This page contains pages of bibliographic references to articles of interest to women in STEM, in general, and women in mathematics, in particular. Many of the references should be of interest to the broader audience of all women in academia. Abstracts are included for many of the articles. The section on Gender Studies in Mathematics and Other Sciences contains links to articles by Women in Math Project Director Marie A. Vitulli and others. Click on the purple link to visit that page. This page contains a Google search form to search the Women in Math Project pages.
Biographies of Women Mathematical Scientists
and History of Women in Mathematical Sciences
Book Reviews
Differences in Cognitive and Learning Styles
Equity/Bias Issues
- Equity/Bias in Primary and Secondary Education
- Equity/Bias in Undergrad Education
- Equity/Bias in Grad Education
- Equity/Bias in Career Advancement
- Equity/Bias in Merit Raise Reviews
- Equity/Bias in Tenure and Promotion
- Equity/Bias in Teaching Evaluations
Fair Testing Practices in Education
Feminist Theories of Scientific Knowledge
Gender Studies in Mathematics and Other Sciences
Math Ability / Performance
- Confidence as a Predictor
- Math Anxiety
- Scholastic Aptitude Test
- Spatial Ability
Mentoring/ Role Models
Sexual Harassment in STEM
Women and science (selective references)
Site Shortcuts
External Links
Quote for Today
"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."
- Albert Einstein
About Our Project
The Women in Math Project was created in 1997 by Marie A. Vitulli, Professor of Mathematics, Emerita, at the University of Oregon. She is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). She served on the Executive Committee of the AWM as an At-large member and as Media Coordinator. Vitulli was chosen as the 2014 Falconer Lecturer at MathFest and is the recipient of the 2017 AWM Service Award. She is the author of a 25 year study on first jobs for US PhDs in math and has been active in adding and improving biographies of women in math on Wikipedia. Prof. Vitulli was elected an AWM Fellow in the class of 2019 and an AMS Fellow in the class of 2020. This site provides comprehensive resources and information for and about women in math. The site was chosen as Site of the Day by New Scientist Planet Science and as one of the Digital Dozen sites by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education. We hope you find these pages useful.
In the News
Dr. Melanie Matchett Wood was awarded the NSF Alan T. Waterman Award. Dr. Matchhett Wood is currently a professor of mathematics at Harvard University. She is the first woman to receive a Waterman Award, the highest honor for early-career scientists and engineers in the U.S. Read the AMS announcement Melanie Matchett Wood receives NSF Alan T. Waterman Award.