Conferences | College & Beyond Programs | K-12 Programs | Workshops | RCCWs |
This section contains a list of recent and upcoming conferences. Click on the title to visit the home page of the event. Click on “More Info” to see a brief description below.
40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations
Dates:October 17-18, 2020More info
AWM Research Symposium
Date: June 16 - 19, 2022Registration deadline: TBA
More info
Back Heroes of Mathematics Conference
Date: October 26 - 27, 2020.More Info
Data Science and Image Analysis Conference of the Pacific Northwest
Date: February 29 - March 1, 2020More info
Graduate Research Opportunities for Women at the University of Chicago
Date: September 13, October 18 and 24, 2020Funding Registration deadline: September 1, 2020
More info
IAS Conference for Undergraduate Women: Topics in Geometric Analysis
Date: May 18 - 24, 2019Application deadline: February 17, 2019
More info
Infinite Possibilities Conference for Women of Color in Mathematics and Statistics
Date: April 14-15, 2018More info
Jeunes en Arithmétique et Variétés Algébriques
Date: June 22 - 26, 2020More info
National Association of Mathematicians’ 2020 Undergraduate MathFest
Date: October 9 - 10, 2020More info
Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
January 22 - 24, 2021More info
Temple Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
Date:The 2020 Conference has been canceledMore info
Women in Mathematics in New England (WIMIN)
September 21, 2019More info
Women in Mathematics:Opportunities for the Future 2018
November 6 - 7, 2018More info
World Meeting for Women in Mathematics (WM)²
July 31, 2018 in Rio De Janeiro, BrazilMore info
XVII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Theory, Numerics, Applications
June 25-29, 2018More info
College & Beyond Programs
This section contains a list of recent and upcoming programs, including summer programs for students of various ages. Click on the title to visit the home page of the event. Click on “More Info” to see a brief description below.
AMS Mathematics Research Communities (MRC)
More infoAWM Mentor Network
More infoBudapest Semesters in Mathematics
More infoCarleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women
currently on hiatusMore info
Carnegie Mellon Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute
Application deadline: March 1st of each yearMore info
Causeway Postbaccalaureate Program at Northwestern University
Application deadline: April 15th for 2020More info
Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series at the University of Texas at Austin
More infoThe Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series at the University of Oregon
More infoEDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education)
More info
Gender Inclusivity in Mathematics Speaker and Discussion Series at Harvard University
More infoIAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI)
The 2020 Program has been canceled due to COVID-19 concernsMore info
Massachusetts Advanced Study Semesters (MASS Program)
More infoMath SWAGGER
More infoThe MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)
More infoThe US Intelligence Community Intelligence Careers
More infoProfessional Research Experience Program
More infoProgram for Women and Mathematics at IAS
The 2020 Program has been canceled due to concerns about COVID-19More info
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
More infoSmith College Programs for Women in Mathematics (scroll to bottom of page)
More infoSummer Program for Women in Math at George Washington University
Currently on hiatusMore info
Summer Workshop in Mathematics (SWiM) for Women in Mathematics
Date: June 15 - August 7, 2020Application deadline: November 1st
More info
K-12 Programs
This section contains a list of K-12 programs in math and science. Click on the title to visit the home page of the program. Click on “More Info” to see a brief description below.
ALL GIRLS/ALL MATH (for high school girls)
More infoAMS List of Summer Math Camps & Programs
Awesome Math (for students ages 12 - 18)
More infoBridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM for grades 6 - 12)
More infoBuilding Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST)
More infoCanada/USA MathCamp
Date: July 3 - August 8, 2021 (online)More info
Columbia University Science Honors Program
More infoEpsilon Camp (for students ages 7 - 11)
Date: July 19 - 23 and July 26 - 30, 2021 (online this year)More info
Emmy Noether High School Mathematics Days at Texas Tech
More infoGEM (Girls Empowered by Math)
GEM is a club of high school girls sponsored by the nonprofit foundation STEMforHER.More info
Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (for high school students)
Date: June 27 - August 7, 2021More info
Idea Math (for middle and high school students)
More infoJulia Robinson Mathematics Festival
More infoJunior Summer Math Camp-Half Day Camp (Grades 3-8)
Dates: June 8 - 19, 2020More info
Junior Summer Math Camp-Residential Camp (Grades 6-8)
Dates: June 7 - 19, 2020More info
Honors Summer Math Camps (Grades 9 - 12)
Dates: June 21 - August 1, 2020More info
Maine School of Science and Math (MISS) Summer Camp
(students ages 10 - 14)
More info
The Math Circle (Program of Courses)
More infoMath Circles (for students and teachers K-12)
More infoMathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity for high school students)
June 28 - August 1, 2020 at Bryn Mawr CollegeMore info
MathPath Advanced Summer Program for students age 11-14
June 28 - July 26, 2020 at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley,MAMore info
Mathworks Honors Summer Camp (HSMC)
More infoMath Zoom Summer Camp (for middle and high school students)
More infoProject M.I.S.S. at Cal State Fullerton
Dates:July 6 - 31, 2020More info
Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS for high school students)
Date: July 5 - August 15, 2020Application deadline: Past for 2020
More info
Puerto Rico Opportunities for Talented Students (PROTaSM)
Ross Mathematics Program (for high school students)
Ross/Ohio: June 21 - July 31, 2020Ross/Indiana: June 28 - August 7, 2020
More info
Russian School of Mathematics (for K-12 students)
More infoScience and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
More infoSonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Days
currently on hiatusMore info
SPARC at the California State University,East Bay (for high school students)
Date: July 28 - August 8, 2020Application deadline: February 15, 2020
More info
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC)
For talented current 10th- and 11th- gradersMore info
Summer Explorations & Research Collaborations for High School Girls
Currently on hiatusMore info
SummerMath at Mount Holyoke (grades 8 - 12)
Currently on hiatusMore info
The Young People's Project: Math Literacy and Social Change (grades 1 - 12)
More infoWomen in Science and Engineering Career Connection Public Days
Feb. 28- March 2, 2019More info
This section contains a list of recent and upcoming workshops. Click on the title to visit the home page of the workshop. Click on “More Info” to see a brief description below.
2021 African Diaspora Joint Mathematics Workshop
June 21 - July 2, 2021More info
Career Mentoring Workshop (CaMeW) at Mt. Holyoke
June 24 - 26, 2018Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
More info
The Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics
GRWC 2020 has been canceled due to COVIDMore info
Graduate Workshop in Algebraic Geometry for Women and Mathematicians of Minority Genders
February 17-18, 2018 at Harvard University and MITMore info
Impact of Women Mathematicians on Research and Education in Mathematics Workshop
March 16 - 19, 2018 at BIRS, Banff, Alberta, CanadaMore info
International Workshop on Applications of Geometric Methods of Functional Analysis
Dates: May 11-13, 2020, The University of Texas at Dallas, USAMore info
Recent Trends in Operator Theory and Applications
May 3-5, 2018More info
Women in Operator Algebras Workshop
November 4 - 9, 2018 at BIRS, Banff, Alberta, CanadaMore info
Research Collaboration Conferences for Women
There have been recent efforts to build networks of female researchers in different areas of mathematics through Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCWs) at math institutes, which focus on building collaboration groups consisting of senior and junior women in a given area. The networks continue to operate after the conferences. In September 2015 the Association for Women in Mathematics was awarded an NSF ADVANCE Grant to establish and provide support for new RCCWs and to run workshops to follow up of the work started at the RCCWs. The first workshop supported by the AWM ADVANCE Grant was the AWM Workshop:Special Session in Algebraic Combinatorics at JMM 2016 in Seattle.
Research Collaboration Networks for Women
Research Collaboration Conferences for Women
The idea of the model for such conferences is to bring together senior women in a particular mathematical research area to run research projects during a week-long conference: the participants in the project groups are female graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty who apply to attend. The benefit of such a structured program with leaders, projects and working groups, planned in advance, is intended to be in both directions: for senior women who will hopefully meet, mentor, and collaborate with the brightest young women in their field on a part of their research agenda of their choosing, and for junior women and students who will develop their network of colleagues and supporters and encounter important new research areas to work in, thereby improving their chances for successful research careers. Participating institutes include, BIRS, IPAM, IMA, and CIRM.
Connections for Women at MSRI
MSRI has been sponsoring these research opportunities for women for the past several years. Frequently the Connections for Women Workshop precedes a general workshop on a specific research topic. The intended audience is graduate students, post-docs, and junior faculty. Upcoming workshops are listed below. Go to the MSRI website and search for "Connections for Women" to see a list of recent and upcoming workshops.Committee for Women in Mathematics of the International Mathematical Union Networks
More Information
40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE)
Dates:October 17-18, 2020SEARCDE brings together experts, postdocs, and Ph.D. students and provides a unique platform for disseminating recent ideas and developments in the field of differential equations and applications, and for inspiring and mentoring the next generation of mathematicians. The conference will consist of 3 plenary talks, a special session “In Memoriam: H.T. Banks“, and parallel sessions with invited and contributed presentations. The 40th SEARCDE, hosted by the Department of Mathematics at NC State University in Raleigh, NC, and organized in cooperation with The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
AWM Research Symposium
The AWM Research Symposium will be held at Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Minnesota, June 16 - 19, 2022. The symposium showcases the research of women in the mathematical professions. It featured several plenary talks, special sessions on a broad range of research in pure and applied mathematics, and poster sessions for graduate students and recent PhDs. This symposium will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of AWM and should be a spectacular event.Back Heroes of Mathematics Conference
Date:October 26 - 27, 2020.The British Society for the History of Mathematics, The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the London Mathematical Society, are holding a two day online conference on Black Heroes of Mathematics. The Vision of the conference is “To celebrate the inspirational contributions of black role models to the field of mathematics.”
Data Science and Image Analysis Conference of the Pacific Northwest
Date: February 29 - March 1, 2020The ever-increasing demand for managing and analyzing “big data” in nearly every sector of society, from finance and security to health care and social media, has led to a wide range of applications across numerous fields of research.
In Cooperation with SIAM and AWM, the conference will promote close collaborations on current and ongoing areas of research through a highly interactive and open format, with discussions taking place in larger groups and in smaller breakout sessions. These sessions will also provide a unique opportunity for students and junior researchers to participate and will hopefully encourage future collaborations among researchers after the conference.
GEM (Girls Empowered by Math)
GEM is a club of high school girls sponsored by the nonprofit foundation STEMforHER. The club is hosting an interactive (virtual) program in late September 2020 to introduce middle and high school girls to math-related careers, under the theme “World of Math.” They are looking for female professionals in the mathematical sciences to give brief presentations about their fields, along with interactive activities to engage the girls in mathematical ideas and motivate them to study math in higher education.GROW
September 13, October 18 and 24, 2021, the Department of Mathematics at the University Chicago, will host GROW, a conference for undergraduate women who may be interested in pursuing graduate study in the mathematical sciences (pure and applied mathematics, and also mathematical physics, statistics, theoretical computer science, ...). There will be research lectures, panel discussions, and numerous opportunities for interaction with faculty and graduate students, both casual and structured (including time set aside for mentorship). Participants will be reimbursed for travel and living expenses. The registration for GROW 2020 will open starting April 6, 2020; full consideration will be given through September 1, 2020.IAS Conference for Undergraduate Women
2020 Conference canceled due to COVID-19Application deadline: TBA This is a conference sponsored by Women and Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, NJ. There are two plenary lectures, the Terng Lecture and the Uhlenbeck Lecture. There are beginning and advanced lecture courses as well as other activities.
Infinite Possibilities Conference for Women of Color in Mathematics and Statistics
April 14-15, 2018 at Howard University (Washington, DC)The Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC) is a national conference that is designed to promote, educate, encourage and support women of color interested in mathematics and statistics, as a step towards addressing the underrepresentation of African-Americans, Latinas, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders in these fields.
Jeunes en Arithmétique et Variétés Algébriques
Date: June 22 - 26, 2020 This program will be held in Ventone, Italy. The organizers plan to revive the tradition of an annual series of conferences in arithmetic geometry based on the model of Oberwolfach's Arbeitsgemeinschaft. They were previously organized by Jean-Benoît Bost and François Loeser from 1995 to 2002 at Luminy. The first editions covered topics such as Euler systems, higher class field theory or modular forms and Galois representations. The 2020 topic is Algebraic curves, thier moduli, and tropical geometry. The program is held in cooperation with AWM.The National Association of Mathematicians' 2020 Undergraduate MathFest
NAM’s 2020 MathFest will be held virtually October 9th - 10th!! This annual conference is geared toward students and faculty from underrepresented minority groups, in particular those from HBCUs, and is designed to encourage people to pursue advanced degrees in the mathematical sciences. All are welcome to attend.Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women
January 22 -24, 2021Registration deadline: December 1, 2020.
The The 20th Annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will give outstanding undergraduate women the opportunity to discuss their own research and to meet other women who share their interest in the mathematical sciences. Conference activities will occur on the university's city campus, accessible by foot to downtown Lincoln, and at the Embassy Suites Downtown Hotel. Plenary speakers include Dr. Cecilia Aragon, Director of the Human Centered Data Science Lab, Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, Founding Co-Director of the University of Washington Data Science Master’s Program, and Senior Data Science Fellow at the eScience Institute at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, Dr. Ruth Haas Outgoing President of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), Professor and Graduate Chair of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii, Mānoa, and Achilles Professor Emerita in Mathematics and Statistics at Smith College, where she co-founded and co-directed the Center for Women in Mathematics, which received the 2011 AMS Programs that Make a Difference Award for its Post-baccalaureate program, and Talitha Washington, inaugural Director of the Atlanta University Center Data Science Initiative. Dr. Washington is a Professor of Mathematics at Clark Atlanta University, and is an affiliate faculty at Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spelman College. Dr. Washington is a former Program Director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Convergence Accelerator. Previously, as a Program Director in the Division of Undergraduate Education, she was instrumental in building and establishing NSF's first Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program which funded $40,000,000 in awards in FY19.
Temple Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
Date: The 2020 Conference has been canceledThis conference aims to expose graduate students in algebra, geometry, and topology to current research, and provide them with an opportunity to present and discuss their own research. It also intends to provide a forum for graduate students to engage with each other as well as expert faculty members in their areas of research. Most of the talks at the 2019 conference were given by graduate students, with four given by distinguished keynote speakers: Dusa McDuff, Mona Merling, Priyam Patel, and Ravi Vakil.
WiMSoCal 2020
The Symposium for Women in Mathematics in Southern California will provide an opportunity for women in mathematics in the Southern California area to get to know each other on a personal as well as professional level. Our aim is to create a network of women mathematicians in the Southern California area in order to nurture collaborations and provide a framework for mentoring. These relationships can facilitate mathematicians branching into new areas of mathematics, exploring the variety of ways of contributing mathematically to society and the profession, and maintaining a healthy balanced life. This program is held in cooperation with AWM.Women in Mathematics in New England (WIMIN)
September 21, 2019Registration deadline: September 6, 2019.
WIMIN is a one-day conference in mathematics and statistics, hosted by Smith College. The conference is open to all, and registration is free. Plenary lectures include the Dorothy Wrinch Lecture in Biomathematics delivered by Erica Graham of Bryn Mawr College and the Alice Dickinson Lecture in Mathematics delivered by Allison Henrich of Seattle University.
Women in Mathematics:Opportunities for the Future 2018
This is an annual Women in Mathematics event open to female and non-binary students in the UK and Ireland. It will be held at the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol in the UK. The two-day event is aimed at encouraging female mathematics students to continue their studies to PhD level.London Mathematics Society Women in Maths Days
March 31, 2017 (in Winton Capital, organized by University of London) and June 27, 2017 (at University of Warwick)The London Mathematical Society will sponsor these days. The events will focus on mathematics in industry and academia and will include:
The call for expressions of interest in hosting an event in academic year 2018-19 is now open. If you are interested in applying to host an event in 2018-19 the application form and guidelines are linked below. Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications is 5pm Friday 14 September 2018.
Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference
October 19 - 20, 2017Online Registration Deadline: October 5, 2017
The American Statistical Association invites you to join them for the Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference—the only one for the field tailored specifically for women! WSDS will gather academic, industry, and government professionals and students working in statistics, biostatistics, and data science.
World Meeting for Women in Mathematics (WM)²
July 31, 2018 in Rio De Janeiro, BrazilRegistration deadline for poster submission and financial support: February 28, 2018
This is a satellite event of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018. The program of (WM)² includes research talks, group discussions about gender issues in mathematics, a panel discussion, poster presentations, and a tribute to Maryam Mirzakhani.
XVII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems
June 25 - 29, 2018 at Penn State University in College Park, PASubmit contributed abstracts by April 15, 2019
The objective of the conference, held in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics, is to bring together scientists with interests in the theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations (systems of hyperbolic conservation laws, wave equations, etc.) and of related mathematical models (PDEs of mixed type, kinetic equations, nonlocal or/and discrete models, etc.).
High school girls are invited to apply for a week of ALL GIRLS/ALL MATH offered at the University of Nebraska. The Summer Mathematics Camp for High School Girls provides a stimulating and supportive environment for girls to develop their mathematical ability and interest. The ALL GIRLS/ALL MATH summer camp has been offered since 1997.Awesome Math
Awesome Math offers: a 3 week summer program for mathematically gifted students ages 12 - 18 from around the globe; an online year-round program; AwesomeMath Academy for middle and high school students in Dallas, day sessions at San Jose State in CA, residential sessions at Cornell University in NY, a free online journal Mathematical Reflections; XYZ Press Bookstore; and Purple Comet! Math Meet.Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM for grades 6 - 12)
BEAM is a program to help underserved students enter advanced study in mathematics. BEAM creates a series of experiences for students in grades 6-12: a 6th grade summer program in Los Angeles and New York City; a 7th grade residential summer program on college campuses; advising from 8th-12th grade to help students attend great high schools, pass algebra in 8th grade, access other enrichment programs, and ultimately go to a great college. Students declaring STEM majors even get support during college. Through our work, BEAM helps to diversify other enrichment programs and gives students a realistic chance at the career of their dreams.Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST)
BLAST will offer dynamic three-day residential summer experiences on the campuses of Old Dominion University, Virginia Tech and University of Virginia in the summer of 2017. Through innovative hands-on sessions taught by faculty members and staff, students will explore the fun and excitement of STEM while residing in a college dorm. Current Virginia 8th and 9th grade students with at least a C+ average and a desire to explore STEM opportunities are encouraged to apply.AMS Mathematics Research Communities
The AMS’s Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) is a professional development program offering early-career mathematicians a rich array of opportunities to develop collaborative research skills, build a network focused in an active research domain, and receive mentoring from leaders in that area. Funded through a generous three-year grant from the National Science Foundation, the AMS, and private donors, the MRC is a year-long experience that includes:AWM Mentor Network
The goal of the AWM Mentor Network is to match mentors with girls and women who are interested in mathematics and/or are pursuing careers in mathematics. The network is intended to link mentors with a variety of groups: recent Ph. D's, grad students, undergrads, high school and grade school students, and teachers. Matching is based on common interests in careers in academics or industry, math education, balance of career and family, or general mathematical interests.Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
The Budapest Semesters in Mathematics is a program for American and Canadian juniors and seniors majoring in mathematics and computer science. You can spend part of your junior or senior year in Budapest, Hungary, learning mathematics from leading Hungarian scholars. All classes are taught in English.Canada/USA MathCamp
Date: JJuly 3 - August 8, 2021 (online) Canada/USA MathCamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students, designed to expose these students to the beauty of advanced mathematical ideas and to new ways of thinking.Application deadline for MathCamp 2021 is past
Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women
currently on hiatusThis is an intensive four-week summer mathematics program for undergraduate women who have completer linear algebra but not more than one year of mathematics beyond linear algebra. The courses will be in two areas not normally covered in an undergraduate curriculum. The students will immerse themselves in mathematics, living and working in a supportive community of women scholars (undergraduates, graduates, and post-graduates) who are passionate about learning and doing mathematics. The program's intent is three-fold: to excite these young women about mathematics, to provide them with the tools they will need to succeed in higher-level mathematics, and to connect them with a network of fellow female mathematicians.
Carnegie Mellon Summer Undergraduate Applied Math Institute
Application deadline: March 1st of each yearCarnegie Mellon University will offer a summer program for twelve undergraduates considering research careers in mathematical sciences. Students who have finished their sophomore or junior years and who have strong academic records will be given preference. Among applicants who are otherwise comparable, admission to the program will be designed to create an ethnically diverse group of participants. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged. Students selected into the program will receive a stipend, housing in university dormitories, and allowances for food and travel. They will spend seven weeks in Pittsburgh participating in a course in analysis, a computer laboratory, and working on projects under the direction of research faculty. Program participants will receive Carnegie Mellon credit. Faculty who are actively engaged in applied mathematics research and who have a particular interest in undergraduate education will provide the instruction. In order to be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be continuing students in an undergraduate degree program; transcripts should be provided. The application deadline is March 1st of each year.
Causeway Postbaccalaureate Program at Northwestern University
The Causeway Postbaccalaureate Program is a yearlong experience in mathematics that seeks to increase the number of graduate students in the mathematical sciences from historically underrepresented groups. Beginning in July 2020, Causeway participants will undertake a rigorous program of study in foundational coursework; work closely with Northwestern faculty on an appropriate research project; and receive career mentoring while serving as mentors for other groups themselves.Columbia University Science Honors Program
The Columbia University Science Honors Program (SHP) is a Saturday morning program specifically designed for high school students in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. Classes are held on the Columbia University Morningside Campus during the entire academic year from September through May.Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series at the University of Texas Austin
The Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series seeks to foster the growth and development of the members of the mathematics community at the University of Texas at Austin through exposure to outstanding women mathematicians. The Horton-Jacobs/WINS Lecture Series began in the spring of 2009 and is a yearly talk for general mathematical audiences. It is meant to complement the Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series and is managed by a committee of women graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty.The Distinguished Speaker Series at the University of Oregon
The Distinguished Speaker Series is directed by the AWM Student Chapter at the University of Oregon. The chapter brings one distinguished female mathematician per term to give two talks. Collectively, the talks will cover, as much as possible, material which is accessible to graduate students, material accessible to advanced undergraduates, and issues of importance to females in the mathematical sciences. Past speakers include Rachel Pries, Talithia Williams, Julie Bergner, Christine Escher, Ursula Whitcher, Lan-Hsuan Huang, Angélica Orsono, Cristina Ballantine, Monica Vazirani, Sara Billey, Bianca Viray, and Carla Cederbaum.EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education)
The EDGE Program is administered by the Sylvia Bozeman and Rhonda Hughes EDGE Foundation with the goal of strengthening the ability of women students to successfully complete PhD programs in the mathematical sciences and place more women in visible leadership roles in the mathematics community. Along with the summer session, EDGE supports an annual conference, travel for research collaborations, travel to present research and other open-ended mentoring activities. The summer program consists of two core courses and a mini-course in vital areas of mathematical research in pure and applied mathematics. There will be problem sessions aimed at preparing participants for graduate qualifying exams. EDGE 2021 will be tentatively hosted by the University of Minnesota
Epsilon Camp (for students ages 7 - 11)
Date: July 19 - 23 July 26 - 30, 2021 (online for 2021) Epsilon Camp is a residential camp serving promising young mathematicians and their families through an intensive student program and parent workshop.Gender Inclusivity in Mathematics Speaker and Discussion Series at Harvard University
The Speaker and Discussion Series at Harvard had their kickoff season in 2015. Since then there have 2 - 3 speakers each semester as well as lively discussions.Emmy Noether High School Mathematics Days at Texas Tech
The Emmy Noether High School Mathematics Days at Texas Tech, founded by Prof. Mara Neusel, are designed to:Summer Studies in Mathematics (for high school students)
June 27 - August 7, 2021Now in its 49th year, HCSSiM is an intensive six-week encounter with college-level mathematics for talented and highly motivated high school students. It is demanding and expanding. Participants spend a major portion of each day actively engaged in doing mathematics (not simply learning the results of mathematics). The 2021 program will be virtual.
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute
The IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) is designed for mathematics educators at the secondary and post-secondary level, as well as mathematics researchers and students at the post-secondary level. These groups find at PCMI an intensive mathematical experience geared to their individual needs. Moreover, the interaction among groups with different backgrounds and professional needs increases each participant's appreciation of the mathematical community as a whole as well as the work of participants in different areas. The 3 week summer session in 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. The institute is located in Park City, Utah.Idea Math (for middle and high school students)
The IDEA MATH program has been created to help talented students who want to advance their problem solving skills, both to expand their mathematical horizons, and to maximize their performance in math competitions. IDEA MATH offers the following programs to for students entering 6th to 12th grade:Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (for K-12)
JRMF supports locally organized after school mathematics events. On the webpage for the Festival you can find festivals near you as well as find more information about JRMF. This page at MSRI has some of the history of the Festival.Junior Summer Math Camp-Half Day Camp (Grades 3-8)
Dates: June 14 - 25, 2021The Mathworks JSMCH at San Marcos High School is San Marcos, Texas, provides a unique mathematical learning community for elementary and middle school students, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, master teachers, undergraduate students, graduate students, and university faculty. Young students have role models who provide a vision for why studying math is important and how students can use what they learn to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The 2021 in-person program has been cancelled. Instead there will be virtual seminars. Check the website to register.
Junior Summer Math Camp-Residential Camp (Grades 6-8)
Date: June 13 - 25, 2021Application Deadline (Final): April 16, 2021
The Residential JSMC is an immersive summer program for middle school students who are excited about doing mathematics. The goal of the program is to develop young students into creative and critical thinkers. We nurture students' interests and abilities to pursue higher-level math courses and degrees and careers in math, science, engineering, and many other fields. This camp is held at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. The 2021 camp will be held online.
Honors Summer Math Camps (Grades 9 - 12)
Dates: June 27 - July 31, 2020Application Deadline (Final): April 15, 2021 (but applications may be considered after that date if there are still spots)
The Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp (HSMC) is an intensive multi-summer program for high school students. The goal of the program is to develop talented students of all socioeconomic backgrounds through immersive and in-depth experiences in a unique learning environment. Students develop important skills for future degrees and careers in math, science, engineering, and many other fields. HSMC is held at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. The 2021 Camp will be held via Zoom.
Maine School of Science and Math (MISS) Summer Camp ( ages 10 - 14)
In its 20th year, the MSSM Summer Camps is as excited as ever to inspire and encourage campers ages 10-14 to pursue their passions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. There are separate camps for boys and girls. Academic classes traditionally offered include Robotics Challenge, Physics of Ballistics, Rocketry Design, Animal Medicine, Mathematical Origami, and Real Life CSI.Massachusetts Advanced Study Semesters (MASS Program)
he Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters (MASS) program started in the Fall of 1996 and is held during the Fall semester of each year. The program combines advanced learning with research initiation and provides a highly charged interactive environment among a “critical mass” of talented and motivated students and a committed group of strong research faculty and top graduate students. For most of its participants, the MASS program serves as a spring board to graduate schools in mathematics.The Math Circle (Program of Courses)
The Math Circle is a program of courses founded in 1994, designed for students who enjoy math and want the added challenge of exciting topics that are normally outside the school curriculum. The intention is to spread The Math Circle's approach more broadly in a community by establishing a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can experience the exhilaration of mathematical exploration.Math Circles (for students and teachers K-12)
Math Circles are a form of education outreach and enrichment through which mathematicians and mathematical scientists share their passion with K-12 teachers and students. You can search for a Math Circle near you from this website.MathILy (serious Mathematics Infused with Levity)
MathILy is a five-week intensive residential summer program for mathematically excellent secondary students. Instructors provide the framework to make and prove conjectures.MathPath Advanced Summer Program for students age 11-14
June 28 - July 26, 2020 at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA.Each week you pick 2 courses from 12 options. In recent years we have had courses about non-Euclidean Geometry (there may be no parallel lines), Fair Division (how math helps ensure fairness), Cryptography (secret codes), the Mathematics of Origami, Mathematica (the computer program), Heavenly Mathematics (how the ancient Greeks invented trigonometry to measure the heavens and the earth) and Knot Theory (how can you tell if two knots are the same?). Sometimes we have a problem writing course and sometimes a Kendoku course.
Mathematics Summer Workshop for Achieving Greater Graduate Educational Readiness (Math SWAGGER) is a FREE five week virtual Summer program for any underrepresented student (including women, underrepresented minorities - African Americans, American Indians including Native Alaskans, Latinxs/Hispanics and Native Pacific Islanders - and persons with disabilities) who will be enrolled in a mathematical/statistical graduate program in Fall 2020. Visit their website for more info.The MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP)
The MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) is a comprehensive summer program designed for undergraduate students who have completed two years of university-level mathematics courses and would like to conduct research in the mathematical sciences. The main objective of the MSRI-UP is to identify talented students, especially those from currently underrepresented groups, who are interested in mathematics and make available to them meaningful research opportunities, the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in successful collaborations, and a community of academic peers and mentors who can advise, encourage and support them through a successful graduate program. The 2021 Program is "Parking Functions: Choose your own adventure". Applications were due by February 15, 2021 for full consideration; applications received by March 1, 2021 may be considered for a second round of acceptances.Math Zoom Summer Camp (for middle and high school students)
Areteem Institute, the home of Math Zoom, is offering two spectacular residential/day summer camps (at Cal State, Fullerton and Georgetown University) and summer day camps (in Chicago, San Jose, CA, and Shenzhen, China) in 2017. The summer camps are fun, academically challenging, safe, and unforgettable. In previous years, the summer camps have been hosted by top universities, and this tradition is continued in 2017.US Intelligence Community Intelligence Careers
The NSA has 9 internship programs for college students. Please visit the NSA site for application deadlines and more information.Professional Research Experience Program
The Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) is designed by the NIST Boulder Laboratories to provide valuable laboratory experience and financial assistance to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students. Fellowships are awarded to assure continued growth and progress of science and engineering in the United States. Research areas include mathematical and computational sciences.Program for Women at IAS
The Program for Women in Mathematics is supported by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University and is held on the Institute’s campus in Princeton, New Jersey. The Institute is an intellectual center for research in mathematics as well as physics, historical studies and social science. This program provides a chance for women to advance their careers in mathematics. In accordance with the principle that mathematics should be inclusive, not exclusive, the activities of the program are open to all, regardless of age and gender. Funding is provided for women. More information is to come. The 2020 Program "The Mathematics of Machine Learning" was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS)
Date: July 5 - August 15, 2020PROMYS is a six-week summer program at Boston University designed to encourage strongly motivated high school students to explore in depth the creative world of mathematics in a supportive community of peers, counselors, research mathematicians, and visiting scientists.
Project M.I.S.S. at Cal State Fullerton
Date:July 6 - 31, 2020California State University, Fullerton sponsors an exciting program called the “Mathematics Intensive Summer Session” (MISS). The purpose of this program is to assist college bound young women to enhance their mathematics skills. M.I.S.S. is a four week commuter program.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel.LIST of Math REU Programs for 2019.
Downloadable Excel file of Math REU Programs for 2019.
Ross Mathematics Program (for high school students)
Ross/Ohio: June 21 - July 31, 2020Ross/Indiana: June 28 - August 7, 2020
The Ross Program is an intensive summer experience designed to encourage motivated pre-college students to explore mathematics. During those six weeks, students are immersed in a world of mathematical discovery.
Russian School of Mathematics (for K-12 students)
The Russian School of Mathematics is an award-winning, after school math program for K-12 students. We help children of all levels build a solid math foundation and develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Our systematic curriculum and approach is based on the best practices of math schools in the former Soviet Union and Europe, adapted to the US educational environment. There are programs in various states as well as online programs.Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
The Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) provides an opportunity for students to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DoN) laboratory during the summer. The goals of SEAP are to encourage participating students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further their education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and their participation in research, and to make them aware of DoN research and technology efforts, which can lead to employment within the DoNSmith College Programs for Women in Mathematics
The Smith College Department of Mathematics and Statistics launched two programs for women in fall of 2008. The first is a post-baccalaureate program in mathematics for women who need additional coursework before applying to graduate school. Expenses are paid by Smith and the NSF. The second is a junior year program for women from other schools to spend a year at Smith. Smith and the NSF will provide need-based financial aid for participants. Check out the graduate study website for information on how to apply..Sonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Days
Currently on hiatusIn prior years, through a grant from the National Security Agency (NSA), the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) had available funds to support Sonia Kovalevsky High School Mathematics Days at colleges and universities throughout the country. They consist of a program of workshops, talks, and problem-solving competitions for high school women students and their teachers, both women and men.
SPARC at the California State Univeristy, East Bay (for high school students)
Date: July 28 - August 8, 2020Application deadline: February 15, 2020
SPARC is a free two-week summer program. The curriculum covers topics from causal modeling and probability to game theory and cognitive science. But the focus of SPARC is on applying the same quantitative and rigorous spirit outside of the classroom. How can we understand our own reasoning, behavior, and emotions? How can we think more clearly and better achieve our goals?
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC)
SUMaC welcomes an elite group of talented current 10th- and 11th-grade students from around the world for five-weeks of intensive study in advanced mathematics on Stanford campus.SUMaC leads participants on a journey in advanced mathematics through lectures, guided research, and group problem solving. In a social environment centered on mathematics, participants explore current lines of mathematical research, the historical development of important areas of mathematics, and applications across scientific disciplines.
Summer Explorations and Research Collaborations for High School Girls
Currently on hiatusThe SEARCH program at Mount Holyoke College is designed for high school girls who have done well in mathematics and who would like to see a different aspect of the mathematical world. At SEARCH students will experience a research-like atmosphere in mathematics, with classes focusing on active and collaborative problem solving -- problems given to them by instructors and problems of their own creation. We hope that whether or not you consider yourself a “math type”, you will consider joining us for SEARCH.
SummerMath at Mt. Holyoke (grades 8 - 12)
Currently on hiatusSummerMath is a nationally acclaimed four-week program for girls in the eighth through twelfth grades at Mount Holyoke College. The program has been featured on “ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings,” on the “Today Show,” and in Newsweek. The program coordinators believe young women stay with mathematics longer, and keep more options open, when feeling confident and when seeing how math applies to the real world. They add that math is in just about everything − from digital sampling to design to DNA.
Summer Program for Women in Math at George Washington University
Currently on hiatusThe George Washington University Mathematics Department will host a Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM). This will be a 5-week program for 16 outstanding undergraduate women majoring in mathematical disciplines who have completed their junior year and are considering graduate study in the mathematical sciences.
Summer Workshop in Mathematics (SWiM) for Women in Mathematics
Date: June 15 - August 7, 2020Application Deadline: November 1, 2019.
SWiM (Summer Research for Women in Mathematics) is held at MSRI in Berkeley,C A. The purpose of this program is to provide space and funds to groups of women mathematicians to work on a research project at MSRI. Research projects can arise from work initiated at a Women’s Conference, or can be freestanding activities. The ultimate goal of this program is to support mathematical research by assisting women's efforts to maintain involvement in a research community and to have a positive impact on these researcher's careers.
The Young People’s Project: Math Literacy and Social Change (grades 1 - 12)
YPP uses Math Literacy Work to develop the abilities of elementary through high school students to succeed in school and in life, and in doing so involves them in efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles to their success. There are is site programs in various cities as well as national programs and initiatives.Women in Science and Engineering Career Connection Public Days
Feb. 28- March 2, 2019Our Career Connection Days aren’t just for school groups. Visitors can enjoy many hands-on activities and an assortment of companies, schools, and professionals working in the field, all with their own activities for you to try!
The Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics
The Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics, held in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics, brings together graduate students and postdocs to collaborate on research in all areas of combinatorics. It is an annual two-week collaborative workshop.
Graduate Workshop in Algebraic Geometry for Women and Mathematicians of Minority Genders
February 17-18, 2018 at Harvard University and MITEach day of the workshop will involve: two 90-minute mini-courses accessible to grad students who have taken an introductory course in algebraic geometry; 5-minute talks by participants on a topic they find interesting; concurrent TA-led sessions to work on concrete examples and open-ended problems contributed by the speakers. The speakers are Jennifer Balakrishnan, Boston University; Melody Chan, Brown University; Angela Gibney, Rutgers University; and Brooke Ullery, Harvard University.
Impact of Women Mathematicians on Research and Education in Mathematics
This workshop focuses on the impact of mathematics history and origin stories on teaching, research and learning, with a particular focus on the sometimes un-recognized contributions from women mathematicians. Its intent is to "put women into the equation" of the rich history within the development of mathematics.International Workshop on Applications of Geometric Methods of Functional Analysis
Dates: May 11-13, 2020, The University of Texas at Dallas, USAThis year is the 100th anniversary of Mark A. Krasnosel’skii. We would like to celebrate this occasion by organizing a conference in Spring 2020 at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Tentative topics reflecting the contributions of Mark Krasnosel’skii will include (but are not limited to:
This workshop will be held in cooperation with AWM.
2021 African Diaspora Joint Mathematics Workshop
The African Diaspora Joint Mathematics Workshop (ADJOINT) will take place at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, CA from June 21 to July 2, 2021. ADJOINT is a two-week summer activity designed for researchers with a Ph.D. degree in the mathematical sciences who are interested in conducting research in a collegial environment. The main objective of ADJOINT is to provide opportunities for in-person research collaboration to U.S. mathematicians, especially those from the African Diaspora, who will work in small groups with research leaders on various research projects.Career Mentoring Workshop (CaMeW) at Mt. Holyoke
June 24-26, 2018Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
The Career Mentoring Workshop (CaMeW), a 3-day workshop for women preparing to finish their PhDs in the mathematical sciences will be held June 24-26, 2018 at Mt. Holyoke College (MA). CaMeW helps women determine how to navigate the job search during this hands on workshop. Junior and senior faculty mentors will share their experiences of finishing their degrees, navigating the job search and establishing successful academic careers in a variety of institutions.
Recent Trends in Operator Theory and Applications
May 3-5, 2018This workshop, held in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics, brings together a group of leading researchers in Operator Theory, early career mathematicians and graduate students. The main goal is to create an environment where participants learn about recent advances and state-of-the-art techniques in operator theory and related areas. Lectures and informal periods for follow up discussions will foster and promote ties for an active mathematical network and further collaboration.
Women in Operator Algebras Workshop
November 4 - 9, 2018BIRS, Banff, Alberta, Canada
The main purpose of the workshop is for women in operator algebras to conduct cutting-edge collaborative research. We also aim to build a network of women working in the field to drive future research collaborations and to alleviate the commonly reported feeling of isolation. By highlighting contributions of women in the field and acting as fuel for further research, we will be able to increase visibility in the long term.