Through cooperation between the City of Springfield and community partners, a vision for the future of the Mill Race has been developed.

The Mill Race of the Future will be a terrific spot for fun family recreation and a welcoming bit of nature for quiet getaways. It will be a great place to get in your daily walk and the perfect refuge for stress-free lunch hours.

The Mill Race of the future- beautiful trees, bike and walking paths,
grassy areas, and a healthy stream.


In April of 2002, a planning meeting was held to encourage the citizens of Springfield to participate in the development of the vision and goals for the Mill Race and the future of Downtown. The summary statement that emerged from that meeting provides a clear idea of what a restored Mill Race can do for the City of Springfield:

“Downtown Springfield will re- emerge as the heart of the city. . .
Downtown will be fully linked with Springfield’s amenities,
transportation system, and historic and built form.
It will produce a sense of pride for the community.”

A restored Mill Race with new recreational activites will provide another reason for people to visit Downtown Springfield. Bringing more people to the area will be a boost to downtown businesses


The Mill Race of the Future with steady water flow, healthy salmon runs,
and amenities that could include a farmers' market, a museum, and a working flour mill.

With the help of a renovated Mill Race, families will have a place to participate in activities historically enjoyed in the Springfield community such as fishing, swimming, canoeing, and picnicking.

Whether you are a business owner, a wildlife watcher, a fisherman, a biker, a jogger, or a lover of the outdoors - the Mill Race of the Future is bound to be something you can enjoy!





Project Goal

Mill Race History

Water Quality Issues

Upcoming Changes

Long Term Vision


-Presentation at Springfield Schools

-Educational Posters

-Interpretive Site Posters

-Organizing Friends of the Mill Race

Clean-up Day

Useful Links

Contact Mill Race Team

Service Learning Program