Math 251 (Phillips) Week 4 schedule and information
Monday 27 January:
Tuesday 28 January:
Wednesday 29 January:
Worksheet used in class.
Solutions to the worksheet used in class.
Review session, 8--10 pm, 110 Fenton.
The building might be locked.
If so, go to the door on the south side of the buiding (facing
13th Avenue) and, if it is not open, knock loudly. I expect to
have a worksheet. If I run out of copies, the room is close enough
to the department office for me to print more.
WeBWorK assignment NCP_2025W_W4D3 due, 11:30 pm.
(Later due time to avoid conflict with the review session.)
Friday 31 January:
Midterm 1 (in class).
(Nothing else will be done in class this day.)
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This page maintained by
N. Christopher Phillips,
Last significant change 6 January 2025.