx,Karl| a{
*1853:1856; |_The_Eastern Question: A Reprint of Letters Written 1853-1856 Dealing with the Events of the
Crimean War
--|_Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century and the Story of the Life of Lord
Palmerston| ((DA47.65.M35| A translation of | Die Geschichte der Geheimdiplomatie des
18. Jahrhunderts: Über den asiatischen Ursprung der russischen Despotie....
(See 1977:Berlin edition) ))
*1859:Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy [TXT
of Marx's brilliant summarization of his historical/materialist doctrine]
*1878fa:Marx's letter to editor of the Russian journal Otechestvennye
Translated in SLM
*1881| “Briefwechsel zwischen Vera Zasulich und Marx”| Marx-Engels Archiv 1:
309-342| Translated in
*1882ja:Marx and Engels preface to 2nd Russian edition of the Communist
Manifesto| Translated in SLM
*1948:ArxME#11, series 2| “Konspekty i vypiski K. Marksa iz russkikh knig”|
((Contents = “Konspekt raboty N. G. Chernyshevskogo 'Pis'ma bez adresa'” (3-17)
| “K voprosu ob otmene krepostnogo prava v Rossii” (18-20; also frm Qrn) |
Koshelev, Samarin & Dmitriev, Kavelin (“Chem nam byt'?”) | Skaldin |Yanson |
Engel'gardt,“Voprosy russkogo sel'skogo khozaistva” | Issue also contains
“'Pis'ma bez adresa' N. G. Chernyshevskogo s pometkami Marksa” (172-99). See
SLM; see also Kimball resume
*1962:NYC|_Marx vs. Russia| Edited by J. A. Doerig| ((noUO))
*:|_The_Unknown Karl Marx| ((HX39.5.A224+1971))
>Marx,Karl, and Friedrich Engels|
*1953:LND|_The_Russian Menace to Europe: A Collection of Articles,Speeches,Letters and News Dispatches|
Edited by Paul Blackstock and B. F. Hoselitz| ((noUO))
*1972:Munich|_Die_russische Kommune: Kritik eines Mythos| Edited by M. Rubel
>Marxism-Leninism,Institute of,Moscow|
*:|_The_General Council of the First International,1864-66 [1866-1868;1868-1870;1870-1871;etc.] ((HX11.I453))
*:|_The_Hague Congress of the First International, September 2-7,1872| ((HX11.I5I66))
*1967:MVA|_K. Marks,F. Engel's i revoliutsionnaia Rossiia| Edited by A. K.
Boris Nikolaevskii on Karl Marx's Russian-language library [TXT]
Marx's interpretation of Russian society and politics = Shanin
and Wada and Wittfogel chs. 9 and 10
On the "Asiatic Mode of Production", G/Kovalevskii
<>Marye,George Thomas T| a{1849}n{R&A
*1914:1916; USA ambassador to Russia
*1929:LND,Selwyn and Blount|_Nearing the End in Imperial Russia|
<>Matlaw,R. E.,ed. Belinsky,Chernyshevsky and
Dobroliubov: Selected Criticism. NYC: 1962 [reprint,1976:B.IN,IUP].
--|_Octobrists to Bolsheviks: Imperial Russian 1905-1917|>McC1|
--|_Russian Revolution and the Soviet State,1917-1921: Documents|>McC2|
<>Medvedev,Roy A|
a{}n{STL| RREV3}o{hst dsn
--|_All Stalin's Men| Anchor pb. Hamilton bks| ((prm dsn))
--|Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism. NY: 1971
--|Essay in Tucker,Stalinism
--|The October Revolution
<>Medvedev,Zhores A| a{}n{scs plt.clt}o{
*1969:NYC,CUP|_The_Rise and Fall of T. D. Lysenko|
<>Meiendorf,Aleksandr Feliks|>Meyendorff,Alexander|
*1929:NYC,Holt|_Background to the Russian Rev| ((UO DK265.M38))
*1932:|With >Kohn,Stanislav|_Social cost of the war| New Haven, Yale University
Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, for CE.irx.pcx, Division of
economics and history| 219 [CE.irx.pcx. Division of economics and history.
Economic and social history of the world war ... Russian series]))
Ptr*| a{879}b{}c{}d{}e{956}n{vs-SSR gte}o{jrn pbc plt.ddd
Narodnye sotsialisty
*1924|_Red Terror in Russia| ((DK265.7.M4613))
*1953|_The_Bolshevik Seizure of Power| ((DK265.M39613))
[W] [Russian
<>Mendeleev,Dmitrii| ((prm clt scs))
<>Merezhkovskii,Dmitrii| a{}
--|RB-C| “Revolution and Religion”
}p{A member of the Union of Unions in 1905 Rev., and later National Socialists.
Left Russia in 1918
*1924mr:Slavonic Review#2,6:465-86| “Lenin (1870-1924)”| ((obituary. Lenin “was
the incarnation of certain characteristic features of Russian life; a typical
outcome of the distorted development of the public life of Russia in the times
of tsarism, when the Government drove it into the underground of revolution”.
Lenin lived his whole life “remote from the broad life of the people and its
complex, mutually interconnected needs, interests and problems”. [IE:Lenin
“incarnated” “certain characteristic features”, “the distorted development of
the public life of Russia in the times of tsarism”, namely the absence of what
has to be described as “a civil society”
Committee|>Voenno-revoliutsionnyi Komitet|>MRC| a{917}n{RREV3}o{mlt.rvs.cmm sld}
*1964-1967:MVA-LGR|_Petrogradskii Voenno-revoliutsionnyi Komitet: dokumenty i
materialy| 3vv|
<>Miller,Wright W| a{}n{}o{trv
}q{1930s into WW2:trv, often by foot around USSR (Russia)
*1958:|_The_Young Traveler in Russia|
*1961:NYC|_Russians as People| ((prm trv| DK276.M5|
*1960:Daedalus rvw))
*1970:South Brunswick.NJ,Barnes|_Leningrad| Series: Cities of the
World,vol. 13| ((prm grd| DK552.M54))
Nxi*|>MlkPN| a{}n{prf RREV1 RREV2 Gwrx | KDs, Dmx, VRM, gte| ntg}o{Historian and
leading Russian lbx politician, 1905-1920
Miliukov LOOP
*1903?|_Iz_istorii russkoi intelligentsii: Sbornik statei i etiudov| Reprint of ed#2 (Gulf Breeze
FL:1970?)| (())
*1904:C.IL|_Russia and Its Crisis| Concentrate on chapters 5, 7 &8 |
Summary of chapter four| ((|>MR&C))
*1915se:Progressive Bloc program [DIR]
*1917:C.ENG, CUP|_Russian Realities and Problems|>Mlk.R&P| WW1b
wrx&REV| Co-authors = Miliukov,Paul | Struve,Petr | Lappo-Danilevskii,A |
Dmowski,Roman | and Williams,Harold| Edited by J.D. Duff
The book is [...] a comprehensive look at pre-revolutionary
Russia and the various problems it was faced with. A few of the authors are
ex-patriots of the Russian system leading to some natural biases toward the
subject matter while one author is British (Harold Williams), who wrote with a
more objective tone.
Part 1 was written by Paul Miliukov, a former professor at Sofia University,
Miliukov was a prominent member of the Russia Duma from its creation in 1905. He
was the leader of the Constitutional Democrat party and it is claimed by the
editor that no man knows more about Russian legislative politics had Paul
Miliukov. Part 1 talks about World War I from an interesting perspective,
Miliukov believes that World War I was primarily a war of England versus
Germany, and Russia versus Austria Hungary. The dangers of imperialism come to a
head in the struggle of the major European powers. Germany feels they are being
suffocated by British commercial and naval might, while Russia wants greater
influence over the Slavic peoples in the Balkans.
Part 2 also written by Miliukov, discussed the tsar’s corrupt influence on the
workings of the Russian Duma established after the 1905 revolution. The 1905
Russian constitution brought a small taste of democracy to Russia by allowing
political parties and giving some people the right to vote. This democracy,
however, was largely a farce as the tsar constantly undermined the Russian Duma.
Abusing his power the Czar severely limited the voting power of the peasants and
urban workers, while expanded the rights of the rich and landed gentry. The tsar
also exempted his own personal finances from Duma control, despite his personal
finances being directly tied to the state treasury.
In part 3 Peter Struve, covers the history of Russian economics leading up to
the war. Struve discusses Russia historical position as a link between the
Western and Eastern worlds. He attempts to identify the difficult moments when
it can said that Russia entered the world of European economics, as opposed to
the relative isolation if lived under before the reforms of Peter the Great. The
founding of St Petersburg, he argues was a key moment as it was a window to the
Roman Dmowski, in part 4 discussed Russia’s tenuous relationship with Poland
throughout the century. World War I calls in question the Polish identity and
the existence of a Polish nation. The essay deals with the issues that empires
with Polish lands faced in dealing with Polish people. Dmowski also goes further
back into history to discuss Poland’s unfortunate position of constantly being
wedged between great Empires, such as the Holy Roman Empire or the Byzantine
Empire. Due to Poland’s geographic position Poland has always had to absorb
culture and ideas that where alien to the nation. The essay also deals with the
differing lifestyles of people living under different occupying nations and
empires throughout history.
In part 5, Harold Williams discusses the multi-ethnic nature of the Russian
Empire. He argues that some people knew that under the Russian empire there
exists a large Finnish, Polish, Armenian, and Jewish population. Russia is not
the mono-ethnic homogenous state that many believed it to be, with over 100
different languages being spoken throughout the Russian Empire. During the 18th
century Russia moved to a heavy development of Western culture, largely drowning
out some of the smaller Eurasia cultures present in Russia at the time.
The final part is about scientific development in Russia. Lappo-Danilevsky, the
author of the chapter discusses the historical influences on Russian learning
throughout history. The influences on Russian learning range from the Greek
civilization to monotheism. A gradual rise of secular thought and trade with the
West was responsible for a great deal of Russian education and learning.
Russian realities and problems is a rather old book that may be outdated by much
more recent research. The book does present an interesting style of primary
source narratives of people who where very much involved in the history
directly. The first two chapters in the book written by Paul Miliukov prove to
be the strongest and most useful for historical research and understanding due
to Miliukov’s position in the Russian Duma during it’s founding.
*1921:1924; Sofia|_Istoriia vtoroi revoliutsii| Translated by T. and
R. Stites, et al. as = _The_Russian_Revolution| 3vv|>Mlk.RR| ((DK265.M49313| 3vv| prm RREV2
lbx| Excerpted in Moh.RR|
The book begins with a good, though brief, introduction to the author, Paul
Miliukov, giving the reader an idea of the perspective from which he is writing.
This early section contains what I see as one of the most important lines of the
book "Miliukov's attempt to maintain the distinction between historian and
memoirist does not come off." (page xx) As a reader it is very important to keep
in mind that Miliukov's writing has been called "False from beginning to end"
(Trotsky). Almost all historians acknowledge that he at
least omits details which might prove critical of him or his pro-Romanov, or
rather pro-strong government beliefs.
This is the first volume in a three part series dealing with the 1917
revolution and the events which followed. This installment focuses on the events
which took place in 1917 with a pair of chapters on the important events leading
up to 1917, one covering the 1700's until 1905 and another from 1905 and 1907.
One topic which is covered in depth throughout this book is the Duma.
Miliukov being an influential political leader witnessed the inner workings of
the Russian legislative body and gives some interesting insights as to the
body's operations (the Duma's reaction to the appointment of Protopopov, pgs.
18-20, the failed attempt to dissolve the Duma, pg. 169).
Another topic discussed in some detail is the role of the military in the
1917 revolution [mlt]. Beginning with the uprisings in Tauride Palace mutinies
on Feburary 26 th (pg. 26) and continuing with the problems of morale
amongst the men fighting at the front after the overthrow of the old government.
(pgs. 97-108)
There are also many descriptions of the role of the soldiers in the
Bolshevik revolution which starts on about page 175 and goes throughout the rest
of the book.
One of the main actors of this period that Miliukov mentions at length is
I.G. Tsereteli, a onetime Duma deputy from Georgia. He goes so far as to quote
one as saying, "As a whole, the history of the Committee in terms of its
organization and membership should be divided into two periods: before and after
the arrival of Tsereteli " (pg. 52).
Since there are two members in our group who are focusing their researching
on the Okhrana I should note that there are only two references to the group in
this book, both of which are brief. On Page 24 there is a mention of how the
major proponent of a plan to march on the same day as the Duma reopened was in
fact an Okhrana agent provocateur. On page 26 there is a mention that one of the
first acts of the mutinying soldiers mentioned above was to burn the Okhrana
headquarters at Tverskaia Street (pg. 26).
*1926:SEER#5:?| “The Influence of English
Political Thought in Russia”| ((lbx plt.idl mnt))
*1935:PRS|Sovremennaia zapiski#57:??| “Liberalizm, radikalizm i revoliutsiia: Po
povodu kritiki V. A. Maklakova”| ((GRS:54 prm plm w/Maklakov
RREV1 lbx rdx plt.trx))
*1942:Ph.PA|_Outlines of Russian Culture| v1= “Religion and the Church in
Russia”| v2= “Literature in Russia”| v3= “Architecture, Painting, and Music in
Russia”| ((gnr clt chx rlg avc blt xdj rkt mzk RUS2))
*1955:NYC|_Vospominaniia| Abridged translation EBy Arthur Mendel|_Political Memoirs,1905-1917|
((DK254.M52A313| prm vsp KDs RREV lbx RUS2))
*1974:1975; Gulf Breeze FL, Academic Internatinal|_Outlines of Russian Culture|
v3,pt1 = _Origins of Ideology| v3,p2 = _Ideologies in Conflict| TEby Joseph L. Wieczynski|
IBy Joseph T. Fuhrmann,“The Two worlds of Paul Miliukov”| ((trx RUS1 re.ToT zpd StO Raskol Krizhanich|
pbl sSs/ToR clx| pt2 ch.2= “Lack of Opposition to the P.1 rfm~”:12-20| ch. 7=“Social Opposition”|
ch. 11=“Society and the Table of Ranks” 91-96))
*1892:|_England in Egypt| ((E-TXT|
<>Mirsky,Prince D.S|>Sviatopolk-Mirskii,Dmitrii
Petrovich.| a{890au22}e{939je06}n{}o{
*1926:N.NY_Contemporary Russian Literature,1881-1925| ((PG2951.M52| ntg blt
*1927:N.NY|_A_History of Russian Literature from the Earliest Times to the Death
of Dostoyevsky [1881]| ((891.709 M679h| blt ntg))
*1931:L.ENG|_Russia: A Social History|L.ENG:1931| ((947 M679| pbl gnr))
*1971:NYC|_The_Russian Revolution of 1917: Contemporary Accounts|
((noUO| OWN prm.sbk vsp WW1c RREV2))
<>Mombauer,Annika, ed|>Mombauer.ORIGINS
|_The_Origins of the First World War: Constroversies and Consensus|
((WW1a+| Dracobly = She stands on the opposite end from Clark in that she
defends something of a Fritz Fischer type position but this is a much more
balanced collection than, say, the great 1960s:Geiss,Immanuel))
<>Mossolov,AA|_At the Court of the Last Tsar
(1900-1916). London: 1935
<>Murphy,AB, with >Patrikeev,F|_The_Russian_Civil
War: Primary Sources| (2000) | ((|>MGwrx|
GO/GLOS| prm.sbk | maps bbl | wrx&REV WW1c UKR| Editors provide a ca. 15p
<>Nabokov,Vladimir Dmt*|
--|_Provisional Government, 1917 [being a translation of 1922:BRL|ARR,1:9-96| “Vremennoe pravitel'stvo”]
--|_V. D. Nabokov and the Russian Provisional Government,1917
<>Nenarokov,Albert|_An_Illustrated History of
the Great October Revolution| *1987:MVA| ((?lxt pp. 66 71 82 102 122 140 161
184 210 233 234 235 264 265 308 309 346 350?))
<>Nevison,Henry Woodd|
a{}n{}o{jrnist for Daily Chronicle
*1906:|_Dawn in Russia: Or scenes in the Russian Revolution| ed#2
[1906]| Reprint series:Russia Observed| NYC:Arno P,1971| ((prm vsp trv lxt flm
mxp RREV1))
--|In Page.RR
>Nicholas II GO/Russia| Emperor Nicholas
<>Nol'de,Boris Emmanuilovich|
--|_Russia in the Economic War| ((WW1b MIC ekn| G/Shotwell))
<>Nol'de,E. Yu|
| re.cst in RUS; hst basis for different path, etc GO GRS:115-16
| GO SoM
<>Novgorodtsev,Pavel| a{}
--|RB-C| “The Essence of the Russian Orthodox Conscience”
Editorial in 1st issue of his Masonic journal\Utrennii svet\[Morning Light] and
an essay on education [Raeff3:62-86]
More = [BL&T:59, 117f]
<>Novikov,Nikolai,*1946:USSR ambassador to USA.
GO Kennan, Origins | ((prm CWX))
a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{rvs gte
*1856+: Close associate of Hzn in west European political
emigration [ID]
*1861jy01:Proclamation "Chto nuzhno narodu?" [What do the people need?] ((Compare
w/1905 era peasant demands))
<>Okhrana| Russian Imperial Department of Police|
a{}b{}n{}o{tUt plc
_The_Okhrana--the Russian Department of Police; a bibliography, edited
by Edward Ellis Smith
*1930:Philadelphia|>Vasil'ev,Aleksei T. [Vassilyev here] _The Okhrana: The
Russian Secret Police. Edited,with an introduction,by Rene Fülöp-Miller
*1932:MVA|>Men'shchikov,A. P|_Okhrana i revoliutsiia| ((GRS:52,117
plt.plc RREV1))
<>October Storm and After: Stories and
Reminiscences|>OS&A| ((prm.sbk vsp RREV3))
<>Owen,Lancelot A| a{}
*1937:L.ENG||_The_Russian Peasant Movement, 1906-1917| ((NoUO| krx RREV2))
| in Adams.RR:
<>Page,Thomas, ed| a{}
*1965:N.NY|_Russia in Revolution: Selected Readings in Russian Domestic History
since 1855| ((>Page.RR| NoUO; OWN prm.sbk|
*1861:krx.rfm in NVG gbx|
*1880:corporal punishment in mlt|
*1881:dlo.Bgq ppx trr|
*1898: Isaev on vqt,ekn,krx|
*1902:plc rpt on prp among krx QER gbx|
*1904:Ganz's observations trv|
*1905:Ermolov disc. w/ N-2 re. Gapon|
*1905:plc rpt re.krx in TVR gbx|
*1905no:plc rpt on Wtt & krx.rbx; other plc rpt,KZN|
*1905:mlt.nvy & RREV1|
Nevison on RREV1|
Khrustalev-Nosar on soviet|
*1910:gzt rpt on rxn,Black Hundres|
Pollock trv account|
Lobanov-Rostovsky vsp|
Chernova,Olga vsp of krx.rbx|
Kossak-Szucka,Sophia vsp|
Farson vsp on mfg|
SDb jrn on prl|
Trt on Red Army mlt in Gwrx|
Gordon,A Gwrx|
Mrs. Stan Hardin in SSr jld|
re.Reed 921:prl.rbx,prc|
Bechhofer,C trv Gwrx,krx hunger|
Strong,Anna vsp,Gwrx|
Duranty,I Write As I please etc|
Reswick,I Dreamt Rev|
White,W These Russians|
Kravchenko,Choose Fr|
Burg,D HRM,dissent
<>Paléologue,G. Maurice|
*1914:1917; Last French Ambassador to Russian Imperial Court
*1925:NYC,George Doran|_An_Ambassador's Memoirs| ed#4 3vv| tlng of Russie des tsars pendant la
grande guerre| How do the several editions compare?
*1762de28:memo, etc. [Raeff2:54-68]
a{1867}e{1949}n{RREV1 WW1b wrx&REV}o{
*1907:LND-NYC|_Russia and Reform| Reprinted as Russia Between Reform and Revolution| ((|>PR&R| trv
RREV1 Dmx noWbr))
*1915:LND|_Day by Day in the Russian Army,1914-1915| ((940.918 P216|
*1939:NYC,Knopf|_The_Fall of the Russian Monarchy: A Study of the Evidence| (( RREV2 stt| 510 p
Just before the end of WWI, Nicholas II abdicated his throne due to problems
that arose during his rule, which was ordered by the government itself. The
problems were not few and it resulted in lies and secrets from the government.
Bernard Pares writes about the problems in “The Fall of the Russian Monarchy”.
He gives a basic background of these troubles. One, which happened as part of
Sturmer’s Mystery Cabinet, was “to assign five million rubles from the military
fund to the Premier for the purposes which were to be disclosed” (318).
At the end of the Russian/Japanese war, there was a question of who was going to
be the Emperor. This issue would show that the government had problems because
there was no general election for the public to elect a new leader. Pares writes
how Sergei Witte wanted to be Emperor and told Nicholas that he would kill
himself if he were not leader. The Russian/Japanese war in itself had problems
as Pares explains because Nicholas did not calculate the costs of waging a war.
Another government plot was what to do with Poland, which was in the hands of
the Romanov Empire. The government devised a plan, which basically stated that
the government of Russia was to be the ruling government. Nicholas personally
signed off on this. Nicholas had always wanted government affairs to be kept
from the public and Pares writes from letters written by Nicholas that Nicholas
was not happy with the publicity of Witte by saying, “I do not quite like his
way of getting into touch with various extremists, especially as all these talks
appear in the press the next day” (90).
These readings help to define Russian Political Culture because they are giving
insight into the realities of this time period. The government was corrupt and
the leaders knew this was going on. It also shows how the people were willing to
uprise against the government as shown during the 1905 revolution and how a
complete government can be overthrown if a leader is not liked as in the
February Revolution. Pares writes how Nicholas was not really ruling when he was
away which created arguments within parliament with no central person acting in
charge. This was after Russia went into World War I even though the public
opinion was very low. Even among his wife, Alexandra, the opinion of Nicholas
was low. Pares writes that Nicholas and Alexandra were separated due to their
different sides and opinions.
The insights presented by Pares are that the Fall of the Regime was inevitable
based on the actions or lack thereof on the part of the government in Russia.
There was no government order taking place and the extreme secrecy within the
government and encouraged by Nicholas II was no secret from the public. Certain
events such as the absence of Nicholas from government affairs and decisions led
to his forced abdication and betrayal from people who he saw as the most trusted
such as his wife Alexandra. Pares uses personal accounts through quotes from
people living through these events to add to his opinion. Pares writes how
Nicholas believed he was the “sole protector” but in reality people did not
trust him.
Pares believes the most important time during the fall of the Romanov Empire was
the three months right before the forced abdication of Nicholas. The abdication
was inevitable because the leaders within the government had hit their breaking
point in dealing with Nicholas. Pares believes there were three tasks that
Nicholas failed to do which were to “restore the administration of the country,
give it a new shape as would represent the colossal change which had taken
place, and to keep Russia in the war” (477) Nicholas could not fulfill these
especially since he had deserted the government and country to fight in World
War I himself. Therefore, the collapse of the old regime was going to happen
with or without Nicholas in power but Russia was not prepared to have someone
else take over when they forced Nicholas to leave.
This book covers the years of the reign of Nicholas II of Russia. It gives a
brief background of the years and events before his reign. His father is
described as a firm autocrat with a powerful personality, coupled with a strong
will. When Nicholas's father came to power, he regulated the various reforms
that had been put in place by the previous administration. These regulations so
limited the reforms as to render them, in all practical sense null and void.
The author, Bernard Pares, takes great care throughout the book to show that the
prospect of revolution was always regarded by the monarchy as a continuous
threat. The Revolution did not spring up out of nowhere, newly born as a fresh
idea in the peoples' mind. It was always there, just simmering underneath the
surface, with the lid of an archaic class organization holding any liberal
tendencies firmly in check. The class structure was based on an economy and
infrastructure that had not truly entered into the 20th century.
Russia was used to just ‘muddling through,' a phrase or a similar variation of
it that is found throughout the book, but that speaks volumes about the way
things were handled.
Nicholas II is faced with disruption and a possible major crises, which he
averts by creating the Duma. The Duma is an organization that is supposed to be
elected by the people to represent them as a governmental body, although the
Emperor still has the last and final say. Disagreements arise and eventually the
Duma is disbanded, and the members are prevented from running in future
elections by Nicholas. The voting franchise is henceforth limited so that the
Duma no longer is a true representative of the population, but it continues to
question Nicholas and provide him with headaches and opposition. Nicholas runs
his government in a seemingly haphazard fashion, nominating rivals,
reactionaries, liberals, and personal enemies to different posts in government.
This makes it so that petty squabbles for power, cutthroat and dirty politics
become the way the government was run. The good and honest governmental officers
were the exception, not the rule, and Nicholas was severely lacking in judging
the character of men. This is extremely unfortunate, since the road to power and
appointments was through him, and it was not based upon a merit system but
simply through currying his personal favor. Rasputin is a perfect example of
this, and the author goes into much detail in how Rasputin effectively helped
ruin Russia and its administration. He especially goes into detail on the
relationship between Rasputin and the Empress. The author gives the impression
that he feels that the Emperor was controlled by his wife in certain respects,
to the detriment of the country. Eventually the situation completely crumbles
around the monarch, hastened by Nicholas' decision to take command of the army,
and the many bad appointments that he made. The men he picked did not do their
jobs, and the population started to have a defeatist attitude. The main issue
was that of food. It was not necessarily the lack of food supplies, but rather
the lack of infrastructure and organization that was necessary to transfer the
food were it was needed. The people eventually rioted, military regiments
mutinied, and chaos was moving forward. The revolution had began. Nicholas II,
faced with all this, abdicated the throne. He had truly believed God had
appointed him to be the autocrat of Russia, so this was the most drastic move he
could make. The idea of giving up the throne would never have occurred to him
when he first took power. The world had changed, but Russia had failed to change
along with it.
*1931:LND|_My Russian Memoirs| ((SUMMIT))
*1948:LND|_Wandering Student|
<>Parmelee,Maurice F|
a{1882}e{1969}n{R&A trv}o{prf ntg.ddd nudist eccentric
KU & MU prf sociology
*1924:NYC,Crowell|_Blockade and sea power: The blockade, 1914-1919, and its
significance for a world state| ((UO| WW1b vqt
pt1= History of the blockade, 1914-1919
Warfare by economic measures and Neutral rights
The law of blockade and the declaration of London
Expansion of the blockade by the Belligerents
Neutral United States and the Blockade
Belligerent pressure upon neutral Countries
The British blockade organization
American regulation of war trade
The Allied blockade administration
Neutral regulation of trade, 1914-1919
Allied agreements with neutral Countries
The relaxation and termination of the blockade
The effects of the allied blockade
The military success of the allied Blockade
pt2= Sea power and the world state
Ethical dualism in wartime
Sea power and imperialism
The freedom of the sea
The balance of power and economic Imperialism
The essential features of a world State
The league of the entente allies
The coercive measures of the World state
pdx#1. The declaration of London Concerning the laws of naval warfare
pdx#2. British note respecting the Withdrawal of the declaration of London
Orders in council
pdx#3. British statement of the Measures adopted to intercept the seaborne
Commerce of Germany
pdx#4. Chart of the Allied blockade Administration in London
pdx#5. Statistics of imports into Scandinavia and Holland in 1916 and 1917
pdx#6. The German treaty of Brest-Litovsk
*--Don C. Gibbons, "Say, Whatever Became of Maurice Parmelee, Anyway?" [E-TXT]
<>Pasternak,Boris L|
a{}n{wrx&xdj.clt Gwrx WW1 blt}o{pst stx
*1957:Milano,Feltrinelli (in Russian) |_Doctor Zhivago|>Pasternak.DZh|
((WW1 RREV Gwrx| Winter,Jay quotes Lara, "'I believe
now that the war is to blame for everything, for all the misfortunes that
followed and that dog our generation to this day.' Before, men had died one at a
time. 'And then there was a jup from this calm innocent, measured way of living
to blood and tears, to mass insanity and to the savagery of daily, hourly,
legalized, rewarded slaughter'"|
Wki on the novel))
--|_The_Last Summer| ((WW1a|*1916wi:Serezha visits his married sister. Tired after a long journey, he
falls into a restless sleep and half-remembers, half-dreams the incidents of the
last summer of peace [1914su] before the First World War 'when life appeared to
pay heed to individuals'. As tutor in a wealthy, unsettled Moscow household he
focuses his intense romanticism on Mrs Arild, his employer's paid companion,
while spending his nights with the prostitute Sashka))
<>Pavlov,Platon V|>PavPV| a{}o{prf
*1850:SPB|Brilliant defense of PhD bfr GrnTN Slv etc|_Ob istoricheskom
znachenii tsarstvovaniia Borisa Godunova|
*1858ja:EkU#1:19-21; #2:36-9| “Pis’ma iz-za granitsy: Mysl’ o vseobshchem
muzee”| ((E.Pav:249| rsp vst edc, creation in lcl grd~ “populyarnyi,
obwwenarodnyi universitet” on foundation of encyclopedic vst~, lct, blt.vqr,
rdg, etc, “obwwee obrazovanie”| NB! cld be developed on bzn basis, as stk.cmp
[E.Pav:232] More in 58ap:OtZ#4))
*1859ja:mr; OtZ#1 & #3| “?”| ((E.Pav:226 sd cnp wld not allow full pbc of these
idl= vqe & oxo are “korennye stixiia russkogo grajdanskogo obwwestva” cvc.pbl|
they did provide “nekotorye garantii kak protiv qrezmernogo usileniya
centralizacii [stt], tak i protiv rezkogo vozvyweniya odnogo svobodnoe sosloviya
[sSs] na sqet drugogo| RUS capable of sustaining its traditional plt.clt
“obwwenarodnost’ i sovewwatel’nost’” [ntn dmk] Had sense of conflict in this
non-idealized tUt structure. There have been not onloy boyars, slujilye lyudi,
dxv, but also oxo “ne byli soverwenno bezglasny kak v politiqeskom, tak i
obwwestvennom otnoweniyax”. Conclusion = “Rus’ XI, XII i XIII stoletii byla
nevejestvenna, sueverna, opozorena yazvoyu xolopstva, no vmeste s tem obladala
samostoyatel’nost’yu oblastnoyu, slujiloyu, cerkovnoyu, obwwinnoyu. Pri drugix
obstoyatel’stvax ona mogla by vyrabotat’ iz sebya i drugie formy jizni, vyswie
gosudarstvennye i obwwestvennye uqrejdeniya”))
*1860ja:fe; OtZ#1-2|“O zemskikh soborakh XVI i XVII stoletii”| ((SLF idl
different, no idealization of zmisbo))
*1862:SPB|_Mesiatseslova na 1862 god| Appendix: “Tysiacheletie Rossii”|
Reprinted in YMI:52-54| The version presented in his lecture, SNC,2:351-4 and
LOD:7-13| ((prm 1000y.lct zms~ This pbc a kind of kln))
*1863:SPB| “Tysiach.”|re-pbd under separate covers| ((A vast plan to study R hst
frm point of view of “samopoznanie nrda” w/big role fr clt))
<>Pethybridge,Roger, ed|
|_Witnesses to the Russian Revolution| ((DK265.7.P37| trv RREV1 RREV2 RREV3))
<>Petrunkevich,Ivan I|
*1934:ARR#21:??| “Iz zapisok obshchestvennogo deiatelia”| ((GRS:55
prm vsp RREV1 NB! tlng|lbx))
*:|_Memoirs of a Social Activist| :| ((noUO GO
SUMMIT|98je:noUO|Birn,81de17:bbt.rqt| prm vsp Zmv lbx KDs lbx plt.clt|NB! UO RXV
<>Piatnitskii,O. A|_Memoirs of a Bolshevik|
((SDs(b) vsp))
<>Pitcher,Harvey|_Witnesses of the Russian
Revolution|>WRR| ((UO prm.sbk| Organized chronologically
in 14 phases frm fall of N-2 to failure of UqS
Who (8 major)=
Price,Morgan Philips (1885-1973):3-
Buchanan,Muriel:4-5 [trv.wmn]
Reed,John (1887-1920):6-7
Thirty-two others less prominent))
<>Plekhanov,Georgii V|>PlxGV|
of Russian Marxism and a critic of previous Russian revolutionary traditions
*1884:GNV| “Our Differences” [Nashi raznoglasiia]| With “Letter to P. L. Lavrov
(In lieu of preface)”| In
Selected Philosophical Works 1:122-400| (( |>NaR| prm Plx LvrPL))
*1910:SPB|_N. G. Chernyshevskii| ((OWN ndr idl.bxo Qrn))
*1929:L.ENG|_Fundamental Problems of Marxism| EBy D. Riazanov|
((HX314.P54513| prm Mrx))
*1961:1981; MVA & L.ENG|_Selected Philosophical Works| 5vv| ((HX314.P556|
bbt.rqt 86.02| prm Mrx SDs idl ntg))
--|Oriental Despot AMP [Raeff,Peter the Great]
P| a{}n{cnx | ntg idl stt.srv}o{
*1898:L.ENG|_Reflections of a Russian Statesman| Translated from the
Russian by R. C. Long| (( You will have to order this through ORBIS (SUMMIT)|
Excerpt = On false dmk in RRC,2))
<>Pokrovskii,MN, Yakovlev,YaA, et al.,eds| Arkhiv
oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii: 1917 god v dokumentakh i materialakh. 10 volumes.
(1925-1939)| ((noUO or SMT))
N.,ed| a{}n{STL.prs hst.gph}o{stt.srv
*1938:NYC|_The_Plot Against the Soviet Union and World Peace: Facts and
Documents Compiled from the Verbatim Report of the Court Proceedings in the Case
of the Anti-Soviet “Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites”| ((prm)) DK267.P64
a{}{}n{}o{jrn scx pop.hst
*1920:|_Bolshevik theory| ((SDs(b) trx Mrx mrx MRX))
*1920:LND|_Revolution from 1789 to 1906: Documents Selected and Edited with Notes...| ((D361.P65| prm.sbk))
<>Prigogine,Ilya|>Prigozhin,Ilia] and
>Stengers,Isabelle| *1984:NYC,Bantam||_Order out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue
with Nature| tlg of La nouvelle alliance| ((UO| G/Whitehead,A))
<>Proletariat |>Workers |>Unions |>Labor etc|
n{wrk prl unx}o{}
*1979:MVA,Nauka|_Fabrichno-zavodskie komitety Petrograda v 1917 godu: Protokoly|
*1982:N.NY,Krause reprint|_Tret'ia vserossiiskaia konferentsiia professional'nykh
soiuzov,3-11 iiulia (20-28 iiunia st. st.)....| EBy Diane Koenker| ((RREV2 RREV3))
*1983:N.NY,Kraus reprint of *1927:MVA|_Oktiabrskaia revoliutsiia i fabzavkomy|
<>Pushkarev,Sergei German|>PwkSG| a{}n{}o{
*1917:Memoirs in Moh.RR| ((prm vsp))
<>Pushkin,Aleksandr Srg*|>PuwAS| a{}n{}o{
*:|_Correspondence| 3vv|
<>Ransome,Arthur| a{1884}b{ENG}e{1967}n{WW1b
WW1c}o{jrnist, raconteur, sailor
*1912:kng on Oscar Wilde caused suit by Lord Alfred Douglas
*1913:gt-RUS to study folklore [nrd.svt.e] but also to be away frm wfe, and
legal actions
*1913:1919; Ransome worked as jrnist for Observer and Daily News,
reporting on WW1 in RUS and RREV [*2005mr01:The Guardian rtl abt Ransome
as ENG agent, SD(b) agent,
and/or jrnist [E-TXT]
*1920:EST Revel = new home (w/Shelepina,Evgeniia (TrtL's former secretary)
Later jrnist w/MGuardian
*1912:|_Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study
*1919:NYC|_Russia in 1919| (())
chd~ blt
*1976:L.ENG|_Autobiography of Arthur Ransome| EBy Rupert Hart-Davis| (())
*1997:Signalling from Mars: The Letters...| ((UO))
The Arthur Ransome Society [TARS]
*1984:|>Brogan,Hugh|_The_Life...| ((UO| Brogan,4:95-117 "Russia and War";
5:118-48 "Revolution"; 6:149-205 "Bolsheviks"))
<>Radishchev,Aleksandr| a(}e{802}n{dsn}o{
*1791:Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow| (Cambridge:1958) [HN525.R313.
Cf.:RRC2,2#22 and DIR2:112-124]
The author, Edvard Radzinsky, started off by telling and taking the reader along
to help him look for a lost file. He takes his audience to a revolutionary time
in history and to untouched places since the time of the Tsars to find the
Rasputin File.
The Rasputin file is first hand accounts of Rasputin’s inner circle that was
taken by the Extraordinary Commission. The testimonies vary from court,
government and church officials to the every day peasant. The documents are oral
accounts of people that he held influence over, his friends, his enemies, and
his lovers. It is rifled with scandals of backstabbing, masked friends, and
lies. It is a file that shows how Rasputin bought the end to an absolute
Radzinsky explained how Rasputin climbed into the hearts of the Tsar and Tsarina
and how other people used that affection for their benefit. If someone desired
to increase their status politically or within the courts then they had to
follow monarchal suit and be fond of Rasputin or at least pretend to enjoy him.
The reign of Rasputin led to political changes and personal association changes
of Tsars based upon the degree of affection that each gave ‘Our Friend’. It was
not until a traitor appeared among Rasputin’s inner circle that the elite began
to question the friendship between him and the Tsars and take a closer look at
who the man called Rasputin really was.
Who Rasputin was is a mystery still. He has several names, two that are real and
others that have been attached to him because of history and reputation. Some
are well in meaning and some are just. But who is Rasputin? In the first few
pages the character is put on a judgment block for the reader. Readers learn
about his home life, reputation, work ethic, and his travels. Rasputin at home
was lazy, stupid and did not care about his life health or his family’s life or
health. It is not until he gets beaten to the point of death by someone he was
stealing from that Rasputin decides he was a changed man and goes on to travel
to monasteries. Radzinsky goes into detail about Rasputin’s travels and the
different types of Orthodox religion and religion in general that he encounters.
It was these journeys that turned Rasputin into a pious man of god, but it was
his foundation character that breaks his plastered holy image and leads his
friends to turn against him.
<>Reed,John Silas|
a{}n{}o{Influential journalist and member of the American socialist movement of
the early 20th century
Son of a prominent Portland, Oregon, business family
*1917:With wife Louise Bryant, traveled to Petrograd, Russia, into the maelstrom
of Soviet Revolution
*1919se:Chicago| Communist
Party of America [USA] founded. Reed closely associated| Reed had only one more
year of life left to him, and it was not a happy year. He reacted strongly
against the efforts of Soviet Communist Party leaders to dominate the American
movement. A great admirer of the Soviet Revolution, an eyewitness to it and one
of its most widely read chroniclers, Reed became disillusioned
*--He died in Russia and, despite his misgivings about the course of
revolutionary events in Russia, was buried in the Kremlin wall with other
honored figures
*1919:USA N.NY|>Reed,John|_Ten Days That
Shook the World|>R10|
[W#2], the most famous English-language first-hand account of the Soviet
*1919:LND,Workers' Socialist Federation|_Red Russia: The Triumph of the
--|The War in Eastern Europe
*--Michael Munk biographical sketch with emphasis on Reeds Oregon roots [TXT]
<>Robins,Raymond|_Raymond Robins' Own Story.
Edited by William Hard. NYC: 1920| ((947.084 R558 H))
<>Rodichev,Fedor| a{}n{}o{
*?:Slavonic Review#2:249-62| “The Liberal Movement in Russia (1891-1905)”| ((lbx
<>Rodzianko, | a{}b{}n{Dmx WW1b
Reign of Rasputin
<>Roehl|>Röhl,John.C.G|_Wilhelm II: Into the
Abyss of War and Exile, 1900-1941|> ((WW1a WW1b WW1c| GRM MPR W-2|
mnx.plt| Roehl describes how Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg and
General Staff commander Helmuth von Moltke side-lined W-2 whom they took to be
an obstacle to good ntn policy| 1914jy:Crisis required that the two send W-2
away on a yachting voyage to Norway. They kept the MPR uninformed to mounting
crisis on the brink of WW1. They edited official documents sent to him. And this
just represented a more than usually intense example of an isolation of W-2 from
gvt policies & decisions which GRM military leaders put in place as early as
1905 Moroccan Crisis. This is not centralized autocracy, it is military
ministerial cooptation of the throne))
<>Root,Elihu| a{1845}e{1937}n{WW1 RREV wrx&REV
*1918:C.MA,HUP|_The_United States and the war ; The mission to Russia ;
Political addresses| Collected and edited by Robert Bacon and James Brown Scott|
((UO| 362pp ndx))
Glatzer and Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, eds| a{}
*1990:NYC, Fordham|_Revolution of the Spirit| 2nd ed| ((|>RB-C| prm.sbk phl idl ntg REV.clt RUS3|
<>Ross,Edward Alsworth| a{}n{prm trv}o{prf trv
*:|_Russia in Upheaval
*:|_The_Russia_Bolshevik Revolution
*1923:NYC,Century|_The_Russian_Soviet Republic| ((UO))
<>Rozanov,Vasilii Vasil’evich| a{}n{}o{
--| “On Sweetest Jesus and the Bitter Fruits of the World”| In
| SUQ:227-240
<>Ruhl,Arthur| a{876}n{}o{trv WW1b
*1917:NYC,Scribner|_White nights, and other Russian impressions| ((trv
vqt|248pp| The road to Russia.--White nights.--At the front.--The Moscow art
theatre [ttx MXT].--A look at the Duma [Dmx].--Russia's war prisoners
[wrx.jld].--A Russian cotton king [wlt].--Down the Volga to Astrakhan
[VLG.R].--Volga refugees [rfg].--Rumania learns what war is [ROM] ))
<>Russia| Committee of Ministers|>Komitet
ministrov|>KoM| a{}n{}o{stt.tUt}
*1905:SPB|_Zhurnaly Komiteta ministrov po ispolneniiu ukaza 12 dekabria 1904 g||
((GRS:58 prm RREV1))
<>Russia| Council of Ministers|_Sovet
ministrov|>SoM| n{prm stt tUt RREV1}
|_Petergofskie soveshchaniia o proekte Gosudarstvennoi dumy
[1905jy19:29;]|PGR:1917| ((GRS:168f,188))
| “Soveshchanie pri Sovete ministrov,24 maia 1905 g”|In Monopolii i
ekonomicheskaia politicka tsarizma v kontse XIX-nachale XX v (LGR:1987):127-42|
| “Zasedaniia Sovieta ministrov Rossii 3 i 11 fevralia 1905 g.:Zapisi E. Yu.
Nol'de”| EBy R. Sh. Ganelin| Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1989 g
(MVA:1950):296-305| ((GRS:115))
<>Russia| Emperor
Alexander II| a{}e{}n{}o{
Politics of Autocracy: Letters..., 1857-1864
<>Russia| Emperor
Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra| a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{
*1914jy29:1914au01; Four days of correspondence by telegram between N-2 and
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany [W
--|_The_Fall of the Romanovs: Political Dreams and Personal Struggles in a time of Revolution| ((DK258.s74))
--|_Secret letters of the last tsar : being the confidential correspondence between
Nicholas II, and his mother, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna
--|_Letters of the Tsar to the Tsaritsa,1914-1917| ((SUMMIT))
--|_Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916
--|_Complete wartime correspondence of Tsar Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra : April 1914-March
1917| ((WW1
--|_Last diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra
--|_A_lifelong passion : Nicholas and Alexandra : their own story| (())
--|*1905: Memo on the State Duma [Raeff2]
--| Some letters [Page.RR | WRH]
--|>Bark,Peter N-2 at GHQ in Moh.RR:75-84|
--|_Bazili,Nikolai Aleksandrovich, two memoirs| ((DK254.B37A33))
*1905:|>Ermolov disc. w/ N-2 re. Gapon in Page
Treadgold in Adams.IR
<>Russia| Gubernatory|>Governors|>Gubernatorial
Reports of Russian Imperial Governors, 1855-1864| ((SMT UW))
<>Russia| Grand Duke Aleksandr Mxl|
|_Kniga vospominanii|2? volumes|PRS:nd| ((GRS:222 prm vsp
<>Russia| State Council|>Gosudarstvennyi
<>Russia| State Duma|>stt.dmx|>Gosudarstvennaia
duma| a{}b{}e{}
<>_Russian_Court Memoirs, 1914-1916
<>_Russian_Revolution: Essays, Photographs, and Excerpts from Classic Works about the Men
[sic] and Ideas that Shaped the Most Significant Revolution of the 20th Century|
NYC: Macmillan,1967| ((DK265.a145| prm.sbk RREV2 RREV3))
<>_Russian Version of the Second World War:
the History of the War as Taught to Soviet Schoolchildren| EBy Graham Lyons.
TBy Marjorie Vanston|New York City: Facts on File,1976,1983| ((D743.R87| ndr WW2 R&A))
<>Savinkov,Boris Vkt*|
a{879}b{}c{}d{}e{925}n{WW1a wrx&REV}o{rvs trrist
SRs boevaia organizatsiia [IE= From very beginning, mlt angle to his dms
rvs.plt, more precisely a total.wrx angle]
WW1b FRN mlt| WW1c
VRM gvt Mwrx mnr under KrnA
Web bibliography
*1917:|_Pale Horse [E-TXT1
| 1919:
TXT2(searchable E-TXT = F/March 17/ F/George/ [F/ I /] F/Fedor/
F/Vania/ F/Heinrich/ F/Erna/ F/love/ F/hate/ F/flower/ [=esp."red" flower]
F/kill/ F/spirit/ F/Andrei Petrovich/ F/In my childhood/ F/You love no/ F/Frol
Sem/ [=2nd false ID] [kbk=] F/tavern/ F/Nothing/ F/Tivoli/ [=night bfr botched
dth.x.assassination] F/I rise./ F/vengeance/ F/What would I be doing/ F/counsel/
F/August 5/ F/I don't care who dies/ F/you lost a fellow/ F/August 18/ F/August
22/ F/time I was in prison/ F/September 5/ F/radiant in the night/ F/thinking
again of Elena/ F/tottering on his feet/ F/September 15/ F/September 16/
F/September 17/ F/Tsushima/ F/Peter continues to unsheathe/ F/September 25/
F/September 27/ F/October 5/)] ((1913:blt re.RREV1| Written under pseudonym
*1924:LND,Williams and Norgate|_The_Black Horse: A Novel| Kon' voronoi|
((UO| Pages recommended by student researcher = 14 24 36 43 65-73 101-110
*1927:|_The_Tale of What Was Not| OR = _What Never Happened [E-TXT]
To chego ne bylo ((re.RREV1| Pages recommended by student researcher = 27
43 56 69 76 80 83 93-96 112-120 161-170 202 320-324))
*1931:|_Memoirs of a Terrorist| ((UO))
Web bxo
*1991:|>Spence,Richard|_ Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left| ((E-TXT
of review))
*2004:|_THE RIDER NAMED DEATH [Vsadnik po imeni smert']
[ID] | a FLM based on Savinkov's life [Website
release announcement |
Snippits depicting acts of
terrorism |
E-TXT of
*2007:SEER#85,1::25-46,198| Daniel Beer, "The Morality of Terror: Contemporary
Responses to Political Terror..."| ((Re.2 pre-revolutionary novels of Savinkov,
The Pale Horse (1909) and What Never Happened (1912) and the public debate they
provoked among contemporaries about the legitimacy of political violence. The
anguished meditations of the doubt-ridden heroes of Savinkov's novels issued a
powerful challenge to existing justifications, notably among SRs, for violent
insurgency against the state. Mounting individualism had important consequences
for the contemporary understanding of political conflict.))
<>Sazonov,Sergei Dmt*| a{1861}e{1927}n{WW1a WW1b}o{stt.srv irx.amb
*1925:LND,Allen and Unwin|_How the war began in 1914 : being the diary of the
Russian Foreign Office from the 3rd to the 20th (old style) of July, 1914|
((Originally published by the "Red Archives" Department of the Russian Soviet
Government's 1923 historical journal, v4))
*1928:LND,J.Cape|_Fateful Years,1909-1916| ((UO|))
<>Scheibert,Peter| a{}
*1972:Darmstadt|_Die russischen politischen Parteien von 1905 bis 1917: Ein
Dokumentationsband| ((plt.pty~ RREV1 RREV2 RREV3))
<>Schierbrand,Wolf von| a{851}e{920
*1904:NYC|_Russia, Her Strength and Her Weakness| ((DK262.S25| OWN| trv RREV1 ekn))
<>Scudder, J. W. Russia in the Summer of 1914.
Boston:ca. 1920. DK262.S35| prm
<>Sechenov,Ivan M| a{}n{}o{scs psx
*1952:MVA|_Autobiographical Notes| ((R534.S4 A313))
--|Selected Physiological and Psychological Works| MVA:?|
<>Semevskii,Vasilii Ivn*|>SmvVI| a{848
*1881:1901; SPB|_Krest’iane v tsarstvovanie imp. Ekateriny II| 2vv| ((krx
C-2 ppx.hst.gph))
*1888:SPB|_Krest’ianskii vopros v Rossii v XVII i pervoi poloviny XIX v|
((SPB.unv PhD diss))
*1898:SPB|_Rabochie v sibirskikh zolotykh promyslakh|2vv ((1 of first hst
of RUS prl; so S originated krx.scl of RUS.hst & prl.scl))
*1909:SPB|_Politicheskie i obshchestvennye idei dekabristov| ((DKB mnt
plt.clt| ?Is S now pulling krx, prl & ntg together? hst of cvc.pbl))
*1911:PkrVI,edt:7-18| “Idei, ob”ediniavshiia uchastnikov kruzhka Petrashevskogo
i drugikh”| ((OWN in PET 8x11 under Bykov,PV| PkrV axx gte Plw))
*1919:GoM#1-4:??| “Petrashevtsy: Kruzhok Kashkina”| ((PET EvpAI RS0 krj))
*1922:MVA|_M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevskii i petrashevtsy| ((PET| UO HAS))
bxo WtnVI?
<>Serge,Victor [pseudonym of V. L. Kibalchich]
*1963, then 1978:O.ENG|_Memoirs of a Revolutionary,1901-1941|
--|_The_Case of Comrade Tulayev| ((prm))
<>Service,Robert| a{
*1979:L.ENG|_The_Bolshevik Party in Revolution: A Study in Organisational
*1986:L.ENG|_Russian Revolution,1900-1927| ((UO:DK262.S455| prm RREV Gwrx NEP
irx ENG))
Memoirs of WW1 & RREV1 childhood [Moh.RR] | ((prm vsp
<>Shanin,Teodor, with Haruki
Wada, Derek Sayer, Philip Corrigan, and Jonathan Sanders| a{}
*1983:L.ENG|_Late Marx and the Russian Road: Marx and ‘the Peripheries of Capitalism:’ A Case|
((|>SLM| prm krx
*1859:Chernyshevskii critique of those who harbor “prejudices” against the
Peasant commune [Q.PSS#05:357-92]
*1862fe05:fe16; Chernyshevskii, Unaddressed Letters (5) [Q.PSS#10:90-116] [MER
44 246 256 272 277 (noUO)]
*1878fa:Marx's letter to editor of the Russian journal Otechestvennye zapiski
[date suggested by Wada,56; 1877no:Traditional date]
*1879fa:NaV Executive Committee Program (SLM:207-212) [RN7,2:170-4]
*1879oc01: The People and the State (SLM:219-23)
*1880sp:NaV tactical Program (SLM:223-31) [RN7,2:175-183]
*1880no:NaV Workers’ Organization Program (SLM:231-7) [RN7,2:184-91]
*1880oc25:Revolutionary populist journal Narodnaia Volia [NaV] Executive
Committee letter to Marx (SLM:206-7) [RN7,2:228-9]
*1881fe05:Kibalchich, article on political revolution and the economic question
*1881fe:Zasulich's letter to Marx (draft)
*1881fe:mr; Marx's reply to Zasulich letter (draft)
*1881mr:Marx's final text of letter to Zasulich
*1881fa:1882wi; NaV Military-revolutionary organization Program (SLM:238) [RN7,2:196-200 | mlt]
*1882ja:Marx and Engels preface to 2nd Russian edition of the Communist
Manifesto [MER:88-9 (noUO)]
*1882fe16:Last will and testaments of revolutionary populists A.Mikhailov and
A.Barannikov (SLM:239-40)
*1924:Riazanov,David discovered the drafts of the 1881wi:Marx/Zasulich
P|>WwaAP| a{
*1858:KZN|_Russkii raskol staroobriadchestva,razsmatrivaemyi v sviazi s
vnutrennym sostoianiem russkoi tserkvi i grazhdanstvennosti v XVII veke i v
pervoi polovine XVIII: Opyt istoricheskogo issledovaniia o prichinakh
proiskhozhdeniia i rasprostraneniia russkogo raskola| *1906:Soq#1:173-450;
and KZN:1959 reprintings| ((BX601.s5| StO|cvc.virtu Dbr & AnvM plm,Svm))
*1859:KZN|_Golos drevnei russkoi tserkvi ob uluchshenii byta nesvobodnykh
liudei|*1906:Soq#1:1-15 reprint| ((srf.rfm srf vqt chx rlg|based on
858no08:lct;also earlier 857no08:lct “Religiia i russkaia narodnost’” [text lost
po-edt note, Soq:15]))
*1860:MVA|_Narodnye russkie legendy|Second ed|Published by Shchepkin and
Soldatenkov| ((nrd.blt spx, cf.Dobrovol’skii,Zapreshen:50-5 SldKT pbc))
*1860:1861; OtZ| “Zemstvo i raskol”| *1906:Soq#1:451-504 reprint| ((Zmv StO|Wlg
plm G/26:KrA#14:128-47 [Nqka.Wwa]))
*1861my:WwaA ltr-A-2| “Pis’mo ... Shchapova Alek. II v 1861 g.”|Published
1926:KrA#19:150-65| ((See VR-D:177| Nqka.Wwa:646 sd [plt.clt] Wwa,like Hzn,
suffered “liberal’nye kolebaniya”; for Hzn it was dvr ogrqaniqennost’; for Wwa,
krx ograniqennost’| Verya v carya [odd assertion in view of Wwa ref. to TSR blw]
i v iduwwie sverxu rfmy on prosit carya sozdat’ Rossiiskuyu federaciyu
samoupravlyayuwwixsya obastei [fdr slf.gvt rgn~] s “narodnym kontrolei nad
provincial’nym gubernskim upravleniem” [C&B], s “vosstanovleniem” vsesoslovnyx
[vse.sSs] “zemskix sovetov” [zmi.SOV~] i central’nogo zemkogo sobora [ZmS],
ograniqivayuwwego carskuyu vlast’ [TSR] Prosit uniqtojit’ “nepomernuyu
ekonomiqeskuyu centralizaciyu” [ekn.sttism] i osuwwestvit’ “vsenarodnoe
prosvewwenie” [vse.nrd edc] [646] re.edc:has been exclusive, cannot remain
“kastal’nuyu monopoliyu [clx.mpy] gorodskix korporacii [crp] samyx maloqislennyx
privilegirovannyx sSsovnyx kast”|Must be VsR & vse.sSs))
*1861wi:KZN.unv|lct-krj “O cst” [*1924:Izvestiia Obshchestva arkheologii,
istorii, etnografii pri Gosudarstvennom Kazanskom universitete#33,2/3:38-58
*1861ap:KZN| “Rech’ posle panikhidy po ubitym v s. Bezdne krest’ianam”|
*1923:KrA#4:407-10| ((pnxB srf.rfm krx.rbx| Field,Rebels:96-102 tlng 3 versions
of Wwa lct))
*1861oc:OtZ#10:579-616 & 11:79-118|“Velikorusskie oblasti i smutnoe vremia”|
*1906:Soq#1:648-709 reprint| ((ToT gbx))
*1861oc08: as copied 1862ja07: “Pis’mo Shchapova k Kn. [P. P.] Viazemskomu”|
NVD:368-77 w/Nqka comments, originally *1959:LiN#67:657-68| ((See
Nqka.Wwa:645-56| VzmPP| re. 861au:RVe|Vzm poem “Zametka”,an attack on civil
libertarianism in name of spiritual liberty, it would seem [?~~ 1909:Vekhi
idl~?] Lozung “sozyva Vsenarodnogo ZmS imeyuwwii funkcii Uqreditel’nogo
sobraniya| ltr not sent to V, but to Hzn who cldn’t pbc in ltr form| Wwa then
decided to put main idl in rtl prj “O russkom dvorianstve” [dvr] which was never
pbc & has not survived [Nqka.Wwa] TXT (as from LiN; get NVD pages) = Ya
demokrat, drug federal’noi soyuznoi obwwinno-demokratiqeskoi konstitucii
russkoi, vo imya demokrata Xrista i demokrata-mujiqka Antona Petrova, za krov’,
za svobodu mujiqkov i vsego naroda, derznul skazt’ v sobranii molodogo
pokoleniya: “Da zdravstuet, da budet obwwino-demokratiqeskaya konstituciya!”
[LiN:657]|| A popular assemblyh nakanune kotorogo miy jivem i o kotorom
pomywlyal pervyi krest’yanin
– Pososhkov [LiN:657] A hybrid of sel’sk.mir [vlg.mir], vls.sxd, grd.sxd
[grd.dmx], vsegrdie dumy, Veqe [Vqe], oblast.sovet [rgn.SOV], obww. fed. soyuzn.
sovete [fdr], sxode, ili s”ezde|| Mistakes ofr P-1 = on napered s”ezdil v
Zapadnuyu Evropu, za granicu, a ne ob”exal napered Rossiyu, da i ottogo, qto
ewwe pri otce vladeli vospitaniem carskix detei
nemcy – istoriqeskie vragi slavyan||Ya gotov umeret’ za etu muqawwuyu
menya mysl’
ob obwwinnom narodosovetii, o zemskom – oblastnom i soyuznom narodosovetii|
Ya gopvoryu i budu govorit’ do smerti ili do katgorgi odno: konstituciya
ne mojet byt’
soqineniya ne novym Speranskim [SpxM] – geniem byurokratiqeskim, ne novym
Mura’evym ili Pestelem [DKB] – nespelym, odnostoronnim geniem 14-go dekabrya, ne
odnim Iskanderom [Hzn], --
nikem. Ona
doljna byt’
sozdana, organizovana samim narodom, izlyublennymi vybornymi umom
narodnym, kogo – skaju starinum narodnym slovom –
kogo mej sebya izlyublyat i vyberut. [LiN:651] Wwa sd he wldn’t gtz Hzn
but to the graves of Rdw & Ryleev))
*1862:Iskra|“Iz bursatskogo byta”| ((chx dxv vqt))
*1862fe18:Vek#1/6|“Sel’skaia obshchina”|*1906:Soq#1:760-7 reprint| ((vlg.o))
*1862mr11:Vek#7/8:| “Zemstvo”|*1906:Soq#1:753-9 reprint| ((Zmv lnd ntn hst.gph
*1862mr:Vek#11| “Zemskie sobory v XVII stoletii: Sbor 1642 goda”|
*1906:Soq#1:710-17 reprint| ((elx zms~))
*1862mr:Vek#12| “Gorodskie mirskie skhody”| *1906:Soq#1:783f reprint|
*1862ap01:Vek#13/14|“Sel’skii mir i mirskoi skhod”| *1906:Soq#1:768-82 reprint|
((vlg.sxd vlg.m))
*1862oc:Vremia#10:319-63 & 11:251-97| “Zemstvo i raskol”| *1906:Soq#1:505-579
reprint| ((StO|#1 “Beguny”?))
*1862:SPB|_Zemstvo i raskol| ((StO Zmv 862oc10:cnp rzr 16p brochure))
*1862no:OtZ#11:1-43|“Zemskie sobory 1648-1649 i sobranie deputatov...”|
*1906:Soq#1:718-52 reprint| ((elx dep.rpz ZmS))
*1870mr:de; OtZ#3 #4 & #12|“Estestvenno-psikhologicheskie usloviia umstvennogo i
sotsial’nogo razvitiia russkogo naroda”| ((PSU| prm psx mnt pbl nrd| ?Relation
of this title w/ “Istoricheskie usloviia intellectual’nogo razvitiia v
Rossii”|*1906:Soq#2:??| ntg edc clt.hst))
*1906-1908:SPB|_Sochineniia| 3vv| Biography by G. A. Luchinskii,3: I-CIX|
((Hkd:281.947 Shch29))
*1927:KZN|_Neizdannye sochineniia| ((prm SldKT pbc))
*1937:IRK|_Sochineniia| Supplement to 1906-1908 ed|
<>Shchepkin,Nikolai Mxl*|>WwpNM| a{
*1905:RnD|_Zemskaia i gorodskaia Rossiia o narodnom predstavitel’stve|
((IISG 60p rpz cst plt.clt grd krx vlg))
*1787:"Petition..." and "Pace of Russia's Modernization" [Raeff3:49-60] ((mdn))
--| "On the Corruption of Morals in Russia [English-Russian text = HN525.S513
<>Shein,Louis J., ed| a{}
*1977:ONT Waterloo|_Readings in Russian Philosophical Thought: Philosophy of History|
((|>WPT| D16.8.R34| prm.sbk hst.gph idl RUS2 plt.clt|
<>Shipov,Dmitrii N|
*1918:MVA|_Vospomananiia i dumy o perezhitom| ((GRS:53,121
prm vsp RREV1))
a{1893}e{1984}n{WW1b WW1c wrx&clt blt RREV2 RREV3}o{
*:|_A_Sentimental Journey: Memoirs, 1917-1922| TEBy Richard Sheldon| IBy
Sheldon & Monas| ((UO
Making armored cars and novels: A literary introduction / Richard Sheldon
Driving nails with a samovar: A historical introduction / Sidney Monas|
Part one [historical]: Revolution and the front
Part two [literary]: Writing desk
The book borrowed its title from ENG pst Laurence Sterne. It describes the
travels of a bewildered intellectual through Russia, Persia [IRN], the Ukraine
[UKR], and the Caucasus [CAU] during the period of the Russian Revolution.
Valuable first-hand account of events, Also an important experimental literary
work - a memoir in the form of a novel))
*1917su:WW1b vsp in Moh.RR and in Barker|
<>Sholokhov,Mikhail A|
--|And Quiet Flows the Don
--|Man's Fate
<>Shotwell,J.T, General
Editor, The >Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [>CE.irx.pcx]: Division
of Economics and History|
*:|_The_Economic and Social History of the World War| a{}n{WW1b ekn.hst skz mfg
CE.irx.pcx pbd two series =--|Here are some titles in the Russian Series, generally by pre-RREV3 RUS gvt administrators =
- *1928-1931:New Haven:YUP for CE.irx.pcx, Russian Series| ((Several prm.sbk~ + at least one ndr.sbk [Florinsky.END]))
- *:CE.irx.pcx, Turkish Series| G/Emin,Ahmed [ OTM.TRK]
|>Antsiferov,Aleksei (1867-1943) on Russian agriculture
|>Antsiferov (a 2nd title) on _Coop movement during war| ((HD3515.C6))
|>Bilimovich,Aleksandr (1876) on R agriculture
|>Batshev,Mikhail on R agriculture
|>Ignat'ev,Pavel Nxi*| 1870-1945| Russian Schools and Universities in the World War| ((edc unv scl))
|>Ivantsov,Dmitrii on R agriculture
|>L'vov,Georgii Evg (1861-1925) Other pbc= Vospominaniia]
|>Obolenskii,Vladimir (1869-) Other pbc= _Moia zhizn'| ((DK265.7.O26A3))
|>Polner,Tikhon Ivn (1864-1935) and >Obolenskii,Vladimir. lcl gvt, Union of Zemstvos| Other pbc~ re. TolL
|>Struve,Petr on food supply| Other pbc (with Miliukov et al.)= 1917:|_Russian_Realities and Problems (ENG lectures ((DK262+.D8%7C))
|>Turin,Sergei Ptr on lcl gvt, Union of Zemstvos| Other pbc= survey hst of prl.unx| ((UO))
And yet another clutch of titles by
|>Astrov,Nikolai (-1934) on All-Russian union of towns| ((UO))
|>Gronskii,Pavel (1883) on central gvt| ((UO))
|>Kohn,Stanislas (1888-1933) on _The_Cost of the War to Russia: The vital statistics of European Russia during the World War, 1914-1917| ((UO))
G/Meiendorf,Aleksandr Feliks
|>Nol'de,Boris (1876-1948) on R in the ekn wrx| ((UO))
|>Zagorskii,Semen (1881-1930) Menshevik [SDs(m)] economist on state control of industry| ((UO))
Then there is this =
|_Russian Public Finance During the War| With sections by
|>Kokovtsov,V intro
|>Bernatskii,Mxl Vxr (1876-) on R pbl finances, monitary policy
|>Mikel'son,Axr Mxl on R pbl finances, expenditures
|>Apostol',Pvl Natanovich (1872-) on R pbl finances, credit
And these scattered here and there in
<>Siniavskii, Andrei. The Russian intelligentsia
[HN530.2.A8 S56 1997]
<>Small,Melvin,and J. David Singer|_Resort to
Arms: International and Civil Wars, 1816-1980| *1982:Beverly Hills CA|
((OWN| prm rfr xtx wrx&REV))
<>Sochor,Zenovia A| a{}
*1988:I.NY:CUP|_Revolution and Culture: The Bogdanov-Lenin Controversy|
((PG3467.M29 Z88| Bgd Lnn phl trx rvs.clt idl SDs(b)))
<>Soiuz Osvobozhdeniia|>Union of Liberation|
*1905:PRS|_Osnovnoi zakon Rossiiskoi imperii: Proekt russkoi konstitutsii,
vyrabotannyi gruppoi chlenov 'Soiuza osvobozhdeniia'| ((GRS:54
prm cst SoO))
<>Solov'ev,Vladimir Srg*|
--|_A_Solovyov Anthology| ((UO))
--|_Politics, Law and Morality
--| “Beauty, Sexuality, and Love”. In SUQ:73-134
--| “The Enemy from the East”. In RB-C
--| “The Russian National Ideal”. In RB-C
--|_Russia and the Universal Church. TBy Herbert Rees. LND: 1948
--|_War, Progress, and the End of History. CLND: 1915
--|GO Birkbeck for 844: 54;crr [in FRN] w/Wm Palmer
Isaevich| a{1918}e{2008}n{}o{pst
--|Cancer Ward
--|First Circle
*1974:1976; NYC|_The_Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation| 3vv|
*1971:NYC,Farrar,Straus and Giroux|_August 1914| ((UO WW1|
G/November 1916 (v2 in this series)
General Samsonov and Colonel Vorotyntsev lead Russian soldiers into battle and
subsequent defeat at the Battle of Tannenberg in 1914))
*1999:NYC,Farrar,Straus and Giroux|_November 1916| ((UO WW1|
G/August 1914 (v1 in this series)
(Origins of the Kadets)
(From the notebooks of Fyodor Kovynev)
(Society, the government, and the Tsar in 1915)
November 1916. To the Petersburg Proletariat
(Aleksandr Guchkov)
Emperor and Empress: extracts from their correspondence
A student handbill
Prince Lvov [L'vov] to Rodzyanko
(The Progressive Bloc)
(The State Duma, 14 November)
-- (The State Duma, 16-17 November)
A circular telegram from Sturmer
A novel on the 1917 Russian Revolution, chronicling the events which led up to it. The protagonists are its participants--from peasant to tsar))
<>Sotsial-demokraticheskaia Rabochaia
Partiia,Rossiiskaia|>SDs|>SDs(b)|>SDs(m)|>Social Democratic Workers Party|
*1905:| “Materialy po istorii konferentsii s.-d. partii v Rossii v 1905 g”| In
1922:Proletarskaia revolutsiia#11:157-78| ((GRS:81))
*1912:|_Vserossiiskii konferentsiia... 1912 goda|
<>SDs(b)|_Rossiiskaia sotsial-demokraticheskaia
rabochaia partiia (bol’sheviki)| a{}
<>SDs(m)|_Rossiiskaia sotsial-demokraticheskaia
rabochaia partiia (men’sheviki)| a{}
|_The_Mensheviks in the Russian Revolution| ((RREV2 RREV3))
Union,Communist Party of| Kommunisticheskaia partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza|>KPS|
a{}n{}o{prm RUS3 plt.clt
--|UPNE = NH Hanover: Published for the University of Vermont
by University Press of New England
*1930:|_Istoriia VKP(b)|2 special issues: 1) pererastanie of brz-dmk REV
into scx REV; & 2) Lnnist prg for STL.skz|EBy E. M. Yaroslavskii| ((prm SDb
*1938:MVA| 1960:MVA|_History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|
EBy Boris Ponomarev, et al| ((>HCP|))
*1959:Notre Dame|_The_Russian Revolution and Religion: A Collection of
Documents Concerning Suppression of Religion by the Communists,1917-1925|
EBy B. Szczesniak| ((prm RREV Gwrx rlg stt&chx))
*1960:MVA|_History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union| A
post-Stalin edition, EBy Ponomarev,Boris N.,et al| G/1938 abv|
*1961:MVA|_Russia enters the 1960s: A documentary report on the 22nd
Congress...| EBy Harry Schwartz| *1962:P.PA:Lippincott| ((278p))
*1969:1974; MVA|_History of Soviet Foreign Policy,1917-1970| 2vv| EBy
Ponomarev,Boris N [Ponomaryov here]; Gromyko,A.; and Khvostov,V| ((prm))
*1970:MVA|_A_Short History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|
EBy Ponomarev,Boris N.,et al| TBy David Skvirsky| ((SDb))
*1972:Toronto|_Guide to the Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet
*1974:Toronto|_Resolutions & Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union| v1 = “...,1898-October 1917” (Elwood)| v2 in four books,“The Early
Soviet Period, 1917-1929” (McNeal)| ((UO=JN6598.K7R455| prm.sbk SDb REV SSR.stt wrx&REV Gwrx NEP
*1984:UPNE|_A_Documentary history of Communism| EBy Robert V.
Daniels|2vv|Rev. ed| ((UO))
*1988+: UPNE|_A_Documentary history of Communism| EBy Robert V.
Daniels|2vv | Updated, rev. ed|
*1989:MVA, Novosti|_Documents and Materials: Moscow, Kremlin, September
19-20, 1989| ((Prs))
*1993:UPNE|_A_Documentary history of Communism in Russia: From Lenin to
Gorbachev| EBy Robert V. Daniels|“Third, revised and updated
edition”--Preface (1993 ed)
*2007:NH.CN,YUP|_Soviet culture and power: A history in documents, 1917-1953|>SC&P|
EBy >Clark,Katerina| >Dobrenko,Evgeniĭ Axr*| >Artizov,Andrei and >Naumov,Oleg
V| ((UO| prm.sbk| SSR stt&clt cnp blt xdj.clt STL|
"Prohibit travel . . ."
"The utterly indecent proposal to preserve the Bolshoi theater"
*--Organizing the "artistic milieu" : the era of NEP
The organization of proletarian art : the cultural revolution [clt.REV clt.rvs]
"Gorky, whom no one takes seriously in politics"
"Work with the anti-Soviet intelligentsia"
*--The thirties = Introduction. the culture of high Stalinism, 1932-1941
The demise of RAPP
The writers' congress
The gorky factor
The union of Soviet writers
Stalin and the Moscow Art Theater
The anti-formalist campaign
The campaign for a patriotic culture
The censorship
Presenting the image of the leader
Stalin as patron-potentate
Reports on writers from the NKVD and Soviet officials
Petitions to Stalin
The Stalin-Sholokhov exchange
*--The forties introduction. The culture of late Stalinism, 1941-1953
The literaryfFront:: the war
The literary front : Zhdanovism and beyond
The most important art
Moments musicaux [FLM]
The revolution has ended at the point where it began. "Leaders of the Soviet
Union, Stalin chief among them, well understood the power of art, and their
response was to attempt to control and direct it in every way possible. This
book examines Soviet cultural politics from the Revolution to Stalin's death in
1953. Drawing on a wealth of newly released documents from the archives of the
former Soviet Union, the book provides remarkable insight on relations between
Gorky, Pasternak, Babel, Meyerhold, Shostakovich, Eisenstein, and many other
intellectuals and the Soviet leadership. Stalin's role in directing these
relations, and his literary judgments and personal biases, will astonish many."
"The documents presented in this volume reflect the progression of Party control
in the arts. They include decisions of the Politburo, Stalin's correspondence
with individual intellectuals, his responses to particular plays, novels, and
movie scripts, petitions to leaders from intellectuals, and secret police
reports on intellectuals under surveillance. Introductions, explanatory
materials, and a biographical index accompany the documents."--BOOK JACKET.
"This book is based on selections from a book of documents compiled by Andrei
Artizov and Oleg Naumov and published in Russian as Vlastʹ i khudozhestvennaia
︡intelligentsiia : dokumenty TsK RKP(b)--VKP(b), VChK--OGPU--NKVD o kulʹturnoi
politike, 1917-1953 gg (Power and the creative intelligentsia : documents (of
the Communist Party and the secret Police) on cultural policy, 1917-1953) by
Mezhdunarodny fond Demokratia (International Democracy Foundation), Moscow,
1999"--T.p. verso
*:|_Russian Rev| ((NoUO))
--|Aid to wrl REV [SP&D,2]
V|>Dzhugashvili,Iosif V|>StlJV|>StlIV| a{}n{}o{LOOP
Stalin Internet Archive
--|_Stalin Digital Archives| ((UO))
*1931je23: Speech| Edited by Geo Counts| ((UO))
*1942:NYC|_Selected Writings|
*1952-1955:MVA|_Works| 13vv|| ((UO 12vv only?))
*1971:Davis.CA,Cardinal Publishers|_Selected Works|
*1972:GardenCity.NY|_Essential Stalin: Major Theoretical Writings,1905-1952. Edited by Bruce Franklin|
In Moh.RR
<>Stead,William Thomas| a{
Baylen,Joseph O|_The_Tsar's Lecturer-General: W. T. Stead and the Russian Revolution of 1905| ((AS36.G378A3no.23))
<>Stolypin,Petr Arkad*|>StpPA|
a{}b{}c}d{}e{}n{RREV1 krx.rfm lnd.rfm}o{stt.srv mnr MID
1907:1911; Prime Minister| ~~stt.dmx| krx.rfm Stp.rfm S.rfm
*1970:Metuchen NJ|>Bock,M. P|_Reminiscences of My Father, Peter A. Stolypin|
Excerpt in Moh.RR| (())
*1976:CO.Boulder|>Conroy,M. S|_Petr Arkadevich Stolypin: Practical Politics in
Late Tsarist Russia| (())
*1965je:SEER#43,101:257-274|>Mosse,W. E| “Stolypin's
Villages”| (())
*1985:P.NJ, Kingston P|>Zenkovsky,AV|_Stolypin: Russia’s last Great Reformer|TBy
M. Patoski; IBy Ph. Mosely| ((85fa:bbt.rqt))
*2011:MVA,ROSSPEN|_Petr Arkadevich Stolypin : Entsiklopediia| ((UO))
<>Stronin,Oleksandr Ivn*| a{
*1885:SPB,tpg.Mtpt|_Istoriia obshchestvennosti| ((cvc.virtu| Vast(767p)
plt.trx search for scs lwx~ of cvc.pbl hst of obwwejitiya [i] ch1=“Istoriia
grazhdanstvennosti”| Takes up ntn & shows all are a mix predanie ~~only to lng;
thrfore not blood but blt=ntn lgc [726ff] 86my17:no14; Pypin 2ltr-Qrn
[LpC:554,8| Q#15:612f,942] pbl=structr on lwx of mech;pbl=like“pyramid s kruglym
osnovaniem” idl [SWG:436] BrE#62:825 d.scr- geometric concept of pbl.structure
well| L-S“Stronin”, frm RXV,re.his idl:only 2 plt pty:pro-krx & con-krx(159),
representative gbx figure))
<>Struve,Petr Berngard| a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{}o{
*1909: G/Vexi
--|RB-C “The Intelligentsia and the National Face”|
*1918:|_Out of the Depths (De Profundis): A Collection of Articles on the
Russian Revolution| ((>IzG| prm.sbk ntg rlg.idl RREV
*1931:Vienna| “Witte und Stolypin”|In Menschen die Geschichte machten|
v3| EBy P. R. Rohden and F. Ostrogorsky| ((ndr Wtt Stp stt.srv RREV1))
Pipes.Struve| ((UO))
a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{rvs dddist SR SDs RREV2 VRM RREV3}o{Russian SD
*:|_The_Russian Revolution| Excerpt in
Moh.RR| ((1917mr02:oc25; Eye witness to events))
*:|>Getzler,Israel|_Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution| ((DK268.S93G48+2002))
*2003:Journal of European Studies#33|>Dukes,Paul| "Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler
of the Russian Revolution"
<>Sviatopolk-Mirskaia,E. A| a{
*1965:IsZ#77:241 etc|“Dnevnik ... za 1904-1905 gg”| ((GRS:51,115
prm dnv RREV1))
>Sviatopolk-Mirskii,Dmitrii| G/Mirskii,D
<>Sviatopolk-Mirskii,Petr D| a{
*1905:SPB|_Rechi g. ministra vnutrennikh del kn. Sviatopolk-Mirskogo i tolki o
nikh pressy|EBy A. Achkasov| ((GRS:53 prm MVD tUt stt RREV1))
<>Szczesniak,Bolesław,ed|_The_Russian Revolution
and Religion: A Collection of Documents Concerning Suppression of Religion by
the Communists,1917-1925. Notre Dame: 1959| ((274.7 Sz19| RREV3 Gwrx NEP))
<>Taylor,Graham Romeyn| a{}n{trv gbx RREV2
“The Revolution [1917-1918] in the Provinces” In WRH2:604-615|
((unpublished diary and letters (see s-field below) ))
re. father's archive w/letters]
a{852}b{}c{}d{}e{923}n{lgcNO}o{Revolutionist of the 1870s-early 90s, turned
loyal subject of tsar
Narodnaia volia party
|_Russia, Political and Social| [TXT] (( prm plt
pbl idl))
*:|_Vospominaniia| ((UO vsp))
*1930:KrA#2/39:63-6 etc| “25 let nazad: Iz dnevnikov...”| ((GRS:117
prm dnv))
<>Tocqueville,Alexis de|
*1835:1840; Original French edition| English tlng = |_Democracy in America| (())
*1856:Original French edition|*1955:NYC|_The_Old Regime and the Revolution in France| (( ~~rvs trx))
SAC LOOP on "Tocqueville" includes
E-TXT~ of main titles above=
<>Tolstoy,Leo| a{}n{}o{World famous writer &
<>Tolz,Vera| a{}n{G.rfm Prs}o{jrn RFE/RL
on jrn & mxx in LRF
*:|_1905| TBy A. Bostock| NYC:1972| ((DK254.T7a48 (NO LONGER IN CATALOG?)| prm RREV1 hst.gph RREV:noWbr))
*1917:1922; |_Trotsky Papers,1917-1922. Edited by Jan Meijer. 2 vols. NoUO
*1920:|_Antwort auf Karl Kautsky's "Terrorismus und Kommunismus"| ((UO KtsK ?ENG
*1923:| “From the Old Family to the New” in RBV1:89-95; fmy
*1930:NYC|>Trt.slf.bxo|_My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography|
((DK254.T6A36| prm vsp rvs idl
Leon Trotsky was not raised to be a revolutionist. He was not embroiled in the
social dramas that tend to mold a young man into political turmoil. His father
did not inspire orators of the past with speeches of grandeur to lead his son to
a promised land. His mother did not sob about the injustices of a harsh land,
harsh weather, and an even more harsh social system. He was instead raised
amongst a monotonous deluge of farm work, hunting, and late night conversation
to pass one day to the next more seamlessly. Yet, this upbringing did ultimately
spawn into that of a revolutionist. Why? What led him to oppose the norms,
expect changes, and then, act on those beliefs? Leon Trotsky did not gravitate
towards revolutionary aims because he was led that way, he gravitated towards
them because the social inequalities that he witnessed during the time of his
youth in the city, as well as, in the country.
Leon’s childhood was full of many contradictions. He grew up in Yanovka, a
village that was named after the landlord Yanovsky, located in western Russia.
His father, a Jew, had purchased many acres before the progroms of 1881 that
restricted the obtaining of land by peoples of Jewish descent. They lived a very
simple life. Yet, they were well off for the times. The way Leon puts it is that
“one measured profit or loss with the eye. For that very reason, it would have
been difficult to fix the extent of father’s fortune.”(Trotsky, 7) He never
really knew their financial position because his father did not believe in
wasting money on anything that was not necessary. All the while, his parents
could afford an education for Leon, send him to the city, allow him to immerse
himself a different social culture than the one that he had learned on the farm.
Through this social comparison, his views on the world began to expand, and his
obligation to incite change began to grow.
This reading helps us define Russian political culture by the study of contrast.
The relation between the haves and the have nots. During the late nineteenth
century, in Russia, you did not want to be a have not, yet, most were. In this
occasion you have a Jewish family, one of the general have nots of this period,
being land owners. Not only did his family own a large amount of land, but also
owned one of the only wheat mills in the area. “The peasants often used to wait
at the mill for weeks to have their grain ground.” (Trotsky, 9) They had a
machine shop. They were the haves of their village yet on a national scale, they
were isolated. When Alexander II was assassinated, there was very little talk at
the table. There was only their life, their situation. Leon did not see the
oppression that was happening all over Russia, he saw the way that his father
treated the workers. He saw the way their wages could be changed because of
semantics and that their was nothing that could be done once his father made a
decision. This effected Leon. He began to help out others even at the behest of
his father. He was caught writing a letter for a maid and was told to not do
that again. He writes that “the bewildering wrong side of life, recognized
neither at home nor at school, did not however cease to exist because of that,
and proved sufficiently powerful and all-pervading to command my attention.”
(Trotsky, 45) This shows his defiance to the culture that his father has set,
and inspires visions of his future.
The insights that are gained from Leon’s childhood grow mostly from the
contrasts between his time on the farm and his time at school. At home, Leon was
a farm kid. He enjoyed working in the machine shop, chopping grain, trying to
make his mom laugh, and drinking warm tea. Though, things changed for Leon when
he began to receive an education. The contrast became apparent. First, there
were regulations for Jews when it came to getting an education. Only ten percent
of applicants accepted to the school could be Jewish. This was a lesson in
political culture in itself. He realized that while he loved the education, he
cared very little for his teachers. He was not very found of his classmates as
well. One instance seems to have shaped him and his views on his classmates and
thus his peers permanently. He was the leader of a classroom gag on his teacher.
When the next day he realized he was fingered as the initial inciter, he had a
hard time finding forgiveness. When he returned to school the next year he had
not forgot. He “met most of the boys who had either betrayed me, or defended me,
or had remained neutral. This determined my personal relations for a long time.
Some boys I cut completely; with others who had supported me during these trying
moments, I became even more friendly.” (Trotsky, 72) This shows his ability to
trust, yet only once it is earned. This is a valuable trait to a person amongst
revolutionists. But this was school, he had yet to form a view on politics. In
fact, he says “during my school years I held no political views, nor for that
matter had I any desire to acquire them. At the same time my subconscious
strivings were tinged by a spirit of opposition. I had an intense hatred of the
existing order, of injustice, of tyranny.”(Trotsky,90) He goes on to say that
“my political frame of mind while at school was vaguely oppositionist, but no
more than that.” (Trotsky,95) He really shows a slow burn towards a
revolutionists mindset. Then, something that still vividly dances in Leon’s
mind, “in february, 1897, a woman student, Vetrova, burned herself to death in
the Peter-Paul fortress.” (Trotsky, 104) He then tells Grigory Sokolovsky that
it is time to get started. With these words Leon Trotsky was on his was way, and
he would soon find that many others felt the same.
The books main points relate to references in the monographs by examining the
social structure between the elite and the lower classes. In “Pre-soviet Russian
concepts of civil society and their legacy, Prof. Kimball wrote that “the whole
social structure was held at arms length form the levers of political power and
thus control over its own social identity and political destiny.” (Kimball)
Politics controlled nearly all social aspects of life. It was this control that
started to weigh heavy on Trotsky. His teachers had control over him, yet he had
no control over his teacher. When a teacher gives no explanation as to why he
has not returned graded papers, Leon is left to only wonder why. When he pries
further to find the answer, he is met with anger and given no satisfaction. This
seems to be an anecdote for the way politics are ran in Russia of this time.
Kimball also wrote that “a stiff and artificial social structure locked Russians
in suffocating assigned and hierarchical categories.” (Kimball) Trotsky knew all
about this concept. He was labeled from the beginning for being a Jew. He was
labeled for being amongst the farming class of peoples. These labels were not
meant to be removed. They were not meant to be overcome. They were meant to hold
you in a controllable position in society. Without land the Jews cannot grow and
prosper. Without an education the lower class cannot enlighten themselves.
Without money the peasants cannot afford to sway from the blanket of security in
which the Russian government can provide. These are all methods of oppression
that were being used on anyone and everyone during Leon Trotsky’s lifetime. To
sum it up, “They were generally excluded from opportunities of recruitment into
higher positions.” (Kimball)
In conclusion, Leon Trotsky was not born a revolutionist. He was not raised a
revolutionist. He was not trained to be a revolutionist. He was a young man from
humble beginnings who grew during a time of oppression. He witnessed the
mistreatment of his fathers workers, mistreatment of the school kids by those
who meant to govern, and most of all, mistreatment by his own nation and the
police that took without asking, killed without explanation, and acted without
consequence. It was these things that he witnessed, paired with the unexplained
self-immolation burning of a young woman, that finally sent him on a path of
change. That path led to more change than just himself. It led to revolution.
*1932:NYC|_History of the Russian Revolution|
On theory of "permanent revolution" =
--| In Moh.RR
*1937:LND|_Revolution Betrayed
*:|_Whither Russia? Towards Capitalism or Socialism. 330.947 T 756
*:|_Writings. (1929,30,30-31,36-37,29-33 supp.,34-40 supp.) (83mr31: bbt.rqt)
*:|_Bulletin of the Opposition| 4vv| ((prm WWW?))
*:|_Literature and Revolution. PG2951.T76
*:|_Portraits: Political and Personal. . HX23.T76
*:|_Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influences
*:|_First Five Years of the Communist International. 2 vols
*:|_Whither Russia? Towards Capitalism or Socialism. 330.947 T 756
*:|__The_Young Lenin| ((OWN))
Eastman ((chd.Trt))
Deutscher,I|_The_Prophet Armed| The Prophet
Unarmed: Trotsky,1921-1929. The 2nd of 3 vols. London: 1959.
<>Trubetskaia,O. N|>ToiaON| a{
*1937:PRS|Sovremennye zapiski#64:??| “Iz perezhitogo”| ((GRS:53,117,187
prm vsp RREV1))
--| RB-C| “The Bolshevist Utopia”
--|RB-C| “The Religious Movement in Russia”
--|_The_Legacy of Genghis Khan and Other Essays on Russia's Identity| ((UO| TTR))
The collection of essays by the esteemed linguist Nikolai Trubetskoi entitled
“The Legacy of Genghis Khan” describes his less well-known views as a
participant in the movement in the early 20th century Russian intelligentsia
community known as “Eurasianism.” His main points are outlined in the essays,
“On True and False Nationalism,” “The Legacy of Genghis Khan: A Perspective on
Russian History,” and, perhaps to a lesser extent, “The Upper and Lower Stories
of Russian Culture” and “At The Door: Reaction? Revolution?”
His first main point discusses the “wrong path of European culture” described by
the Eurasianist movement, or what he deems true and false nationalism.
Essentially, his argument is such that every individual should be self-aware and
strive to be unique – and that all nationals of such individuals should strive
to do the same. He stresses three types of false nationalism. The first involves
the downplaying of one’s own unique culture, in striving to resemble the
Romano-Germanic “Great Powers,” while the second, which he labels “militant
chauvinism,” is ostensibly the opposite – claiming that one’s own unique culture
is somehow superior to others and attempting to force assimilation of “inferior”
cultures to one’s own. “Cultural conservatism” is his last false nationalism, or
the attempt to identify uniqueness of culture of patterns or culture from a
nation’s history without account for the passage of time. He asserts that Russia
in the post-Petrine era falls in the most former category, or that any Russian
“nationalism” since that time has been merely a thinly veiled attempt at being
more European and not “nationalism” at all.
He then moves to discuss what nationalism should mean to Russia in the
post-Petrine period, after Peter introduced the dangerous false nationalism and
idealization of European culture that divided the upper and lower classes of
Russia and the old Rus’ from the new Russia. It is his assertion that this
nationalism should be determined by the very unique development of Russian
history, that it is to say, that the Russian state should not be assumed to have
risen from the ashes of even Kievan Rus’, but that “Russia-Eurasia” is the
rightful heir of the Golden Horde and the legacy of Genghis Khan. Russia, then,
is not European (or Asian, really), but Eurasian, and it is from this point that
the views of the Eurasianists stem.
The final very important point is a more abstract one, discussed in his essay,
“At the Door: Reaction? Revolution?” After a discussion of the differences
between leftist and rightist ideologies, he explains that European history has
travelled along a practically straight line a leftward direction
(democracy-socialism-communism, constitutional monarchy-democratic
republic-Soviet Federal Socialist Republic). This hypothetical line, however, is
not infinite and has, the Eurasianists believe, reached its end, and that these
leftist ideologies are becoming decrepit, deteriorating. It seems then, that as
the younger generations look begin to look back to the right, the future will
lead to reactionary rightism, but he does not believe historical development can
return on the same line – instead, he believes that this will not be reactionary
except in optical illusion, but will be rather a jump to a whole new line, a
whole new plane. In order to move forward, he asserts, the creation of something
new in place of a used-up history is necessary. The European ideological path
has reached its end, and should be abandoned in favor of something new.
Srg*| a{890}b{}e{938}n{MNG EUAist}o{
>Evraziistvo|>EUA| Evraziisty Eurasianists
[ID] CF=Leont'ev,K|
Trubetskoi,N| Savitskii,PN| Suvchinskii,PP| Chkheidze,KxtAxr| Arapov,P|
Efron,Srg| Mirskii,D| Florovskii,G (brief ~~)| Influenced BrdN
PRG & PRS? location of Evraziĭskoe knigoizdatel'stvo| jrn Evraziiskii sbornik
[SMT] edt=AleNxiIvn|
Following in UO library =
*:|_Common Slavic Element...| ((UO))
*:|_Legacy of Genghis Khan...
*:|_Letters and Notes
*:|_Puti Evrazii
*:|_Three Phil. Studies|
<>Tsereteli,I. G| a{
*1917ap:Crisis in Moh.RR| ((prm vsp VRM))
--|>Roobol,W. H|_Tsereteli--A Democrat in the Russian Revolution: A Political
I| a{}n{prl krx zvd}o{ekn
*1898:SPB|_Russkaia fabrika v proshlom i nastoiashchem| Translated as
*:|_The_Russian Factory in the 19th Century| ((HD2356.R9T8513))
}g{hsb= Williams,A
*1919:|_From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk: The First Year of the Russian Revolution [1917]| ((UO))
*1935:|_Cheerful Giver | ((re.her hsb Williams,A))
*1952:NYC| *1990:LND, ed#2|_Na putiakh k svobode| ((GRS:115 prm vsp gte RREV1| ?Part of
3vv vsp, including To,chego bol'she ne budet [SMT noUO]))
--|On KDs in Moh.RR
<>Ulianova-Elizarova,Anna I'inichna|
_Lenin's Boyhood and Adolescence| ((chd.Lnn))
<>United States Department of State| a{}n{R&A}o{}
*1920:WDC| Foreign Policy Association|_Russian-American Relations,March,1917-March,1920:
Documents and Papers| Reprint= Westport CN: 1977| ((UO))
--|_American Diplomatic and Public Papers: The United States and China| v9= Russia and the Manchurian
Borderland| v10= The Russo-Japanese War| ((UO| RJ.wrx USA-CHN irx))
--|_Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records: Russia and the Soviet Union. 3
parts: “Russia: From Czar to Commissars,1914-1918”. flm (10 reels). “The Soviet
Union,1919-1933”. flm (75 reels). “The Soviet Union,1934-1941”. University
Publications of America,flm (60 reels)
*1940:WDC|_Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States:
The Lansing Papers,1914-1920| 2vv| ((UO))
*1931+:WDC|_Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1918-1919: Russia| 4vv|
--|_Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of
Russia and the USSR,1910-1929| ((Microcopy of National Archives holdings
#316,177 rolls=
#7-18 (1910mr:1918no;)
#97-105 (1914mr:1918se;Calamities & disasters,etc)
#116-117(NoUO 1913se:1918de; Financial conditions)
#142 (NoUO 1910mr:1919au; Railways rrd)
#164 (NoUO file #861.797-861.7971)]
See 8x11 US Nat.RXV for pbd ndx~=
*1966:WDC| “Pamphlet Accompanying Microcopy No. 316: Records of the Department
of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Russian and the Soviet Union,1910-29”,
*1976:WDC| “Purport Lists for the Department of State Decimal File,1910-1944”|
See Univ. Pubs. Confidential. flm DK246.U5 cf. Z2491.U4
<>United States Department of State, Division of Near Eastern
Affairs|Periodical Report on Matters Relating to Russia [1917de01:1919je; ]. WDC:| ((UO))
<>United States Senate, Committee on the
Judiciary. Bolshevik Propaganda: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee
of the Judiciary,United States Senate,65th Congress,Third Session. WDC: 1919
<>United States. Special Diplomatic Mission to
Russia| *1918:Boston,Marshall Jones Co|_America's message to the Russian
people; addresses by the members of the Special diplomatic mission of the United
States to Russia in the year 1917| ((UO| 154pp WW1b| Addresses by Elihu
Root (1845-1937), John R. Mott (1865-1955), James Duncan (1857+) and Charles
Edward Russell (1860-1941)| R&A))
<>Vekhi [Landmarks; Signposts] prm RREV1
<>Vernadskii,George Vxr*| a{}n{]o{hst
*:|Nachertanie russkoi istorii. S prilozheniem "Geopoliticheskikh zametok po russkoi istorii" by
[Vinogradoff,Paul here]| a{}n{plt stt.dmx Zmv lbx unv.prf}o{Professor and
political theorist
*1914:1915; Lectured in London [SAC]
*1915:L.ENG|_Self-government in Russia| ((UO| As WW1b got under way, V tried to explain to English why
Russia was a good parliamentary ally =
pp.50ff = local self government in the time of Alexander II| Tver Province gentry projects for a Russian political future were central to Vinogradov's vision [ID] | V shared the Tver gentry disgust with social/service hierarchies =
(1) superannuated but still enforced medieval social estates [sosloviia] and
(2) bureaucratic [chinovnik] arbitrariness built into the autocratic Table of Ranks
Vinogradov proposed a 3rd alternative = Democratic [vsesoslovnye] self government | Preliminary stages of democratic rule in Russia might result in gentry and other elite social forces predominating over the laboring masses, but it would be step one in a process that would lead toward authentic democratic self rule))
*:|_The_Russian Problem|
<>Vodovozov,V. V., ed|>VdvVV| a{
*1906:SPB|_Sbornik programm politicheskikh partii v Rossii| 4+?
volumes| ((prm.sbk plt.pty RREV1 lgc))
<>Voline [pseud. of V. M. >Eichenbaum,VM]|
a{}n{RREV3 Gwrw}o{
*:|_Nineteen-Seventeen: The Russian Revolution Betrayed
*1969:PRS|_La révolution inconnue,1917-1921...| ((UO))
*1974:NYC|_The_Unknown Revolution,1917-1921| ((NoUO))
*1969:AnnArbor.M,UMP|_The_Early Years of Lenin| ((Lnn.chd))
--| vsp Lnn in Moh.RR
<>Vyshinskii,Andrei| a{}n{}o{
*1948:NYC|_The_Law of the Soviet State| tlng of “Sovetskoe gosudarstvennoe
pravo”| ((342.47 V998))
*1952:MVA|_Lenin and Stalin: The Great Organizers of the Soviet State| tlng of
ed#2| ((UO))
<>Wade,Rex A.,ed| a{}
*1989:FL Gulf Breeze|_Documents of Soviet History| v1= The Bolshevik
Revolution and Establishment of the Soviet State|
<>Wallace,Donald McKenzie|
a{841}e{919}n{}o{Englishman, a long-time visitor to Russia and astute observer
--|_Russia| SEVERAL EDITIONS, 1877, 1881
1905, 1910. 1912| ((krx trv| Only about 2/3 of 1912 edition got into Cyril Black's pb ed))
*1971:OSP#4:73-88|>Harrison,W| “Mackenzie Wallace's
View of the Russian Revolution, 1905-1907”| ((trv))
<>Walling,William English|
*1908:NYC|_Russia’s Message: The True World Import of the Revolution| | ((DK262.W3| Several
editions| prm RREV1 mnt USA1~~))
*1917:NYC|_Russia’s Message: The People Against the Czar| ((947.08 W158|
prm USA1~~ REV| See Kennan,RUS leaves the wrx,p. 266ff))
*[1918]:[n.p.]|_Bolshevism Self-Revealed| ((335.4 P 191 v. 1 no. 21| prm
USA1~~ REV))
<>Walzer,Michael compiler|_Regicide and revolution: Speeches at the trial of Louis XVI|>Walzer.REGICIDE| *1974:LND,CUP|
((prm.sbk FREV))
a{}n{prf}o{Great German sociologist learned Russian in order to follow
portentous 1905 Revolution [LOOP]
*1894: See MWG 1/3| “Developmental Tendencies in the Situation of East Elban
Rural Labourers” [“Entwicklungstendenzen in der Lage der ostelbischen
Landarbeiter”] Translated with an “Introduction to Weber” by Keith Tribe. In
Economy and Society 8 (1979): 172-205. H1.E25
*1895:| “Der Nationalstaat und die Volkswirtschaftspolitik”| Inaugural address
at Freiburg U| ((In GPS (3rd edition,1971)( [1st ed. Munich: 1920;2nd: 1958].
Translated in part as “Economic Policy and the National Interest in Imperial
Germany”. In WST: 263-8))
--|_The_Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Translated by Talcott
Parson. Second ed.,with Introduction by Anthony Giddens. LND: Allen & Unwin,1976
[NYC: Scribner,1977]
--| “Die protestantischen Sekten und der Geist des Kapitalismus”. Translated as
“The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism”. FMW: 302-22,450-9
--| “The Relations of the Rural Community to other Branches of Social Science”.
Translated by Charles Seidenadel in Congress of Arts and Science,Universal
Exposition,St. Louis,1904. Boston MA: 1906;reprinted with alterations, FMW:
*1905je06:Heidelberger Zeitung#131 [Zur Rede Alfred Hettners über “Das
europäische Russland: Volk, Staat und Kultur”], and *1905je06:Heidelberger
Tageblatt#131| “Russland-Abend”| These are two newspaper reports on Max Weber’s
critique of Hettner’s presentation, “Russland-Abend im nationalsozialen Verein”|
Reprinted in MWG1/10:698-700| ((| no Weber,Wbr))
*1906fe:ASS#22| “Zur Lage der bürgerlichen Demokratie in Russland”| An appendix
titled “Zur Beurteilung der gegenwärtigen politischen Entwicklung Russlands”
which also included S. J. Zhivago’s [Giwago here] review of the constitutional
project published by the newly formed Russian political party Soiuz
[Petr Struve, ed., Loi fondamentale de l’Empire Russe (Paris:1905)]
Reprinted in MWG1/10:86-279|
Translated in part as “The Prospects for Liberal Democracy in Tsarist Russia”
in WST:269-284| GO
Istoricheskii ocherk blw| ((lbx dmk RUS RREV1| sig. passages:GO FMW:71-2
& Moore| cynical; contemptuous of fa?? of rxn,sceptical re.KDs| Fall of tsar
leads to bureaucratic authoritarianism, not cst dmk| Only disasterous EUR wrx
can lead to overthrow of N-2 Mommsen,WbrP:7(both pieces re.RUS essentially
journalistic, to keep GRM informed); 29; 14(re.rigidity of lbx plt; missing
opportunities); 43(Realpolitik); 56f(RREV1)| Weber,Wbr:327-8))
*1906au:ASS#23| “Russlands Übergang zum Scheinkonstitutionalismus”| Reprinted in
MWG1/10:293-684| ((RUS cst| Mommsen,WbrP:56f,29| GO Wbr.RREV1))
*1906|_Russian Revolutions| *1995:I.NY:CUP=Abridged and translated|
((>Wbr.RREV| UO| WW1 trx plt.clt))
Max Weber’s work Russian Revolutions come as a four-part collection of his
Russianist essays. These four essays can generally be split into two distinct
categories of both topic and length, based on two different thematic moods that
run through Weber’s works as a result of world events happening during the
different periods in which the essays were written. The essays’ topics
illustrate to the reader the gradual transition of a political culture still
roughly confined to a small group of literate political activists and the
Tsarist bureaucracy in 1905 into a relatively larger body of the Russian public
in 1917.
The first group is comprised of the two larger essays covering the Russian
revolutions in 1905: “Bourgeois Democracy in Russia” and “Russia’s Transition to
Pseudo-constitutionalism.” The general mood that runs through these two texts
can be described as an expression of Weber’s sympathy to the plight of
idealistic liberalism struggling in the Russian Empire. Beginning with
“Bourgeois Democracy in Russia,” Weber deals with the conflicts and dilemmas
facing the anti-autocratic movement, followed by “Pseudo-democracy in Russia,”
which is more centrally focused on the mechanisms of the Tsarist political
Following Russia’s defeat in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War, Tsar Nicholas II moved
to stabilize his regime by alleviating the pressure of liberal reform movements
(the core of which were the local administrative zemstvos) by offering some kind
of accommodation – to no avail. The reformists pressed hard for the
establishment of civil liberties and a functioning parliament but continue to be
unsatisfied with offers made by the autocracy. Culminating with the 9/22 January
“Bloody Sunday,” in which civil liberties demonstrators were massacred outside
the Tsar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, the ensuing upheaval finally
extracted a promise from the autocracy for the civil rights of freedom of
thought, speech, assembly/association, as well as a promise of habeas corpus and
increased popular representation, coupled with a provision calling for all
Imperial laws to be approved by the Imperial Duma – promises that have been
attributed to an attempt by Nicholas II and Count Sergei Witte to split the
opposition into liberal reformists and Marxist radicals.
[wrx&REV=] Weber saw this episode as an indication that the Tsar had alienated
his subjects beyond the possibility of compromise, though Weber conceded that
the fall of the Tsar, however inevitable, would still require a war. Weber goes
on to describe three elements of the liberal-democratic forces that would be
responsible for pushing Russia towards federalist democracy once the autocracy
crumbled. Those three elements are:
1. The bourgeois “status-group,” who could be considered bourgeois in “attitude
to life and education” and should be distinguished from the industrial bourgeois
social class that possessed an inconsistent commitment to notions of liberal
constitutionalism, often even expressing overt hostility to it.
2. Landed members of the zemstvos, members of the Union of Liberation and the
Constitutional Democratic Party.
3. The quasi-proletarian intelligentsia, such as doctors, teachers, journalists,
The accomplishments of these three different elements, particularly through acts
by the zemstvos in the fields of education, health and road construction despite
obstruction by the autocracy, Weber claims, flew in the face of assertions that
the Russians were unable to exercise effective self-governance. However, despite
these accomplishments, Weber sees only a slim chance of a successful
establishment of a liberal-democracy in Russia, as any improvement in the status
of peasants was more likely to aid communist radicals rather than liberal
reformers. Additionally, liberal reform movements faced obstacles from the
Church, which had high resistance to change; difficulties arising from the
peasant class, which was already experienced with concepts of communism and wary
of notions of individualism; the challenge of cooperation from a volatile petty
bourgeoisie; and the opposition by socialist radicals opposed to ideas of a
necessary “bourgeois step” preached by Marxism.
In the second essay, “Pseudo-democracy in Russia,” Weber examines the political
systems of the Tsarist regime, particularly by focusing on the “interim
ministry,” which refers to the period of time between Count Sergei Witte’s
appoitment to the position of Premier in October 1905 to his resignation in
April 1906.
Reeling from concessions made to the reformers, Nicholas worked to reinstate his
authority through the cooperation of the Cossacks, police and army in
instituting harsh repression upon perceived threats to the established power
structure. Running parallel to these more aggressive endeavors was the task
undertaken by the government to “create institutions which would give the
outward impression abroad that the Manifesto of 17 October was being carried
out, though without seriously jeopardizing the power of the bureaucracy.” Weber
points out that the motives for presenting an image of a flowering Russian
democracy were rooted in Russia’s status as a “debtor state.” As a debtor state,
Russia relied heavily on foreign investments and loans, whose preconditions
demanded social order and a western-style constitution.
In actuality it was inevitable that those rights granted in the October
Manifesto would amount to nothing more than an empty promise, as the protection
of such rights requires certain institutional structures that Russia lacked. As
Weber explains, rights such as habeas corpus “assume the existence of bodies
with constitutionally guaranteed independence, which can exercise effective
control of the administration.” Rather than establish such bodies, Weber
continues, the imperial bureaucracy only had “police interests.”
To further ensure the ineffectiveness of any popular representation in
government, the administration coupled its promises of strengthening the
Imperial Duma’s governmental oversight abilities with an electoral process so
complicated so as to confound attempts to turn the Duma into a successful means
of popular expression. The additional prohibition of political meetings
eventually convinced the public that “whatever the bureaucracy banned must
necessarily be something excellent.”
In the end, the duality of granting and promising specific civil liberties while
simultaneously taking such extravagant efforts to render those liberties
ineffectual proved to be so much more destructive to the bureaucracy and bred so
much more hatred among imperial subjects than outright repression. It was by
this practice that Weber claims the bureaucracy established a superficial
pseudo-democracy rather than instituting genuine reforms.
The second part of “Russian Revolutions” comprises two significantly smaller
essays: “Russia’s Transition to Pseudo-democracy” and “The Russian Revolution
and Peace.” Contrary to the two earlier essays, these later works began in 1917
and have been said to display a strongly nationalistic, defensive side to Weber,
wary and pessimistic of notions of a Russo-Germanic peace arising out of the
Russian Revolutions of 1917. For Weber, the success of the 1917 revolutions was
particularly shocking for three main reasons:
1. The Stolypin agrarian reforms had so definitively split the peasant classes
into two categories: those with land and the mass of the poor and land-hungry.
2. Despite significant growth since the 1905 revolutions, the body of
radicalized proletariats was still quite small.
3. Those radicalized proletariats were unable to establish a lasting alliance
with the bourgeois, whose credit was necessary to finance “the organization of a
permanent administration.”
[wrx&REV=] Despite the successful destruction of the Tsarist autocracy, Weber
still saw little hope of the forging of a peace agreement between Germany and
Russia (which he saw as Germany’s chief threat due to Russia’s explosion in
population) because of the disinterest in peace expressed by the Provisional
Government under Miliukov. As Weber saw it, the radical elements of the Duma and
bigger landowners supporting the Provisional Government had identified two main
benefits to the continuation of the war:
1. The war would keep revolutionary elements of the peasant class occupied in
the trenches and contained within a system of military discipline.
2. The foreign banks, whose funds the Provisional Government relied on, would
only grant loans if the peasants were suppressed and Russia remained in the war.
Weber was equally pessimistic of the motives and ability of the Petrograd Soviet
to generate a significant shift in what Weber saw as a tendency towards imperial
expansionism. Weber expands on this concern by describing a test of imperialism
for the Soviet’s chairman, Chkheidze: “Does the politician in question restrict
himself to cleaning up his own backyard, i.e. to creating a democracy within his
own country or not? If he does not, he is an imperialist, whether or not he
intends to be.” Citing Chkheidze’s call for the Germans to depose the Kaiser as
a failure of the test, Weber pushes his offensive, stating “whether Russian
imperialism takes a despotic, a liberal or a socialist form is neither here nor
All in all this left Russia waiting for a real federalist democracy, rendering
the current state of political limbo a “pseudo-democracy,” leaving a lingering
threat to liberal democratic ideals and dashing hopes of a swift end to Russia’s
participation in the Great War.
*1906:KIV, I.I.Chokolov|_Istoricheskii ocherk osvoboditel’nogo dvizheniia
v Rossii i polozhenie burzhuaznoi demokratii| ((SIE| noUO| MWG 1/10:78f|
prm| G/Zur Lage| in 8 parts))
*1909mr17:Russkie vedomosti#62| “Maks Veber o Germanii i svobodnoi
Rossii” [1909 March 20]| A letter to the editor, reprinted with a German version
(“Ueber die Erneuerung Russlands”) in MWG 1/10:689-90
*1917ap26:Frankfurter Zeitung| “Parlamentarisierung und Föderalismus”| ((frm
Mommsen,WbrP cst fdr))
*1946:O.ENG|_From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Translated by Hans Gerth and
C. Wright Mills|
*1978:C.ENG|_Selections in Translation. Edited by W. G. Runciman| ((>WST| HM51.W396))
Baron (1970)
Honigsheim,Paul| *1949:Agricultural History#23:179-213| “Max Weber as Historian
of Agriculture and Rural Life”
Kimball (1991se)
Pipes (1955ap)
>Scaff,Lawrence A, and Thomas Clay Arnold| “Class and the Theory of History:
Marx on France and Weber on Russia”| In Antonio, Weber-Marx: 190-214
|_Russia Absent and Present| Translation of La Russie absente et presente,
v1 of “Triptique européen” (PRS:1949) | ((gnr REV.trx RUS2 plt.clt|pst also on Goethe & PuwAS
Veidle described the tragic evolution of a very low and flat but immensely broad popular culture in Russia (an idea not unlike Dostoevskii's notion of wirokaia natura [ID]). Veidle described how an astonishing high culture arose on that flat popular culture. Russian high civilization was a thin, unstable ascending line of creative brilliance, stretching to the loftiest reaches, but with feeble roots in the broad popular culture. We might illustrate these lines thusly =
Both popular culture and high civilization were to be admired
and respected for their various conributions to national life. Issues arose from
the way in which each of these lines just barely interacted with one another. In
a healthy national environment, high and low culture nurtured one another. But
in Russia, high culture was alien to, alienated from, the broad culture and
unstable in its contact with "the people". Veidle imagined a more normal, a more
sound, relationship between popular culture and high culture in the form of a
triangle, broad at the base and high at the apex, but with stable sloping
foundations on the base. In Russia, the image was a low thin (but unusually
broad) horizontal line from which, at one narrow point, there arose a lofty thin
and wobbly (but unexpectedly high-reaching) vertical line
<>Whitehead,Alfred North|
a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{scs.trx vqt.phl}o{scs mth
Stengers,Isabelle| *2011:C.MA,HUP|_Thinking with Whitehead : a free and wild
creation of concepts| TBy Michael Chase ; foreword by Bruno Latour| ((UO| On
Stengers, CF=Prigozhin| Foreword: What is given in experience? / Bruno Latour --
Introduction: Whitehead today?
*--From the philosophy of nature to metaphysics.
The mathematician and the sunset -- Events and passage -- The foothold of the
mind -- There it is again -- Attention to objects -- The ingression of
scientific objects -- Interlude: A pragmatics of concepts -- Science and the
modern world : a strange book -- A new epoch? -- From the concept of nature to
the order of nature -- Scientific objects and the test of the organism -- The
event from its own standpoint? -- Entry into metaphysics -- The great refusal --
Cosmology. Hic circuli, hic saltus -- Thinking under the constraint of
creativity -- The risks of speculative interpretation -- Feeling one's world --
Justifying life? -- The adventure of the senses -- Actuality between physics and
the divine -- And they became souls -- Modes of existence, modes of thought --
God and the world -- An adventure of ideas -- Conclusion: Word of a dragon, word
of trance
*--Alfred North Whitehead has never gone out of print, but for a time he was
decidedly out of fashion. Whitehead as a daring thinker on par with Gilles
Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Michel Foucault. Reading the texts in broadly
chronological order while highlighting major works, Stengers unpacks Whitehead's
often complicated language, explaining the seismic shifts in his thinking and
showing how he called into question all that philosophers had considered settled
after Descartes and Kant. The implications of Whitehead's philosophical theories
and specialized knowledge of the various sciences come yoked with his
innovative, revisionist take on God. Whitehead's God exists within a specific
epistemological realm created by a radically complex and often highly
mathematical language. "To think with Whitehead today," Stengers writes, "means
to sign on in advance to an adventure that will leave none of the terms we
normally use as they were."))
<>Williams,Albert Rhys|
*1919:NYC|_The_Bolsheviks and the Soviets : the present government of Russia,
what the Soviets have done, difficulties the Soviets faced, six charges against the Soviets,
the Soviet leaders and the Bolsheviks, the Russians and America| ((UO))
*1969:CHI|_Journey into Revolution: Petrograd,1917-1918| ((UO))
*1919:NYC|_Lenin: The Man and His Work. With the impressions of Col.
Raymond Robins and Arthur Ransome
*1919:NYC, People's Council|_Russian Soviets: Seventy-six Questions and Answers
on the Workingman's Government of Russia| ((342.47 W67))
*1921:NYC|_Through the Russian Revolution| A facsimile edition of 1921 edition| Biographical sketch
by Joshua Kunitz| NYC: 1967| ((DK265.W46; 947.084 W67))
<>Williams,Harold| a{1876}e{1928)n{}o{trv
}g{wfe= Tyrkova-Vil'iams
*--Alston,Charlotte|_Russia's Greatest Enemy? Harold Williams and the Russian
Revolutions| *2007:LND,Taurus|
Yuli|>Vitte,Sergei Yuli| a{
*1899| “A Secret Memorandum of Sergei Witte on the Industrialization of Imperial
Russia”| A translation,with an introductory article, by T. H. Von Laue of
Witte’s “Report of the Minister of Finance to His Majesty on the Necessity of
Formulating and Thereafter Steadfastly Adhering to a Definite Program of a
Commercial and Industrial Policy of the Empire”| In *1954mr:JMH#26,1:60-74|
((xrx prm ekn mfgR Wtt MPR| Vsepodanneishii doklad ministra finansov S. Yu.
Vitte....; reprint: Adams.IR:))
*1899|_Samoderzhavie i zemstvo| ((flm| prm stt Zmv))
*1905oc18:Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik published Witte memo to TSR
*1905de:SPB|_Zapiska po krest’ianskomu delu| ((GRS:110,120|
prm skz RREV1| cf.bbl/Krivoshein))
*1921:NYC|_The_Memoirs of Count Witte| 2 eds| Translated and abridged by A. Yarmolinsky|
((prm Wtt vsp ekn stt.srv vsp [Stearns,Pageant:672-4] | G/Anan’ich & Ganelin re.
crt of Wtt.vsp))
1938:Ph.PA|_Background for Chamberlain: A Turn of the Century Plan for
European Peace [An excerpt from author’s Memoirs]| ((341.69 W783| prm vsp
pcx irx))
| Bakhmet.RXV Columbia U| ((GRS:221))
| on SBR.rrd; USA1~~ desc [Walsh, Readings] prm
| on A.3 [Walsh,Readings] prm
| ekn [RRC,2] prm
Von Laue
<>|_World War I : The definitive visual
history : from Sarajevo to Versailles| Compiled by >Grant,R.G.| *2014:NYC,DK
Publishing, Inc.; Smithsonian Institution| ((WW1.lxt))
<>Wrangel,Peter|>Vrangel',Petr N|
a{878}e{928}n{RREV3 Gwrx}o{
*1930:NYC,Duffield & Co|_The_Memoirs of General Wrangel
--|_White armies Gwrx in Moh.RR|:273-79 from *1967:NYC|_Always
with Honour| ((noUO))
<>Yakhontov,Arkadii N|
--|_Prologue to Revolution: Notes of A. N. Iakhontov on the Secret Meetings of the Council of
Ministers,1915| ((RREV2 SoM))
<>Yanov,Alexander| a{}n{}o{
--|_The_Drama of the Soviet 1960s:A Lost Reform
*1978:|_The_Russian New Right| ((DK274.Y39))
--|_Russian Challenge and the Year 2000
<>Yusupov,Feliks F.
*1954:LND|_Lost Splendor
a{}b{}c{}d{}e{}n{prc.MoR}o{rvs std
*1862my:Proclamation "Molodaia Rossiia"
[Young Russia] | Translated by Jeffrey Rooney in *1982ja:RRe#41,1:47-59|
"The Question of Revolutionary Organization in
the Career of Petr Grigor' evich Zaichnevskii"
|_We | _My in Russian| ((SSR blt |
SAC | Anti-utopian ["distopian"] science fiction novel))
<>Zeman,Z. A. B., ed| a{}
*1958:LND|_Germany and the Revolution in Russia,1915-1918: Documents from the
Archives of the German Foreign Ministry| ((prm irx GRM RREV))
<>Zen'kovskii,Vasilii Vxi*| a{881jy04}b{Prokurov
(Xmel'nickii)}c{PRS}d{}e{962au05}n{gte}o{rlg phl
*1915:KIV.unv prf psx
*1918:Skoropadskii (Hetman) gvt mnrer of rlg~
*1926+:PRS Russian Orthodox Institute prf in Paris from 1926
*1914:KIV|_Problema psikhicheskoi prichinnosti
*1924:LPZ|_Psikhologiia detstva
*1926:PRS|_Russkie mysliteli i Evropa| ed#1|
*1934:PRS|_Problemy vospitaniia v svete khristianskoi antropologii
*1948:1950; PRS|_Istoriia russkoi filosofii| 2vv
*1953:AnnArbor MI,American Council of Learned Societies|_Russian Thinkers and
Europe| Tlng 1926:ed#1|
*1955:PRS|_Russkie mysliteli i Evropa: Kritika Evropeiskoi kul'tury u russkikh
myslitelei| ed#2| ((B4231.Z5| ch6 on Konst.Leontiev & EUAians))
*1961:PRS|_N. V. Gogol
*1961:1964; PRS|_Osnovy khristianskoi filosofii| 2vv
<>Zetkin,Clara| a{}
on RREV1 ((G/PREV:187-91))
<>žižek,slavoj|>Zizek,Slavoi| a{}n{}o{"Maverick philosopher", and author of over 30 books,
has been acclaimed the "elvis of cultural theory" [pop-art], and today's most controversial public intellectual.
His work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and political theory —-
encompassing film, popular culture, literature and jokes, providing analyses of the complexities of
contemporary ideology, as well as a sophisticated philosophy. his recent films -- THE PREVERT'S [??PERVERT'S] GUIDE TO THE
CINEMA and žižek! -- reveal a theorist at the peak of his powers and a skilled communicator.
*:Verso [the largest independent, radical publishing house in the english-speaking world
devoted to social theory, including jean baudrillard, jacques derrida, ernest laclau,
terry eagleton, chantal mouffe, jacqueline rose, judith butler, benedict anderson,
raymond williams, judith butler, edward said, frederic jameson, david harvey,
immanuel wallerstein, and tariq ali] Library of Social Science is pleased to present
to readers of our newsletter this exciting set of books -—essential texts for understanding žižek's thought =
|_The_Essential žižek: the complete set| ((
v1=_The sublime object of ideology| explores the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion
which make up human society. slavoj zizek's first book, is a provocative and original work looking at the
question of human agency in a postmodern world. in a thrilling tour de force that made his name, he explores
the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society
v2=_The_Ticklish subject: The absent centre of political ontology
v3=_The_Fragile absolute: Why is the christian legacy worth fighting for?| Argues that the subversive
core of the christian legacy forms the foundation of a politics of universal emancipation. one of the signal
features of our era is the re-emergence of the 'sacred' in its different guises, from new age paganism to the
emerging religious sensitivity within cultural and political theory. A specter is haunting western thought, the specter
of the cartesian subject. in this book slavoj žižek unearths a subversive core to this elusive specter, and finds
within it the indispensable philosophical point of reference for any genuinely emancipatory project| published here with
a new preface by the author – is that christianity and marxism can fight together against the contemporary onslought of
vapid spiritualism. the revolutionary core of the christian legacy is too precious to be left to the fundamentalists
v4=_The_Plague of fantasies: the relations between fantasy and ideology, and the deluge of digital phantasms [vs.mxx] surrounding us|
Modern audiovisual media have spawned a 'plague of fantasies', electronically inspired phantasms that cloud the ability to
reason and prevent a true understanding of a world increasingly dominated by abstractions -— whether those of digital technology,
or the speculative market. into this arena, enters žižek: equipped with an agile wit and the skills of a prodigious scholar,
he confidently ranges among a dazzling array of cultural references -— explicating robert schumann as deftly as he does
john carpenter -— to demonstrate how the modern condition blinds us to the ideological basis of our lives))
<>Zubov,V| a{}n{}o{stt.srv
*1917oc:Gatchina Palace mzm dtr| WW1 vsp in Moh.RR
~~KDs [Rosenberg.lbx]
*1968:MNC|_Stradnye gody Rossii| ((WW1 RREV vsp))
}s{(BSE3) Mints.RREV,3:160
<>Adams,Arthur E., ed|
|_Imperial Russia After 1861| Problems in European Civilization (Heath)|
B.MA:1965| ((>Adams.IR| noUO| G/SUMMIT| sbk| rdx
Berlin,I ppx mrl condemnation of RUS plt & pbl systems|
Meyer,A Lnn prl rvs|
Fischer,G lbx before RREV1 oscillation twixt “Small deeds” & “senseless dreams”|
Karpovich,M After RREV1, REV or coop w/stt?|
Adams,A Pbd cnx|
Von Laue’s tlng of 899:Witte memo|
Strakhovsky,L Stp|
Volin,L skz improving|
Gershenkron,A mfg progress improving ekn
Karpovich,M modernization making REV more remote| ((mdn))
Black,C No plt alternative to stt|
Treadgold N-2 bulwark against rfm
*:|_The_Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Why and How?|>Adams.RR
(1967)|>Adams.RR2 (1972)| 3rd ed. EBy Suny,G., and Adams|>S&Adams.RR3|
Miliukov,P from RUS ed. of Mlk.RR
Pares on Rasputin
Liashchenko on WW1c ekn and pbl
consequences:15-23 [wrx&REV]
Chamberlin on spontaneity of RREV2
Trotsky.RR on workers leading rev
Chernov.RR on R foreign policy
Mitrany,David| primitive peasant war gained momentum (from MvP) [wrx&REV]
Owen,Lancelot on peasants
Pipes on national minorities
Deutscher on SDs(b) leading workers toward rev
Kerensky on why Prov. Gov failed and why SDs(b)~ succeeded (*1932jyi:SEER)
Strakhovskii,Leonid on Kerensky betraying RUS
Fainsod on SDs(b) organization as key to victory
HCP on how Marxist-Leninist Theory guided SDs(b)
<>Allworth,Edward, ed| a{}n{ntn CASA}o{}
*1967:NYC|_Central Asia: A Century of Russian Rule| ((UO| sbk))
*1971:NYC|_Soviet Nationalities Problems| ((sbk))
*1973:NYC|_Nationality Question in Soviet Central Asia| ((dk855.4.a63|sbk))
*1988:Durham,DUP|_Tatars of the Crimea: Their struggle for survival; original studies from North America,
unofficial and official documents from Czarist and Soviet sources| *1998 ed [UO]| ((|394p| sbk prm/ndr TTR))
*1989:Durham,DUP|_Central Asia: 120 Years of Russian Rule| *1994 ed "130 Years" [UO]...| ((ndr.sbk USA5.MPR))
<>Amari| a{}n{DKB}o{}
*1958:NYC|_The_Decembrists...| ((UO|
STUDENT REVIEW = The Decembrists [deals with]
the events that led up to the December 14th, 1825, uprising [and describes] what
happened to those who were involved. Starting with a group of upper class
military commanders who had come back from fighting Napoleon in Paris, and how
they sought to better Russian through organizing secret societies, and their
eventual violent mutiny of the new Tsar.
The secret groups that were set up started in social gatherings where
revolutionary thoughts were discussed amongst those elites who had returned from
Paris. in January, 1821, the groups had it first meeting in Moscow. This meeting
was called The Congress of the Union of Common Weal. This event was significant
because it was the first nationwide secret political congress in the history of
Russia, However, the ending decision of the congress was to abolish the
congress. However, one of the leading members, Pestel, wanted to keep the
movement alive. He became the leader of the Souther Society, and began to
continued the work of the secret society. There was also another society that
was set up without any knowledge of the previous societies. This was called the
Society of united Slovs, and it wasn't until a member of the Southern society
attempted to recruit a member of the United Slavs that the groups became aware
of each other's existence. However, none of these groups did much more than talk
or plan. It seemed that the groups were all talk, despite some of the members
eagerly volunteering to assassinate the Tsar, Alexander. It wasn't until
Alexanders death, that anything actually happened.
On November, 19th 1825, Alexander died of malaria. The next person up to be the
Tsar was his brother Constantine. However, Constantine did not want the title.
But another brother, Nichols who was third in line for the throne, did not know
about this, and he ordered all of the soldiers to pledge allegiance to Tsar
Constantine. After finding out about Constantine's lack of desire for the
throne, he gained control. This was when the groups decided to put their plan
into action. On December 14th 1825, Nicholas ordered the soldiers to now pledge
allegiance to him. But the high ranking officers involved in the secret
societies decided that they were going to convince their troops to not take the
pledge and fight in the name of Constantine against Nicholas. They mutinied
against the man who wanted to be Tsar, in the name of the man who turned down
the job. The ordeal turned into a stand still between the mutineers, and those
who were loyal to the New Tsar. Just as the members of the secret society
assumed, Russians did not want to kill Russians. Eventually artillery was used
from Nicholas's side, and it was over. All of the conspirators were rounded up
and arrested.
Nicholas took his time interviewing and recording everything from his new
prisoners. Many of them told him whatever he wanted to hear, but many held out
with the names of the fellow conspirators. Nicholas then set up a committee
called "The Secret Committee to Investigate the Members of the Criminal Society"
in odder to get the the bottom of what had happened. In the end, the main five
figures involved (including Ryleyev, Pestel, Sergei Muraviov-Apostl, and
Kakhovsky) were sentenced to death, and the rest were sentenced to hard labor in
Siberia. Oddly enough, the death sentence had been outlawed in Russian, but they
were able to find a heinous crime loop hole. Russian must have been out of
practice, because three of the four ropes snapped, requiring them to be hung
again(which was also against the law).
Those sent to Siberia had many troubles as well. The first prison they were sent
to was very hard for the Decembrist. they were not used to hard work, and being
locked in small dark rooms. However, they were soon transferred to Chita, where
Nicholas had sent General Leparsky to look after them. This was a much better
place, and was almost comfortable. Slowly, as the years passed, they were
released, but still required to live in Siberia. It was not until the death of
Nicholas, that his son, Alexander II, pardoned the Decembrist and let them
leave(but not to enter Moscow or St. Petersburg). At this point there were only
fifteen of them left alive. On February 17th, 1892, the last of the Decembrist
died, but their story, and ideas lived on.
The uprising of the secret societies, or Decembrists, accomplished very little
in comparison to what they wanted to achieve, but many people looked up to what
they did, even Nicholas on his death bed had wished he was made some changes
that they had wanted. When the remaining Decembrists returned from Siberia, they
were seen as political heroes, and they were, [they laid] the groundwork for
many future revolutions.
<>Andreev,A. M [Andreyev]| a{}
*1971:MVA|_The Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies on the Eve of the October
Revolution,March-October,1917| ((SOV))
<>Anweiler,Oskar| a{
*1968:In Pipes.RR| On *1917sp:plt idl of PGR SOV leaders
*1979:In Brower.RR| Ideal of rvs dmk
*1974:NYC|_The_Soviets: The Russian Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers Councils,1905-1921| ((rvs
plt.clt rvs.SOV RREV1 RREV3 Gwrx sld
First an expansion on what a “Soviet,” is in the Russian experience. They were
councils of delegates elected by workers. The first appeared during the 1905
revolution, then disappeared (via persecution) until reappearing in 1917. One
could interpret them as a grassroots movement of an experiment in direct
democracy; although the Soviets were dominated by the Socialist parties, they
were not the creation of the parties. The delegates were subject to instant
recall; this was really the only constant electoral rule in the Soviets.
Delegates were chosen at the factory level and larger factories were often under
represented. The rules for number of workers per delegate varied from place to
place. In 1917 soldiers and sailors also formed Soviets; later still and less
pervasively peasants did as well. A hierarchy of Soviets was also formed as they
proliferated at the municipal, oblast and later national level. The power
structure, like the electoral rules, was not well defined; the Petrograd Soviet
and the various manifestations of a national Soviet competed for influence.
Throughout most of the eight month period of the Provisional Government the
Soviets were dominated by moderate Socialist parties who relied on the
Provisional Government to carry out the Bourgeois revolution. They assumed a
supervisory role, something akin to a veto power, making sure that the
Provisional Government advanced the revolution on a sufficiently revolutionary
This book can be broken into three parts: the first part examines the
intellectual roots of communes and its development in socialist ideology up till
1917. Although Marx embraced the 1871 Paris Commune for its system of
government, the council movement (and the local autonomy that came with it) was
the ideological domain of anarchists and utopian socialists. Even though Marx
believed that the state would wither away, this would happen only a dictatorship
of the proletariat. Lenin in his earlier works closely adhered to this belief
and espoused a strong central government. The other radical socialist parties,
the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries, supported the Soviet movement
more that the Bolsheviks did. Even so, the Bolsheviks were prominent in the
Moscow Soviet in 1905.
The second section of this book examines the eight month course of the
Provisional Government. It continues the intellectual history of the first
section by studying Lenin, Trotsky and other Bolshevik leaders’ attitudes
towards and writings on the Soviets. When Lenin arrived back in Russia in April
of 1917 he published his “April Theses” and put his support behind the Soviets.
“All power to the Soviets,” became the Bolsheviks catchphrase. The Soviets alone
had the right to rule and should assume all power. This belief certainly was
something of a departure for Lenin, and he had to fight to get broad party
support for his idea. Other parties still put faith in the Constituent Assembly.
The Mensheviks, Kerensky and others thought the Provisional Government would
disappear after the calling of the Constituent Assembly.
The Bolsheviks made good populist politicians. Their clever agitations
engendered resentment among the working class towards the Provisional
Government. They had their most success getting support at the factory committee
level, particularly in the traditional urban areas. Eventually the Bolsheviks
gained an overall majority in the Petrograd Soviet (they had a large majority
among worker delegates, but only constituted a minority of solider delegates)
that they used to induce the military revolutionary committee [mlt] (a committee
formed by military troops to protect the gains of the revolution from counter
revolutionaries) to seize power. This was in the name of the Soviets; the
Bolsheviks were not powerful enough to seize power in their name. Still there
was immediate reaction against this appropriation of power. Postal and Railway
workers went on strike, and counterproductively the Mensheviks and SRs walked
out of Soviet meetings. The third section of this book deals with the various
ways the Bolsheviks compromised the power of the Soviets after October and set
up a dictatorship not of the Soviets or even of the working class, but of the
Perhaps because of how dated this work is (mid 1950s) it doesn’t seem to
organize itself around a single thesis, or offer much independent analysis, but
I think the author’s (never explicitly stated) opinion is that Lenin was willing
to flip flop ideologically depending on what he felt was the most advantageous
to his gaining power. He didn’t really want all power to the Soviets (indeed
after the July days he tried to get the Bolsheviks to change their position once
more) but wanted power for himself and for his cadre party.
*1953:RRe#12:235-252| “The Kornilov Affair” [wrx&REV]
*1988:1992|_The_Revolution of 1905| Volume 1:“Russia in Disarray”| Volume 2:“Authority Restored”|
((v1=1905 v2=1906-7| concl. & bbl,(re. Wbr’s optimistic words,ASS 22:353
The publication researches preconditions and results, circumstances and
personalities, political leaders and parties, and the main “forces” of the
revolutionary events of 1905, “birth and growth” of political conscience and
culture in masses of citizens.
Political culture in Russia was essentially forbidden at the high institutional
level until the Manifesto of October 17th 1905. The social political scene and
Russian society was “fragmented,” the “old regime” was “under siege”, the tsar
and his ministers were unable to form a united front against the opposition: the
intelligentsia and peasants/workers. The political upheaval initiated by
perceived weakness of the Russian state due to Russian losses in the 1904
Russo-Japanese War and catalyzed by the Bloody Sunday. The author describes the
role of minorities, peasants, soldiers, Cossacks and sailors in revolutionary
events (such as the reactionary measures of the government against Poland and
Georgia). Strikes throughout the country in October 1905 definitely took on
political rather than just economic motives and resulted in the Tsar sharing
power. The Manifesto was signed and society exercised civil liberties through
election in a representative Duma even though they were not constitutionally
The psychology of the soldiers changed after the Tsar signed
the Manifesto. Discipline as a prime virtue or in other words unquestionable
loyalty to absolute authority was challenged. Ten days after its signing 4000
sailors in Kronstadt on the Baltic mutinied. An interesting and telling episode
happened when a railroad strike stranded thousands of troops in the Far East.
When Witte informed the Tsar of this strike the Tsar replied that all strikers
should be hung. The Russo Japanese war was a drain on the Russian economy and
military manpower and prestige of the regime yet troops who could have helped
stabilized the country during the general strike of 1905 were stationed in
Poland (250,000) which was more than were in the Far East.
The author describes the roles of different parties. The Conservatives supported
the autocrats who in a reactionary way want to preserve the tsarist monarchy and
his absolute rule with arbitrary authority. Political murder was not beneath the
secret wing of the conservative party: the Black Hundreds. The other players in
Russian politics were the Social Democrats who were the agitators organizing
strikes in the factories. Influenced by Marxist thought, they were split into
the tolerant Mensheviks led by Pavel B. Axelrod who wanted a workers congress to
rule the Nation and Bolsheviks with Lenin who wanted a small cadre of committed
revolutionaries to lead. Through illegal pamphlets or newspaper journals these
groups tried to destabilize the country with the aim of bringing down the tsar
and his institution forever. An important party which emerged at this time was
the Party of People’s Freedom whose members were called Kadets. By 1906 they had
over 100,000 members. Their liberal platform was: Democratic government,
progressive taxation, an eight hour day, distribution of land and the monarchy
left alone.
The revolution of 1905 was “a turning point” but the tide did recede by 1907 yet
Ascher still titles the book The Revolution of 1905. Ascher asks in the
introduction: “Was the overthrow of the Tsar by force feasible?” “Was the
revolution bound to fail and if so why?” He answers “no”, the military was
loyal. The Bolsheviks understood the answers to these questions. With the
feedback from the revolution” of 1905, the military lost its loyalty after the
signing of the manifesto, and notes on necessary adjustments of organization
recorded, the Bolsheviks were in position to advance. 1905 was a year of climax
but no resolution. The Empire was near collapse. The revolution had not yet run
its course.
<>Atkinson,Dorothy|_The_End of the Russian Land Commune,1905-1930| Stanford: 1983| ((krx vlg oxo RREV1 RREV2 RREV3 NEP STL))
<>Avrich,Paul| a{}n{anx}o{}
*1967:PUP|_The_Russian Anarchists| ((
The book [..] is essentially a history of Russian anarchists both inside and
outside of the country, focusing primarily on the periods before, during and
after the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The book begins by describing the
political climate in Russia just prior to 1905 and all the gathering forces of
resistance to the old order. The book does not really delve into Russian
anarchist history prior to 1905, though it does offer brief biographies of both
Bakunin as well as Kropotkin.
TThe next chapter is devoted to the issue of terrorism within the Russian
anarchist movement during this time. It chronicles how various anarchist
elements within Russia resorted to violence in the name of anarchy. However it
makes clear the distinction between those who were motivated by ideology as well
as those that committed “ex’s” or expropriations and other violent acts for
personal gain but in the name of anarchism. The book discusses how in light of
this, terrorism was a predominant tactic of many extremist anarchists during and
after the 1905 revolution. The terrorism proved ineffective and often
indiscriminate and is not considered to have advanced anarchist interests during
the period of 1905. With the coming to power of Stolypin, the suppression of
anarchists by the government who were both violent and non-violent following
1905 is chronicled. It is discussed how the most common form of dealing with
anarchists and other radical elements was through swift military tribunals and
prison sentences.
The book discusses the issue of intellectuals amongst Russian anarchists during
this period. The general impression given is that there was hostility towards
intellectuals or the intelligentsia among Russian anarchists during this time.
This is mainly attributed to the view that Russian anarchists saw academia and
indeed the entire educational establishment as part of bourgeoisie structure.
Furthermore, they saw the contemporary educational system as being an exclusive
weapon used against the masses in the class struggle.
Throughout the book there seem to be three predominant schools of anarchy
represented among the Russian anarchists of this time. The first of these are
the anarchic-individualists. They supposedly were influenced by Nietzsche (a
fact I find ironic) and placed individual freedom as the sole goal of anarchy.
Next were the anarchic-Syndicalists who were highly influence by the
Syndicalists of France. They were anarchists however they placed particular
focus on the industrial proletariat in the issue of class struggle and the
coming revolution. Last were the anarchist-communists. These (at least in my
opinion) were the purest anarchists. They believed in a total societal
revolution in which production shifted into public hands, and an egalitarian
(and often utopian) society would subsequently develop. A key point I feel where
the anarchist-communists differed from other schools of radicalism is they
believed that the entire populace was intricate [?involved] in bringing about
the coming revolution, and not merely relying on the industrial proletariat.
With the coming of the 1917 Revolution the book discusses the anarchist’s
opposition to the provisional government along with the Bolsheviks and other
revolutionary factions. Though they did not engage in terror on the scale of the
1905 revolution there were sporadic incidents. During this time though there
were thousands of active anarchists throughout Russia they suffered from
disorganization and an overall lack of cohesiveness compared to other
revolutionary groups (in particular the Bolsheviks). As a result of this,
whereas the Bolsheviks gained cohesion and consolidated their influence leading
up to the October Revolution, the Russian anarchists were mired in disunity and
ideological differences. Every attempt to convene to form some sort of central
unity failed.
With the October Revolution, the provisional government fell and the Bolsheviks
came to power. Within a few years, all political opposition to the new Soviet
regime had been persecuted and suppressed, including that of the Russian
anarchists. Avrich’s book covers the first few years of Soviet power as well as
their persecution of the Russian anarchists. Overall I found the book to be both
an objective as well as a comprehensive account of Russian anarchists both
inside and outside of Russia surrounding and during the revolutions of 1905 and 17
*1970:PUP|_Kronstadt,1921| ((ndr))
>Avrich,Paul,ed. Anarchists in the Russian Revolution. Ithaca: 1973|
<>Baron,Samuel H| a{}
*1958je:JHI#19,3:??| “Plekhanov’s Russia: The Impact of the West upon an
‘Oriental’ Society”| ((Mrx AMP))
*1963:S.CA,SUP|_Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism| ((Mrx Plx RS2
RREV1 SDs noWbr))
*1970:JGO#8:320-36| “The Weber Thesis and the Failure of Capitalist Development
in Early Modern Russia”| ((Wbr trx cpt ekn))
on the bridge : a life of the Decembrist Baron Andrey Rozen, 1800-84| ((|>Barratt.Rebel
<>Becker,Seymour| a{}
|_Nobility and Privilege in Late Imperial Russia| D.IL:NIUP,1985| ((dvr
transformed=elite clx of ntr plt bnk skz &ntg avc plt.clt| Did not decline;
transformed for privileged lords into entrepreneurs, politicians, financiers,
landed proprietors, and well-edc avc| Found INX.plt easy))
<>Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian
Revolution. Edited by Harold Shukman. NYC: Blackwell,1988. REF dk265.b54 [99]
<>Bonnell,Victoria E| a{}
*1983:B.CA, UCP|_Roots of Rebellion: Workers’ Politics and Organizations in St. Petersburg and
Moscow,1900-1914| ((rvs prl orx SPB MVA RUS3))
>Bonnell,Victoria E., ed| *1983:B.CA, UCP|_The_Russian
Worker: Life and Labor under the Tsarist Regime| (( prm.sbk prl))
<>Bolshevik Visions: First Phase of the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia
<>Bond,Brian| a{}n{wrx&pbl WW1}o{
*1986:|_War and Society in Europe, 1870-1970|>Bond.WAR|
Early historical responses to the Great War : Fortescue, Conan Doyle, and Buchan / Keith Grieves
"The real war" : Liddell Hart, Cruttwell, and Falls / Hew Strachan
Sir James Edmonds and the official history : France and Belgium / David French
Frocks and Brasshats / Ian Beckett
Sir John French and Lord Kitchener / Richard Holmes
The reputation of Sir Douglas Haig / Keith Simpson
Gallipoli / Edward Spiers
Allenby and the Palestine campaign / Newell,Jonathan [WW1b]
T. E. Lawrence and his biographers / Reid,Brian Holden [WW1b]
"Bunking" and debunking : the controversies of the 1960s / Alex Danchev
Everyman at war : recent interpretations of the front line experience / Peter Simkins
<>Bowker,Mike| a{}n{}o{
*2007:Aldershot ENG, Ashgate|_Russia, America and the Islamic World|>Bowker.ISLAM|
of chapter 1 introduction))
<>Bradley,Joseph| a{}
*1985:B.CA:UCP|_Muzhik and Muscovite:Urbanization in Late Imperial Russia| ((grd MVA))
*1991:BTsP:131-48| “Voluntary Associations, Civic Culture, and Obshchestvennost’
in Moscow”| ((OWN| dms obx cvc.pbl lgc| 131-41, well over half rtl given to
judicious definition of key words in title, then “An analysis of the membership,
[141/42] goals, internal and external conflicts, and political participation of
Moscow’s voluntary associations is beyond the scope of a short essay, and only a
tentative answer can be offered here.” The question to which Bradley referred
asked whether MVA obx~ filled the need for industrious and rational [quoting
Locke] ddd in place of the defeated rdx ddd~, i.e., Locke’s “quarrelsome and
contentious”. The presumption here is that ntg 1st tried rvs, then
rather belatedly took up small deeds and the real hard work of cvc.pbl. It seems
the reverse of this is true. "ntg" tried to create cvc.pbl, was thwarted by rxn
sttist suppression, and thus turned to rvs. We need closer attention to a larger
canvas, one that covers a longer period and a broader geography of the old
Empire. We need to look at one that does analyze “membership, goals, internal
and external conflicts, and political participation”))
*1995:Taranovski,Reform:212-36| Russia’s Parliament of Public Opinion:
Association, Assembly and the Autocracy, 1906-1914”| ((cvc.pbl Dmx RREV1))
*2002oc:AHR:| “Subjects into Citizens....”| ((cvc.pbl| Google search yields
a{1902}e{1985}n{fame EUR&AfroAsia }o{hstian
*1949:|_La_Méditerranée et le Monde Méditerranéen à l'Epoque de Philippe II|
Translated as The_Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II|
((Pt. One : The role of the environment
The Peninsulas: mountains, plateaux, and plains
Mountains come first
Physical and human characteristics
Defining the mountains
Mountains, civilizations, and religions
Mountain freedom
The mountains' resources: an assessment
Mountain dwellers in the towns
Typical cases of mountain dispersion
Mountain life : the earliest civilization of the Mediterranean?
Plateaux, hills, and foothills
The high plains
A hillside civilization
The hills
The plains
Water problems : malaria
The improvement of the plains
The example of Lombardy
Big landowners and poor peasants
Short term change in the plains : the Venetian Terraferma
Long term change : the fortunes of the Roman Campagna
The strength of the plains : Andalusia
Transhumance and nomadism
Nomadism, an order way of life
Transchumance in Castile
Overall comparisons and cartography
Dromedaries and camels : the Arab and Turk invasions
Nomadism in the Balkans, Anatolia, and North Africa
Cycles spanning the centuries
The heart of the Mediterranean : seas and coasts
The plains of the sea
Costal navigation
The early days of Portuguese discovery
The narrow seas, home of history
The Black sea, preserve of Constantinople
The Archipelago, Venetian and Genoese
Between Tunisia and Sicily
The Mediterranean channel
The Tyrrhenian sea
The Adriatic
East and west of Sicily
Two maritime worlds
The double lesson of the Turkish and Spanish empires
Beyond politics
Mainland coastlines
The peoples of the sea
Weaknesses of the maritime regions
The big cities
The changing fortunes of maritime regions
The islands
Isolated worlds
Precarious lives
On the paths of general history
Emigration from the islands
Islands that the sea does not surround
The peninsulas.
Boundaries : the greater Mediterranean
A Mediterranean of historical dimensions
The Sahara, the second face of the Mediterranean
The Sahara : near and distant boundaries
Poverty and want
Nomads who travel far
Advance and infiltration from the steppe
The gold and spice caravans
The oases
The geographical area of Islam
Europe and the Mediterranean
The isthmuses and their north-south passages
The Russian isthmus : leading to the Black and Caspian Sea
From the Balkans to Danzig : the Polish isthmus
The German isthmus : an overall view
The Alps
The third character: the many faces of Germany
From Genoa to Antwerp, and from Venice to Hamburg : the conditions of circulation
Emigration and balance of trade
The French isthmus, from Rouen to Marseilles
Europe and the Mediterranean
The Atlantic ocean
Several Atlantics
The Atlantic learns from the Mediterranean
The Atlantic destiny in the sixteeth century
A late decline
The Mediterranean as a physical unit : climate and history
The unity of the climate
The Atlantic and the Sahara
A homogeneous climate
Drought : the scourge of the Mediterranean
The seasons
The winter standstill
Shipping at a halt
Winter : season of peace and plans
The hardships of winter
The accelerated rhythm of summer life
The summer epidemics
The Mediterranean climate and the East
Seasonal rhythms and statistics
Determinism and economic life
Has the climate changed since the sixteenth century?
Supplementary note
The Mediterranean as a human unit : Communications and cities
Land routes and sea routes
Vital communications
Archaic means of transport
Did land routes increase in importance towards 1600?
The intrinsic problem of the overland route
Two sets of evidence from Venice
Circulation and statistics : the case of Spain
The double problem in the long term
Shipping : Tonnages and changing circumstances
Big ships and little ships in the fifteenth century
The first victories of the small ships
In the Atlantic in the sixteenth century
In the Mediterranean
Urban functions
Towns and roads
A meeting place for different transport routes
From roads to banking
Urban cycle and decline
A very incomplete typology
Towns, witnesses to the century
The rise in population
Hardships old and new : Famine and the wheat problem
Hardships old and new : epidemics
The indispensable immigrant.
Urban political crises
The privileged banking towns
Royal and imperial cities
In favour of capitals
From permanence to change
Pt. two : Collective destinies and general trends
Economies : the measure of the century
Distance, the first enemy
For letter-writers: the time lost in coming and going
The dimensions of the sea : some record crossings
Average speeds
Letters : a special case
News, a luxury commodity
Present-day comparisons
Empires and distance
The three missions of Claude du Bourg (1576 and 1577)
Distance and the economy
Fairs, the supplementary network of economic life
Local economies
The quadrilateral : Genoa, Milan, Venice, and Florence
How many people?
A world of 60 or 70 million people
Mediterranean waste lands
A population increase of 100 per cent?
Levels and indices
Reservations and conclusions
Confirmations and suggestions
Some certainties
Another indicator : migration
Is it possible to construct a model of the Mediterranean economy?
Agriculture, the major industry
An industrial balance sheet
The putting-out or 'Verlag' system and the rise of urban industry
The system prospered
An itinerant labour force
General and local trends
The volume of commercial transactions
The significance and limitations of long distance trade
Capitalist concentrations
The total tonnage of Mediterranean shipping
Overland transport
The state: the principal entrepreneur of the century
Precious metals and the monetary economy
Was one fifth of the population in great poverty?
A provisional classification
Food, a poor guide : officially rations were always adequate
Can our calculations be checked?
Economies : precious metals, money, and prices
The Mediterranean and the Gold of the Sudan
The flow of precious metals towards the east Sudanese gold : early history
The Portuguese in Guinea: gold continues to arrive in the Mediterranean
The gold trade and the general economic situation
Sudanese gold in North Africa
American sliver
American and Spanish treasure
American treasure takes the road to Antwerp
The French detour
The great route from Barcelona to Genoa and the second cycle of American treasure
The Mediterranean invaded by Spanish coins
Italy, the victim of 'la moneda larga'
The age of the Genoese
The Piacenza fairs
The reign of paper
From the last state bankruptcy under Philip II to the first under Philip III
The rise in prices
Contemporary complaints
Was American treasure responsible?
Some arguments for and against American responsibility wages
Income from land
Banks and inflation
The 'industrialists'
States and the price rise
The dwindling of American treasure
Devalued currency and false currency
Three ages of metal
Economies : trade and transport
The pepper trade
Mediterranean revenge : the prosperity of the Red Sea after 1550
Routes taken by the Levant trade
The revival of the Portuguese pepper trade
Portuguese pepper : deals and projects
Portuguese pepper is offered to Venice
The Welser and Fugger contract : 1586-1591
The survival of the Levantine spice routes
Possible explanations
Equilibrium and crisis in the Mediterranean grain trade
The cereals
Some rules of the grain trade
The grain trade and the shipping routes.
Ports and countries that exported grain
Eastern grain
Equilibrium, crisis, and vicissitudes in the grain trade
The first crises : northern grain at Lisbon and Seville
The Turkish wheat boom : 1548-1564
Eating home-produced bread : Italy's situation between 1564 and 1590
The last crisis : imports from the north after 1500
Sicily : still the grain store of the Mediterranean
On grain cries
Trade and transport : The sailing ships of the Atlantic
Before 1550 : the first arrivals
Basque, Biscayan, and even Galician ships
The Portuguese
Normans and Bretons
Flemish ships
The first English sailing ships
The period of prosperity (1511-1534)
From 1550 to 1573 : the Mediterranean left to Mediterranean ships
The return of the English in 1572-1573
Anglo-Turkish negotiations : 1578-1583
The success of English shipping
The situation at the end of the century
The arrival of the Hansards and the Dutch
From grain to spices : The Dutch conquer the Mediterranean
How the Dutch took Seville after 1570 without firing a shot
New Christians in the Mediterranean))
<>Brock,Peter|_Pacifism since
1914: An Annotated Reading List| 2000:Toronto| ((8x11 WW1b pcxism))
<>Brower,Daniel| G/APL
<>Brower,Daniel, ed| a{}
*1979:St.Louis|_The_Russian Revolution: Disorder or New Order?| Series: Forum
Press “Problems in Civilization”| ((>Brower.RR:| OWN
Rosenberg,Instability of lbx stt
Anweiler,Ideal of rvs dmk
Von Laue,Weakness of stt
Ascher,Defeat of mlt leaderhip [wrx&REV]
Keep,in zvd
Volin,triumph of krx
Ferro,Citizen sld in REV struggle [wrx&REV]
Mints,Lnn rvs leadership
Daniels,Unpredictable REV
<>Brown,Frederick| a{1934}n{}o{}
*2014:NYC,Knopf|_The_Embrace of Unreason: France, 1914-1940|>Brown.EMBRACE
((noUO| 8x11:WW1b WW1c FRN mnt.hst= Barrès| Maurras,Charles| Daudet,Léon|
Breton,André| Aragon,Luis| Drieu La Rochelle,Pierre))
Grg*| a{}
*1986:ISSR#4:??:119| “Massovye istochniki po
obshchestvennomu soznaniiu Rossiiskogo krest’ianstva (Opyt primeneniia
kontent-analiza pri izuchenii prigovorov i nakazov 1905-1907 gg.)”| ((8x11/B|
krx.mnt xtx
Bukhovets presents here an analysis of ca. 200
documents = peasant judgments and instructions drawn up for peasant delegates
elected to the new State Duma or for public distribution. In these documents,
Bukhovets identified 1120 discrete expressions of peasant attitude on some
matter that illustrated “social consciousness” in Russian villages in the era of
the 1905 Revolution. It becomes clear that Bukhovets might better have said
“political consciousness”.
Bukhovets taxonomized these 1120 discrete expressions of attitude into 177
categories of “social consciousness”. He calls these 177 categories “variables”.
Some variables were frequently expressed, many appeared only once among the 200
documents. The 29 most frequently mentioned variables (16% of the 177)
represented 43% of the total 1120 discrete expressions. These 29 stand in some
clear dominant position among the 177 varieties of peasant concern.
Here are Bukhovets' first 17 "variables" in descending order of frequency [SAC
editor intersperses his interpretation below in CAPS] =
1. Appeal to the Duma [ID] to
defend with firmness the interests of the narod
[people, the whole people, the nation]
2. Amnesty for all political criminals
3. Expression of faith in the Duma and solidarity with it
4. Expression of hostility to the government, the state apparatus as a whole
5. Necessity of support for Duma in its struggle with the government
6. “Land and Liberty”
7. Four-tailed electoral procedures [i.e., election of officials by universal,
equal, direct, and secret ballot]
8. Konstatatsiia [verification, guarantee condition] of those poor,
hungry, or in the damaging condition of slavery
9. Abolish capital punishment
10. Democratic freedoms
11. Konstatatsiia of those with little land
12. Demand land only in accordance with the slogan “Land and Liberty”
13. Universal free public education [DECLINE IN FREQUENCY IS ABRUPT = POINT #13
14. Replace indirect taxes with progressive income-related [podokhodnym]
15. Abolish police, land captains [zemskikh nachal’nikov
(ID)] and security patrols [strazhnikov]
16. Appeal to struggle for “the people’s cause” [narodnoe
delo], “the good of the people” [blago naroda], etc
17. Abolish the formal heritable social structure [soslovnogo stroia]
Bukhovets offered a sophisticated statistical analysis, using
regression tables that yielded numerical results to several decimal points. His
goal was to create something like a precise meta-document of peasant outlook and
demand, an “ideal type” or scientific-feeling composite of village discontent
and hope.
Yet he glossed over the fact that 795 of the 1120 discrete expressions of
concern (71%) related to political institutions and procedures. Social and
economic issues were vigorously put in the documents but were less frequent.
Bukhovets in fact employed vague, even faulty, readings of the larger
social/political environment from which and into which these documents sprung.
For example, consider the way Bukhovets’ concept of peasant “illusions” [illiuzii]
distorted his taxonomy of narrative content. The concept of illusion allowed him
to denigrate certain ranges of village outlook, especially ambitious
institutional demands, thus to bolster his presumptions about what was more
solid or realistic. Bukhovets seems unable to absorb the heavy commitment to
recognized 19th-century liberal political ideas in these peasant documents. In
the colloquial expression, they "do not compute" for him. This echoes a long
tradition of doctrinal pre-judgment of political platforms or goals in Russia.
Reform-era Interior Minister Valuev often described a political position he
disliked as “a thing impracticable” [nechto nesbytochnoe]. Nicholas II
spoke at the beginning of his reign “of senseless dreams” [o bessmyslennykh
mechtaniiakh] entertained by liberal activists. When Mensheviks accused
Lenin of senseless dreams he replied, “We must dream" [Nam nuzhno mechtat’]
“The Political Consciousness of the Russian Peasantry in the Revolution of
1905-1907: Sources, Methods, and Some Results”| ((8x11/B| THIS IS AN
etc| G/Verner))
<>Burbank,Jane| a{}
*1986:NYC|_Intelligentsia and Revolution: Russian Views of Bolshevism, 1917-1922| ((mnt | EUA))
<>Burdzhalov,E. N| a{}
*1987:B.IN,IUP|_Russia's Second Revolution: The February 1917 Uprising in
Petrograd| ((DK265.19b813))
*1971:MVA|_Vtoraia russkaia revoliutsiia: Moskva, front, periferiia|
<>Carr,Edward Hallett|
a{1892}e{1992}n{rvs ntg gte BknM DstF irx WW2 SSR.gnr RREV krx Ntx3}o{
Haslam (GO s-field blw) summary = ...Renowned as the historian of Soviet Russia, founder of the 'realist' approach to the study of International Relations and author of the classic Trevelyan lecture series, What Is History? Haslam's biography reveals how intimately the historian's grasp of statecraft is related to Carr's own formative experiences at the centre of political events. Seconded from Cambridge to the Foreign Office during WWIb, initially to ensure trade with Ally Tsarist Russia and subsequently to administer the Allied blockade of the new Soviet Republic, and attending the post-war Paris peace talks on behalf of the British [ID], Carr witnessed at first hand the unfolding drama of RREV3 which was to become the centrepiece of his life's work. Marooned at the British Embassy in Riga during the late 1920s, Carr threw himself into a study of Russian language and literature, producing his sparkling account of nineteenth-century revolutionaries, The Romantic Exiles, in 1933 .[blw] At the Foreign Office and as Times writer during WW2 Carr was an influential opinion-maker, using the platform of Printing House Square [ID] to mount a forceful intervention for a more egalitarian policy in the rebuilding of the post-War world. Although his open-minded attitude towards the Soviet Union served to deprive him of academic posts for a decade after the war, Carr used the relative freedom to plunge into his pioneering epic of Soviet history. In his account of the creation of Carr's vast 14vv Carr.USSR [blw], Haslam reveals a major historian at his craft
*1933:LND|>Carr.rvs|_The_Romantic Exiles| ((gte rvs.ntg Hzn Ogv Bkn
The Russian political émigrés of the nineteenth century are often overlooked
when studying the evolving political culture of Europe during the nineteenth
century. This is not necessarily done intentionally; focus is given to the names
that affected the modern political culture, which often leaves these émigrés on
the sidelines. [This study] attempts to shed
light on some of the notable Russian émigrés giving the majority of his
attention to Alexander Herzen. Carr uses Herzen’s life as a vehicle to give
background on where these émigrés came from and how the related to each other.
The Romantic Exiles is a great title for this work as it sheds light on the
two key points Carr attempts to get across. Alexander Herzen as well as the
major émigrés he encounters is portrayed in this work, at least partially, as
products of romanticism. The title can be taken literally to a point, as much of
the work focuses the love lives of the various exiles, and how this, in part,
affected the theories and ideas promoted by the various émigrés. Carr uses
George Sand and her works as a frame for their lives and their romantic ideals.
This focus on the personal lives of these émigrés should not be understated; as
this seems to be the focus of the work. The work gives little into the
interpretations of these Russian émigrés’ works or ideas.
The focus on the personal lives of the émigrés is to such a point it seems to be
more of a biography of Alexander Herzen, rather than a study of the exiles as
émigré writers. That being said Carr does present Herzen’s life in a readable
and enjoyable manner. One thing to be gathered from this work is that historical
people were in fact people, with lives, friends, and families. The émigrés are
not distant figureheads associated with a theory or cause but live real lives
with real problems. This is something that is lacking often when we think and
talk about history today, we always need to realize that leaders and historical
people are people.
The focus on the personal lives shifts in the last third of The Romantic Exiles
to the heart of the matter, giving an explanation, to a point of the ideas of
the émigrés. It also shifts from being focused, almost entirely, on Herzen to
the larger Russian émigré community, giving due time to Bakunin, Ograev, and
Nechaev. The chapter that focuses on Bakunin and Nechaev’s collaborations is
quite fascinating and is, in my opinion, the best written section of the book.
This look into the lives of The Romantic Exiles gives us a few, but
important, keys to the lives of the émigré writers from Russia in the mid
nineteenth century. It portrays these towering historical figures as people,
people with problems like the rest of us. It also puts these émigrés as thinkers
spawning from romanticism of their generation which gives context to their ideas
and allows for a more informed understanding of their ideas. This work shines as
it shifts from the life of Alexander Herzen to his ideas and the émigrés
associated with him.
*1937:LND|_Michael Bakunin| ((HX915.B3c3| Bkn))
*1940:LND|>Carr.WW1c|_The_Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939| ((wrx&REV))
*1949:LND|_Dostoevsky (1821-1881): A New Biography| ((DstF))
*1950:_Studies in Revolution|>Carr.REV| ((UO trx))
*1952:1979; LND|Carr.USSR|_A_History of Soviet Russia| 10 vols.,1954-1979| ((DK266.C263 1950 vols. 1-9|
hst.gnr)) =
*1952:|_The_Bolshevik Revolution,1917-1923| Volumes 1-3 of title just
above| 3vv|>Carr.RREV3 (8x11)|
*1959:|_Socialism in One Country| 3 vv|
*1969:NYC|_The_October Revolution: Before and After| ((DK266.c27 1969
*1969:1979; |_Foundations of a Planned Economy,1926-1929| 3vv (v1
co-authored with R. W. Davies)|
*:|_Russian Revolution and Peasants| ((Proceedings of the British Academy = AS122.L5 v.49| krx rvs))
*1983:NYC|_Twilight of the Comintern,1930-1935| ((UO| Ntx3 STL))
*--Haslam,Jonathan|_The_Vices of Integrity: E.H. Carr, 1892-1982| ((UO))
<>Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène| a{}n{}o{
*:|_Islam and the Russian Empire| ((ISL ntn MPR AfroAsia))
While Russia and Western Europe received most of the attention during World War
I and the1917 Revolution, a new world of political culture was coming into being
in Central Asia. This is one of the central themes that Helene Carrere
d'Encausse discusses in her book Islam Under the Russian Empire. While looking
at how Central Asia and the Muslim peoples under the Russian Empire, focusing
mostly on the people of the Emirate of Bukhara and Turkistan. Through her book,
describes life in pre-Russian Bukhara and the developments of this region of the
world as the Russian Empire rises, falls, and gives birth to the Soviet Union.
d’Encausse starts with a description of Bukhara before the Russian invasion was
ever even a thought in the minds of the Bukharans. She describes the various
inheritance laws, which were most often based on traditional and Islamic
practices, as well the lives of the various classes. Much of Bukhara’s lands
were roaming groups of nomadic peoples, but diversity was strong everywhere in
the Emirate of Bukhara. Within the towns and cities lived peasants in an almost
serf-like manner. Most, if not all, of the peasants were in debt to the various
higher classes, including merchants, land barons, all the way up the emir, the
ruler of Bukhara. The majority of these upper-class citizens were Uzbek Sunni’
Muslims, although a skilled artisan could make their way to the status of elite
with time and impressive feats. The economy of this jewel in Central Asia was
mainly based on agriculture; and due to growing population, frequent draughts
and lack of properly irrigated lands, was a very difficult economy to sustain.
As Russia made its way east into Central Asia building its empire, Bukhara was
on the verge of political collapse with many of the population disliking the
After the Russian conquest and annexation of Central Asia, Bukhara became a
vassal state to the Russian Empire, keeping most of its traditional, Islamic
law. While the emir and other nobles tried to keep good face with the Russian
nobles that lorded over them, Russian businessmen penetrated into markets in
Central Asia, finding a lot of promise the production of cotton, which soon
became Bukhara and Turkistan’s key exports. Eventually, after being subjugated
under the emir and the Russians, the people became unsettled. In describing the
unrest of the people in Bukhara, d’Encausse looks at the various reformists that
lived in Bukhara, Turkistan, and all throughout Central Asia. These reformists
were known mostly as jadidists. Most of these reformists outcries concerned the
strongly religious education taught in the madrasas of the time, but nationalism
was also important ideal to reformists.
Secret societies of jadidists and political parties filled with intelligentsia
start popping up in Central Asia around 1905, as Russia fights in the feudal
Russo-Japanese War and revolution strikes. d’Encasse describes the roles of
these various groups and parties as Russia’s grip on Bukhara and Turkistan
slipped during the bumpy years of 1915 to 1917 and how the revolutionary spirit
took hold of these groups. The emir denies their pleas for reform and after
February revolution, these jadidists joined Russian political parties, one of
the key groups being the Bolsheviks.
With the help of jadidists and other reformists, the soviets took a strong hold
in Bukhara and eventually began to undermine the emir. As the Bolshevik
Revolution and the Civil War unfolded, the Bukharan emirate fell, and the
People’s Republic of Bukhara came into being. Soon after this new state was
created, though, the purges began and those of any religious knowledge began
starting to disappear. Stalin’s policies on ethnically divided regions
eventually were the undoing of Bukhara as a proud Islamic state. The removal of
the many different peoples, especially the Uzbeks, turned the Islamic state into
an artificial, Soviet territory.
<>Chamberlin,William Henry GO GLOS/Chamberlin
*1935:LND|_Russia's Iron Age| ((prm trv))
<>Champagne, Duane| a{}
*1992c:S.CA,SUP|_Social order and political change: Constitutional governments among the Cherokee, the
Choctaw, the Chickasaw, and the Creek| ((317p|bbl:258-301 ndx| NAm cst plt.clt))
<>Clark,Christopher M| a{}n{WW1a}o{}
*2013:NYC,Harper|_The_Sleepwalkers : How Europe went to war in 1914|>Clark.SLEEP|
((UO many rvw
E-TXT~| 8x11:WW1a = EVANS rvw~
pt1= Roads to Sarajevo []
I. Serbian ghosts : Murder in Belgrade| 'Irresponsible elements'| Mental maps ; Separation ; Escalation ; Three Turkish wars ; The conspiracy ; Nikola Pašić reacts
The empire without qualities : Conflict and equilibrium ; The chess players ; Lies and forgeries ; Deceptive calm ; Hawks and doves
pt2= One continent divided
The polarization of Europe, 1887-1907 : Dangerous liaison: the Franco-Russian alliance
The judgment of Paris ; The end of British neutrality ; Belated empire: Germany ; The great turning point?
Painting the devil on the wall
The many voices of European foreign policy : Sovereign decision-makers [stt.ndp]
Who governed in St. Petersburg?; Who governed in Paris?; Who governed in Berlin? The troubled supremacy of Sir Edward Grey
The Agadir Crisis of 1911; Soldiers and civilians; The press and public opinion; The fluidity of power
Balkan entanglements : Air strikes on Libya; Balkan helter-skelter
The wobbler ; The Balkan Winter Crisis of 1912-13 ; Bulgaria or Serbia? ; Austria's troubles
The Balkanization of the Franco-Russian alliance ; Paris forces the pace ; Poincaré under pressure
Last chances: détente and danger, 1912-1914 :The limits of détente ; 'Now or never' ; Germans on the Bosphorus
The Balkan inception scenario ; A crisis of masculinity? ; How open was the future?
pt3= Crisis. Murder in Sarajevo :The assassination ; Flashbulb moments ; The investigation begins ; Serbian responses ; What is to be done?
The widening circle : Reactions abroad ; Count Hoyos goes to Berlin ; The road to the Austrian ultimatum ; The strange death of Nikolai Hartwig
The French in St Petersburg : Count de Robien changes trains ; M. Poincaré sails to Russia ; The poker game
The ultimatum : Austria demands ; Serbia responds ; A 'local war' begins
Warning shots : Firmness prevails ; 'It's war this time' ; Russian reasons
Last days : A strange light falls upon the map of Europe ; Poincaré returns to Paris ; Russia mobilizes
The leap into the dark ; 'There must be some misunderstanding' ; The tribulations of Paul Cambon ; Britain intervenes ; Belgium ; Boots
Minute-by-minute narrative examines decades of history up to 1914
Dracobly [BAL & wrl.hst WW1a setting] = pretty marvelous though I tend to think that he downplays Germany's role (Strachan reviewed it respectfully but hinted that it hadn't perhaps received the "critical" attention it deserves - I'm guessing that might allude to Clark's oddly cursory treatment of Germany and perhaps even more his reliance on the kinds of systemic analyses championed by Paul Schroeder, who has to be the only historian of repute to place a significant degree of responsibility on GB's shoulders). But Clark's work is the best overall synthesis I think I've ever read - wonderfully informative on the Balkan dimension as well as placing the 1914 situation in the context of the international system and its changes leading up to 1914
<>Claude,Inis L., Jr|_Swords into Plowshares:
The Problems and Progress of International Organization| *1956:ed#|
*1959:ed#2| *1964:NYC,Random House|>Claude.SWORDS|
ed#3| ((OWN| pcx irx.orx UNO = ch#2 hst background [WW1a]:17-35| ch#3 LoN:36-50
[WW1c] ))
*:|_Bolshevik Feminist: The Life of Aleksandra Kollontai| ((ndr wmn SDs(b) ))
<>Clowes,Edith W|_The_Revolution
in Moral Consciousness: Nietzsche in Russian Literature,1890-1914
<>Clowes,Edith W.,Samuel D.
Kassow, and James L. West, eds| a{}
*1991:|_Between Tsar and People: Educated Society and the Quest for Public Identity in Late
Imperial Russia| ((>BTsP| OWN| ndr.sbk pbl ntg sSs
“Introduction: The Problem of the Middle in Late Imperial Russian Society”:3-14
2 summary chapters =
Rieber,Alfred J., “The Sedimentary Society”:343-66
Kassow,Samuel, “Russia’s Unrealized Civil Society”:367-71
G/West,James L|
<>Cohen,Aaron J|_Imagining the Unimaginable:
World War, Modern Art, and the Politics of Public Culture in Russia, 1914-1917|
((OWN WW1b mdn.clt wrx&xdj))
<>Colodny,Robert G| a{}
*1990sp:Science & Society#89,53,1:47-??| “The U.S. Political Culture of the
1930s and the American Response to the Spanish Civil War”| ((UNCOVER USA5.wrx
SPN plt.clt))
<>Cooper,Sandi|_Patriotic Pacifism: Waging War
on War in Europe, 1815-1914|>Cooper.Pacifism|
*1991:OxUP| ((UO| WW1a pcx Excerpted TXT | ))
<>Coquin,Grancois-Xavier, ed| a{}
*1986:P.FRN|_1905: La première révolution Russe| ((UO sbk RREV1|
Read,Chr,1905 & ntg:385-96| :543 re. RUS ntg interest in Wbr,rlgP Ethic))
<>Craig,Gordon| a{}n{GRM WW1}o{
*1964:|_The_Politics of the Prussian Army 1640-1945|>Craig.POLITICS|
*1978 and many subsequent editions to 20th-century end|_Germany, 1866-1945|>Craig.GERMANY|
((UO| gnr.txt WW1))
*1995ap20:NYR:6-9| "No More Parades"|>Craig.NO|
((8x11:WW1| rvw of Kagan,On the Origins| Gilbert.WW1))
<>Crisp,Olga, and Linda Edmondson, eds| a{}
*1989:NYC|_Civil Rights in Imperial Russia| ((ndr.sbk cvc.rgt lbx Dmx
Civil rights in Russia : legal standards in gestation / W.E. Butler
Property rights, populism, and Russian political culture / Richard Wortman
Peasant land tenure and civil rights implications before 1906 / Olga Crisp
The Trojan Mare : women's rights and civil rights in late imperial Russia /
William G. Wagner
Privileges, rights, and Russification / Raymond Pearson
Religious toleration in late imperial Russia / Peter Waldron
The concept of 'Jewish emancipation' in a Russian context / John D. Klier
Workers and civil rights in tsarist Russia, 1899-1917 / S.A. Smith
Freedom of association and the trade unions, 1906-1914 / G.R. Swain
Freedom of the press under the old regime, 1905-1914 / Caspar Ferenczi
Crime and punishment in the House of the Dead / Alan Wood
The security police, civil rights, and the fate of the Russian empire, 1855-1917
/ D.C.B. Lieven
Was there a movement for civil rights in 1905? / Linda Edmondson
Civil rights and the provisional government / H.J. White))
<>Cross,Samuel,ed|_People Passing Rude: British
Responses to Russian Culture| ((E-TXT
| R&A 3rd.pzn nrd.sbk clt))
<>Cunningham,James W| a{}
*1981:Crestwood.NY,St.Vladimir's Seminary Press|_A_Vanquished Hope: The movement
for Church renewal in Russia, 1905-1906| ((ChxO rlg RREV1 clt))
a{}n{plt.plc plt.crm}o{}
*1995fa:SlR#54,3:602-609| "On the Significance of
Emergency Legislation in Late Imperial Russia" [TXT]
*2002mr:JMH#74,1:62-100| "Political Crime in Late
Imperial Russia" [TXT] ((RUS
experience within a general EUR and USA context|
Final 5-page summary)))
*1998|_Autocracy Under Siege: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1866-1905| ((plc mlt
On July 3rd 1826 Nicholas I created Russia’s first Security policing program
(Pg.12). Originally created to try and combat terrorist threats towards the
government, Daly [...] goes in depth into the actual infrastructure and its
inner workings about it’s operations, personnel, security Bureaus which were
dispersed throughout Russia. [...] The Bureau itself begins as a very small
operation that included only a handful of officials (16), operating with only
around four thousand military personnel at their disposal. Russia’s security
police were referred to as the Third Section of his Imperial majesty’s own
Chancellery (1826-1855). The Third Section consisted of Gendarmes soldiers,
which essentially is a military body that is charged with policing the public
and ensuring the safety of its nation’s population.
Only lasting for around thirty years the Third Section of his imperial majesty’s
own Chancellery was disbanded and absorbed into the Department of State Police
which fell under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior. No longer
directly under the Tsar himself, they now were authoritatively transferred to
the deputy of the minister. Daly is able to go in depth and discuss the
different types of policing that the security police were not only responsible
for such as execution of court orders, tracking fugitives, riot control, and the
detainment of “unusual” criminals. The Security police towards the latter part
of the 19th century began integrating old techniques and merging them in with
newer types of policing that would enable police to keep better tabs and control
over possible revolutionary threats. From surveillance, using plainclothes to
create subtlety to the implementation of secret informants, Security police had
to adapt to the ever growing revolutionary movement. [...] Sergei Zubatov [...]
from 1896-1902 was the head of security in Moscow [and] was widely known for
being able to integrate traditional policing methods with new, sophisticated
Petrovich,et al., eds| a{}
|_Dokumenty svidetelstvuiut: Iz istorii derevni nakanune i v khode
kollektivizatsii 1927-1932 gg|MVA: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry,1989| ((525p
bbl|DK266.A3 D65 1989 NEP STL.skz klx svx vlg nrd krx))
|_Kooperativno-kolkhoznoe stroitelstvo v SSSR,1917-1922: Dokumenty i
materialy|Moskva : Nauka, 1990| ((HD1492.S65 K62 1990 396p bbl:398 ndx| prm))
|_Krestianskie khoziaistva, kolkhozy i sovkhozy SSSR v 1924/25-1927/28
gg|MVA:AkN,Institut istorii SSSR,1977| ((619p bbl|S469.R9K73 3v Po dannym
nalogovykh svodok Narkomfina SSSR))
|_Krestianskoe vosstanie v Tambovskoi gubernii v 1919-1921
gg.:“Antonovshchina”--dokumenty i materialy|SERIES:Krestianskaia revoliutsiia v
Rossii 1902-1922 gg|Tambov : Intertsentr : Arkhivnyi otdel administratsii
Tambovskoi obl., 1994| ((DK265.8.T3 K74 1994|332p bbl ndx TAM gbx krx rbx GWX))
|_Mentalitet i agrarnoe razvitie Rossii, XIX-XX vv.: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi
konferentsii, Moskva, 14-15 iiunia 1994 g|Moskva : ROSSPEN, 1996| ((HD1536.R9
M46 1996|439p bbl|Summary and table of contents also in English))
|_Ocherki istorii kollektivizatsii sel’skogo khoziaistva v soiuznykh
respublikakh: Sbornik statei|Moskva : Gospolitizdat, 1963| ((558p bbl|HD1492.R9
*:|_Sovetskaia derevnia glazami VChK-OGPU-NKVD, 1918-1939 : dokumenty i materialy v 4 tomakh| ((UO has
vv1-3,pt1, but no pt2 or v4))
*1970:MVA,Izd.polit.lit.|_Sovetskoe krestianstvo: Kratkii ocherk istorii, 1917-1969| ((508p))
<>Danks,Catherine|_Politics Russia|
Routledge| (( Introduction to the plt development of Russia in the
post-communist era| Part#1 the emergence of contemporary Russia = the end
of the USSR and the move towards democratization under Gorbachev| Part#2
= overview of the executive and legislative brances of gvt| Part#3 =
cvc.pbl, the role of mxx| Part#4 = policy process, from irx.plt and
mlt.plt to the development of dms.plt (wlf hlt edc)| Part#5 = overall
consideration the contemporary state of Russia, examining the development from
Yeltsin, to Putin to Medvedev, and considers the possible futures of the region|
kng contains Annotated bbl, definitions of key plt.wrd~ and short bxo~ of key
*:|_V. A. Maklakov:A Russian Statesman...| ((Birn,81de17:bbt.rqt ndr stt.dmx lbx
<>Dubnow on Jews in
Russia| ((Jwx ntn))
<>Dunbar-Ortiz,Roxanne| a{}
*2014:|_An_Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States| ((R&A| NAm| gnr.hst.gph| KSOK))
of the Thunderer: Mikhail Katkov, Russian nationalist extremism and the failure
of the Bismarckian system, 1871-1887| ((KtkM jrn rxn.plt irx BsmO|
[This book] is a chronicle of Imperial Russian domestic politics as well as the
Kremlin’s foreign policy from 1858-1887. Durman posits accurately the grand
influence prominent journalist Mikhail Katkov possessed over the citizenry of
Russia and thusly the policies of Russia. Katkov arrived at the burgeoning of
Russian journalism and came to dominate public opinion. Katkov was the editor of
the most successful Russian circulation of the era Moscow News which
achieved 6,000 subscriptions and was read at many venues to the lower classes.
An early proponent of reform but through a manner similar to the English
parliamentary system “Only the English have learned the art of making reforms
without revolution” (Katkov qtd in Durman, 18). Katkov became a staunch defender
of conservative Russian values as an extremely “Patriotic” russophile during a
time of discontent with the established order in Russia. Katkov rose to
prominence in the aftermath of the Polish Uprising of 1863-65 during which his
vitriolic calls for the Russification of all peoples under her dominion led the
ideal of Pan-Slavism in Russia into a more aggressive pro-russian foreign and
domestic policy. With his name in the limelight Katkov wielded public opinion on
a range of foreign policy issues from the various questions such as the Eastern
Question to the role of Russia in European politics and her position in the
Katkov was feared as well as admired by the Russian political elite. His sway of
public opinion could benefit them as well as harm them and it did so in many
occasions. Russia’s entry into the Holy Alliance with Prussia and Austria was
highly condemned by Katkov as he feared Prussian conspiratorial designs towards
pacifying Russia’s sphere of influence. Katkov through the writing of Durman was
both an instrument of the Tsar and his ministers as well as an independent actor
for fomenting russian nationalistic sentiments. Katkov’s relationship with the
ruling elite of Russia was complicated to say the least. His campaigns wrought
unwanted pressures on the Tsar’s ministers. Statist to the maximum, Katkov
managed to even make those in power of the state anxious of his editorials.
Katkov maintained this balancing act throughout his career. Katkov was
ultimately an enshrined hero of Russian nationalists and created an image of
Russian nationalism abroad that has continued to this day.
*1980:New Brunswick|_Gentry Politics on the Eve of the Russian Revolution: The Nationalist Party,1907-1917|
((gnt dvr stt.dmx ntnism cnx.plt WW1b REV2 RUS3 noWbr))
*1987:Cornell|_Proletarian Peasants: The Revolution of 1905 in Russia's Southwest| ((prl krx
UKR hst.gph| Wider plt.clt not really under his purview| When he discusses krx
ptn~, he notes call for cvl.rgt~ etc, but backs off saying they are all too
vague. Following Emmons, he concludes that such must reflect outside
interference| Trudoviki brushed off| “Agitators from a variety of political
groups were active in the countryside before and after 1905. Yet no single group
led or controlled peasant actions. [...] [W]hen the moment came, the peasants
mobilized themselves. Their actions were spontaneous, and their militance was
largely self-generated. Peasants articulated but did not emphasize auch poltical
goals as contituent asemblies, universal suffrage, and fredom to organize
politically. Their first concern was the land question, and when the D’uma
finally began operating as part of Russia’s new semi-parliamentary system, they
saw it primarily as one more instituon to which the coould address their demans
on what was for them the central issue.” [What definable interest groups acted
differently? How does this distinguish krx from dvr or ntg?] [87] Rumors more
influential than agitators. grm read to non-grm. rrd prl spread info. vlg.sxd
still a strong tUt, and that accentuated tensions between mmb~ of vlg.oxo and
krx who were not
--| G/Clowes
--|_Russian Peasant Schools: Officialdom, Village Culture, and Popular Pedagogy, 1861-1914| ((krx scl vlg
Eklof’s work exhibits a comprehensive analysis of Russia’s institutional and
cultural response to the issue of addressing popular peasant education in light
of the Emancipation of 1861. Under the subtitle “Officialdom, Village Culture,
and Popular Pedagogy, 1861-1914”, Eklof explores a variety of both top-down and
bottom-up narratives of the educational experience of the Russian peasant. From
national decrees, regional zemstvo policies, local village controls, and
individual accounts from pupils and teachers alike, Eklof examines the education
of the peasant masses in such a way that the entire Russian social and political
demographic is contextually addressed. Of note is Eklof’s examination of the
Russian peasant teacher, whose experiences during this time have more to do with
issues pertaining to being introduced and accepted into Russian village culture
than the actual practicalities of pupil education.
In 1862, Russian author Ivan Turgenev published Fathers and Sons, a quote from
which is spread across the first page of the Introduction: “The Russian peasant
is in truth that mysterious unknown…Who can understand him? He does not
understand himself!” The Russian peasant was thus introduced to the masses.
[mdn=] Throughout history, the Russian peasant has been portrayed as illiterate,
incapable of modern or progressive thought, stagnant in their station. Eklof’s
introduction attempts to break away this binding mold of the peasants
pre-condition. Established is a less sensationalized view of the peasants not as
a child-like connotation needing constant paternal guidance, but as an
independent and spirited social group capable of possessing a rooted sense of
ambition in the form of a long tradition of Russian village culture. Bound in
the traditions of expelling the yokes of serfdom, the village culture is
portrayed by Eklof as being wary of attempts by the Russian national government
to instill education reforms. The concept of “education as progress” did not
fully take hold in peasant village culture until the 1890’s, some thirty years
after Emancipation, a decade in which zemstvos were given a much broader mandate
of controlling the educational framework of peasant curriculum and instruction.
Part One, “Institutions and Sponsors”, begins with a broad overview of
historical trends in the Russian education system. For an inexperienced
researcher of Russian history, the first chapter outlines the education policy
aspects of Russian authoritative political culture under the reigns Peter the
Great, Catherine the Great, Alexander I, and Nicholas I. Amidst various reforms
and reactionary measures, a running trend of subverting education opportunities
for peasants remained constant. Providing education for peasants lingered as a
fear of the ruling political culture in the years pre-Emancipation for reasons
amounting to keeping the Russian peasant classes within their Petrine station.
Education provided the peasant with “notions and to a style not appropriate to
their situation” (see pages 24-26). Rudimentary education was deemed reasonable
for the lower Russian classes, but the ability for a peasant to excel beyond the
three R’s in education institutions was rare. Possibilities for Russian
universal education did not become readily apparent until the Emancipation of
the serfs in 1861.
Eklof’s focus on both the 1864 Education Stature and the Zemstvo Statute of the
same year provide a running parallel theme for the rest of the work. Local self
control of education measures exerted through the zemstvo would become the most
effective means of instituting measurable gains in student cognitive progress,
outlined in Chapter 13 “Mere Learning: The Cognitive Results of Schooling.”
As a source for potential research topics, Eklof’s work provides a sufficient
background for an extensive array of topics in the history of education in
Russia. The experiences of Russian teachers in the peasant education system is a
fascinating story, a narrative which is described in detail in Part Two, “The
Outsider in the Village: Russian Teachers.” Part Three, “Peasant Pedagogy and
the Emergence of a School System” explores the conditions in the Russian
peasants’ classroom from the perspective of pupils and teachers. A comparison
topic could emerge exploring the modern academic calendar in contrast with the
Russian school year, discussed in Chapter 11, “The School Calendar: Rhythm and
Intensity.” In Part Four, “The Results of Schooling”, Eklof examines the
curriculum of the Russian peasant schools and just what a graduate of a peasant
primary school might expect in terms of continued education in Chapter 15,
“Beyond Primary School.”
The focus given to the role of zemstvo in providing a role of vital local
government guidance to peasants is what drew my attention most in Eklof’s work.
Emerging trends of local control and self-administration gives the reader a
broader understanding of preceding political conditions that existed before both
the 1905 and 1917 Revolutions. For a researcher looking for a quick introduction
to the zemstvo, reference to Chapter 2, “The Great Reforms and the Zemstvos” is
encouraged. I enjoyed Eklof’s work, and if a fellow researcher is debating a
topic in the history of Russian education, or peasant culture in general,
Eklof’s book is an excellent work that has a broad introductory scope.
<>Eklof,Ben, and Stephen Grant, eds| a{}
--|_World of the Russian Peasant: Post-Emancipation Culture and Society| ((>WRP|
ndr.sbk krx RUS2 clt pbl))
<>Emmerson,Charles|_1913 : In search of the
world before the Great War|>Emmerson.1913|
*2013:NYC,PublicAffairs| ((wrx&clt | 8x11:WW1a = EVANS rvw|
ToC = Introduction |
pt1= Centre of the Universe: London: World City | Paris: The Eternal, the Universal | Berlin: Powerhouse | Rome: The Pope's aeroplane | Vienna: Shadows and Light | St.Petersburg: Eastern Colossus |
pt2= The Old New World: Washington DC: Republic, Nation, Empire | New York: Metropolis | Detroit: A Model Future | Los Angeles: Boom! | Mexico City: Monroe's Bequest |
pt3= The World Beyond: Winnipeg-Melbourne: Britain Abroad | Buenos Aires: Southern Star | Algiers: The Radiance of the Republic | Bombay-Durban: Tapestry of Empire | Tehran: Under Foreign Eyes | Jerusalem: Zion and its Discontents |
pt4= Twilight Powers: Constantinople [IST]: Tides of History | Peking-Shanghai: Walking Slumber | Tokyo: Rising Sun | London: Beyond the Horizon | Epilogue: The Afterlife of 1913
pbr's summary = 1913 is inevitably viewed through the lens of 1914.... Emmerson liberates the world of 1913 from this "prelude to war" narrative, and explores it as it was, in all its richness and complexity [...] a panoramic view of a world crackling with possibilities, its future still undecided, its outlook still open
*2013au30:TLS:24, Winter,Jay rvw of Emmerson.1913 = Accepts notion that great tensions preceded 1914, as in Mann's Magic Mt., as in Pasternak.DZh, as in Dangerfield.STRANGE| "the pre-1914 world held the seeds of the violent flowering to come. I share this position, and believe that Emmerson understates the degree to which imperial power showed this to be true. It was maintained by savagery that appeared strange and unprecedented to contemporaries when it came home to roost, inflicted by white Europeans on other white Europeans.))
a{}n{srf.rfm krx rvs gnt dvr RS1 RREV1 stt.dmx1}o{
*1968:Cambridge|_The_Russian Landed Gentry and Peasant Emancipation|
*1973se:SlR#32:461-90| “The Beseda
*1974jy:RRe1#33:269-83| “The Russian Landed Gentry and Politics”|
*1977:CaliforniaSlavic Studies#10:45-86| “Russia’s Banquet Campaign”|
*1983:CMA|_The_Formation of Political Parties and the First National Elections in Russia|
((Wbr correct (ASS 22:244) lbx “essentially brz” in Lebenshaltung,while not so in ekn conditions))
<>Emmons,Terence, and Wayne S. Vucinich, eds| a{}
*1982C.ENG:CUP|_The_Zemstvo in Russia: An Experiment in Local Self-Government| ((>Emmons.Zmv|
JS6058.Z46| ndr.sbk Zmv stt noWbr|
Starr before Zmv.rfm|
McKenzie in stt|
Atkinson & krx|
Manning 864:14;& plt|
Fallows 890:14;& stt.apx qin|
Brooks edc of nrd|
Ramer,Samuel public hlt|
Johnson,Rbt avc & lbx:Zmv xtx|
Gleason VsR Union of Zmv & WW1b [ wrx&plt]
Rosenberg in 917 & SSR|
Emmons Zmv in hst perspective
--|_Moscow,1905:Working-Class Organization and Political Conflict| ((
FFirst, we must understand what life was like in urban 1905 Russia.
Engelstein gives the statistics as 60% of the Moscow textile force housed in a
factory with more than 500 workers, and 75% in St Petersburg under the same
conditions. By no means was the number of Russian people who lived under these
circumstances negligible.
In addition to factory workers, the working class also included laborers,
pharmicists, railroad workers, soldiers, clerks, printers, and numerous others.
These people, both men and women, shared a life marked by 13-18 hour days, and
were unable to vote, hold political office, or gather legally for political
According to Engelstein, the political action of 1905 begins with the
intelligentsia, not with the working class. Social Democrats, working under the
principles of Marxism, have been trying to motivate the working class population
to revolutionary political action with limited success. Before 1905, Social
Democrats (and Anarchists) had engaged in a public awareness movement which
included sending young radicals to “teach” groups of laborers.
The fruits of this labor seem to be a politically aware minority among
Russian workers, but certainly not the revolutionarily active majority which the
Social Democrats had hoped for. Lack of central organization, fear of state
violence, and unfamiliarity with strike politics seemed to keep most of Russia's
working class away from the politics of the labor movement.
Engelstein cites the formation of Zubatov Councils as one reason for the
changes in Russia's work force. Zubatov Councils were typically paternalistic
groups formed by the state as an outlet for worker's grievances. These councils
were unintentionally politicized when Father Gapon lead a group of members in a
peaceful march towards the winter palace. The marchers were armed with a list of
grievances to be addressed. In this incident, state forces fired on the marchers
and onlookers without discretion, wounding or killing at least 1,000 in the
crowd. This act of state repression helped to politicize the workers and gain
sympathy for the cause among the Russian majority. This was January of 1905.
But politicized workers are not necessarily organized workers, as Engelstein
points out here. The sporadic outbreaks of strikes in January and February of
1905 fizzle due to lack of organization, experience, and unity. It seems that
each person is striking for a different reason.
The September and October strikes are the prelude to the December Uprising.
The September strikes are initiated by printers, without planning by
intellectuals. Demands center around hours and wages. Engelstein states that
these strikes have no political motivation. However, in the ranks of strikers
are men and women familiar with strike tactics from January involvement. In the
streets, the strikers mix with students and middle class citizens, all of whom
are the targets of state sponsored violence. Under these circumstances,
Engelstein argues that the strike movement snowballs.
In October, an important group of diverse workers joins the strike movement:
the railroad workers. Within the railroad workers as a whole, the blue and white
collar workers are united as a striking body. This striking body has the power
to paralyze Russia, as Engelstien argues. Moreover, the railroad union has
Social Democrats, Social Revolutionaries, Anarchists, and assorted other
liberals at the helm, all co-existing.
The December Uprising is a natural event, considering (as Englestein has)
the factors of a newly politicized working class, a sympathetic population, and
the attempted quashing of the labor movement by an increasingly conservative
city council, and the random violence of the Black Hundreds.
<>Erickson,Edward J| a{950}n{WW1b TRK.MPR
*2001:Westport,CT,Greenwood|_Ordered to die: A history of the Ottoman army in
the First World War|>Erickson.ORDERED| ((UO|
RUS.mlt:58-9 97-9 103-9 121-53))
*2003:Westport.CT,Praeger|_Defeat in detail: The Ottoman Army in the Balkans,
*2007:LND,Routledge|_Ottoman Army effectiveness in World War I: A comparative
study|>Erickson.EFFECTIVE| ((UO|
The Ottoman Army evolved and maintained a high level of overall combat
effectiveness despite the primitive nature of the Ottoman State. Four case
studies at the operational and tactical level, campaigns involving the Ottoman
Empire and the British Empire: Gallipoli in 1915, Kut in 1916, Third
Gaza-Beersheba in 1917, and Megiddo in 1918. Emphasis placed on examining
specific elements of combat effectiveness and how they affected that particular
*2012:LND,Amber Books|_Gallipoli and the Middle East, 1914-1918|>Erickson.GALLIPOLI|
<>Erlanger,Steven| "The 100-year Legacy of World
War I"|>Erlanger.100| 2014je27:
E-TXT| ((WW1c but article also contains E-TXT~ of newspaper front pages
covering critical moments from the outbreak of WW1b to its end| Also several
entries that bring WW1 issues up to the present = Bosnia [BAL] | Ypres
fields still exploding [BEL] | Ukraine [UKR] Gallipoli []
Bell,Gertrude ["spy" in IRQ] | German mltism | USA untested but played critical
role at Marne [] ))
<>Evans,R.J.W| *2014fe06:TLS:14-17| rvw of
MacMillan.ROAD, Emmerson.1913, McMeekin.ORIGINS, McMeekin.JULY, Clark.SLEEP,
Hastings.1914| 8x11:WW1a WW1
*2011:PA.P,UPP|_Portrait of a Russian province: economy, society, and
civilization in nineteenth-century Nizhnii Novgorod| ((UO| NNG.gbx.hst.gph|
Imagining the Russian Provinces
Soil, forest, river : ecx of gbx life
grd topography
Rhythms : the lcl.ekn
An Artisanal case study: the Southeast
Social space : numbers, images, bxo~
Managing the province : lcl.apx
The Cadastral map in the service of the Zmv
OChx and rlg
gbx clt nests
hst.gph = The idea of province))
<>Fainsod,Merle| a{}n{apx
*1935:C.MA,HUP|_International Socialism and the World War|>Fainsod.scs&wrx|
((OWN 1969:pb ed| WW1 scs.mvt))
*1958:C.MA,HUP|_Smolensk Under Soviet Rule
*1962:C.MA,HUP|_How Russia is Ruled|3rd ed| ((stt SSR REV| G/Hough))
*1963:| “Bureaucracy and Modernization: The Russian and Soviet Case”| In
Bureaucracy and Political Development:233-67| ((mdn))
<>Fallows,Thomas S| a{}
*1981 Harvard University PhD Dissertation| “Forging the Zemstvo Movement:
Liberalism and Radicalism on the Volga,1890-1905”| (( SAR.gbx Zmv lbx rdx
<>Farnsworth,Beatrice| a{}n{wmn}
--|Aleksandra Kollontai: Socialism, Feminism, and the Bolshevik Revolution|
((SSR scx RREV3))
<>Farnsworth,Beatrice, and Lynne Viola, eds| a{}
*1992:O.ENG|_Russian Peasant Women| (( ndr.sbk krx RUS2))
<>Fischer,Ben B| a{}
*1997:WDC,History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence,USA Central Intelligence
Agency|_Okhrana: The Paris operations of the Russian Imperial Police| View full record| ((G/Okhrana
The publication consists of a preface written by Fischer which describes the
story of the Okhrana in Paris and the recovered files. The rest is a series of
organized essays written for the CIA counterintelligence by an unknown author.
All of these articles had previously appeared in the journal called
Studies in Intelligence, which was published by the CIA. These
articles are detailed descriptions of the Okhrana's operations in Paris and all
of the actors involved. Finally, the conclusion consist of a letter and the
preface that inspired it which discussed the idea the Joseph Stalin was an
Okhrana agent.
The preface, which is by Ben Fischer, discussed a number of issues surrounding
Okhrana and the CIA. He also makes a number of conclusions with regard to the
Tsarist regime and the Bolsheviks. One of Fischer's first points states that the
opening of the Paris Okhrana in 1883, “a sign of both success and failure on the
part of the tsarist authorities”(pg 1). The statement made reflects that Fischer
believed it was more of a failure on the part of the tsarist than a success of
the revolutionaries. France, especially Paris, had become a haven for the many
Russian revolutionaries that had been thrown out of Russia, and these
revolutionaries were able to take advantage of the west's liberties to conduct
anti-regime activities.
The main body of the book consist of seven different articles written by an
unknown CIA analyst. The articles are all interrelated and discuss stories of
the Okhrana, its agents, and the Bolsheviks counterintelligence operations. One
of the articles testifies to a Okhrana double agent during World War I. An agent
named Dolin had Russian revolutionaries and the Germans convinced that he was
working for them, while all along working for Okhrana. The author makes certain
conclusions about the success of this operation and the fruits that it bore. The
agent was able to dissuade German and Bolshevik attacks on Russia while also
would give, “Okhrana regular information on the enemy's intentions, methods, and
program”(pg.80). This article and statement testifies to the instructiveness of
these articles and the usefulness that the CIA had for the Okhrana files.
At the end of the publication there are to texts that discuss the idea that
Josef Stalin was an Okhrana agent. They both only have circumstantial evidence
that Stalin was a deep cover agent. This idea had been around for a long time
and many hoped that the publication of these files would shed some light.
Unfortunately the Okhrana kept no official record of their deep cover agents, so
even if Stalin was ever an agent there would be no mention of him in Okhrana's
files in Paris or St. Petersburg. This publication provides a lot of insight
into a subject that is typically very difficult to research. It provides a
simple preface discussing the Okhrana and what it did while also providing
detailed and interesting stories that are entertaining and educational.
<>Fischer,George| a{}
*1956:CMA|_Russian Liberalism: From Gentry to Intelligentsia| ((lbx plt
gnt dvr ntg| defines lbx very broadly,but lst of lbx~ does not reach back to
RS1| Billington rvw noted irony that KDs left lbx~ harkened back to
860s:rdx~:MxiNK & Hzn))
*1957:HSS#4:| “The Russian Intelligentsia and Liberalism”| ((ntg lbx))
a{}n{edc.plt STL| RREV3}o{}
On Lunacharskii
*1978:Boomington IN|>Fitzpatrick,Sheila,ed|_Cultural Revolution in
Russia,1928-1931| ((LA831.8.F56. another call# DK266.4.C86 1978| clt))
*1979:SlR#38,3| “Stalin and the Making of a New
*1979:ENG CUP|_Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union,1921-1934|
*1982: & subsequent editions|_The_Russian Revolution, 1917-1932| ((
STUDENT REVIEW = Sheila Fitzpatrick examines the
Russian Revolution in a new way from the popular historical interpretation.
Fitzpatrick extends the revolution into Stalin’s reign from the February
Revolution of 1917. From the 1860s to after the Civil War were all stepping
stones toward the Revolution that all connected and linked together. Fitzpatrick
even claims that revolution tendencies and legacies continued until the fall of
the Soviet Union.
Fitzpatrick began her analysis of the Russian Revolution with the early stages
starting in the 1860s with the Emancipation of Serfs. The Serfs and Peasants
didn’t feel this was adequate enough and they felt they were entitled to more
land than they had received. In 1864 Zemstvos began. These were “Elected local
government bodies that were institutionally quite separate from the state
bureaucracy and frequently in conflict with it” (Fitzpatrick, 23). The people of
Russia were beginning to have a say in the happenings of the area, but this
power began to become a conflict with the national government. The national
government needed the money that the Zemstvos had collected from taxes and felt
the Zemstvos had obtained too much control. Throughout the 1860s legal
reformations occurred. Through these an independent court system was created. In
the 1870s there was an upsurge of revolutionary terrorism. The plans thickened
to destroy the autocratic Russia. These events set the stage for revolutionary
What could be considered as the first revolution had occurred in 1905.
Fitzpatrick however just sees this as another step in the revolution that
already had begun to surface. This entailed of urban revolution, peasant
uprising and labor strikes. This appeared to be a faiure according to
revolutionists “From the revolutionary standpoint it was no gain to have a
façade of legal political institutions and a new breed of self important,
chattering liberal politicians. It was also deeply, almost unbearably
disappointing for the revolutionary leaders to return to the familiar dreariness
of émigré life” (Fitzpatrick, 35). Fitzpatrick sees this as a failed attempt at
a revolution and this could lead to why she does not view it as an entirely
separate revolution. The presence of revolution and necessity for reform still
lingered after this and lead to the next set of uprisings. After these event the
stage was set for a revolution.
In February of 1917 the autocracy collapsed. A dual power of soviet and
provisional government had taken over. This was another stepping stone through
the revolution. “The February coup d’etat passed off so smoothly that even then
one felt a vague presentiment that this was not the end, that such a crisis
could not pass off so peacefully” (Fitzpatrick, 46). This revolution was not the
end but only the beginning to the current revolution.
The October Revolution of 1917 was the Bolsheviks unlawful seizure of power.
This was the led to the new soviet regime and laid the foundation for Stalinism.
It also led to the Russian Civil war between the Anti-Bolsheviks and the
Bolsheviks. This civil war devastated the economy, it depleted privatization and
created inflation. The Bolsheviks found victory in the war and began their reign
in Russia.
The Bolsheviks’ rise to power revolutionized many Old Russian policies. A new
economic policy was put in place, the NEP. This permitted a revival of legal
private trade. The intentions were to restore the devastated economy. When
Stalin gained power the NEP was taken out and a Five Year Plan of centrally
planned economy was put into place.
After Lenin’s death in 1924 the Communists needed to find a new leader, thus
entered Stalin. Stalin’s rise to power also maintained the feeling of
revolution. Stalin enforced the First-Five-Year plan and this called for lower
grain prices. The Peasants were not pleased with this and Stalin forced peasants
to still sell grain. He did this by barn searches and confiscated any grain
found on farmer’s property, this lead to unhappy peasants.
Fitzpatrick presents the idea that there is only one Russian Revolution from
1917 to 1932. The setting included the events that occurred from 1860 to 1917.
The revolution ended in 1932 with the success of the First-Five-Year plan and
the somewhat stability of the economy. The revolution however maintained a
legacy and revolutionary tendencies until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
<>Fitpatrick,Sheila, ed|
*1991:B.IU Press|_Russia in the Era of NEP
<>Foglesong,David S|_America's secret war
against Bolshevism : U.S. intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920|
*1995:CH.NC,UNCP| ((R&A WW1b Gwrx | ToC =
1. The Development of a Wilsonian Style of Intervention
2. The Origins of American Anti-Bolshevism
3. Keeping Faith with Russia: Ambassador Boris Bakhmeteff and U.S. Efforts to
Restore "Democracy"
4. The British Connection: American Covert Aid to Anti-Bolsheviks in South
Russia, 1917-1918
5. American Intelligence Gathering, Propaganda, and Covert Action in
Revolutionary Russia
6. American Intervention in Siberia, 1918-1920: The Search for Anti-Bolshevik
"Nuclei" and "Strong Men"
7. Fighting, but Not a War: American Intervention in North Russia, 1918-1919
8. Food as a Weapon against Bolshevism: American "Humanitarian" Intervention in
the Baltic Region, 1919
9. The Struggle against Intervention: Soviet Policy toward America, 1917-1920
1917-1920, Woodrow Wilson's administration sought to oppose the Bolsheviks in a
variety of covert ways. American and Russian archival material allows David
Foglesong to chronicle both sides of this secret war|
Reveals a new dimension to the first years of the U.S.-Soviet rivalry. Wilson
was ambivalent about socialism and revolution before 1917| Social and cultural
origins of American anti-Bolshevism. Principle of self-determination, idealistic
public sentiment, and congressional restrictions, forced Wilson to rely on
secretive methods to affect the course of the Russian Civil War || The
administration provided covert financial and military aid to anti-Bolshevik
forces, established clandestine spy networks, concealed the purposes of limited
military expeditions to northern Russia and Siberia, and delivered ostensibly
humanitarian assistance to soldiers fighting to overthrow the Soviet government.
In turn, the Soviets developed and secretly funded a propaganda campaign in the
United States designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-Bolshevik activity,
promote American-Soviet economic ties, and win diplomatic recognition from WDC))
<>Footman,David| a{}
*1945|_Red Prelude: The Life of the Russian Terrorist Zhelyabov| ((UO| bxo JlbA krx rvs trr ppx NaV
STUDENT REVIEW = The main purpose of the book [...] was
to give a background to the political party Narodnaya Volya that arose in the
1870’s. The book begins by giving background stories of the key members of the
party. The book also outlines key people that were involved in the organizing
and shaping of the ideals in which the members followed. The book is an attempt
to explain why Zhelyabov and his friends abandon their original policy of reform
and become revolutionary terrorist. This book also tries to explain what they
did, how they did it, how the felt, and what happened to them. This book is
written in terms of point of view and experience, instead of merely stating the
facts of what happened on what day and who did it.
One of the key people of this book is Andrei Zhelyabov. He grew up in a poor
family attended school at the University of Odessa. From the time he was a
student he was active in student activism and critical thinking of the
government. In 1879 he was known as an “illegal” because of his activities.
Before becoming involved in the Narodnaya Voyla he was married and had a son but
once he became apart of the Executive committee he abandoned them in order to
protect them.
An important aspect, and due in large part to the popularity of the party, was
their ability to appeal to different levels of society. They especially appealed
to the student population and the working population. They accepted all who were
willing to fight for change and overthrow the Emporer. Although, they may have
had a lot of support that does not necessarily mean that they were active in the
party. There were only about twenty who played an active role in the terrorism
The main ideals of the party were outlined by Zhelyabov, “Therefore it was the
duty of the Social Revolutionary party to overthrow the government and bring
about a state of affairs in which such a struggle was possible. In other words
the first duty of the wary was to secure political liberty, and with this it
would unite with all elements capable to of political activity.” (Footman, 100)
they strongly believed that only through socialist principals could humanity
attain liberty, equality, fraternity, general maternity, and well-being.
Zhelyabov became the leader and put into action terrorist acts against the
Emperor. But that is not to say that they were only against the Emperor, they
were actually against all of the wrong doing that he had done to people and they
only way to end this was through killing him.
The party is known for the attempts to assassinate the Emperor Alexander II.
They tried several times, once through placing dynamite on a railway and having
it explode when the Emperors train passed by. But the switch didn’t ignite the
dynamite. There was also another attempt to assassinate the Emperor in
Petersburg but this also was unsuccessful. Finally the party was able to
assassinate the Emperor on March 1. They used hand grenades, but also had a huge
mine set up underneath a road. This attempt was successful and greatly rattled
the country. After the assassination six individuals were arrested and tried in
a court. Zhelyabov quickly admitted to planning the assassination but he was not
actually involved in the actual event. While in court Zhelyabov tried to explain
why they had done what they had, that it was not only to kill the Emperor but to
bring justice to the people. All six were hung.
This book in important because he highlights all the different people involved,
it gives a background to their lives and how they became to be apart of the
party. One of the key aspects of this book is how much planning and time went
into the preparations for the final event. Members set up false shops, broke
people out of prison, collected funds, recruited new members, and falsified
names and passports. This was not just a group of people who met once and then
decided to kill the Emperor. They carefully planned and made preparations for
their final event. But the key fact about the Narodnaya Volya is that they were
more than just a group of people that wanted to murder Alexander II. They wanted
justice brought and to end the atrocities that Alexander II had brought upon the
people. They believed that he only cared for the rich and everyone else fell by
the wayside. This book highlights how this new party was passionate and stopped
at nothing to achieve their goal.
*1963:NYC|_The_Civil War in Russia| ((Gwrx))
<>Frank,Stephen P. and Mark D. Steinberg, eds|
*1994|_Cultures in Flux: Lower-Class Values, Practices, and Resistance in Late Imperial Russia|
((>CiF| pbl wrk prl plt.clt))
<>Freeze,Gregory L|
a{}n{ChxO rlg dxv pbl.hst}o{}
*1969mr:SlR#28:81-91| “A National Liberation Movement and the Shift in Russian
Liberalism, 1901-1903”| (( Zmv lbx RREV1| Emmons,Formation:232 cites re.Wbr &
RUS lbx not ekn but Lebenshaltung| Freeze employs only bürgerliche
Intelligenz [ASS 22:243-4] ))
--|In O&S| “Church and politics in late Imperial Russia: crisis and
radicalization of the clergy”
<>Frieden,Nancy M| a{}
|_Russian Physicians in an Era of Reforms and Revolution,1856-1905|
P.NJ:1981| ((|>Frieden,mdx| 5x8mdx| Prg.obx grt.rfm RREV1))
<>Friedgut,Theodore H|
*1989:P.NJ,PUP|_Iuzovka and Revolution|| 2vv| ((v1=Life and Work in Russia’s
Donbass,1869-1924|grn prl rvs.mvt RREV1 RREV3 NEP))
<>Frierson,Cathy| a{}
|_Peasant Icons| ((OWN|krx| ntg plt.clt))
*1987sp:SlR#46,1:55-69| Article on district courts| ((lwx.sud vls.sud krx))
a{}n{RREV1 plt orx cvc.pbl obx Wbr}o{}
*1981:|_The_Emergence of Russian Constitutionalism, 1900-1904: The Relationship Between Social
Mobilization and Political Group Formation in Pre-revolutionary Russia|
((321n(336) notes that 22:234 explains Wbr ~~Kistiakovskii.
Klaus Fröhlich examines the emergence of a liberal-minded civil society which
culminated in the Constitutionalist movements and the 1905 revolution, and seeks
to answer the question of how this could have happened in the Russian political
context—that is, one without a precedent of parliamentary or other democratic
institutions. In this situation, we might be reminded of similar political
developments in industrial Germany, and the author does indeed point out the
parallels in how social/political mobilization came after industrialization and
resulted in top-down reforms (seen to a much more limited extent in Russia).
[mdn=] The author also cites the ideas of German sociologist Max Weber,
particularly the sentiments of anti-bureaucratization (in the case of Russia,
anti-autocracy as well) fueled by the demands of the (bourgeois: urbanized,
educated, professional pedigree) bürgerliche Intelligenz class that had
the most at stake economically in such a modernizing society run by an autocracy
that granted them little to no political power.
The individuals behind the Constitutionalist movement acted in the context of
the “public movement”—a broad term to encompass the activities of those involved
in developing a Russian civil society following the 1860’s wave of political
reforms (such as the establishment of the zemstvo system of self-government that
run certain, often specific and technical, matters in provincial rural areas),
with the focus on “small deeds” liberalism involving public works and pushing
for marginal liberal reforms in a legal manner to limit the hindering effects of
the autocracy. This mitigated the tendency in Russian politics towards drifting
to the extremes of reactionary and revolutionary parts of the spectrum, and one
of our author’s main themes is stressing the degree of careful political
maneuvering that was necessary for the Constitutionalists to succeed in gaining
popular support while avoiding the overt wrath of and crackdown by the
The primary forum for Constitutionalist ideas in the period before the 1905
Revolution was the journal Osvobozhdenie (Liberation), in which former
“legal Marxist” Peter Struve pushed the Constitutionalist ideals (of autocracy
abolishment, support for individual liberties free from violent police
crackdowns, non-class representation) without calling for specific practical,
organizational political action for fear of seeming too radical and
non-inclusive. Although this created conflicts for the editor in the form of
criticisms from fringe supporters of being too vague, abstract or non-political,
the author notes that in its time the journal was indeed widely respected (or at
least read) by moderates and radicals alike, as well as government officials and
conservatives who saw it as a key voice of legitimate public opposition to the
autocracy that demanded their attention. In facing charges of being too cowardly
or too revolutionary from both sides, Struve’s editorial stance allowed a fluid
and “liberal” approach to the eventual formation of the Union of Liberation in
Russia. We can see one result of this in an early conference of liberals at Lake
Constance Germany (where, it should be noted, all such open meetings took place
at first and where the editorial office of Osvobozhdenie was located) in which
the conference resulted in what Fröhlich notes as a good degree of trust and
harmony on a burgeoning program of supporting a constitutional order that would
eventually abolish the autocracy.
While many in the Constitutionalist movement, and primarily Struve, saw the
importance of the working class and their inclusion in and support for this
liberal movement, we must be reminded that many saw it as their duty as the most
educated and able to dictate the terms of a Constitutionalist program in the
best interests of all Russians. The essential economic privilege and high social
profile that many Constitutionalists enjoyed meant that many were at first wary
of involving lower-classes to an extensive degree, yet by the Second Congress
meeting of the Union of Liberation in 1904, enough shifts within the movement
had occurred (owing much to the gradual and open-ended approach espoused by
Struve) that universal suffrage and “protection of the interests of the working
masses” were now stated as key objectives of the movement (remarkable change
given that at this same time the Union chose to make its existence known
publicly). Thus, a movement that was initially comprised largely of educated
urbanites from the metropolitan centers St. Petersburg and Moscow and members of
the so-called 3rd Element (public servants that commonly comprised the
zemstvo—teachers, physicians, agronomists, statisticians, etc.) now opened its
doors to the voice of the proletariat, in large part due to the desire to
undermine the effectiveness of more dogmatic and revolutionary socialist forces.
The political ideals that drove Constitutionalist luminaries are familiar enough
to those of us raised in the Western traditions of parliamentarianism and
individual liberty: What was different in the case of Russia was the need for a
gradual approach to Constitutional order through the elevation of guaranteed
civil and political liberties over the power of the autocracy as well as its
subordinate bureaucracy. This would lead, as Pavel Milyukov put it, to a
political order evolving under the “laws of political biology” of
representation-thru-Constitution, despite the widely-recognized crisis of
“backwardness” in Russia. He saw this tendency as being inherently symptomatic
of the development of higher culture and as “indifferent to national
peculiarities” as the use of the alphabet, printing press, or electricity. (78)
While history as cited here by Milyukov seemed to be on the side of the
Constitutionalists, subsequent events and revolutions would perpetuate the
legacy of Russia as a political pariah.
Another key theme that Fröhlich emphasizes in detailing the rise of the
Constitutionalist movement, and one of its key strengths, is its flowering in
tight-knit, domestic settings that involved politically subversive, but
non-violent and undogmatic activity. The settings for many early meetings were
political salons and homes, out of the public eye by necessity. Gradually this
close circle of “friends”, as Fröhlich repeatedly refers to them, expanded to
cooperation across physical boundaries through primarily journalistic endeavors
(no less than 3 political journals including Struve’s Liberation are
detailed as having a critical effect in the political mobilization of the
movement) and the building of a rapport between those in the relatively
indistinct “moderate” spectrum of Russian politics that would culminate in the
Union of Liberation. The author also notes that the generation of those born in
the 1860’s and raised in the era of industrialization along with increasing
social mobilization (most constitutionalists were between the ages of 40 and 60)
played a huge factor in mobilizing these individuals to demand political reform
by the turn of the century. This once again reflects the notions that the rise
of a “middle class” (bourgeois, bürgerliche Intelligenz, etc.) as seen in the
West would lead to the unraveling of old autocratic orders restrictive to
individuals and their rights. In short, the answer to the “how” and “why” of
political group formation in Russia lay within the circumstances of this
generation and their opportunity at social and political mobilization.
<>Fromkin,David| a{}n{pop.hst.gph}o{}
*--|_Europe's last summer : Who started the Great War in 1914?|>Fromkin.WHO|
((UO| gnr.txt WW1a| ToC |
Sample E-TXT))
*1989:NYC,Holt|_A_Peace to End all Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East|>Fromkin.PEACE|
excerpts | OWN| WW1c AfroAsia))
War and Modern Memory| *1975| ((UO| WW1b clt blt mdnism| CF=Smith.EMBATTLED))
<>Galai,Shmuel| a{}n{RREV1 rvs}o{}
*1973:C.ENG,CUP|_The_Liberation Movement in Russia,1900-1905| ((noWbr))
<>Gal’perin,Grigorii Boris*| With Aleksei
Ivanovich Korolev, and Nina Ivanovna Vasil’eva| a{}
*1975:LGR,LGR.unv|_Pervaia rossiiskaia revoliutsiia i samoderzhavie| ((DK263.v32
GRS:222| RREV1 stt| 151p| 86:quotes Reisner MA
re.“absolyutizme, prinyavwem formy ljekonstitucionalizma” Wbr.idl))
<>Gaman-Golutvina,O. V. (2006). Politicheskie
ėlity Rossii: Vekhi istoricheskoĭ evoliutsii. Politologiia Rossii. Moskva:
<>Gammer,Moshe| a{}n{ISL
*1994:|_Muslim resistance to the tsar : Shamil and the conquest of Chechnia and Daghestan| ((ISL
AfrAsia QQN CAU))
*2006:|_The_lone wolf and the bear : Three centuries of Chechen defiance of Russian rule|
This is a chronicle of “Three Centuries of Chechen Defiance of Russian Rule”.
The Chechens have traditionally inhabited the Caucasian mountains and its
lowlands. The geographic area of the Caucasus is especially rough with forests
and hazardous mountains making the land especially inhospitable. These
labyrinths of dense forests and dangerous mountaintops have presented a nearly
unbeatable challenge to any would-be invader- even in the 21st century.
A central theme that Gammer explores in his historical analysis is the repeated
attempts at achieving unity among the Caucasian clans in an effort to resist
Russian conquest. Alone the fiercely independent clans had little chance of
halting the conquests of their large, expansive neighbor to the north. Islamic
spiritual leaders, often sheikhs, realized early on “that in religious reform
lay the one chance of preserving their cherished liberty and independence.”
(Gammer, 27) The first to attempt this endeavor was Sheikh Mansur, who preached
that through Sufi’ism and Sha’ria unity could be achieved and the Russians
beaten back. He resisted Russian conquest using these means for a number of
years though was eventually forced to surrender. His status as “’the first to
preach and lead’ the struggle against the ‘Russians in the Caucasus’” made him a
national hero among the Chechens. He set the trend for spiritual leaders to lead
military resistance by waging gazavat, a form of Islamic holy war,
against the Russian invaders and later, against the Russian occupiers. A more
prominent symbol of Chechen defiance of Russian conquest was Imam Shamil who
emerged some 30 or 40 years after Mansur. His military exploits won him renown
and his name still maintains its legacy of defying Russia (notably through the
emergence of Shamil Basayev, a more recent example of a Chechen spiritual leader
attempting to unite the tribes to resist- and adopting the name of a more famous
rebel before him).
Gammer’s insight into the relationship between Islam and the Chechens’ struggle
offers valuable information that sheds light on the current situation in the
Caucasus. While Islam became ingrained in the psyche of those struggling to
resist Russian rule, it was not until later in the 20th century that Islam’s
firm tie to Chechen nationalism and identity was completed. Using increasingly
harsh methods to subjugate the restless Chechen and Ingush populations, Joseph
Stalin “Carried out what so many Russian generals… had suggested but never dared
to do.” (Gammer, 165) He deported nearly the entire ethnic populations of the
Ingush and Chechen people far into Kazakhstan, where the harsh environment
killed off many. It was in this extreme environment that “ethnic solidarity” was
maintained through the various branches of Islam adhered to by the deported
ethnicities. When sent back to their homelands in 1956 this fundamental tie
between ethnic identity and religion was already firmly cemented. To this end
Moshe Gammar sheds light on the current conflict by exposing the centrality that
Islam plays in the national struggle of the Chechens, an event likened to
Poland’s “national solidarity” being inexorably tied to Catholicism.
Russian intervention has been a central component of Chechnya’s recent history.
Gammer makes note of this and puts the actions of Chechens in the appropriate
context: they are simply responses to actions initiated by Russia. “It is Russia
as the great power, neighbour to a small people, that has dictated the events
and the agenda for more than three centuries. The Chechens have mainly reacted
to Russia’s moves and policies, not initiated their own.” (Gammer, 219) The
evolution of Chechen nationalism shows this point most clearly. Islam became
integrated into Chechen nationalism when the first resistance leaders used it to
lead their armies against Russia, becoming firmly entrenched in the national
psyche as it proved its use once again in resisting Russification in the
inhospitable areas of Kazakhstan. Russia has been always been a menacing
neighbor to the Chechens, looming as a backdrop against which all of Chechnya’s
actions are decided. To the Chechens freedom does not mean a certain type of
governance aside from self-governance. Freedom to the Chechens is in an
absolutely negative light, meaning simply freedom from Russian intervention.
This is why people like Sheikh Mansur and Imam Shamil have been able to reach
such a colossal stature among Chechens, as they embody this natural longing for
a people to dictate their own actions in accordance with their own will, not the
will of their more-powerful neighbors and occupiers. Chechnya represents an
interesting challenge to democracy and Russia. By examining the Chechens we can
see the evolution of democracy in an area concerned almost solely with their own
emancipation from another’s rule. This poses special challenges to the
maturation of democracy in an area driven forward primarily by the worst of
external factors – war.
<>Getzler,Israel| a{}
*1967:LND| Martov: A Political Biography of a Russian Social Democrat| ((SDs(m)
*1983:ENG, CUP|_Kronstadt,1917-1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy|>Getzler.KRONSTADT|
((RREV3 Gwrx vs-SDs(b) mlt))
<>Gill,Graeme J| a{}
|_The_Origins of the Stalinist Political System|C.ENG:CUP,1990| ((JN6511.G53|
ndr|STL|ch4:“The Divided Elite”:135-98 (esp:171-72) Struggle w/fxn~ [175f]
Realities of fxn [185] Quotes Trt “pty always right” [187] ch8:“Elite
Ravaged”:275-306|Conclusion:“Why Stalinism”:307-27))
|_Peasants and Government in the Russian Revolution|L.ENG:1979| ((B&N
Imports,text edition $28.50,ISBN:0-06-492406-8| krx stt RREV2))
<>Gleason,Abbott| a{
*:|Young Russia: The Genesis of Russian Radicalism in the 1860s
Kenez,and Richard Stites,eds|_Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in
the Russian Revolution| ((>Blw.clt| ndr.sbk))
<>Griffin,Roger| "The Meaning of 'Sacrifice' in
the First World War"| ((E-TXT|
WW1b An interesting search for trxic "clt meaning" what might best be thought of as mass hysteria))
<>Griffiths,Gordon| a{1914}
*1968:O.ENG|_Representative government in Western Europe in the sixteenth
century: Commentary and documents for the study of comparative constitutional
history| A publication of the International Commission for the History of
Representative and Parliamentary Institutions| ((JN94 .R3|622p bbl| prm plt.clt
stt.dmx ZmS cst))
<>Guroff,Gregory, and Fred V. Carstensen, eds|
|>Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union| P.NJ:PUP,1983| ((sbk
trd kpq ekn cpt))
*1955:CMA|_Russian Marxists and the Origins of Bolshevism| ((HX313.H3))
*1964de:SlR#23: 619-42 and 1965mr:SlR#24: 1-22| “The Problem of Social Stability
in Urban Russia,1905-1917”| ((Reprinted in CSH:341-380))
*1979:IUP|_The_Politics of Rural Russia, 1905-1914| ((ndr.sbk skz krx RREV1
<>Hamburg,Gary M| a{}
*1978:Stanford University PhD dissertation| “Land Economy and Society in Tsarist
Russia: Interest Politics of the Landed Gentry During the Agrarian Crisis of the
Late Nineteenth Century”| ((dvr plt ekn INX pbl))
*1979jy:RRe#38:323-38| “The Russian Nobility on the Eve of the 1905 Revolution”| (())
*1984:New Brunswick NJ|_Politics of the Russian Nobility,1881-1905|
((noUO?|dvr clx sSs| dvr sSs clx pbl.mvt plt RREV1 “Lacked a common identity” |
“class analysis is generally inappropriate” Bruce Lincoln rvw SlR 44:46))
of four Russian titles devoted to political conservatism
*1992:S.CA, SUP|_Boris Chicherin and Early Russian Liberalism,1828-1866| ((Qqr lbx prf MVA.unv
unv svt
Until quite recently Boris Chicherin has been largely neglected by
historians in their narratives of Russian political culture in the 19th Century.
Compared to populist socialism and Slavophilism, the two main currents of
Russian thought leading during this period, Russian liberalism appealed to
neither a large section of the intelligentsia nor the broader masses. Despite
its political shortcomings, however, it played a vital role in the great
ideological debates leading up to the Peasant Emancipation, leaving behind a
bulk of largely neglected material that has become part of an increasingly
relevant “liberal tradition” in Russia. G. M. Hamburg in Boris Chicherin and
Early Russian Liberalism: 1828-1866 attempts to remedy this perceived
“oversight” by concentrating on the political thinking of its most prolific
early commentators.
Expectedly, Hamburg starts off his study of Chicherin by giving a brief account
of his childhood. Chicherin was born in Tambov, a provincial town southwest of
Moscow, in 1828. He was of was of noble origins and spent his childhood in like
manner. Before dedicating himself to scholarship, Chicherin spent his time among
Moscow high society, frequenting elaborate balls and lavish dinner parties.
Chicherin it seemed was on his way to becoming a 'superfluous man'. Fortunately,
he found his way at Moscow University, coming under the spell of the great
Westernizer historian T. N. Granovsky and later the readings of Hegel; both of
which having a profound influence on Chicherin's philosophy of history as well
as his more mature political writings.
Hamburg spends considerable time delineating the early ideological movements in
Russia that would later color Chicherin's later thinking. Chicherin was at once
a Westernizer, Hegelian and to a certain extent classical liberal, though his
interpretation of Russian history steered him away from out and out liberal
solutions to Russia's problems. Indeed Hamburg seems most comfortable defining
his political philosophy as 'conservative liberalism'.
[EUA & mdn=]
According to Chicherin modern Russia was defined first and foremost by the
state, which until recently didn't hinder progress but spurred it forward. The
Eurasian steppe demanded concentrated government not only to resist foreign
invaders but help facilitate basic social functions across vast areas. When one
speaks of Russian society then, he or she is speaking not of an organic,
self-perpetuating unit as was the case in Europe but a product of the state. The
only actor in Russia capable of imposing meaningful reform then was the state.
These views were first laid out by Konstantin Kavelin in his largely overlook
essay entitled
Survey on the Juridical Life of Ancient Russia (1847). In it Kavelin
advanced the theory that (1) the Russian state was a beacon of individual
liberty and progress and (2) that the Petrine Transformation represented not a
deviation from the policies put in place by the great Muscovite autocrats, as
the Slavophiles contended, but their logical continuation. Hamburg necessarily
deals with the political thought of Kavelin. Like Chicherin with whom he
collaborated often, Kavelin would play a central role in the debates leading up
to the Peasant Emancipation, where the term “Russian liberal” was for the first
time used in Russian political culture.
Their theory of the Russian state – described today as the “statist school” of
Russian historiography – tended to play down the role of representative
democracy and the peasant commune (or obshchina) in Russia's historical
development. Chicherin believed Russia wasn't “ready” for the former while
pushing for the abolishment of the latter, seeing it as barrier to Russia's
progress along liberal lines. This view enraged populist socialists, who
regarded the obshchina as the foundation for Russia's future purely
communal existence. Hamburg does an exceptionally good job of highlighting this
early divide within Russian political culture.
Alexander Herzen of course played a crucial role in providing an outlet for
these great early debates in his Free Russian Press, of which Hamburg goes into
great detail, and to absolutely wonderful effect. These make for the most
illuminating passages in Hamburg's study – Chicherin's run in with Herzen is
especially notable, setting the tone for the rest of his work.
At worst then, Chicherin might be viewed as an apologist, even defender, of
Russian autocracy, as many of his contemporaries in fact did. His political
philosophy left him little immediate hope for democracy, clearly placing too
much stock in the ability of the state to facilitate meaningful change. Yet
Chicherin, and Hamburg would certainly attest, should not be judged too harshly.
He was after all in favor of reform and left behind a considerable body of work
in defense of his statist position; work that would ultimately become the basis
for the political thought of later more robust liberal thinkers such as Paul
Miliukov and Maxime Kovalevsky))
<>Hamilton,,Richard F. and >Herwig,Holger H.,
eds| *2003:C.ENG,CUP|
_The_Origins of World War I|>Hamilton.ORIGINS|
((UO WW1a|
World wars: definition and causes / Richard F. Hamilton, Holger H. Herwig
The European wars: 1815-1914 / Richard F. Hamilton
Serbia / Richard C. Hall|
Austria-Hungary / Graydon A. Tunstall, Jr.
Germany / Holger H. Herwig
Russia / David Alan Rich|
France / Eugenia C. Kiesling
Great Britain / J. Paul Harris
Japan / Frederick R. Dickinson
The Ottoman Empire / Ulrich Trumpener|
Italy / Richard F. Hamilton, Holger H. Herwig
Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece / Richard C. Hall|
The United States / John Milton Cooper, Jr.
Why did it happen? / Holger H. Herwig
On the origins of the catastrophe / Richard F. Hamilton
Chronology, 1914 / Geoffrey P. Megargee
Dramatis Personae
"This work poses an easy but perplexing question about World War I: Why did it happen? Several of the oft-cited causes are reviewed and discussed. The argument of the alliance systems is inadequate, lacking relevance or compelling force. The argument of an accident (or "slide") is also inadequate, given the clear and unambiguous evidence of intentions. The arguments of mass demands, those focusing on nationalism, militarism, and social Darwinism, it is argued, are insufficient, lacking indications of frequency, intensity, and process (how they influenced the various decisions)." "The work focuses on decision making, on the choices made by small coteries, in Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France, Britain, and elsewhere. The decisions made later by leaders in Japan, the Ottoman Empire, Italy, the Balkans, and the United States are also explored."))
<>Hardt,Michael and >Negri,Antonio|_Empire|>Hardt.MPR|
((OWN| MPR mrx.trx| little re-WW1 but much on ntn.sttism and ntn.stt.ndp ~~MPR))
<>Hardy,Deborah| a{}
*1987:NYC| Land and Freedom: The Origins of Russian Terrorism| ((ZIV trr
<>Hart,Peter| a{1955}n{}o{
Imperial War Museum in London| Oral historian
*2008:NYC,Pegasus|_The_Somme: The darkest hour on the Western Front|>Hart.SOMME|
((UO| WW1b| Almost prm.sbk w/sld.ltr sld.dnv| ToC =
The rocky road*2011:NYC,OxUP|_Gallipoli|>Hart.GALLIPOLI| ((SMT| WW1b ENG [GBR] AST NZe FRN OTM.TRK| ToC =
Armies and weapons
Moving on up
1 July 1916
The morning after
Creeping forward
Stumbling to disaster
From bad to worse
You are not alone
When push comes to shove
Hammering on
October attrition
Last shake on the Ancre
Life in the trenches [sld.vqt]
British order of battle
German order of battle
*1916jy01-1916oc:The British Army launched the "Big Push" that was supposed to bring an end to the horrific stalemate on the Western Front between British, French, and German forces
What resulted was one of the greatest single human catastrophes in the history of warfare
Scrambling out of trenches in the face of German machine guns & artillery fire, the Allies lost over 20,000 soldiers that first day
This "battle" would drag on for another four deadly months
The narrative account is drawn from letters, diaries, and first-person testimonies
Dodging the issue -- Navy in action -- Gathering of the forces -- Plans : countdown to disaster
*1915ap25: landings at Anzac
*Ditto: landings at Helles
*Ditto: drama at V Beach
*Ditto: Kum Kale and diversions
Anzac : the holding pen
Helles : the real fight for Gallipoli
Helles : writing on the wall
New beginnings : Hamilton's plans
*1915au: Helles sacrifice
*Ditto: Anzac, diversions, and breakout
*Ditto: Suvla Bay landings
*1915au21: a useless gesture
Should they stay or should they go?
The beginning of the end
Last rites at Helles
Myths and legends
Appendix A: A Gallipoli tour|
Appendix B: Glossary of military terms
Publisher's description = One of the most famous battles in history [...] began as a bold move by the British to capture Constantinople .... [But] from the initial landings to the desperate attacks of early summer and the battle of attrition that followed, it was a tragic folly.... [It was] destined to fail from the start. Gallipoli forced the young Winston Churchill from office, established Turkey's iconic founder Mustafa Kemal (better known as "Ataturk"), and marked Australia's emergence as a nation in its own right. [?What of New Zealand?] [The book draws] on unpublished eyewitness accounts by individuals from all ranks--not only from Britain, Australia and New Zealand, but from Turkey and France as well.... [And it presents an] astute, unflinching assessment of the leaders as well
*2013:OxUP|_The_Great War: A Combat History of the First World War|>Hart.GREAT|
((UO| WW1b (n=5) (n=4) (n=5) (n=3) ToC =
The road to war [WW1a]
[] The western front, 1914
[] The eastern front, 1914
[] The sea war, 1914-15 [mlt.nvy]
[] The western front, 1915
[] The eastern front, 1915
[] Gallipoli, 1915
[] Salonika, 1915-18
[] The western front, 1916
[] The eastern front, 1916
{] The sea war, 1916 [mlt.nvy]
[] Mesopotamia, 1914-18
[] The eastern front, 1917-18
[] The sea war, 1917-18
[] The western front, 1917
[] Italy, 1915-18
[] The Sinai and Palestinian campaigns, 1915-18
[] The western front, 1918
[WW1c pcx]A world without war?
WW1b altered the landscape of the mdn.wrl in every conceivable arena. Millions died; empires collapsed; new IDL~ and plt.mvt~| poison gas, warplanes, tanks, submarines, and other technologies. bcm grim, mature reality. [C]ombat history [focuses] on the decisive engagements... [Commanders on all sides faced immense challenges and showed strengths amd weaknesses as they responded to strategic imperatives]
<>Haskell,Thomas L., and Richard F. Teichgraeber
III, eds| a{}
*1993:ENG CUP| The Culture of the market: Historical essays| ((|HM101.C933
1993|524p sbk cpt plt.clt ekn mkt))
<>Hastings,Max| a{}n{}o{"acclaimed" mlt.hstian|
hugely popular armchair generalship
*2013:NYC,Knopf|_Catastrophe 1914: Europe goes to war|>Hastings.1914|
((8x11:WW1a = EVANS rvw~|
pbr blurb = [...] from the breakdown of diplomacy to the dramatic battles that occurred before the war bogged down in the trenches [...]: grinding, halting battles that sacrificed millions of lives for no territory or visible gain. Yet the first months of the war, from the German invasion of Belgium to the Marne to Ypres, were utterly different, full of advances and retreats, tactical maneuvering, and significant gains and losses. [... F]rom the diplomatic crisis to the fighting in Belgium and France on the Western front, and Serbia and Galicia to the east. [...] vivid accounts of the battles and frank assessments of generals and political leaders, [show] why it was inevitable that this first war among modern industrial nations could not produce a decisive victory, making a war of attrition inevitable. Throughout we encounter high officials and average soldiers, as well as civilians on the homefront, giving us a vivid portrait of how a continent became embroiled in a war that would change everything | ToC = 1914 chronology}s{}t{}8{}
The organisation of armies in 1914
'A feeling that events are in the air'
The descent to war
'The superb spectacle of the world bursting into flames'
Disaster on the Drina
Death with flags and trumpets
The British flight
The retreat
Tannenberg : 'Alas, how many thousands lie there bleeding!'
The hour of Joffre
The nemesis of Moltke
'Poor devils, they fought their ships like men'
Three armies in Poland
'Did you ever dance with him?'
Open country, open sky
Ypres : 'Something that was completely hopeless'
'War becomes the scourge of mankind'
Silent night, holy night))
<>Hausmann,Guido et al|
|>Gesellschaft als locale Veranstaltung.... | ((grd cvc.pbl|
Two imperial decrees, in 1870 and 1892, adjusted the city council
[gorodskaia duma] to strengthen but also to limit urban self-administration.
This book, written by German and Russian scholars, argues that deficiencies once
attributed to Russian cities, and to these decrees, are largely the deficiencies
of old “Western” interpretive concepts themselves. We can no longer gloss over
actual bodies of self-organization and self-realization among the wide variety
of home-grown urban dwellers. We can no longer ignore the poor, women, national
minorities and religious communities. We should no longer premise “civil
society” on the ascendancy of a unified and isolated or independent “middle
class”, the reified “bourgeoisie”. Chapters then take up these topics = Moscow
City Duma between 1870 and 1916; Moscow elites (owners of grand homes); Women
who supported health and charitable institutions (representing ca. 80 leading
Moscow merchant families); Social composition of city officials, 1893-1917, with
30 bios of mayors in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev, Riga, Kharkov, Tomsk, Kazan and
Saratov; Urban governance in Siberia and the Caucasus; The “New Club” organized
by Kazan merchants; Burgeoning urban wage-labor population and their
organizations, and beggars. The full story suggested in the subtitle of this
book -- Selbstverwaltung, Assoziierung und Geselligkeit [self-administration,
association and sociability] -- requires clarification of how self-mobilization
in rural Zemstvos and towns coincided and reinforced one another, and how
village and rural district activation fits in. We also need to know more about
the liberal and technical professions and their organizations, more than we get
from the brief mention of the Literacy Committee of the Free Economic Society
[116-125] and the chapter on the “New Club”. This book is mainly about the
shaping effect of the 1870 and 1892 urban decrees. There is no parallel account
of the remarkable decrees handed down in 1867, 1874 and 1895 restricting
independent Selbstverwaltung, Assoziierung und Geselligkeit, whether in cities
or anywhere else in the Empire. This mounting sequence of suffocating laws
sought to criminalize all voluntary association not explicitly approved,
licensed and monitored by the bureaucratic state (any group that assembled
outside the jurisdiction of the police [bez vedoma policii]).
E| a{}n{hlt mdx}o{
*2010:Hoboken|_Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial Russia: Life and Death on the Volga,
Charlotte Henze looks to discuss how Russia was afflicted by cholera for much of
the 1800s and early 1900s and what role government had in the spread of the
disease. To better gain a frame of reference, Henze uses a case study from the
southern Russian city of Saratov, which was particularly ravaged by cholera, but
not unique in how the politics of cholera played out within the city.
Cholera is mostly a disease of sanitation and proper hygiene. [frequent ref. to
mdn=] In today’s modern times we do not see very many outbreaks of cholera
because of our relatively advanced sanitation measures. In Russia, and the rest
of the Westernized world, however, modern sanitation was not widely in effect
when the first worldwide outbreak struck in 1823. Because of the lax sanitation
and hygiene measures cholera, therefore, was able to rapidly infect the
populous. In Russia, however, cholera remained a savage disease, and it killed
over 2 million people between 1823-1914 in four major epidemics. Cholera claimed
more lives in Russia than it did in any other country. Despite the fact that
Russia had, as Henze notes, the most prolific anti-cholera campaign out of any
other European country, it was unable to successfully fight the disease as
effectively as other nations.
This book looks to explain the reasons why Russia failed to stop cholera’s
lethal wrath. Henze argues that a lack of willingness to modernize was the
driving force that caused Russia’s cholera epidemics to be so devastating.
Although the fundamental reason cholera was so brutal was because of an
unwillingness to embrace modernity, other issues were involved including a fear
of government from the peasantry, an economically driven government, an
unwillingness to listen to the medical community, and a breakdown in
communication between the Imperial government and local authorities.
The book begins with a brief history of cholera in Russia and how the disease’s
progression compared with the rest of Europe at the time. When cholera first
came to Europe in 1823, most of Europe, including Russia, implemented the same
disease fighting tactics on cholera as it had done with the plague centuries
earlier. For the most part this meant military and government backed quarantine.
Because of cholera’s epidemiology, keeping people densely enclosed is the least
ideal way to combat the disease. Most European governments soon realized that
harsh quarantine efforts were not effective and eased up on the directive, but
not Russia. Henze argues that because of Russia’s unwillingness to modernize,
the useless quarantine measures were kept in effect.
The people soon became wary of the strict measures, and tried to leave their
enclosures. Additionally, the quarantine measures often unnecessarily targeted
the country’s poor. This led to mass confusion and fear within the general
population, and soon the people began to flee, mostly along the Volga. The
flight of the people further perpetuated the disease’s reach and more people
became ill as a result.
While these strict quarantine measures appeared to be in good faith to save the
populous, Henze argues that it was mostly economically motivated. When it became
clear that traditional quarantines were not working, the government decided to
ban the sale of wares from businesses, yet, quite paradoxically allowed for
ships to continue trading with other nations. Permitting ships to trade with
other nations allowed for the government to maintain its income. Many people’s
livelihoods were destroyed when they were banned from selling their wares, and
this further perpetuated the people’s hatred and fear of the government. This
notion of retaining wealth further illustrated, according to Henze, that the
government was unwilling to embrace modernity.
Not only was the government keen on retaining its wealth, but it was also
unwilling to listen the medical community on ways to combat the disease. While
it is true that at the beginning of the cholera epidemics little was known about
the disease, by the time of 1892 (the worst years of cholera in Russia) there
was a consensus from the medical community that cholera could be treated with
better sanitation and hygiene. Despite the advice from European doctors,
Russia’s government was unwilling to listen to the advice. Henze argues that
this was most likely due to the fact that the government was fearful that this
would empower the people in a time when the autocracy was trying desperately to
reign in power.
This isn’t to say, however, that the government didn’t have a plan of action
when cholera outbreaks did occur, on the contrary, actually. By 1892, Russia’s
government had a very specific plan of dealing with cholera. Unfortunately,
however, because of Russia’s immense size, it was often difficult for
government-backed directives to be properly implemented. When the outbreak of
1892 began, local officials often were hesitant to publicly admit that cholera
was in their cities. Naturally, then, they did not implement the government’s
The 1892 cholera outbreak was the worst to date. It was particularly devastating
because so many people assumed that the previous outbreaks were the worst to
come and couldn’t imagine cholera wreaking more havoc than before. When people
were dying in record numbers, Russia slowly began to allow for positive change
that helped successfully combat the disease. This was mainly accomplished by
empowering physicians and for local governments to implement the doctors’
Before the 1892 epidemic, doctors were seen as “servants of the state” and
yielded little power. But, in late 1892 the government gave the local zemstva
power to rule the medical profession. As a result, the zemstva gave the local
doctors the political power needed to effect change. This eventually allowed for
the doctors to treat cholera and they helped to stop the savagery of the 1892
Many cities began investing in better infrastructure and sanitation measures as
a result of advice from the medical community. It is important to note, however,
that the modern sanitation efforts were mostly funded by cities alone and not by
the Imperial government. However, the efforts for better hygiene proved to be
successful and cholera’s spread was eventually quelled.
Because of cholera’s ease of prevention, when there are epidemics, it is usually
a symptom of political failure. Starting from the mid-1800s Russia’s government
was in a decline and was desperately trying to cling onto power. This
unfortunate political position allowed for cholera to run rife throughout the
country in four major epidemics from 1823-1914. Because the government was
enacting policy based on trying to “save-face” rather than on trying to save the
people, cholera’s spread through the empire was the worst in any European
country during that time.
<>Herrmann,David Gaius| a{1962}n{WW1a mlt.hst
mltism wrx&mfgR MIC}o{}
*1996:P.NJ,PUP|_The_Arming of Europe and the making of the First World War|>Herrmann.ARMING|
*1904:European armies
*1905-1906:European armies and the first Moroccan crisis
*1906-1908:Military effectiveness and modern technology
*1908-1911:Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation crisis and the recovery of Russian power [] No Russian sources
*1911-1912:Second Moroccan crisis and the beginning of German panic []
*1912-1913:Balkan Wars and the spiral of armaments []
*1914:European armies and the outbreak of the First World War
[Summary=] Land-based military power influenced international affairs during the series of diplomatic crises. The naval arms race has been extensively studied, now documentary research in military and state archives in Germany, France, Austria, England, and Italy [shows] previously unexplored effects of changes in the strength of the European [land] armies during this period. Contributes to debates about the causes of the war but also an account of how the European armies adopted the new weaponry of the twentieth century in the decade before 1914, including quick-firing artillery, machine guns, motor transport, and aircraft [but failed to fully integrate these new technical features with old concepts of military tactics and strategy. As everyone notes, the greatest strategic error was the assumption that the war would be over quickly]
Changes in the balance of military power explains why the war began in 1914 = Russia was incapable of waging a European war in the aftermath of its defeat at the hands of Japan in 1904-5, but by 1912 Russia regained its capacity to fight, and an unprecedented land-armaments race began. Consequently, when the July crisis of 1914 developed, the atmosphere of military competition made war far more likely than it would have been a decade earlier
<>Hildermeier,Manfred| a{}
*1978:Koeln-WEN|_Die Sozialrevolutionäre Partei Russlands: Agrarsozialismus
und Modernisierung im Zarenreich (1900-1914)| ((noUO| SRs RREV1| rvs))
*1989:Frankfort|_Die_russische Revolution 1905-1921|| ((UO| RREV1 RREV2 RREV3)
<>Hochschild.Adam|_To End All Wars: The Story
of Loyalty and Rebellion|>Hochschild.END|
((WW1a WW1c pcx vs-wrx.mvt| ch2 "A Man of No Illusions" [Milner,Alfred], more
passim| ch20 Backs to the Wall [includes PRS.pcx] ))
*1993:IUP|>Forging Revolution: Metalworkers, Managers, and the State in St.
Petersburg, 1890-1914| ((prl RREV1 mfg ekn.apx stt plc.scx?))
<>Holquist,Peter| a{}
*1997jy:RRe#56,3:445-50| "Anti-Soviet /svodki/ from
the Civil War: Surveillance as a Shared Feature of Russian Political Culture"|
((plc.spy Gwrx))
<>Hough,Jerry F| a{}n{SSR mfg.apx KPS Twrl trx
*1969:|_The_Soviet Perfects: The Local Party Organs in Industrial Decision-Making|
*1986:|_The_Struggle for the Third World: Soviet Debates and American Options|>H.Twrl|
<>Hough,Jerry F., and Merle Fainsodr|
*1979:C.MA,HUP|_How the Soviet Union is Governed| (( ndr gnr.txt| CF=Fainsod|
SSR|Chapters 2-5 have hst of plt,frm RREV3 to STL))
<>Hull,Isabel V| a{}n{WW1}o{
destruction : military culture and the practices of war in Imperial Germany|
((UO| WW1a GRM mltism mlt.mnt, tUt weaknesses| WW1b defective ddd))
*2014:I.NY,CUP|>Hull.SCRAP|_A scrap of paper : breaking
and making international law during the Great War| ((UO| WW1b wrx&irx))
<>Hunt,Barry and >Preston,Adrian|_War Aims and
Strategic Policy in the Great War, 1914-1918|>Hunt.AIMS|
*1977:| ((WW1b WW1c| noRUS
Soldiers, strategy and war aims in Britain 1914-18 / John Gooch
French war aims and the crisis of the Third Republic / Douglas Johnson
Sir Robert Borden and Canada's war aims / Robert Craig Brown
The American military and strategic policy in World War I / Edward M.
War aims and strategy: the Italian government and high command 1914-1919
/ John Whittam
German war aims 1914-1918 and German policy before the war / Fritz
<>Hutchinson,John| a{}n{pbl.hlt mdx}o{}
*1990:B.MD,JHUP|_Politics and Public Health in Revolutionary Russia, 1890-1918
<>Hutchinson,John and Smith,Anthony|>H&S.NTNism
| *1994:OxUP|>Nationalism| ((ntnism ntn.stt ndr.sbk
pt1 = The question of definition [ntn.stt trx]
Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? / >Renan,Ernest [E-TXT]
The nation / Joseph Stalin
The nation / Max Weber [ntnism.trx]
Nationalism and social communication / Karl W. Deutsch
Primordial and civic ties / Clifford Geertz
The nation as power-container / Anthony Giddens
A nation is a nation, is a state, is an ethnic group, is a ... / Walker Connor
pt2 = Theories of nationalism
Nationalism and self-determination / Elie Kedourie
Nationalism and modernization / Ernest Gellner
Nationalism and high cultures / Ernest Gellner
The maladies of development / Tom Nairn
The nation as invented tradition / Eric Hobsbawm
Élite competition and nation-formation / Paul R. Brass
Imagined communities / Benedict Anderson
A socio-biological perspective / Pierre Van Den Berghe
The sources of nationalist ideology / John Breuilly
The crisis of dual legitimation / Anthony D. Smith
Cultural nationalism and moral regeneration / John Hutchinson
pt3 = The rise of nations
Old and new nations / Hugh Seton-Watson
Regnal sentiments and medieval communities / Susan Reynolds
Nations before nationalism / John Armstrong
The origins of nations / Anthony D. Smith
When is a nation? / Walker Connor
pt4 = Nationalism in Europe
Western and Eastern nationalisms / Hans Kohn [zpd&EUA ntnism]
Types of European nationalism / Liah Greenfeld
Nationalism in Eastern Europe / Peter Sugar
The rise of ethno-linguistic nationalisms / Eric Hobsbawm
Ethno-regional movements in the West / Michael Hechter and Margaret Levi
pt5 = Nationalism outside Europe [Twrl]
Creole pioneers of nationalism / Benedict Anderson
Dark gods and their rites / Elie Kedourie
National history and its exclusions / Partha Chatterjee
Islam and nationalism / Francis Robinson [ISL AfroAsia ntnism]
Ideologies of delayed development / Mary Matossian
The colonial construction of African nations / Crawford Young [MPR ntn.stt AFR Twrl]
State and nation in African thought / Benyamin Neurberger
Economic nationalism in new states / Harry Johnson
pt6 = Nationalism and the international system [ntnism & tntn.gvt]
Three phases of nationalism / Edward H. Carr
The rise of the nation-state system / Alfred Cobban
Europe and the international state system / Charles Tilly [wrx&irx wrx&ntn.stt irx]
War and nations / Michael Howard [wrx&ntn.stt]
Ethnic conflict in the West / Arend Lijphart [ntn.vs-ntn]
The logic of secessions / Donald Horowitz [ssd.dms.plt]
Irredentist and secessionist challenges / James Mayall [rrr&ssd >rrrist rrr.irx.plt >ssdist ssd.dms.plt| ?~devolution]
Towards a post-communist world / John Armstrong
pt7 = Beyond nationalism?
Ethnic nationalism and post-industrialism / Anthony H. Richmond
Reasserting the polyethnic norm / William H. McNeill
Narrating the nation / Homi Bhabha
Women and the nation-state / Floya Anthias and Nira Yuval-Davis
Europeanness : a new cultural battlefield? / Philip Schlesinger.
<>Husband,William B|
*1990:O.ENG|_Revolution in the Factory: The Birth of the Soviet Textile
Industry,1917-1920| ((256p))
<>Ignatieff,Michael| a{}n{}o{}
*2014jy10:NYR:53-5| "Are the Authoritarians Winning?"| rvw~ Haass,R Foreign
Policy Begins at Home....| Posen,Barry R, Restraint: A New Foundation...|
Micklethwait,John and Wooldridge,Adrian, Fourth Revolution...| and
Steiglitz,Joseph, Reforming Taxation to Promote Growth and Equity| ((8x11:WW1
(even tho re.21st.c), deals with big issue =| dms&irx plt MIC))
*1993:EKB|_Istoriia Rossii: Khrestomatiia| ((OWN prm))
*1955-1960:MVA|_Istoriia russkoi ekonomicheskoi mysli| 2vv,2 parts each| ((rfr
ekn idl|1,1=Feodalism 1,2=800:861 2,1=pre-monop.cptism 2,2=rest))
*1958:MVA|_Istoriia russkoi kritiki| EBy B. P. Gorodetskii| 2vv+?| ((crt blt))
*:|_Istoriia sotsialisticheskikh uchenii: Sbornik statei| ((UO| sbk scx idl|
*1940:Stanford|_Competition among grains|| ((grn.trd))
*1961:CHI|_Soviet Industrialization,1928-1952| ((SSR STL.mfgR))
*1972:Cambridge|_Soviet Economists of the Twenties: Names to be Remembered| ((NEP ekn.svt))
*1976:KS.Lawrence,UPofK|_To_live long enough : the memoirs of Naum Jasny, scientific analyst| EBy Roy
and Betty Laird| ((vsp R&A))
<>Johnson,Robert Eugene| a{}
*1979:|_Peasant and Proletarian: The Working Class of Moscow in the Late
Nineteenth Century| ((HD8530.M62.J63| krx prl clx))
|>avc & lbx:Zmv xtx [Emmons,Zemstvo]
<>Jones,Adrian| a{955
}m{LaTrobe unv
|>Late-Imperial Russia, an Interpretation: Three Visions, Two Cultures, One
Peasantry| Bern, etc:Peter Lang,1997| ((noUO| rfr txt mnt.hst plt.ekn nrd.svt.e
xtx: krx| mnt&ddd:ntg, stt & krx all speak))
|>rtl~ ~~FREV w/ RREV
<>Jones,Anthony G/LRF
Edward| a{}
*1973:|_The_Emancipation of the Russian Nobility, 1762-1785|
Some interpret Catherine's "emancipation" of the nobility
[ID] as a confirmation of their status
as a "ruling class". Jones does not. The gentry, as gentry, was not the ruling
class in Russia. The emperor and high state officials (chinovnichestvo)
were the true ruling class. Chinovniki were those who earned or were granted chin [rank]
on the Table of Ranks [ID].
Aristocrats had "insider advantage" in these matters, but aristocrats were not,
as aristocrats, the ruling class. Those who held official administrative rank
were the ruling class, and the higher the rank the greater the degree of "rule".
Catherine simply put land-owning gentry [pomeshchiki] out to pasture, so to speak.
Yes, they had lordly ascendancy over villagers out there in the provinces, and these serfs
were bound to them. But most pomeshchiki had very few serfs and few of them
prospered. If pomeshchiki wanted back in the capitals in an active role, they
would have to choose to go the route of state service. They were now no longer
legally obligated to do so, but most found it an economic necessity. As one
mid-19th-century public figure put it, a non-serving pomeshchik was as rare as a
white crow.
<>Josephson,Paul| a{}
*1991:BUC|_Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia| ((scs fzz
plt.clt 917:41;LGR STL.clt))
<>Julicher, Peter| a{}
*2003:NC Jefferson, McFarland and Co.|_Renegades, Rebels and Rogues under the
Tsars| ((
This is a course textbook about tsarist political authorities
and their opponents over a 370-year period preceding collapse of the Romanov
dynasty in 1917. Colorful and menacing characters gather on all sides -- tsar
Ivan IV and Prince Andrei Kurbskii, more than one false Dmitrii, Ivan
Bolotnikov, Patriarchs Filaret and Nikon, Archpriest Avvakum, Boyarina Feodosiia
Morozova, Regent Sofiia and elite military police, the Strel’tsy, and several
Cossack leaders, Stepan Razin, Kondratii Bulavin and Emiliano Pugachev. Later
Sergei Nechaev appears as “one of the fiercest revolutionary fanatics in Russian
history” [189]. Then terrorists in Narodnaia Volia assassinated tsar-liberator
Alexander II. Action is anchored in political institutions and governmental
policies. Tsar Aleksei and the disorders of 1648 are understood together. The
devastating schism among Russian Orthodox believers is associated with state
policy. Aleksei, son of Peter I and heir to the throne, died under torture
because of dealings with political opposition. Dissatisfied high state
functionaries were leading conspirators against Empress Anna and helped murder
emperors Peter III and Paul. Officers of the massive imperial armed forces were
dominant figures of political opposition in the 19th century. Father
Gapon, labor leader on “Bloody Sunday”, and Dmitrii Bogrov, Prime Minister Petr
Stolypin’s assassin, were police agents as well as associates of the terrorist
underground. And finally in the catastrophic era of World War One, Grigorii
Rasputin and the Empress Alexandra symbolized squalor at highest
bureaucratic-administrative levels.
Julicher concludes that the rise of an imperialistic military and police state
[mlt], financially insecure and jealous of its prerogatives and thus unwilling
to tolerate an independent public sphere, caused and conditioned these episodes
[255-9]. Old-Believers arose from the same larger institutional matrix that
promoted terrorism in the Social Revolutionary Battle Organization. The
Decembrists and Nicholas I might be thought of as peas from the same pod.
Julicher’s intended audience appears to be US citizens of high-school age.
[mdn=] The book presumes a casual grasp of “democratic traditions necessary for
a modern state” [v]. While “principled dissidents” (implying a distinction not
spelled out) have been harassed and vilified in America and “other western
countries”, still opposition there has been respected and has sometimes
succeeded. In Russia, however, “such cases are non-existent” because no “loyal
opposition” has been possible. Political powers have treated criticism and
resistance as treason; officials attacked opponents with militant ferocity [5].
Casual reference above to “traditions” detracts from the book’s more discrete
emphasis on institutions and policies. And the conventional but deceptive word
“western” might create the erroneous impression that military/police statism and
vigorous, extreme resistance are altogether unique to Russia, or characteristic
of the “non-western” world alone. In order to judge these issues, young people
need to know more about “democratic traditions” and the ups and downs of
“Western” values. The Thirty Years War, for example, could provide context for
judging Russian 17th century politics. Similarly comparison of
English treatment of the Irish, and Irish response, with Russian treatment of
its imperial subjects, and their “roguish” response, might prove suggestive.
Julicher finesses 20th and early 21st century issues. He
opens with a brief history of the Soviet Revolution, and he more than once
lightly associates violence and outrage up to 1917 with the extremes of
subsequent Stalinism and Communist Party rule. But what of the last twenty
years, from Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin to Vladimir Putin? It might be
best to think of these as discussion points that could be raised with students
fortunate enough to be taught by Julicher or his textbook.
The publisher must be scolded for second-rate proof reading. Many misspellings
and typographic errors mar this presentation: Karakazov for Karakozov, and
Prizhkov (etc.) for Pryzhov, just to mention two. Nechaev is a big part of the
story, but he does not make it into the index. Many excellent illustrations are
taken from Russian-language sources, but these are often identified in imprecise
transliteration. Three-fourths of the endnotes cite no sources. They simply
extend the main narrative, back where students will not read them. To
counterbalance this, a good map [xi] helps locate most of the action and
underscores the wholesome awareness throughout the text that the frontier plays
a vital role in the story. Bibliographies reveal Julicher’s debt to The Modern
Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, and they guide students to useful
additional reading.
<>Kahan,Arcadius| a{}
*1965:CHI| In Education and Economic Development| “The 'Hereditary Workers' Hypothesis and
the Development of a Factory Labor Force in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century
Russia”| ((krx-prl wrk clx))
<>Kappeler,Andreas| a{}
*2001:|_The_Russian Empire: A Multiethnic History| ((
Andreas Kappeler's book [...] is an ambitious attempt at presenting the history
of Tsarist Russia from the perspective of the Empire's ethnic minorities. Other
standard texts, such as Nicholas Riasanovsky's "A History of Russia" or George
Vernadsky's book by the same name, are invaluable for gaining an understanding
of the broad sweep of Russian history, including accounts of the reigns of
various monarchs, the plight of serfs, and the challenges that the Empire faced
in its attempt to modernize and survive the era of liberalization and
industrialization. Such accounts, however, can in some ways be called truly
"Russian" -- or at least Russo-centric -- histories. That is to say that even
large ethnic minorities such as the Poles and the Ukrainians are treated in a
somewhat cursory fashion and they only enter the narrative when they become
important to Russians or the Tsarist government. Other, smaller ethnic groups
are frequently given an even more summary treatment: in the edition of
Vernadsky's "A History of Russia" on my desk (Fifth Edition), for examples, the
country Georgia receives only one mention in the index, and "Georgians" as a
people receive two; the Caucasus as a whole warrants only twenty-three mentions
in a nearly five-hundred page monograph.
Kappeler's book, by contrast, seeks to turn this situation on its head. As the
title suggests, this is an account of Russian Imperial history that places the
Empire's ethnic minorities at the center, which is not unreasonable given that
by the time of the 1897 census (which is given a reasonably thorough treatment
-- see Kappeler, Ch. 8) Russians comprised only 44% of the total population
(Kappeler, 397).
The book begins in the 16th century, when Ivan IV ("The Terrible") began to
conquer the various Khanates that had descended from the Golden Horde and
incorporate their territory into Muscovy. By the end of the third chapter, the
reader has arrived at the 19th century. Poland, Ukraine, Bessarabia and
Belorussia have been added to the Russian lands and Muscovy has become the
Russian Empire. [mdn=] The steppe tribes have been mostly subdued and the first
expeditions into Siberia have been undertaken. Chapter four pauses for a moment
to take stock of the situation, ending with a section entitled "The Character of
the Pre-modern Russian Multi-ethnic Empire."
As Kappeler's narrative progresses through the 19th century, more and more
territory, including the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as the Far East, are
incorporated into the Russian Empire. Unfortunately for Russia, these
territorial additions temporally coincided with the awakening of nationalist
sentiment in the Empire, which arose first among the Poles and eventually
spreading to the Georgians and Armenians as well as the various groups of
Caucasian and Central Asian Muslim groups.
The final four chapters of the book, then, detail the challenges that newly
self-aware national minorities posed to the stability and cohesiveness of the
Russian state, as well as the various means by which the Imperial government
sought to defuse or suppress nationalist sentiment. Kappeler does a reasonable
job in discussing the inconsistencies in policies toward national groups: some
were subject to intense "Russification,"and banned from learning their own
languages in schools while others escaped relatively unscathed. Some, like the
Jews, became victims of insidious propaganda and violence. Kappeler also shows
how these policies varied in degree over time, with some areas like Finland and
Poland suffering periods of relative repression only to have restrictions later
During the revolutionary period and continuing into the First World War, the
national question became even more vital, as national minorities were frequently
seen as undermining the stability of the state, even after the so-called
"Springtime of the Peoples" after 1905, when national groups were able to form
political parties and have representation in the Duma. In large part, this was
due to the fact that peripheral areas were frequently the sites of elevated
levels of unrest and violence. In the Duma, national groups as a whole
represented somewhat less than one-half of the total, and Kappeler points out
that in many cases national representatives were unable to even attend
proceedings, meaning that their power was further diluted. Nevertheless, Jewish,
Ukrainian, and Polish groups were able to have their grievances aired in the
Duma, even though their demands were seldom met. Increasing Russian nationalism
meant that, by the time of the Third Duma, the institution was explicitly
conceived of as a "Russian" institution.
If Kappeler's book succeeds due to its broad focus -- and I would argue that it
does, if only for the fact that it fills a gaping hole in general "Empire-wide"
historiography on Tsarist Russia -- it also fails because of it. Too often the
book almost falls into the trap of listing events and its wide sweep means that
there is little space for lengthy discussions of particular personalities or
policies. This means that the book is mostly useful for getting a general sense
of Russian history from a "minority" perspective. Unfortunately, its utility as
a jumping-off point for further research is also inhibited by the fact that the
vast bulk of its bibliography is in German and Russian. Non-German or
Russian-speakers, especially at the undergraduate level, will therefore find
themselves frustrated by both the book's lack of depth and the fact that it
provides few clues as to where to go next to pursue more comprehensive research.
These caveats aside, "The Russian Empire: A Multi-ethnic History" is
nevertheless a valuable addition to the literature and a useful counterpart to
the more Russo-centric accounts of Russian history one finds in other standard
<>Kassow,Samuel D| a{}
*--GO Cowles,Between
*1989:BUC|_Students, Professors and the State in Tsarist Russia|
((480p| unv prf std stt RUS2 mainly 899:901;unv.rbx thru RREV1|unv as tUt threat to principles of stt [14-15]
[This book] details the politics and policies of the University systems under
tsarist control. Through this model, Kassow explores the causes behind the
revolution, as well as attempts to define the identity of each branch involved.
Students centers mainly on the time period 1899 through 1917, but it also delves
heavily into the events that lead up to this period of reform.
The book begins by describing the alienation and fear held by the state towards
the professorship, and visa versa. As Kassow aptly explains, “The government
tended to take a utilitarian view of higher education.” The government saw the
university system as an opportunity to train loyal civil servants who would move
on to become patriotic members of society, such as lawyers or doctors. Within
this structure there were several types of universities such as “closed schools,
military academies, specialized institutes, women's institutes, polytechnic
institutes, commercial institutes, private universities and institutes such as
Moscow's Shaniavskii University, and state universities.” The majority of these
institutions fell under the rule of the Ministry of Education. By the 1860s, the
policies and politics of the Russian education system had become intertwined in
the growing dissonant movements.
Kassow describes that the government was unsure as to how to continue to deal
with education. Conservatives wanted to turn the universities into closed
institutions, while others held up the example of Oxford and Cambridge, where
the main goal of the university experience was moral education. Their first
attempts at a laissez-faire system of control over the universities through the
1863 Statute was short lived. This was quickly replaced by the University
Statute of 1884, which stripped many academic freedoms from the hands of
professorship and put them firmly in control of the Ministry of Education.
Despite the tightening grip of the government on the education system, it wasn’t
until the mid 1900s that schools would completely lose their autonomy and become
satellites of the Ministry.
The student movements of the 1850s, leading up to the 1905 revolution are
presented as a prominent factor in the evolution of the education system. Kassow
describes, “Russian universities were the incubators of a student subculture, a
meeting place where thousands of provincial youth, often poor but having little
in common with the popular masses and even less with the ruling elite, joined a
proud new social group, the studenchestvo, and then left to become
teachers, doctors, lawyers, civil servants, or, in a few cases, embittered
revolutionaries.” Some individuals within the student body believed that there
needed to be a balance between self-interest and the self-sacrificing ideals of
the collective. As the 19th century came to a close however, there were a
growing number of students who believed that the whole idea behind
studenchestvo was false. They saw the role of the student as an
individual set on their own path, each being vastly different from one another.
In other words, studenchestvo began to be seen as, “an exercise in
self-delusion, a last chance to play with idealism and courage before the
students became judges, civil servants, and comfortable lawyers.”
Students does an excellent job outlining the knife’s edge that the professorship
walked during the 1850s-1910s. Suspected by both the student body (for being too
soft) and the government (for planting the seeds of revolution in the mind of
the students), the professors strode to define their own roll in the education
system. Many of the professors saw themselves as researchers whose success lay
in, “the need for academic freedom, secure power within the academic structure,
and a free hand in enforcing internal university discipline.” While Kassow
asserts that professors wanted academic freedom, they were frustrated by the
student movements, and would have been content to stay within the boundaries set
by the government, as long the government didn’t completely impede day to day
Kassow places the student movements, specifically the events which lead to
Bloody Sunday as a paradigm shift in Soviet history. “Bloody Sunday was a
turning point for both students and the teachers. The scale was much larger than
previous uprisings as well as the scope which included the professorship.” In
some sense Bloody Sunday forced the hand of the professorship to side with the
students. From here Kassow explores the last days under the tsar and the role
that higher education played throughout.
This book is an excellent resource to help understand the conflicts of natal and
assigned identity within each section of the Universities. I would recommend
this book to anyone who is looking for information pertaining to the student
movements of 1899-1905. Finally, this book contains a great amount of raw data
concerning the make up of university enrollment. A great and insightful read overall.
<>Katsainos,Charles T|>Katsainos.PSLV|
*1951:WDC,Georgetown University Dissertation|_The_Theory and Practice of
Russian Panslavism (in the Light of Russia's Expansion in the Balkans until
1912)| ((UO| mnt idl IDL irx BAL WW1a| G/APL/Ignat'ev,N))
<>Kazemzadeh,Firuz| n{irx MPR CAS}o{}
*1968:NH.CN,YUP|_Russia and Britain in Persia, 1864-1914: A Study in Imperialism| ((IRN ENG WW1a
*2010:|_Borba za Zakavkaz'e: 1917-1921| ((CAU))
*1961| ((UO| ))
<>Keegan,John| a{}n{}o{mlt.hstian}
*:|_The_First World War|>Keegan.WW1| ((OWN))
<>Keep,John L. H| a{}n{}o{}
*:| “The Bolshevik Revolution: Prototype or Myth?| In Anatomy of Communist
Takeovers: 46-60| ((xrx HX518.S8A522))
*1976:NYC|Keep.RREV|_The_Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization
*1977:Coliumbus OH| “The Great October Socialist Revolution”. In Samuel H. Baron
and Nancy W. Heer,eds., Windows on the Russian Past: Essays on Soviet
Historiography since Stalin: 139-56
*:|_Power and the People: Collected Articles and Essays on Russian History| ndr
*:|_Soldiers of the Tsar: Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874| ((mlt))
--|_“Aristokraticheskaia” oppozitsiia Velikim reformam....| (( Alan Kimball
review [E-TXT]
Daniel Field review [E-TXT]))
<>Kingston-Mann,Esther| a{}
*1985:O.ENG| Lenin and the Problem of Marxist Peasant Revolution| ((OWN Mrx Lnn
krx|Is there a NYC:1983 ed.? noWbr))
>Kingston-Mann,Esther and Timothy >Mixter eds|_Peasant Economy, Culture,
and Politics of European Russia| ((ndr.sbk krx vlg))
<>Knight,Amy W| a{}
*1977:L.ENG| The Participation of Women in the Revolutionary Movement in Russia
from 1890 to 1914|Dissertation...??| (( wmn RREV1))
*1988:B.MA| The KGB: Police and Politics in the Soviet Union| ((hv8224.k57| plc
<>Kochan,Lionel| a{}
*1966:L.ENG|_Russia in Revolution, 1890-1918| (( gnr.txt RREV Wbr))
*1970:O.ENG|_The_Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917|Kochan,ed| ((ndr gnr ntn Jwx))
Fuse: An interpretation of the origins of World War I| *1965:Ph.PA,Lippincott|
((UO| WW1a ToC =
The lost utopia
The Austrian anomaly
The Europe of the armed camps
The "encirclement" of Germany
The bones of a Pomeranian Grenadier
The third man falls sick
The breakdown of Europe))
<>Lampert,Evgenii| a{}
*1965:Oxford|_Sons Against Fathers: Studies in Russian Radicalism and Revolution| ((Qrn Dbr
Psr idl
The eighteen sixties was a turbulent decade as the effects of emancipation
rippled through society. In Sons Against Fathers, E. Lampert provides an
analysis on how people, philosophies and events contributed to the revolutionary
thought and the recognition of a need for change immediately after the
emancipation of serfs. Although action would not be taken until Russia was on
the brink of revolution, the inspiration for revolution was deeply rooted in the
discontent from this era. This book dissects some of the main emerging
philosophies, and gives context to their formation.
The political setting prior to the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 was “top
heavy” with bureaucratic weight. The rigid system left little room for the
society to adjust with changing times and a continually expanding world. There
was an immense potential for development as Tsar Alexander II ascended to the
throne, but with a lack of direction the possibilities were thrown away.
Attempting to be proactive, emancipation was granted before it was taken by
force. This political move proved ineffective, and hindered government control
rather than motivated it to advance Russia into the next steps of reform. With a
glimpse of freedom, the government could no longer keep such immense reigns on
the public, and the influence of public opinion began to play a greater role.
The immediate reaction to emancipation was a calm somberness as new concerns for
society arose, and a need for solutions emerged. With a slowly growing need for
industrial workers and an accumulation of debt due to redemption payments,
jobless peasants were unable to adapt to their new status. The few gains made on
an intellectual level with an increase in public opinion were retracted with the
tsar’s subsequent reactionary measures, which inhibited the ability to publish
unapproved documents or meet publically. Lampert views this response as not only
failing to fix Russia’s growing problems, but it became a “symptom of the
disease” itself.
With continuing countryside rebellions and an expansion of Russian philosophical
thought, Tsar Alexander’s attempt to consolidate autocratic power merely
provoked opposition. Lampert argues that distinctly opinionated groups formed -
conservatives, liberals, radicals, and the church. Each division exposed deeply
rooted dilemmas, and are all proof of the inadequacies of an unyielding system.
Once formed, public opinion expressed through these groups could not be removed
from society. The fundamental bases of the formation of these groups allowed a
continuing recognition of a need for change, and provided the inspiration for it
to take place.
To show the formation of opinions and how they fit into this setting, Lampert
describes the intellectual product of the eighteen sixties through three men.
Their contributions helped to shape the period, and they each took a stand
outside of government consent. The first of these individuals is Nikolai
Chernyshevsky. A muckraking journalist who wrote for the Contemporary,
Chernyshevsky identified with the characters he wrote about, and appealed to
logic as well as emotions. In a time where the influence of literature was
crucial for the intellectual and social evolution of Russia, he contributed to
the hopes for a revolution, and fueled discontent with the condition of
politics. Lampert identifies the draw of people to Chernyshevsky was their
ability to relate to his characters – he appealed to understanding on an
intellectual level as well as a moral. The topics of his work mirrored the
situations of society, and Chernyshevsky was able to make his own impact.
Similar to Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov was a literary critic and
journalist, and wrote for the Contemporary as well. He presented few original
ideas due to his close relationship with Chernyshevsky, but he still managed to
have an impact of his own. He is known for being a social analyst, and disagreed
that a society of sympathizers was ideal. He instead maintained that hope itself
would lead to greater understanding. He asserted that history was created by the
conflict of the rational progressive and the irrational reactionary, and sided
with progress because a stagnant society would be incapable of movement. The
driving force of movement would come from the unsteady base of society – the
Finally, the last character Lampert discusses is Dimitry Pisarev. Differing
greatly from Dobrolyubov, he focused on individual behavior as opposed to
inspiring the masses. Labels such as “liberal” and “westerner” failed to
characterize men, but instead imposed uniformity on an individual. He believed
that a model for mankind would be a “new man,” someone that would not reflect
unoriginal principles, but rather have spontaneous and genuine morality. Merely
four years after his death, Pisarev’s work was the popular source of debates
amongst the younger generation, in part due to the fact that he was a
crystallizer of thought, rather than an original thinker. He strongly based his
beliefs in science, and as a writer he aimed to teach rather than provoke
Lampert’s analysis removes the stigma of radical liberalism often associated
with these three intellects. By doing this, he is able to provide insight into
the true contribution of their philosophies on the rapidly changing political
culture. Due to the mass growth of opinion, the eighteen sixties had a
continuing im+pact on progressive thinking and presented issues that would
challenge conventional attitudes, laying fertile ground for revolution.
<>Lane,David Stuart| a{}n{xtx bxo SDs pbl clx
RREV1| cvc.pbl SSR Grb Prs}o{}
*1969:Assen|_The_Roots of Russian Communism: a Social and Historical Study of Russian
*1992:LND,Rutledge|_Soviet Society Under Perestroika| Complete revision of
original 1990 edition| ((dk288.L36))
<>Lane,David Stuart,ed|>LRF|
a{}n{ndr.sbk Prs G.rfm}o{}
*1992: Aldershot ENG,Edward Elgar|_Russia in Flux: The Political and Social
Consequences of Reform|
Lane on SSR elites|
Rahr,Alexander on Top Leadership(MVA & gbx)
Slider,Darrell on gvt in gbx|
Mitrokhin,Sergei on pbl grp~ & new dmk (CF:plt.clt table abv)|
Jones,Anthony on avc|
Tolz,Vera on jrn & mxx|
Teague,Elizabeth on prl|
Abrahams,Ray on fmy skz in EST|
Riordan,Jim on chd|
Browning,Genia & Armorer Wason on wmn & plt|
Kryshtanovskaia,Olga on bzn elite|
McAuley,Alastair on bdn grp~|
Andrusz,Greg on dms.rfm & cvc.pbl conflict
in Khrushchev’s Russia: Defining Policy and Producing Deviance during the Thaw|
After the death of Stalin, the period of Russian rule under Khrushchev, who much
like Stalin used tactics of detainment and punishment as means to garner order
and control within Russia. The book itself is divided into: introducing the
existence of hooliganism within Russian culture, Private Matters or Public
Crimes, the Campaign against hooliganism, the Krushchev-Era campaign to mobilize
obshchestvennost (the fight against Hooliganism), and the rise and fall of the
soft line on petty crime.
The introduction serves the purpose of the Russian government collectively
assimilating all crime under the banner of hooliganism, whether it is murder,
animal cruelty, and or domestic abuse. The introduction focuses on the induction
of hooliganism in Europe in contrast towards how Russian policies altered its
perception on hooliganism over the course of the 20th century. At the start of
the introduction, LaPierre suggests the creation of the terminology of
hooliganism within Europe: “in modern English, ‘hooligan’ is a term for ‘young
street tough or member of a street gang… In the Soviet Union, hooliganism
(khuliganstvo) was more than a violent soccer-based subculture. It was a crime:
the serious crime of showing disrespect to the values of Soviet Society” P.1-2).
Over the course of the Krushshchev era, Russian authorities arrested millions of
Soviet citizens for crimes of hooliganism. Much like the Great Fear under
Stalin, millions of Russians were arrested for actions deemed to be dangerous
against the state. LaPierre suggests that one of twenty-five Russians were
arrested for acts of hooliganism, thereby leaving the entire state under
constant fear of detainment. Overall, LaPierre introduction offers to find
social and rational reasons for the overwhelming acts of hooliganism. By
explaining cultural and historical trends of Russian history, LaPierre opts to
discover hooliganism not as a new trend emerging during the Krushchev era but
rather a continued existence through the Soviet Union.
The first chapter explains the way in which the Soviet government came to
rationalize and collectivize hooligans. The chapter identifies numerous ways the
Soviet government saw hooliganism, and the initial practices set to discourage
hooliganism throughout the state.
The second chapter, explains the evolution of hooliganism during the Krushchev
era. The chapter focuses on how hooliganism within Russia evolved from public
acts of discourse towards private. This evolution according to LaPierre was a
drastic change within Soviet culture as result the borders of prosecution were
not clear, therefore leaving prosecuting offenders unclear. What emerged was a
more controlled state regarding domestic affairs.
The third chapter explains Soviet authorities attempts to influence and
hopefully halt crimes of hooliganism. LaPierre states that the Soviet state
instead of becoming a more regulated government against these crimes loosened
their punishments, leaving harsher punishments for the more serious crimes. This
can be seen with the creation of the term ‘petty hooliganism’ for crimes of
cursing and drinking in public. These guidelines of hooliganism offered less
severe punishments for the offenders, however, instead of curbing the
advancement of hooliganism the creation of petty hooliganism bore witness to
millions of Russians charged with the offense.
The fourth chapter explains the emergence of the fight against hooliganism. The
chapter focuses on how Soviet citizens opted to fight the system of hooliganism,
through grassroots and local efforts. Chapter 5 focuses on the next evolution of
Krushchev policy following the first attempt at petty hooliganism. Unlike the
first introduction of petty hooliganism, the new ‘soft-line’ approach opted to
avoid prison sentences for offenders and rather re-educate and or re-form the
criminal. LaPierre uses both the accession and demise of the soft-line
punishment: it was created to allow Soviet citizens to return to their work and
families faster than before, however, it created a system in which judges and
officials used the new policy to not punish severe punishments to create better
statistics of crime throughout Russia.
<>Laqueur,Walter| a{}
*:NYC,Harper/Collins,??|_Black Hundred: The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia|
((B100 rxn plt.mvt))
*1968| “Revolution”|International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 13:501-507
*:|_Russian Eurasianism: An Ideology of Empire
As has been pointed out in multiple recent monographs on the topic, Eurasianism
has long been an under-examined aspect of the history of Russian political
thought, at least in monograph form. Marlene Laruelle’s
Russian Eurasianism: An Ideology of Empire, is one of the first English
language attempts to rectify this deficiency. Having already written on other
aspects of Eurasianism, including its origins, Laruelle here seeks to examine
more contemporary strains of what she calls “Neo-Eurasianism,” a movement that
she argues is distinct from the thought of the interwar Eurasianists.
Laruelle’s primary research purpose in this work is to discover the origins of
contemporary Eurasianist theory, and to ascertain what influence it has on
contemporary Russian and Eurasian political discourse, and more importantly, how
it built its influence. To this end, she first briefly establishes the origins
of Eurasianism in the 1920s, before examining three prominent thinkers
associated with contemporary Eurasianism, before finally moving into a
discussion of Eurasianism’s broader impact within Eurasia itself. This last part
focuses on Russian Muslims, Kazakhstan, and Turkey.
For the interwar Eurasianists, geography, and not any other marker of identity,
was the most important element of Eurasia and Eurasianism. Eurasianists believed
that the common heritage of the steppe united the peoples of the former Russian
Empire, and was a more important identifier than nationality, ethnicity, or
religion. This ideology was well suited to the world the interwar Eurasianists
found themselves thrown into after the collapse of the Russian Empire.
One of the main arguments Laruelle makes is that contemporary Neo-Eurasianists
are not, in fact, directly linked to their forbears in the interwar Eurasianist
movement. On the contrary, she argues that the original Eurasianist movement was
a response to a very specific set of circumstances (Italian Fascism, the Russian
Revolution, and the “Decline of the West” theories popular at the time), while
the contemporary movement, while formed in somewhat similar circumstances, came
into being in a very different ideological context. This argument leads into one
of her most interesting contentions, that interwar Eurasianism as a philosophy
is not indigenous to Eurasia, rather, it is a “Western” philosophy, that owes
more to ideas such as fascism and the philosophy of Hegel. She argues that this
is also true of many contemporary strains of Neo-Eurasianism as well. While men
such as Alexander Dugin may not agree with the conclusions of work such as
Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations, they accept many of its premises,
such as cultural determinism.
Laruelle also argues that the Eurasianists were never able to reconcile their
desires for a unified Eurasia, as well as their stated respect for other
regional institutions, such as “Eastern” religions, with their desire to view
Russia, and Russians themselves, as the leading partner in Eurasia. While they
argued for Eurasia as a natural, independent construct, they were unable to
truly give up their feelings of Russian Nationalism. Contemporary Russian
Neo-Eurasianists frequently hold even stronger views on the subject, though
Laruelle notes that Dugin has been willing to promote economic Eurasianism
within Turkey while downplaying his more Nationalist Russo-centric views. This
flexibility (some might say tendency towards contradiction) is part of why
Eurasianism remains important, even if in a very different form from its
original interwar roots.
Ultimately, Laruelle is successful in showing that contemporary Neo-Eurasianism,
while occasionally influenced by the original interwar movement, is a recent
ideological development. Just as the interwar Eurasianist movement was designed
to meet the ideological requirements of the Russian émigré community,
Neo-Eurasianism, both in its Russian and non-Russian forms seeks to meet the
needs of contemporary Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkey. That Eurasianism has been
adopted outside of Russia, however, can be seen as a sign of the interwar
Eurasianist’s success in crafting a flexible ideology that provides an alternate
framework for viewing the world.
<>Leonard, Carol|
*:|_Agrarian Reform in Russia: The Road from Serfdom| ((UO| Stp.rfm krx skz| NB!
Skidelsky, Road from Serfdom))
<>Lerner,Warren|_Karl Radek: The Last Internationalist| ((Ntx3 RREV3 Gwrx))
*1963mr:JGO#??:??| “Russian Bureaucratic Opinion in the Wake of the 1905 Revolution”
*1965de:JMH#??:??| “Peter Arkad'evich Stolypin: A Political Appraisal”| ((Stp
stt.srv RREV1 Dmx2 Dmx3))
*1940:CN.YUP| The Second Duma: A Study of the Social Democratic Party and the
Russian Constitutional Experiment| ((SDs))
*1973:CN Hamden|_Third Duma, Election and Profile| ((Dmx3
After the collapse of the Second Duma, Russia was a nation of changing ideas
and many fundamentally different political philosophies. Among the large,
frustrated peasant base was a growing call for Marxist and Socialist beliefs.
Already viewing the parliamentary system as nothing more than a compromise with
the people, the Tsar sought to assure that the Third Duma would be a more
conservative body cleansed of these “untrustworthy elements” that had caused the
dissolution of the previous two Dumas.
With this purpose in mind he issued the Election Laws on June 3, 1907 to
vastly limit the elections and, by means of a system of gerrymandering and
limiting registration to property owners, create the envisioned conservative
Duma. This law decreased the peasantry's electoral strength by one half. This
caused many people of the lower class to become apathetic of the political
process now that there was little chance of getting their voice heard.
The Law also had an effect on the political parties of Russia. There was a
multitude of different political parties, yet most that were elected to Third
Duma seemed to be struggling with the same problem: maintaining stability. While
conservatives were struggling with maintaining the status quo, parties like the
Octobrists were struggling with maintaining social stability in a time when
liberals seemed to be creating a revolutionary situation in Russia. After June 3
1907 popular opposition to the government voiced by the Duma became
“unthinkable”. As a result, while many in the Octobrists secretly wished for
reforms, they instead spent most of their energy cooperating with the regime and
limiting excessive speech that would hurt the image of the Duma. For this
reason, among liberals, they were known as the party of “sad necessity”.
Levin states that “Only Social Democrats stayed strongly opposed to the
government”. Landlords mobilized under the idea of defeating the ideas of the
reformers while many liberal parties struggled with intra-party struggles.
Violations at the polls and low turnout from the lower classes aided the
conservative victory, to the satisfaction of the Tsar. More than anything, the
election and the election results clarified a growing problem in Russia: growing
government repression and irreconcilable differences between the peasantry and
Russian State.
<>Lewin,Moshe| a{}n{krx
STL.skz Lnn NEP}o{}
*1968:NYC|_Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectivization|
*1985::NYC:|_The_Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of
Interwar Russia|
--|_Lenin's Last Struggle| ((Contains critical 1921:1924; primary documents))
--|_Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates| ((full Soviet era))
--| Social Background of Stalin [Tucker,Stalinism]
*2009:| Essay on the Russian and Soviet past
and its meaning for the future
>Lincoln,W.Bruce on SBR GO/bbl/REV
: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914| *2007:Leuven U.P| ((UO| WW1b BEL|
Detailed narrative history of the 1914au:German invasion of Belgium [SAC]
as it affected civilians. Based on extensive eyewitness testimony| Events in and
around the towns of Liège, Aarschot, Ardenne, Tamines, Dinant, and Leuven,
where the worst of the German depredations occurred. Without any legitimate
pretext, German soldiers killed nearly 6,000 non-combatants, including women and
children, and burned some 25,000 homes and other buildings))
<>Macey,David A. J|
a{}n{stt&krx tUt StpP S.rfm RREV1}o{}
*1987:D.IL,NIUP|_Government and Peasant in Russia,1861-1906: The Prehistory of
the Stolypin Reforms|
<>Maiolo,Joseph|_Cry Havoc: How the arms race
drove the world to war, 1931-1941| ((8x11:WW1 where 1931 rejected as
starting point = Better (1)WW1 mfgR wrx [w/its pre-wrx MIC] (2)WW1 ekn collapse
(3)Malicious and dysfunctional Versailles trt (4)Then comes 1930s MIC| NB! all
the debate on role of WW1a MIC))
<>Matossian,Mary| a{}n{trx mfgR ekn.bkwess Twrl}
*1958ap:Economic Development and Cultural Change#6,3:217-28| Reprint in
KtsJH.PC:252-64| “Ideologies of Delayed Industrialization: Some Tensions and
In VP9
<>Male,D. J| a{}
*1971:C.ENG, CUP|_Russian Peasant Organization before Collectivization: A Study
of Commune and Gathering, 1925-1930| (( vlg.o krx orx vlg.sxd NEP))
*1970:NYC,Basic Books|>Masur.BRL|_Imperial Berlin| ((UO| BRL grd MPR wrx&clt| ToC =
To the Brandenburg gate
From kingdom to empire
The boom years
Berlin society
"World city? perhaps"
Writers, journalists, and scholars
Berlin and the arts
War and revolution:257-95 [wrx&REV WW1] G/1912no04))
<>Matern,Frederick| "The Discourse of
Civilization in the Works of Russia’s New Eurasianists: Lev Gumilev and Alexander
Panarin" [E-TXT]
<>May,Timothy Michael|>May.MONGOL|_The_Mongol
conquests in world history| *2012:LND,Reaktion| ((UO|
The Mongol Empire (c. 1200-1350) can be seen as marking the beginning of the
modern age, and of globalization as well. While communications between the
extremes of Eurasia existed prior to the Mongols, they were infrequent and often
through intermediaries. The rise of the Mongol Empire changed everything;
through their conquests the Mongols swept away dozens of empires and kingdoms
and replaced them with the largest contiguous empire in history. While the
Mongols were an extremely destructive force in the premodern world, the Mongol
Empire had stabilizing effects on the social, cultural and economic life of the
inhabitants of the vast territory, allowing merchants and missionaries to
transverse Eurasia. This book examines the many ways in which the conquests were
a catalyst for change, including changes and advancements in warfare, food,
culture, and scientific knowledge. Even as Mongol power declined, its influence
continued. The memory of the Empire fired the collective imagination of the
region, such as the desire for luxury goods and spices that launched Columbus's
voyage to the land of the Khan, the unification of China for the first time in
300 years, and the innovations in art that were manifested in the masterpieces
of the Renaissance. This book offers coverage of the entire empire [?THE
empire?], rather than a more regional approach [IE=MNG~ a unitary MPR]
Purves| a{}n{RS2 RREV1 mfg obx nrg.c tkh ntg, cptists w/RUS face }o{}
*1996:D.IL:NIUP|_The_Politics of industrialization in tsarist Russia : The
Association of Southern Coal and Steel Producers, 1874-1914| ((RUS2
1874:Represented nearly 60 firms responsible for RUS most nrg.c and steel
production in south))
<>McDaniel,Tim| a{}
*1988:B.CA, UCP|_Autocracy,Capitalism, and Revolution in Russia| ((HD8526.M385|
trx stt cpt rvs RREV|Wbr??))
<>McDonald,David M| a{}
*1992:C.ENG,CUP|>McDonald.UNITED|_United Government and
Foreign Policy in Russia, 1900-1914| ((RREV1 WW1a GO/SAC/1909au03
for irx&dms.plt Prime Minister Petr Stolypin [StpP] vs-Imperial insiders and
their influence on Russian foreign policy| Foreign Minister A.P. Izvol'skii [>IzvAP] ))
<>McKean,Robert B| a{}n{Dmx3 Dmx4 cst prl
*1977|_Russian Constitutional Monarchy, 1907-1917
*1990|_St.Petersburg Between the Revolutions: Workers and Revolutionaries, June 1907-February 1917
<>McMeekin,Sean| a{1974}n{WW1a}o{
*2011:C.MA,HUP Belknap|_The_Russian Origins of the First World War|>McMeekin.ORIGINS|
((8x11:WW1a = EVANS rvw~| WW1b = ch8 "Partitioning the Ottoman Empire" [] &
ch9 "1917: The Tsarist Empire at Its Zenith" [] pp. 194-233
In Yavuz.WAR
*2013:NYC,Basic Books|_July 1914: Countdown to War|>McMeekin.JULY|
((UO 8x11: WW1a = EVANS rvw~| CF=Otte
[*1914je28:] Sarajevo: Sunday, 28 June 1914 -- Reactions. Vienna: anger, not sympathy}s{}t{}8{}
St. Petersburg: no quarter given
Paris and London: unwelcome interruption
Berlin: sympathy and impatience
[*1914jy05:jy06;] Countdown. The Count Hoyos mission to Berlin: Sunday-Monday, 5-6 July
[*1914jy07:] War council in Vienna (I) : Tuesday, 7 July [#1]
[*1914jy08:jy17;] Radio silence: 8-17 July
[*1914jy18:] Enter Sazonov: Saturday, 18 July
[*1914jy19:] War council in Vienna (II) : Sunday, 19 July [#2]
[*1914jy20:] Poincaré meets the Tsar: Monday, 20 July
[*1914jy21:] Sazonov's threat: Tuesday, 21 July
[*1914jy22:jy23;] Champagne summit: Wednesday-Thursday, 22-23 July
[*1914jy23:] Anti-ultimatum and ultimatum: Thursday, 23 July
[*1914jy24:] Sazonov strikes: Friday, 24 July
[*1914jy25:] Russia, France, and Serbia stand firm: Saturday, 25 July
[*1914jy26:] Russia prepares for war: Sunday, 26 July
[*1914jy27:] The Kaiser returns: Monday, 27 July
[*1914jy28:] "You have got me into a fine mess" : Tuesday, 28 July
[*1914jy29:] "I will not be responsible for a monstrous slaughter!" : Wednesday, 29 July
[*1914jy30:] Slaughter it is: Thursday, 30 July
[*1914jy31:] Last Chance Saloon: Friday, 31 July
[*1914au01:] "Now you can do what you want" : Saturday, 1 August
[*1914au02:] Britain wakes up to the danger: Sunday, 2 August
[*1914au03:] Sir Edward Grey's big moment: Monday, 3 August
[*1914au04:] World war, no going back: Tuesday, 4 August [GBR ENG joins fray]
The question of responsibility.
When a Serbian-backed assassin gunned down Archduke Franz Ferdinand in late June 1914, the world seemed unmoved
Even Ferdinand's own uncle, Franz Josef I, was notably ambivalent about the death of the Hapsburg heir, saying simply, "It is God's will"
Certainly, there was nothing to suggest that it would lead to conflict much less a world war of such massive and horrific proportions that it would fundamentally reshape the course of human events
July 1914, WW1 might have been avoided entirely had it not been for a small group of statesmen who, in the month after the assassination, plotted to use Ferdinand's murder as the trigger for a long-awaited showdown in Europe
The primary culprits, moreover, have long escaped blame. While most accounts of the war's outbreak place the bulk of responsibility on German and Austro-Hungarian militarism, the author draws on new evidence from archives across Europe to show that the worst offenders were actually to be found in Russia and France, whose belligerence and duplicity ensured that war was inevitable
Whether they plotted for war or rode the whirlwind nearly blind, each of the men involved, from
Austrian Foreign Minister Leopold von Berchtold and
German Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg to
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Sazonov and
French president Raymond Poincare
[they all] sought to capitalize on the fallout from Ferdinand's murder, unwittingly leading Europe to war
An innovative account of WW1a, this book tells the story of Europe's countdown to war from 1914je28 to Britain's final plunge on 1914au04
In single month, a handful of men [?!] changed the course of world history))
|_The_News Under Russia's Old Regime: The Development of a Mass Circulation Press| ((UO| tpg mxx))
>Mearsheimer,John J| GO/EREV
<>Mehlinger,Howard, and
John M. Thompson| a{}n{Wtt RREV1 stt.srv}o{}
|_Count Witte and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolution| ((noWbr
The breakdown in Russian politics did not just happen instantly, but was merely
a slow erosion of relations with the upper class bourgeoisie, peasantry, and
ruling elite. The declining state of affairs in Russia’s political atmosphere
led Nicholas II to turn to Sergei Witte to help rescue Russia from its declining
state of affairs. Many people are familiar with Witte because his “Witte System”
was a mix of financial and economic policies, which were in essence a trial run
in state capitalism. People, though, tend to overlook Witte’s role in the
Russian government in the early 20th century, which is an interesting time
period because of the ensuing elections and new laws being drafted by the
Russian government.
One of the main points Mehlinger and Thompson want to emphasize is that the
relationship between Witte and Nicholas II was anything but fine and dandy.
Witte believed that Tsar Nicholas II only had two options: one was to move along
a path of reform and the other was to choose a dictator and try to end the civil
unrest by forceful repression. The question of reform and progress has come up
many times in Russian history before the early 20th century example. One
instance of this comes from Russian serfs and the abolishment of serfdom in
1861. Under Nicholas II and Witte, we now see these former serfs requesting more
rights and liberties because of their working conditions and breakdown in
government leadership. Witte believed that only by creating situations in which
the peasants could exercise their own initiative, could Russian agriculture
Witte faced many challenges in trying to implement his reform plan because he
needed to find a middle ground in policy-making. Witte was caught between two
imperatives: one was to see order restored and the other to initiate the reform
platform on which he had gained power. The Manifesto of October 17, 1905 saw
many mixed reactions between the Russian citizenry, but primarily they were mass
demonstrations. Witte’s obstacles were due to some unforeseen circumstances
because he far left and right groups would have their qualms about the
Manifesto, but he wasn’t expecting such a critical and demanding reaction from
the people in the middle. Witte, himself, is at partial blame for this response
to the Manifesto because he appointed some leaders that were not going to help
his cause and cause more grief instead.
Mehlinger and Thompson use the first chapter of the book to introduce the
situation and the man that was ultimately given the responsibility to fix the
conditions in Russia, Sergei Witte. They move on to describe the October 17
Manifesto and the first few weeks of Witte’s government, where he puts his
government and cabinet together. The reader begins to realize, at this point,
that the Russian government was full of factional politics and no matter who
Witte relied on, others would have valid arguments against them. The second half
of the book deals with the peasant question and the different strategies and
reform plans Witte went over to deal with the peasant problem. Additionally, the
book deals with the “loan” that saved Russia in 1905, when the Russian
government borrowed a half million francs from the French. Mehlinger and
Thompson believe that this loan was somewhat a temporary fix to a larger
financial problem, which would all come down to the eventual 1917 revolution.
The book ends with the actual results of the election to the first duma and how
the whole process worked. I found the election process very confusing and
jumbled because the authors bring in some groups that were never mentioned,
until the election chapters. However, the election data and chapters show how
wide the split was between political groups and the importance of the people
that voted and/or were eligible to vote in the election.
Overall, one must understand the situation Witte was in. Witte was a man that
believed in autocracy, but realized that Russia needed to become more democratic
to achieve progress. Mehlinger and Thompson’s book does a good job of
emphasizing the role Witte played in running Russian politics and how that led
to the elections of the First Duma. In trying to balance inside government
influence and doing what was right for the Russian populous, Witte was put in a
sticky situation and was basically destined to face criticism, no matter which
side he supported more.
<>Melancon,Michael| a{}n{ppx SRs RREV}o{
*1984su:SSH#23,1| “The Russian Revolutions of 1917 in the Eyes of Soviet
Historians: Orthodoxy vs. a New Flexibility”| Edited
*In O&S| "Neo-populism in early twentieth-century Russia: the Socialist
Revolutionary party ... "
*1990:C.OH,TOSUP|_The_Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian anti-war movement, 1914-1917
|>Melancon.SRs-vs-WW1| ((SRs WW1b vs-wrx.mvt))
<>Merkle,Judith |>Riley,Judith Merkle|_Management
and ideology: The legacy of the international scientific management movement|>Merkle|
*1980:B.CA,UCP| ((UO| E-TXT
ch#6:172-207 (esp. pp. 174-77, 183-192 and 199-207) "SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT AND GERMAN RATIONALIZATION"
<>Meyer,James H|_Turks Across Empires: Marketing Muslim
Identity in the Russian-Ottoman Borderlands|>Meyer.TURKS|
*:OUP| ((TRK ntnism WW1a| Pan-Turkists, Muslim activists from Russia, gained international
notoriety during the Young Turk era of Ottoman history
[SAC LOOP] | Yusuf Akçura, Ismail
Gasprinskii [W-ID] and
Ahmet Agaoglu were the forefathers of Turkish nationalism, but in the decade bfr
WW1, officials
in Russia and Europe thought them dangerous Muslim radicals| ToC = 1: Trans-Imperial People|
2: Insider Muslims| 3: Activists and the Ulema after 1905
website ID | W-ID]| 4: The Great Muslim
Teacher Wars| 5: The Politics of Naming| 6: Istanbul and the Pan-Turkic Scene))
<>Miller,Steven E., ed|_Military Strategy and
the Origins of the First World War: An International Security Reader|>MS&WW1a|
*1985:P.NJ,PUP| ((UO| ndr.sbk| WW1a and WW1c [WW1 & late 20th-c CWX
"international security" mnt] ToC =
Intro / Steven E. Miller
The First World War and the international power system / Paul Kennedy
Men against fire / >Howard,Michael
The cult of the offensive and the origins of the First World War / Stephen Van
Evera [W-ID]
Civil-military relations and the cult of the offensive, 1914 and 1984 / Jack
Snyder [wrx&pbl]
Windows of opportunity / Richard Ned Lebow [W-ID]))
<>Mints,II| *1967-1973:MVA|_Istoriia_Velikogo
Oktiabria| 3vv|>Mints.RREV|
<>Mironov,Boris N| a{}
*1975:LGR| Istorik i matematika:matematicheskie metody v istoricheskoi
issledovanii| ((D16.M66| xtx trx|svt pst on Khlebnye tseny v Rossii za dva
stoletiia,XVIII-XIX vv. LGR:1985 & Vnutrennyi rynok Rossii vo vtoroi polovine
XVIII--pervoi polovine XIX v. LGR:1981(HF3625.M57)))
*1984:LGR| Istorik i sotsiologiia| ((HM36.M66| xtx trx))
*1985fa:SlR#44:438-67| “The Russian Peasant Commune After the Reforms of the
1860s”| ((krx.rfm vlg.o))
*1989:MVA, Progress| V chelovecheskom izmerenii:226-46| “Sem'ia: Nuzhno
li ogliadyvat'sia v proshloe?”| ((Several subtitles: Perestroika: glasnost'
demokratiia sotsializm; Vyite iz korolevstva krivykh zerkal; Demograficheskii
isk; Instituty dlia liudei ili liudi dlia institutov?| xrx fmy vlg.o krx Grb))
| Sotsial’naia istoriia Rossii
|The Social History of Imperial Russia, 1700-1917| ((
Reginald Zelnik review [2001de:AHA#106,5] = Hard as it is to
summarize so long and rich a scholarly work, the thread that seems to run
through the story Mironov wants to tell looks something like this: [mdn=] Russia
was, at least potentially, a “normal” European country, but a European country
that was not lacking in important peculiarities, including what is sometimes
described as the relative backwardness of its economic, social, and political
development. To use Mironov's language, Russia experienced all the important
developments in these areas, but they were “a-synchronic” (asinkhronnye)
in the way they evolved. Russia's peculiarities, most of which are familiar to
specialists, are not presented as virtues (in Slavophile style) but as obstacles
or impediments to a broad and balanced “social modernization,” an outcome whose
positive value Mironov has no wish to deny. But these were obstacles that could
be mastered with time, and Mironov goes to great pains to help us follow the
sometimes tortuous but nonetheless rapid processes that suggest that the
obstacles were being genuinely if (on the eve of world war and revolution)
incompletely overcome. At the same time, he is too honest a historian to ignore
the contradictory, more depressing, “pessimist” evidence of incomplete
modernization and continued, even growing, social tension and political crisis,
so much so that one can read whole paragraphs—his discussion of the civilizing
of the Russian village versus the partial “peasantization” of the Russian city
is a good case in point—that seem to take opposite positions, or at least to
produce conflicting moods and expectations in the reader as one moves from page
to page. In the still contested (if by now somewhat hoary) debate over the
degree of influence of close peasant background on the social and political
volatility of industrial workers, Mironov judiciously explains the case for each
side but ends up with something resembling a neo-Menshevik position: that
peasant disrespect for private, individual wealth, and peasant attachment to
collectivist institutions and habits help explain the rapid rise of working
class radicalism and indifference to market-based liberalism in the early
twentieth century. For this and many other reasons, Mironov's admittedly
forceful case for Russia's evolution toward a “normal” European form of social
and political life is undermined by an equally forceful if at times reluctant
recognition of significant evidence to the contrary. If, as he concludes, the
October Revolution was in some respects an “anti-modernist” [vs-mdn] rebellion,
then popular resistances to the Europeanizing processes that he values weaken
the case for the approaching advent of “normality.”
<>Mohrenschildt,Dmitri| a{}
*1978oc:RRe#37,4:387-404| “Shchapov: Exponent
of Regionalism and the Federal School in Russian History”| ((WwaAP hst.gph gbx
*1981:Rutherford, Farleigh Dickinson UP|>MTU|Toward a United States of Russia:
Plans and Projects of Federal Reconstruction of Russia in the Nineteenth Century| ((USA2.cst fdr plt.clt lbx))
<>Moorehead,Alan| a{1910}e{1983}n{}o{pop.hst.gph
((UO| WW1b| When Turkey unexpectedly sided with Germany in World War I,
Winston Churchill, as Sea Lord for the British, conceived a plan: smash through
the Dardanelles, reopen the Straits to Russia, and immobilize the Turks.
On the night of March 18, 1915, this plan nearly succeeded -- the Turks were
virtually beaten. But poor communication left the Allies in the dark, allowing
the Turks to prevail and the Allies to suffer a crushing quarter-million
casualties. A vivid chronicle of adventure, suspense, agony, and heroism,
Gallipoli brings fully to life the tragic waste in human life, the physical
horror, and the sheer heartbreaking folly of fighting for impossible objectives
with inadequate means on unknown, unmapped terrain. [But does the book make us
believe that Churchill did it all for his esteemed ally Russia?]
<>Moyer,Laurence|_Victory Must Be Ours:
Germany in the Great War, 1914-1918|
|>Moyer.VICTORY| *1995:NYC,Hippocrene| ((SMT| 8x11:WW1b=pp.50-4
re. 1909:1913; Hollweg appointment [ID] and RUS threat to GRM))
<>Munck,J. L|_Kornilov Revolt: A Critical
Examination of Sources and Research| Coronet Bks,1987 ((WW1))
<>Nechkina, M. V., ed| a{}n{}o{}
*1953:M.AnnArbor, UMP| Russia in the Nineteenth Century| v2 of the History of
Russia| DK188.8.N418 1976| ndr.txt| hst.gph RUS2))
<>Nekrich,Aleksandr M| a{}
*1968:Columbia SC|_June 22,1941: Soviet Historians and the German Invasion| Compiled by Vladimir Petrov| ((D742.R8.N43| PetVxr WW2 hst.gph wrx))
*1979:L.ENG|_Otreshis’ ot strakha: Vospominaniia istorika| ((DK275.N4.A3|xtx part in hst.gph 8x11| prm vsp hst.gph WW2 inx))
*1978NYC|_The_Punished Peoples: The Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War| ((DK33.N44| ntn WW2 STL
tlng. of Nakazannye narody. NYC:1978))
*1986:|_Utopia in Power: A History of the USSR from 1917 to the Present| ((DK266.G3713 [RUS orig=DK265.H45]| gnr Hrgt.mvt RUS3|
tlng. of Utopiia u vlasti: Istoriia Sovetskogo soiuza s 1917 goda do nashikh dnei))
*:|In Aksyonov,Glasnost
*1993:Berkeley|_Hooliganism: Crime, Culture, and Power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914| | ((crm RREV1))
*1994| CiF
<>Nichols, Robert L., and Theofanis G.
Stavrou, eds.Russian Orthodoxy under the Old Regime. Minneapolis:1978.
BX491.R87| ndr.sbk
<>Nochlin,Linda| a{}
|__The_Politics of Vision: Essays on Nineteenth-century Art and Society|
((91de:to be rvw- in TLS| gnr.txt obx plt.clt.gnr xdj.plt))
<>Nove,Alec| a{
*1986:LND,Harwood|_Marx and "Really Existing Socialism"| ((SMT 56pp| Mrx&R))
<>Obolonskii,Aleksandr Valentin*| a{
*1987|:MVA, Nauka|_Chelovek i gosudarstvennoe upravlenie| ((KM.O1274c
1987 | 252p lwx plt.clt stt.apx))
*1994:MVA, In-t gosudarstva i prava [RAkN]|_Drama rossiiskoi politicheskoi
istorii: Sistema protiv lichnosti| ((DK61 .O26 | bbl:339-52| tlng into ENG!|
plt.clt stt&pbl))
--|_The_Drama of Russian Political History
<>Odom,William E. and Robert Dujarrie|_Commonwealth
or Empire? Russia, Central Asia, and the Transcaucasus|*1995:?B.IND,IUP?|
((CAS S.CAU ?fdr or MPR? ntn))
<>Otte,Thomas|_July Crisis:
The World's Descent into War, Summer 1914| *2014:C.ENG,CUP|>Otte.JULY|
((WW1a| CF=McMeekin.JULY| ToC =
Principal dramatis personae; The Sarajevo assassins; Introduction
1 Prelude: the road to Sarajevo; The Bosnian visit []
Young Bosnia and its discontents
Apis and "BlackHand"
The Archduke inspects his troops
St Vitus's Day at Sarajevo
The Belgrade connection
*1914je28:jy05; A week =
2 Sarajevo and its echoes: 28 June to 5 July
"Music everywhere": the reaction in Vienna
"Opportunity for a destructive strike"
"War, war, war": the "war party" unleashed
Count Berchtold declares for war. The Emperor is not quite sure of Germany. Count Tisza calls for calm deliberation
Berlin counsels moderation
Intrigues at the German embassy in Vienna
The Kaiser intervenes
Count Hoyos goes to Berlin
Szögyény and Hoyos perform a double act
The chancellor confirms the "blank cheque"
"The dancing bear" takes stock
"The little misunderstanding" returns from his honeymoon
*1914jy06:jy21; Two weeks =
3 The triumph of tactics over strategy: 6 to 21 July
The ponderous political apparatus moves
Count Tisza is isolated
The view from St Petersburg
Calculations at the Choristers' Bridge [Pevcheskii most]
M. Shebeko sends reassuring reports
Nikolai Genrikovich Hartwig visits his Habsburg colleague
Scandals and stability: the French perspective
The "man of Lorraine" and Russia
M. Paléologue warns of German intrigues at St Petersburg
In calmer waters: Britain in June 1914
Sir Edward Grey issues an early warning
Events seem to indicate an Anglo-German détente
Count Tisza performs a u-turn
Baron Conrad intervenes
Count Mensdorff tries to influence the fourth estate
Prince Lichnowsky intervenes
Herr von Jagow abdicates an independent German policy
*1914jy19:jy23; Five days =
4 Localizing the crisis: 19 to 23 July
The Marchese has a price
Sazonov takes note
Sir Maurice de Bunsen learns a secret
Pašićis alarmed
The Strudelhof meeting
Sir Edward offers to mediate
M. Poincaré sails to St Petersburg
Count Benckendorff issues a warning
Zimmermann and Jagow contemplate the situation
Count Berchtold contemplates the past and the future
*1914jy23:jy26; Four days =
5 The ultimatum: 23 to 26 July
Baron Giesl calls on the Belgrade government
Count Hoyos thinks of Alexander the Great
Pašić contemplates a trip to the sea and returns home
[mxx tlf] Sazonov makes two telephone calls
Sazonov demands mobilization and confusion ensues
Poincaré and Viviani are at sea
Grey receives the most formidable declaration
Grey and Sazonov seek to gain time, and Horace Rumbold fears a general bust-up
Count Mérey takes to his bed
Baron Giesl leaves Belgrade
Conrad postpones war
*1914jy26:jy28; Three days =
6 Localizing the war: 26 to 28 July
Sazonov and Count Pourtalès take the same train
Sir Edward goes fishing
Bethmann Hollweg takes charge
The skirmish that never was
Sir Edward is irritated
Sir Edward makes a statement and Jules Cambon lights a firework
Jagow issues a second "blankcheque"
Sazonov confuses everyone
Count Berchtold sends a telegram to Bucharest
From CUP blurb = Europe’s tragic descent into a largely inadvertent war in the summer of 1914. Why a century-old system of Great Power politics collapsed so disastrously in the weeks from the ‘shot heard around the world’ on June 28, 1914, to Germany’s declaration of war on Russia on August 1st. The descent into war was not a result of the failure of abstract concepts such as the ‘balance of power’ or the ‘alliance system’. Europe descended into world war as a result of the near-collective failure of statecraft by the rulers of Europe. From the ministerial palaces of Berlin and Vienna to Belgrade, London, Paris and St Petersburg, the decisions made by hawks and doves led to a war that would define a century and which still reverberates today. Otte draws parallels with current international politics through its focus on enduring realities of political decision-making
<>Owen,Thomas C| a{}n{RS1 tpg|
ekn cptism pbl kpq dvr MVA RUS3}o{
*1975:JGO#23,1:26-38| “The Moscow Merchants
and the Public P??,1858-1868”| ((kpq tpg))
*1981:C.ENG, CUP|_Capitalism and Politics in Russia: A Social History of the Moscow Merchants,1855-1905|
((|>OCP| part xrx 8x11| p22 (uses Wbr def. of cpt & says it fits wltiest 1 & 2
gld kpq of RUS| Quotes General Econ History [NYC:1927]:276-8 dealing w/MVA kpq &
mfg discontent w/autocracy frm 890:91;famine ~~w/Zmv lbx grew| [mdn=] “In
Weberian terms, the rationalism implicit in modern cptism--the need for
impartial and predictable rules--more and more conflicted with the arbitrariness
of the autocratic system.” [166]
The prestige of the merchants and manufacturers in Russia steadily grew in the
late 19th and early 20th century despite an economy heavily depended on its
agriculture. To understand the growth of the industrial elite from the
traditional agrarian state, I chose to read Thomas C. Owen’s Capitalism and
Politics in Russia. To sum up the overall economic picture prior to 1858, out of
a total population of 62 million persons, only 6 to 10 percent comprised of
merchants (Owen 2). Yet, in the mid 19th century, a transformation began with
the leading merchant families as economic education progressed throughout the
generations. To better break down the evolution, Owen’s breaks down the progress
into three stages: from the first traditional merchants, to capital merchants
and finally after the Revolution of 1905, a class-conscious bourgeoisie.
The traditional merchants struggle in the early 19th century was ultimately a
result of lack of education. Unlike the West at this time, the Russian merchants
shunned both commercial education and modern management techniques. The furthest
point of education was said to end at the book of Psalms. As a result, business
practices were backwards, unethical and simply idiotic. Owen’s reported that
they kept their business numbers in their heads without any system of
bookkeeping. The traditional merchant society as a whole struggled in the early
19th century. In the end, it took a rude awakening for any progress to be made.
The next transformation, to capital merchants occurred in 1854 as the British
and the French invaded the Crimea, part of the Russian homeland. The Russians
found their fleet of sailing ships to be no match for the British and French
steam-powered gunboats. On top of this, Russians lack of railroad to the Crimea
prevented any reinforcements from reaching the battlefront (Owen 30). The
disastrous war opened the eyes of the merchant elites and it became clear that
change was needed. As a result, Russia turned to the Slavophile intellectuals
with the goal to modernize Russia’s backwards economy (Owen 43). Following the
war, commercial, financial, light industrial and transportation enterprises
flourished with governmental aid (Owen 53). As the economy began to improve, the
merchants began to wish for their economic independence from the state. However,
for their continued prosperity, the merchants increasingly grew dependent on the
state because of the protective tariff, financial support for corporations and
banks, and subsidies for shipping companies and railroads (Owen 69). Yet, the
drive towards self-sufficiency continued while the state’s policies began to
shift in the merchants favor.
By turn of the 20th century economic progress continued to prosper due to the
states continued support of the railroad systems and increased tariffs. For the
first time, merchant children were born into as high of a pedigree as the nobles
(Owen 139). However, as the industries capitalized on the success built off the
state, trouble began to arise. Issues over labor rights became a hot topic as
strikes turned violent throughout many factories across all of Russia. On top of
this, by 1904, merchant leaders occupied positions all along the political
spectrum across the state government. Success arose because of the state, but
new ideology began shifting the playing field.
The beginning of 1905 began fiery times. On January 9, 1905 innocent workers
were shot down at a peaceful protest outside of a factory in St. Petersburg. As
a result of the fatal shootings, famously known as “Bloody Sunday”, erupted
political movement among the merchant elite. The autocratic state did help the
merchants rise to power, but at the same time, they felt the states’ tight
control was holding them back. Change was near as the liberal elite, all the way
to the radical elite, allied together to rid the obstacle of the Russian state
towards economic and social progress. The solution outlined was to create a
constitutional monarch led by a legislative Duma to ultimately overrule the
supreme power. The Tsar was pushed against the wall. As a result, Sergei Witte
wrote the October Manifesto to destroy the united opposition by promising a new
order based on full civil freedoms (of speech, press, religion, assembly,
association, and personal inviolability, universal suffrage, and a Duma with the
power to approve or reject legislation and to supervise the bureaucracy (Owen
191). Tsar Nicholas II quickly signed the manifesto. Violent revolution was
Lives were saved as a result of the manifesto. The united politicians were
overcome with joy. Owen’s claimed older members in the Duma broke down in tears
when they heard the news (Owen 192). The majority of the population believed in
the new system as the right step needed towards a progressive, successful
future. At first the industrialists targeted to overthrow the Tsar, in the end
though, it was they who salvaged his power and his life.
The Revolution of 1905 brought together the generation of merchant leaders, as
Owen’s calls as a new “mature, class-conscious bourgeoisie” (Owen 206). However,
the bourgeoisie knew their struggle was not over because of the dominant economy
of Western Europe. The merchants still had to rely on the state to protect their
own markets by the use of tariffs and the continued aid of the developing
railroads. It is true they did not become completely independent. However, in
the end the merchant elite came together and gained the rights that were needed
to prosper into the 20th century.
The merchant class of Russia developed into a class with a bit of political
influence. The rise of the merchant class, as well as their influence, acted as
a catalyst for many political as well as social struggles within Russia in the
period before and during 1905.
Before 1855, the Merchant class of Russia was based upon a system of patriarchal
business tradition. The heads of merchant families conducted day to day business
based on person to person relationships rather than practical commercial
transactions. These men were the head of the family, which meant they had the
last say in every matter that had to do with business or the family. Their
educational background was based upon Orthodox religion rather than business or
commercial practices. An obligation to run for public service and the potential
to lose one's trade license due to unpaid guild fees, discouraged the early
merchant class from breaking with traditional business practices, which retarded
the estate's growth. However, a healthy backing and promise of protection from
the Russian government helped the Russian merchants not fall to the competition
of the European markets.
In 1855 this all began to change. The old, traditional, patriarchal merchant
class gave way to the sons of that generation who began to take over the head of
the household. These new merchants were better educated, more savvy in the ways
of business, and did not hold as true to the distrust of Western commercial
technology. This catapulted the Russian merchants into a period of growth and
innovation. Over the next 40 years, economic growth continued and the merchant
class only grew stronger politically as the government realized that it needed
to heed the merchants' demands, since their economic growth was essential to
national power. Signs of an emerging bourgeois were apparent. Merchants were
becoming increasingly critical in Russian society because of the money they
controlled. They would never become as powerful as the Western bourgeoisies,
mainly because of their numbers, but nevertheless had vast wealth.
The increase in industry and economy led to the emergence of a social class new
to Russia, the paid laborer. Disputes arose between the lower classes and their
employers and soon political lines were drawn. The merchants largely wished to
rely on the repressive might of the government to put down disturbances, whereas
the liberals were willing to cede concessions to the workers. These struggles
and calls for social reform would continue all the way into the early 1900's and
would dominate Russian political culture for 50 years.
“Capitalism and Politics in Russia” was an eloquent portrayal of the rise and
development of the merchant class as a social and political force in the mid and
late 19th century. Owen concentrates on the process of change the
merchants go through from before 1855 into the early 20th century,
but he also dedicates much of the book to the development of the political
ideology within the merchant class and its effects on Russia and her social
*1995:O.ENG|_Russian Corporate Capitalism, from Peter the Great to
Perestroika| [Excerpt TXT]
<>Petro,Nicolai N| a{
*1990su:WWQ#14,3:114-122| “Toward a New Russian
Federation”| ((dms| Grb fdr ntn plt.pty stt&pbl| See also:21 rvw of Tismaneanu))
*1995|_Rebirth of Russian Democracy: An Interpretation of Political Culture|
((UO| cvc.pbl ToC=
1. Political Culture and the Failure of Sovietology}s{}t{}8{}
2. Constrained Autocracy in Russian History
3. Orthodoxy's Symphonic Ideal: The Russian Church in Search of Tradition
4. The "Russian Idea": Forging an Alternative National Identity
5. Russia's Alternative Political Organizations: The Re-emergence of Civil Society ["re"emergence? cvc.pbl]
6. Back to the Future of Russian Politics
Petro says = The West cld have better prepared for the fall of communism and gained a clearer picture of Russia's new political landscape by cultivating an awareness of the deep democratic aspirations of the Russian people since Muscovite times. Petro traces the long history of those aspirations[...]. The Russian Orthodox Church [&] its long history of support for opposition sentiment during both Tsarist and Soviet times and its support for democracy today [are positive signs]. Contemporary Russian nationalism [originated in] the neo-Slavophile national identity that took its shape as a challenge to Bolshevik oppression. Russia's postcommunist political parties [are rooted] in prerevolutionary times and this continuity makes Russian political aspirations far more predictable than is commonly assumed))
<>Peunova,Marina| [bbl and TXT~] ((neo-cnx plt.idl EUA))
<>Pipes,Richard| a{}
*1954:C.MA,HUP|>Pipes.FORMATION|_Formation of
the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism,1917-1923|
1968:Revised ed| ((OWN| WNWW1b Gwrx ntn))
*1955ap:WoP#3/7:371-401| “Max Weber and
Russia”| ((D839.W57| OWN xrx| Wbr RUS| Mommsen,WbrP:56| Rests heavily on
Mayer,Wbr| :22,re. patrimonial dominance (Wbr,Theory:318; & W&G)| Here Wbr seen
as a more finished Hobbes| Dominance based on tradition,but highly personal|
“Sultanism” in its most extreme form| “...the economic element absorbs,as it
were,the political.” [Earlier:20,Wtt model fully misunderstood,set aside| Pipes
takes gnr proposition of Wtt & ignores WOD,chs. 9-10,where specific applications
to RUS--“semi-Asiatic”--fully spelled out.] Another Pipes citation:198,Wbr on
city:None in RUS but NVG & PSK))
*1960:RRe#19,4:316-337| “Russian Marxism and Its Populist Background:
The late Nineteenth Century”| ((Mrx ppx SDs))
*1963:C.MA|_Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897|
((HX312.P55| SDs prl SPB Mrx))
*1964:SlR#3:441-458| “Narodnichestvo: A
Semantic Inquiry”| ((OWN ndr ppx hst.gph))
*1968| “Origins of Bolshevism: Intellectual Evolution of Young Lenin”| In
Pipes.RR ((chd.Lnn))
*1970:1980; C.MA|_Struve| v1: “Liberal on the Left,1870-1905”|
v2:“Liberal on the Right,1905-1944”| ((lbx RREV1 Mrx plt| xrx re.Wbr))
*1981c:|_U. S. Soviet Relations in the Era of Detente| ((prm CWX))
*2005:|_Russian conservatism and its critics: A study in political culture| ((>Pipes.cnx
idl plt.clt[W review#1 |
W review#2]
This piece was published shortly after Russian Political Scholar Richard
Pipes delivered his lectures to an audience at Harvard University. This
particular publishing touches on the inevitable tension and reality that was
conservatism in Russian Political Culture. Pipes is credited to being one of
the main scholars that focuses on this notion of conservatism. And it is
important to remember that during the time of the mid-nineteenth century,
Russia’s Political scheme (and social structure) was influenced and
ultimately defined by this sense of Conservatism among the state.
At the beginning of his lectures, Pipes clearly explains to his audience the
definition of “Russian Conservatism,” as contrasted to other familiar
worldwide definitions. Where the US state defines conservatism as “applying
less government” into the political agenda, the Russian culture during the
mid-nineteenth century saw conservatism as applying “more government” into
the political scheme. This is the focal point that we must remember when
studying the big picture behind Russian political culture leading up to the
1905 and 1917 revolutionary eras.
However, throughout his lectures Pipes jumps to many points that are
seemingly supposed to defend this point of Russian conservatism. This makes
the lectures hard to follow, read, and draw together for our own
understanding. Throughout his lectures, Pipes discusses the role of the
individual state powers (including Alexander II), the church, and even the
rural classes in response to the increasing autocratic government. This
proves as a flaw in his presentation because it makes it increasingly harder
to point out the significant points that proved Russian political culture to
be what it was. If there were anything that could be rendered in the
publication, it would have to be organization. Although, in a lecture
setting it would be difficult to organize it in an ideal manner so we must
work with what we have.
With every main argument there is a root or theme that ties the whole effort
together. And so when studying the big picture behind Russian Political
Culture, it is imperative to ask ourselves, “What is the main point we must
reference back to when painting the giant picture?” Pipes states this point
that Russian conservatism is clearly marked by the increase in government
policies in the land. This ultimately led several outbreaks in the rural
classes including the rise of the intelligentsia, Litfond, Literary
societies, and the Primary Education advocacy groups. And so, Pipes’
lectures serve the purpose of providing us with a landmark of where we can
draw back on when explaining the big picture behind Russian Political
<>Pisotkin,MI| a{}
*1988:MVA| Sotsializm i gosudarstvennoe upravlenie: Uroki istorii i perestroika|
ed#2| ((HC335.P428 |335p| Grb stt.apx tUt gvt hst.gph plt.clt))
<>Poe,Marshall| a{}n{RUS&wrl.hst mdn}o{
*2003:P.NJ,PUP|_The_Russian Moment in World History| ((gnr.txt wrl.hst MPR mdn| 3 main points
(Do these also explain post-SSR RUS?) =
<>Pomper,Philip| a{}
*1970:NYC|The Russian Revolutionary Intelligentsia| ((rvs ntg idl RUS3))
*1972:C.IL|Peter Lavrov and the Russian Revolutionary Movement| ((rvs ppx RS2 LvrP bxo))
*1979:NJ New Brunswick|Sergei Nechaev| ((rvs RS2 NqvS))
*1990:CUP|Lenin,Trotsky, and Stalin: The Intelligentsia and Power| ((|446p| Lnn Trt Stl RREV STL rvs.ntg RUS3))
<>Porter, Thomas Earl| a{}
|_The_Zemstvo and the Emergence of Civil Society in Late Imperial Russia,
1864-1917| Edwin Mellen Press| ((Four titles by Porter in SUMMIT,
including UW dissertation and a 2001 DWT Papers pbc| Zmv cvl.pbl))
a{}n{plc.scx prl unx RREV1| RChx SSR.vs-rlg}o{}
*1971:LND|_Russian Police Trade Unionism: Experiment or Provocation?|
*1984:|_The_Russian Church under the Soviet Regime,1917-1982| 2vv
<>Putnam,George| a{}n{lbx
idl cnx RREV1 ntg.vs-Mrx}o{}
*1965je:SEER#43,101:335-353| “Russian Liberalism
Challenged from Within: Bulgakov and Berdyayev in 1904-5”|
--|Russian Alternatives to Marxism
<>Radkey,Oliver| n{RREV1 RREV2
RREV3 SRs gbx krx Greens Tambov}o{}
<>Raeff,Marc| a{}n{rxn lbx
KtkM ntg| }o{
*1952jy:RRe#11:157-67| “A Reactionary Liberal:M. N. Katkov”| stt.tUt apx qnv| stt&pbl| gte| trx plt.clt
“Some Reflections on Russian Liberalism”| ((Must distinguish:rdx lbx cnx rxn|
How avoid blur:219-20| Different approaches| Discount rigid definition or
absolute def:220-21| Likes “pragmatic methods” but has to discard it:221-2| In
RUS lbx gnry meant vs-dmk & bureaucracy [vs-mnx TSR qin srv| NB! R does not list
here ChxR] Method may be best def yet:therefore it is negative in RUS [anti this
& that] & tended not to be able to distinguish itself frm rdx~))
*1971:NYC|_Imperial Russia, 1682-1825:The Coming of Age of Modern Russia|
Series:Borzoi History of Russia, v4| ((DK127.R24| OWN| ndr gnr.txt))
*1979ap:AHR#84:399-411| “The Bureaucratic Phenomena
of Imperial Russia,1700-1905”|
*1984:NYC|_Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime| TBy Arthur
Goldhammer| Foreword by John Keep| ((trx stt&pbl))
*1990:O.ENG|_Russia Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration,1919-1939| ((256p))
*1993:Political studies#41 spec:93-??| “The People, the Intelligentsia, and Russian
Political Culture”|
--|_Collected Historical Articles and Essays| 2vv
<>Raleigh,Donald J|_Revolution on the Volga: 1917 in Saratov (Ithaca NY: 1986)
a{}n{ntg clt rvs rlg cnx idl RREV1 SSR}o{}
*1979:Totowa NJ|_Religion, Revolution and the Russian Intelligentsia,1900-1912:
The Vekhi Debate and its Intellectual Background| ((|??Excerpt in Coquin,1905:385-96
The Russian intelligentsia of the late 19th
and early 20th c centuries was a circle within the educated
classes that was committed to creative work, critical thought and the
addressing the conditions of the oppressed classes. By the 1890s, the
majority of the intelligentsia had moved from populism to Marxism and had
adopted a revolutionary stance which included atheism, socialism and within
the Kadet Party, constitutionalism. There had been a euphoric response to
the revolution of 1905 and the resulting October Manifesto but that response
gave way to despair with the autocratic crack down in 1906. The
intelligentsia was at a crossroads. No one accepted the status quo of the
autocratic state and all were agreed in the goals of social justice but the
intelligentsia was split over the tactics to accomplish the transformation
of society. The Vekhi essays challenged the religious and philosophical
presuppositions of the intelligentsia.
Vekhi (Landmarks) was a small book comprised of seven essays written by
previous Marxists who were critical of revolutionary solutions. The writers
were: Berdyaev, Frank, Bulgakov, Izgoev, Kistyakovsky, Struve and
Gershenzon. Read insists that this was not a conservative book but was often
treated as one. The writers attempted to persuade the intelligentsia to
re-examine their uncritical faith in the ability of socialism to transform
society by changing social structures and institutions. Each writer, in his
own way, proposed spiritual change (the individual's inner life) as the
source of revolutionary transformation of society. Most of the writers
argued that Marxism was a religious position; the worship of the people, the
saving of the people and ultimately (messianic qualities) the perfectibility
of the people. This notion was called mangodhood or godbuilders.
Vekhi insisted that this ideology of the intelligentsia was as religious,
dogmatic, intolerant and fanatical as Orthodoxy. The Vekhi writers
can be separated into three groups: the new religious consciousness,
Kadet Party, and despisers of the revolutionary underground.
In the first years, Vekhi sparked interest from liberals and
socialist. The interest was almost entirely negative. Discussion groups
packed meeting halls throughout Russia. Lenin used Vekhi for propaganda
purposes. He connected Vekhi with the Kadet Party and accused them of
counter revolutionary liberalism which only served the interest of the status quo.
By 1910 the interest in Vekhi had waned. Many historians see
Vekhi as an attempt to raise the political dialogue and construct an
authentic political response to the times; one that acknowledged the
religious quality of the Russian people and addressed the class oppression.
There is a great deal of detail in this account. Read describes the various
groups in the new religious consciousness. He goes into a lot of detail in
his discussion of Berdyaev and Bogdanov and their concept of Godmanhood.
He is able to demonstrate the ability Lenin had to keep the party focused
and disciplined while being attacked from both the right and the left.
Anyone interested in the political thinking of artists in this time period
will enjoy reading excerpts from Gorky, Minsky and Merezhkovsky
*1990:B.ENG, M|_Culture and Power in Revolutionary Russia: The Intelligentsia
and the Transition from Tsarism to Communism| ((DK266.4.R43| ntg clt RREV SSR RUS3| 266p)
*2002:_The_Historical Journal#45,1:195-210| “IN SEARCH OF LIBERAL TSARISM :
<>Reichman,Henry| a{}n{RREV1 rrd prl}o{}
|_Railwaymen and Revolution: Russia,1905|
<>Reshetar,J. S.,Jr|_The_Ukrainian
Revolution,1917-1920: A Study in Nationalism|>Reshetar.UKR|
*1952:Princeton| ((ntn UKR RREV3
<>Reznikov,A| a{}
*1984;MVA|_Comintern and the East: Strategy and Tactics in the National Liberation Movement|
((HX11.I5 R478| Ntx3 CMN CASA MPR ntnism v-MPR.REV))
<>Riasanovsky,Nicholas| a{}
*1976:O.ENG|_A_Parting of Ways: Government and the Educated Public in Russia, 1801-1855
The early 19th Century is a time period when Nicholas Riasanovsky sees the
first signs of divide in the relationship and discourse between Russia’s
autocratic government and the nation’s intellectual elites that eventually
fed the climate of upheaval and revolution that characterized much of
Russia’s 19th and early 20th century political culture. In A Parting of
Ways, Riasanovsky traces the origins of this split beginning from the
Petrine reforms of the early 18th century when Peter the Great’s
westernizing reforms signaled to Riasanovsky the beginnings of modern
Russian educated opinion. This period also represented the beginning of
enlightened despotism in Russia as tsarist rule became influenced by the
European enlightenment and was closely aligned with the growth of the
intellectual gentry as both groups shared common progressive goals and
outlooks. Being a part of this educated class meant being aware of European
ideas and systems and represented only a small fraction of Russian society
as both the merchant and peasant classes were excluded from this
characteristically aristocratic group.
With the second wave of enlightenment, that occurred in 1801 with the
ascension of Alexander I to tsar, hints and promises of serf reform and most
importantly a Constitution further increased expectations among the educated
gentry. However, Riasanovsky notes the initial rift in the relationship
between the government and educated public occurred during the second half
of tsar Alexander’s rule as his initial hints at major reforms failed to
come to fruition as the ideology of enlightened despotism increasingly
became reactionary. This initial rift caused by the inaction to live up to
the anticipated reforms was highlighted by the Decembrist societies, whose
members were culturally educated leaders of elite military regiments [mlt]
who radically responded with revolting force in response to the failed
promises of constitutionalism that ultimately resulted in the disastrous
1825 Decembrist revolt. The mutual alignment in the relationship and
aspirations between the two sides that characterized the period of
enlightened despotism, soon gave rise to subsequent alienation, as reaction
and restoration became the official ideology.
Riasanovsky denotes much of his analysis to the reign of tsar Nicholas I
whose conservative rule of reaction and restoration further split the
discourse and sense of allegiance between the government and the educated
public. Nicholas’s rule was termed Official Ideology as emphasis was placed
on restoring the three principles of religion, authority, and tradition in
efforts to quiet the intellectual segment of Russian society. The policies
of Official Ideology under Nicholas’s rule represented an important theme in
Riasanovsky’s examination as he highlights the intensive steps token by the
Russian autocracy to reassert dominant control over Russian society.
Revolutionary events throughout Europe and the 1825 Decembrist Revolt
contributed to Nicholas’s desire to restore the divine and unalienable
appearance of the autocracy. Among the steps of restoration noted by
Riasanovsky included the controlled curriculum in schools that were taught
to the tsar’s specifications and education was advised not to exceed one’s
social position. Additionally, the Official Nationality ranked the Russian
public in order as Christians, loyal subjects, and Russians, reasserting the
autocracy’s control over Russian society as well as loyalty to the tsar.
However, the conservative policies of Official Ideology further fueled the
alienation of the educated gentry as Riasanovsky notes a changing ideology
among the group. Detachment from western European culture and ideas, growing
concerns over the system of serfdom serving as the center of the Russian
economic system, and a growing university and journalistic system that
inspired and spread added criticisms toward the government were among the
new concerns of the educated elites that estranged them from the government.
Romanticism is also an important ideology that took prevalence in the
educated gentry discord as early ideology from the Age of Reason were
replaced by romanticism goals that spoke to people’s hopes and became a
driving force in calls for revolution and change.
The inaction and policies of restoration on the half of the autocracy and
the changing ideology of the educated gentry are reasons cited by
Riasanovsky for the severing in the discourse and alignment between the two
sides that had existed from the time of the Petrine reforms until the second
half of Alexander’s rule. Riasanovsky thus provides the outline and
reasoning for the initial rift between the influential Russian educated
gentry and the government.
<>Rice,Christopher| a{}n{SRs
plt.pty RREV1 scx rvs prl krx wrk}
_Russian Workers and the Socialist-Revolutionary Party through the Revolution of
<>Richardson,Paul E., ed|
*2011:Vt.Montpelier|_The_Best of Russian Life| v#1= History and Culture | v#2 = Biographies| ((ToC & ndx|
sbk rtl~ selected from *1990-2010:Russian Life jrn which UO has))
<>Rigby,T. H|
*1979:ENG CUP|_Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom, 1917-1922| ((RREV3 Gwrx tUt SOV))
<>Riha,Thomas| a{}
--|_A_Russian European: Paul Miliukov| ((MlkP lbx KDs
This biographical piece serves as a chronicle of the life of prominent political
moderate and founder of the Kadet party, Pavel (Paul) Miliukov. Riha allows his
readers to glean insight on Miliukov’s career by having his audience view him as
a dynamic and complex figure. As the reader comes to know Miliukov in this work,
two men emerge: Miliukov the Historian, and Miliukov the Politician. Miliukov’s
identity as a Russian European – after the 1917 revolution – is here realized as
an amalgamation of his academic and political character.
The beginning of Miliukov’s political career ostensibly began while he attended
Moscow University. During that period of time he became chairman of the student
court, and found a journalistic home in the periodical Russkaia Mysl. While at
the University he also wrote a well received piece (his dissertation) on Peter
the Great and the ways in which he came to be Europeanized. He later
transitioned into the wider realm of Russian politics whereupon he came to be
viewed as a figure of restraint, caution and compromise. He ultimately comes to
be viewed by Riha as a politician of moderate tendencies who ‘flip-flops’
between allegiances that best tend to suit his liberal intentions during the
periods of (and in between) revolution.
Riha divides Miliukov’s political life into three phases: “the revolution of
1905-7, the decade following, and the year 1917” (Riha 333). His began his
career looking for ways to remedy domestic problems within Russia and then, when
the problems he sought to rectify (e.g. the implementation of a constitution
that allowed co-operation between the monarch and a legislative assembly elected
under restricted suffrage) turn to naught, he began to look toward issues
involving foreign policy. He developed pacifistic views regarding aforementioned
policy, but these views proved to work to his detriment politically by the year
of 1917. During the period of the Balkan Wars, Miliukov’s leftist foreign
sentiment began to gravitate to a more right-wing belligerency, as he came to
favor the war. Some interesting questions here were raised in the text: was
Miliukov a hypocrite in this respect? Where did his interests lie?
As it seems evident in Rhia’s work, Miliukov’s factional allegiance ultimately
lied with his liberally inclined group, the Kadets, but he and the Kadets had a
fickle tendency to shift their perspective along the political spectrum as
moderates. As Miliukov was a moderate at heart, when the Duma would come to view
an issue from an overtly right-wing or, alternatively, revolutionary standpoint,
he would often promote a stance that would try to remedy/moderate the right or
left-wing excess. Miliukov stated himself: “[o]ne of the common phenomena of
these revolutions is the successive passage of power from the hands of the
moderate factions to those of others, with more extreme ideas” (Riha 327). Part
and parcel of Miliukov’s job as a politician (and the Kadets’ job as a political
force) was to attempt reconcile all of the fractional chaos present during and
between times of revolution. As they could not lead because of their
impartiality, Riha states, “[c]aught in the middle the Kadets could at best
mediate” (Riha 337). So at the time of their disbandment, the legacy they (and
Miliukov) left behind was one that both attempted to counter the revolution and
extremism; their purpose was to democratize (Europeanize?) Russia using mutual
agreement as a precept. A Russian European is a work that looks at a history of
factionalism and also, of failure, both realized and reconciled through an
important look at the self proclaimed rationalist Pavel Miliukov.
*2013:O.ENG,OUP|_Saving the City : The Great Financial Crisis of 1914|>Roberts.SAVING|
((E-TXT| 8x11:WW1a fnc bnk LND ENG| ToC =
1. House Closed
2. Bolt from the Blue
3. Worst Days
4. Bankers' Scheme
5. Treasury Views
6. War Conference
7. Reopening the Banks
8. Heroic Intervention
9. Fixing the Foreign Exchanges
10. House Open
11. Global Financial Crises
12. The Unknown Financial Crisis
In London, the world's foremost financial centre, the week before the outbreak of the First World War saw the breakdown of the markets, culminating with the closure for the first time ever of the London Stock Exchange on Friday 31 July.
Outside the Bank of England a long anxious queue waited to change bank notes for gold sovereigns.
Bankers believed that a run on the banks was underway, threatening the collapse of the banking system--all with the nation on the eve of war
<>Robinson,G.T| a{}
--|Rural Russia under the Old Regime| ((krx
Robinson begins the history of the Russian peasant situation in the 16th
century. At this point in time serfdom was rearing its head as a result of
increasing numbers of people being bound to the land in some way or another.
Omitting the vast amount of details Robinson includes up to the end of the
18th century that have no relevance to our time period of focus, I started
summarizing the book where the author describes the peasant conditions of
the early 19th century. Landowners were allowed to make serfs work three
days a week except Sunday and holidays according to the recent work week law
passed by the government. Around this time period the redistribution of
lands to communes begins “a manifestation of collectivism,” in Robinson’s
view. By the middle of the century serfs were seen as a necessary element in
order to keep the land producing. This caused an interesting phenomenon that
is noted in the time period from 1854-59. The sale of lands with serfs
greatly exceeds those of lands without serfs. At this point politicians and
Russian national leaders (and even some serfs who were catching on) are
beginning to see the balance of leverage shift towards the peasantry. Seeing
the writing on the wall, Tsar Alexander II, proclaims in 1856 that “It were
better that emancipation come from the top as opposed to the bottom.” The
ramifications and implications of this statement are somewhat straight
forward. The peasant force was being viewed as a group that was going
inevitably to receive concessions from their oppressive brothers. In 1861
the peasants are emancipated, but this does not necessarily mean that there
quality of living changed as a group. Other things did change though. A good
example of this is their participation in the national and local
governments. Because of economic disparities and hierarchies within the
local governments there begins to be some degree of separation within the
peasant class. Some could argue that emancipation also caused a large enough
group to come together in order to allow the possibility of several
factions. Despite this, and who is to say it is necessarily a bad thing, the
peasants begin forming Volosts, which are the heads of groups of communities
in the same regional volost. The leaders from the volosts would represent
the peasants in the Zemstvos which were institutions put in place by the
Tsar. Between 1861 and 1905 the peasantry undergoes many social and
political changes. At this point in the book (Ch 5, 6, 7) Robinson is
basically saying they became more proactive in their own political interests
and organized along social lines. During this forty-five year time period
the peasant bloc is experiencing resistance from the nobility and the Tsar.
In fact it is more complicated than that. The Tsar and the nobility are more
or less struggling to gain the support of the peasantry against the other.
This creates a three way interaction between the groups. Also in regard to
some legislation the Tsar and the Duma or earlier, the nobility, team up to
pass various reactionary laws in order to slow the collection of power by
the peasants. These included economic as well as political maneuvers. This
is a gross oversimplification of this topic, but Robinson does a good job
with the material.
One other very large concept or movement that Robinson dissected was the
Agrarian movement. He argues that some historians believe that the
revolution of 1905 was a continuance of the grievances of 1902 that spilled
over into later years and was never really solved one way or (politically
speaking) the other, until 1917. The basic and fundamental cause was a lack
of grain or food. Unfortunately this caused the peasants to react violently.
During times like these (when the peasants forcibly took control of manor
houses and massacred the families) the government would attempt to give
concessions or placate the peasantry, but the main problem with this
strategy was that could not determine what would3 please them as a whole
without giving them the whole country. By and large the peasants wanted more
land. This does not mean that giving some peasants land made other peasants
complacent. In fact in some instances more problems arose from peasants
feeling that as members of the same class the government could not treat
them differently. This is where the concept of communism comes into
historical orbit. Robinson indirectly questions whether the communes’
organization and establishment decades previous had anything to do with this
idea of one class.
Robinson conveys his belief that there are two critical time periods that
contributed to social and political of the peasantry. The first is from
1861-1905 and the second is from 1905-1917. When I first read this I sort of
thought it should just be one time period considering its chronological
position in time, but after I read more Robinson states multiple reasons why
these two time periods are different and without the first one the second
would never have materialized. Without the social organizations from the
1860’s and 70’s the turn of the century political parties of the peasants
would not have existed. Another major change was the communication between
the various classes and authorities. This allowed the Bolsheviks to ally
with the peasants the correct government agencies in order to survive the
<>Roeder,Philip G|
*1991ja01:WoP#:| “Soviet Federalism and Ethnic
Mobilization”| ((UNCOVER ntn fdr))
*1993:P.NJ, PUP|_Red Sunset: The Failure of Soviet Politics| ((jn6511.r44
plt.clt:14-16| Roeder “privileges” politics, he is “objectivist” [his term]
looking at tUt~ rather than “subjectivist” who privileges plt.clt IDL &
<>Rogger,Hans| a{}n{cnx
rxn FSC vs-Jwx}
*1964:CSS#3:66-94| “The Formation of the Russian
*1964de:JMH#36:398-415| “Was There a Russian Fascism?
The Union of Russian People”
*1966je:JGO#14:195-212| “Reflections on Russian
*1966de:SlR#25:615-29| “The Beilis Case:
Anti-Semitism and Politics in the Reign of Nicholas II”
*1975:CSS#8:15-76| “Russian Ministers and the Jewish
Question, 1881-1917”
*1976ja-mr:CMR#17:5-25| “Government, Jews, Peasants and Land in
Post-emancipation Russia”
*1983:|_Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution, 1881-1917| ((gnr.txt mdn))
<>Roosa,Ruth A| a{}n{mfg obx prl rfm.rvx RREV1}o{}
--| RUS trd & future: Idl re.ekn dev,1906-17 [Curtiss,Essays]
*1975:RHi#2,2:124-148| “Russian
Industrialists, Politics, and Labor Reform in 1905”| ((Wbr??))
*1997:|_Russian industrialists in an era of revolution : the Association
of Industry and Trade, 1906-1917| ((SUMMIT| G/Owen))
<>Roosevelt,Priscilla|_Lifie on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History| ((gnt.lnd clt))
<>Root,Hilton L| a{}
|_Peasants and King in Burgundy: Agrarian Foundations of French Absolutism|
((Melton recommend| gnr obx krx lnd mnx stt|Confirms Tcq argument that stt
replacd dvr as primary plt force|Unlike Tcq,R sd strong stt “actually
increased the power of the community” [12] Royal apx promoted collective
ownership of prperty & collective responsibility fr debts in order to
extract good and service frm krx|“the crp vlg became a vital component of
the centralized stt structure” [10]))
<>Roslof,Edward E|>Roslof.RED|_Red
priests: Renovationism, Russian Orthodoxy, and revolution, 1905-1946| ((OChx
The book [...] discusses the changing politics and climate of the Russian Orthodox Church and the surrounding Russian political scene during the Russian revolutions of 1917. The Russian Orthodox Church entered into the twentieth century seeking to evolve and therefore sever its bonds with the state. Some church members felt that the Russian Orthodox Church was “a mere governmental ministry for religious affairs” and who therefore “equated the loss of ecclesiastical sovereignty with the spiritual decay they perceived in their nation” (p 3). Furthermore they believed that “restoring the church’s sovereignty was indispensable for Russia’s spiritual revitalization” (p 3). This early push for reform that [...] illustrates a clear desire by some in the Church to break away from pre-established norms which are themes that reverberate during the Russian revolution.
The Russian Revolution swept in new ideas on religion and its place in society. The vanguard of the revolution, Lenin, stated that while he believed that the Church should be separate from the state so “that everyone shall have the full and unrestricted right not only to profess whatever religion he pleases, but also to spread or change his religion” (p 17), he also believed in religion’s inherent weakness to logic, reason and science. Lenin therefore desired to “fight religious fog using only ideas and ideological weapons, namely our press and our words” and under this pressure [his party] believed that “religion in Russia would rapidly wither away” (p 17). However, this was not the case and the Russian Orthodox Church did in fact continue to survive after the Bolshevik rise to power in October of 1917. The Church’s resistance to the state proved that more volatile measures were necessary in order to weaken the Church’s power and influence. The new programs that were then instituted by the Bolshevik government challenged the Church by stripping it of its wealth, and as we will see the Church was not able to sustain itself through the eventual stalemate with the Bolshevik party and was completely helpless in halting the changes that the Bolsheviks ushered in.
One of the immediate impacts that the revolution had on the Church was that “the government began to expropriate church property” often “ignoring the fact that these institutions served the surrounding communities” (p 22-3). The nationalization of the Church’s assets meant that the parish clergy “were totally dependent on their parishioners for support” and it also served to eliminate “all sources of independent funds for the hierarchy” (p 23). During a famine in 1922 the Russian state’s desire to strip the Church of its wealth reached a crescendo. The desire to marginalize the Church and limit its power was fueled by the hunger that was felt by millions of Russians. The program ordered “local soviets to seize immediately all valuables made of gold, silver, and precious stones found in the church property used by believers” (p 41). This program angered the Church leadership who felt that this “unilateral decision violated their understanding of the newfound working relationship between the church and state” (p 41). This battle that the Church had with the Russian state weakened a once powerful institution, and it began to create some divisions within the Church that were then exploited in a “play to ‘divide and conquer’ the church” (p 48).
This plan focused on dividing the clergy by favoring priests who were loyal to the Bolshevik cause and to “hold clergy opposing seizures responsible for any ‘excesses’” (p 49). This faction eventually turned into a movement that became known as Renovationism. This movement took many different forms as an influx of differing ideas began to shape the movement, however, the ideas that stood out from the others were the ones that argued that “the status quo were to be replaced by new Christian ethics that condemned capitalism and any other forms of economic exploitation” (p 59). These types of Renovationist movements were clearly aligned with the Bolsheviks and were in fact modeled after them (p 62). These new divisive movements that came into being directly threatened the established Church and its hierarchy, and the proposals that were put forth by some clearly modeled the Bolshevik party and their radical beliefs.
--|RRe#24:4| “Religious and Mystical Trends in Russia at the Turn of the Century”|
((rlg Silver Age))
a{}n{RREV1 prl plc.scx}
*:|_The_Road to Bloody Sunday: Father Gapon and the St. Petersburg Massacre of 1905|
<>Schapiro,Leonard| a{}n{ntg idl Vxi cnx rlg}
*1955de:SEER| “The Vekhi Group and the
Mystique of Revolution"| ((Reprint in HRR,2))
<>Schneiderman,Jeremiah| a{}
*1976:Ithaca, CUP|_Sergei Zubatov and Revolutionary Marxism: The Struggle for
the Working Class in Tsarist Russian| ((ndr plc.scx prl unx G/Pospelovsky))r
<>Shatz,Marshall S| a{}
*1989:Pi.PA|_Jan Waclaw Machajski: A Radical Critic of the Russian
Intelligentsia and Socialism| ((HX313.8.V65 S5 |272p| bxo anx ntg
866:926;Makhaiskii plt.clt scx rvs RREV1))
<>Sked,Alan|_The_Decline and Fall of the Habsburg
Empire, 1815-1918| *1989:LND,Longman|>Sked.DECLINE|
((UO| OST WW1a [maybe 11-25 & 246-69 cld be xrx-]| ch1:11-25 (Metternich system)
| ch6:239-69 conclusion unravels issue of OST fixation on BAL.stt~, the only target of
opportunity for an expansionist fmy operation, which the Habsburg's were|
CF=Tunstall.BLOOD for WW1 consequences))
<>Smith,C. Jay,Jr|
*1958:GA Athens|>Finland and the Russian Revolution,1917-1920| ((ntn FIN RREV3))
<>Solov'ev,KA|_Zakonodatel'naia i ispolnitel'naia
vlast'' v Rossii: Mekhanizmy vzaimodeistviia (1906-1914) |
*2011:MVA,R.plt.entsiklopediia| ((UO ndx 8x11(xrx to p17) ndx RREV1 plt.clt
TSR&Dmx tUt| esp. attention paid to informal contacts among elx- representatives
& GoS| How were things cooked up in the RUSn "political kitchen"?))
<>Starr,S. Frederick|
*1983:O.ENG|_Red and Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union,1917-1930|
<>Stavrou,Theofanis G., ed|
*1983:B.IN,IUP| Art and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Russia|>Stavrou.ART|
A&AA NX556.A1 A74| ndr.sbk
<>Steinberg,Mark D| a{
*1954-1956:BRL| Die Auswirkungen der ersten russischen Revolution von 1905-1907
auf Deutschland| 2vv| ((HD8443.A76 ndr RREV GRM noWbr in v2))
<>Stites,Richard| a{}n{pop.clt wmn rvs
*1978:|>Stites.wmn|_The_Women's liberation movement
in Russia : feminism, nihilism, and bolshevism, 1860-1930| ((SDs(b) nhl
Richard Stites’ book […] is a comprehensive, if not ambitious, retelling of the
history of Tsarist Russia all the way through to mid-twentieth century Soviet
Russia, through the frame of women’s liberation. As compared to many other
standard texts that give sweeping conclusions of the political, nationalistic,
or ideological results of the Russia during revolutionary times, Stites account
tracks the ideological progression of, specifically, women’s liberation—which
includes the many and varied concepts of what women’s liberation would look
Beginning during the early nineteenth century detailing the average life of the
gentry women who would very quickly assume the leadership roles for others to
follow into feminism. To detail where Russia was at as far as Western feminism
was concerned, in 1836 the Code of Russian Laws detailed that “The women must
obey her husband, reside with him in love, respect, and unlimited obedience, and
offer him every pleasantness and affection as the ruler of the household” (7).
Writers, poets, philosophers, and general intellectuals of the era began to
develop the ‘woman question’ in their minds during the early-to-mid-nineteenth
century. Stites puts a lot of focus on the literature of the middle half of the
century as one of the main locomotives of spreading ideas of women’s liberation,
emancipation, and equality. Authors such as Georg Sand, Mikhail L. Mikhailov and
Nikolay Chernyshevsky, as well as many others, that were incredibly influential
not only on the female Russian intelligentsia, but on the Russian intelligentsia
as a whole.
Following these chapters, Richard Stites details in three chapters,
respectively, the responses of Feminists, Nihilists, and Radicals. Of feminists,
Stites elaborates that they were the first organized group to enunciate a
philosophy and initiated specific action [65]. They’re activity most usually
consisted of philanthropic charities and organizing with other gentry women of
means. “The feminist solution was classically liberal, deriving unconsciously
from the 18th century English Whig tradition of liberalizing from the top and
slowly spreading the benefits of reform down the social ladder” [88].
Of nihilists, Stites has to say that, “If the feminists wanted to change pieces
of the world, the nihilists wanted to change the world itself…their display of
will and energy was more visible; and their attitude towards mere charity was
similar to that of Thoreau—that is was better to be good than to do good” [101].
Nihilism as a distinct and separate way of life from radicalism faded in the
1860’s. Those who were of the nihilist persuasion in the 1860’s usually either
picked to join the revolution or to pass back into mainstream of Russian life.
Of radicals, Stites notes that they tended to subsume the “woman question” with
the “human question” [124-125]. The great crusade “to the people” that began in
the spring of 1874 was the first large-scale manifestation of what came to be
called ‘populism’ [138]. Following the 1860’s and 1870’s there was not much more
that could said about the general problem of women’s liberation—beginning in the
mid 1890’s two organized women’s movements began: one socialist and one
feminist. Joining in and supporting the 1905 Revolution, feminists and
socialists alike petitioned the State Duma for their general emancipation—but
each time a decision was to be reached, the Duma was dissolved.
The women’s suffrage movement entered its doldrums at the end of 1907 with its
unanswered decision from the State Duma. The Great War revived interest and
support of women’s emancipation. Following the February Revolution of 1917—the
newly created Provisional Government reviewed the question of women’s suffrage
and on July 20 the government ratified its decision to give the vote to all
adults over twenty years of age. The torch of ‘feminism’ would then be held,
following the October Revolutions, by the ‘Bolshevik feminists’.
Stites makes it incredibly clear how convoluted and complex the eventual
conclusion of women’s emancipation was in pre-revolutionary and revolutionary
times. While women understood a common cause of women’s liberation, they all
came from differing ideological backgrounds that came with their own baggage.
Inevitably, when these ideological factions came into power during, especially,
the era of the Provisional Government, all of the factional lines became much
more glaringly apparent and difficult to ignore. In the end, the Bolsheviks and
the Communist Party had the longest-running and by far the most efficient
organization at the time of the October Revolution and simply stepped in its
place and began, basically the same goals—as far as women’s emancipation and
equality was concerned—just from their own ideological standpoint.
*1989:OxUP|_Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in
the Russian Revolution| ((RREV3))
*1992:|_Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society Since 1900|
*1995:IUP|_Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia| ((ndr.sbk WW2 pop.clt))
*1966:BRX| Russia Before 1917|Series: Bibliographical Introduction to Legal
History and Ethnology| ((KM.5997r rfr bbl))
*1976:BRX| The Russian Constitution of April 23,1906: Political Institutions of
the Duma Monarchy| ((noUO ndr stt.dmx1 RREV1 tUt))
<>Tang,Philip E|_Russian and Soviete Policy in
Manchuria and Outer MOngolia, 1922-1931|
<>Thaden,E. C| a{}
*1964:S.UW|_Conservative Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Russia| ((ntg
ntn cnx idl mdn
STUDENT REVIEW with emphasis on the "Pochvenniki" =
Enthusiasts of the Soil| The pochvenniki emerged in Russia in the latter half of
the nineteenth century as a group of conservative nationalist advocators who
could meet the intellectual challenges that faced Russian society at the time.
The group’s name derived from “soil” to illustrate their yearning for a “unique
organic unity and was devoid of the class antagonisms of Western Europe” (62).
Believing that a gap had generated that separated the intellectual elite of the
country from the common people the pochvenniki strived to create and promote
unanimity among all of Russia. They believed that the Emancipation of the Serfs
in 1861 paved the way for a new world. However, they also believed that the
emancipation inundated the country with alienated, vulnerable masses. There was
a great fear among conservative nationalists at the time that the newly freed
common people of Russia would look to the Western world for solutions to their
societal woes. It was a main objective of the pochvenniki to push the masses in
the direction of a singular, cohesive Russian identity.
This group knew the importance of national cohesion in modern society. In
order to achieve this cohesion, properly spread it’s word, and close the gap
between commoners and intellectual elites the pochvenniki produced two important
journals called Time and Epoch. The group intentionally strove to eliminate any
party labels from their journals and tried to act as a middleman between
Westernism and Slavophilism. This, of course, was yet another effort to produce
solidarity among Russians, but members of the pochvenniki themselves seemed to
be divided on the matter. Some sympathized with the Slavophile views, while
others believed that it was too radical and thus supported what they believed to
be the more realistic perception of the West. Some, like Fedor Dostoevskii,
appreciated what they referred to as “pure liberalism”, that is the support of
abstract ideas pertaining to freedoms (speech, thought, etc.) when no other
course of action could be administered. They believed that these Western ideals
could be adapted to any social or political system. The works in both the Time
and Epoch reflected these ideals, but coupled with nationalist undercurrents.
The work of the pochvenniki’s was merely a collection of the opinionated
expressionist sentiments of Russian culture at the time, and carried no
political or economic weight.
Although the pochvenniki emphasized and instilled the nationalist feeling it
failed, according to Thaden, to produce and offer specific examples of the ways
in which political and economic renovations needed to be dealt with. Their call
for industrialization and development of Russia in the 1860s was a noble idea,
but they lacked rationalization and understanding of the requirements that
intense modernization demanded. The group advocated for reforms in principle,
but underestimated the difficulty of modernizing an underdeveloped country to
vie against a superior Western society. Thaden gives examples for some of the
minimum requirements necessary to even begin to undergo a transformation of this
amplitude, “Capital must be accumulated; technicians, specialists, and leaders
must be trained…the land is not cultivated intensively and labor productivity is
low…” (61). In this arduous process, the peasant would be left bearing the brunt
of the load as the demands for a growing labor force increase, but pay and
housing opportunities remain low “because the workers’ initial lack of the
skills and training required by modern industry puts them at a disadvantage in
dealing with their employers” (62) ))
*1971:NYC|_Russia Since 1801: The Making of a New Society| ((gnr))
*1981:P.NJ| Thaden,et al|_Russification in the Baltic Provinces and
Finland,1855-1917| “Dilemmas of Borderland Policy in the Era of Great
Reforms: Poland and Finland,1855-1881”| ((DK511.B3 R77| MPR ntn FIN POL irx gbx
BLT RS1 irx stt))
<>Theen,R|_Lenin: Genesis and Development of a
Revolutionary| ((OWN chd.Lnn))
<>Thompson,Arthur William| a{}
*1970:|_The_Uncertain Crusade: America and the Russian Revolution of 1905|
((noUO| R&A))
<>Tobias,Henry J|_The_Jewish Bund in Russia: From
Its Origins to 1905| ((Jwx.Bund prl.mvt RREV1))
<>Treadgold,Donald. Warren|
*1955:NYC|_Lenin and His Rivals: The Struggle for Russia’s Future,
1898-1906| ((RREV1 Lnn| Explores “1st popular front” KPS infiltration))
*1957:P.NJ|_The_Great Siberian Migration: Government and Peasant in
Resettlement from Emancipation to the First World War| ((TXT
Excerpts | SBR krx Stp R&A2 RUS3))
*1987:Acta Slavica Iaponica,5:1-20| "Soviet Historians' Views on 'The Asiatic
Mode of Production' " [E-TXT]|
((AMP hst.gph))
--|_Twentieth Century Russia| Several editions| ((gnr.txt REF))
--| In Adams.RR
--| In Stavrou.RU
--| In VP9
<>Treadgold,DW,ed|>TDU| *1964:|_Development
of the USSR: An Exchange of Views| ((ndr.sbk))
<>Tuchman,Barbara W| a{}n{}o{
*:|>Tuchman.GUNS|_The_Guns of August, The War That
Ended Peace| ((WW1b))
Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914| ((WW1a| ch8="The
Death of Jaurés":407-462))
<>Tucker,Robert C| a{}n{Mrx
scx idl KPS REV| rvs chd Stl NEP Gwrx}o{}
--|Image of Dual RUS [Black,Transformation]
*1970:L.ENG|_The Marxian Revolutionary Idea| ((rtl on stt&rvs))
*1973:NYC|_Stalin as Revolutionary 1879-1929: A Study in History and
and Leadership in Soviet Russia: From Lenin to Gorbachev| ((
Links plt.clt to clt in gnr, but makes no functional distinction between clt &
CIV, as does SAC| Tucker (cites Edward Tylor’s 1871 Primitive Culture
where clt defined: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,
mrl~, law custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a
member of society” (Tylor influenced by Gustav Klemm’s 1843-52, Allgemeine
Culturgeschichte der Menschheit)| A.L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn,
Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions, list 164
definitions & summarize: “all cultures are largely made up of overt patterned
ways of behaving, feeling, and reaction. [What could be the meaning of "overt"
"feeling"? EG=Smile or frown?] But cultures likewise include a characteristic
set of unstated premises and categories (‘implicit culture’) which vary greatly
between societes. [...] culture is a product; is historical; includes ideas,
patterns, and value; is selective; is learned; is based upon symbols; and is an
abstraction from behavior and the products of behavior.” [Tucker:1] Dismisses
Geoffrey Gorer and John Rickman’s “swaddling” psx trx, The People of Great
Russia: A Psychological Study
[LND:1949]) He might have mentioned Nathan Leites US-Air-Force-supported studies
of “operational code” of Politburo; he does mention Fülöp-Miller|
*1990:NYC|_Stalin in Power, 1929-1941|
--|Autocrats & Oligarchs [Lederer,Rus For Pol]
--|RUS total.stt [TDU]
<>Tucker,Robert C., ed| a{}
*1977:NYC|_Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation| ((>Tucker.STL|
HX313.S683 OWN sbk|
Cohen,S,STL &SDb-ism|
McNeal,R,Trotskyist Interpr|
Rigby,T. H.,Mono-Organizational Society|
Tucker,Robert,REV frm abv|
Lewin,Moshe,Social Background|
Erlich,Al,Mrx-n Growth Models|
Sharlet,Robert,SSR lwx clt|
Clark,Katerina,Utopian Anthropology as a Context of STL.blt|
Medvedev,Roy,New Pages frm STL plt bxo|
Brus,Włodzimierz,“People’s dmk-cies”|
Skilling,H. Gordon,CZC plt clt|
Kolakowski,Leszek,Versus Mrx-sm?|
<>Verner,Andrew M| a{}
*1990:P.NJ|_The_Crisis of Russian Autocracy: Nicholas II and the 1905
Revolution| ((DK258.v44| N-2 RREV1 stt| quotes FMV:239 & 236|
Verner,Crisis:51(FMV:239); 54(FMV:236); 77(re. Macht & Herrschaft; potestas &
auctoritas); 89(Rechtsstaat); 293(Charisma of N-2)))
*1995ja:RRe#54,1:65-90| “Discursive Strategies in the 1905 Revolution:
Peasant Petitions from Vladimir Province”| ((krx ptn))
<>Von Laue,Theodore| a{}n{REV
mdn mfgG Wtt}o{}
*1956:JGO#4,2:138-58| “Die Revolution von aussen als erste Phase der russischen
Revolution 1917”| ((Places RREV in category with rvs in "backward countries"
Twrl| Shows how impulses for REV came from without from zpd rather than from
internal sources| S&U lgc))
*1961mr:JEH| “Russian Peasants in the Factory,
1892-1904”| ((krx nds))
*1961jy:CSinSH| “Imperial Russia at the
Turn of the Century: The Cultural Slope and the Revolution from Without”| ((CF=Wright,Mary))
*1963:NYC|_Sergei_Witte and the Industrialization of Russia| ((ekn
mfg RUS3))
*1964:Ph.P|_Why Lenin? Why Stalin? A Reappraisal of the Russian
Revolution, 1900-1930| ((UO| gnr RREV STL mfg MPR rvs CIV RUS3 Wbr:34n &
42| originally pbd 1960??))
*1965:SlR#24:34-46| “The Chances for Liberal
Constitutionalism”| ((lbx cst RREV1))
*1969:Ph.PA|_The_Global City: Freedom,Power and Necessity in the Age of World
Revolutions| ((CB425.V64| REV.trx wrl.hst idl CIV))
*1981:Soviet Union/Union Sovietique#8,1:1-17| “Stalin among the Moral and
Political Imperatives, or How to Judge Stalin?”| ((off-print frm VL OWN STL
clt.clt mrl hst.gph))
--|stt & ekn [Black,Transformation]
--|Weakness of stt [Brower.RR:]
--|Crises in RUSn polity [Curtiss,Essays]
--|Prb~ of mdnion [Lederer,Rus For Pol]
--|Prb of mfgR [STL]
<>Vucinich,Wayne, ed| a{}
*1968:S.CA| The Peasant in Nineteenth Century Russia| ((|>VP9|
OWN krx ndr.sbk|
Matossian,Mary.krx Way of Life|
Emmons,Terence & krx.rfm|
Treadgold & rlg|
Curtiss,J. S. & mlt|
Watter,Francis M. & vlg.o|
Zelnik & zvd|
Petrovich,Michael. in 19th c. hst.gph|
Fanger,Donald. in blt|
Riasanovsky,N. V. Afterword:Prb of krx
<>Waites,Bernard|_Europe and the Third World: From
Colonisation to Decolonisation, c. 1500-1998| *1999:NYC,St.Martin's P| ((UO| MPR Twrl| Good
definition and etymology of wrd EUR (Enlightenment concept) and wrd Twrl))
--|_The_Controversy over Capitalism: Studies in the Social Philosophy of the
Russian Populists
--|_The_Slavophile Controversy
--|_A_History of Russian Thought … to Marxism
<>Warth,Robert D|_The_Allies and the Russian
Revolution: From the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk|
*1954:D.NC,DUP| ((VRM RREV3 WW1b Gwrx irx))
<>Watters,F. M| a{}
*1966:University of California, Berkeley, PhD Dissertation| “Land Tenure and
Financial Burdens of the Russian Peasant,1861-1905”| ((krx ekn skz RREV1))
<>Weissman,Neil B|
|_Reform in Tsarist Russia: The State Bureaucracy and Local
Government,1900-1914|New Brunswick NJ:1981| ((JS6061.W44 ndr stt rfm srv zmv
RREV1 noWbr))
<>West,James L|
*1991:BTsP:41-56| “The Riabushinsky Circle: Burzhuaziia and Obshchestvennost’ in
Late Imperial Russia”| ((Rbw.krj RbwPP brj cvc.pbl))
<>Wilford,Hugh|_America's Great Game: The CIA's
Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East| *2013:NYC,Basic
Books| ((SMT 8x11:WW1=pp.3-9| AfroAsia R&A))
a{}n{Stp.rfm krx fxx}o{}
*2006:S.CA,HoT|_Liberal Reform in an Illiberal Regime....
Williams evaluates events leading up to and through the 1906 Stolypin land
reforms. He begins by providing an explanation for his understanding of what
“liberal democracy” is and whether the Stolypin land reforms were working to
promote this definition or not. He also attempts to address the potential for
these reforms to be considered a “revolution from above”. Williams proceeds to
provide a basic history of early Russian peasant life immediately following
their emancipation from serfdom. He introduces the reader to this period of
Russian history from the perspective of property rights.
Williams explains both the pros and cons of open plots, repartition, and family
vs- individual household management. He proceeds to discuss the restrictions
commune members experienced when attempting to leave the commune or
sale/exchange property. He points to various government enforced restrictions as
well as communal restrictions such as the initial requirement for a peasant to
have commune approval before exit of the commune would be permitted. From here
Williams provides a short history of the early attempts at reform and the
effects they had on the commune. He discusses the political aspects of land
reform and the conflicts between governmental parties, the tsar, and the duma.
Williams explains the motivation of these interest groups including the
incentives for the gentry and royal family to maintain their control over
private property.
Williams finishes the book by providing a summary of the results of the Stolypin
reforms and the long term implications of them. He breezes through the short
history leading up to World War I and the events that prevented the completion
of the land reforms. Overall I found the language of this book to be friendly to
the reader. This would be a good book for someone without a lot of Russian
history experience as well as the seasoned historian.
>Winkler,Heinrich August|_The Long Road West| GO
<>Woolf,Stuart J., ed|_Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the present: A reader| *1996:NYC,Routledge|>NiE| ((UO| prm.sbk ntn.sttism ntnism| ToC =
Nationality / J.S. Mill
What is a nation? / Ernest Renan
The nation / Otto Bauer
Nation, nationality, internationalism / Marcel Mauss
National states and national minorities / C.A. Macartney
The idea of nation / Federico Chabod
Reflections on nationalism / John Breuilly
Language and nationalism / Joshua Fishman
Urban space and monuments in the 'nationalization of the masses' : the Italian case / Bruno Tobia
When was Wales? / G.A. Williams.
<>Wolfe,Bertram D| a{}
*1948:B.MA|_Three Who Made a Revolution| ((rvs))
*1967:L.ENG|_Marxism:100 Years in the Life of a Doctrine| ((OWN))3{Mrx
idl mvt REV CIV|965:orig.pbd??))
*:| FRN,GRM,idl,& flaw in Ntx1,Ntx2,Ntx3 [Curtiss,Essays]
<>Wood,Alan| a{}
*1987:L.ENG, Methuen |_The_Origins of the Russian Revolution,1861-1917|
((DK189.W66 gnr RREV|56p w/ggr noWbr))
<>Wood,Anthony| a{}
*1986:LND|_Russian Revolution| ed#2| ((DK265.W62))
<>Worobec,Christine| a{}
*1991:P.NJ,PUP|_Peasant Russia: Family and Community in the Post-Emancipation
Period| ((HN530.R87w67|257p lxt!| krx fmy RUS2))
<>Wynn,Charters|_Workers, Strikes, and Pogroms: The
Donbass-Dnepr Bend in Late Imperial Russia, 1870-1905, (Princeton, 1992)| ((prl
zbs RREV1))
<>Yaney,George| a{}
*1982:IL.Urbana|_The_Urge to Mobilize: Agrarian Reform in Russia,
1861-1930| ((krx.rfm StpP.rfm))
| Road to Revolution...| ((>YRR| gnr ?NOndx?))
*1965:KS.UK| A Russian’s American Dream: A Memoir on William Frey| ((prm ppx RS2
rdx cmn gte USA1~~))
<>Yavuz,M.Hakan et al. eds|_War and Diplomacy:
The Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 and the Treaty of Berlin|>Yavuz.WAR|
((UO 8x11:1-13(Intro) ndr.sbk| RTwrx&irx WW1a OTM.TRK MPR B.trt
[NB!=] Introduction:1-13 [8x11] laying the foundations for future instability / M. Hakan Yavuz, Peter Sluglett|
The transformation of "empire" through wars and reforms: integration vs. oppression / M. Hakim Yavuz
European equilibrium or Asiatic balance of power?: The Ottoman search for security in the aftermath of the Congress of Berlin / Feroze A.K. Yasamee
[NB!=] Benevolent contempt: Bismarck's Ottoman policy / Sean McMeekin
The Ottoman Eastern question and the problematic origins of modern ethnic cleansing, genocide, and humanitarian interventionism [...] / Mujeeb R. Khan
[NB!=] Muslim and orthodox resistance against the Berlin Peace Treaty in the Balkans / Mehmet Hacisalihoǧlu
The establishment of Serbian local government in the countries of Niš, Vranje, Toplica, and Pirot after the Congress of Berlin / Miroslav Svirčević
[NB!=] The Ottoman wrong horse?: The question of Bosnia and Hercegovina in the last phase of the eastern crisis / Edin Radušić
The Berlin Treaty, Bosnian Muslims, and nationalism / Aydin Babuna
Agents of post-Ottoman states: the precariousness of the Berlin Congress boundaries of Montenegro and how to define/confine people / Isa Blumi
A reassessment of the Macedonian Question, 1878-1908 / Gül Tokay
Patterns of conflict & violence in eastern Anatolia leading up to the Russo-Turkish War and the Treaty of Berlin / Brad Dennis
From Millet-i Sadika to Millet-i Asiya: Abdülhamid II and Armenians, 1878-1909 / Garabet K. Moumdjian
[NB!=] Template for destruction: the Congress of Berlin and the Evolution of Ottoman counterinsurgency practices / Edward J. Erickson
The Hamidiye light cavalry regiments: Abdülhamid II and the eastern Anatolian tribes / Bayram Kodaman
[NB!=] Ignoring the people: the effects of the Congress of Berlin / Justin McCarthy
The Treaty of Berlin and the tragedy of the settlers from the three cities / Mustafi Tanriverdi
Two different images: Bulgarian and English sources on the Batak massacre / Tetsuya Sahara
The Rhodope resistance and commission of 1878 / Ömer Turan
Conclusion: On the road back from Berlin / Frederick F. Anscombe|
Yavuz.WAR employs theoretical tools and approaches of political science, sociology, history, and international relations
*1971:|_Labor and Society in tsarist Russia: The Factory Workers of St.
Petersburg, 1855-1870
*1976:RRe#35,4:417-47| "Russian Bebels...."| [TXT]
((part two of series on Kalatchikov & Matvei Fisher))
*1995:|_Law and Disorder on the Narova River: The Kreenholm Strike of 1872
*1999:|_Workers and Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia: Realities,
Representations, Reflections
<>Zeman,Z.A.B., and W. Scharlau| a{}
|>_The_Merchant of Revolution: The Life of A. I. Helphand (Parvus),1867-1924|
*1965:L.ENG,| ((WW1c RREV3 Gwrx rvs SDs(b) ))
<>Zenkovsky,Serge A., ed| a{}
*1960:C.MA|_Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia| ((ntn CAS TRK rlgI EUA
<>Zevelev,A. I., ed| a{}
*1994:MVA Vyswaya wkola|_Istoriia_politicheskikh partii Rossii| ((450p|
JN6598.a1i88| plt pty~ plt.clt R&A RREV1| cites Shelokhaev| gnr intro on
methodologies & hst.gph [5-38] Brief intro to origins of plt pty~ in zpd [39-40]
Discussion of particulars of RUS sit [41-52]))
--|_Politicheskie partii Rossii : istoriia i sovremennost : uchebnik dlia
istoricheskikh i gumanitarnykh fakultetov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii / pod
redaktsiei A.I. Zeveleva, IU.P. Sviridenko, V.V. Shelokhaeva
<>Ziablikov,A| a{}
*2002:KOS,KGTU| "Iasnovidtsy revoliutsii": Rossiĭskaia khudozhestvennaia
intelligentsiia v politicheskikh bataliiakh nachala XX veka...| ((UO xdj.plt
<>Zimina,VD| a{}
*2006:MVA,RGGU|_Beloe delo vzbuntovavsheisia Rossii: Politicheskie rezhimy
Grazhdanskoi voiny. 1917-1920 gg| (( 467pp| mdn
V monografii rassmatrivaetsya maloizuqennyi process formirovaniya i
funkcionirovaniya politiqeskix rejimov v Rossii v 1918-1920 gg. V centre
vnimaniya avtora naxodyatsya problemy legitimnosti vlasti, formy i metody bor'by
protivoborstvuyuwwix politiqeskix sil za pravo realizovat' sobstvennuyu
koncepciyu social'no-politiqeskoi modernizacii rossiiskoi gosudarstvennosti.
Predprinyaty popytki tipologii politiqeskix rejimov s toqki zreniya analiza ix
gosudarstvennogo i institucional'nogo stroitel'stva i social'no-ekonomiqeskogo
reformatorstva krasnyx i belyx. V Prilojenii pomeqqwwy vospominaniya uqastnikov
i oqevidcev dramatiqeskix sobytii
<>Zuckerman,Frederic| a{}
*:|_The_Tsarist Secret Police in Russian Society, 1880-1917| (( plt.plc
Fredric Zuckerman is currently a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of
Adelaide. He acknowledged that this volume began as a PhD dissertation under the
guidance of Professor William L. Blackwell at New York University.
Zuckerman acknowledged his debt to the Hoover Institution as the location of
primary sources, makes a point of his use of a modified Library of Congress
transliteration system, and includes a note on the Julian Calendar used by
Tsarist Russia that ran 12 days behind the Gregorian in the 19th century and 13
days behind in the 20th century.
Additionally an introductory glossary and abbreviation guide is given that
identifies the common terms used by historians and contemporaries. Zuckerman
uses these subject specific terms and abbreviations through out the book and the
inclusion of a glossary was very helpful.
This volume is a comprehensive study of the political police system in late
Imperial Russia based on a vast bibliography of primary and secondary sources,
and on Zuckerman's research in the Hoover Institution's Archives. The main focus
of the work is on the operation activities of the tsarist police between 1900
and 1917.
[mdn=] Zuckerman is not biased or prejudiced in any way and deals with
persons and events in an evenhanded manner. The Tsarist police are themselves
unique in history but the need for a modern state to protect itself and its
citizens is understood as a common feature of the modern nation state. Many
European states and even the U.S. examined the Russian experience when
establishing their own political police.
Introductory chapters give an overview of Russia's 19th century experience
in dealing with political dissent and then examines the lives and working
conditions of individuals who served within the tsarist system. A sociological
view of the bureaucracy by the identification of distinct groups within the
police; civil servants, gendarmes, and former revolutionaries (sotrudniki).
These individuals are shown to have conflicts when forced to interact with each
other and additionally the various departments are shown to conflict within the
system as departments vie with each for power influence, and monies, as well as
individual ministers have agendas of their own which often conflict for personal
reasons or for tactical and strategic reasons.
What follows the look at the make up the political police is a detailed
chronological account of the failures and accomplishments of the Russian
political police from 1900 to 1917. The story is highlighted by events and
people that bring the revolutionary period into focus. The story follows the
police efforts and infighting of the many ministers and police chiefs who came
to their appointments through chance or as the result of a patronage / clientele
Sometimes the best man available for a post comes into power, but as often
as not a mediocre or unsuitable man is chosen to lead the most important section
at the worst possible time. Another problem is the lack of a strategic vision
that could coordinate a single department much less coordinate a number of
departments that could work together to achieve a desired goal. While not
specifically laying the blame at the feet of Nicholas II it is obvious that the
fault is the Tsar's and the tsarist / imperial system.
The volume concludes with a chapter that discuses the similarities between
the tsarist and Soviet secret police. I found this interesting but perhaps out
of place. Obviously Zuckerman draws on a vast knowledge and understanding but
this chapter is speculative and without the academic rigor that was evident in
the previous chapters. While reading the last few chapters I had a feeling that
Zuckerman had more to say as he made statements that were not as circumspect as
earlier in the book. Perhaps a publisher's constraint or deadline came into
effect. I must admit though that I myself have been guilty of speculation at the
end of a research paper when insights gained during research find themselves
added regardless of their relevance to my topic and thesis, and so I gave the
author the benefit of the doubt and forgave, but some readers may be taken aback
during the final chapter.
While I enjoyed the book enormously I would not recommend it as an
introductory volume. Zuckerman presupposes a certain knowledge of his subject,
and a historical familiarity with many personalities and politics of the period.
On the other hand anyone who is interested in the period will benefit from the
huge bibliography that can be used as a guide for further reading.
<>Zyrianov,P. N| a{}
*1984:MVA|_Pravoslavnaia tserkov’ v bor’be s revoliutsiei, 1905-1907 gg|
EBy A. I. Klibanov| ((GRS:185| RREV1 chx rxn))