Math 251 (Phillips) Midterm 0
Sample Midterm 0 (pdf).
This version is due as homework in class Tuesday 7 January 2025.
See instructions; show work with correct organization and notation.
to the sample Midterm 0 (pdf).
Sample Midterm 0 (pdf).
This version is due as homework in class Tuesday 7 January 2025.
See instructions: this version is answer only, with no partial
credit, and even notation errors in answers will result in no credit.
to the sample Midterm 0 (pdf).
Extra problems similar to kinds used on Midterm 0:
Set 1;
Set 2;
Set 3;
Set 4.
Solutions to the extra problems similar to kinds used on Midterm 0:
Set 1.
Some proofreading has been done, but
not enough.
Remember that there is extra credit for finding errors!
Solutions to the extra problems similar to kinds used on Midterm 0:
Set 2.
Some proofreading has been done, but
not enough.
Remember that there is extra credit for finding errors!
Midterm 0 version 1, 9:00 am section (pdf).
Midterm 0 version 1, 11:00 am section (pdf).
to Midterm 0 version 1, 9:00 am section (pdf).
to Midterm 0 version 1, 11:00 am section (pdf).
Correction to version handed out after class: the correct numerator
in the solution to Problem 1 is 2 a - 13, not a - 13.
One person has received extra credit for catching this,
but no more is available.
Midterm 0 version 2, 9:00 am section (pdf).
Midterm 0 version 2, 11:00 am section (pdf).
to Midterm 0 version 2, 9:00 am section (pdf).
to Midterm 0 version 2, 11:00 am section (pdf).
Return to main Math 251 page.
This page maintained by
N. Christopher Phillips,
Last significant change 5 January 2025.