Categorified Coulomb Branches

Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, Held on Oregonian Grounds

July 10-14, 2023
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR


The schedule and timing are subject to change.
Exercises and lecture notes will be linked from this webpage when available.
Pastries and Coffee will be available in the lecture room starting at 830AM each morning.

All talks will be held in Tykeson 140.

Some mornings have time alotted for triage, where the main speaker gets to emphasize certain ideas and make sure everyone is on the same page, depending on how the exercises go. If triage runs short the first lecture will start earlier to give more time for lunch later. TL;DR: make sure you're in the lecture room at 9!

Note that the lectures are running slower than planned, so the exercises aren't lining up precisely with the lectures. That's fine. I will eventually try to get some of the hand-written exercises online, but that is not my priority during the workshop.


900-910: Opening Remarks
915-1015: Introduction to the affine Grassmannian (Sabin Cautis)
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Crash course on coherent sheaves (Sabin Cautis)
1215-1255: Exercise
1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Overview of Derived Categories (Harold Williams) Notes
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Introduction to t-structure and Koszul duality (Harold Williams) Notes
500-540: Exercise and also one more


900-910: Triage
915-1015: Derived categories of coherent sheaves (Sabin Cautis)
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Coherent sheaves on the affine Grassmannian (Sabin Cautis)
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: t-structures part II (Harold Williams) (see previous notes)
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Perverse t-structures (Harold Williams) Notes
500-540: Exercise


900-1000: Comments on derived categories of coherent sheaves (Sabin Cautis)
1000-1040: Exercise
1100-1200: (De)categorification (Harold Williams)
1200-1230: Exercise

1230-137: Lunch.

No later than 137PM: Take the number 28 bus at 14th and Kincaid, to Martin St and Amazon (arriving 155), for an afternoon hike up Spencer Butte. Bring water! Bring change for the bus (two dollars each way, or a buck seventy-five exact change), or buy your fare in advance using their Umo app, see here and here. Don't be late or you have to wait until 237.

600-900: Evening Pizza Party at University Park


900-910: Triage
915-1015: Calculations on the affine Grassmannian (Sabin Cautis)
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Further calculations and adjoints (Sabin Cautis)
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Cluster algebras I (Harold Williams)
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Cluster algebras II (Harold Williams)
500-540: Exercise


900-910: Triage
915-1015: BFN spaces (Sabin Cautis)
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Derived intersections and some calculations (Sabin Cautis)
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Derived categories II (Harold Williams)
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Coulomb branches (Harold Williams)

The End