Math 251 (Phillips) Week 2 schedule and information
Monday 13 January:
Worksheet used in class (corrected version).
Solutions to the worksheet used in
class (corrected version).
WeBWorK assignment due, 9:00 pm.
(The link depends on your class time.)
Problems 1--5 are review. (You shouldn't
need calculator or book graphs for Problems 1--4: you should
recognize the graphs just by inspection.) Problem 6 is another
version of the example used on Monday's worksheet. Problems 7 and 8
are based on the graphical description of limits from this week.
Problem 9 asks you to guess limits based on either calculation of
nearby values (like we did on Monday's worksheet) or from a graph.
Don't use Google for calculation (I didn't write the problem);
Wolfram Alpha
is better (but requires cookies and
javascript). Problems 10--14 use the limit methods 1 and 2 written
on the side board, and Problems 15 and 16 use limit laws.
Tuesday 14 January:
Wednesday 15 January:
Friday 17 January:
Second version of Midterm Zero (in class).
WeBWorK assignment due, 9:00 pm.
Return to main Math 251 page.
This page maintained by
N. Christopher Phillips,
Last significant change 6 January 2025.