About This Print
This print is one of fifty prints from the first part of the three part series One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs. (Hyakusen hyakushô) created by the artist Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915), the writer Nishimori Takeki (1861-1923), alias Koppi Dōjin, and the publisher Matsuki Heikichi (1870-1931).
In this print we see a Chinese ship, a spoil or war, a souvenir (omiyage). On the side of the ship are written word plays for the various spoils.
About The Series One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs
This series One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs was issued in three parts and presented parodies of the enemy, the Chinese in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and ten years later the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The first part of the series titled Long Live Japan: One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs, consisting of fifty prints, was issued between September 1894 and August 1895. The second part of the series titled Magic Lantern Society: One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs, consisting of twelve prints, was issued between November 1895 and December 1896. Both of these parts parodied (often in a racist manner) the Chinese people, leadership and war effort. The third and last part of the series, consisting of eight-six prints, used the same title as the first part Long Live Japan: One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs. Issued between April 1904 and April 1905, the prints parodied the Russian war effort. For more information about the series see the article One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs on this site.
日本(にほん)の海陸軍(かいりくぐん)が連戦連勝(れんせんれんしよう)の腕前(うでまへ)ハ、実(じつ)に / 見(ミ)あげたものだと、世界万国(せかいばんこく)の大評判(だいひやうばん)だが同(おな)じ / みあげでも豚尾国(とんびこく)の土産(ミあげ)とハ、どうやら旨(うま)/さうな話(はなし)だと、蓋(ふた)取(とり)開(あく)れバ中(なか) / から出(で)た一枚(まい)の口上書き(こうしやうがき)、然(しか)も / 逃出(にげだ)すやうな走(はし)り書(かき) / で / サアサア勝(かつ)て下(くだ) / さんせ、サアサア皆(みな) / さん / お餅(もち) / なさい、日本名代(にほんなだい)の / 戦兵(せんべい)ハ、飽(あく)まで強(つよ)い / 力餅(ちからもち)、いつも分捕大/福餅(ふくもち)、牡丹餅(ぼたもち)で頬(ほう) / を撫(な)でらるる、旨(うま)い勝利(しやうり) / に引替(ひきかへ)て、所(ところ)替(かハ)れハ支那土産(しなミあげ)餡(あん)に相違(そうゐ)の尻(しり) / 餅(もち)ハ、肝玉(きもたま)までも潰(つぶ)し餡(あん)、餡転餅(あんころもち)のコロコロと、 / 転(ころ)げて逃(に)げるが自在餅(じざいもち)、北羊羹(ほくようかん)もピシャンコに、打(うち) / 潰(つぶ)されて柏餅(かしハもち)、其外(そのほか)落陥(らくがん)カステイラ、乾菓子(ひぐわし)の隅(すミ) / から西の果(はて)まで、極(ごく)大負(おおまけ)に投出(なげだ)しますれバ、四百餘種(よしゆ) / ある其中(なか)で、中華(ちうくわ)なりとも満州(まんしう)なりと、お好(この)ミ / 次第(しだい)御意(ぎよい)任(まか)せ、ドンドン勝(かつ)て下(くだ)さるやう、豚(とん) / 首(しゆ)再這(さいはい)大砲(たいほう)の諸君(しよくん)にお願(ねが)ひ申(まを)す / イヤ如何(いか)に臼(うす)を搗(つく)のが得手(えて)だからとて、此(この)様子(やうす)ぢやァ / 余程(よほど)餅(もち)あぐんで居(い)ると見(み)えるわい
Nihon no kairikugun ga rensen renshō no udemae wa, jitsu ni / miageta mono da to, sekai bankoku no dai-hyōban da ga onaji / miyage demo Tonbikoku no miyage to wa, dōyara umasōna hanashi da to, futa o tori akereba naka / kara deta ichimai no kōjōgaki, shikamo / nigedasuyōna hashiri-gaki / de / sāsā kattekuda/sanse, sāsā mina/-san o-mochinasai, Nihon nadai no / senbei wa akumade tsuyoi / chikara-mochi, itsumo bundori dai/fuku-mochi, bota-mochi de hoho / o naderareru, umai shōri ni / hikikaete, tokoro kawareba Shinamiyage an ni sōi no shiri/-mochi wa, kimotama made mo tsubushi-an, ankoro-mochi no korokoro to, / korogete nigeru ga jizai-mochi, hokuyōkan mo pishanko ni, uchi/tsubusarete Kashiwa-mochi, sono hoka rakugan kasuteira, higashi no sumi / kara nishi no hate made goku ōmake ni nagedashimasureba, yonhyaku-yoshu / aru naka de Chūka nari tomo Manshū nari to, okonomi / shidai gyo-i makase, dondon kattekudasaruyō, ton/shu saihai taihō no shokun ni o-negai mōsu / iya ika ni usu o tsuku no ga ete dakara tote kono yōsu jā / yohodo mochiagunde iru to mieru wai
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #1043 |
Title or Description | China Souvenir Shina miyage 支那土産 |
Series | Long Live Japan: One Hundred Victories, One Hundred Laughs [also translated as Long Live Japan! One Hundred Selections, One Hundred Laughs] Nihon banzai: Hyakusen hyakushō 日本萬歳 百撰百笑 [日本万歳 百撰百笑] |
Artist | Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915) |
Signature | ![]() |
Seal | Kiyochika 清親 |
Publication Date | 1895 (Meiji 28) |
Publisher | Matsuki Heikichi (松木平吉) proprietor of Daikokuya |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | good - some soiling; left margin with publisher's information trimmed |
Genre | ukiyo-e, senso-e (Sino-Japanese War), giga, fūshiga |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | vertical oban |
H x W Paper | 14 1/2 x 9 1/4 in. (36.8 x 23.5 cm) |
H x W Image | 14 1/8 x 9 1/4 in. (35.9 x 23.5 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art S2003.8.1279; The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum of Waseda University 012-1028; Princeton Art Museum 2008-102.14 |