Math 251 (Phillips)

This is the home page for N. C. Phillips' sections of Math 251 at the University of Oregon, Winter quarter 2025 (CRN 23515 and CRN 23517).

This page is still mainly under construction.

Quick links:

Basic course information

Course information files

Weekly schedule

Here is a list of links for activities by week (homework, worksheets and solutions, quizzes, exams, review sessions, etc.) Some links on these won't work until the relevant assignment or other file is posted; the links here will only be posted when they are working.

  1. Week 1. Includes first version of Midterm 0 (Friday 10 January).
  2. Week 2. Includes second version of Midterm 0 (Friday 17 January).
  3. Week 3.
  4. Week 4. Includes Midterm 1 (Friday 31 January).
  5. Week 5.
  6. Week 6.
  7. Week 7.
  8. Week 8. Includes Midterm 2 (Wednesday 26 February).
  9. Week 9.
  10. Week 10.
  11. Finals week.


Exam and review session schedule

Exam policies for Midterm 0

It will be review; only 20 minutes long. For those who know the material of the prerequisites, it should be an easy way to start the quarter with a high grade. See the samples (together with other information) (assigned as homework in the first week of classes), and read its instructions. Note in particular that calculators and note cards are not allowed, that there is no partial credit, and that it is graded on an absolute scale.

Complaints about the grading of any exam must be submitted in writing by the beginning of the first class period after the class in which that exam is returned.

Items (4) (answers must be simplified) and (6) (use correct notation) of the general instructions for written homework also apply to Midterm 0.

Exam policies for all exams except Midterm 0

All exams are cumulative, although they will usually emphasize the most recent material. All exams will cover material through the most recently turned in homework. No calculators or other electronic devices will be permitted on any exam. In particular, no electronic dictionaries will be permitted on any exam.

At least 80% of the points on each of Midterms 1 and 2 and the final exam will be based on homework problems, on problems on separate supplementary lists (including sample exams), and on problems from all versions of Midterm 0. Note that numbers may be changed in these problems. Similarly variable names, function names, and names of people etc. in word problems may be changed. Thus, f(x) = 2x^3 could become any of f(x) = -4 x^3, f(x) = 2x^{-4}, g(x) = 2x^3, or f(t) = 2t^3. Such changes might turn a local maximum into a local minimum or result in other such reversals.

Complaints about the grading of any exam must be submitted in writing by the beginning of the first class period after the class in which that exam is returned.

Except where obviously inapplicable (such as in the parts about working with other people, or where explicitly contradicted by exam instructions), the general instructions for written homework also apply to exams.

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Assignments using WeBWorK will be done on the internet: WeBWorK for 9:00 section; WeBWorK for 11:00 section. Suggestions for making effective use of WeBWorK are here. Your WeBWorK account name is your UO email account name (without the "" part), and your password is the one you use for things like University of Oregon email. Thus, if your UO email address is "" and your password is "IHateSpam", your WeBWorK account name will be "lqwang" and your password will be "IHateSpam".

If your UO email account name was not available at the time the WeBWorK course setup was done, your WeBWorK account name will also be your student ID (and the "email instructor" function will generate a fictitious email address, so that you won't get a reply to your question).

Due dates for WeBWorK assignments are as specified online, and the day of the week will vary.

The login page will fail with no explanation if cookies are off, and WeBWorK will fail if JavaScript is off. (To protect privacy, I advise deleting all cookies after you are done, for this site or anywhere else. I also advise turning JavaScript off when you leave the site.) The WeBWorK home page has links to all Winter 2025 UO courses using WeBWorK, and login instructions at the top right.

Warning: In the past there have sometimes been problems with the WeBWorK server. Most such problems are fairly minor: it is down for a few hours or overnight. Occasionally there have been much more serious problems, for example, no access for a week, completed homework lost, etc. Most quarters, nothing like this happens.

Advantages of WeBWorK:

Disadvantages of WeBWorK:

Some warnings:

About the homework:



Letter grades will be assigned according to the Math Department's Undergraduate Grading Standards. This course is considered to be primarily an "applied course".

Grading percentages

Grading percentages:

Course grade limited by final exam grade

Independently of the provisions described above for the common final exam, the course grade will not be more than one letter grade above the final exam grade.

Extra credit

There will probably be extra credit problems on the midterms. They will only be counted if you get a grade of B or better on the main part of the exam. There will probably be no extra credit problems on the final exam.

I will also award extra credit points to the first two people who catch any particular error or misprint in the book or in any of the handouts, in particular, in solutions to midterms, homework, etc. Errors in posted materials must be sent to me before the error is corrected on the website or Canvas. The largest amount of extra credit is given for catching mathematical errors, followed by mathematical misprints, but some is given even for misspelled words, links that are supposed to work but don't, cet. You must point out exactly where the mistake is, and how it should be fixed.

There will also be extra credit for getting perfect scores on both administrations of Midterm zero.

Extra credit will count toward the grade only for those who consistently do the homework reasonably, and only for those whose grade in the course would be at least a B- without it.

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Workload, academic conduct, accessible education, etc.


There will be homework due every week, usually several times per week, as well as reading, class attendance, and exams. An average well-prepared student should expect to spend about 12 hours per week on this course (including time in class), but there will be a lot of variation depending on background and ability.

Academic Conduct

The code of student conduct and community standards is here. In this course, it is appropriate to help each other on homework as long as the work you are submitting is your own and you understand it, and, on written homework, you give the names of any people you cooperated with. It is not appropriate to use AI systems (such as ChatGPT) to solve homework problems, but it is appropriate to use them to generate additional sample problems for you to do yourself.

It is not appropriate to help each other on exams, to look at other students' exams while the exam is in progress, or to bring unauthorized material to exams. On most exams and quizzes, you may use a 3 by 5 file card of notes, written on both sides. (Exception: Not permitted on Midterm Zero.) The following are all prohibited: calculators (of any kind), cell phones, laptops, iPods, electronic dictionaries, and any other electronic devices or communication devices. All electronic or communication devices you have with you must be turned completely off and put inside something (pack, purse, etc. and out of sight.

Learning Environment

The University of Oregon strives for inclusive learning environments. Please let me know me if the instruction or design of this course results in disability-related barriers to your participation. You are also encouraged to contact the Accessible Education Center, 360 Oregon Hall, 541-346-1155 or

Students with documented learning disabilities who wish to use the Accessible Education Center to take tests under specifically arranged conditions should let me know as soon as possible, certainly by Wednesday of the third week of classes. Such students must also be sure to meet the Accessible Education Center's separate deadlines for requests; these are likely to be a week or more in advance of the exam date (much more for final exams), and I can't do anything to help a student who misses its deadline. (I have tried in the past.)

Expected Classroom Behavior

Students are expected to behave respectfully towards each other and toward the instructor during class time. This includes refraining from using cellphones during lecture.


Attendance is not required, except for the exams.

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This page maintained by N. Christopher Phillips, email. Please email plain text (7 bit ASCII) only (no web page coded files, Microsoft Word documents, binary characters, etc.; see above for more).

Last significant change: 6 January 2025.