Table of Revision Levels

For document details, including published Finnegans Wake pages and lines covered by each draft page,  click on a cell. (Blank cells contain overlay only.)
Document designations which differ from those of the James Joyce Archive are preceded with a bullet, •.
Documents which existed but are missing, and which are assigned revision levels in Archive details pages, are marked with a star, *.
Documents which Archive Prefaces postulate as having existed, without assigning revision level numbers, are given in brackets and assigned  level numbers, also bracketed in the “Levels” column. They are described as “Doubtful” if the evidence seems to us not to support the Archive suggestion, as discussed in the links to the cells.

Chapter 2§1
FW: 30-34.29

Chapter 2§2
FW: 34.30-44.21

Chapter 2§3
FW: 44.22-47
"The Rann"

Chapter 3 §§1-3
FW: 48-61.27;
FW: 67.28-74

Chapter 4§1A
FW: 75-92.05

Chapter 4§2
FW: 96.25-103
Chapter 4§1B

First draft. 8-9/23
First draft. 10/23
First draft.10-11/23
First draft. 11/23
First draft.11/23
First draft. 11/23

2nd draft. 8-9/23 2nd. draft 10/23 2nd draft. 11/23 2nd draft. 11/23 2nd draft. 11-12/23
2nd draft, 12/23


additional stanzas.

Fair copy. Fall '23 Fair copy. 11-12/23 (2§2-4§1A) Fair copy.

Typescript. late '23, revised Spring '25 for Contact Collection Typescript. 12/23-1/24, revised early 1927

1/24; revised
'25, '26-7

First draft. 12/26

Fair copy (chapters 2-4 complete except 2§1, and Rann level 3 pages not recopied). 3/27
Proofs (missing) for Contact Collection. 4/25


redraft of half page: FW 49.29-50.08 3/27


15 late additions (missing) to level 4 for typist of level 5, FW: 88-101 passim

Typescript for transition 2,
(see 5+*). 3-4/27

Typescript for transition 3. 4/27
Typescript for transition 4. 4/ or 5/27

Marked pages of Contact Collection for transition 2 (missing).

Contact Collection as printed


Retype of 1 page. FW: 36-38.
Retype of 2 pages. FW: 56-7, 65-6.
Retype of 4 pages. FW: 77-8, 86-87, 87-90 (botched), 95-6.

•New typescript for transition 2. Contact Coll, 5*, probably sent with it. see JJA 45: x. (missing) •New typescript for transition 3, missing, as with chapter 2. see 45.xiv
Retype of 1 page, along with draft of poem, both missing. FW: 102.06-103.


•Carbon of one retype [JJA calls it 5‡]; FW: 65.34-66.30. Two carbons of retype 5+* above, FW: 102.06-103. (No poem draft).

Second retype of level 5 page, FW: 87.35-90.32, to replace botched 5+.

Further retype of two 5+ pages, missing. FW: 56-7, 65-6. For printer with 5+* pages.

5''' &

Retype of 5‡, missing second page.FW: 87.35-90.32)

[Final retype of that page, doubtful, see 46.xi]
Galleys (first set) for transition 2, with only a few corrections of printer's errors. 4/27 Galleys for transition 3, like chapter 2. 4/27
Composite typescript, some level 5 pages mixed with many new retypes of level 5 (and its retyped) pages. One page 6*.

Carbon of 1 level 6 page, misdesignated by Archive as 5‡

[Final typescript of lev. 6; doubtful, see 46.xi]

Galleys, second set, for  transition 3.
Galleys for transition 4. 4-5/27. [3 pages, not in Archive, are at Buffalo]

Galleys (2nd set or 1st set duplicates), missing, including Rann music.

Proposed pre-Rann line (FW: 44, to precede the music), too late for inclusion in transition 2.

Proposed changes to poem, FW: 102.30-5, too late for inclusion in transition 4. Not in Archive, instruction at Buffalo.

[duplicate galley set for printer. Doubtful. see 45.xiv] [another galley set for printer. Doubtful. see 46.xii]
Marked pages of transition 2 for FW. Mid 1930s, completed by July 11, 1936.

Marked pages of transition 3 for FW. Completed 7/11/36 Marked pages of transition 4 for FW.Completed by 7/11/36.

Second set of marked pages, indexed to typescript 8+T and with some fresh overlay.

Second set of marked pages, indexed to typescript 8+T and with some fresh overlay. Second set of marked pages, indexed to typescript 8+T and with some fresh overlay.

•8+T •Typescript of level 8 overlay, with some fresh, indexed to 8+ pages.

•Typescript of level 8 overlay, with some fresh, indexed to 8+ pages. •Typescript of level 8 overlay, with some fresh, indexed to 8+ pages.

[8‡*] [Third set of marked pages, for printer. Doubtful. see  45.x]
[Third set of marked pages, for printer. Doubtful. see 45.xv] [Third set of marked pages, for printer. Doubtful. see 46.xii]
Finnegans Wake galley proofs, first set, extensive overlay in margins indexed to insertion points in text.
 Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Versos of first set Wake galleys, with typescript (usually second carbon) of overlay on each succeeding level 9 galley; indexed to same insertion points as level 9, but with letters assigned on level 10 and 11 galleys.
 Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Finnegans Wake galley proofs, second set, extensive overlay in margins indexed to insertion points in text; text also has insertion points of level 9 overlay with finally assigned letters.
Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Versos of second set Wake galleys, with typescript of level 9 overlay (usually ribbon copy) indexed to level 10 insertion points with final letters, followed by typescript (usually first carbon) of level 10 overlay, indexed to level 10 insertion points but with letters assigned on level 11 galleys.
 Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Finnegans Wake galley proofs, third set, with a few corrections but very little fresh overlay, chapter breaks indicated;  index letters to  level 9 overlay as established on level 10, and to level 10 overlay as assigned here.
 Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Versos of third set Wake galleys, with typescript of level 9 overlay (usually first carbon) and level 10 overlay (usually ribbon copy), both indexed to final letters on level 11.
 Chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4.
Finnegans Wake page proofs, first set, few but important overlay revisions. Probably 1938. At University of Tulsa.
Finnegans Wake page proofs,second set, missing for chapters 2-4. At University of Tulsa.
“Corrections of Misprints in 'Finnegans Wake'”: typescript of Joyce's corrections to unbound copy of Finnegans Wake, Summer 1940. Corrections appended to fifth-seventh (US) printing, incorporated into text eighth printing and following.