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Resample the record to a constant time interval

Changing sedimentation rates results in varying time resolution over the length of a record. It is usually recommended that charcoal records are resampled to equal time intervals by upscaling the fine-resolution portions to be the same as the coarse-resolution portions of the record.

To resample a record, select 'Resample' from the pop-up menu and select the time interval to resample. This time interval must be an integer. The default is no resampling.

Resampling is achieved by several steps, roughly following Long et al. (1998):

  1. Depths for the top and base of each single year are calculated by interpolating between dated top and base of each section.
  2. Charcoal counts and volumes are divided among pseudoannual values. Years that are split between two sediment samples are represented by the proportion each sample overlaps with that year.
  3. Resampled CHAR and concentration values are calculated using the interpolated depths (to determine average sedimentation rate for the sample) and the summed volume and count data for each resampled interval.

updated 21 June 2006