K-Theory Reading Course (Phillips)
This is the home page for N. C. Phillips'
K-theory reading course at the University of Oregon, winter quarter 2024.
For now, this page simply lists links to files of potential interest.
Partially corrected and
expanded talk slides (pdf);
difference file (pdf);
reverse difference file (pdf).
The difference file has
new text wavy underlined in blue and old text crossed out in red;
the reverse difference file reverses the color scheme.
A few of the misprints I caught during the talk have been corrected,
but others haven't been.
(I had no time to write them down during the talk.)
The new material has not been proofread either.
Please let me know about misprints or other kinds of mistakes.
Some references on K-theory.
(To be updated in the future.)
Preprint of
J. Samuel, Asymptotic morphisms and E-theory,
pages 291--314 in: Operator Algebras and their Applications (Waterloo,
ON, 1994/1995), Fields Inst. Commun. vol. 13, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 1997.
A few references
on continuous fields of C*-algebras.
This page maintained by
N. Christopher Phillips,
When emailing me, please use 7 bit ASCII plain text only.
In particular:
No binary files or attachments (except by prior arrangement).
No Microsoft Word files.
I do not accept these under any circumstances,
since I don't have software that reads them.
If you really want to send something in a word processor format,
use TeX.
No html encoded messages.
No mime encoding or other encoding of ordinary text messages.
Last significant change 17 January 2024.