Rise and Fall

Each sparkline graphs illustrates the rise and fall of a kingdom or empire in Priestley’s New Chart of History by calculating the total geographic territory attributed to it during each year of its existence. To make the sparklines clear, each is individually normalized to its maximum as represented on the chart. Select empires from the left menu at left to compare their stories.

These line graphs show the rise and fall of empires on Priestley’s New Chart of History. The first graph displays the area of selected empires based on their row height on the chart itself, while the second graph calculates the extent of the same territories in geographic space.

Click the list at left to select empires to display.
Click the list at right to deselect.
Hover on the graph for numerical data.

Example Selections

  Romans, Vandals, English

  French, English, Spanish

  Macedonian, Eastern, Turks
Empire Graph